path: root/remote/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/run-virt-includes
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'remote/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/run-virt-includes')
14 files changed, 830 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/remote/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/run-virt-includes/ b/remote/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/run-virt-includes/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fbb0bc70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/run-virt-includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Include: Check for important files used by vmchooser_run-virt #
+# WARNING: This is perhaps vestigial!
+filecheck() {
+ filecheck=$(LANG=us ls -lh ${diskfile} 2>&1)
+ writelog "Filecheck:\n${filecheck}\n"
+ noimage=$(echo ${filecheck} | grep -i "no such file or directory" | wc -l)
+ rightsfile=${diskfile}
+ # check if link
+ if [ -L "${diskfile}" ]; then
+ # take link target
+ rightsfile=$(ls -lh ${diskfile} 2>&1 | awk -F '-> *' '{print $2}')
+ rightsfile=${vmdir}/${rightsfile}
+ filecheck=$(LANG=us ls -lh ${rightsfile} 2>&1)
+ fi
+ # does file exist
+ if [ "${noimage}" -ge "1" ]; then
+ writelog "Virtual Machine Image Problem:\c "
+ writelog "\tThe image you've specified doesn't exist."
+ writelog "Filecheck says:\c "
+ writelog "\t\t${diskfile}:\n\t\t\tNo such file or directory"
+ writelog "Hint:\c "
+ writelog "\t\t\tCompare spelling of the image with your options.\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # readable by calling user
+ if ! [ -r "${diskfile}" >/dev/null 2>&1 \
+ -o -r "${diskfile}" >/dev/null 2>&1 ]; then
+ writelog "Vmware Image Problem:\c "
+ writelog "\tThe image you've specified has wrong rights."
+ writelog "Filecheck says:\t\t$(echo ${filecheck} \
+ | awk '{print $1" "$3" "$4}') ${rightsfile}"
+ writelog "Hint:\t\t\tChange rights with: chmod a+r ${rightsfile}\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # writable (for persistent-mode)?
+ if ! [ -w "${diskfile}" >/dev/null 2>&1 \
+ -o -w "${diskfile}" >/dev/null 2>&1 ] \
+ && [ "${np}" = "independent-persistent" ]; then
+ writelog "Vmware Image Problem:\c "
+ writelog "\tThe image you have specified has wrong rights."
+ writelog "Filecheck says:\t\t$(echo ${filecheck} \
+ | awk '{print $1" "$3" "$4}') ${rightsfile}"
+ writelog "Hint:\t\t\tUse nonpersistent-mode or change rights to rw\n"
+ exit 1
+ fi
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8bdfd8b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/run-virt-includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Include: Detect, whether runvirt runs in legacy mode #
+# Legacy mode: As runvirt has been before.
+# New mode: uuid in xml _and_ vmx given via http.
+writelog "Detecting current/legacy mode ..."
+# First, let's try to extract an imguuid from xmlfile:
+declare -rg IMGUUID=$(grep -i -o '<uuid param=.*"' "${xmlfile}" | sed -e "s/&.*;/; /g" | awk -F '"' '{ print $2 }')
+declare -rg TMPCONFIG="$TMPDIR/vmconfig.tmp"
+writelog "IMGUUID extracted: $IMGUUID"
+# Assume legacy mode by default, only trigger "current" mode if everything else below worked
+if [ -z "$IMGUUID" ]; then # Keine uuid: Abbruch, Legacy
+ writelog "Could not extract a uuid param from ${xmlfile}. Triggering legacy mode."
+ # Now getting template file:
+ if ! wget -T 6 -O "$TMPCONFIG" "${SLX_VMCHOOSER_BASE_URL}/lecture/${IMGUUID}" 2>/dev/null >&2; then
+ writelog "wget ${SLX_VMCHOOSER_BASE_URL}/lecture/${IMGUUID}. Triggering legacy mode."
+ else
+ writelog "wget ${SLX_VMCHOOSER_BASE_URL}/lecture/${IMGUUID} successful."
+ if [ ! -s "$TMPCONFIG" ]; then
+ writelog "Server sent zero byte virtual machine description file. Triggering legacy mode."
+ else
+ writelog "Triggering current (non-legacy) mode."
+ LEGACY= # everything worked - clear legacy mode variable (so we use the "current" mode)
+ fi
+ fi
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b7ed648c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/run-virt-includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# Include: Set hardware related variables #
+writelog "Starting configuration..."
+writelog "\tLogfile:\t\t${LOGFILE}"
+writelog "\t/tmp info:\t\t$(df -h | grep " /tmp$" | awk '{print $2}') \c"
+writelog "$(grep "/tmp " /proc/mounts | awk '{print $1" "$2" "$3" "$4}')"
+writelog "\tVM XML dir:\t\t$(dirname "${xmlfile}")"
+writelog "\tXML file:\t\t${xmlfile}"
+writelog "Enable 3D:\t\t${enable3d}"
+writelog "VM config:"
+# # Name of the virt image
+imgname=$(grep -io '<image_path param=.*"' "${xmlfile}" | sed -e "s/&.*;/; /g" | awk -F '"' '{ print $2 }')
+imgrelpath=$(grep -io '<image_name param=.*"' "${xmlfile}" | sed -e "s/&.*;/; /g" | awk -F '"' '{ print $2 }')
+# [ -z "$imgname" ] && imgname="${imgrelpath}"
+writelog "Virtual image file name: $imgname"
+# Imagename w/ full path
+if echo "${imgname}" | grep -q '^/'; then
+ imgpath="$(dirname "${imgname}")"
+ imgname="$(basename "${imgname}")"
+ vmpath="${imgpath}/${imgname}"
+ # If old vmchooser binary stuff
+ # We do not need folder name as it is already included by vmchooser
+elif echo "${xmlfile}" | grep -q '^/tmp/'; then
+ vmpath="$imgname"
+ imgname="$(basename "${imgname}")"
+ ## Added for persistent support.
+ # Else use same path as xml
+ imgpath="${xmlpath}"
+ vmpath="${imgpath}/${imgname}"
+# If ${vm_name} not defined use ${xmlfile}
+# Define vm_shortname since vm_name can be very long
+vm_shortname="$(basename "${xmlfile%.xml}" | sed -e "s, ,-,g")"
+# vm_name = displayname, define for old scripts
+# image is for the following virtual machine
+xmlvirt=$(grep -o 'virtualmachine param=.*"' "${xmlfile}" \
+ | sed -e "s/&.*;/; /g" | awk -F '"' '{print $2}')
+# choose the proper virtualization/emulator plugin
+[ "x${xmlvirt}" != "x" -a "x${xmlvirt}" != "xqemukvm" -a "x${xmlvirt}" != "xvirtualbox" -a "x${xmlvirt}" != "xvmware" ] && xmlvirt="emufe"
+# Extracting OS type (vmostype) from xml file. We don't care here whether vmostype is empty, as then
+# it will yield the default entries later on.
+vmostype=$(grep -io '<os param=.*"' "${xmlfile}" | sed -e "s/&.*;/; /g" | awk -F '"' '{ print $2 }')
+# make a guess from the filename extension if ${xmlvirt} is empty
+# (not set within the XML file)
+# TODO: implement possibility to submit own configuration files
+if [ -z "${xmlvirt}" ] && [ -n "${additional_config}" ]; then
+ writelog "No virtual machine parameter defined in ${xmlfile}"
+ writelog "Trying to guess VM...\c"
+ case "$(cat ${additional_config} | tr \"[A-Z]\" \"[a-z]\")" in
+ *config.version*|*virtualhw.version*|*independent-nonpersistent*|*vmdk*)
+ xmlvirt="vmware"
+ ;;
+ *innotek*|*virtualbox*)
+ xmlvirt="virtualbox"
+ ;;
+ *qemu*|*kvm*)
+ xmlvirt="qemukvm"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ xmlvirt="none"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ elif [ -z "${xmlvirt}" ]; then
+ case "$(echo ${imgname##*.} | tr \"[A-Z]\" \"[a-z]\")" in
+ vmdk)
+ xmlvirt="vmware"
+ ;;
+ vbox|vdi)
+ xmlvirt="virtualbox"
+ ;;
+ qcow*)
+ xmlvirt="qemukvm"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ xmlvirt="emufe"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ writelog "result:\t${xmlvirt}"
+# Set redirects to 0, see vmgrid if you want to define some
+writelog "\tVirtualization:\t\t$xmlvirt"
+writelog "\tVM name:\t\t$vm_name"
+writelog "\tVM short name:\t\t$vm_shortname"
+writelog "\tVM OS:\t\t$vmostype"
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9a46bc88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/run-virt-includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+# Include: Set hardware related variables #
+get_vm_id() {
+ local script=${BASH_SOURCE[-1]}
+ [ -z "$script" ] && script="$0"
+ if [ -n "$script" ]; then
+ script=$(readlink -f "$script")
+ if [ -n "$script" ] && [ -s "$script" ]; then
+ #bingo
+ VM_ID=$(ps ax | grep -F "$script" | grep -v 'grep' | grep -o -- "${script}.*\$" | sort -u | wc -l)
+ if [ "$VM_ID" -gt 0 ]; then
+ [ "${#VM_ID}" -eq 1 ] && VM_ID="0${VM_ID}"
+ [ "${#VM_ID}" -gt 2 ] && VM_ID="${VM_ID:0:2}"
+ [ "${#VM_ID}" -eq 2 ] && return
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ # fallback: take last two digits of current pid...
+ VM_ID=$(expr substr $$ $(expr ${#$} - 1) 2)
+# Make sure cpu_cores is not empty
+# Amount of memory for the VM. Be generous if diff is written to HDD
+if mount | grep -q '^/dev/sd.*on.*/tmp'; then
+ reserve=20
+ min=768
+ max=1800
+ reserve=65
+ min=768
+ max=8192
+# Calculate absulute amount of RAM that should stay available to the host
+reserve="$[ ( $totalmem * $reserve ) / 100 ]"
+# Respect some upper and lower bounds for the host amount
+[ "$reserve" -lt "$min" ] && reserve="$min"
+[ "$reserve" -gt "$max" ] && reserve="$max"
+# Get a result which can be divided by 4
+mem="$[ ( ( $totalmem - $reserve ) / 4 ) * 4 ]"
+if [ -n "$mainvirtmem" ]; then
+ forcemem="$[ "$mainvirtmem" / 4 * 4 ]"
+ mem="$forcemem"
+hostmem="$[ $totalmem - $mem ]"
+# Fill in VMID
+macaddrsuffix=$(echo "$macaddrsuffix" | sed "s/%VMID%/${VM_ID}/")
+if ! echo "$macaddrprefix" | grep -q -E '^[0-9A-F]{2}:[0-9A-F]{2}:[0-9A-F]{2}$'; then
+ slxlog "virt-mac" "Could not properly generate mac address prefix (got $macaddrprefix)"
+if ! echo "$macaddrsuffix" | grep -q -E '^[0-9A-F]{2}:[0-9A-F]{2}:[0-9A-F]{2}$'; then
+ slxlog "virt-mac" "Could not properly generate mac address suffix (got $macaddrsuffix)"
+# Virtual fd/cd/dvd and drive devices, floppy b: for configuration
+# if $floppy_0 from virtualization.conf set then fdtest="TRUE"
+# if $fdtest not set floppy0="FALSE", else "TRUE"
+# if $cdrom_0 from virtualization.conf set then cdtest="TRUE"
+# if $cdtest not set cdrom0="FALSE", else "TRUE"
+# if $cdrom_1 from virtualization.conf set then cdtest="TRUE"
+# if $cdtest not set cdrom1="FALSE", else "TRUE"
+# IDE is expected default, test for the virtual disk image type should
+# be done while creating the runscripts ...
+# TODO enable SCSI support instead of just disabling it.
+# Enable 3D
+enable3d=$(grep -i -o "<enable3d param=.*" "${xmlfile}" | awk -F '"' '{print $2}' | rv_clean_string)
+# Add rw share for home dir
+# Add common share
+# Set hostname: using original hostname and adding string
+writelog "\tVM Hostname:\t\t$hostname"
diff --git a/remote/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/run-virt-includes/ b/remote/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/run-virt-includes/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4c4ccf1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/run-virt-includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# Include: Declaration of run-virt default variables #
+# include general configuration from vmchooser
+[ -f "$VMCHOOSER_CONF_DIR/vmchooser.conf" ] && . "$VMCHOOSER_CONF_DIR/vmchooser.conf"
+# load general virtualization information
+[ -f "$VMCHOOSER_CONF_DIR/virtualization.conf" ] && . "$VMCHOOSER_CONF_DIR/virtualization.conf"
+# Load general openslx config
+[ -f "/opt/openslx/config" ] && . "/opt/openslx/config"
+# Create temp dir
+if ! mkdir -p "$TMPDIR"; then
+ slxlog "virt-tmpdir" "Could not create temporary directory '$TMPDIR' for session"
+ error_user "Konnte kein temporäres Arbeitsverzeichnis für die VM-Sitzung anlegen. Ein Computer-Neustart könnte das Problem lösen."
+ cleanexit 1
+ exit 1
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f0820ed7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/run-virt-includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+setup_firewall () {
+ local LOGF="${TMPDIR}/firewall.log"
+ local RET
+ [ "$DISPLAY" = ":0" ] || return 0 # For now, to avoid conflicts, we only do this on display :0
+ slxfwtool "$IMGUUID" > "$LOGF" 2>&1
+ RET=$?
+ if [ "$RET" != "0" ]; then
+ slxlog "runvirt-firewall" "Error setting up firewall rules for lecture $IMGUUID (Exit code $RET)" "$LOGF"
+ fi
+ return 0
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3c4ed330
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/run-virt-includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# Include: Setup dnbd for image access, nfs/cifs fallback #
+writelog "Now in ..."
+# Try to use dnbd3 to access the image
+unset vm_diskfile
+unset vm_revision
+unset dnbd3_fuse_mount_point
+unset dnbd3_tmplog
+if ! which dnbd3-fuse; then
+ writelog "Can't use dnbd3 as dnbd3-fuse binary is not in PATH"
+elif [ -z "$SLX_DNBD3_SERVERS" ] || [ "x$SLX_VM_DNBD3" != "xyes" ]; then
+ writelog "Can't use dnbd3 as no servers are given in config, or SLX_VM_DNBD3 is not set to yes"
+ # Mount path for images mounted with dnbd3-fuse
+ dnbd3_fuse_mount_point="$TMPDIR/dnbd3fuse.mnt"
+ mkdir -p "${dnbd3_fuse_mount_point}"
+ # start dnbd3-fuse in subshell
+ dnbd3_tmplog="$TMPDIR/dnbd3fuse.log"
+ dnbd3_exitflag="$TMPDIR/dnbd3exit$RANDOM"
+ rm -f -- "$dnbd3_exitflag"
+ (
+ dnbd3-fuse -f -o allow_other,max_readahead=262144 -h "$SLX_DNBD3_SERVERS" -i "${imgrelpath}" "${dnbd3_fuse_mount_point}" > "$dnbd3_tmplog" 2>&1
+ RET=$?
+ touch "$dnbd3_exitflag"
+ if [ "$RET" != "0" ]; then
+ writelog "dnbd3-fuse stopped working (Exit code $RET)"
+ slxlog "virt-dnbd3-fuse" "dnbd3-fuse stopped/refused serving '${imgrelpath}' from '${SLX_DNBD3_SERVERS}' with error code: $RET" "${dnbd3_tmplog}"
+ fi
+ ) &
+ # give it a bit of time
+ usleep 250000
+ # check if we have the image
+ for TIMEOUT in 0.5 1 1 OUT; do
+ if [ -r "${dnbd3_fuse_mount_point}/img" ]; then
+ vm_revision="$(grep -m 1 "^Revision:" "${dnbd3_fuse_mount_point}/status" | cut -d" " -f2)"
+ vm_diskfile="${dnbd3_fuse_mount_point}/img"
+ writelog "DNBD3: $imgrelpath on $vm_diskfile with rid $vm_revision"
+ vmpath="$vm_diskfile"
+ break
+ fi
+ [ "$TIMEOUT" = "OUT" -o -e "$dnbd3_exitflag" ] && break
+ sleep "$TIMEOUT"
+ done
+ if [ -z "$vm_diskfile" ]; then
+ slxlog "virt-dnbd3" "No dnbd3 server for ${imgrelpath} found, trying NFS/CIFS..." "$dnbd3_tmplog"
+ writelog "No working dnbd3 server found :-("
+ fi
+# $vm_diskfile will be empty if dnbd3 is not used or failed. Let's try to fall back to NFS/CIFS via file system
+if [ -z "$vm_diskfile" ]; then
+ new_vmpath=$(ls "${vmpath}.r"* | grep -E -o '\.r[0-9]+$' | grep -o -E '[0-9]+' | sort -n | tail -n 1)
+ [ -n "$new_vmpath" ] && vmpath="${vmpath}.r${new_vmpath}"
+ vm_diskfile="$vmpath"
+# Check if virtual machine container file exists
+if ! [ -e "${vmpath}" ]; then
+ slxlog "virt-image-missing" "VM image $vmpath not found!"
+ writelog "Virtual machine image ${vmpath} not found!"
+ error_user "Das Image für die gewählte Virtuelle Maschine konnte nicht gefunden werden.
+Versuchen Sie zunächst, den Computer komplett neu zu starten. Sollte das Problem bestehen bleiben, wenden Sie sich bitte an den Support."
+ cleanexit 1
+writelog "Virtual machine disk file: $vm_diskfile"
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2fb9310a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/run-virt-includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# Include: Setup printer daemon LPD #
+QUEUE="STANDARD" # This has to match the queue you configured in your VM
+### Disabled: 100megs is not enough, some jobs are HUGE, try to use temp which should be on disk
+## Try using user's tmpfs home first, as it gets wiped on logout
+#if [ -n "${HOME}" ] && [ -w "${HOME}" ]; then
+# SPOOLDIR="${HOME}/.spool"
+# mkdir -p "${SPOOLDIR}/${QUEUE}"
+# If failed, try to fall back to /tmp
+if [ -z "${SPOOLDIR}" ] || [ ! -w "${SPOOLDIR}/${QUEUE}" ]; then
+ SPOOLDIR="${TMPDIR}/printergui-${RANDOM}"
+ rm -rf -- "${SPOOLDIR}"
+ if ! mkdir -p "${SPOOLDIR}/${QUEUE}"; then
+ slxlog "virt-spooldir" "Could not create spool directory ($SPOOLDIR) for $USER - printing will not work!"
+ # TODO: Warn user
+ fi
+ chmod 0700 "${SPOOLDIR}/${QUEUE}"
+# Start the lpdaemon listening on the given port
+# TODO: externalize with something like runvirt.d (other parts might benefit from that too)
+tcpsvd -E 5515 \
+ lpd "$SPOOLDIR" \
+ ash -c "/opt/openslx/scripts/run-virt_print '${USER}' \"${SPOOLDIR}/${QUEUE}/\$DATAFILE\"" &
+# PID to kill the process
+ sleep 2
+ # Check if tcpsvd is running. Do this a little delayed so we do not check
+ # immediately after trying to spawn it, as this could result in
+ # success even if it's not really working.
+ if ! kill -0 "$PID_LPD"; then
+ slxlog "virt-lpd" "Could not start tcpsvd/lpd for virtual machine session"
+ notify_user "Durcksystem" "Das Drucksystem konnte nicht initialisiert werden. Druckfunktion nicht verfügbar."
+ fi
+} &
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index 00000000..6230aa3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/run-virt-includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#!/bin/bash <-- Add shebang even though it's sourced so vim highlights bash specific features properly
+# Include: Setup sound #
+# 8086:1e20: Sound card in bwPX4
+writelog "Starting sound setup ..."
+if lspci -n | grep -E -i '8086:1e20( |$)'; then
+ VOL="100%" # bwPC 4: Speaker too quiet :-(
+ VOL="85%"
+if true; then
+ # detecting which card is to be used
+ writelog "Detecting which sound card to use ..."
+ PROC="/proc/asound/cards"
+ if [ ! -r "$PROC" ]; then
+ writelog "'${PROC}' not found or not readable."
+ else
+ # Try to filter HDMI cards first
+ SOUND_CARD_INDEX=$(grep -v -i 'HDMI' "${PROC}" | grep -E -o '^[[:space:]]{0,2}[0-9]+[[:space:]]+' | head -n 1)
+ # If empty, try again with all
+ [ -z "${SOUND_CARD_INDEX}" ] && SOUND_CARD_INDEX=$(cat "${PROC}" | grep -E -o '^[[:space:]]{0,2}[0-9]+[[:space:]]+' | head -n 1)
+ if [ -z "${SOUND_CARD_INDEX}" ]; then
+ writelog "No sound card found."
+ fi
+ SOUND_CARD_COUNT=$(grep -E '^[[:space:]]{0,2}[0-9]+[[:space:]]+' "${PROC}" | wc -l)
+ fi
+ SOUND_CARD_INDEX="$(grep -E -o '[0-9]+' <<<$SOUND_CARD_INDEX)"
+ writelog "Detected sound card index is: $SOUND_CARD_INDEX"
+ writelog "Sound card count: $SOUND_CARD_COUNT"
+ # Adjust sound volume (playback)... Random mixer names we have encountered during testing
+ writelog "Setting up volume..."
+ amixer -q -c "$SOUND_CARD_INDEX" sset 'Master' "$VOL" unmute
+ amixer -q -c "$SOUND_CARD_INDEX" sset 'PCM' "$VOL" unmute
+ amixer -q -c "$SOUND_CARD_INDEX" sset 'CD' "$VOL" unmute
+ amixer -q -c "$SOUND_CARD_INDEX" sset 'Headphone' "$VOL" unmute
+ amixer -q -c "$SOUND_CARD_INDEX" sset 'Front' "$VOL" unmute
+ amixer -q -c "$SOUND_CARD_INDEX" sset 'Speaker' "$VOL" unmute
+ # Recording. It seems that (most) devices need the volume set to 0, so you
+ # don't hear your own mic input, but should be unmuted. Also on some cards,
+ # you need to set the cap option on the mic you want to use, while other cards
+ # will just ignore that option.
+ # Plus, most cards have a Capture mixer, which needs to be set to cap too, and
+ # have its volume turned up. (There'll probably be some cards that need yet
+ # another setup, but this works for now on 4 tested cards)
+ amixer -q -c "$SOUND_CARD_INDEX" sset 'Rear Mic Boost' "50%" cap unmute
+ amixer -q -c "$SOUND_CARD_INDEX" sset 'Rear Mic' "0%" cap unmute
+ amixer -q -c "$SOUND_CARD_INDEX" sset 'Front Mic Boost' "50%" cap unmute
+ amixer -q -c "$SOUND_CARD_INDEX" sset 'Front Mic' "0%" cap unmute
+ amixer -q -c "$SOUND_CARD_INDEX" sset 'Mic Boost' "50%" cap unmute
+ amixer -q -c "$SOUND_CARD_INDEX" sset 'Mic' "0%" cap unmute
+ amixer -q -c "$SOUND_CARD_INDEX" sset 'Capture' "100%" cap unmute
+ amixer -q -c "$SOUND_CARD_INDEX" sset 'Input Source' 'Front Mic' # Let's hope nobody uses rear mic...
+ # fix random static noise when starting vmplayer when module snd_pcsp (not pcspkr) is loaded
+ amixer -q -c pcsp sset Master "0%" mute
+ writelog "Done setting up volume."
+fi >> "${LOGFILE}" 2>&1
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index 00000000..d9ae052c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/run-virt-includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# Include: Setup virtual floppy for drive b: #
+declare -rg FLOPPYIMG="${TMPDIR}/floppy.img"
+declare -rg TMPHOME="${HOME}"
+declare -rg RUNSCRIPT="${TMPDIR}/runscript.tmp"
+wget -T 6 -O "${RUNSCRIPT}" "${SLX_VMCHOOSER_BASE_URL}/lecture/${IMGUUID}/runscript" > /dev/null &
+dd "if=/dev/zero" "of=${FLOPPYIMG}" count=1440 bs=1024
+chmod 0600 "${FLOPPYIMG}"
+mkfs.fat "${FLOPPYIMG}" || mkfs.vfat "${FLOPPYIMG}" || mkdosfs "${FLOPPYIMG}"
+# Create file with resolution information etc.
+. "/opt/openslx/inc/shares"
+if [ -z "$SHARE_REMAP_MODE" ]; then
+declare -rg RESOLUTION=$(xrandr | grep -o -E 'connected\s*(primary)?\s*[0-9]+x[0-9]+\+0\+0' \
+ | grep -o -E -m1 '[0-9]+x[0-9]+')
+# Legacy: HOSTRES.TXT
+# Create file for network shares to mount
+declare -rg SHARES="${TMPDIR}/shares.dat"
+touch "${SHARES}"
+chmod 0600 "${SHARES}"
+if ! pwdaemon --query "${TMPHOME}/.pwsocket" > "${SHARES}"; then
+ slxlog "virt-pwdaemon" "Could not start pwdaemon"
+ sed -i 's/^/\t/' "${SHARES}" # TODO: Depending on nettype (in case we have != nat some day)
+ if [ "${SHARE_REMAP_MODE}" = 1 -o "${SHARE_REMAP_MODE}" = 2 ] && [ -e "${TMPHOME}/.home" ]; then
+ NETHOME=$(cat "${TMPHOME}/.home")
+ # Tab between items, so spaces can be used!
+ echo "${NETHOME} ${SHARE_HOME_DRIVE} Home-Verzeichnis" >> "${SHARES}"
+ fi
+ for VAR in ${!SHARE_LINE_*}; do
+ echo "${!VAR}" >> "${SHARES}"
+ done
+wait "$WGET"
+# Check downloaded runscript, handle extension marker
+if [ -s "$RUNSCRIPT" ]; then
+ EXT=$(head -n 1 "$RUNSCRIPT" | grep -o -i '^EXT=.*$' | cut -d '=' -f 2-)
+ [ -n "$EXT" ] && [ "x${EXT:0:1}" != "x." ] && EXT=".$EXT"
+# Write info file
+[ -s "${HOME}/.account" ] && UNAME=$(cat "${HOME}/.account")
+[ -z "${UNAME}" ] && UNAME=$(whoami)
+cat > "${TMPDIR}/openslx.ini" <<-HIER
+# Copy all them there filez into floppy image
+mcopy -i "${FLOPPYIMG}" "${TMPDIR}/openslx.ini" "${TMPDIR}/HOSTRES.TXT" "${SHARES}" "::/"
+mcopy -i "${FLOPPYIMG}" "$VMCHOOSER_DIR/data/openslx.exe" "::/"
+# Copy guest configuration (with added information) config.xml to be accessed
+# via virtual floppy
+mcopy -i "${FLOPPYIMG}" "$xmlfile" "::/config.xml"
+# Copying linux directory:
+mcopy -s -i "${FLOPPYIMG}" "$VMCHOOSER_DIR/data/linux" "::/"
+# User supplied runscript
+if [ -n "$EXT" ]; then
+ sed -i '1d' "${RUNSCRIPT}"
+ mcopy -i "${FLOPPYIMG}" "${RUNSCRIPT}" "::/runscript${EXT}"
+rm -f -- "${SHARES}" "${TMPDIR}/openslx.ini" "${TMPDIR}/HOSTRES.TXT"
diff --git a/remote/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/run-virt-includes/ b/remote/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/run-virt-includes/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ce15524f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/run-virt-includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Include: Setup virtual machine hypervisor via vm-specific include file #
+# Get all virtual machine specific stuff from the respective include file
+if [ ! -e "$VMCHOOSER_DIR/$xmlvirt/run-virt.include" ] ; then
+ slxlog "virt-plugin-missing" "Could not find run-virt.include for $xmlvirt ($VMCHOOSER_DIR/$xmlvirt/run-virt.include)"
+ writelog "Failed because of missing ${xmlvirt} plugin."
+ error_user "Konnte den Virtualisierer '$xmlvirt' nicht finden. Starten der Virtuellen Maschine fehlgeschlagen.
+ Starten Sie den Computer neu und wenden Sie sich an den Support, wenn das Problem weiterhin besteht."
+ cleanexit 1
+if ! bash -n "$VMCHOOSER_DIR/$xmlvirt/run-virt.include"; then
+ slxlog "virt-plugin-syntax" "run-virt.include for $xmlvirt contains syntax errors (bash -n run-virt.include failed)"
+ writelog "Erroneous run-virt.include for $xmlvirt (syntax check)"
+ error_user "Das Start-Script für den Virtualisierer '$xmlvirt' ist fehlerhaft.
+ Starten Sie den Computer neu und wenden Sie sich an den Support, wenn das Problem weiterhin besteht."
+ cleanexit 1
+setup_vm_commandline () {
+ # Now including the hypervisor specific include file:
+ if ! source "$VMCHOOSER_DIR/$xmlvirt/run-virt.include"; then
+ slxlog "virt-plugin-error" "run-virt.include for $xmlvirt could not be sourced properly."
+ writelog "Erroneous run-virt.include for ${xmlvirt}? Source returned != 0"
+ error_user "Das Start-Script für den Virtualisierer '$xmlvirt' hat einen fehlercode zurückgegeben.
+ Starten Sie den Computer neu, falls es beim Ausführen der VM zu Problemen kommt
+ und wenden Sie sich an den Support, wenn das Problem weiterhin besteht."
+ fi
diff --git a/remote/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/run-virt-includes/ b/remote/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/run-virt-includes/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..da43f341
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/run-virt-includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Include: Start windowmanager for easier handling #
+# Some problems may arise with windows opening in background when
+# using eg. vmware without a window manager.
+for dm in openbox kwin xfwm4 metacity blackbox twm fvwm2 ; do
+ if which $dm >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+ if [ "$dm" = "fvwm2" ] ; then
+ echo "EdgeScroll 0 0" > ${redodir}/fvwm
+ writelog "Starting fvwm2."
+ fvwm2 -f ${redodir}/fvwm >/dev/null 2>&1 &
+ else
+ writelog "Starting ${dm}."
+ $dm >/dev/null 2>&1 &
+ fi
+ break
+ fi
+if [ -z "$FOUND_WM" ]; then
+ slxlog "virt-windowmanager" "Could not find any window manager to use!"
+ notify_user "Konnte keinen Window Manager finden. (Das ist schlecht!)"
diff --git a/remote/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/run-virt-includes/ b/remote/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/run-virt-includes/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a2d442e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/run-virt-includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# Helper function that will scan /dev/bus/usb for devices matching specific classes
+# and then output the corresponding device ids. This can be used for selective
+# handover of devices to a virtual machine
+declare -rg PASSTHROUGH_USB_DEVICES="2 0:5 0:6 0:7 0:14 0:16 0:17 239"
+# $1: expression to fill with device information.
+# valid placeholders are:
+# %VENDOR% - device vendor id
+# %PRODUCT% - device product id
+# $2-n: device classes to include in output
+get_usb_devices_int() {
+ [ -z "$TMPDIR" ] && TMPDIR="/tmp"
+ local EXP=$1
+ shift
+ if [ -z "$EXP" ]; then
+ writelog --quiet "No ouput expression template passed to get_usb_devices"
+ cleanexit 1
+ fi
+ if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+ writelog --quiet "No device classes given to get_usb_devices"
+ cleanexit 1
+ fi
+ local MATCH=';'
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ MATCH+="$1;"
+ [[ "$1" != *:* ]] && MATCH+="0:$1;"
+ shift
+ done
+ local dev=
+ local key value trailing
+ trailing=
+ local tmp="${TMPDIR}/lsusb.$$.$RANDOM"
+ for dev in /dev/bus/usb/*/*; do
+ if ! lsusb -D "$dev" > "$tmp" 2>/dev/null; then
+ writelog --quiet "Cannot lsusb $dev"
+ continue
+ fi
+ local DC=
+ local OK=
+ local VENDOR=
+ local PRODUCT=
+ while read -r key value trailing || [ -n "$key" ]; do
+ if [[ "$key" == "idVendor" ]]; then
+ [[ "$value" == 0x* ]] && VENDOR="${value:2}"
+ elif [[ "$key" == "idProduct" ]]; then
+ [[ "$value" == 0x* ]] && PRODUCT="${value:2}"
+ elif [ -z "$DC" ]; then
+ # No bDeviceClass seen yet
+ if [[ "$key" == "bDeviceClass" ]]; then
+ DC="$value"
+ [[ "$MATCH" == *";${DC};"* ]] && OK=yo
+ fi
+ else
+ # #DeviceClass is generic, look at sub class
+ if [[ "$key" == "bInterfaceClass" ]]; then
+ [[ "$MATCH" == *";${DC}:${value};"* ]] && OK=yo
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$OK" -a -n "$VENDOR" -a -n "$PRODUCT" ]; then
+ echo "$EXP" | sed "s/%VENDOR%/${VENDOR}/g;s/%PRODUCT%/${PRODUCT}/g"
+ break
+ fi
+ done < "$tmp"
+ done
+ rm -f -- "$tmp"
+get_usb_devices() {
+ if which lsusb 2>/dev/null >&2 && lsusb --help 2>&1 | grep -q -- '-D' 2>/dev/null; then
+ [ $# -eq 1 ] && set -- "$1" $PASSTHROUGH_USB_DEVICES # no quotes here!
+ get_usb_devices_int "$@" | sort -u
+ else
+ writelog --quiet "Cannot scan usb bus: lsusb not found or doesn't support -D"
+ fi
diff --git a/remote/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/run-virt-includes/ b/remote/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/run-virt-includes/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c0d17dbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/remote/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/run-virt-includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# Include: Set functions needed by vmchooser-run_virt #
+# function to write to stdout and logfile
+writelog() {
+ local DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S)
+ # write to stdout?
+ if [ "x$1" = "x--quiet" ]; then
+ shift
+ else
+ echo -e "$DATE: $@"
+ fi
+ # log into file
+ echo -e "$DATE: $@" >> "${LOGFILE}"
+notify_user() {
+ local TOPIC="$1"
+ shift
+ notify-send -u normal "$TOPIC" "$@"
+ writelog "Notify: **${TOPIC}**: $*"
+error_user() {
+ local TOPIC="$1"
+ shift
+ if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
+ BODY="$*"
+ else
+ fi
+ # Zenity should yield the nicest result
+ zenity --error --title "$TITLE" --text "$BODY" && return
+ # QnD abuse printergui for error message as it's blocking
+ /opt/openslx/cups/printergui --error "$MSG" && return
+ # printergui might not exist, try fallback here
+ # unfortunately, i can only think of notify+sleep right now
+ notify-send -u critical "$TITLE" "$BODY"
+ sleep 10
+# Clean exit will be called at the end of vmchooser-run_virt
+cleanexit() {
+ sleep 1
+ # Ummount dnbd3-fuse
+ if [ -n "$dnbd3_fuse_mount_point" ] && [ -e "$dnbd3_fuse_mount_point/img" ]; then
+ for timeout in 1 1 1 FAIL; do
+ fusermount -u "$dnbd3_fuse_mount_point" && break
+ writelog "dnbd3 still busy...."
+ [ "$timeout" = "FAIL" ] && break
+ sleep "$timeout"
+ done
+ fi
+ # Kill LPD
+ [ -n "${PID_LPD}" ] && kill "${PID_LPD}"
+ # If we're not in debug mode, remove all temporary files
+ if [ -n "${TMPDIR}" -a -z "$SLX_DEBUG" ]; then
+ rm -rf -- "${TMPDIR}"
+ fi
+ [ $# -gt 0 ] && exit "$1"
+ exit 129 # No exit code was given :/
+rv_clean_string() {
+ if [ "$#" -ge 1 ]; then
+ echo "$@" | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' | tr -d -c '[a-z0-9\-]'
+ else
+ tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' | tr -d -c '[a-z0-9\-]'
+ fi