package org.openslx.taskmanager.tasks;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.openslx.satserver.util.LdapMapping;
import org.openslx.satserver.util.Util;
import org.openslx.taskmanager.api.SystemCommandTask;
public class LdapSearch extends SystemCommandTask
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger( LdapSearch.class );
private String server = null;
private String searchbase = null;
private String binddn = null;
private String bindpw = null;
private boolean plainldap = false;
private String filter = null;
private LdapMapping mapping = null;
private String fifo = null;
private boolean getDn = false;
private volatile int userCount = 0;
private volatile int userIdCount = 0;
private Output status = new Output();
protected boolean initTask()
this.setStatusObject( this.status );
if ( this.server == null || this.searchbase == null ) {
status.messages = "Missing parameter";
return false;
if ( this.binddn == null )
this.binddn = "";
if ( this.bindpw == null )
this.bindpw = "";
this.timeoutSeconds = 5;
return true;
protected String[] initCommandLine()
if ( this.mapping == null )
this.mapping = new LdapMapping();
if ( this.plainldap ) {
if ( Util.isEmpty( mapping.posixAccount ) ) {
mapping.posixAccount = "posixAccount";
if ( Util.isEmpty( mapping.uid ) ) {
mapping.uid = "uid";
if ( Util.isEmpty( mapping.uidnumber ) ) {
mapping.uidnumber = "uidnumber";
} else {
if ( Util.isEmpty( mapping.posixAccount ) ) {
mapping.posixAccount = "user";
if ( Util.isEmpty( mapping.uid ) ) {
mapping.uid = "sAMAccountName";
if ( Util.isEmpty( mapping.uidnumber ) ) {
mapping.uidnumber = "objectSid";
mapping.uid = mapping.uid.toLowerCase();
mapping.uidnumber = mapping.uidnumber.toLowerCase();
if ( !this.bindpw.isEmpty() ) {
this.fifo = String.format( "/tmp/bwlp-%s-%s.ldap", System.currentTimeMillis(), new Random().nextInt() );
File pwFile = new File( this.fifo );
FileUtils.deleteQuietly( pwFile );
try {
pwFile.setReadable( false, false );
pwFile.setReadable( true, true );
FileUtils.writeStringToFile( pwFile, this.bindpw, StandardCharsets.UTF_8 );
} catch ( IOException e ) {
FileUtils.deleteQuietly( pwFile );
status.messages = e.toString();
LOGGER.warn( "Cannot create pwfile", e );
return null;
String filter;
if ( this.filter == null || this.filter.isEmpty() ) {
status.addMessage( "Trying to find 4 random users to verify everything is all right..." );
filter = "(&(objectClass=" + mapping.posixAccount + ")(" + mapping.uid + "=*)(" + mapping.uidnumber + "=*))";
} else {
this.getDn = true;
filter = this.filter;
status.addMessage( "Using filter: " + filter );
// As we don't care about the certificate here, you might want to put TLS_REQCERT never
// in /etc/ldap/ldap.conf
if ( this.bindpw.isEmpty() ) {
return new String[] {
"-x", // Simple auth
"-LLL", // No additional stuff
"-H", this.server, // Host
"-b", this.searchbase, // SB
"-D", this.binddn, // DN
"-l", "4", // Time limit in seconds
"-o", "nettimeout=4",
"-z", "4", // Max number of results
"-o", "ldif-wrap=no", // Turn off retarded line wrapping done by ldapsearch
return new String[] {
"-x", // Simple auth
"-LLL", // No additional stuff
"-y", this.fifo, // Password from file
"-H", this.server, // Host
"-b", this.searchbase, // SB
"-D", this.binddn, // DN
"-l", "4", // Time limit in seconds
"-o", "nettimeout=4",
"-z", "4", // Max number of results
"-o", "ldif-wrap=no", // Turn off retarded line wrapping done by ldapsearch
protected boolean processEnded( int exitCode )
if ( this.fifo != null ) {
FileUtils.deleteQuietly( new File( this.fifo ) );
if ( exitCode == 4 ) // Means size limit exceeded, ignore
exitCode = 0;
status.addMessage( "Exit code is " + exitCode );
if ( exitCode == 0 && !this.getDn ) {
if ( this.userCount < 4 ) {
status.addMessage( "Found less than 4 users. Are you sure you got the right credentials?" );
if ( this.userIdCount < 4 ) {
status.addMessage( "Found less than 4 user ids. Are you sure you got the right credentials?" );
return ( this.userCount >= 4 && this.userIdCount >= 4 ) || ( this.getDn && status.dn != null );
protected void processStdOut( String line )
String lower = line.toLowerCase();
if ( lower.startsWith( mapping.uid + ":" ) ) {
status.addMessage( "Found " + line + " :-)" );
if ( lower.startsWith( mapping.uidnumber + ":" ) ) {
status.addMessage( "Found " + line + " :-)" );
if ( lower.startsWith( "dn: " ) ) {
status.dn = line.substring( 4 );
// Figure out if we have homedir
if ( this.getDn ) {
String p[] = line.split( ": ", 2 );
if ( p.length == 2 ) {
int score = 0;
if ( p[1].startsWith( "\\\\" ) ) {
score += 10;
if ( p[0].equalsIgnoreCase( "homeDirectory" ) ) {
score += 60;
} else if ( p[0].contains( "homeDirectory" ) ) {
score += 50;
} else if ( p[0].contains( "homedirectory" ) ) {
score += 40;
} else if ( p[0].contains( "home" ) ) {
score += 10;
if ( p[0].contains( "user" ) ) {
score += 10;
if ( score > 10 ) {
status.addMessage( "Potential home directory attribute: " + p[0] );
status.home.add( new DirCandidate( p[0], p[1], score ) );
protected void processStdErr( String line )
if ( line.contains( "Size limit exceeded" ) )
status.addMessage( "Error: " + line );
class DirCandidate
public String attr;
public String value;
public int score;
public DirCandidate( String attr, String value, int score )
this.attr = attr;
this.value = value;
this.score = score;
class Output
private String messages = null;
public String dn = null;
public List<DirCandidate> home = new ArrayList<>();
private synchronized void addMessage( String str )
if ( messages == null ) {
messages = str;
} else {
messages += "\n" + str;