path: root/dozentenmodul/src/main/java/org/openslx/dozmod/gui/window/
blob: f3fc079cbf0a1c62cdee275a1bece56eb86d60d3 (plain) (tree)










package org.openslx.dozmod.gui.window;

import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.window.layout.LoginWindowLayout;

 * @author Jonathan Bauer
public class LoginWindow extends LoginWindowLayout {

	private final static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(LoginWindow.class);

	// TODO This has nothing to to with the layout
	public static enum LOGIN_TYPE {

		public final int id;

		private LOGIN_TYPE(final int id) { = id;

	// authentication method to use for login attempts
	protected LOGIN_TYPE loginType = null;
	// text constants
	private final String NO_USERNAME = "Kein Benutzername angegeben!";
	private final String NO_PASSWORD = "Kein Passwort angegeben!";

	public LoginWindow() {
		// call the constructor of the superclass

		// first do all listeners stuff
    	// ugly but no way around it according to stackoverflow
    	final ActionListener loginTypeToggler = new ActionListener() {
			public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
				loginType = LOGIN_TYPE.valueOf(e.getActionCommand());
				labelIdp.setVisible(loginType == LOGIN_TYPE.ECP);
				idpCombo.setVisible(loginType == LOGIN_TYPE.ECP);
//		// fetch the list of the identity providers as an async Thread
//		// else the GUI is blocked until this is done.
//		idpCombo.
//		idpCombo.add("Initialisiere...");
//		idpCombo.setEnabled(false);
//		loginButton.setEnabled(false);
//		QuickTimer.scheduleOnce(new Task() {
//			List<Organization> orgs = null;
//			@Override
//			public void fire() {
//				try {
//					// Wait for proxy server init
//					App.waitForInit();
//					orgs = OrganizationCache.getAll();
//				} catch (Exception e) {
//					LoginWindow.LOGGER.error("Error during execution: ", e);
//				}
//				// now send the organisations back to the LoginWindow
//				// through populateIdpCombo()
//				Gui.display.asyncExec(new Runnable() {
//					@Override
//					public void run() {
//						if (isDisposed())
//							return;
//						populateIdpCombo(orgs);
//						loginButton.setEnabled(true);
//					}
//				});
//			}
//		});
//		// check if we had saved an authentication method
//		String savedAuthMethod = Config.getAuthenticationMethod();
//		LOGIN_TYPE savedLoginType;
//		try {
//			savedLoginType = LOGIN_TYPE.valueOf(savedAuthMethod);
//		} catch (Exception e) {
//			// if no valid LOGIN_TYPE was saved, just enable the BWIDM button
//			savedLoginType = LOGIN_TYPE.ECP;
//		}
//		authButtons[].setSelection(true);
//		loginType = savedLoginType;
//		// enable the IDP combo only if we actually have items in it
//		idpText.setVisible(savedLoginType == LOGIN_TYPE.ECP);
//		idpCombo.setVisible(savedLoginType == LOGIN_TYPE.ECP);
//		// finally check if we had a saved username
//		String savedUsername = Config.getUsername();
//		if (savedUsername != null && !savedUsername.isEmpty()) {
//			usernameText.setText(savedUsername);
//			saveUsernameCheck.setSelection(true);
//			passwordText.setFocus();
//		} else
//			usernameText.setFocus();
//		// actions of the login button
//		loginButton.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
//			@Override
//			public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
//				doSaveConfig();
//				doLogin();
//			}
//		});
//		// for save username checkbox.
//		saveUsernameCheck.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
//			@Override
//			public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
//				// clickedSaveUsernameCheck();
//			}
//		});
//		// selecting the "Authentifizierung über bwIDM" radio button
//		authButtons[0].addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
//			@Override
//			public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
//				idpText.setVisible(true);
//				idpCombo.setEnabled(true);
//				idpCombo.setVisible(true);
//				loginType = LOGIN_TYPE.ECP;
//			}
//		});
//		// selecting the "Test-Zugang mit festem Benutzer" radio button
//		authButtons[1].addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
//			@Override
//			public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
//				idpText.setVisible(false);
//				idpCombo.setVisible(false);
//				loginType = LOGIN_TYPE.TEST_ACCOUNT;
//			}
//		});
//		authButtons[2].setEnabled(false);
//		// selecting the "Direkte Verbindung zum Satteliten" radio button
//		authButtons[2].addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
//			@Override
//			public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
//				idpText.setVisible(false);
//				idpCombo.setVisible(false);
//			}
//		});
//		// add a key listener to the password field to trigger login
//		// when the user presses the ENTER key.
//		passwordText.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() {
//			@Override
//			public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
//				if (e.keyCode == SWT.CR || e.keyCode == SWT.KEYPAD_CR) {
//					doSaveConfig();
//					doLogin();
//				}
//			}
//		});

//	public void populateIdpCombo(List<Organization> orgs) {
//		// safety check to see if the login window still exists
//		// when this function gets called by the other thread
//		if (this.isDisposed())
//			return;
//		// always clearup the list first
//		idpCombo.removeAll();
//		// sanity checks on orgs
//		if (orgs == null) {
//			LOGGER.error("No organizations received from the cache.");
//			idpCombo.add("No entries");
//			return;
//		}
//		// all fine, lets sort it
//		Collections.sort(orgs, new Comparator<Organization>() {
//			public int compare(Organization o1, Organization o2) {
//				return o1.getDisplayName().compareTo(o2.getDisplayName());
//			}
//		});
//		// now check if we had a saved identity provider
//		String savedOrganizationId = Config.getIdentityProvider();
//		// add only organizations which have an ECP URL to the combobox
//		for (Organization o : orgs) {
//			if (o.getEcpUrl() == null | o.getEcpUrl().isEmpty())
//				continue;
//			idpCombo.add(o.displayName);
//			idpCombo.setData(o.displayName, o);
//			if (savedOrganizationId != null && !savedOrganizationId.isEmpty()
//					&& savedOrganizationId.equals(o.getOrganizationId()))
//				// select the organization we just added, this seems kinda bad - is there a better way?
// - 1);
//			//; this is probably not optimal... but safer
//		}
//		// if no organization was saved, none is selected, so select the first one in the combobox
//		if (idpCombo.getSelectionIndex() == -1)
//		// finally re-enable it
//		if (idpCombo.isVisible())
//			idpCombo.setEnabled(true);
//	}
//	/**
//	 * Saves various user choices to the config file.
//	 * This gets triggered when the login button is activated.
//	 */
//	private void doSaveConfig() {
//		// first we need to check if the "Remember me" button is active
//		if (saveUsernameCheck.isEnabled()) {
//			// save username
//			String username = usernameText.getText();
//			if (!username.isEmpty()) {
//				Config.setUsername(username);
//			}
//		} else {
//			Config.setUsername("");
//		}
//		// always save the authentication method and potentially the identity provider
//		Config.setAuthenticationMethod(loginType.toString());
//		// save the selected identity provider
//		Organization selectedOrg = getSelectedOrganization();
//		if (selectedOrg != null) {
//			Config.setIdentityProvider(selectedOrg.organizationId);
//		}
//	}
//	/**
//	 * Actually do the login using the username/password in the field using the
//	 * authentication mechanism corresponding to the selected authButton
//	 * 
//	 * @throws ECPAuthenticationException
//	 */
//	private void doLogin() {
//		// sanity check on loginType.
//		if (loginType == null) {
//			Gui.showMessageBox(this.getShell(), "No login type set, a default should be set! Ignoring...",
//					MessageType.ERROR, LOGGER, null);
//			return;
//		}
//		// here we only check for the fields
//		String username = usernameText.getText();
//		String password = passwordText.getText();
//		// login clicked, lets first read the fields
//		if (username.isEmpty()) {
//			Gui.showMessageBox(this.getShell(), NO_USERNAME, MessageType.ERROR, null, null);
//			return;
//		}
//		if (password.isEmpty()) {
//			Gui.showMessageBox(this.getShell(), NO_PASSWORD, MessageType.ERROR, null, null);
//			return;
//		}
//		// determine which organization was selected by the user.
//		// TODO: Needed for test accounts?
//		Organization selectedOrg = getSelectedOrganization();
//		// Setup login callback
//		final LoginWindow me = this;
//		AuthenticatorCallback authenticatorCallback = new AuthenticatorCallback() {
//			@Override
//			public void postLogin(ReturnCode returnCode, Throwable t) {
//				switch (returnCode) {
//				case NO_ERROR:
//					postSuccessfulLogin();
//					break;
//					Gui.showMessageBox(me.getShell(), "IdP Error", MessageType.ERROR, null, null);
//					break;
//					// here if we have t != null then we have not received a token
//					// if we have t, then the token is invalid.
//					Gui.showMessageBox(me.getShell(), "Invalid token from the service provider!",
//							MessageType.ERROR, LOGGER, t);
//					break;
//					Gui.showMessageBox(me.getShell(), "You are not registered to bwLehrpool. Please visit "
//							+ ShibbolethEcp.getRegistrationUrl() + " and register first.", MessageType.ERROR,
//							LOGGER, t);
//					break;
//					Gui.showMessageBox(me.getShell(), "ECP Authenticator says: Invalid URL.",
//							MessageType.ERROR, LOGGER, t);
//					break;
//				case GENERIC_ERROR:
//				default:
//					Gui.showMessageBox(me.getShell(), "Internal error!", MessageType.ERROR, null, null);
//					break;
//				}
//			}
//		};
//		// now switch over the login types.
//		Authenticator authenticator;
//		switch (loginType) {
//		case ECP:
//			authenticator = new EcpAuthenticator(selectedOrg.getEcpUrl());
//			break;
//		case TEST_ACCOUNT:
//			authenticator = new TestAccountAuthenticator();
//			break;
//			Gui.showMessageBox(this.getShell(), "Not yet implemented", MessageType.ERROR, null, null);
//			return;
//		default:
//			Gui.showMessageBox(this.getShell(), "No login type selected!", MessageType.ERROR, null, null);
//			return;
//		}
//		// Excute login
//		try {
//			authenticator.login(username, password, authenticatorCallback);
//		} catch (Exception e) {
//			Gui.showMessageBox(me.getShell(), "Authentication failed: " + e.getMessage(), MessageType.ERROR,
//					LOGGER, e);
//			return;
//		}
//	}
//	/**
//	 * Functions called by doLogin is the login process succeeded.
//	 * 
//	 * @param user user who logged in
//	 */
//	private void postSuccessfulLogin() {
// + " succeeded.");
//		Session.setSatelliteAddress("");
//		ThriftManager.setSatelliteAddress(Session.getSatelliteAddress());
//		// Something like ThriftManager.setSatelliteAddress(Session.getSatelliteAddress()); (might need selection box)
//		Exception e = null;
//		try {
//			ThriftManager.getSatClient().isAuthenticated(Session.getSatelliteToken());
//			// now read the config to see if the user already agreed to the disclaimer
//			if (DisclaimerWindow.shouldBeShown())
//				MainWindow.openPopup(DisclaimerWindow.class, true, true);
//			getShell().dispose();
//			return;
//		} catch (Exception ex) {
//			e = ex;
//		}
//		Gui.showMessageBox(this.getShell(), "Login succeeded, but Satellite rejected the session token. :-(",
//				MessageType.ERROR, LOGGER, e);
//	}
//	/**
//	 * @return the organization currently selected in the combobox for identity
//	 *         providers
//	 */
//	private final Organization getSelectedOrganization() {
//		// get the index of the selected item in the combobox
//		int selectionIndex = idpCombo.getSelectionIndex();
//		if (selectionIndex == -1) {
//			LOGGER.error("No identity provider is selected in the combobox. There should be a default value!");
//			return null;
//		}
//		return (Organization) idpCombo.getData(idpCombo.getItem(selectionIndex));
//	}
	public static void open() {
		new LoginWindow().setVisible(true);