path: root/dozentenmodulserver/src/main/java/server/
blob: b5d7bc547811051b2e09a5710c167b2cba7c7546 (plain) (tree)







































































































































































































package server;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;

import models.Configuration;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.thrift.TException;
import org.openslx.imagemaster.thrift.iface.ImageServer.Client;
import org.openslx.imagemaster.thrift.iface.UserInfo;
import org.openslx.sat.thrift.iface.Image;
import org.openslx.sat.thrift.iface.Lecture;
import org.openslx.sat.thrift.iface.Person;
import org.openslx.sat.thrift.iface.Server;
import org.openslx.sat.thrift.iface.User;
import org.openslx.sat.thrift.version.Version;

import sql.SQL;
import thrift.MasterThriftConnection;

public class ServerHandler implements Server.Iface {

	private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ServerHandler.class);
	static SQL sql = new SQL();

	// saves the current tokens and the mapped userdata, returning from the server
	// TODO: Handle/cache tokens in own class, add timeout to tokens in case client never marks it invalid
	private Map<String, UserInfo> tokenManager = new HashMap<>();

	public boolean authenticated(String token) throws TException {
		if (tokenManager.get(token) != null) {
			// user found in tokenManager, session was set to valid once before
			// (cached session, no further action needed)
			return true;
		} else {
			MasterThriftConnection thrift = new MasterThriftConnection();
			Client client = thrift.getMasterThriftConnection();

			// user not in tokenManager, check authentication, then add user to tokenManager"token is: " + token);
			UserInfo ui = null;
			if ((ui = client.getUserFromToken(token)) != null) {
				// user was authenticated by the masterserver, cache the data
				tokenManager.put(token, ui);
				return true;

		return false;

	 * local function, which gets userdata from the tokenmanager, not the
	 * masterserver implemented, as there is no need for userdata in each
	 * function, so return type of authenticated should stay boolean
	private UserInfo getUserFromToken(String token) {
		UserInfo ui = tokenManager.get(token);
		return ui;

	public boolean setSessionInvalid(String token) {"token disabling.. round one");;

		tokenManager.remove(token);"token disabling.. round two");;

		// check if deletion worked and token isn't stored anymore
		return tokenManager.get(token) == null;

	public User getFtpUser(String token) throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {"returning FTPUser...");
			User user = new User();
			user.setUserName(UUID.randomUUID().toString().substring(0, 8));
			user.setPassword(getEncodedSha1Sum(UUID.randomUUID().toString().substring(0, 8)));
			if (Configuration.config.getAbsolute_path().endsWith("/")) {
			} else {
				user.setPath(Configuration.config.getAbsolute_path() + "/");

			// check if folder temp and folder prod exist
			if (folderTempExists() == true && folderProdExists() == true) {
				sql.writeFTPUser(user.getUserName(), user.getPassword());
				return user;
			} else {"Error: returning null user");
				return null;
		return null;


	public boolean folderTempExists() {
		// check if folder temp exists, otherwise create it
		Path path = null;
		if (Configuration.config.getAbsolute_path().endsWith("/")) {
			path = Paths.get(Configuration.config.getAbsolute_path() + "temp");
		} else {
			path = Paths.get(Configuration.config.getAbsolute_path() + "/temp");

		if (Files.exists(path) == true) {"folder '" + path + "' exists, no further action");
			return true;
		} else {
			// create directory and set permissions
			boolean success = (new File(path + "")).mkdirs();

			if (!success) {"failed to create folder '" + path + "'");
				return false;
			} else {
				// set permissions
				try {
					Runtime.getRuntime().exec("chmod 777 " + path);
				} catch (IOException e) {
				}"folder '" + path + "' successfully created");
				return true;

	}// end folderTempExists()

	public boolean folderProdExists() {
		// check if folder temp exists, otherwise create it
		Path path = null;
		if (Configuration.config.getAbsolute_path().endsWith("/")) {
			path = Paths.get(Configuration.config.getAbsolute_path() + "prod");
		} else {
			path = Paths.get(Configuration.config.getAbsolute_path() + "/prod");

		if (Files.exists(path) == true) {"folder '" + path + "' exists, no further action");
			return true;
		} else {
			// create directory and set permissions
			boolean success = (new File(path + "")).mkdirs();

			if (!success) {"failed to create folder '" + path + "'");
				return false;
			} else {
				// set permissions
				// TODO: Just no. Check if it's writable and bail out if not, but don't
				// blindly try to set permissions when you don't even check if it worked. 
				try {
					Runtime.getRuntime().exec("chmod 777 " + path);
				} catch (IOException e) {
				}"folder '" + path + "' successfully created");
				return true;

	}// end folderProdExists()

	public String getEncodedSha1Sum(String key) {
		try {
			MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1");
			md.update(key.getBytes());"successfully returned EncodedSha1Sum"); // How do you know? You didn't return anything yet
			return new BigInteger(1, md.digest()).toString(16);
		} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
			// handle error case to taste
		return null;

	public long DeleteFtpUser(String user, String token) throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			return sql.DeleteUser(user);
		return -1;

	public String getPathOfImage(String image_id, String version, String token) throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {"successfully returned PathOfImage: " + sql.getPathOfImage(image_id, version));

			return sql.getPathOfImage(image_id, version);
		return null;

	public String setInstitution(String university, String token) throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			// TODO: wat. Institutions are defined globally on the master server, including their ID
			return sql.setInstitution(university);
		return null;

	public boolean writeVLdata(String imagename, String desc, String Tel, String Fak, boolean license,
			boolean internet, long ram, long cpu, String imagePath, boolean isTemplate, long filesize,
			long shareMode, String os, String uid, String token, String userID) throws TException {

		if (authenticated(token)) {
			String mode = null;

			if (shareMode == 0) {
				mode = "only_local";
			} else {
				mode = "to_be_published";

			// OS impl Select and write
			// ACHTUNG: Anzahl der Leerzeichen muss eingehalten werden:
			// 'Windows 7 32 bit"
			// TODO: Might be the biggest mess around here. We should define OS types on the
			// master server in the future and have them synced to the satellite.
			String pk_os = sql.getOSpk(os.substring(0, nthIndexOf(os, " ", 2)),
					os.substring(nthIndexOf(os, " ", 2), os.lastIndexOf(" ")).replace(" ", ""));

			sql.setImageData(userID, license, internet, cpu, ram, imagename, desc, imagePath, filesize, mode,
					pk_os, uid);"userID in serverhandler was: " + userID);"written VLdata");
			return true;
		return false;

	// @param: userID - deprecated, to be removed while setting up new suite-architecture
	public List<Image> getImageListPermissionWrite(String userID, String token) throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			UserInfo ui = getUserFromToken(token);
			return sql.getImageListPermissionWrite(ui.getUserId());
		return null;

	// @param: userID - deprecated, to be removed while setting up new suite-architecture
	public List<Image> getImageListPermissionRead(String userID, String token) throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			UserInfo ui = getUserFromToken(token);
			return sql.getImageListPermissionRead(ui.getUserId());
		return null;

	// @param: userID - deprecated, to be removed while setting up new suite-architecture
	public List<Image> getImageListPermissionLink(String userID, String token) throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			UserInfo ui = getUserFromToken(token);
			return sql.getImageListPermissionLink(ui.getUserId());
		return null;

	// @param: userID - deprecated, to be removed while setting up new suite-architecture
	public List<Image> getImageListPermissionAdmin(String userID, String token) throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			UserInfo ui = getUserFromToken(token);
			return sql.getImageListPermissionAdmin(ui.getUserId());
		return null;

	public List<Image> getImageListAllTemplates(String token) throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			return sql.getImageListAllTemplates();
		return null;

	public List<String> getAllOS(String token) throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			return sql.getAllOS();
		return null;

	// UserInfo does not return the institution, so in this case, the local
	// method is prepared, but not yet executed, as the institution has to be
	// added to UserInfo (or selected by institutionID)
	// TODO: What is this even supposed to do?
	// institutionID is a member of UserInfo, and the master server
	// implements a method called getOrganizations, so you can map the ID to a
	// name.... !? Also why the hell is this using a map instead of a class?
	public Map<String, String> getPersonData(String Vorname, String Nachname, String token) throws TException {

		if (authenticated(token)) {

			Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();

			UserInfo ui = getUserFromToken(token);

			map.put("mail", ui.getEMail());
			map.put("Nachname", ui.getLastName());
			map.put("Vorname", ui.getFirstName());

			Map<String, String> tempMap = new HashMap<>();
			tempMap = sql.getPersonData(Vorname, Nachname);
			map.put("Hochschule", tempMap.get("Hochschule"));

			return map;
		return null;

	public void setPerson(String userID, String token, String institution) throws TException {
		// TODO: Again, what's going on with institution as a parameter here? It's part of the UserInfo...
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			UserInfo ui = getUserFromToken(token);
			sql.setPerson(userID, ui.getLastName(), ui.getFirstName(), ui.getEMail(), new Date(), institution);

	public boolean writeLecturedata(String name, String shortdesc, String desc, String startDate,
			String endDate, boolean isActive, String imageID, String token, String Tel, String Fak,
			String lectureID, String university) throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			// TODO: Check if the user has the permissions to set this lecture's meta data...
			UserInfo ui = getUserFromToken(token);

			Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
			int imageversion = 0;
			String pk_institution = sql.setInstitution(university);
			String pk_person = sql.setPerson(ui.getEMail(), ui.getLastName(), ui.getFirstName(),
					ui.getEMail(), new Date(), pk_institution);

			map = sql.getImageIDandVersion(imageID);

			// pk_image = map.get("GUID");
			imageversion = Integer.parseInt(map.get("version"));

			sql.setLectureData(pk_person, imageID, imageversion, name, desc, shortdesc, startDate, endDate,
					isActive, lectureID);
		return false;


	public boolean startFileCopy(String filename, String token) throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			// copy file from folder temp to folder prod
			String file = Configuration.config.getAbsolute_path() + "temp/" + filename;
			File tmpFile = new File(file);"Trying to move file to '/srv/openslx/nfs/prod/" + tmpFile.getName() + "'");
			try {
				FileUtils.moveFile(tmpFile, new File(Configuration.config.getAbsolute_path() + "prod/"
						+ filename));
				// int ret = sql.UpdateImagePath(filename);
				if (sql.UpdateImagePath(filename) == 0) {"file moved and database updated.");

			} catch (IOException e) {"Failed to move file.");
		return true;

	public Map<String, String> getImageData(String imageid, String imageversion, String token)
			throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			return sql.getImageData(imageid, imageversion);
		return null;

	public boolean updateImageData(String name, String newName, String desc, String image_path,
			boolean license, boolean internet, long ram, long cpu, String id, String version,
			boolean isTemplate, long filesize, long shareMode, String os, String token) throws TException {

		if (authenticated(token)) {

			// get old_image_path
			String old_image_path = sql.getFile(id, version);

			String mode = null;

			if (shareMode == 0) {
				mode = "only_local";
			} else {
				mode = "to_be_published";
			String pk_os = sql.getOSpk(os.substring(0, nthIndexOf(os, " ", 2)),
					os.substring(nthIndexOf(os, " ", 2), os.lastIndexOf(" ")).replace(" ", ""));

			// do database update - if successful then delete old file from
			// drive
			int val = sql.UpdateImageData(name, newName, desc, image_path, license, internet, cpu, ram, id,
					version, isTemplate, filesize, mode, pk_os);

			// check if new file has been uploaded by checking if the new file
			// path equals the old file path
			// if so, no new file was uploaded. Else delete old file
			if (val == 0 && (!old_image_path.substring(5).matches(image_path.substring(5)))) {
				// update was successful - delete old file
				// log.debug("deleting file "+old_image_path);
			} else {
				// update was not successful - delete new file
				// TODO not yet implemented
				// log.debug("doing nothing because no new file was uploaded..");

		return false;

	public List<Lecture> getLectureList(String token) throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			//"returning LectureList");
			return sql.getLectureList();
		return null;

	public List<Lecture> getLectureListPermissionRead(String token) throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			UserInfo ui = getUserFromToken(token);
			//"returning LectureListRead");
			return sql.getLectureListPermissionRead(ui.getUserId());
		return null;
	}// end getLectureListPermissionRead

	public List<Lecture> getLectureListPermissionWrite(String token) throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			UserInfo ui = getUserFromToken(token);
			//"returning LectureListWrite");
			return sql.getLectureListPermissionWrite(ui.getUserId());
		return null;
	}// end getLectureListPermissionRead

	public List<Lecture> getLectureListPermissionAdmin(String token) throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			UserInfo ui = getUserFromToken(token);
			//"returning LectureListAdmin");
			return sql.getLectureListPermissionAdmin(ui.getUserId());
		return null;
	}// end getLectureListPermissionRead

	public boolean updateLecturedata(String name, String newName, String shortdesc, String desc,
			String startDate, String endDate, boolean isActive, String imageid, String imageversion,
			String token, String Tel, String Fak, String id, String university) throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			UserInfo ui = getUserFromToken(token);

			sql.updateLectureData(imageid, imageversion, ui.getLastName(), newName, desc, shortdesc,
					startDate, endDate, isActive, id);

		return false;

	public boolean deleteImageServer(String imageid, String imageversion, String token) throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			// TODO: Has user permissions to delete this file?
			String stringFile = sql.getFile(imageid, imageversion);"File to Delete: " + stringFile);

			File tmpFile = new File(Configuration.config.getAbsolute_path() + stringFile);"Absolute Path used for deletion: " + tmpFile);

			try {
				// File wird von Server gelöscht
				return true;

			} catch (IOException e) {"Failed to execute deleteImageServer.");

		return false;

	public boolean deleteImageData(String id, String version, String token) throws TException {
		boolean success = false;

		if (authenticated(token)) {
			if (sql.deleteImage(id, version) == true) {
				success = true;"Image '" + id + "' and permissions successfully deleted.");
		return success;

	// TODO: ... I can write a small java app that calls this function to delete random files anywhere on the sat
	// If this function is not really required for some obscure reason then it should be removed
	public boolean deleteImageByPath(String image_path) throws TException {"File to Delete: " + image_path);

		File tmpFile = new File(Configuration.config.getAbsolute_path() + image_path);

		try {
			// File wird von Server gelöscht
			return true;

		} catch (IOException e) {"Failed to execute deleteImageServer.");


		return false;


	public boolean connectedToLecture(String id, String version, String token) throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			// TODO: Permissions
			return sql.connectedToLecture(id, version);
		return true;

	public boolean deleteLecture(String id, String token, String university) throws TException {
		boolean success = false;

		if (authenticated(token)) {
			// TODO: Permissions
			if (sql.deleteLecture(id) == true) {

				success = true;"Lecture '" + id + "' and permissions successfully deleted.");
		return success;


	public List<String> getAllUniversities(String token) throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			// TODO: Sync with list from master server (.getOrganizations() - call every now and then and add to local DB)
			return sql.getAllUniversities();
		return null;

	public Map<String, String> getLectureData(String lectureid, String token) throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			return sql.getLectureData(lectureid);
		return null;

	public static int nthIndexOf(final String string, final String searchToken, final int index) {
		int j = 0;

		for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) {
			j = string.indexOf(searchToken, j + 1);

			if (j == -1)

		return j;

	public boolean checkUser(String username, String token) throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			return sql.checkUser(username);
		return false;


	public boolean createUser(String token, String university) throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			// TODO: Do not use university param...
			UserInfo ui = getUserFromToken(token);
			String pk_institution = sql.setInstitution(university);
			sql.setPerson(ui.getEMail(), ui.getLastName(), ui.getFirstName(), ui.getEMail(), new Date(),
			return true;
		return false;

	public boolean writeImageRights(String imageID, String token, String role, String university,
			String userID) throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			UserInfo ui = getUserFromToken(token);
			String pk_image = null;
			Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();

			String pk_institution = sql.setInstitution(university);

			String pk_person = sql.setPerson(userID, ui.getLastName(), ui.getFirstName(), ui.getEMail(),
					new Date(), pk_institution);

			map = sql.getImageIDandVersion(imageID);

			pk_image = map.get("GUID");

			if (role.equals("Dozent")) {
				int read = 1;
				int write = 1;
				// int changePermission=0;
				int admin = 1;
				int linkallowed = 1;
				int roleID = sql.getRoleID(role);

				sql.setImageRights(pk_person, pk_image, roleID, read, write, admin, linkallowed);

			} else if (role.equals("Admin")) {
				int read = 1;
				int write = 1;
				// int changePermission=1;
				int admin = 1;
				int linkallowed = 1;
				int roleID = sql.getRoleID(role);

				sql.setImageRights(pk_person, pk_image, roleID, read, write, admin, linkallowed);
			} else {
				int read = 1;
				int write = 0;
				// int changePermission=0;
				int admin = 0;
				int linkallowed = 0;
				int roleID = sql.getRoleID(role);

				sql.setImageRights(pk_person, pk_image, roleID, read, write, admin, linkallowed);
			}"Written image rights");
			return true;
		return false;

	public boolean writeLectureRights(String lectureID, String role, String token, String university,
			String userID) throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			// String pk_lecture = null;
			UserInfo ui = getUserFromToken(token);
			String pk_institution = sql.setInstitution(university);
			String pk_person = sql.setPerson(userID, ui.getLastName(), ui.getFirstName(), ui.getEMail(),
					new Date(), pk_institution);
			// pk_lecture = sql.getLectureID(lectureID);

			if (role.equals("Dozent")) {
				int read = 1;
				int write = 1;
				// int changePermission=0;
				int admin = 1;
				int roleID = sql.getRoleID(role);

				sql.setLectureRights(pk_person, lectureID, roleID, read, write, admin);

			} else if (role.equals("Admin")) {
				int read = 1;
				int write = 1;
				// int changePermission=1;
				int admin = 1;
				int roleID = sql.getRoleID(role);

				sql.setLectureRights(pk_person, lectureID, roleID, read, write, admin);
			} else {
				int read = 0;
				int write = 0;
				// int changePermission=0;
				int admin = 0;
				int roleID = sql.getRoleID(role);

				sql.setLectureRights(pk_person, lectureID, roleID, read, write, admin);

			return true;
		return false;

	public List<Person> getAllOtherSatelliteUsers(List<String> userID, String token) throws TException {
		// TODO: Like we couldn't filter the current user on the client side...
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			return sql.getAllOtherSatelliteUsers(userID);
			// return null;
		return null;

	// set permissions for users which are !=userID
	public boolean writeAdditionalImageRights(String imageID, String userID, boolean isRead, boolean isWrite,
			boolean isLinkAllowed, boolean isAdmin, String token) throws TException {
		boolean success = false;
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			sql.writeAdditionalImageRights(imageID, userID, isRead, isWrite, isLinkAllowed, isAdmin);"Written additional image rights for " + userID);
		return success;

	public boolean writeAdditionalLectureRights(String lectureID, String userID, boolean isRead,
			boolean isWrite, boolean isAdmin, String token) throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			sql.writeAdditionalLectureRights(lectureID, userID, isRead, isWrite, isAdmin);"Written additional lecture rights for " + userID);

			return true;
		return false;

	public List<Person> getPermissionForUserAndImage(String token, String imageID, String userID)
			throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			return sql.getPermissionForUserAndImage(userID, imageID);
		return null;

	public List<Person> getPermissionForUserAndLecture(String token, String lectureID, String userID)
			throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			return sql.getPermissionForUserAndLecture(userID, lectureID);
		return null;

	public void deleteAllAdditionalImagePermissions(String imageID, String token, String userID)
			throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			sql.deleteAllAdditionalImagePermissions(imageID, userID);

	public void deleteAllAdditionalLecturePermissions(String lectureID, String token, String userID)
			throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			sql.deleteAllAdditionalLecturePermissions(lectureID, userID);


	public List<Image> getImageList(String userID, String token) throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			return sql.getImageList(userID);
		return null;

	public List<String> getAdditionalImageContacts(String imageID, String token) throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			return sql.getAdditionalImageContacts(imageID);
		return null;

	public String getOsNameForGuestOs(String guestOS, String token) throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			return sql.getOsNameForGuestOs(guestOS);
		return null;

	public String createRandomUUID(String token) throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			return sql.createRandomUUID();
		return null;

	public Map<String, String> getItemOwner(String itemID, String token) throws TException {
		if (authenticated(token)) {
			return sql.getItemOwner(itemID);
		return null;


	public boolean userIsImageAdmin(String imageID, String token, String userID) throws TException {

		if (authenticated(token)) {
			return sql.userIsImageAdmin(userID, imageID);
		return false;


	public boolean userIsLectureAdmin(String userID, String lectureID, String token) throws TException {

		if (authenticated(token)) {
			return sql.userIsLectureAdmin(userID, lectureID);

		return false;

	public String getInstitutionByID(String institutionID) throws TException {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		return null;

	public long getVersion() throws TException {
		return Version.VERSION;

}// end class