path: root/Dozentenmodul/src/GUI
diff options
authortspitzer2014-02-18 13:08:48 +0100
committertspitzer2014-02-18 13:08:48 +0100
commit75df905c97bc8bb4def5a3a6a87f301e364bc2ab (patch)
tree84ecc75cde752529f47c098526213768851e70a2 /Dozentenmodul/src/GUI
parentneue GUI Versionen (diff)
SQL für VL funktioniert
Diffstat (limited to 'Dozentenmodul/src/GUI')
3 files changed, 1140 insertions, 1057 deletions
diff --git a/Dozentenmodul/src/GUI/ b/Dozentenmodul/src/GUI/
index 3f984461..acb6d047 100644
--- a/Dozentenmodul/src/GUI/
+++ b/Dozentenmodul/src/GUI/
@@ -1,310 +1,345 @@
-package GUI;
-import java.awt.Dimension;
-import java.awt.FlowLayout;
-import java.awt.Toolkit;
-import javax.swing.JFrame;
-import javax.swing.JButton;
-import javax.swing.JDialog;
-import javax.swing.JPanel;
-import javax.swing.UIManager;
-import javax.swing.UnsupportedLookAndFeelException;
-import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder;
-import java.awt.Color;
-import javax.swing.JLabel;
-import java.awt.Font;
-import javax.swing.JTextPane;
-import java.awt.SystemColor;
-import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
-import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
-import javax.swing.JSeparator;
-import javax.swing.JMenuBar;
-import javax.swing.JMenu;
-import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
-import Models.Image;
-import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
-import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
-import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder;
-import javax.swing.JTextArea;
-import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
-import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
-import javax.swing.JRadioButton;
-import javax.swing.ButtonGroup;
-import javax.swing.JSpinner;
-import javax.swing.SpinnerNumberModel;
-public class EingabeImageTechnisch_GUI extends JFrame {
- private final JPanel contentPanel = new JPanel();
- String[] result;
- JSpinner spinnerCPU;
- JSpinner spinnerRam;
- JRadioButton rdbtnlicenseJa;
- JRadioButton rdbtnlicenseNein;
- JRadioButton rdbtnInternetJa;
- JRadioButton rdbtnInternetNein;
- private final ButtonGroup buttonGrouplicense = new ButtonGroup();
- private final ButtonGroup buttonGroupInternet = new ButtonGroup();
- /**
- * Launch the application.
- */
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- try {
- EingabeImageTechnisch_GUI dialog = new EingabeImageTechnisch_GUI();
- dialog.setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);
- dialog.setVisible(true);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Create the dialog.
- */
- public EingabeImageTechnisch_GUI() {
- addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
- @Override
- public void windowClosing(WindowEvent arg0) {
- System.exit(0);
- }
- });
- setResizable(false);
- try {
- UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName());
- } catch (ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException
- | IllegalAccessException | UnsupportedLookAndFeelException e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- setTitle("bwLehrpool Suite *Prototyp*");
- Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
- int top=(screenSize.height - 603) / 2;
- int left=(screenSize.width - 722) / 2;
- setBounds(left, top, 603, 722);
- //setBounds(100, 100, 603, 722);
- getContentPane().setLayout(null);
- {
- JPanel panel = new JPanel();
- panel.setBackground(;
- panel.setBounds(10, 11, 577, 57);
- getContentPane().add(panel);
- panel.setLayout(null);
- {
- JLabel lblNewLabel = new JLabel("Eingabe Ihrer Daten");
- lblNewLabel.setBounds(10, 11, 509, 22);
- panel.add(lblNewLabel);
- lblNewLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 18));
- }
- JTextPane txtpnBitteWhlenSie = new JTextPane();
- txtpnBitteWhlenSie.setEditable(false);
- txtpnBitteWhlenSie.setBackground(;
- txtpnBitteWhlenSie.setText("Geben Sie hier bitte einen sprechenden Imagename sowie Ihre Kontaktdaten an");
- txtpnBitteWhlenSie.setBounds(10, 36, 509, 32);
- panel.add(txtpnBitteWhlenSie);
- }
- contentPanel.setBounds(10, 85, 577, 493);
- contentPanel.setBackground(;
- contentPanel.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5));
- getContentPane().add(contentPanel);
- contentPanel.setLayout(null);
- JPanel panel_1 = new JPanel();
- panel_1.setBackground(;
- panel_1.setBorder(new TitledBorder(null, "Informationen zum Image", TitledBorder.LEADING, TitledBorder.TOP, null, null));
- panel_1.setBounds(10, 66, 557, 95);
- contentPanel.add(panel_1);
- panel_1.setLayout(null);
- JLabel lblNewLabel_2 = new JLabel("Image enth\u00E4lt lizenzpflichtige Software:");
- lblNewLabel_2.setBounds(10, 30, 250, 20);
- panel_1.add(lblNewLabel_2);
- rdbtnlicenseJa = new JRadioButton("Ja");
- rdbtnlicenseJa.setSelected(true);
- buttonGrouplicense.add(rdbtnlicenseJa);
- rdbtnlicenseJa.setBounds(266, 29, 109, 23);
- panel_1.add(rdbtnlicenseJa);
- rdbtnlicenseNein = new JRadioButton("Nein");
- buttonGrouplicense.add(rdbtnlicenseNein);
- rdbtnlicenseNein.setBounds(377, 29, 109, 23);
- panel_1.add(rdbtnlicenseNein);
- JLabel lblInternetIstInnerhalb = new JLabel("Internet ist innerhalb des Image gesperrt:");
- lblInternetIstInnerhalb.setBounds(10, 58, 250, 20);
- panel_1.add(lblInternetIstInnerhalb);
- JRadioButton rdbtnInternetJa = new JRadioButton("Ja");
- buttonGroupInternet.add(rdbtnInternetJa);
- rdbtnInternetJa.setBounds(266, 57, 109, 23);
- panel_1.add(rdbtnInternetJa);
- JRadioButton rdbtnInternetNein = new JRadioButton("Nein");
- rdbtnInternetNein.setSelected(true);
- buttonGroupInternet.add(rdbtnInternetNein);
- rdbtnInternetNein.setBounds(377, 57, 109, 23);
- panel_1.add(rdbtnInternetNein);
- JLabel lblHauptmen = new JLabel("Hauptmen\u00FC");
- lblHauptmen.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
- @Override
- public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0) {
- EingabeImageTechnisch_GUI.this.setVisible(false);
- MainMenue_GUI main=new MainMenue_GUI();
- main.setVisible(true);
- }
- });
- lblHauptmen.setForeground(Color.BLUE);
- lblHauptmen.setBounds(10, 11, 61, 14);
- contentPanel.add(lblHauptmen);
- JLabel label_1 = new JLabel(">");
- label_1.setBounds(69, 11, 13, 14);
- contentPanel.add(label_1);
- JLabel lblVlimage = new JLabel("VL-Image");
- lblVlimage.setForeground(Color.BLUE);
- lblVlimage.setBounds(81, 11, 45, 14);
- contentPanel.add(lblVlimage);
- JLabel label_2 = new JLabel(">");
- label_2.setBounds(133, 11, 13, 14);
- contentPanel.add(label_2);
- JLabel lblNewLabel_1 = new JLabel("Neu");
- lblNewLabel_1.setBounds(146, 11, 46, 14);
- contentPanel.add(lblNewLabel_1);
- JPanel panel_2 = new JPanel();
- panel_2.setLayout(null);
- panel_2.setBorder(new TitledBorder(null, "Empfehlung bezüglich Ressourcen", TitledBorder.LEADING, TitledBorder.TOP, null, null));
- panel_2.setBackground(;
- panel_2.setBounds(10, 172, 557, 338);
- contentPanel.add(panel_2);
- JTextArea txtrHinweisSolltenSie = new JTextArea();
- txtrHinweisSolltenSie.setBackground(;
- txtrHinweisSolltenSie.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 13));
- txtrHinweisSolltenSie.setText("Hinweis: Sollten Sie keine Software einsetzen, die viele Ressourcen ben\u00F6tigt,\r\nk\u00F6nnen Sie sich an den Beispielwerten orientieren.");
- txtrHinweisSolltenSie.setBounds(10, 25, 537, 55);
- panel_2.add(txtrHinweisSolltenSie);
- JLabel lblNewLabel_3 = new JLabel("Wie viel Arbeitsspeicher empfehlen Sie f\u00FCr das Image:");
- lblNewLabel_3.setBounds(10, 91, 280, 20);
- panel_2.add(lblNewLabel_3);
- JLabel lblMindestens = new JLabel("mindestens");
- lblMindestens.setBounds(315, 91, 60, 20);
- panel_2.add(lblMindestens);
- spinnerRam = new JSpinner();
- spinnerRam.setModel(new SpinnerNumberModel(1, 1, 8, 1));
- spinnerRam.setBounds(385, 88, 29, 20);
- panel_2.add(spinnerRam);
- JLabel lblGbyte = new JLabel("GByte");
- lblGbyte.setBounds(424, 91, 46, 20);
- panel_2.add(lblGbyte);
- JTextArea txtrBeispielWindows = new JTextArea();
- txtrBeispielWindows.setText("Beispiel:\r\nWindows 7 32/64 Bit: 2 GByte\r\nLinux/Unix 32/64 Bit: 1 GByte");
- txtrBeispielWindows.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 11));
- txtrBeispielWindows.setBackground(;
- txtrBeispielWindows.setBounds(10, 122, 280, 55);
- panel_2.add(txtrBeispielWindows);
- JTextArea txtrBeispielWindows_1 = new JTextArea();
- txtrBeispielWindows_1.setText("Beispiel:\r\nWindows 7 32/64 Bit: 1 Kern\r\nLinux/Unix 32/64 Bit: 1 Kern");
- txtrBeispielWindows_1.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 11));
- txtrBeispielWindows_1.setBackground(;
- txtrBeispielWindows_1.setBounds(10, 222, 280, 55);
- panel_2.add(txtrBeispielWindows_1);
- JLabel lblWieVieleCpus = new JLabel("Wie viele CPUs empfehlen Sie f\u00FCr das Image:");
- lblWieVieleCpus.setBounds(10, 191, 280, 20);
- panel_2.add(lblWieVieleCpus);
- JLabel label_3 = new JLabel("mindestens");
- label_3.setBounds(315, 191, 60, 20);
- panel_2.add(label_3);
- spinnerCPU = new JSpinner();
- spinnerCPU.setModel(new SpinnerNumberModel(1, 1, 4, 1));
- spinnerCPU.setBounds(385, 188, 29, 20);
- panel_2.add(spinnerCPU);
- JLabel lblKerne = new JLabel("Kerne");
- lblKerne.setBounds(424, 191, 46, 20);
- panel_2.add(lblKerne);
- {
- JPanel buttonPane = new JPanel();
- buttonPane.setBounds(0, 640, 597, 33);
- buttonPane.setBackground(;
- buttonPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));
- getContentPane().add(buttonPane);
- {
- JButton okButton = new JButton("Zur\u00FCck");
- okButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- Image.image.setCpu(Integer.valueOf(spinnerCPU.getValue().toString()).intValue());
- Image.image.setRam(Integer.valueOf(spinnerRam.getValue().toString()).intValue());
- EingabeImageAllgemein_GUI sr=new EingabeImageAllgemein_GUI();
- sr.setVisible(true);
- dispose();
- }
- });
- okButton.setActionCommand("OK");
- buttonPane.add(okButton);
- getRootPane().setDefaultButton(okButton);
- }
- {
- JButton cancelButton = new JButton("Weiter");
- cancelButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- FTPUploader_GUI ea=new FTPUploader_GUI();
- ea.setVisible(true);
- dispose();
- }
- });
- cancelButton.setActionCommand("Cancel");
- buttonPane.add(cancelButton);
- }
- }
- JSeparator separator = new JSeparator();
- separator.setBounds(0, 78, 597, 2);
- getContentPane().add(separator);
- JSeparator separator_1 = new JSeparator();
- separator_1.setBounds(0, 627, 597, 2);
- getContentPane().add(separator_1);
- JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
- setJMenuBar(menuBar);
- JMenu mnNewMenu = new JMenu("Suchen");
- menuBar.add(mnNewMenu);
- JMenuItem mntmVlSuche = new JMenuItem("VL Suche");
- mnNewMenu.add(mntmVlSuche);
- JMenu mnNewMenu_1 = new JMenu("Hilfe");
- menuBar.add(mnNewMenu_1);
- JMenuItem mntmFaq = new JMenuItem("FAQ");
- mnNewMenu_1.add(mntmFaq);
- JMenuItem mntmOtrs = new JMenuItem("OTRS");
- mnNewMenu_1.add(mntmOtrs);
- }
+package GUI;
+import java.awt.Dimension;
+import java.awt.FlowLayout;
+import java.awt.Toolkit;
+import javax.swing.JFrame;
+import javax.swing.JButton;
+import javax.swing.JDialog;
+import javax.swing.JPanel;
+import javax.swing.UIManager;
+import javax.swing.UnsupportedLookAndFeelException;
+import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder;
+import java.awt.Color;
+import javax.swing.JLabel;
+import java.awt.Font;
+import javax.swing.JTextPane;
+import java.awt.SystemColor;
+import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
+import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
+import javax.swing.JSeparator;
+import javax.swing.JMenuBar;
+import javax.swing.JMenu;
+import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
+import Models.Image;
+import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
+import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
+import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder;
+import javax.swing.JTextArea;
+import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
+import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
+import javax.swing.JRadioButton;
+import javax.swing.ButtonGroup;
+import javax.swing.JSpinner;
+import javax.swing.SpinnerNumberModel;
+public class EingabeImageTechnisch_GUI extends JFrame {
+ private final JPanel contentPanel = new JPanel();
+ String[] result;
+ JSpinner spinnerCPU;
+ JSpinner spinnerRam;
+ JRadioButton rdbtnlicenseJa;
+ JRadioButton rdbtnlicenseNein;
+ JRadioButton rdbtnInternetJa;
+ JRadioButton rdbtnInternetNein;
+ private final ButtonGroup buttonGrouplicense = new ButtonGroup();
+ private final ButtonGroup buttonGroupInternet = new ButtonGroup();
+ /**
+ * Launch the application.
+ */
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ try {
+ EingabeImageTechnisch_GUI dialog = new EingabeImageTechnisch_GUI();
+ dialog.setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);
+ dialog.setVisible(true);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create the dialog.
+ */
+ public EingabeImageTechnisch_GUI() {
+ addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
+ @Override
+ public void windowClosing(WindowEvent arg0) {
+ System.exit(0);
+ }
+ });
+ setResizable(false);
+ try {
+ UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName());
+ } catch (ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException
+ | IllegalAccessException | UnsupportedLookAndFeelException e) {
+ // TODO Auto-generated catch block
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ setTitle("bwLehrpool Suite *Prototyp*");
+ Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
+ int top=(screenSize.height - 603) / 2;
+ int left=(screenSize.width - 722) / 2;
+ setBounds(left, top, 603, 722);
+ //setBounds(100, 100, 603, 722);
+ getContentPane().setLayout(null);
+ {
+ JPanel panel = new JPanel();
+ panel.setBackground(;
+ panel.setBounds(10, 11, 577, 57);
+ getContentPane().add(panel);
+ panel.setLayout(null);
+ {
+ JLabel lblNewLabel = new JLabel("Eingabe Ihrer Daten");
+ lblNewLabel.setBounds(10, 11, 509, 22);
+ panel.add(lblNewLabel);
+ lblNewLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 18));
+ }
+ JTextPane txtpnBitteWhlenSie = new JTextPane();
+ txtpnBitteWhlenSie.setEditable(false);
+ txtpnBitteWhlenSie.setBackground(;
+ txtpnBitteWhlenSie.setText("Geben Sie hier bitte einen sprechenden Imagename sowie Ihre Kontaktdaten an");
+ txtpnBitteWhlenSie.setBounds(10, 36, 509, 32);
+ panel.add(txtpnBitteWhlenSie);
+ }
+ contentPanel.setBounds(10, 85, 577, 493);
+ contentPanel.setBackground(;
+ contentPanel.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5));
+ getContentPane().add(contentPanel);
+ contentPanel.setLayout(null);
+ JPanel panel_1 = new JPanel();
+ panel_1.setBackground(;
+ panel_1.setBorder(new TitledBorder(null, "Informationen zum Image", TitledBorder.LEADING, TitledBorder.TOP, null, null));
+ panel_1.setBounds(10, 66, 557, 95);
+ contentPanel.add(panel_1);
+ panel_1.setLayout(null);
+ JLabel lblNewLabel_2 = new JLabel("Image enth\u00E4lt lizenzpflichtige Software:");
+ lblNewLabel_2.setBounds(10, 30, 250, 20);
+ panel_1.add(lblNewLabel_2);
+ rdbtnlicenseJa = new JRadioButton("Ja");
+ rdbtnlicenseJa.setSelected(true);
+ buttonGrouplicense.add(rdbtnlicenseJa);
+ rdbtnlicenseJa.setBounds(266, 29, 109, 23);
+ panel_1.add(rdbtnlicenseJa);
+ rdbtnlicenseNein = new JRadioButton("Nein");
+ buttonGrouplicense.add(rdbtnlicenseNein);
+ rdbtnlicenseNein.setBounds(377, 29, 109, 23);
+ panel_1.add(rdbtnlicenseNein);
+ JLabel lblInternetIstInnerhalb = new JLabel("Internet ist innerhalb des Image gesperrt:");
+ lblInternetIstInnerhalb.setBounds(10, 58, 250, 20);
+ panel_1.add(lblInternetIstInnerhalb);
+ rdbtnInternetJa = new JRadioButton("Ja");
+ buttonGroupInternet.add(rdbtnInternetJa);
+ rdbtnInternetJa.setBounds(266, 57, 109, 23);
+ panel_1.add(rdbtnInternetJa);
+ rdbtnInternetNein = new JRadioButton("Nein");
+ rdbtnInternetNein.setSelected(true);
+ buttonGroupInternet.add(rdbtnInternetNein);
+ rdbtnInternetNein.setBounds(377, 57, 109, 23);
+ panel_1.add(rdbtnInternetNein);
+ JLabel lblHauptmen = new JLabel("Hauptmen\u00FC");
+ lblHauptmen.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
+ @Override
+ public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0) {
+ EingabeImageTechnisch_GUI.this.setVisible(false);
+ MainMenue_GUI main=new MainMenue_GUI();
+ main.setVisible(true);
+ }
+ });
+ lblHauptmen.setForeground(Color.BLUE);
+ lblHauptmen.setBounds(10, 11, 61, 14);
+ contentPanel.add(lblHauptmen);
+ JLabel label_1 = new JLabel(">");
+ label_1.setBounds(69, 11, 13, 14);
+ contentPanel.add(label_1);
+ JLabel lblVlimage = new JLabel("VL-Image");
+ lblVlimage.setForeground(Color.BLUE);
+ lblVlimage.setBounds(81, 11, 45, 14);
+ contentPanel.add(lblVlimage);
+ JLabel label_2 = new JLabel(">");
+ label_2.setBounds(133, 11, 13, 14);
+ contentPanel.add(label_2);
+ JLabel lblNewLabel_1 = new JLabel("Neu");
+ lblNewLabel_1.setBounds(146, 11, 46, 14);
+ contentPanel.add(lblNewLabel_1);
+ JPanel panel_2 = new JPanel();
+ panel_2.setLayout(null);
+ panel_2.setBorder(new TitledBorder(null, "Empfehlung bezüglich Ressourcen", TitledBorder.LEADING, TitledBorder.TOP, null, null));
+ panel_2.setBackground(;
+ panel_2.setBounds(10, 172, 557, 338);
+ contentPanel.add(panel_2);
+ JTextArea txtrHinweisSolltenSie = new JTextArea();
+ txtrHinweisSolltenSie.setBackground(;
+ txtrHinweisSolltenSie.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 13));
+ txtrHinweisSolltenSie.setText("Hinweis: Sollten Sie keine Software einsetzen, die viele Ressourcen ben\u00F6tigt,\r\nk\u00F6nnen Sie sich an den Beispielwerten orientieren.");
+ txtrHinweisSolltenSie.setBounds(10, 25, 537, 55);
+ panel_2.add(txtrHinweisSolltenSie);
+ JLabel lblNewLabel_3 = new JLabel("Wie viel Arbeitsspeicher empfehlen Sie f\u00FCr das Image:");
+ lblNewLabel_3.setBounds(10, 91, 280, 20);
+ panel_2.add(lblNewLabel_3);
+ JLabel lblMindestens = new JLabel("mindestens");
+ lblMindestens.setBounds(315, 91, 60, 20);
+ panel_2.add(lblMindestens);
+ spinnerRam = new JSpinner();
+ spinnerRam.setModel(new SpinnerNumberModel(1, 1, 8, 1));
+ spinnerRam.setBounds(385, 88, 29, 20);
+ panel_2.add(spinnerRam);
+ JLabel lblGbyte = new JLabel("GByte");
+ lblGbyte.setBounds(424, 91, 46, 20);
+ panel_2.add(lblGbyte);
+ JTextArea txtrBeispielWindows = new JTextArea();
+ txtrBeispielWindows.setText("Beispiel:\r\nWindows 7 32/64 Bit: 2 GByte\r\nLinux/Unix 32/64 Bit: 1 GByte");
+ txtrBeispielWindows.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 11));
+ txtrBeispielWindows.setBackground(;
+ txtrBeispielWindows.setBounds(10, 122, 280, 55);
+ panel_2.add(txtrBeispielWindows);
+ JTextArea txtrBeispielWindows_1 = new JTextArea();
+ txtrBeispielWindows_1.setText("Beispiel:\r\nWindows 7 32/64 Bit: 1 Kern\r\nLinux/Unix 32/64 Bit: 1 Kern");
+ txtrBeispielWindows_1.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 11));
+ txtrBeispielWindows_1.setBackground(;
+ txtrBeispielWindows_1.setBounds(10, 222, 280, 55);
+ panel_2.add(txtrBeispielWindows_1);
+ JLabel lblWieVieleCpus = new JLabel("Wie viele CPUs empfehlen Sie f\u00FCr das Image:");
+ lblWieVieleCpus.setBounds(10, 191, 280, 20);
+ panel_2.add(lblWieVieleCpus);
+ JLabel label_3 = new JLabel("mindestens");
+ label_3.setBounds(315, 191, 60, 20);
+ panel_2.add(label_3);
+ spinnerCPU = new JSpinner();
+ spinnerCPU.setModel(new SpinnerNumberModel(1, 1, 4, 1));
+ spinnerCPU.setBounds(385, 188, 29, 20);
+ panel_2.add(spinnerCPU);
+ JLabel lblKerne = new JLabel("Kerne");
+ lblKerne.setBounds(424, 191, 46, 20);
+ panel_2.add(lblKerne);
+ {
+ JPanel buttonPane = new JPanel();
+ buttonPane.setBounds(0, 640, 597, 33);
+ buttonPane.setBackground(;
+ buttonPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));
+ getContentPane().add(buttonPane);
+ {
+ JButton okButton = new JButton("Zur\u00FCck");
+ okButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
+ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
+ if(rdbtnInternetJa.isSelected()==true)
+ {
+ Image.image.setInternet(true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Image.image.setInternet(false);
+ }
+ if(rdbtnlicenseJa.isSelected()==true)
+ {
+ Image.image.setLicenseneed(true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Image.image.setLicenseneed(false);
+ }
+ Image.image.setCpu(Integer.valueOf(spinnerCPU.getValue().toString()).intValue());
+ Image.image.setRam(Integer.valueOf(spinnerRam.getValue().toString()).intValue());
+ EingabeImageAllgemein_GUI sr=new EingabeImageAllgemein_GUI();
+ sr.setVisible(true);
+ dispose();
+ }
+ });
+ okButton.setActionCommand("OK");
+ buttonPane.add(okButton);
+ getRootPane().setDefaultButton(okButton);
+ }
+ {
+ JButton cancelButton = new JButton("Weiter");
+ cancelButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
+ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
+ if(rdbtnInternetJa.isSelected()==true)
+ {
+ Image.image.setInternet(true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Image.image.setInternet(false);
+ }
+ if(rdbtnlicenseJa.isSelected()==true)
+ {
+ Image.image.setLicenseneed(true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Image.image.setLicenseneed(false);
+ }
+ Image.image.setCpu(Integer.valueOf(spinnerCPU.getValue().toString()).intValue());
+ Image.image.setRam(Integer.valueOf(spinnerRam.getValue().toString()).intValue());
+ FTPUploader_GUI ea=new FTPUploader_GUI();
+ ea.setVisible(true);
+ dispose();
+ }
+ });
+ cancelButton.setActionCommand("Cancel");
+ buttonPane.add(cancelButton);
+ }
+ }
+ JSeparator separator = new JSeparator();
+ separator.setBounds(0, 78, 597, 2);
+ getContentPane().add(separator);
+ JSeparator separator_1 = new JSeparator();
+ separator_1.setBounds(0, 627, 597, 2);
+ getContentPane().add(separator_1);
+ JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
+ setJMenuBar(menuBar);
+ JMenu mnNewMenu = new JMenu("Suchen");
+ menuBar.add(mnNewMenu);
+ JMenuItem mntmVlSuche = new JMenuItem("VL Suche");
+ mnNewMenu.add(mntmVlSuche);
+ JMenu mnNewMenu_1 = new JMenu("Hilfe");
+ menuBar.add(mnNewMenu_1);
+ JMenuItem mntmFaq = new JMenuItem("FAQ");
+ mnNewMenu_1.add(mntmFaq);
+ JMenuItem mntmOtrs = new JMenuItem("OTRS");
+ mnNewMenu_1.add(mntmOtrs);
+ }
diff --git a/Dozentenmodul/src/GUI/ b/Dozentenmodul/src/GUI/
index 8baf19aa..33b31667 100644
--- a/Dozentenmodul/src/GUI/
+++ b/Dozentenmodul/src/GUI/
@@ -1,373 +1,393 @@
-package GUI;
-import java.awt.BorderLayout;
-import rmi.*;
-import server.ServerInterface;
-import java.awt.Color;
-import java.awt.Dimension;
-import java.awt.EventQueue;
-import java.awt.FlowLayout;
-import java.awt.Toolkit;
-import java.rmi.RemoteException;
-import javax.swing.JButton;
-import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
-import javax.swing.JFrame;
-import javax.swing.JLabel;
-import javax.swing.JPanel;
-import javax.swing.JProgressBar;
-import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
-import javax.swing.UIManager;
-import javax.swing.UnsupportedLookAndFeelException;
-import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder;
-import downloader.UploadTask;
-import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
-import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
-import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
-import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
-import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
-import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
-import Models.User;
-import java.awt.SystemColor;
-import java.awt.Font;
-import javax.swing.JTextPane;
-import javax.swing.JMenuBar;
-import javax.swing.JMenu;
-import javax.swing.JSeparator;
-public class FTPUploader_GUI extends JFrame implements PropertyChangeListener {
- @SuppressWarnings("unused")
- private JPanel contentPane;
- private final JPanel contentPanel = new JPanel();
- JLabel lblNewLabel;
- JProgressBar progressBar;
- String host="";
- int port=21;
- User user;
- String filename="";
- File uploadFile;
- static String arg="";
- UploadTask task;
- JLabel UpSpeed;
- JLabel labelfertig;
- JLabel labelfilesize;
- JLabel labelZeit;
- JLabel labelverbleibend;
- long filesize;
- double speed;
- long bytesread;
- boolean taskrun=false;
- RmiClientMethods rmi=new RmiClientMethods();
- ServerInterface sint=rmi.getInterface();
- /**
- * Launch the application.
- */
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
- public void run() {
- try {
- FTPUploader_GUI frame = new FTPUploader_GUI();
- frame.setVisible(true);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- });
- }
- /**
- * Create the frame.
- */
- public FTPUploader_GUI() {
- addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
- @Override
- public void windowClosing(WindowEvent arg0) {
- if(taskrun==true)
- {
- try {
- sint.DeleteFtpUser(user.getUsername());
- } catch (RemoteException e1) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e1.printStackTrace();
- }
- task.cancel(true);
- }
- }
- });
- setResizable(false);
- //setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);
- try {
- UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName());
- } catch (ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException
- | IllegalAccessException | UnsupportedLookAndFeelException e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- //filename=name;
- setBackground(Color.WHITE);
- setTitle("Dozentenmodul *Prototyp*");
- Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
- int top=(screenSize.height - 603) / 2;
- int left=(screenSize.width - 722) / 2;
- setBounds(left, top, 603, 722);
- //setBounds(100, 100, 603, 250);
- getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
- contentPanel.setBackground(;
- contentPanel.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5));
- getContentPane().add(contentPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
- contentPanel.setLayout(null);
- {
- JButton btnSpeicherortAuswhlen = new JButton("VMDK ausw\u00E4hlen");
- btnSpeicherortAuswhlen.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
- JFileChooser fc=new JFileChooser();
- fc.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY);
- fc.showOpenDialog(getParent());
- File dir=fc.getSelectedFile();
- uploadFile=dir;
- filename=uploadFile.getName();
- lblNewLabel.setText(dir.getAbsolutePath());
- }
- });
- btnSpeicherortAuswhlen.setBounds(10, 124, 141, 23);
- btnSpeicherortAuswhlen.setVerticalAlignment(SwingConstants.TOP);
- btnSpeicherortAuswhlen.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.LEFT);
- contentPanel.add(btnSpeicherortAuswhlen);
- }
- lblNewLabel = new JLabel("");
- lblNewLabel.setBounds(184, 124, 255, 23);
- contentPanel.add(lblNewLabel);
- JButton btnDownloadStarten = new JButton("Upload starten");
- btnDownloadStarten.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
- buttonUploadActionPerformed(arg0);
- }
- });
- btnDownloadStarten.setBounds(10, 330, 141, 23);
- contentPanel.add(btnDownloadStarten);
- progressBar = new JProgressBar(0,100);
- progressBar.setStringPainted(true);
- progressBar.setBounds(10, 158, 577, 30);
- contentPanel.add(progressBar);
- JLabel label = new JLabel("Downloadgeschwindigkeit:");
- label.setBounds(10, 199, 141, 14);
- contentPanel.add(label);
- JLabel label_1 = new JLabel("Fertig:");
- label_1.setBounds(10, 249, 46, 14);
- contentPanel.add(label_1);
- labelfertig = new JLabel("0");
- labelfertig.setBounds(66, 249, 108, 14);
- contentPanel.add(labelfertig);
- UpSpeed = new JLabel("0");
- UpSpeed.setBounds(329, 199, 95, 14);
- contentPanel.add(UpSpeed);
- JLabel label_4 = new JLabel("von:");
- label_4.setBounds(184, 249, 46, 14);
- contentPanel.add(label_4);
- labelfilesize = new JLabel("0");
- labelfilesize.setBounds(240, 249, 108, 14);
- contentPanel.add(labelfilesize);
- JLabel label_6 = new JLabel("Verbleibend:");
- label_6.setBounds(10, 274, 71, 14);
- contentPanel.add(label_6);
- JLabel label_7 = new JLabel("Gesch\u00E4tzte Verbleibende Zeit:");
- label_7.setBounds(10, 224, 150, 14);
- contentPanel.add(label_7);
- labelZeit = new JLabel("0");
- labelZeit.setBounds(329, 224, 117, 14);
- contentPanel.add(labelZeit);
- labelverbleibend = new JLabel("0");
- labelverbleibend.setBounds(91, 274, 108, 14);
- contentPanel.add(labelverbleibend);
- JPanel panel = new JPanel();
- panel.setLayout(null);
- panel.setBackground(;
- panel.setBounds(10, 11, 577, 57);
- contentPanel.add(panel);
- JLabel label_2 = new JLabel("Eingabe Ihrer Daten");
- label_2.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 18));
- label_2.setBounds(10, 11, 509, 22);
- panel.add(label_2);
- JTextPane textPane = new JTextPane();
- textPane.setText("Geben Sie hier bitte einen sprechenden Imagename sowie Ihre Kontaktdaten an");
- textPane.setEditable(false);
- textPane.setBackground(;
- textPane.setBounds(10, 36, 509, 32);
- panel.add(textPane);
- JSeparator separator = new JSeparator();
- separator.setBounds(0, 79, 597, 2);
- contentPanel.add(separator);
- JLabel lblNewLabel_1 = new JLabel("Hauptmen\u00FC");
- lblNewLabel_1.setForeground(Color.BLUE);
- lblNewLabel_1.setBounds(20, 88, 61, 20);
- contentPanel.add(lblNewLabel_1);
- JLabel label_3 = new JLabel(">");
- label_3.setBounds(80, 91, 14, 14);
- contentPanel.add(label_3);
- JLabel lblVlimage = new JLabel("VL-Image");
- lblVlimage.setForeground(Color.BLUE);
- lblVlimage.setBounds(91, 88, 46, 20);
- contentPanel.add(lblVlimage);
- JLabel label_5 = new JLabel(">");
- label_5.setBounds(139, 91, 14, 14);
- contentPanel.add(label_5);
- JLabel lblNeubearbeiten = new JLabel("Neu/Bearbeiten");
- lblNeubearbeiten.setBounds(149, 91, 108, 14);
- contentPanel.add(lblNeubearbeiten);
- JSeparator separator_1 = new JSeparator();
- separator_1.setBounds(0, 627, 597, 2);
- contentPanel.add(separator_1);
- {
- JPanel buttonPane = new JPanel();
- buttonPane.setBackground(UIManager.getColor("Button.background"));
- buttonPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));
- getContentPane().add(buttonPane, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
- {
- JButton ButtonReady = new JButton("Abschlie\u00DFen");
- ButtonReady.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- dispose();
- if(taskrun==true)
- {
- try {
- sint.DeleteFtpUser(user.getUsername());
- } catch (RemoteException e1) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e1.printStackTrace();
- }
- task.cancel(true);
- }
- }
- });
- JButton buttonCancel = new JButton("Schlie\u00DFen");
- buttonCancel.setActionCommand("Cancel");
- buttonPane.add(buttonCancel);
- ButtonReady.setActionCommand("Cancel");
- buttonPane.add(ButtonReady);
- }
- }
- JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
- setJMenuBar(menuBar);
- JMenu mnHillfe = new JMenu("Hillfe");
- menuBar.add(mnHillfe);
- setVisible(true);
- }
- private void buttonUploadActionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
- // File (or directory) with old name
- // File file = new File(lblNewLabel.getText());
- // File (or directory) with new name
- //System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath().substring(0,file.getAbsolutePath().lastIndexOf("\\"))+"\\"+vm.vl.getLaborname()+".vmdk");
- //File file2 = new File(file.getAbsoluteFile()+"\\"+vm.vl.getLaborname()+".vmdk");
- // Rename file (or directory)
- //boolean success = file.renameTo(file2);
- //if (!success) {
- // File was not successfully renamed
- //System.out.println("Not OK");
- //}
- //else
- //{
- //System.out.println("OK");
- //}
- progressBar.setValue(0);
- try {
- user=sint.getFtpUser();
- } catch (RemoteException e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- task=new UploadTask(host,port,user.getUsername(),user.getPass(),user.getPath(), uploadFile);
- task.addPropertyChangeListener(this);
- task.execute();
- taskrun=true;
- //createXML();
- //TransferToSatellit();
- }
- public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent arg0) {
- if ("progress" == arg0.getPropertyName()) {
- int progress = (Integer) arg0.getNewValue();
- progressBar.setValue(progress);
- }
- if("speed"==arg0.getPropertyName()){
- speed=(double)arg0.getNewValue();
- //if(speed<=1){
- UpSpeed.setText(String.valueOf(speed).substring(0,String.valueOf(speed).lastIndexOf(".")+3)+" MB/s");
- // }else
- //{
- //double MBSpeed=speed/1024;
- //downspeed.setText(String.valueOf((MBSpeed)).substring(0, String.valueOf(MBSpeed).indexOf(".")));
- //}
- }
- if("bytesread"==arg0.getPropertyName())
- {
- bytesread=(long)arg0.getNewValue();
- labelfertig.setText((bytesread/1024/1024)+" MB");
- labelverbleibend.setText(((filesize/1024/1024)-(bytesread/1024/1024))+" MB");
- labelZeit.setText(String.valueOf(((((filesize/1024/1024)-(bytesread/1024/1024))/speed)/60)+1).substring(0,String.valueOf((((filesize/1024/1024)-(bytesread/1024/1024))/speed)/60).lastIndexOf("."))+ " Minuten");
- }
- if("filesize"==arg0.getPropertyName())
- {
- filesize=(long)arg0.getNewValue();
- labelfilesize.setText((filesize/1024/1024)+" MB");
- }
- }
+package GUI;
+import java.awt.BorderLayout;
+import rmi.*;
+import server.ServerInterface;
+import java.awt.Color;
+import java.awt.Dimension;
+import java.awt.EventQueue;
+import java.awt.FlowLayout;
+import java.awt.Toolkit;
+import java.rmi.RemoteException;
+import javax.swing.JButton;
+import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
+import javax.swing.JFrame;
+import javax.swing.JLabel;
+import javax.swing.JPanel;
+import javax.swing.JProgressBar;
+import javax.swing.SwingConstants;
+import javax.swing.UIManager;
+import javax.swing.UnsupportedLookAndFeelException;
+import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder;
+import downloader.UploadTask;
+import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
+import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
+import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
+import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
+import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
+import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
+import Models.Image;
+import Models.User;
+import Models.person;
+import java.awt.SystemColor;
+import java.awt.Font;
+import javax.swing.JTextPane;
+import javax.swing.JMenuBar;
+import javax.swing.JMenu;
+import javax.swing.JSeparator;
+public class FTPUploader_GUI extends JFrame implements PropertyChangeListener {
+ @SuppressWarnings("unused")
+ private JPanel contentPane;
+ private final JPanel contentPanel = new JPanel();
+ JLabel lblNewLabel;
+ JProgressBar progressBar;
+ String host="";
+ int port=21;
+ User user;
+ String filename="";
+ File uploadFile;
+ static String arg="";
+ UploadTask task;
+ JLabel UpSpeed;
+ JLabel labelfertig;
+ JLabel labelfilesize;
+ JLabel labelZeit;
+ JLabel labelverbleibend;
+ long filesize;
+ double speed;
+ long bytesread;
+ boolean taskrun=false;
+ RmiClientMethods rmi=new RmiClientMethods();
+ ServerInterface sint=rmi.getInterface();
+ /**
+ * Launch the application.
+ */
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
+ public void run() {
+ try {
+ FTPUploader_GUI frame = new FTPUploader_GUI();
+ frame.setVisible(true);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create the frame.
+ */
+ public FTPUploader_GUI() {
+ addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
+ @Override
+ public void windowClosing(WindowEvent arg0) {
+ if(taskrun==true)
+ {
+ try {
+ sint.DeleteFtpUser(user.getUsername());
+ } catch (RemoteException e1) {
+ // TODO Auto-generated catch block
+ e1.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ task.cancel(true);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ setResizable(false);
+ //setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);
+ try {
+ UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName());
+ } catch (ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException
+ | IllegalAccessException | UnsupportedLookAndFeelException e) {
+ // TODO Auto-generated catch block
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ //filename=name;
+ setBackground(Color.WHITE);
+ setTitle("Dozentenmodul *Prototyp*");
+ Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
+ int top=(screenSize.height - 603) / 2;
+ int left=(screenSize.width - 722) / 2;
+ setBounds(left, top, 603, 722);
+ //setBounds(100, 100, 603, 250);
+ getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
+ contentPanel.setBackground(;
+ contentPanel.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5));
+ getContentPane().add(contentPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
+ contentPanel.setLayout(null);
+ {
+ JButton btnSpeicherortAuswhlen = new JButton("VMDK ausw\u00E4hlen");
+ btnSpeicherortAuswhlen.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
+ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
+ JFileChooser fc=new JFileChooser();
+ fc.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY);
+ fc.showOpenDialog(getParent());
+ File dir=fc.getSelectedFile();
+ uploadFile=dir;
+ filename=uploadFile.getName();
+ lblNewLabel.setText(dir.getAbsolutePath());
+ }
+ });
+ btnSpeicherortAuswhlen.setBounds(10, 124, 141, 23);
+ btnSpeicherortAuswhlen.setVerticalAlignment(SwingConstants.TOP);
+ btnSpeicherortAuswhlen.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.LEFT);
+ contentPanel.add(btnSpeicherortAuswhlen);
+ }
+ lblNewLabel = new JLabel("");
+ lblNewLabel.setBounds(184, 124, 255, 23);
+ contentPanel.add(lblNewLabel);
+ JButton btnDownloadStarten = new JButton("Upload starten");
+ btnDownloadStarten.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
+ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
+ buttonUploadActionPerformed(arg0);
+ }
+ });
+ btnDownloadStarten.setBounds(10, 330, 141, 23);
+ contentPanel.add(btnDownloadStarten);
+ progressBar = new JProgressBar(0,100);
+ progressBar.setStringPainted(true);
+ progressBar.setBounds(10, 158, 577, 30);
+ contentPanel.add(progressBar);
+ JLabel label = new JLabel("Downloadgeschwindigkeit:");
+ label.setBounds(10, 199, 141, 14);
+ contentPanel.add(label);
+ JLabel label_1 = new JLabel("Fertig:");
+ label_1.setBounds(10, 249, 46, 14);
+ contentPanel.add(label_1);
+ labelfertig = new JLabel("0");
+ labelfertig.setBounds(66, 249, 108, 14);
+ contentPanel.add(labelfertig);
+ UpSpeed = new JLabel("0");
+ UpSpeed.setBounds(329, 199, 95, 14);
+ contentPanel.add(UpSpeed);
+ JLabel label_4 = new JLabel("von:");
+ label_4.setBounds(184, 249, 46, 14);
+ contentPanel.add(label_4);
+ labelfilesize = new JLabel("0");
+ labelfilesize.setBounds(240, 249, 108, 14);
+ contentPanel.add(labelfilesize);
+ JLabel label_6 = new JLabel("Verbleibend:");
+ label_6.setBounds(10, 274, 71, 14);
+ contentPanel.add(label_6);
+ JLabel label_7 = new JLabel("Gesch\u00E4tzte Verbleibende Zeit:");
+ label_7.setBounds(10, 224, 150, 14);
+ contentPanel.add(label_7);
+ labelZeit = new JLabel("0");
+ labelZeit.setBounds(329, 224, 117, 14);
+ contentPanel.add(labelZeit);
+ labelverbleibend = new JLabel("0");
+ labelverbleibend.setBounds(91, 274, 108, 14);
+ contentPanel.add(labelverbleibend);
+ JPanel panel = new JPanel();
+ panel.setLayout(null);
+ panel.setBackground(;
+ panel.setBounds(10, 11, 577, 57);
+ contentPanel.add(panel);
+ JLabel label_2 = new JLabel("Eingabe Ihrer Daten");
+ label_2.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 18));
+ label_2.setBounds(10, 11, 509, 22);
+ panel.add(label_2);
+ JTextPane textPane = new JTextPane();
+ textPane.setText("Geben Sie hier bitte einen sprechenden Imagename sowie Ihre Kontaktdaten an");
+ textPane.setEditable(false);
+ textPane.setBackground(;
+ textPane.setBounds(10, 36, 509, 32);
+ panel.add(textPane);
+ JSeparator separator = new JSeparator();
+ separator.setBounds(0, 79, 597, 2);
+ contentPanel.add(separator);
+ JLabel lblNewLabel_1 = new JLabel("Hauptmen\u00FC");
+ lblNewLabel_1.setForeground(Color.BLUE);
+ lblNewLabel_1.setBounds(20, 88, 61, 20);
+ contentPanel.add(lblNewLabel_1);
+ JLabel label_3 = new JLabel(">");
+ label_3.setBounds(80, 91, 14, 14);
+ contentPanel.add(label_3);
+ JLabel lblVlimage = new JLabel("VL-Image");
+ lblVlimage.setForeground(Color.BLUE);
+ lblVlimage.setBounds(91, 88, 46, 20);
+ contentPanel.add(lblVlimage);
+ JLabel label_5 = new JLabel(">");
+ label_5.setBounds(139, 91, 14, 14);
+ contentPanel.add(label_5);
+ JLabel lblNeubearbeiten = new JLabel("Neu/Bearbeiten");
+ lblNeubearbeiten.setBounds(149, 91, 108, 14);
+ contentPanel.add(lblNeubearbeiten);
+ JSeparator separator_1 = new JSeparator();
+ separator_1.setBounds(0, 627, 597, 2);
+ contentPanel.add(separator_1);
+ {
+ JPanel buttonPane = new JPanel();
+ buttonPane.setBackground(UIManager.getColor("Button.background"));
+ buttonPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));
+ getContentPane().add(buttonPane, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
+ {
+ JButton ButtonReady = new JButton("Abschlie\u00DFen");
+ ButtonReady.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
+ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
+ writeData();
+ dispose();
+ if(taskrun==true)
+ {
+ try {
+ sint.DeleteFtpUser(user.getUsername());
+ } catch (RemoteException e1) {
+ // TODO Auto-generated catch block
+ e1.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ task.cancel(true);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ JButton buttonCancel = new JButton("Schlie\u00DFen");
+ buttonCancel.setActionCommand("Cancel");
+ buttonPane.add(buttonCancel);
+ ButtonReady.setActionCommand("Cancel");
+ buttonPane.add(ButtonReady);
+ }
+ }
+ JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
+ setJMenuBar(menuBar);
+ JMenu mnHillfe = new JMenu("Hillfe");
+ menuBar.add(mnHillfe);
+ setVisible(true);
+ }
+ private void buttonUploadActionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
+ // File (or directory) with old name
+ // File file = new File(lblNewLabel.getText());
+ // File (or directory) with new name
+ //System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath().substring(0,file.getAbsolutePath().lastIndexOf("\\"))+"\\"+vm.vl.getLaborname()+".vmdk");
+ //File file2 = new File(file.getAbsoluteFile()+"\\"+vm.vl.getLaborname()+".vmdk");
+ // Rename file (or directory)
+ //boolean success = file.renameTo(file2);
+ //if (!success) {
+ // File was not successfully renamed
+ //System.out.println("Not OK");
+ //}
+ //else
+ //{
+ //System.out.println("OK");
+ //}
+ progressBar.setValue(0);
+ try {
+ user=sint.getFtpUser();
+ } catch (RemoteException e) {
+ // TODO Auto-generated catch block
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ task=new UploadTask(host,port,user.getUsername(),user.getPass(),user.getPath(), uploadFile);
+ task.addPropertyChangeListener(this);
+ task.execute();
+ taskrun=true;
+ //createXML();
+ //TransferToSatellit();
+ }
+ public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent arg0) {
+ if ("progress" == arg0.getPropertyName()) {
+ int progress = (Integer) arg0.getNewValue();
+ progressBar.setValue(progress);
+ }
+ if("speed"==arg0.getPropertyName()){
+ speed=(double)arg0.getNewValue();
+ //if(speed<=1){
+ UpSpeed.setText(String.valueOf(speed).substring(0,String.valueOf(speed).lastIndexOf(".")+3)+" MB/s");
+ // }else
+ //{
+ //double MBSpeed=speed/1024;
+ //downspeed.setText(String.valueOf((MBSpeed)).substring(0, String.valueOf(MBSpeed).indexOf(".")));
+ //}
+ }
+ if("bytesread"==arg0.getPropertyName())
+ {
+ bytesread=(long)arg0.getNewValue();
+ labelfertig.setText((bytesread/1024/1024)+" MB");
+ labelverbleibend.setText(((filesize/1024/1024)-(bytesread/1024/1024))+" MB");
+ labelZeit.setText(String.valueOf(((((filesize/1024/1024)-(bytesread/1024/1024))/speed)/60)+1).substring(0,String.valueOf((((filesize/1024/1024)-(bytesread/1024/1024))/speed)/60).lastIndexOf("."))+ " Minuten");
+ }
+ if("filesize"==arg0.getPropertyName())
+ {
+ filesize=(long)arg0.getNewValue();
+ labelfilesize.setText((filesize/1024/1024)+" MB");
+ }
+ }
+ public boolean writeData(){
+ try {
+ sint.writeVLdata(Image.image.getImagename(), person.verantowrtlicher.getVorname(), person.verantowrtlicher.getName(), person.verantowrtlicher.getHochschule(), person.verantowrtlicher.getEMail(), person.verantowrtlicher.getTel(), person.verantowrtlicher.getFakultät(), Image.image.isLicenseneed(), Image.image.isInternet(), Image.image.getRam(), Image.image.getCpu());
+ } catch (RemoteException e) {
+ // TODO Auto-generated catch block
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Dozentenmodul/src/GUI/ b/Dozentenmodul/src/GUI/
index ca3329b2..e995c214 100644
--- a/Dozentenmodul/src/GUI/
+++ b/Dozentenmodul/src/GUI/
@@ -1,375 +1,403 @@
-package GUI;
-import java.awt.BorderLayout;
-import java.awt.Dimension;
-import java.awt.FlowLayout;
-import java.awt.Toolkit;
-import javax.swing.JFrame;
-import javax.swing.JButton;
-import javax.swing.JDialog;
-import javax.swing.JPanel;
-import javax.swing.ScrollPaneLayout;
-import javax.swing.UIManager;
-import javax.swing.UnsupportedLookAndFeelException;
-import javax.swing.border.Border;
-import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder;
-import java.awt.Color;
-import javax.swing.JLabel;
-import java.awt.Font;
-import javax.swing.JTextPane;
-import java.awt.SystemColor;
-import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
-import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
-import javax.swing.JSeparator;
-import javax.swing.JMenuBar;
-import javax.swing.JMenu;
-import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
-import Models.Image;
-import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
-import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
-import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder;
-import javax.swing.JTextArea;
-import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
-import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
-import javax.swing.JRadioButton;
-import javax.swing.ButtonGroup;
-import javax.swing.JSpinner;
-import javax.swing.SpinnerNumberModel;
-import javax.swing.JTextField;
-import javax.swing.JTabbedPane;
-import java.awt.Panel;
-import javax.swing.JTable;
-import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI.TabbedPaneLayout;
-import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel;
-import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
-import java.awt.ScrollPane;
-public class SearchImage_GUI extends JFrame {
- private final JPanel contentPanel = new JPanel();
- String[] result;
- JRadioButton rdbtnInternetJa;
- JRadioButton rdbtnInternetNein;
- private final ButtonGroup buttonGrouplicense = new ButtonGroup();
- private final ButtonGroup buttonGroupInternet = new ButtonGroup();
- private JTextField textFieldName;
- private JTextField textFieldOS;
- /**
- * Launch the application.
- */
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- try {
- SearchImage_GUI dialog = new SearchImage_GUI();
- dialog.setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);
- dialog.setVisible(true);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Create the dialog.
- */
- public SearchImage_GUI() {
- addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
- @Override
- public void windowClosing(WindowEvent arg0) {
- System.exit(0);
- }
- });
- setResizable(false);
- try {
- UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName());
- } catch (ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException
- | IllegalAccessException | UnsupportedLookAndFeelException e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- setTitle("bwLehrpool Suite *Prototyp*");
- Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
- int top=(screenSize.height - 603) / 2;
- int left=(screenSize.width - 722) / 2;
- setBounds(left, top, 603, 722);
- //setBounds(100, 100, 603, 722);
- getContentPane().setLayout(null);
- {
- JPanel panel = new JPanel();
- panel.setBackground(;
- panel.setBounds(10, 11, 577, 57);
- getContentPane().add(panel);
- panel.setLayout(null);
- {
- JLabel lblNewLabel = new JLabel("Suche nach VL-Image");
- lblNewLabel.setBounds(10, 11, 509, 22);
- panel.add(lblNewLabel);
- lblNewLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 18));
- }
- JTextPane txtpnBitteWhlenSie = new JTextPane();
- txtpnBitteWhlenSie.setEditable(false);
- txtpnBitteWhlenSie.setBackground(;
- txtpnBitteWhlenSie.setText("Hier k\u00F6nnen Sie nach Ihrem gew\u00FCnschten VL-Image suchen und dieses f\u00FCr weitere Schritte ausw\u00E4hlen");
- txtpnBitteWhlenSie.setBounds(10, 36, 509, 32);
- panel.add(txtpnBitteWhlenSie);
- }
- contentPanel.setBounds(10, 85, 577, 531);
- contentPanel.setBackground(;
- contentPanel.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5));
- getContentPane().add(contentPanel);
- contentPanel.setLayout(null);
- JPanel panel_1 = new JPanel();
- panel_1.setBackground(;
- panel_1.setBorder(new TitledBorder(null, "Filterfunktionen", TitledBorder.LEADING, TitledBorder.TOP, null, null));
- panel_1.setBounds(10, 49, 557, 131);
- contentPanel.add(panel_1);
- panel_1.setLayout(null);
- JLabel lblNewLabel_2 = new JLabel("Anzeigename:");
- lblNewLabel_2.setBounds(10, 30, 250, 20);
- panel_1.add(lblNewLabel_2);
- JLabel lblInternetIstInnerhalb = new JLabel("Betriebssystem:");
- lblInternetIstInnerhalb.setBounds(10, 58, 250, 20);
- panel_1.add(lblInternetIstInnerhalb);
- textFieldName = new JTextField();
- textFieldName.setBounds(270, 30, 250, 20);
- panel_1.add(textFieldName);
- textFieldName.setColumns(10);
- textFieldOS = new JTextField();
- textFieldOS.setColumns(10);
- textFieldOS.setBounds(270, 58, 250, 20);
- panel_1.add(textFieldOS);
- JLabel lblErweiterteSuche = new JLabel("<html><u>Erweiterte Suche</u></html>");
- lblErweiterteSuche.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
- @Override
- public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0) {
- ExtendedSearch_GUI es=new ExtendedSearch_GUI();
- es.setVisible(true);
- }
- });
- lblErweiterteSuche.setForeground(Color.BLUE);
- lblErweiterteSuche.setBounds(431, 106, 89, 14);
- panel_1.add(lblErweiterteSuche);
- JLabel lblHauptmen = new JLabel("Hauptmen\u00FC");
- lblHauptmen.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
- @Override
- public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0) {
- SearchImage_GUI.this.setVisible(false);
- MainMenue_GUI main=new MainMenue_GUI();
- main.setVisible(true);
- }
- });
- lblHauptmen.setForeground(Color.BLUE);
- lblHauptmen.setBounds(10, 11, 61, 14);
- contentPanel.add(lblHauptmen);
- JLabel label_1 = new JLabel(">");
- label_1.setBounds(69, 11, 13, 14);
- contentPanel.add(label_1);
- JLabel lblVlimage = new JLabel("VL-Image");
- lblVlimage.setForeground(Color.BLUE);
- lblVlimage.setBounds(81, 11, 45, 14);
- contentPanel.add(lblVlimage);
- JLabel label_2 = new JLabel(">");
- label_2.setBounds(133, 11, 13, 14);
- contentPanel.add(label_2);
- JLabel lblNewLabel_1 = new JLabel("Imageauswahl");
- lblNewLabel_1.setBounds(146, 11, 85, 14);
- contentPanel.add(lblNewLabel_1);
- JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(JTabbedPane.TOP);
- tabbedPane.setBounds(10, 197, 557, 300);
- contentPanel.add(tabbedPane);
- JScrollPane scrollPaneMyImage = new JScrollPane();
- JTable tablemyImages=new JTable();
- tablemyImages.setModel(new DefaultTableModel(
- new Object[][] {
- },
- new String[] {
- "Image-Name", "Lizenzpflichtig", "OS", "Veranstaltung", "Verantwortlicher", "Letztes Update", "Schlagwort"
- }
- ));
- tablemyImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(1).sizeWidthToFit();
- tablemyImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(2).sizeWidthToFit();
- tablemyImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(3).sizeWidthToFit();
- tablemyImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(4).sizeWidthToFit();
- tablemyImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(5).sizeWidthToFit();
- scrollPaneMyImage.setViewportView(tablemyImages);
- tabbedPane.addTab("Meine Images", null, scrollPaneMyImage, null);
- JScrollPane scrollPaneCoopImages = new JScrollPane();
- JTable tableCoopImages=new JTable();
- tableCoopImages.setModel(new DefaultTableModel(
- new Object[][] {
- },
- new String[] {
- "Image-Name", "Lizenzpflichtig", "OS", "Veranstaltung", "Verantwortlicher", "Letztes Update", "Schlagwort"
- }
- ));
- tableCoopImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(1).sizeWidthToFit();
- tableCoopImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(2).sizeWidthToFit();
- tableCoopImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(3).sizeWidthToFit();
- tableCoopImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(4).sizeWidthToFit();
- tableCoopImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(5).sizeWidthToFit();
- scrollPaneCoopImages.setViewportView(tableCoopImages);
- tabbedPane.addTab("Kooperative Images", null, scrollPaneCoopImages, null);
- JScrollPane scrollPanePublicImages = new JScrollPane();
- JTable tablePublicImages=new JTable();
- tablePublicImages.setModel(new DefaultTableModel(
- new Object[][] {
- },
- new String[] {
- "Image-Name", "Lizenzpflichtig", "OS", "Veranstaltung", "Verantwortlicher", "Letztes Update", "Schlagwort"
- }
- ));
- tablePublicImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(1).sizeWidthToFit();
- tablePublicImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(2).sizeWidthToFit();
- tablePublicImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(3).sizeWidthToFit();
- tablePublicImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(4).sizeWidthToFit();
- tablePublicImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(5).sizeWidthToFit();
- scrollPanePublicImages.setViewportView(tablePublicImages);
- tabbedPane.addTab("\u00D6ffentliche Images", null, scrollPanePublicImages, null);
- JScrollPane scrollPanePublicVorlagen = new JScrollPane();
- JTable tablePublicVorlagen=new JTable();
- tablePublicVorlagen.setModel(new DefaultTableModel(
- new Object[][] {
- },
- new String[] {
- "Image-Name", "Lizenzpflichtig", "OS", "Veranstaltung", "Verantwortlicher", "Letztes Update", "Schlagwort"
- }
- ));
- tablePublicVorlagen.getColumnModel().getColumn(1).sizeWidthToFit();
- tablePublicVorlagen.getColumnModel().getColumn(2).sizeWidthToFit();
- tablePublicVorlagen.getColumnModel().getColumn(3).sizeWidthToFit();
- tablePublicVorlagen.getColumnModel().getColumn(4).sizeWidthToFit();
- tablePublicVorlagen.getColumnModel().getColumn(5).sizeWidthToFit();
- scrollPanePublicVorlagen.setViewportView(tablePublicVorlagen);
- tabbedPane.addTab("\u00D6ffentliche Vorlagen", null, scrollPanePublicVorlagen, null);
- JScrollPane scrollPaneAllImages = new JScrollPane();
- JTable tableAllImages=new JTable();
- tableAllImages.setModel(new DefaultTableModel(
- new Object[][] {
- },
- new String[] {
- "Image-Name", "Lizenzpflichtig", "OS", "Veranstaltung", "Verantwortlicher", "Letztes Update", "Schlagwort"
- }
- ));
- tableAllImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(1).sizeWidthToFit();
- tableAllImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(2).sizeWidthToFit();
- tableAllImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(3).sizeWidthToFit();
- tableAllImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(4).sizeWidthToFit();
- tableAllImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(5).sizeWidthToFit();
- scrollPaneAllImages.setViewportView(tableAllImages);
- tabbedPane.addTab("Alle", null, scrollPaneAllImages, null);
- JButton btnDownload = new JButton("Download");
- btnDownload.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
- FTPDownloader_GUI down=new FTPDownloader_GUI("Test");
- down.setVisible(true);
- SearchImage_GUI.this.setVisible(false);
- }
- });
- btnDownload.setBounds(478, 508, 89, 23);
- contentPanel.add(btnDownload);
- JButton btnFilterLschen = new JButton("Filter l\u00F6schen");
- btnFilterLschen.setBounds(358, 508, 110, 23);
- contentPanel.add(btnFilterLschen);
- {
- JPanel buttonPane = new JPanel();
- buttonPane.setBounds(0, 640, 597, 33);
- buttonPane.setBackground(;
- buttonPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));
- getContentPane().add(buttonPane);
- {
- JButton okButton = new JButton("Zur\u00FCck");
- okButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- //Image.image.setCpu(Integer.valueOf(spinnerCPU.getValue().toString()).intValue());
- //Image.image.setRam(Integer.valueOf(spinnerRam.getValue().toString()).intValue());
- MainMenue_GUI main=new MainMenue_GUI();
- main.setVisible(true);
- dispose();
- }
- });
- okButton.setActionCommand("OK");
- buttonPane.add(okButton);
- getRootPane().setDefaultButton(okButton);
- }
- {
- JButton cancelButton = new JButton("Weiter");
- cancelButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- EditImageAllgemein_GUI ea=new EditImageAllgemein_GUI();
- ea.setVisible(true);
- dispose();
- }
- });
- cancelButton.setActionCommand("Cancel");
- buttonPane.add(cancelButton);
- }
- }
- JSeparator separator = new JSeparator();
- separator.setBounds(0, 78, 597, 2);
- getContentPane().add(separator);
- JSeparator separator_1 = new JSeparator();
- separator_1.setBounds(0, 627, 597, 2);
- getContentPane().add(separator_1);
- JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
- setJMenuBar(menuBar);
- JMenu mnNewMenu = new JMenu("Suchen");
- menuBar.add(mnNewMenu);
- JMenuItem mntmVlSuche = new JMenuItem("VL Suche");
- mnNewMenu.add(mntmVlSuche);
- JMenu mnNewMenu_1 = new JMenu("Hilfe");
- menuBar.add(mnNewMenu_1);
- JMenuItem mntmFaq = new JMenuItem("FAQ");
- mnNewMenu_1.add(mntmFaq);
- JMenuItem mntmOtrs = new JMenuItem("OTRS");
- mnNewMenu_1.add(mntmOtrs);
- }
+package GUI;
+import java.awt.BorderLayout;
+import java.awt.Dimension;
+import java.awt.FlowLayout;
+import java.awt.Toolkit;
+import javax.swing.JFrame;
+import javax.swing.JButton;
+import javax.swing.JDialog;
+import javax.swing.JPanel;
+import javax.swing.ScrollPaneLayout;
+import javax.swing.UIManager;
+import javax.swing.UnsupportedLookAndFeelException;
+import javax.swing.border.Border;
+import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder;
+import java.awt.Color;
+import javax.swing.JLabel;
+import java.awt.Font;
+import javax.swing.JTextPane;
+import java.awt.SystemColor;
+import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
+import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
+import javax.swing.JSeparator;
+import javax.swing.JMenuBar;
+import javax.swing.JMenu;
+import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
+import Models.Image;
+import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
+import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
+import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder;
+import javax.swing.JTextArea;
+import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
+import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
+import javax.swing.JRadioButton;
+import javax.swing.ButtonGroup;
+import javax.swing.JSpinner;
+import javax.swing.SpinnerNumberModel;
+import javax.swing.JTextField;
+import javax.swing.JTabbedPane;
+import java.awt.Panel;
+import javax.swing.JTable;
+import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI.TabbedPaneLayout;
+import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel;
+import javax.swing.table.TableModel;
+import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
+import rmi.RmiClientMethods;
+import server.ServerInterface;
+import java.awt.ScrollPane;
+import java.rmi.RemoteException;
+import java.sql.ResultSet;
+import java.sql.SQLException;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import javax.swing.JComboBox;
+public class SearchImage_GUI extends JFrame {
+ private final JPanel contentPanel = new JPanel();
+ String[] result;
+ JRadioButton rdbtnInternetJa;
+ JRadioButton rdbtnInternetNein;
+ private final ButtonGroup buttonGrouplicense = new ButtonGroup();
+ private final ButtonGroup buttonGroupInternet = new ButtonGroup();
+ private JTextField textFieldName;
+ String[] titles= {"Image-Name", "Lizenzpflichtig", "OS", "Veranstaltung", "Verantwortlicher", "Letztes Update", "Schlagwort"};
+ RmiClientMethods rmi=new RmiClientMethods();
+ ServerInterface sint=rmi.getInterface();
+ /**
+ * Launch the application.
+ */
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ try {
+ SearchImage_GUI dialog = new SearchImage_GUI();
+ dialog.setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);
+ dialog.setVisible(true);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create the dialog.
+ */
+ public SearchImage_GUI() {
+ addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
+ @Override
+ public void windowClosing(WindowEvent arg0) {
+ System.exit(0);
+ }
+ });
+ setResizable(false);
+ try {
+ UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName());
+ } catch (ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException
+ | IllegalAccessException | UnsupportedLookAndFeelException e) {
+ // TODO Auto-generated catch block
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ setTitle("bwLehrpool Suite *Prototyp*");
+ Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
+ int top=(screenSize.height - 603) / 2;
+ int left=(screenSize.width - 722) / 2;
+ setBounds(left, top, 603, 722);
+ //setBounds(100, 100, 603, 722);
+ final DefaultTableModel modelAll = new DefaultTableModel( titles, 0 );
+ final DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel( titles, 0 );
+ getContentPane().setLayout(null);
+ {
+ JPanel panel = new JPanel();
+ panel.setBackground(;
+ panel.setBounds(10, 11, 577, 57);
+ getContentPane().add(panel);
+ panel.setLayout(null);
+ {
+ JLabel lblNewLabel = new JLabel("Suche nach VL-Image");
+ lblNewLabel.setBounds(10, 11, 509, 22);
+ panel.add(lblNewLabel);
+ lblNewLabel.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 18));
+ }
+ JTextPane txtpnBitteWhlenSie = new JTextPane();
+ txtpnBitteWhlenSie.setEditable(false);
+ txtpnBitteWhlenSie.setBackground(;
+ txtpnBitteWhlenSie.setText("Hier k\u00F6nnen Sie nach Ihrem gew\u00FCnschten VL-Image suchen und dieses f\u00FCr weitere Schritte ausw\u00E4hlen");
+ txtpnBitteWhlenSie.setBounds(10, 36, 509, 32);
+ panel.add(txtpnBitteWhlenSie);
+ }
+ contentPanel.setBounds(10, 85, 577, 531);
+ contentPanel.setBackground(;
+ contentPanel.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5));
+ getContentPane().add(contentPanel);
+ contentPanel.setLayout(null);
+ JPanel panel_1 = new JPanel();
+ panel_1.setBackground(;
+ panel_1.setBorder(new TitledBorder(null, "Filterfunktionen", TitledBorder.LEADING, TitledBorder.TOP, null, null));
+ panel_1.setBounds(10, 49, 557, 131);
+ contentPanel.add(panel_1);
+ panel_1.setLayout(null);
+ JLabel lblNewLabel_2 = new JLabel("Anzeigename:");
+ lblNewLabel_2.setBounds(10, 30, 250, 20);
+ panel_1.add(lblNewLabel_2);
+ JLabel lblInternetIstInnerhalb = new JLabel("Betriebssystem:");
+ lblInternetIstInnerhalb.setBounds(10, 58, 250, 20);
+ panel_1.add(lblInternetIstInnerhalb);
+ textFieldName = new JTextField();
+ textFieldName.setBounds(270, 30, 250, 20);
+ panel_1.add(textFieldName);
+ textFieldName.setColumns(10);
+ JLabel lblErweiterteSuche = new JLabel("<html><u>Erweiterte Suche</u></html>");
+ lblErweiterteSuche.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
+ @Override
+ public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0) {
+ ExtendedSearch_GUI es=new ExtendedSearch_GUI();
+ es.setVisible(true);
+ }
+ });
+ lblErweiterteSuche.setForeground(Color.BLUE);
+ lblErweiterteSuche.setBounds(431, 106, 89, 14);
+ panel_1.add(lblErweiterteSuche);
+ JComboBox comboBox = new JComboBox();
+ try {
+ List<String> list=sint.getAllOS();
+ for(int i=0;i<list.size();i++)
+ {
+ comboBox.addItem(list.get(i));
+ }
+ } catch (RemoteException e2) {
+ // TODO Auto-generated catch block
+ e2.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ comboBox.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
+ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
+ DefaultTableModel modeltemp = new DefaultTableModel( titles, 0 );
+ //todo
+ }
+ });
+ comboBox.setBounds(270, 58, 250, 20);
+ panel_1.add(comboBox);
+ JLabel lblHauptmen = new JLabel("Hauptmen\u00FC");
+ lblHauptmen.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
+ @Override
+ public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0) {
+ SearchImage_GUI.this.setVisible(false);
+ MainMenue_GUI main=new MainMenue_GUI();
+ main.setVisible(true);
+ }
+ });
+ lblHauptmen.setForeground(Color.BLUE);
+ lblHauptmen.setBounds(10, 11, 61, 14);
+ contentPanel.add(lblHauptmen);
+ JLabel label_1 = new JLabel(">");
+ label_1.setBounds(69, 11, 13, 14);
+ contentPanel.add(label_1);
+ JLabel lblVlimage = new JLabel("VL-Image");
+ lblVlimage.setForeground(Color.BLUE);
+ lblVlimage.setBounds(81, 11, 45, 14);
+ contentPanel.add(lblVlimage);
+ JLabel label_2 = new JLabel(">");
+ label_2.setBounds(133, 11, 13, 14);
+ contentPanel.add(label_2);
+ JLabel lblNewLabel_1 = new JLabel("Imageauswahl");
+ lblNewLabel_1.setBounds(146, 11, 85, 14);
+ contentPanel.add(lblNewLabel_1);
+ JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(JTabbedPane.TOP);
+ tabbedPane.setBounds(10, 197, 557, 300);
+ contentPanel.add(tabbedPane);
+ JScrollPane scrollPaneMyImage = new JScrollPane();
+ JTable tablemyImages=new JTable();
+ tablemyImages.setModel(model);
+ tablemyImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(1).sizeWidthToFit();
+ tablemyImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(2).sizeWidthToFit();
+ tablemyImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(3).sizeWidthToFit();
+ tablemyImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(4).sizeWidthToFit();
+ tablemyImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(5).sizeWidthToFit();
+ scrollPaneMyImage.setViewportView(tablemyImages);
+ tabbedPane.addTab("Meine Images", null, scrollPaneMyImage, null);
+ JScrollPane scrollPaneCoopImages = new JScrollPane();
+ JTable tableCoopImages=new JTable();
+ tableCoopImages.setModel(model);
+ tableCoopImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(1).sizeWidthToFit();
+ tableCoopImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(2).sizeWidthToFit();
+ tableCoopImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(3).sizeWidthToFit();
+ tableCoopImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(4).sizeWidthToFit();
+ tableCoopImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(5).sizeWidthToFit();
+ scrollPaneCoopImages.setViewportView(tableCoopImages);
+ tabbedPane.addTab("Kooperative Images", null, scrollPaneCoopImages, null);
+ JScrollPane scrollPanePublicImages = new JScrollPane();
+ JTable tablePublicImages=new JTable();
+ tablePublicImages.setModel(model);
+ tablePublicImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(1).sizeWidthToFit();
+ tablePublicImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(2).sizeWidthToFit();
+ tablePublicImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(3).sizeWidthToFit();
+ tablePublicImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(4).sizeWidthToFit();
+ tablePublicImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(5).sizeWidthToFit();
+ scrollPanePublicImages.setViewportView(tablePublicImages);
+ tabbedPane.addTab("\u00D6ffentliche Images", null, scrollPanePublicImages, null);
+ JScrollPane scrollPanePublicVorlagen = new JScrollPane();
+ JTable tablePublicVorlagen=new JTable();
+ tablePublicVorlagen.setModel(model);
+ tablePublicVorlagen.getColumnModel().getColumn(1).sizeWidthToFit();
+ tablePublicVorlagen.getColumnModel().getColumn(2).sizeWidthToFit();
+ tablePublicVorlagen.getColumnModel().getColumn(3).sizeWidthToFit();
+ tablePublicVorlagen.getColumnModel().getColumn(4).sizeWidthToFit();
+ tablePublicVorlagen.getColumnModel().getColumn(5).sizeWidthToFit();
+ scrollPanePublicVorlagen.setViewportView(tablePublicVorlagen);
+ tabbedPane.addTab("\u00D6ffentliche Vorlagen", null, scrollPanePublicVorlagen, null);
+ JScrollPane scrollPaneAllImages = new JScrollPane();
+ JTable tableAllImages=new JTable();
+ tableAllImages.setModel(modelAll);
+ tableAllImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(1).sizeWidthToFit();
+ tableAllImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(2).sizeWidthToFit();
+ tableAllImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(3).sizeWidthToFit();
+ tableAllImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(4).sizeWidthToFit();
+ tableAllImages.getColumnModel().getColumn(5).sizeWidthToFit();
+ List<Object[]> images;
+ try {
+ images = sint.getImageList();
+ Iterator<Object[]> i=images.iterator();
+ int x=0;
+ while(i.hasNext())
+ {
+ modelAll.addRow(images.get(x));
+ x++;
+ }
+ } catch (RemoteException e1) {
+ // TODO Auto-generated catch block
+ e1.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ scrollPaneAllImages.setViewportView(tableAllImages);
+ tabbedPane.addTab("Alle", null, scrollPaneAllImages, null);
+ JButton btnDownload = new JButton("Download");
+ btnDownload.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
+ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
+ FTPDownloader_GUI down=new FTPDownloader_GUI("Test");
+ down.setVisible(true);
+ SearchImage_GUI.this.setVisible(false);
+ }
+ });
+ btnDownload.setBounds(478, 508, 89, 23);
+ contentPanel.add(btnDownload);
+ JButton btnFilterLschen = new JButton("Filter l\u00F6schen");
+ btnFilterLschen.setBounds(358, 508, 110, 23);
+ contentPanel.add(btnFilterLschen);
+ {
+ JPanel buttonPane = new JPanel();
+ buttonPane.setBounds(0, 640, 597, 33);
+ buttonPane.setBackground(;
+ buttonPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));
+ getContentPane().add(buttonPane);
+ {
+ JButton okButton = new JButton("Zur\u00FCck");
+ okButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
+ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
+ //Image.image.setCpu(Integer.valueOf(spinnerCPU.getValue().toString()).intValue());
+ //Image.image.setRam(Integer.valueOf(spinnerRam.getValue().toString()).intValue());
+ MainMenue_GUI main=new MainMenue_GUI();
+ main.setVisible(true);
+ dispose();
+ }
+ });
+ okButton.setActionCommand("OK");
+ buttonPane.add(okButton);
+ getRootPane().setDefaultButton(okButton);
+ }
+ {
+ JButton cancelButton = new JButton("Weiter");
+ cancelButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
+ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
+ EditImageAllgemein_GUI ea=new EditImageAllgemein_GUI();
+ ea.setVisible(true);
+ dispose();
+ }
+ });
+ cancelButton.setActionCommand("Cancel");
+ buttonPane.add(cancelButton);
+ }
+ }
+ JSeparator separator = new JSeparator();
+ separator.setBounds(0, 78, 597, 2);
+ getContentPane().add(separator);
+ JSeparator separator_1 = new JSeparator();
+ separator_1.setBounds(0, 627, 597, 2);
+ getContentPane().add(separator_1);
+ JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
+ setJMenuBar(menuBar);
+ JMenu mnNewMenu = new JMenu("Suchen");
+ menuBar.add(mnNewMenu);
+ JMenuItem mntmVlSuche = new JMenuItem("VL Suche");
+ mnNewMenu.add(mntmVlSuche);
+ JMenu mnNewMenu_1 = new JMenu("Hilfe");
+ menuBar.add(mnNewMenu_1);
+ JMenuItem mntmFaq = new JMenuItem("FAQ");
+ mnNewMenu_1.add(mntmFaq);
+ JMenuItem mntmOtrs = new JMenuItem("OTRS");
+ mnNewMenu_1.add(mntmOtrs);
+ }
+ }