path: root/dozentenmodul/src/main/java/org/openslx/dozmod/gui/control
diff options
authorSimon Rettberg2018-06-21 15:41:44 +0200
committerSimon Rettberg2018-06-21 15:41:44 +0200
commitc0003a559a36dfca1bdc4add0034e67bd22824ed (patch)
treed0f03daa4eb8b94cbfb9472213a109eade52a0dc /dozentenmodul/src/main/java/org/openslx/dozmod/gui/control
parent[client] Refactor change monitor classes, better error message handling (diff)
[client] Sanitize class/var names, split up control package
All configurators have moved from *.control to *.configurator *.control should be used for simple controls that feel like they're really just one thing. The configurators are more like a group of controls.
Diffstat (limited to 'dozentenmodul/src/main/java/org/openslx/dozmod/gui/control')
7 files changed, 2 insertions, 1744 deletions
diff --git a/dozentenmodul/src/main/java/org/openslx/dozmod/gui/control/ b/dozentenmodul/src/main/java/org/openslx/dozmod/gui/control/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8dadbd71..00000000
--- a/dozentenmodul/src/main/java/org/openslx/dozmod/gui/control/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-package org.openslx.dozmod.gui.control;
-import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
-import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
-import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.Comparator;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Map.Entry;
-import javax.swing.AbstractAction;
-import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
-import javax.swing.Box;
-import javax.swing.BoxLayout;
-import javax.swing.JButton;
-import javax.swing.JComponent;
-import javax.swing.JPanel;
-import javax.swing.KeyStroke;
-import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
-import javax.swing.UIManager;
-import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
-import org.openslx.bwlp.thrift.iface.ImagePermissions;
-import org.openslx.bwlp.thrift.iface.UserInfo;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.control.table.ImagePermissionTable;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.control.table.QScrollPane;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.control.table.ImagePermissionTable.UserImagePermissions;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.helper.GridManager;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.window.UserListWindow;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.window.UserListWindow.UserAddedCallback;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.thrift.cache.UserCache;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.util.FormatHelper;
- * Panel including ImagePermissionTable and add/remove buttons for setting
- * customImagePermissions.
- */
-public class ImageCustomPermissionManager extends JPanel {
- protected ImagePermissionTable permissionTable;
- protected JButton btnAddUser;
- protected JButton btnRemoveUser;
- private ImageCustomPermissionManager me;
- private String ownerId;
- private ArrayList<UserImagePermissions> permissionList = new ArrayList<UserImagePermissions>();
- private Map<String, ImagePermissions> newPermissionMap;
- private ImagePermissions defaultPermissions;
- private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ImageCustomPermissionManager.class);
- public ImageCustomPermissionManager() {
- super();
- me = this;
- GridManager grid = new GridManager(this, 1);
- permissionTable = new ImagePermissionTable();
- // Panel for the add- and remove buttons
- JPanel userButtonPane = new JPanel();
- userButtonPane.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5));
- userButtonPane.setLayout(new BoxLayout(userButtonPane, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS));
- btnAddUser = new JButton("Benutzer hinzufügen");
- userButtonPane.add(btnAddUser);
- btnRemoveUser = new JButton("Benutzer entfernen");
- userButtonPane.add(btnRemoveUser);
- userButtonPane.add(Box.createGlue());
- // Put everything into the grid
- QScrollPane jsp = new QScrollPane(permissionTable);
- jsp.setBackground(UIManager.getColor("Table.background"));
- grid.add(jsp).fill(true, true).expand(true, true);
- grid.nextRow();
- grid.add(userButtonPane).fill(true, false).expand(true, false);
- grid.nextRow();
- grid.finish(false);
- // add user button listener
- btnAddUser.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
- @Override
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
-, new UserAddedCallback() {
- @Override
- public void userAdded(final UserInfo newUser, UserListWindow window) {
- // check if we have this user already
- for (UserImagePermissions current : permissionList) {
- if (current.userId.equals(newUser.userId)) {
- LOGGER.debug("User already present in the list, skipping!");
- return;
- }
- }
- // add it to the list with default permissions
- permissionList.add(new UserImagePermissions(newUser.userId, new ImagePermissions(
- defaultPermissions)));
- permissionTable.setData(permissionList, false);
- }
- }, "Hinzufügen", ownerId);
- }
- });
- // delete user button listener
- btnRemoveUser.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
- @Override
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- final UserImagePermissions selected = permissionTable.getSelectedItem();
- if (selected != null && !permissionList.remove(selected)) {
- LOGGER.debug("Could not remove: " + selected);
- }
- permissionTable.setData(permissionList, false);
- }
- });
- // keyboard shortcut
- permissionTable.getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT).put(
- KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_DELETE, 0), "delete");
- permissionTable.getActionMap().put("delete", new AbstractAction() {
- @Override
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
- btnRemoveUser.doClick();
- }
- });
- }
- /**
- * Initialize the PermissionManager. Note that the given permissionMap and
- * defaultPermissions reference
- * will get changed when the user interacts with the controls.
- *
- * @param permissionMap the old permission, to initialize the table with,
- * null creates empty table.
- * @param defaultPermissions the permissions for a newly added user
- * @param ownerId The user to exclude from the add user list. Can be null.
- */
- public void initPanel(Map<String, ImagePermissions> permissionMap,
- final ImagePermissions defaultPermissions, String ownerId) {
- this.ownerId = ownerId;
- this.newPermissionMap = permissionMap == null ? new HashMap<String, ImagePermissions>()
- : permissionMap;
- this.defaultPermissions = defaultPermissions;
- permissionList.clear();
- for (Entry<String, ImagePermissions> e : newPermissionMap.entrySet()) {
- permissionList.add(new UserImagePermissions(e.getKey(), e.getValue()));
- }
- // lexicographic sort on the last names
- Collections.sort(permissionList, new Comparator<UserImagePermissions>() {
- @Override
- public int compare(UserImagePermissions o1, UserImagePermissions o2) {
- UserInfo u1 = UserCache.find(o1.userId);
- UserInfo u2 = UserCache.find(o2.userId);
- if (u1 != null && u2 != null)
- return FormatHelper.userName(u1).compareTo(FormatHelper.userName(u2));
- else
- return 0;
- }
- });
- permissionTable.setData(permissionList, false);
- }
- /**
- * Get map with the permissions set in the table of the manager.
- *
- * @return Map with new custom permissions, null if something went wrong
- */
- public Map<String, ImagePermissions> updatePermissionReferences() {
- if (permissionList == null)
- return null;
- newPermissionMap.clear();
- // put permissions of the list into the map
- for (UserImagePermissions perm : permissionList) {
- newPermissionMap.put(perm.userId, perm.permissions);
- }
- return newPermissionMap;
- }
- /**
- * Update the used default permissions of the manager.
- *
- * @param link
- * @param download
- * @param edit
- * @param admin
- */
- public void updateDefaultPermissions(boolean link, boolean download, boolean edit, boolean admin) {
- = link;
- = download;
- this.defaultPermissions.edit = edit;
- this.defaultPermissions.admin = admin;
- }
diff --git a/dozentenmodul/src/main/java/org/openslx/dozmod/gui/control/ b/dozentenmodul/src/main/java/org/openslx/dozmod/gui/control/
deleted file mode 100755
index b4e5a4a8..00000000
--- a/dozentenmodul/src/main/java/org/openslx/dozmod/gui/control/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-package org.openslx.dozmod.gui.control;
-import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
-import java.awt.Insets;
-import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
-import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
-import javax.swing.JButton;
-import javax.swing.JPanel;
-import javax.swing.JTextField;
-import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
-import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent;
-import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener;
-import javax.swing.event.TableModelEvent;
-import javax.swing.event.TableModelListener;
-import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
-import org.openslx.bwlp.thrift.iface.LdapFilter;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.Gui;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.changemonitor.DialogChangeMonitor;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.control.table.LectureLdapFilterTable;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.control.table.QScrollPane;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.helper.GridManager;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.helper.MessageType;
- * Widget for network share configuration of lectures
- */
-public class LdapFilterConfigurator extends LdapFilterConfiguratorLayout {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = -3336605759245603655L;
- private final static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(LdapFilterConfigurator.class);
- private List<LdapFilter> filterList = null;
- public LdapFilterConfigurator() {
- super();
- tblFilters.getModel().addTableModelListener(new TableModelListener() {
- @Override
- public void tableChanged(TableModelEvent e) {
- fireChangeEvent();
- }
- });
- tblFilters.getSelectionModel().addListSelectionListener(new ListSelectionListener() {
- @Override
- public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
- LdapFilter item = tblFilters.getSelectedItem();
- if (item == null) {
- clearInputFields();
- return;
- }
- // share from the list is selected: fill bottom form and change "Add" to "Apply"
- btnDel.setEnabled(true);
- txtAttribute.setText(item.attribute);
- txtValue.setText(item.value);
- btnAdd.setText("Ändern");
- }
- });
- btnAdd.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
- @Override
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- // check if we are editing an existing share entry or
- // creating a new one, check for input either way
- LdapFilter input = new LdapFilter();
- input.attribute = txtAttribute.getText();
- if (input.attribute == null || input.attribute.isEmpty()) {
- Gui.showMessageBox("Kein Attribut angegeben", MessageType.ERROR, null, null);
- return;
- }
- input.value = txtValue.getText();
- if (input.value == null) {
- input.value = "";
- }
- // either we delete the existing share from the data or we are
- // creating a new one, either way add it to the list and update
- // the table, if its not present already
- if (filterList.contains(input)) {
- Gui.showMessageBox("Eintrag bereits vorhanden", MessageType.ERROR, null, null);
- return;
- }
- // now decide whether to create a new entry or update existing one
- LdapFilter oldEntry = tblFilters.getSelectedItem();
- if (oldEntry != null) {
- // editing existing one, delete it from the internal data
- filterList.remove(oldEntry);
- }
- filterList.add(input);
- tblFilters.setData(filterList, false);
- clearInputFields();
- }
- });
- btnDel.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
- @Override
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- // try to delete the selected share
- LdapFilter selection = tblFilters.getSelectedItem();
- if (selection == null) {
- return;
- }
- try {
- if (!filterList.remove(selection)) {
- // false if it was not found
- LOGGER.error("Could not remove non-existent filter '" + selection.toString()
- + "' from the table data: " + filterList.toString());
- return;
- }
- // refresh table data
- tblFilters.setData(filterList, false);
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- LOGGER.debug("Failed to remove " + selection.toString() + " from the table data.", ex);
- return;
- }
- }
- });
- btnDel.setEnabled(false);
- }
- private void clearInputFields() {
- btnDel.setEnabled(false);
- txtAttribute.setText(null);
- txtValue.setText(null);
- btnAdd.setText("Hinzufügen");
- }
- public List<LdapFilter> getState() {
- return filterList;
- }
- public boolean setState(List<LdapFilter> data) {
- if (data == null)
- return false;
- if (filterList == null) {
- filterList = new ArrayList<>();
- }
- filterList = data;
- tblFilters.setData(filterList, false);
- return true;
- }
- protected List<ChangeListener> listenerList = new ArrayList<>();
- public void addLdapFilterListTableContentConfigurationChangeEventListener(ChangeListener listener) {
- listenerList.add(listener);
- }
- public void removeNetshareConfigurationChangeEventListener(ChangeListener listener) {
- listenerList.remove(listener);
- }
- void fireChangeEvent() {
- for (ChangeListener listener : new ArrayList<>(listenerList)) {
- listener.stateChanged(null);
- }
- }
- public void addToChangeMonitor(DialogChangeMonitor changeMonitor) {
- changeMonitor.add(tblFilters);
- }
- * Internal layout class for this widget
- */
-class LdapFilterConfiguratorLayout extends JPanel {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 6479838641542743622L;
- private final static String HELPTEXT = "Geben Sie hier LDAP Filter ein, die die Sichtbarkeit"
- + " der Veranstaltung abhängig vom angemeldeten Benutzer einschränken. Eine Veranstaltung"
- + " ist sichtbar, sobald einer der angegebenen Filter zutrifft. Zusätzliche Raumbeschränkungen"
- + " greifen weiterhin.";
- protected final LectureLdapFilterTable tblFilters = new LectureLdapFilterTable();
- protected final JTextField txtAttribute, txtValue;
- protected final JButton btnAdd, btnDel;
- public LdapFilterConfiguratorLayout() {
- GridManager grid = new GridManager(this, 1, true, new Insets(3, 3, 3, 3));
- // top info panel
- grid.add(new WordWrapLabel(HELPTEXT)).fill(true, false).expand(true, false);
- grid.nextRow();
- // middle filter list
- grid.add(new QScrollPane(tblFilters)).fill(true, true).expand(true, true);
- grid.nextRow();
- btnDel = new JButton("Entfernen");
- grid.add(btnDel).anchor(GridBagConstraints.EAST);
- grid.nextRow();
- JPanel pnlNewShare = new JPanel();
- GridManager gridNewFilter = new GridManager(pnlNewShare, 2, true);
- pnlNewShare.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Filter definieren"));
- gridNewFilter.add(new QLabel("Attribut"));
- txtAttribute = new JTextField();
- gridNewFilter.add(txtAttribute).fill(true, false).expand(true, false);
- gridNewFilter.nextRow();
- gridNewFilter.add(new QLabel("Wert"));
- txtValue = new JTextField();
- gridNewFilter.add(txtValue).fill(true, false).expand(true, false);
- gridNewFilter.nextRow();
- btnAdd = new JButton("Hinzufügen");
- gridNewFilter.add(btnAdd, 2).anchor(GridBagConstraints.EAST);
- gridNewFilter.nextRow();
- gridNewFilter.finish(false);
- grid.add(pnlNewShare).fill(true, false).expand(true, false);
- grid.nextRow();
- grid.finish(false);
- }
diff --git a/dozentenmodul/src/main/java/org/openslx/dozmod/gui/control/ b/dozentenmodul/src/main/java/org/openslx/dozmod/gui/control/
deleted file mode 100644
index b853f7e2..00000000
--- a/dozentenmodul/src/main/java/org/openslx/dozmod/gui/control/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-package org.openslx.dozmod.gui.control;
-import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
-import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
-import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
-import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
-import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.EventListener;
-import java.util.EventObject;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Map.Entry;
-import javax.swing.AbstractAction;
-import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
-import javax.swing.Box;
-import javax.swing.BoxLayout;
-import javax.swing.JButton;
-import javax.swing.JComponent;
-import javax.swing.JPanel;
-import javax.swing.KeyStroke;
-import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
-import javax.swing.UIManager;
-import javax.swing.event.EventListenerList;
-import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
-import org.openslx.bwlp.thrift.iface.LecturePermissions;
-import org.openslx.bwlp.thrift.iface.UserInfo;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.control.table.LecturePermissionTable;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.control.table.LecturePermissionTable.UserLecturePermissions;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.control.table.QScrollPane;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.helper.GridManager;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.window.UserListWindow;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.window.UserListWindow.UserAddedCallback;
- * Panel including LecturePermissionTable and add/remove buttons for setting
- * customLecturePermissions.
- */
- * @author joe
- *
- */
-public class LectureCustomPermissionManager extends JPanel {
- /**
- * Self reference
- */
- private LectureCustomPermissionManager me;
- protected LecturePermissionTable permissionTable;
- protected JButton btnAddUser;
- protected JButton btnRemoveUser;
- private final ArrayList<UserLecturePermissions> permissionList = new ArrayList<UserLecturePermissions>();
- private LecturePermissions defaultPermissions;
- private String ownerId = null;
- private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(LectureCustomPermissionManager.class);
- public LectureCustomPermissionManager() {
- super();
- me = this;
- GridManager grid = new GridManager(this, 1);
- permissionTable = new LecturePermissionTable();
- // Panel for the add- and remove buttons
- JPanel userButtonPane = new JPanel();
- userButtonPane.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5));
- userButtonPane.setLayout(new BoxLayout(userButtonPane, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS));
- btnAddUser = new JButton("Benutzer hinzufügen");
- userButtonPane.add(btnAddUser);
- btnRemoveUser = new JButton("Benutzer entfernen");
- userButtonPane.add(btnRemoveUser);
- userButtonPane.add(Box.createGlue());
- // Put everything into the grid
- QScrollPane jsp = new QScrollPane(permissionTable);
- jsp.setBackground(UIManager.getColor("Table.background"));
- grid.add(jsp).fill(true, true).expand(true, true);
- grid.nextRow();
- grid.add(userButtonPane).fill(true, false).expand(true, false);
- grid.nextRow();
- grid.finish(false);
- // add user button listener
- btnAddUser.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
- @Override
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
-, new UserAddedCallback() {
- @Override
- public void userAdded(final UserInfo newUser, UserListWindow window) {
- // check if we have this user already
- for (UserLecturePermissions current : permissionList) {
- if (current.userId.equals(newUser.userId)) {
- LOGGER.debug("User already present in the list, skipping!");
- return;
- }
- }
- // add it to the list with default permissions
- permissionList.add(new UserLecturePermissions(newUser.userId, new LecturePermissions(
- defaultPermissions)));
- permissionTable.setData(permissionList, false);
- fireUserChangeEvent();
- }
- }, "Hinzufügen", ownerId);
- }
- });
- // delete user button listener
- btnRemoveUser.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
- @Override
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- final UserLecturePermissions selected = permissionTable.getSelectedItem();
- if (selected != null && !permissionList.remove(selected)) {
- LOGGER.debug("Could not remove: " + selected);
- }
- permissionTable.setData(permissionList, false);
- fireUserChangeEvent();
- }
- });
- // keyboard shortcut
- permissionTable.getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT).put(
- KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_DELETE, 0), "delete");
- permissionTable.getActionMap().put("delete", new AbstractAction() {
- @Override
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
- btnRemoveUser.doClick();
- }
- });
- permissionTable.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
- @Override
- public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
- // TODO: This is stupid; permissionTable should fire an event
- // if one of the check boxes changes.
- fireUserChangeEvent();
- }
- });
- }
- /**
- * Initialise the PermissionManager
- *
- * @param permissionMap the old permission, to initialise the table with,
- * null creates empty table.
- * @param defaultPermissions the permissions for a newly added user
- * @param ownerId The user to exclude in the list do add user. May be null.
- */
- public void initPanel(Map<String, LecturePermissions> permissionMap,
- final LecturePermissions defaultPermissions, String ownerId) {
- this.ownerId = ownerId;
- this.defaultPermissions = defaultPermissions;
- permissionList.clear();
- if (permissionMap != null) {
- for (Entry<String, LecturePermissions> e : permissionMap.entrySet()) {
- permissionList.add(new UserLecturePermissions(e.getKey(), e.getValue()));
- }
- }
- permissionTable.setData(permissionList, false);
- }
- /**
- * Get map with the permissions set in the table of the manager.
- *
- * @return Map with new custom permissions, null if something went wrong
- */
- public Map<String, LecturePermissions> getPermissions() {
- Map<String, LecturePermissions> newPermissionMap = new HashMap<>(permissionList.size());
- // put permissions of the list into the map
- for (UserLecturePermissions perm : permissionList) {
- newPermissionMap.put(perm.userId, perm.permissions);
- }
- return newPermissionMap;
- }
- /**
- * Update the default permissions used by the manager.
- *
- * @param admin
- * @param edit
- */
- public void updateDefaultPermissions(boolean admin, boolean edit) {
- defaultPermissions.admin = admin;
- defaultPermissions.edit = edit;
- }
- /**
- * Custom event mechanism to detect changes to the user list
- * (Mostly needed for the reactToChange() stuff in LectureDetailsWindow)
- */
- protected EventListenerList listenerList = new EventListenerList();
- /**
- * Shared instance, since there is no data attached (yet)
- */
- private static final UserChangeEvent CHANGE_EVENT = new UserChangeEvent();
- public static class UserChangeEvent extends EventObject {
- public UserChangeEvent() {
- super(new Object());
- }
- }
- public interface UserChangeEventListener extends EventListener {
- public void stateChanged(UserChangeEvent event);
- }
- public void addUserChangeEventListener(UserChangeEventListener listener) {
- listenerList.add(UserChangeEventListener.class, listener);
- }
- public void removeUserChangeEventListener(UserChangeEventListener listener) {
- listenerList.remove(UserChangeEventListener.class, listener);
- }
- void fireUserChangeEvent() {
- Object[] listeners = listenerList.getListenerList();
- for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
- if (listeners[i] == UserChangeEventListener.class) {
- ((UserChangeEventListener) listeners[i + 1])
- .stateChanged(CHANGE_EVENT);
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/dozentenmodul/src/main/java/org/openslx/dozmod/gui/control/ b/dozentenmodul/src/main/java/org/openslx/dozmod/gui/control/
deleted file mode 100644
index 036f3726..00000000
--- a/dozentenmodul/src/main/java/org/openslx/dozmod/gui/control/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,449 +0,0 @@
-package org.openslx.dozmod.gui.control;
-import java.awt.Color;
-import java.awt.Insets;
-import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter;
-import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.EventListener;
-import java.util.EventObject;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Set;
-import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
-import javax.swing.JPanel;
-import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
-import javax.swing.JTextPane;
-import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
-import javax.swing.UIManager;
-import javax.swing.event.EventListenerList;
-import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
-import javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument;
-import javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet;
-import javax.swing.text.StyleConstants;
-import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
-import org.openslx.bwlp.thrift.iface.NetDirection;
-import org.openslx.bwlp.thrift.iface.NetRule;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.Gui;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.helper.GridManager;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.helper.MessageType;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.helper.TextChangeListener;
-import org.openslx.util.Util;
- * Widget for netrules configuration of lectures
- */
-public class NetrulesConfigurator extends NetrulesConfiguratorLayout {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = -3497629601818983994L;
- private final static Logger LOGGER = Logger
- .getLogger(NetrulesConfigurator.class);
- private String originalRawRuleText = null;
- /**
- * Character defining how the rules are parsed, e.g. for whitespace \\s
- * Example: " 80 in" would be split in -hostname "" -port "80"
- * -direction "in"
- */
- private static final String FIELD_DELIMITER = "\\s+";
- private static final Color FOREGROUND_TEXT_COLOR;
- static {
- Color fgOrigColor = UIManager.getDefaults().getColor("ColorChooser.foreground");
- if (fgOrigColor == null) {
- // use black as fallback
- fgOrigColor = Color.BLACK;
- }
- }
- public NetrulesConfigurator() {
- super();
- final TextChangeListener docListener = new TextChangeListener() {
- @Override
- public void changed() {
- fireNetrulesConfigurationChangeEvent(new NetrulesConfigurationChangeEvent(NetrulesConfigurator.this));
- }
- };
- final SimpleAttributeSet as = new SimpleAttributeSet();
- StyleConstants.setForeground(as, FOREGROUND_TEXT_COLOR);
- tpNetworkRules.getDocument().addDocumentListener(docListener);
- tpNetworkRules.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() {
- @Override
- public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {
- SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
- @Override
- public void run() {
- int pos = tpNetworkRules.getCaretPosition();
- if (pos < 0) {
- return;
- }
- // Odd: On windows, getText() returns the text with CRLF line breaks,
- // regardless of what you put into the text box.
- // The offsets passed to setCharAttrs() below and the caret position
- // you get from getCaretPosition() however have to adhere to the
- // text version with just LF, exactly how we created the document.
- String text = tpNetworkRules.getText().replace("\r", "");
- if (pos >= text.length()) {
- return;
- }
- int start = text.lastIndexOf('\n', pos == 0 ? 0 : pos - 1);
- int end = text.indexOf('\n', pos);
- if (start == -1) {
- start = 0;
- }
- if (end == -1) {
- end = text.length() - 1;
- }
- if (end <= start) {
- return;
- }
- tpNetworkRules.getStyledDocument().setCharacterAttributes(start, end - start, as, true);
- }
- });
- }
- });
- }
- public boolean hasChanged() {
- return !originalRawRuleText.equalsIgnoreCase(tpNetworkRules.getText());
- }
- /**
- * Gets the state of the widget as a list of netrules. Internally it first
- * transforms the input text in a list of netrules.
- *
- * @return the list of rules as parsed by parseNetRules()
- */
- public List<NetRule> getState(boolean silent) {
- // cleanup the TextPane for network rules if needed
- return parseNetRules(silent);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the state of this widget to the given list of netrules. This will
- * internally transform the list to its string representation
- *
- * @param netrules
- * as a list of NetRule to set the state to
- */
- public void setState(final List<NetRule> netrules) {
- // setText() blanks the text area if null is given, so no null checks
- originalRawRuleText = decodeNetRulesToText(netrules);
- this.tpNetworkRules.setText(originalRawRuleText);
- }
- /**
- * "Decodes" the given list of NetRule to a single String. This should be
- * used to set the text in the TextPane for the network rules
- *
- * @param netRulesList
- * list of NetRule to decode
- * @return String representation of the list of rules
- */
- public static String decodeNetRulesToText(final List<NetRule> netRulesList) {
- if (netRulesList == null || netRulesList.isEmpty())
- return "";
- String decodedRules = "";
- Iterator<NetRule> it = netRulesList.iterator();
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- String currentLine = "";
- NetRule currentRule =;
- // simple test for validity (since this comes from the server it
- // should be correct anyways)
- if ( || currentRule.port > 65535) {
- LOGGER.error("Invalid rule! Ignoring: " +
- + ":" + currentRule.port);
- continue;
- }
- currentLine += + " \t ";
- currentLine += currentRule.port + " \t ";
- currentLine +=;
- decodedRules += currentLine
- + (it.hasNext() ? "\n" : "");
- }
- return decodedRules;
- }
- /**
- * Parses the given rawNetRules String to a list of NetRule
- *
- * @param rawNetRules
- * the raw text to be parsed
- * @return list of netrules if successful. If any errors occured while
- * parsing, null is returned.
- */
- public List<NetRule> parseNetRules(boolean silent) {
- String rawNetRules = tpNetworkRules.getText().trim();
- List<NetRule> rulesList = new ArrayList<NetRule>();
- if (rawNetRules.isEmpty()) {
- return rulesList;
- }
- // split it line by line
- boolean invalid = false; // True if the rules are invalid and null should be returned
- DefaultStyledDocument newdoc = null;
- if (!silent) {
- newdoc = new DefaultStyledDocument(); // Used to build new document with colors
- }
- StringBuilder errors = new StringBuilder(); // Error messages to show (if not silent)
- int lineNo = 0; // Show line numbers in error messages
- Set<String> warnedHosts = new HashSet<>(); // Ask only once about each unknown host
- for (String ruleLine : rawNetRules.split("[\r\n]+")) {
- if (silent && invalid)
- return null;
- Color lineColor = null;
- LOGGER.debug("Parsing rule: " + ruleLine);
- // split the fields and check if we have 3 as expected.
- String[] fields = ruleLine.trim().split(FIELD_DELIMITER);
- if (fields.length != 3) {
- lineNo += addLine(newdoc, ruleLine, Color.RED, true);
- // log numbers for fields independently...
- LOGGER.debug("Invalid number of fields! Expected 3, got: " + fields.length);
- if (fields.length > 3) {
- errors.append("Zeile " + lineNo + ": Zu viele Felder.\n");
- } else {
- errors.append("Zeile " + lineNo + ": Zu wenig Felder.\n");
- }
- invalid = true;
- continue;
- }
- // Have 3 fields, pretty up
- String ruleDirection = fields[2].toUpperCase();
- ruleLine = fields[0] + " \t " + fields[1] + " \t " + ruleDirection;
- // start to check fields one by one from the last to the first ....
- // check net direction: accept either 'in' or 'out' (case
- // insensitive)
- // TODO support combined 'in/out' rules
- if (!ruleDirection.equals("IN") && !ruleDirection.equals("OUT")) {
- lineNo += addLine(newdoc, ruleLine, Color.RED, true);
- LOGGER.debug("Invalid net direction! Expected 'in' or out'. Got: " + ruleDirection);
- errors.append("Zeile " + lineNo + ": Ungültige Richtung. Bitte nutzen Sie 'IN' bzw. 'OUT'.\n");
- invalid = true;
- continue;
- }
- // check port: accept if >= 0 and <= 65535
- int port = Util.parseInt(fields[1], -1);
- // port = 0 means match only host (all protocols and ports)
- if (port < 0 || port > 65535) {
- lineNo += addLine(newdoc, ruleLine, Color.RED, true);
- LOGGER.debug("Invalid port! Got: " + port);
- errors.append("Zeile " + lineNo + ": Ungültiger Port. Gültiger Bereich ist 0-65535.\n");
- invalid = true;
- continue;
- }
- // check hostname: bit more to do here
- // for IPs and/or resolvable hostnames we make use of's
- // InetAddress.getByName() method which checks the validity of
- // an IP-Address represented by a string or if the given hostname
- // is resolvable. If any of these happen, we have a valid hostname.
- // Non-resolvable hostnames are handled differently, see after the
- // try/catch-block
- InetAddress ruleHost = null;
- try {
- // TODO: Find a way to reliably set a timeout (external DNS library?)
- // Otherwise just remove this check
- ruleHost = InetAddress.getByName(fields[0]);
- } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
- // might be good to see this exception in the log file
- // LOGGER.debug("Invalid hostname ( ", e);
- }
- if (ruleHost == null) {
- // either invalid IP-Address or an invalid resolvable hostname
- // however it might also be a non-resolvable hostname that would
- // be valid in the actual pool-rooms, so lets check its syntax
- // according to:
- LOGGER.debug("Invalid host/IP! Got: " + fields[0]);
- String checkRes = checkHostnameSimple(fields[0]);
- if (checkRes == null) {
- if (!silent
- && !warnedHosts.contains(fields[0])
- && !Gui.showMessageBox("Konnte '" + fields[0]
- + "' nicht auflösen. Wollen Sie diesen Hostnamen trotzdem verwenden?",
- MessageType.WARNING_RETRY, null, null)) {
- invalid = true;
- }
- warnedHosts.add(fields[0]);
- lineColor = Color.ORANGE;
- } else {
- lineNo += addLine(newdoc, ruleLine, Color.RED, true);
- errors.append("Zeile " + lineNo + ": " + checkRes + "\n");
- invalid = true;
- continue;
- }
- }
- // Made it to here - line is valid
- lineNo += addLine(newdoc, ruleLine, lineColor, false);
- rulesList.add(new NetRule(NetDirection.valueOf(ruleDirection), fields[0], port));
- }
- if (!silent && errors.length() != 0) {
- Gui.showMessageBox("Fehler beim Auswerten der angegebenen Netzwerkregeln.\n\n" + errors.toString()
- + "\nBitte geben Sie die Regeln zeilenweise im Format\n"
- + "<host> <port> <IN|OUT>\n"
- + "an.",
- MessageType.ERROR, null, null);
- }
- if (newdoc != null) {
- tpNetworkRules.setDocument(newdoc);
- }
- if (invalid) {
- return null;
- }
- // Success
- return rulesList;
- }
- private int addLine(DefaultStyledDocument doc, String line, Color color, boolean bold) {
- if (doc == null)
- return 0;
- if (color == null) {
- }
- SimpleAttributeSet attrs = new SimpleAttributeSet();
- StyleConstants.setForeground(attrs, color);
- StyleConstants.setBold(attrs, bold);
- try {
- doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), line + "\n", attrs);
- } catch (BadLocationException e) {
- LOGGER.warn("Cannot append to new textbox document", e);
- }
- return 1;
- }
- /**
- * Very simple hostname check for the given String. This will only check for
- * some requirements of valid hostnames as stated in
- * To recap: max length of
- * the whole hostname must be < 254 ASCII characters, all domain labels
- * (between two dots) must be between 1 and 63 chars long and domain labels
- * can only contain digits, letters and hyphen. (Note: we also accept
- * forward slash to accept subnets!)
- *
- * @param hostname the hostname to check for syntactical validity
- * @return null if valid, error string otherwise
- */
- private String checkHostnameSimple(final String hostname) {
- if (hostname.length() > 254) {
- return "Hostname ist zu lang.";
- }
- // split by '.' to get domain levels
- boolean allNumeric = true;
- String[] domainLabels = hostname.split("\\.");
- for (String domainLabel : domainLabels) {
- if (domainLabel.length() > 63) {
- // fail since domain level should be max 63 chars
- return "Domain-Ebene '" + domainLabel + "' länger als 63 Zeichen.";
- }
- if (Util.parseInt(domainLabel, -1) == -1) {
- allNumeric = false;
- }
- // checking for valid chars is pointless with punycode
- }
- if (allNumeric && domainLabels.length != 4) {
- return "Unvollständige IP-Adresse.";
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Custom event mechanism to detect changes to the netrules list (Mostly
- * needed for the reactToChange() stuff in LectureDetailsWindow)
- */
- protected EventListenerList listenerList = new EventListenerList();
- public class NetrulesConfigurationChangeEvent extends EventObject {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = -8779550754760035845L;
- public NetrulesConfigurationChangeEvent(Object source) {
- super(source);
- }
- }
- public interface NetrulesConfigurationChangeEventListener extends
- EventListener {
- public void stateChanged(NetrulesConfigurationChangeEvent event);
- }
- public void addNetrulesConfigurationChangeEventListener(
- NetrulesConfigurationChangeEventListener listener) {
- listenerList.add(NetrulesConfigurationChangeEventListener.class,
- listener);
- }
- public void removeNetrulesConfigurationChangeEventListener(
- NetrulesConfigurationChangeEventListener listener) {
- listenerList.remove(NetrulesConfigurationChangeEventListener.class,
- listener);
- }
- void fireNetrulesConfigurationChangeEvent(
- NetrulesConfigurationChangeEvent evt) {
- Object[] listeners = listenerList.getListenerList();
- for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
- if (listeners[i] == NetrulesConfigurationChangeEventListener.class) {
- ((NetrulesConfigurationChangeEventListener) listeners[i + 1])
- .stateChanged(evt);
- }
- }
- }
- * Internal layout class for this widget
- */
-class NetrulesConfiguratorLayout extends JPanel {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 5266120380443817325L;
- private final static String txtNetworkOptionsTitle = "Netzwerk Einstellungen";
- private final static String txtNetworkOptionsDesc = "Wenn Sie den Internetzugriff deaktiviert haben,"
- + " können Sie hier Ausnahmen definieren (Whitelist)."
- + " Bitte definieren Sie Ihre Regeln im Format\n<host> <port> <in|out>.\n"
- + "Sie können Port 0 angeben, was sämtlichen TCP und UDP Ports eines Hosts entspricht.\n\n"
- + "Wenn Sie Internetzugriff aktivieren, hat diese Liste den gegenteiligen Effekt";
- private final static String txtNetworkRulesTitle = "Netzwerkregeln";
- private final JPanel pnlNetworkOptions;
- protected final JTextPane tpNetworkRules;
- public NetrulesConfiguratorLayout() {
- GridManager grid = new GridManager(this, 1, true,
- new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5));
- // middle panel for network rules
- pnlNetworkOptions = new JPanel();
- GridManager gridNetworkOptions = new GridManager(pnlNetworkOptions, 1,
- true, new Insets(2, 2, 2, 2));
- pnlNetworkOptions.setBorder(BorderFactory
- .createTitledBorder(txtNetworkOptionsTitle));
- tpNetworkRules = new JTextPane();
- JScrollPane scpNetworkRules = new JScrollPane(tpNetworkRules,
- pnlNetworkOptions.setBorder(BorderFactory
- .createTitledBorder(txtNetworkRulesTitle));
- gridNetworkOptions
- .add(new WordWrapLabel(txtNetworkOptionsDesc))
- .fill(true, false).expand(true, false);
- gridNetworkOptions.nextRow();
- gridNetworkOptions.add(scpNetworkRules).fill(true, true)
- .expand(true, true);
- gridNetworkOptions.finish(false);
- // build the final grid
- grid.add(pnlNetworkOptions).fill(true, true).expand(true, true);
- grid.finish(false);
- }
diff --git a/dozentenmodul/src/main/java/org/openslx/dozmod/gui/control/ b/dozentenmodul/src/main/java/org/openslx/dozmod/gui/control/
deleted file mode 100644
index d80ba8b3..00000000
--- a/dozentenmodul/src/main/java/org/openslx/dozmod/gui/control/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,374 +0,0 @@
-package org.openslx.dozmod.gui.control;
-import java.awt.BorderLayout;
-import java.awt.Color;
-import java.awt.Insets;
-import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
-import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
-import java.awt.event.ItemEvent;
-import java.awt.event.ItemListener;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.EventListener;
-import java.util.EventObject;
-import java.util.List;
-import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
-import javax.swing.Box;
-import javax.swing.BoxLayout;
-import javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel;
-import javax.swing.JButton;
-import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
-import javax.swing.JLabel;
-import javax.swing.JPanel;
-import javax.swing.JPasswordField;
-import javax.swing.JTextField;
-import javax.swing.event.EventListenerList;
-import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionEvent;
-import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener;
-import javax.swing.event.TableModelEvent;
-import javax.swing.event.TableModelListener;
-import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
-import org.openslx.bwlp.thrift.iface.NetShare;
-import org.openslx.bwlp.thrift.iface.NetShareAuth;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.Gui;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.changemonitor.DialogChangeMonitor;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.control.ComboBox.ComboBoxRenderer;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.control.table.NetshareTable;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.control.table.QScrollPane;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.helper.GridManager;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.helper.MessageType;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.util.FormatHelper;
- * Widget for network share configuration of lectures
- */
-public class NetshareConfigurator extends NetshareConfiguratorLayout {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = -3336605759245603655L;
- private final static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(NetshareConfigurator.class);
- private List<NetShare> tblNetshareData = null;
- // mount points / win drive letters - ideally, we would check whether the image is linux or windows based
- // and either show a drive selection list like this one, or a textfield for a user-defined mount point...
- private Character[] mountPoints = { 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q',
- 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z' };
- public NetshareConfigurator() {
- super();
- tblNetshare.getSelectionModel().addListSelectionListener(new ListSelectionListener() {
- @Override
- public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
- NetShare item = tblNetshare.getSelectedItem();
- // ugly block-wise sets, but only one test needed compared to
- // doing lots of item != null ? ... : ...
- if (item == null) {
- clearInputFields();
- return;
- }
- // share from the list is selected: fill bottom form and change "Add" to "Apply"
- btnDel.setEnabled(true);
- tfSharePath.setText(item.path);
- tfShareName.setText(item.displayname);
- tfUsername.setText(item.username);
- tfPassword.setText(item.password);
- cboNetshareAuth.setSelectedItem(item.auth);
- cboNetshareMountPoint.setSelectedItem(Character.valueOf(item.mountpoint.charAt(0)));
- btnAdd.setText("Ändern");
- }
- });
- cboNetshareMountPoint.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel<Character>(mountPoints));
- cboNetshareMountPoint.setSelectedItem(null);
- // combobox for share authentication types
- cboNetshareAuth.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel<NetShareAuth>(NetShareAuth.values()));
- cboNetshareAuth.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
- @Override
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- NetShareAuth selectedAuth = cboNetshareAuth.getItemAt(cboNetshareAuth.getSelectedIndex());
- if (selectedAuth == null)
- return;
- boolean activate = selectedAuth == NetShareAuth.OTHER_USER;
- // username field is needed to either special or guest user
- tfUsername.setEnabled(activate);
- lblUsername.setEnabled(activate);
- tfPassword.setEnabled(activate);
- lblPassword.setEnabled(activate);
- chkShowPass.setEnabled(activate);
- }
- });
- cboNetshareAuth.setSelectedItem(null);
- btnAdd.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
- @Override
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- // check if we are editing an existing share entry or
- // creating a new one, check for input either way
- NetShare input = new NetShare();
- input.path = tfSharePath.getText();
- if (input.path == null || input.path.isEmpty()) {
- lblError.setText("Kein Pfad angegeben!");
- return;
- }
- String inputShareName = tfShareName.getText();
- if (inputShareName.isEmpty()) {
- lblError.setText("Kein Anzeigename angegeben!");
- return;
- }
- input.displayname = inputShareName;
- NetShareAuth inputNetShareAuth = cboNetshareAuth
- .getItemAt(cboNetshareAuth.getSelectedIndex());
- if (inputNetShareAuth == null) {
- lblError.setText("Kein Authentifizierungstyp angegeben!");
- return;
- }
- input.auth = inputNetShareAuth;
- switch (inputNetShareAuth) {
- case LOGIN_USER:
- // this uses the bwLehrpool client's logged in user
- // we don't need to have anything
- break;
- case OTHER_USER:
- // save given username/password
- input.username = tfUsername.getText();
- input.password = new String(tfPassword.getPassword());
- if (input.username.isEmpty()) {
- lblError.setText("Kein Nutzername angegeben!");
- return;
- }
- break;
- default:
- input = null;
- break;
- }
- if (input == null) {
- lblError.setText("Fehlerhafte Eingabe");
- LOGGER.debug("Bad input, aborting.");
- return;
- }
- // now check for optional mount path
- Character inputMountPoint = cboNetshareMountPoint
- .getItemAt(cboNetshareMountPoint.getSelectedIndex());
- if (inputMountPoint == null) {
- lblError.setText("Kein Ziel angegeben!");
- return;
- }
- input.mountpoint = inputMountPoint.toString();
- // now decide whether to create a new entry or update existing one
- NetShare oldEntry = tblNetshare.getSelectedItem();
- if (oldEntry != null) {
- // editing existing one, delete it from the internal data
- if (!tblNetshareData.remove(oldEntry)) {
- lblError.setText("Änderung fehlgeschlagen!");
- LOGGER.debug("Failed to remove selected share for replacement: " + oldEntry);
- return;
- }
- tblNetshare.setData(tblNetshareData, false);
- }
- // either we delete the existing share from the data or we are
- // creating a new one, either way add it to the list and update
- // the table, if its not present already
- if (tblNetshareData.contains(input)) {
- lblError.setText("Existiert bereits!");
- LOGGER.error("Network share already in the list, aborting.");
- return;
- }
- // if a password is set, warn the user about its unsafe storage
- // which we might want to implement one day...
- if (input.password != null && !input.password.isEmpty()) {
- if (!Gui.showMessageBox(
- "Das eingebene Passwort wird im Klartext gespeichert "
- + "und ist in der VM für jeden Nutzer sichtbar.\n"
- + "Verwenden Sie auf keinen Fall sicherheitskritische Passwörter!"
- + "\n\nMöchten Sie diesen Netzlaufwerk trotzdem hinzufügen?",
- MessageType.QUESTION_YESNO, LOGGER, null)) {
- return;
- }
- }
- lblError.setText(null);
- tblNetshareData.add(input);
- tblNetshare.setData(tblNetshareData, false);
- clearInputFields();
- }
- });
- btnDel.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
- @Override
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- // try to delete the selected share
- NetShare selection = tblNetshare.getSelectedItem();
- if (selection == null) {
- return;
- }
- try {
- if (!tblNetshareData.remove(selection)) {
- // false if it was not found
- LOGGER.error("Could not remove non-existant network share '" + selection.toString()
- + "' from the table data: " + tblNetshareData.toString());
- return;
- }
- // refresh table data
- tblNetshare.getModel().setData(tblNetshareData);
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- LOGGER.debug("Failed to remove " + selection.toString() + " from the table data.", ex);
- return;
- }
- }
- });
- chkShowPass.addItemListener(new ItemListener() {
- public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
- if (e.getStateChange() != ItemEvent.SELECTED) {
- tfPassword.setEchoChar('*');
- } else {
- tfPassword.setEchoChar((char) 0);
- }
- }
- });
- chkShowPass.setEnabled(false);
- tfUsername.setEnabled(false);
- lblUsername.setEnabled(false);
- tfPassword.setEnabled(false);
- lblPassword.setEnabled(false);
- }
- private void clearInputFields() {
- btnDel.setEnabled(false);
- tfSharePath.setText(null);
- tfShareName.setText(null);
- tfUsername.setText(null);
- tfPassword.setText(null);
- cboNetshareAuth.setSelectedItem(null);
- cboNetshareMountPoint.setSelectedItem(null);
- btnAdd.setText("Hinzufügen");
- }
- public List<NetShare> getState() {
- return tblNetshareData;
- }
- public boolean setState(List<NetShare> data) {
- if (data == null)
- return false;
- if (tblNetshareData == null) {
- tblNetshareData = new ArrayList<>();
- }
- tblNetshareData = data;
- tblNetshare.setData(tblNetshareData, false);
- return true;
- }
- public void addTableModelListener(TableModelListener listener) {
- tblNetshare.getModel().addTableModelListener(listener);
- }
- public void addToChangeMonitor(DialogChangeMonitor changeMonitor) {
- changeMonitor.add(tblNetshare);
- }
- * Internal layout class for this widget
- */
-class NetshareConfiguratorLayout extends JPanel {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 6479525981542743622L;
- private final static String txtNetshareDesc = "<html>Hier können Sie Netzlaufwerke angeben,"
- + " die automatisch beim Start der Veranstaltung eingebunden werden sollen."
- + " Der Platzhalter <em>%loginuser%</em> wird im Pfad durch den Loginnamen des Nutzers ersetzt.</html>";
- protected final QLabel lblShareAuth, lblSharePath, lblShareName, lblMountPoint, lblUsername, lblPassword,
- lblError;
- protected final NetshareTable tblNetshare = new NetshareTable();
- protected final JTextField tfSharePath, tfShareName, tfUsername;
- protected final JPasswordField tfPassword;
- protected final JButton btnAdd, btnDel;
- protected final JCheckBox chkShowPass;
- protected final ComboBox<NetShareAuth> cboNetshareAuth = new ComboBox<>(new ComboBoxRenderer<NetShareAuth>() {
- @Override
- public String renderItem(NetShareAuth item) {
- if (item == null)
- return null;
- return FormatHelper.netShareAuthName(item);
- }
- });
- protected final ComboBox<Character> cboNetshareMountPoint = new ComboBox<>(new ComboBoxRenderer<Character>() {
- @Override
- public String renderItem(Character letter) {
- if (letter == null)
- return null;
- return letter.toString() + ":";
- }
- });
- public NetshareConfiguratorLayout() {
- GridManager grid = new GridManager(this, 5, true, new Insets(3, 3, 3, 3));
- // top info panel
- grid.add(new JLabel(txtNetshareDesc), 5).fill(true, false).expand(true, false);
- grid.nextRow();
- // middle netshare list
- grid.add(new QScrollPane(tblNetshare), 5).fill(true, true).expand(true, true);
- grid.nextRow();
- JPanel pnlNewShare = new JPanel();
- GridManager gridNewShare = new GridManager(pnlNewShare, 6, true);
- pnlNewShare.setBorder(BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Details"));
- lblSharePath = new QLabel("Pfad");
- gridNewShare.add(lblSharePath);
- tfSharePath = new JTextField();
- gridNewShare.add(tfSharePath, 5).fill(true, false).expand(true, false);
- gridNewShare.nextRow();
- // bottom form to add a new share
- lblShareName = new QLabel("Anzeigename");
- lblMountPoint = new QLabel("Ziel");
- tfShareName = new JTextField();
- // extra panel for fancy layout purposes...
- JPanel pnlShareName = new JPanel();
- pnlShareName.setLayout(new BoxLayout(pnlShareName, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS));
- pnlShareName.add(lblShareName);
- pnlShareName.add(tfShareName);
- pnlShareName.add(lblMountPoint);
- pnlShareName.add(cboNetshareMountPoint);
- gridNewShare.add(lblShareName);
- gridNewShare.add(pnlShareName, 5).fill(true, false).expand(true, false);
- gridNewShare.nextRow();
- lblShareAuth = new QLabel("Authentifizierung");
- gridNewShare.add(lblShareAuth);
- gridNewShare.add(cboNetshareAuth, 5).fill(true, false).expand(true, false);
- gridNewShare.nextRow();
- lblUsername = new QLabel("Username");
- gridNewShare.add(lblUsername);
- tfUsername = new JTextField(20);
- gridNewShare.add(tfUsername, 2).fill(true, false).expand(true, false);
- lblPassword = new QLabel("Passwort");
- gridNewShare.add(lblPassword);
- tfPassword = new JPasswordField(20);
- gridNewShare.add(tfPassword, 2).fill(true, false).expand(true, false);
- gridNewShare.nextRow();
- chkShowPass = new JCheckBox("Passwort anzeigen");
- JPanel pnlShowPass = new JPanel();
- pnlShowPass.setLayout(new BoxLayout(pnlShowPass, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS));
- pnlShowPass.add(Box.createGlue());
- pnlShowPass.add(chkShowPass, BorderLayout.LINE_END);
- gridNewShare.add(pnlShowPass, 6).fill(true, false).expand(true, false);
- gridNewShare.nextRow();
- grid.add(pnlNewShare, 5).fill(true, false).expand(true, false);
- grid.nextRow();
- // bottom panel for right-aligned button...
- JPanel pnlButtonAdd = new JPanel();
- pnlButtonAdd.setLayout(new BoxLayout(pnlButtonAdd, BoxLayout.LINE_AXIS));
- btnAdd = new JButton("Hinzufügen");
- btnDel = new JButton("Entfernen");
- lblError = new QLabel("");
- lblError.setForeground(Color.RED);
- pnlButtonAdd.add(lblError);
- pnlButtonAdd.add(Box.createGlue());
- pnlButtonAdd.add(btnAdd, BorderLayout.LINE_END);
- pnlButtonAdd.add(btnDel, BorderLayout.LINE_END);
- grid.add(pnlButtonAdd, 5).fill(true, false).expand(true, false);
- grid.finish(false);
- }
diff --git a/dozentenmodul/src/main/java/org/openslx/dozmod/gui/control/ b/dozentenmodul/src/main/java/org/openslx/dozmod/gui/control/
index a0071824..7c53bf96 100644
--- a/dozentenmodul/src/main/java/org/openslx/dozmod/gui/control/
+++ b/dozentenmodul/src/main/java/org/openslx/dozmod/gui/control/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import javax.swing.UIManager;
import org.openslx.bwlp.thrift.iface.UserInfo;
import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.helper.ColorUtil;
import org.openslx.dozmod.util.FormatHelper;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.util.OpenLinks;
+import org.openslx.dozmod.util.DesktopEnvironment;
* A label for displaying a {@link UserInfo} object. Supports a callback event
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ public class PersonLabel extends QLabel {
public void clicked(UserInfo user) {
if (user == null || user.eMail == null)
- OpenLinks.sendMail(user.eMail, null);
+ DesktopEnvironment.sendMail(user.eMail, null);
diff --git a/dozentenmodul/src/main/java/org/openslx/dozmod/gui/control/ b/dozentenmodul/src/main/java/org/openslx/dozmod/gui/control/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3378294c..00000000
--- a/dozentenmodul/src/main/java/org/openslx/dozmod/gui/control/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-package org.openslx.dozmod.gui.control;
-import java.awt.Color;
-import java.awt.Insets;
-import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
-import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
-import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter;
-import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
-import java.util.EventListener;
-import java.util.EventObject;
-import javax.swing.Box;
-import javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel;
-import javax.swing.JPanel;
-import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
-import javax.swing.JTextArea;
-import javax.swing.event.EventListenerList;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.changemonitor.DialogChangeMonitor;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.control.ComboBox.ComboBoxRenderer;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.control.RunscriptConfigurator.RunscriptType;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.helper.GridManager;
-import org.openslx.dozmod.gui.helper.TextChangeListener;
- * Widget for advanced configuration options for lectures. This handles
- * following options - Network rules - Runscript - USB
- */
-public class RunscriptConfigurator extends RunscriptConfiguratorLayout {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = -3497629601818983994L;
- public static enum RunscriptType {
- SHELL("Shellskript", "sh"), BATCH("Windows-Batch", "bat");
- private final String displayName;
- private final String extension;
- private RunscriptType(String name, String extension) {
- this.displayName = name;
- this.extension = extension;
- }
- @Override
- public String toString() {
- return extension + " (" + displayName + ")";
- }
- }
- public RunscriptConfigurator() {
- super();
- final TextChangeListener docListener = new TextChangeListener() {
- @Override
- public void changed() {
- fireRunscriptConfigurationChangeEvent(new RunscriptConfigurationChangeEvent(
- new Object()));
- }
- };
- taRunScript.getDocument().addDocumentListener(docListener);
- cboRunscriptType.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
- @Override
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- fireRunscriptConfigurationChangeEvent(new RunscriptConfigurationChangeEvent(
- new Object()));
- }
- });
- cboRunscriptType.getEditor().getEditorComponent().addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() {
- @Override
- public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
- fireRunscriptConfigurationChangeEvent(new RunscriptConfigurationChangeEvent(
- new Object()));
- }
- });
- }
- private void setError(final String msg) {
- lblError.setText(msg);
- }
- /**
- * Gets the runscript as String. The chosen interpreter will get encoded as
- * the first line of the script.
- *
- * @return runscript as String. If no text was entered, returns a empty
- * string.
- */
- public String getState() {
- setError(""); // fill remove any prior errors, we'll reset them if needed
- // handle user input, this is tricky since
- // * either an item has been selected -> editorContent will be of our enum type
- // * user typed its own interpreter into the box -> editorContent will be a castable String
- String extension = null;
- Object cboContent = cboRunscriptType.getEditor().getItem();
- if (cboContent instanceof RunscriptType) {
- extension = ((RunscriptType) cboContent).extension;
- } else if (cboContent instanceof String) {
- extension = (String) cboContent;
- }
- String taInputText = taRunScript.getText();
- if (taInputText.isEmpty())
- return "";
- if (extension == null || extension.isEmpty()) {
- // this should never happen, so return null to report this invalid state
- setError("Fehlende Dateinamenerweiterung!");
- return null;
- }
- setError("");
- return "ext=" + extension + "\n" + taInputText;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the state of this widget to the given AdvancedConfiguration. Basicly
- * this sets the content of the text areas to the corresponding network
- * rules/runscript as given by the AdvancedConfiguration object
- *
- * @param config
- * AdvancedConfiguration to set the state to
- */
- public void setState(final String config) {
- if (config == null || config.isEmpty()) {
- cboRunscriptType.setSelectedItem(null);
- taRunScript.setText("");
- return;
- }
- String extensionHeader = null;
- try {
- BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(config));
- extensionHeader = reader.readLine();
- reader.close();
- } catch (IOException e) {
- // swallow ...
- }
- if (extensionHeader != null) {
- // we should have following format: ext=<interpreter>
- // e.g. ext=sh
- extensionHeader = extensionHeader.replace("ext=", "");
- for (RunscriptType type : RunscriptType.values()) {
- if (type.extension.equals(extensionHeader)) {
- cboRunscriptType.setSelectedItem(type);
- // mark that we found it by nulling the shebang...
- extensionHeader = null;
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (extensionHeader != null) {
- // user specific shebang, so just write the text to the cbo
- cboRunscriptType.getEditor().setItem(extensionHeader);
- }
- }
- // finished with the interpreter, remove that line from the given config
- // before setting that text
- taRunScript.setText(config.replaceFirst("^ext=.*\n", ""));
- }
- /**
- * Custom event mechanism to detect changes to the user list (Mostly needed
- * for the reactToChange() stuff in LectureDetailsWindow)
- */
- protected EventListenerList listenerList = new EventListenerList();
- public class RunscriptConfigurationChangeEvent extends EventObject {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = -8779550754760035845L;
- public RunscriptConfigurationChangeEvent(Object source) {
- super(source);
- }
- }
- public interface RunscriptConfigurationChangeEventListener extends
- EventListener {
- public void stateChanged(RunscriptConfigurationChangeEvent event);
- }
- public void addRunscriptConfigurationChangeEventListener(
- RunscriptConfigurationChangeEventListener listener) {
- listenerList.add(RunscriptConfigurationChangeEventListener.class,
- listener);
- }
- public void removeRunscriptConfigurationChangeEventListener(
- RunscriptConfigurationChangeEventListener listener) {
- listenerList.remove(RunscriptConfigurationChangeEventListener.class,
- listener);
- }
- void fireRunscriptConfigurationChangeEvent(
- RunscriptConfigurationChangeEvent evt) {
- Object[] listeners = listenerList.getListenerList();
- for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
- if (listeners[i] == RunscriptConfigurationChangeEventListener.class) {
- ((RunscriptConfigurationChangeEventListener) listeners[i + 1])
- .stateChanged(evt);
- }
- }
- }
- public void addToChangeMonitor(DialogChangeMonitor changeMonitor) {
- changeMonitor.add(taRunScript);
- changeMonitor.addEditableCombo(cboRunscriptType, null);
- }
- * Internal layout class for the advanced configurator (to keep it clean even
- * for widgets)
- */
-class RunscriptConfiguratorLayout extends JPanel {
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 648729071828404053L;
- private final static String txtRunScriptDesc = "Ein hier eingetragenes Skript wird nach dem Start dieser VM automatisch ausgeführt.";
- protected final QLabel lblError;
- protected final JTextArea taRunScript;
- protected final ComboBox<RunscriptType> cboRunscriptType;
- public RunscriptConfiguratorLayout() {
- GridManager grid = new GridManager(this, 2, true, new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5));
- taRunScript = new JTextArea("", 5, 20);
- JScrollPane scpRunScript = new JScrollPane(taRunScript,
- taRunScript.setLineWrap(true);
- taRunScript.setWrapStyleWord(true);
- grid.add(new WordWrapLabel(txtRunScriptDesc, false, true), 2)
- .fill(true, false).expand(true, false);
- grid.nextRow();
- cboRunscriptType = new ComboBox<RunscriptType>(
- new ComboBoxRenderer<RunscriptType>() {
- @Override
- public String renderItem(RunscriptType item) {
- if (item == null)
- return null;
- return item.toString();
- }
- });
- cboRunscriptType.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel<RunscriptType>(
- RunscriptType.values()));
- ;
- cboRunscriptType.setEditable(true);
- grid.add(new QLabel("Dateinamenserweiterung: ")).fill(false, false)
- .expand(false, false);
- grid.add(cboRunscriptType).fill(true, false)
- .expand(true, false);
- grid.nextRow();
- grid.add(scpRunScript, 2).fill(true, true).expand(true, true);
- grid.nextRow();
- lblError = new QLabel("");
- lblError.setForeground(Color.RED);
- JPanel pnlError = new JPanel();
- pnlError.add(Box.createGlue());
- pnlError.add(lblError);
- pnlError.add(Box.createGlue());
- grid.add(pnlError, 2).fill(true, false).expand(true, false);
- grid.finish(false);
- }