path: root/contrib/syslinux/latest/com32/cmenu/libmenu/menu.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/syslinux/latest/com32/cmenu/libmenu/menu.h')
1 files changed, 294 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/syslinux/latest/com32/cmenu/libmenu/menu.h b/contrib/syslinux/latest/com32/cmenu/libmenu/menu.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..141d2ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/syslinux/latest/com32/cmenu/libmenu/menu.h
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+/* -*- c -*- ------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ *
+ * Copyright 2004-2005 Murali Krishnan Ganapathy - All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 53 Temple Place Ste 330,
+ * Boston MA 02111-1307, USA; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version; incorporated herein by reference.
+ *
+ * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* This program can be compiled for DOS with the OpenWatcom compiler
+ * (
+ *
+ * wcl -3 -osx -mt <filename>.c
+ */
+#ifndef __MENU_H__
+#define __MENU_H__
+#include "com32io.h"
+#include "tui.h"
+#include "syslnx.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+/* If no key is pressed within TIMEOUTNUMSTEPS * TIMEOUTSTEPSIZE milliseconds
+ and if a timeout handler is registered, then that will be called.
+ The handler should either either take control from there on, or return without
+ producing any change in the current video settings.
+ For e.g. the handler could
+ * Could just quit the menu program
+ * beep and return.
+ TIMEOUTSTEPSIZE is the interval for which the program sleeps without checking for
+ any keystroke. So increasing this will make the response of the system slow.
+ Decreasing this will make a lot of interrupt calls using up your CPU. Default
+ value of TIMEOUTSTEPSIZE of 0.1 seconds should be right in most cases.
+ TIMEOUTNUMSTEPS of 3000 corresponds to a wait time of 300 seconds or 5 minutes
+// Attributes
+#define NORMALATTR 0x17
+#define NORMALHLITE 0x1F // Normal Highlight attribute
+#define REVERSEATTR 0x70
+#define REVERSEHLITE 0x78 // Reverse Hightlight attribute
+#define INACTATTR 0x18
+#define INACTHLITE 0x10 // Inactive Highlight attribute
+#define REVINACTATTR 0x78
+#define REVINACTHLITE 0x70 // Reverse Inactive Highlight attr
+#define STATUSATTR 0x74
+#define STATUSHLITE 0x7B // Status highlight
+#define FILLCHAR ' '
+#define SHADOWATTR 0x00
+#define SPACECHAR ' '
+#define TFILLCHAR ' '
+#define TITLEATTR 0x70
+#define ENABLEHLITE '<' // Char which turns on highlight
+#define DISABLEHLITE '>' // Char which turns off highlight
+#define NOHLITE 0 // The offset into attrib array for non-hilite
+#define HLITE 1 // The offset for Hlite attrib
+#define MOREABOVE '^' // char to print when more menu items available above
+#define MOREBELOW 'v' // more items available below
+// Attributes of the menu system
+#define MAXMENUS 250 // Maximum number of menu's allowed
+#define MAXMENUSIZE 100 // Default value for max num of entries in each menu
+#define MAXMENUHEIGHT 20 // Maximum number of entries displayed
+#define MENUBOXTYPE BOX_SINSIN // Default box type Look at tui.h for other values
+// Upper bounds on lengths
+// We copy the given string, so user can reuse the space used to store incoming arguments.
+#define MENULEN 78 // Each menu entry is atmost MENULEN chars
+#define STATLEN 78 // Maximum length of status string
+#define TITLELEN 78 // Maximum length of title string
+#define ACTIONLEN 255 // Maximum length of an action string
+// Layout of menu
+#define MENUROW 3 // Row where menu is displayed (relative to window)
+#define MENUCOL 4 // Col where menu is displayed (relative to window)
+#define MENUPAGE 1 // show in display page 1
+#define STATLINE 24 // Line number where status line starts (relative to window)
+// Used for printing debugging messages
+#define DEBUGLINE 23 // debugging info goes here
+// Other Chars
+#define RADIOMENUCHAR '>' // > symbol for radio menu?
+#define CHECKED '\140' // Check mark
+#define UNCHECKED '\146' // Light bullet
+#define RADIOSEL '.' // Current Radio Selection
+#define RADIOUNSEL ' ' // Radio option not selected
+typedef unsigned char uchar;
+// Types of menu's
+#define NORMALMENU 1
+#define RADIOMENU 2
+} t_action;
+typedef union {
+ uchar submenunum; // For submenu's
+ uchar checked; // For check boxes
+ uchar radiomenunum; // Item mapping to a radio menu
+} t_itemdata;
+struct s_menuitem;
+struct s_menu;
+struct s_menusystem;
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned int valid:1; // Is action valid?
+ unsigned int refresh:1; // Should we recompute menu stuff?
+ unsigned int reserved:6; // For future expansion
+} t_handler_return;
+t_handler_return ACTION_VALID, ACTION_INVALID; // Specific values
+typedef t_handler_return(*t_item_handler) (struct s_menusystem *,
+ struct s_menuitem *);
+typedef void (*t_menusystem_handler) (struct s_menusystem *,
+ struct s_menuitem *);
+typedef void (*t_keys_handler) (struct s_menusystem *, struct s_menuitem *,
+ unsigned int scancode);
+ // Last parameter = HIGH BYTE = scan code , LOW BYTE = ASCII CODE
+typedef enum { HDLR_SCREEN, HDLR_KEYS } t_handler;
+// Types of handlers for menu system
+// TIMEOUT is the list of possible values which can be returned by the handler
+// instructing the menusystem what to do. The default is CODE_WAIT
+typedef TIMEOUTCODE(*t_timeout_handler) (void);
+typedef struct s_menuitem {
+ char *item;
+ char *status;
+ char *data; // string containing kernel to run.. but...
+ // for radio menu's this is a pointer to the item selected or NULL (initially)
+ // for submenu's this string could be name of menu
+ void *extra_data; // Any other data user can point to
+ unsigned int helpid; // Used for Context sensitive help
+ t_item_handler handler; // Pointer to function of type menufn
+ t_action action;
+ t_itemdata itemdata; // Data depends on action value
+ uchar shortcut; // one of [A-Za-z0-9] shortcut for this menu item
+ uchar index; // Index within the menu array
+ uchar parindex; // Index of the menu in which this item appears.
+} t_menuitem;
+typedef t_menuitem *pt_menuitem; // Pointer to type menuitem
+typedef struct s_menu {
+ pt_menuitem *items; // pointer to array of pointer to menuitems
+ char *title; // Title string for menu
+ char *name; // menu can be referred to by this string
+ int maxmenusize; // the size of array allocated
+ uchar numitems; // how many items do we actually have
+ uchar menuwidth;
+ uchar row, col; // Position where this menu should be displayed
+ uchar menuheight; // Maximum number of items to be displayed
+} t_menu;
+typedef t_menu *pt_menu; // Pointer to type menu
+typedef struct s_menusystem {
+ pt_menu menus[MAXMENUS];
+ char *title;
+ t_menusystem_handler handler; // Menu system handler
+ t_keys_handler keys_handler; // Handler for unknown keys
+ t_timeout_handler ontimeout; // Timeout handler
+ unsigned long tm_numsteps;
+ // Time to wait for key press=numsteps * stepsize milliseconds
+ unsigned int tm_stepsize; // Timeout step size (in milliseconds)
+ // Total timeout max time spent idle before we call handler
+ unsigned long tm_total_timeout; // (in milli seconds)
+ unsigned long tm_sofar_timeout; // All accumulated timeout
+ // total timeout handler
+ t_timeout_handler ontotaltimeout; // Total timeout handler
+ int maxmenuheight;
+ uchar nummenus;
+ uchar normalattr[2]; // [0] is non-hlite attr, [1] is hlite attr
+ uchar reverseattr[2];
+ uchar inactattr[2];
+ uchar revinactattr[2];
+ uchar statusattr[2];
+ uchar fillchar;
+ uchar fillattr;
+ uchar spacechar;
+ uchar tfillchar;
+ uchar titleattr;
+ uchar shadowattr;
+ uchar statline;
+ uchar menupage;
+ int maxrow, minrow, numrows; // Number of rows in the window
+ int maxcol, mincol, numcols; // Number of columns in the window
+ // Menu box look
+ char box_horiz, box_ltrt, box_rtlt; // Some chars of the box, for redrawing portions of the box
+} t_menusystem;
+typedef t_menusystem *pt_menusystem; // Pointer to type menusystem
+pt_menuitem showmenus(uchar startmenu);
+pt_menusystem init_menusystem(const char *title);
+void close_menusystem(void); // Deallocate memory used
+void set_normal_attr(uchar normal, uchar selected, uchar inactivenormal,
+ uchar inactiveselected);
+void set_normal_hlite(uchar normal, uchar selected, uchar inactivenormal,
+ uchar inactiveselected);
+void set_status_info(uchar statusattr, uchar statushlite, uchar statline);
+void set_title_info(uchar tfillchar, uchar titleattr);
+void set_misc_info(uchar fillchar, uchar fillattr, uchar spacechar,
+ uchar shadowattr);
+void set_window_size(uchar top, uchar left, uchar bot, uchar right); // Set the window which menusystem should use
+void set_menu_options(uchar maxmenuheight);
+// maximum height of a menu
+void reg_handler(t_handler htype, void *handler); // Register handler
+void unreg_handler(t_handler htype);
+void reg_ontimeout(t_timeout_handler, unsigned int numsteps,
+ unsigned int stepsize);
+// Set timeout handler, set 0 for default values.
+// So stepsize=0 means numsteps is measured in centiseconds.
+void unreg_ontimeout(void);
+void reg_ontotaltimeout(t_timeout_handler, unsigned long numcentiseconds);
+void unreg_ontotaltimeout(void);
+// Find the number of the menu given the name
+// Returns -1 if not found
+uchar find_menu_num(const char *name);
+// Create a new menu and return its position
+uchar add_menu(const char *title, int maxmenusize);
+// Create a named menu and return its position
+uchar add_named_menu(const char *name, const char *title, int maxmenusize);
+void set_menu_pos(uchar row, uchar col); // Set the position of this menu.
+// Add item to the "current" menu
+pt_menuitem add_item(const char *item, const char *status, t_action action,
+ const char *data, uchar itemdata);
+// Set shortcut key and help id
+void set_item_options(uchar shortcut, int helpid);
+// Set the shortcut key for the current item
+static inline void set_shortcut(uchar shortcut)
+ set_item_options(shortcut, 0xFFFF);
+// Add a separator to the "current" menu
+pt_menuitem add_sep(void);
+// Generate string based on state of checkboxes and radioitem in given menu
+// and append string to existing contents of "line"
+// line must have enough space allocated
+void gen_append_line(const char *menu_name, char *line);