path: root/src/dialog.cpp
diff options
authorSimon Rettberg2019-10-18 19:33:20 +0200
committerSimon Rettberg2019-10-18 19:33:20 +0200
commit31777a980e0f4b1b258713158524c0cd9a1dc30f (patch)
tree459c5bff4bcb2ff5c8c4d7b40f47bbcaf5d59f54 /src/dialog.cpp
parentProperly handle key press events; prevent double-execution (diff)
Use execv() to start selected session
Prevent vmchooser from lingering in the background, like a zombie, haunting you with invisible windows. Also seems to be notably faster when launching the openbox session.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/dialog.cpp')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/src/dialog.cpp b/src/dialog.cpp
index 914448f..dbc4b8e 100644
--- a/src/dialog.cpp
+++ b/src/dialog.cpp
@@ -136,9 +136,11 @@ void Dialog::on_treeView_doubleClicked(const QModelIndex& index)
// Check preconditions. The method might show error messages and return false
- if (!s->canRun(true))
+ if (!s->prepareRun())
+ WindowManager::stopOwnInstance(true);
// These two are up here in case run-virt cares...
if (Config::isSet(Config::PVS)) {
if (ui->PVS_checkbox->isChecked()) {
@@ -159,62 +161,41 @@ void Dialog::on_treeView_doubleClicked(const QModelIndex& index)
- // Run session
- if (s->run()) {
- // Run session start script if the session could be initialized successfully
- if (QFile::exists(SESSION_START_SCRIPT)) {
- // Use the current environment variables and add the necessary
- // information for the startUpScipt.
- // export session information to the environment of the process to be exec'ed
- setenv("SESSION_NAME", s->shortDescription().toUtf8(), 1);
- setenv("SESSION_UUID", s->uuid().toUtf8(), 1);
- setenv("SESSION_CMD", s->execCommand().toUtf8(), 1);
- if (s->type() == Session::VSESSION) {
- setenv("SESSION_TYPE", "VSESSION", 1);
- } else if (s->type() == Session::XSESSION) {
- setenv("SESSION_TYPE", "XSESSION", 1);
- }
- // Fork this process twice to detach
- pid_t pid = fork();
- if (pid == 0) {
- // Close all filedescriptors
- for (int i = 3; i < 1024; ++i)
- ::close(i);
- // Change process group
- setsid();
- // Reopen standard pipes
- freopen("/dev/null", "r", stdin);
- freopen("/dev/null", "w", stdout);
- freopen("/dev/null", "w", stderr);
- pid = fork();
- if (pid == 0) {
- // At this point we are executing as the 2nd child process
- // Replace this clone with the process we'd like to start
- char * const args[] = { strdup(VMCHOOSER_SESSION_START_SCRIPT), nullptr };
- }
- _exit(0); // Dont use exit hooks
- }
- // Wait and cleanup the intermediate process
- waitpid(pid, nullptr, 0);
+ UserConfig::addLastSession(s->uuid().isEmpty() ? s->shortDescription() : s->uuid());
+ UserConfig::setLastTab(activeTab_);
+ UserConfig::setNewsHelpOpen(!ui->helpBox->isHidden());
+ UserConfig::sync();
+ QProcess *process = nullptr;
+ if (QFile::exists(SESSION_START_SCRIPT)) {
+ // Companion script
+ process = new QProcess;
+ QProcessEnvironment env = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment();
+ env.insert("SESSION_NAME", s->shortDescription());
+ env.insert("SESSION_UUID", s->uuid());
+ env.insert("SESSION_CMD", s->execCommand());
+ if (s->type() == Session::VSESSION) {
+ env.insert("SESSION_TYPE", "VSESSION");
+ } else if (s->type() == Session::XSESSION) {
+ env.insert("SESSION_TYPE", "XSESSION");
- UserConfig::addLastSession(s->uuid().isEmpty() ? s->shortDescription() : s->uuid());
- UserConfig::setLastTab(activeTab_);
- UserConfig::setNewsHelpOpen(!ui->helpBox->isHidden());
- centerTimer_->stop(); // Stop the auto-center/auto-quit timer, so we don't kill the session :>
- setVisible(false);
- // Stopping the window manager has to be done after hiding our window,
- // or it might still be shown in some Xsessions (e.g. gnome-shell).
- WindowManager::stopOwnInstance();
- } else {
- QMessageBox::critical(
- this, trUtf8("vmchooser"),
- trUtf8("Vmchooser failed to run the selected session!"));
+ process->setProcessEnvironment(env);
+ process->start(SESSION_START_SCRIPT);
+ process->closeReadChannel(QProcess::StandardError);
+ process->closeReadChannel(QProcess::StandardOutput);
+ process->closeWriteChannel();
+ // Run session
+ s->run();
+ // Should not return on success
+ if (process != nullptr) {
+ process->terminate();
+ }
+ QMessageBox::critical(
+ this, trUtf8("vmchooser"),
+ trUtf8("Vmchooser failed to run the selected session!"));
+ QApplication::instance()->quit();
void Dialog::on_treeView_expanded(const QModelIndex& index) {