path: root/hacks/vidwhacker
blob: 402e2c7be13193c47bfbaa6580bdb01c4713d654 (plain) (tree)









#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# vidwhacker, for xscreensaver.  Copyright (c) 1998-2020 Jamie Zawinski.
# Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
# documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
# the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
# copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
# documentation.  No representations are made about the suitability of this
# software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without express or 
# implied warranty.
# This program grabs a frame of video, then uses various pbm filters to
# munge the image in random nefarious ways, then uses xloadimage, xli, or xv
# to put it on the root window.  This works out really nicely if you just
# feed some random TV station into it...
# Created: 14-Apr-01.

require 5;
use diagnostics;
use strict;

my $progname = $0; $progname =~ s@.*/@@g;
my ($version) = ('$Revision: 1.34 $' =~ m/\s(\d[.\d]+)\s/s);

my $verbose = 0;
my $use_stdin = 0;
my $use_stdout = 0;
my $video_p = 0;
my $file_p = 1;
my $delay = 5;
my $imagedir;

my $screen_width = -1;

my $displayer = "xscreensaver-getimage -root -file";

sub which($);

# apparently some versions of netpbm call it "pamoil" instead of "pgmoil"...
my $pgmoil = (which("pamoil") ? "pamoil" : "pgmoil");

# List of interesting PPM filter pipelines.
# In this list, the following magic words may be used:
#  COLORS       a randomly-selected pair of RGB foreground/background colors.
#  FILE1        the (already-existing) input PPM file (ok to overwrite it).
#  FILE2-FILE4  names of other tmp files you can use.
# These commands should read from FILE1, and write to stdout.
# All tmp files will be deleted afterward.
my @filters = (
  "ppmtopgm FILE1 | pgmedge | pgmtoppm COLORS | ppmnorm",
  "ppmtopgm FILE1 | pgmenhance | pgmtoppm COLORS",
  "ppmtopgm FILE1 | $pgmoil | pgmtoppm COLORS",
  "ppmtopgm FILE1 | pgmbentley | pgmtoppm COLORS",

  "ppmrelief FILE1 | ppmtopgm | pgmedge | ppmrelief | ppmtopgm |" .
   " pgmedge | pnminvert | pgmtoppm COLORS",

  "ppmspread 71 FILE1 > FILE2 ; " .
  " pnmarith -add FILE1 FILE2 ; ",

  "pnmflip -lr < FILE1 > FILE2 ; " .
  " pnmarith -multiply FILE1 FILE2 > FILE3 ; " .
  " pnmflip -tb FILE3 | ppmnorm > FILE2 ; " .
  " pnmarith -multiply FILE1 FILE2",

  "pnmflip -lr FILE1 > FILE2 ; " .
  " pnmarith -difference FILE1 FILE2",

  "pnmflip -tb FILE1 > FILE2 ; " .
  " pnmarith -difference FILE1 FILE2",

  "pnmflip -lr FILE1 | pnmflip -tb > FILE2 ; " .
  " pnmarith -difference FILE1 FILE2",

  "ppmtopgm < FILE1 | pgmedge > FILE2 ; " .
  " pnmarith -difference FILE1 FILE2 > FILE3 ; " .
  " cp FILE3 FILE1 ; " .
  " ppmtopgm < FILE1 | pgmedge > FILE2 ; " .
  " pnmarith -difference FILE1 FILE2 > FILE3 ; " .
  " ppmnorm < FILE1",

  "pnmflip -lr < FILE1 > FILE2 ; " .
  " pnmarith -multiply FILE1 FILE2 | ppmrelief | ppmnorm | pnminvert",

  "pnmflip -lr FILE1 > FILE2 ; " .
  " pnmarith -subtract FILE1 FILE2 | ppmrelief | ppmtopgm | pgmedge",

  "pgmcrater -number 20000 -width WIDTH -height HEIGHT FILE1 | " .
  "   pgmtoppm COLORS > FILE2 ; " .
  " pnmarith -difference FILE1 FILE2 > FILE3 ; " .
  " pnmflip -tb FILE3 | ppmnorm > FILE2 ; " .
  " pnmarith -multiply FILE1 FILE2",

  "ppmshift 30 FILE1 | ppmtopgm | $pgmoil | pgmedge | " .
  "   pgmtoppm COLORS > FILE2 ; " .
  " pnmarith -difference FILE1 FILE2",

  "ppmpat -madras WIDTH HEIGHT | pnmdepth 255 > FILE2 ; " .
  " pnmarith -difference FILE1 FILE2",

  "ppmpat -tartan WIDTH HEIGHT | pnmdepth 255 > FILE2 ; " .
  " pnmarith -difference FILE1 FILE2",

  "ppmpat -camo WIDTH HEIGHT | pnmdepth 255 | ppmshift 50 > FILE2 ; " .
  " pnmarith -multiply FILE1 FILE2",

  "pgmnoise WIDTH HEIGHT | pgmedge | pgmtoppm COLORS > FILE2 ; " .
  " pnmarith -difference FILE1 FILE2 | pnmdepth 255 | pnmsmooth",

# Any files on this list will be deleted at exit.
my @all_tmpfiles = ();

sub exit_cleanup() {
  print STDERR "$progname: delete tmp files\n" if ($verbose);
  unlink @all_tmpfiles;

sub signal_cleanup() {
  my ($sig) = @_;
  print STDERR "$progname: caught SIG$sig\n" if ($verbose);
  exit 1;

sub init_signals() {

  $SIG{HUP}  = \&signal_cleanup;
  $SIG{INT}  = \&signal_cleanup;
  $SIG{QUIT} = \&signal_cleanup;
  $SIG{ABRT} = \&signal_cleanup;
  $SIG{KILL} = \&signal_cleanup;
  $SIG{TERM} = \&signal_cleanup;

  # Need this so that if giftopnm dies, we don't die.

END { exit_cleanup(); }

# returns the full path of the named program, or undef.
sub which($) {
  my ($prog) = @_;
  foreach (split (/:/, $ENV{PATH})) {
    if (-x "$_/$prog") {
      return $prog;
  return undef;

# Choose random foreground and background colors
sub randcolors() {
  return sprintf ("#%02x%02x%02x-#%02x%02x%02x",

sub filter_subst($$$@) {
  my ($filter, $width, $height, @tmpfiles) = @_;
  my $colors = randcolors();
  $filter =~ s/\bWIDTH\b/$width/g;
  $filter =~ s/\bHEIGHT\b/$height/g;
  $filter =~ s/\bCOLORS\b/'$colors'/g;
  my $i = 1;
  foreach my $t (@tmpfiles) {
    $filter =~ s/\bFILE$i\b/$t/g;
  if ($filter =~ m/([A-Z]+)/) {
    error ("internal error: what is \"$1\"?");
  $filter =~ s/  +/ /g;
  return $filter;

# Frobnicate the image in some random way.
sub frob_ppm($) {
  my ($ppm_data) = @_;
  $_ = $ppm_data;

  error ("0-length data") if (!defined($ppm_data) || $ppm_data eq  "");
  error ("not a PPM file") unless (m/^P\d\n/s);
  my ($width, $height) = m/^P\d\n(\d+) (\d+)\n/s;
  error ("got a bogus PPM") unless ($width && $height);

  my $tmpdir = $ENV{TMPDIR};
  $tmpdir = "/tmp" unless $tmpdir;
  my $fn =  sprintf ("%s/vidwhacker-0-%08x", $tmpdir, rand(0xFFFFFFFF));
  my $fn1 = sprintf ("%s/vidwhacker-1-%08x", $tmpdir, rand(0xFFFFFFFF));
  my $fn2 = sprintf ("%s/vidwhacker-2-%08x", $tmpdir, rand(0xFFFFFFFF));
  my $fn3 = sprintf ("%s/vidwhacker-3-%08x", $tmpdir, rand(0xFFFFFFFF));
  my @files = ( "$fn", "$fn1", "$fn2", "$fn3" );
  push @all_tmpfiles, @files;

  my $n = int(rand($#filters+1));
  my $filter = $filters[$n];

  if ($verbose == 1) {
    printf STDERR "$progname: running filter $n\n";
  } elsif ($verbose > 1) {
    my $f = $filter;
    $f =~ s/  +/ /g;
    $f =~ s/^ */\t/;
    $f =~ s/ *\|/\n\t|/g;
    $f =~ s/ *\; */ ;\n\t/g;
    print STDERR "$progname: filter $n:\n\n$f\n\n" if $verbose;

  $filter = filter_subst ($filter, $width, $height, @files);

  unlink @files;

  local *OUT;
  open (OUT, ">$files[0]") || error ("writing $files[0]: $!");
  print OUT $ppm_data;
  close OUT;

  $filter = "( $filter )";
  $filter .= "2>/dev/null" unless ($verbose > 1);

  local *IN;
  open (IN, "$filter |") || error ("opening pipe: $!");
  $ppm_data = "";
  while (<IN>) { $ppm_data .= $_; }
  close IN;

  unlink @files;
  return $ppm_data;

sub read_config() {
  my $conf = "$ENV{HOME}/.xscreensaver";

  my $had_dir = defined($imagedir);

  local *IN;
  open (IN, "<$conf") ||  error ("reading $conf: $!");
  while (<IN>) {
    if (!$imagedir && m/^imageDirectory:\s+(.*)\s*$/i) { $imagedir = $1; }
    elsif (m/^grabVideoFrames:\s+true\s*$/i)     { $video_p = 1; }
    elsif (m/^grabVideoFrames:\s+false\s*$/i)    { $video_p = 0; }
    elsif (m/^chooseRandomImages:\s+true\s*$/i)  { $file_p  = 1; }
    elsif (m/^chooseRandomImages:\s+false\s*$/i) { $file_p  = 0; }
  close IN;

  $file_p = 1 if $had_dir;

  $imagedir = undef unless ($imagedir && $imagedir ne '');

  if (!$file_p && !$video_p) {
#    error ("neither grabVideoFrames nor chooseRandomImages are set\n\t") .
#      "in $conf; $progname requires one or both."
    $file_p = 1;

  if ($file_p) {
    error ("no imageDirectory set in $conf") unless $imagedir;
    error ("imageDirectory $imagedir doesn't exist") unless (-d $imagedir);

  if ($verbose > 1) {
    printf STDERR "$progname: grab video: $video_p\n";
    printf STDERR "$progname: grab images: $file_p\n";
    printf STDERR "$progname: directory: $imagedir\n";


sub get_ppm() {
  if ($use_stdin) {
    print STDERR "$progname: reading from stdin\n" if ($verbose > 1);
    my $ppm = "";
    while (<STDIN>) { $ppm .= $_; }
    return $ppm;

  } else {

    my $do_file_p;

    if ($file_p && $video_p) {
      $do_file_p = (int(rand(2)) == 0);
      print STDERR "$progname: doing " . ($do_file_p ? "files" : "video") ."\n"
        if ($verbose);
    elsif ($file_p)  { $do_file_p = 1; }
    elsif ($video_p) { $do_file_p = 0; }
    else {
      error ("internal error: not grabbing files or video?");

    my $v = ($verbose <= 1 ? "" : "-" . ("v" x ($verbose-1)));
    my $cmd;
    if ($do_file_p) {
      $cmd = "xscreensaver-getimage-file  $v --name \"$imagedir\"";
    } else {
      $cmd = "xscreensaver-getimage-video $v";

    my $ppm;

    print STDERR "$progname: running: $cmd\n" if ($verbose > 1);
    my $fn = `$cmd`;
    $fn =~ s/\n$//s;
    error ("didn't get a file?") if ($fn eq "");
    $fn = "$imagedir/$fn" unless ($fn =~ m@^/@s);

    print STDERR "$progname: selected file $fn\n" if ($verbose > 1);

    if    ($fn =~ m/\.gif/i)   { $cmd = "giftopnm < \"$fn\""; }
    elsif ($fn =~ m/\.jpe?g/i) { $cmd = "exiftran -o /dev/stdout -a \"$fn\" | djpeg"; }
    elsif ($fn =~ m/\.png/i)   { $cmd = "pngtopnm < \"$fn\""; }
    elsif ($fn =~ m/\.xpm/i)   { $cmd = "xpmtoppm < \"$fn\""; }
    elsif ($fn =~ m/\.bmp/i)   { $cmd = "bmptoppm < \"$fn\""; }
    elsif ($fn =~ m/\.tiff?/i) { $cmd = "tifftopnm < \"$fn\""; }
    elsif ($fn =~ m/\.p[bgp]m/i) { $cmd = "cat \"$fn\""; }
    else {
      print STDERR "$progname: $fn: unrecognized file extension\n";
      # go around the loop and get another
      return undef;

    print STDERR "$progname: converting with: $cmd\n" if ($verbose > 1);
    $cmd .= " 2>/dev/null" unless ($verbose > 1);
    $ppm = `$cmd`;

    unlink $fn if (!$do_file_p);

    return $ppm;

sub dispose_ppm($) {
  my ($ppm) = @_;

  error ("0-length data") if (!defined($ppm) || $ppm eq  "");
  error ("not a PPM file") unless ($ppm =~ m/^P\d\n/s);

  if ($use_stdout) {
    print STDERR "$progname: writing to stdout\n" if ($verbose > 1);
    print $ppm;

  } else {
    my $tmpdir = $ENV{TMPDIR};
    $tmpdir = "/tmp" unless $tmpdir;
    my $fn =  sprintf ("%s/vidwhacker-%08x.ppm", $tmpdir, rand(0xFFFFFFFF));
    local *OUT;
    unlink $fn;
    push @all_tmpfiles, $fn;
    open (OUT, ">$fn") || error ("writing $fn: $!");
    print OUT $ppm;
    close OUT;

    my @cmd = split (/ +/, $displayer);
    push @cmd, $fn;
    print STDERR "$progname: executing \"" . join(" ", @cmd) . "\"\n"
      if ($verbose);
    system (@cmd);

    my $exit_value  = $? >> 8;
    my $signal_num  = $? & 127;
    my $dumped_core = $? & 128;

    unlink $fn;

    error ("$cmd[0]: core dumped!") if ($dumped_core);
    error ("$cmd[0]: signal $signal_num!") if ($signal_num);
    error ("$cmd[0]: exited with $exit_value!") if ($exit_value);

my $stdin_ppm = undef;

sub vidwhack() {
  my $ppm;
  if ($use_stdin) {
    if (!defined($stdin_ppm)) {
      $stdin_ppm = get_ppm();
    $ppm = $stdin_ppm;
  } else {
    my $max_err_count = 20;
    my $err_count = 0;
    while (!defined($ppm)) {
      $ppm = get_ppm();
      if (!defined ($ppm)) {
      } else {
        $ppm = frob_ppm ($ppm);
        undef $ppm if (defined ($ppm) && $ppm eq "");
        $err_count++ if (!defined ($ppm));
      error ("too many errors, too few images!")
        if ($err_count > $max_err_count);

  dispose_ppm ($ppm);
  $ppm = undef;

sub error($) {
  my ($err) = @_;
  print STDERR "$progname: $err\n";
  exit 1;

sub usage() {
  print STDERR "VidWhacker, Copyright (c) 2001 Jamie Zawinski <jwz\>\n";
  print STDERR "  ";
  print STDERR "\n";
  print STDERR "usage: $0 [-display dpy] [-verbose]\n";
  print STDERR "\t\t[-root | -window | -window-id 0xXXXXX ]\n";
  print STDERR "\t\t[-stdin] [-stdout] [-delay secs]\n";
  print STDERR "\t\t[-directory image_directory]\n";
  exit 1;

sub main() {
  while ($_ = $ARGV[0]) {
    shift @ARGV;
    if (m/^--?verbose$/) { $verbose++; }
    elsif (m/^-v+$/) { $verbose += length($_)-1; }
    elsif (m/^(-display|-disp|-dis|-dpy|-d)$/) { $ENV{DISPLAY} = shift @ARGV; }
    elsif (m/^--?stdin$/) { $use_stdin = 1; }
    elsif (m/^--?stdout$/) { $use_stdout = 1; }
    elsif (m/^--?delay$/) { $delay = shift @ARGV; }
    elsif (m/^--?dir(ectory)?$/) { $imagedir = shift @ARGV; }
    elsif (m/^--?root$/) { }
    elsif (m/^--?window-id$/) {
      my $id = shift @ARGV;
      error ("unparsable window id: $id")
        unless ($id =~ m/^\d+$|^0x[\da-f]+$/i);
      $displayer =~ s/--?root\b/$id/ ||
        error ("unable to munge displayer: $displayer");
    elsif (m/^--?window$/) {
      print STDERR "$progname: sorry, \"-window\" is unimplemented.\n";
      print STDERR "$progname: use \"-stdout\" and pipe to a displayer.\n";
      exit 1;
    elsif (m/^-./) { usage; }
    else { usage; }



  # sanity checking - is pbm installed?
  # (this is a non-exhaustive but representative list)
  foreach ("ppmtopgm", "pgmenhance", "pnminvert", "pnmarith", "pnmdepth") {
    which ($_) || error "$_ not found on \$PATH.";

  if (!$use_stdout) {
    $_ = `xdpyinfo 2>&-`;
    ($screen_width) =~ m/ dimensions: +(\d+)x(\d+) pixels/;
    $screen_width = 800 unless $screen_width > 0;

  if ($use_stdout) {
  } else {
    while (1) {
      sleep $delay;

exit 0;