path: root/hacks/images/m6502/spacer.asm
diff options
authorSimon Rettberg2018-10-16 10:08:48 +0200
committerSimon Rettberg2018-10-16 10:08:48 +0200
commitd3a98cf6cbc3bd0b9efc570f58e8812c03931c18 (patch)
treecbddf8e50f35a9c6e878a5bfe3c6d625d99e12ba /hacks/images/m6502/spacer.asm
Original 5.40
Diffstat (limited to 'hacks/images/m6502/spacer.asm')
1 files changed, 235 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hacks/images/m6502/spacer.asm b/hacks/images/m6502/spacer.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdecbb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hacks/images/m6502/spacer.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+; "spacer", move a space ship through an
+; endless tunnel. You die once you hit
+; the walls.
+; Controls:
+; W - move up
+; X - move down
+; Any other key will stop the ship
+; Ps: this game runs awfully slow =)
+ jsr init
+ ;; jsr drawShip
+ jsr drawMap
+ jsr genMap
+ jsr readKeys
+ jmp loop
+ lda $82 ; mychange
+; asl
+ tay
+ lda ypos,y
+ sta $00
+ iny
+ lda ypos,y
+ sta $01
+ ldx #42
+ lda ($00,x)
+ cmp #0
+ beq noCrash
+ cmp #5
+; bne crashed
+;my changes
+ lda #5
+ sta ($00,x)
+ lda $60
+ cmp $61
+ beq ret
+ lda $61
+ asl
+ tay
+ lda ypos,y
+ sta $00
+ iny
+ lda ypos,y
+ sta $01
+ lda #0
+ ldx #42
+ sta ($00,x)
+ lda $60
+ sta $61
+ rts
+ lda $fe
+ sta ($00,x)
+ jmp crashed
+ lda $ff
+ cmp #119
+ bne notUp
+ dec $60
+ rts
+ cmp #120
+ bne noMove
+ inc $60
+ rts
+ ldx #0
+ lda bottomLogo,x
+ sta $500,x
+ inx
+ cpx #0
+ bne drawLogo
+ lda #10
+ sta $60
+ sta $61
+ ldx #0
+ lda #$c
+c:sta $200,x
+ sta $400,x
+ dex
+ cpx #0
+ bne c
+ lda #16
+ sta $80 ; origin
+ ldx #15
+ sta $81,x ; target
+ dex
+ bpl set
+ rts
+ lda #0
+ sta $78
+ lda #32
+ sta $79
+ lda #192
+ sta $7a
+ lda #224
+ sta $7b
+ ldx #15
+ lda $81,x
+ sta $82,x
+ tay
+ lda ypos,y
+ sta $00
+ iny
+ lda ypos,y
+ sta $01
+ lda #$c
+ ldy $78
+ sta ($00),y
+ iny
+ sta ($00),y
+ ldy $7b
+ sta ($00),y
+ iny
+ sta ($00),y
+ ldy $79
+ lda #0
+ sta ($00),y
+ iny
+ sta ($00),y
+ ldy $7a
+ sta ($00),y
+ iny
+ sta ($00),y
+ inc $78
+ inc $79
+ inc $7a
+ inc $7b
+ inc $78
+ inc $79
+ inc $7a
+ inc $7b
+ dex
+ bpl drawLoop
+ rts
+ lda $80
+ cmp $81
+ beq done
+ lda $80
+ clc
+ sbc $81
+ bpl plus
+ bmi minus
+ lda $fe
+ and #$f
+ asl
+ sta $80
+ rts
+ dec $81
+ dec $81
+ rts
+ inc $81
+ inc $81
+ rts
+ dcb $00,$02,$20,$02,$40,$02,$60,$02
+ dcb $80,$02,$a0,$02,$c0,$02,$e0,$02
+ dcb $00,$03,$20,$03,$40,$03,$60,$03
+ dcb $80,$03,$a0,$03,$c0,$03,$e0,$03
+ dcb $00,$04,$20,$04,$40,$04,$60,$04
+ dcb $80,$04,$a0,$04,$c0,$04,$e0,$04
+ dcb $00,$05,$20,$05,$40,$05,$60,$05
+ dcb $80,$05,$a0,$05,$c0,$05,$e0,$05
+ dcb $0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0
+ dcb $0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0
+ dcb $0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$0,$1,$1,$1,$6,$1,$1,$1,$0
+ dcb $0,$6,$1,$1,$6,$0,$0,$1,$1,$1,$6,$0,$1,$1
+ dcb $1,$0,$1,$1,$1,$6,$0,$0,$6,$1,$6,$0,$6,$0
+ dcb $1,$0,$6,$1,$6,$1,$6,$0,$1,$0,$1,$0,$6,$0
+ dcb $6,$1,$6,$0,$6,$0,$1,$0,$6,$1,$6,$0,$0,$6
+ dcb $1,$1,$6,$6,$1,$1,$1,$0,$6,$1,$0,$0,$1,$0
+ dcb $1,$6,$0,$6,$6,$1,$1,$1,$0,$6,$1,$0,$6,$1
+ dcb $0,$6,$6,$6,$6,$6,$1,$6,$1,$1,$6,$6,$6,$1
+ dcb $1,$1,$1,$6,$1,$6,$6,$6,$6,$1,$6,$6,$6,$6
+ dcb $1,$1,$1,$6,$6,$6,$6,$1,$1,$1,$1,$e,$1,$1
+ dcb $e,$6,$6,$1,$1,$6,$1,$6,$1,$1,$1,$1,$e,$1
+ dcb $1,$1,$1,$6,$1,$1,$6,$1,$6,$6,$6,$1,$1,$1
+ dcb $6,$e,$1,$1,$6,$e,$6,$1,$1,$e,$1,$e,$6,$1
+ dcb $1,$1,$6,$e,$1,$1,$1,$e,$1,$1,$6,$1,$6,$e
+ dcb $e,$e,$6,$e,$e,$6,$e,$e,$6,$e,$e,$6,$e,$e
+ dcb $6,$e,$e,$6,$e,$e,$6,$e,$e,$6,$e,$e,$6,$e
+ dcb $e,$6,$e,$e