path: root/hacks/speedmine.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'hacks/speedmine.c')
1 files changed, 1647 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hacks/speedmine.c b/hacks/speedmine.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17a3f2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hacks/speedmine.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1647 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4 -*-
+ * speedmine, Copyright (C) 2001 Conrad Parker <>
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
+ * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
+ * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+ * documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this
+ * software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
+ * implied warranty.
+ */
+ * Written mostly over the Easter holiday, 2001. Psychedelic option due to
+ * a night at Home nightclub, Sydney. Three all-nighters of solid partying
+ * were involved in the week this hack was written.
+ *
+ * Happy Birthday to WierdArms (17 April) and Pat (18 April)
+ */
+ * Hacking notes
+ *
+ * This program generates a rectangular terrain grid and maps this onto
+ * a semi-circular tunnel. The terrain has length TERRAIN_LENGTH, which
+ * corresponds to length along the tunnel, and breadth TERRAIN_BREADTH,
+ * which corresponds to circumference around the tunnel. For each frame,
+ * the tunnel is perspective mapped onto a set of X and Y screen values.
+ *
+ * Throughout this code the following temporary variable names are used:
+ *
+ * i iterates along the tunnel in the direction of travel
+ * j iterates around the tunnel clockwise
+ * t iterates along the length of the perspective mapped values
+ * from the furthest to the nearest
+ *
+ * Thus, the buffers are used with these iterators:
+ *
+ * terrain[i][j] terrain map
+ * worldx[i][j], worldy[i][j] world coordinates (after wrapping)
+ * {x,y,z}curvature[i] tunnel curvature
+ * wideness[i] tunnel wideness
+ * bonuses[i] bonus values
+ *
+ * xvals[t][j], yvals[t][j] screen coordinates
+ * {min,max}{x,y}[t] bounding boxes of screen coords
+ */
+/* Define or undefine NDEBUG to turn assert and abort debugging off or on */
+/*#define NDEBUG*/
+/*#include <assert.h>*/
+#define assert(X)
+#define DEBUG_FLAG 0
+#include <math.h>
+#include "screenhack.h"
+#include "erase.h"
+#define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
+#define MAX(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
+#define RAND(r) (int)(((r)>0)?(random() % (long)(r)): -(random() % (long)(-r)))
+#define SIGN3(a) ((a)>0?1:((a)<0?-1:0))
+#define MODULO(a,b) while ((a)<0) (a)+=(b); (a) %= (b);
+/* No. of shades of each color (ground, walls, bonuses) */
+#define MAX_COLORS 32
+#define FORWARDS 1
+#define BACKWARDS -1
+/* Apparently AIX's math.h bogusly defines `nearest' as a function,
+ in violation of the ANSI C spec. */
+#undef nearest
+#define nearest n3arest
+#define wireframe (st->wire_flag||st->wire_bonus>8||st->wire_bonus%2==1)
+#define effective_speed (st->direction*(st->speed+st->speed_bonus))
+/* No. of levels of interpolation, for perspective */
+#define INTERP 32
+/* These must be powers of 2 */
+#define TERRAIN_LENGTH 256
+/* total "perspective distance" of terrain */
+#define ROTS 1024
+#define random_elevation() (st->terrain_flag?(random() % 200):0)
+#define random_curvature() (st->curviness>0.0?((double)(random() % 40)-20)*st->curviness:0.0)
+#define random_twist() (st->twistiness>0.0?((double)(random() % 40)-20)*st->twistiness:0.0)
+#define random_wideness() (st->widening_flag?(int)(random() % 1200):0)
+#define STEEL_ELEVATION 300
+struct state {
+ Display *dpy;
+ Window window;
+ Pixmap dbuf, stars_mask;
+ Colormap cmap;
+ Visual *visual;
+ Screen *screen;
+ unsigned int default_fg_pixel;
+ GC draw_gc, erase_gc, tunnelend_gc, stars_gc, stars_erase_gc;
+ int ncolors, nr_ground_colors, nr_wall_colors, nr_bonus_colors;
+ XColor ground_colors[MAX_COLORS], wall_colors[MAX_COLORS];
+ XColor bonus_colors[MAX_COLORS];
+ GC ground_gcs[MAX_COLORS], wall_gcs[MAX_COLORS], bonus_gcs[MAX_COLORS];
+ int be_wormy;
+ int width, height;
+ int delay;
+ int smoothness;
+ int verbose_flag;
+ int wire_flag;
+ int terrain_flag;
+ int widening_flag;
+ int bumps_flag;
+ int bonuses_flag;
+ int crosshair_flag;
+ int psychedelic_flag;
+ double maxspeed;
+ double thrust, gravity;
+ double vertigo;
+ double curviness;
+ double twistiness;
+ double pos;
+ double speed;
+ double accel;
+ double step;
+ int direction;
+ int pindex, nearest;
+ int flipped_at;
+ int xoffset, yoffset;
+ int bonus_bright;
+ int wire_bonus;
+ double speed_bonus;
+ int spin_bonus;
+ int backwards_bonus;
+ double sintab[ROTS], costab[ROTS];
+ int orientation;
+ double xcurvature[TERRAIN_LENGTH];
+ double ycurvature[TERRAIN_LENGTH];
+ double zcurvature[TERRAIN_LENGTH];
+ int wideness[TERRAIN_LENGTH];
+ int bonuses[TERRAIN_LENGTH];
+ int total_nframes;
+ int nframes;
+ double fps;
+ double fps_start, fps_end;
+ struct timeval start_time;
+ int rotation_offset;
+ int jamming;
+/* a forward declaration ... */
+static void change_colors(struct state *st);
+ * get_time ()
+ *
+ * returns the total time elapsed since the beginning of the demo
+ */
+static double get_time(struct state *st) {
+ struct timeval t;
+ float f;
+ gettimeofday(&t, NULL);
+ gettimeofday(&t);
+ t.tv_sec -= st->start_time.tv_sec;
+ f = ((double)t.tv_sec) + t.tv_usec*1e-6;
+ return f;
+ * init_time ()
+ *
+ * initialises the timing structures
+ */
+static void init_time(struct state *st) {
+ gettimeofday(&st->start_time, NULL);
+ gettimeofday(&st->start_time);
+ st->fps_start = get_time(st);
+ * perspective()
+ *
+ * perspective map the world coordinates worldx[i][j], worldy[i][j] onto
+ * screen coordinates xvals[t][j], yvals[t][j]
+ */
+static void
+perspective (struct state *st)
+ int i, j, jj, t=0, depth, view_pos;
+ int rotation_bias, r;
+ double xc=0.0, yc=0.0, zc=0.0;
+ double xcc=0.0, ycc=0.0, zcc=0.0;
+ double xx, yy;
+ double zfactor, zf;
+ zf = 8.0*28.0 / (double)(st->width*TERRAIN_LENGTH);
+ if (st->be_wormy) zf *= 3.0;
+ depth = TERRAIN_PDIST - INTERP + st->pindex;
+ view_pos = (st->nearest+3*TERRAIN_LENGTH/4)%TERRAIN_LENGTH;
+ st->xoffset += - st->xcurvature[view_pos]*st->curviness/8;
+ st->xoffset /= 2;
+ st->yoffset += - st->ycurvature[view_pos]*st->curviness/4;
+ st->yoffset /= 2;
+ st->rotation_offset += (int)((st->zcurvature[view_pos]-st->zcurvature[st->nearest])*ROTS/8);
+ st->rotation_offset /= 2;
+ rotation_bias = st->orientation + st->spin_bonus - st->rotation_offset;
+ if (st->bumps_flag) {
+ if (st->be_wormy) {
+ st->yoffset -= ((st->terrain[view_pos][TERRAIN_BREADTH/4] * st->width /(8*1600)));
+ rotation_bias += (st->terrain[view_pos][TERRAIN_BREADTH/4+2] -
+ st->terrain[view_pos][TERRAIN_BREADTH/4-2])/8;
+ } else {
+ st->yoffset -= ((st->terrain[view_pos][TERRAIN_BREADTH/4] * st->width /(2*1600)));
+ rotation_bias += (st->terrain[view_pos][TERRAIN_BREADTH/4+2] -
+ st->terrain[view_pos][TERRAIN_BREADTH/4-2])/16;
+ }
+ }
+ MODULO(rotation_bias, ROTS);
+ for (t=0; t < TERRAIN_LENGTH; t++) {
+ i = st->nearest + t; MODULO(i, TERRAIN_LENGTH);
+ xc += st->xcurvature[i]; yc += st->ycurvature[i]; zc += st->zcurvature[i];
+ xcc += xc; ycc += yc; zcc += zc;
+ st->maxx[i] = st->maxy[i] = 0;
+ st->minx[i] = st->width; st->miny[i] = st->height;
+ }
+ for (t=0; t < TERRAIN_LENGTH; t++) {
+ i = st->nearest - 1 - t; MODULO(i, TERRAIN_LENGTH);
+ zfactor = (double)depth* (12.0 - TERRAIN_LENGTH/8.0) * zf;
+ for (j=0; j < TERRAIN_BREADTH; j++) {
+ jj = st->direction * j; MODULO(jj, TERRAIN_BREADTH);
+ /* jwz: not totally sure if this is right, but it avoids div0 */
+ if (zfactor != 0) {
+ xx = (st->worldx[i][jj]-(st->vertigo*xcc))/zfactor;
+ yy = (st->worldy[i][j]-(st->vertigo*ycc))/zfactor;
+ } else {
+ xx = 0;
+ yy = 0;
+ }
+ r = rotation_bias + (int)(st->vertigo*zcc); MODULO(r, ROTS);
+ st->xvals[t][j] = st->xoffset + (st->width>>1) +
+ (int)(xx * st->costab[r] - yy * st->sintab[r]);
+ st->maxx[t] = MAX(st->maxx[t], st->xvals[t][j]);
+ st->minx[t] = MIN(st->minx[t], st->xvals[t][j]);
+ st->yvals[t][j] = st->yoffset + st->height/2 +
+ (int)(xx * st->sintab[r] + yy * st->costab[r]);
+ st->maxy[t] = MAX(st->maxy[t], st->yvals[t][j]);
+ st->miny[t] = MIN(st->miny[t], st->yvals[t][j]);
+ }
+ xcc -= xc; ycc -= yc; zcc -= zc;
+ xc -= st->xcurvature[i]; yc -= st->ycurvature[i]; zc -= st->zcurvature[i];
+ depth -= INTERP;
+ }
+ * wrap_tunnel (start, end)
+ *
+ * wrap the terrain terrain[i][j] around the semi-circular tunnel function
+ *
+ * x' = x/2 * cos(theta) - (y-k) * x * sin(theta)
+ * y' = x/4 * sin(theta) + y * cos(theta)
+ *
+ * between i=start and i=end inclusive, producing world coordinates
+ * worldx[i][j], worldy[i][j]
+ */
+static void
+wrap_tunnel (struct state *st, int start, int end)
+ int i, j, v;
+ double x, y;
+ assert (start < end);
+ for (i=start; i <= end; i++) {
+ for (j=0; j < TERRAIN_BREADTH; j++) {
+ x = j * (1.0/TERRAIN_BREADTH);
+ v = st->terrain[i][j];
+ y = (double)(v==STEEL_ELEVATION?200:v) - st->wideness[i] - 1200;
+ /* lower road */
+ if (j > TERRAIN_BREADTH/8 && j < 3*TERRAIN_BREADTH/8) y -= 300;
+ st->worldx[i][j] = x/2 * st->costab[j*TB_MUL] -
+ (y-st->height/4.0)*x*st->sintab[j*TB_MUL];
+ st->worldy[i][j] = x/4 * st->sintab[j*TB_MUL] +
+ y * st->costab[j*TB_MUL];
+ }
+ }
+ * flip_direction()
+ *
+ * perform the state transitions and terrain transformation for the
+ * "look backwards/look forwards" bonus
+ */
+static void
+flip_direction (struct state *st)
+ int i, ip, in, j, t;
+ st->direction = -st->direction;
+ st->bonus_bright = 20;
+ for (i=0; i < TERRAIN_LENGTH; i++) {
+ in = st->nearest + i; MODULO(in, TERRAIN_BREADTH);
+ ip = st->nearest - i; MODULO(ip, TERRAIN_BREADTH);
+ for (j=0; j < TERRAIN_BREADTH; j++) {
+ t = st->terrain[ip][j];
+ st->terrain[ip][j] = st->terrain[in][j];
+ st->terrain[in][j] = t;
+ }
+ }
+ * generate_smooth (start, end)
+ *
+ * generate smooth terrain between i=start and i=end inclusive
+ */
+static void
+generate_smooth (struct state *st, int start, int end)
+ int i,j, ii;
+ assert (start < end);
+ for (i=start; i <= end; i++) {
+ for (j=0; j < TERRAIN_BREADTH; j++) {
+ st->terrain[i][j] = STEEL_ELEVATION;
+ }
+ }
+ * generate_straight (start, end)
+ *
+ * zero the curvature and wideness between i=start and i=end inclusive
+ */
+static void
+generate_straight (struct state *st, int start, int end)
+ int i,j, ii;
+ assert (start < end);
+ for (i=start; i <= end; i++) {
+ for (j=0; j < TERRAIN_BREADTH; j++) {
+ st->xcurvature[ii] = 0;
+ st->ycurvature[ii] = 0;
+ st->zcurvature[ii] = 0;
+ st->wideness[ii] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ * int generate_terrain_value (v1, v2, v3, v4, w)
+ *
+ * generate terrain value near the average of v1, v2, v3, v4, with
+ * perturbation proportional to w
+ */
+static int
+generate_terrain_value (struct state *st, int v1, int v2, int v3, int v4, int w)
+ int sum, ret;
+ int rval;
+ if (!st->terrain_flag) return 0;
+ sum = v1 + v2 + v3 + v4;
+ rval = w*sum/st->smoothness;
+ if (rval == 0) rval = 2;
+ ret = (sum/4 -(rval/2) + RAND(rval));
+ if (ret < -400 || ret > 400) {
+ ret = sum/4;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ * generate_terrain (start, end, final)
+ *
+ * generate terrain[i][j] between i=start and i=end inclusive
+ *
+ * This is performed by successive subdivision of the terrain into
+ * rectangles of decreasing size. Subdivision continues until the
+ * the minimum width or height of these rectangles is 'final'; ie.
+ * final=1 indicates to subdivide as far as possible, final=2 indicates
+ * to stop one subdivision before that (leaving a checkerboard pattern
+ * uncalculated) etc.
+ */
+static void
+generate_terrain (struct state *st, int start, int end, int final)
+ int i,j,w,l;
+ int ip, jp, in, jn; /* prev, next values */
+ int diff;
+ assert (start < end);
+ assert (start >= 0 && start < TERRAIN_LENGTH);
+ assert (end >= 0 && end < TERRAIN_LENGTH);
+ diff = end - start + 1;
+ st->terrain[end][0] = random_elevation();
+ st->terrain[end][TERRAIN_BREADTH/2] = random_elevation();
+ for (w= diff/2, l=TERRAIN_BREADTH/4;
+ w >= final || l >= final; w /= 2, l /= 2) {
+ if (w<1) w=1;
+ if (l<1) l=1;
+ for (i=start+w-1; i < end; i += (w*2)) {
+ ip = i-w; MODULO(ip, TERRAIN_LENGTH);
+ in = i+w; MODULO(in, TERRAIN_LENGTH);
+ for (j=l-1; j < TERRAIN_BREADTH; j += (l*2)) {
+ jp = j-1; MODULO(jp, TERRAIN_BREADTH);
+ jn = j+1; MODULO(jn, TERRAIN_BREADTH);
+ st->terrain[i][j] =
+ generate_terrain_value (st, st->terrain[ip][jp], st->terrain[in][jp],
+ st->terrain[ip][jn], st->terrain[in][jn], w);
+ }
+ }
+ for (i=start+(w*2)-1; i < end; i += (w*2)) {
+ ip = i-w; MODULO(ip, TERRAIN_LENGTH);
+ in = i+w; MODULO(in, TERRAIN_LENGTH);
+ for (j=l-1; j < TERRAIN_BREADTH; j += (l*2)) {
+ jp = j-1; MODULO(jp, TERRAIN_BREADTH);
+ jn = j+1; MODULO(jn, TERRAIN_BREADTH);
+ st->terrain[i][j] =
+ generate_terrain_value (st, st->terrain[ip][j], st->terrain[in][j],
+ st->terrain[i][jp], st->terrain[i][jn], w);
+ }
+ }
+ for (i=start+w-1; i < end; i += (w*2)) {
+ ip = i-w; MODULO(ip, TERRAIN_LENGTH);
+ in = i+w; MODULO(in, TERRAIN_LENGTH);
+ for (j=2*l-1; j < TERRAIN_BREADTH; j += (l*2)) {
+ jp = j-1; MODULO(jp, TERRAIN_BREADTH);
+ jn = j+1; MODULO(jn, TERRAIN_BREADTH);
+ st->terrain[i][j] =
+ generate_terrain_value (st, st->terrain[ip][j], st->terrain[in][j],
+ st->terrain[i][jp], st->terrain[i][jn], w);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * double generate_curvature_value (v1, v2, w)
+ *
+ * generate curvature value near the average of v1 and v2, with perturbation
+ * proportional to w
+ */
+static double
+generate_curvature_value (double v1, double v2, int w)
+ double sum, avg, diff, ret;
+ int rval;
+ assert (!isnan(v1) && !isnan(v2));
+ sum = v1+v2;
+ avg = sum/2.0;
+ diff = MIN(v1 - avg, v2 - avg);
+ rval = (int)diff * w;
+ if (rval == 0.0) return avg;
+ ret = (avg -((double)rval)/500.0 + ((double)RAND(rval))/1000.0);
+ assert (!isnan(ret));
+ return ret;
+ * generate_curves (start, end)
+ *
+ * generate xcurvature[i], ycurvature[i], zcurvature[i] and wideness[i]
+ * between start and end inclusive
+ */
+static void
+generate_curves (struct state *st, int start, int end)
+ int i, diff, ii, in, ip, w;
+ assert (start < end);
+ diff = end - start + 1; MODULO (diff, TERRAIN_LENGTH);
+ if (random() % 100 == 0)
+ st->xcurvature[end] = 30 * random_curvature();
+ else if (random() % 10 == 0)
+ st->xcurvature[end] = 20 * random_curvature();
+ else
+ st->xcurvature[end] = 10 * random_curvature();
+ if (random() % 50 == 0)
+ st->ycurvature[end] = 20 * random_curvature();
+ else if (random() % 25 == 0)
+ st->ycurvature[end] = 30 * random_curvature();
+ else
+ st->ycurvature[end] = 10 * random_curvature();
+ if (random() % 3 == 0)
+ st->zcurvature[end] = random_twist();
+ else
+ st->zcurvature[end] =
+ generate_curvature_value (st->zcurvature[end], random_twist(), 1);
+ if (st->be_wormy)
+ st->wideness[end] = random_wideness();
+ else
+ st->wideness[end] =
+ generate_curvature_value (st->wideness[end], random_wideness(), 1);
+ for (w=diff/2; w >= 1; w /= 2) {
+ for (i=start+w-1; i < end; i+=(w*2)) {
+ ii = i; MODULO (ii, TERRAIN_LENGTH);
+ ip = i-w; MODULO (ip, TERRAIN_LENGTH);
+ in = i+w; MODULO (in, TERRAIN_LENGTH);
+ st->xcurvature[ii] =
+ generate_curvature_value (st->xcurvature[ip], st->xcurvature[in], w);
+ st->ycurvature[ii] =
+ generate_curvature_value (st->ycurvature[ip], st->ycurvature[in], w);
+ st->zcurvature[ii] =
+ generate_curvature_value (st->zcurvature[ip], st->zcurvature[in], w);
+ st->wideness[ii] =
+ generate_curvature_value (st->wideness[ip], st->wideness[in], w);
+ }
+ }
+ * do_bonus ()
+ *
+ * choose a random bonus and perform its state transition
+ */
+static void
+do_bonus (struct state *st)
+ st->bonus_bright = 20;
+ if (st->jamming > 0) {
+ st->jamming--;
+ st->nearest -= 2; MODULO(st->nearest, TERRAIN_LENGTH);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (st->psychedelic_flag) change_colors(st);
+ switch (random() % 7) {
+ case 0: /* switch to or from wireframe */
+ st->wire_bonus = (st->wire_bonus?0:300);
+ break;
+ case 1: /* speedup */
+ st->speed_bonus = 40.0;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ st->spin_bonus += ROTS;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ st->spin_bonus -= ROTS;
+ break;
+ case 4: /* look backwards / look forwards */
+ st->flipped_at = st->nearest;
+ flip_direction (st);
+ st->backwards_bonus = (st->backwards_bonus?0:10);
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ change_colors(st);
+ break;
+ case 6: /* jam against the bonus a few times; deja vu! */
+ st->nearest -= 2; MODULO(st->nearest, TERRAIN_LENGTH);
+ st->jamming = 3;
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ break;
+ }
+ * check_bonus ()
+ *
+ * check if a bonus has been passed in the last frame, and handle it
+ */
+static void
+check_bonuses (struct state *st)
+ int i, ii, start, end;
+ if (!st->bonuses_flag) return;
+ if (st->step >= 0.0) {
+ start = st->nearest; end = st->nearest + (int)floor(st->step);
+ } else {
+ end = st->nearest; start = st->nearest + (int)floor(st->step);
+ }
+ if (st->be_wormy) {
+ start += TERRAIN_LENGTH/4;
+ end += TERRAIN_LENGTH/4;
+ }
+ for (i=start; i < end; i++) {
+ if (st->bonuses[ii] == 1) do_bonus (st);
+ }
+ * decrement_bonuses (double time_per_frame)
+ *
+ * decrement timers associated with bonuses
+ */
+static void
+decrement_bonuses (struct state *st, double time_per_frame)
+ if (!st->bonuses_flag) return;
+ if (st->bonus_bright > 0) st->bonus_bright-=4;
+ if (st->wire_bonus > 0) st->wire_bonus--;
+ if (st->speed_bonus > 0) st->speed_bonus -= 2.0;
+ if (st->spin_bonus > 10) st->spin_bonus -= (int)(st->step*13.7);
+ else if (st->spin_bonus < -10) st->spin_bonus += (int)(st->step*11.3);
+ if (st->backwards_bonus > 1) st->backwards_bonus--;
+ else if (st->backwards_bonus == 1) {
+ st->nearest += 2*(MAX(st->flipped_at, st->nearest) - MIN(st->flipped_at,st->nearest));
+ MODULO(st->nearest, TERRAIN_LENGTH);
+ flip_direction (st);
+ st->backwards_bonus = 0;
+ }
+ * set_bonuses (start, end)
+ *
+ * choose if to and where to set a bonus between i=start and i=end inclusive
+ */
+static void
+set_bonuses (struct state *st, int start, int end)
+ int i, diff, ii;
+ if (!st->bonuses_flag) return;
+ assert (start < end);
+ diff = end - start;
+ for (i=start; i <= end; i++) {
+ ii = i; if (ii>=TERRAIN_LENGTH) ii -= TERRAIN_LENGTH;
+ st->bonuses[ii] = 0;
+ }
+ if (random() % 4 == 0) {
+ i = start + RAND(diff-3);
+ ii = i; if (ii>=TERRAIN_LENGTH) ii -= TERRAIN_LENGTH;
+ st->bonuses[ii] = 2; /* marker */
+ ii = i+3; if (ii>=TERRAIN_LENGTH) ii -= TERRAIN_LENGTH;
+ st->bonuses[ii] = 1; /* real thing */
+ }
+ * regenerate_terrain ()
+ *
+ * regenerate a portion of the terrain map of length TERRAIN_LENGTH/4 iff
+ * we just passed between two quarters of the terrain.
+ *
+ * choose the kind of terrain to produce, produce it and wrap the tunnel
+ */
+static void
+regenerate_terrain (struct state *st)
+ int start, end;
+ int passed;
+ passed = st->nearest % (TERRAIN_LENGTH/4);
+ if (st->speed == 0.0 ||
+ (st->speed > 0.0 && passed > (int)st->step) ||
+ (st->speed < 0.0 && (TERRAIN_LENGTH/4)-passed > (int)fabs(st->step))) {
+ return;
+ }
+ end = st->nearest - passed - 1; MODULO(end, TERRAIN_LENGTH);
+ start = end - TERRAIN_LENGTH/4 + 1; MODULO(start, TERRAIN_LENGTH);
+ if (DEBUG_FLAG) printf ("Regenerating [%d - %d]\n", start, end);
+ set_bonuses (st, start, end);
+ switch (random() % 64) {
+ case 0:
+ case 1:
+ generate_terrain (st, start, end, 1);
+ generate_smooth (st, start,
+ start + TERRAIN_LENGTH/8 + (random() % TERRAIN_LENGTH/8));
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ generate_smooth (st, start, end);
+ generate_terrain (st, start, end, 4); break;
+ case 3:
+ generate_smooth (st, start, end);
+ generate_terrain (st, start, end, 2); break;
+ default:
+ generate_terrain (st, start, end, 1);
+ }
+ if (random() % 16 == 0) {
+ generate_straight (st, start, end);
+ } else {
+ generate_curves (st, start, end);
+ }
+ wrap_tunnel (st, start, end);
+ * init_terrain ()
+ *
+ * initialise the terrain map for the beginning of the demo
+ */
+static void
+init_terrain (struct state *st)
+ int i, j;
+ for (i=0; i < TERRAIN_LENGTH; i++) {
+ for (j=0; j < TERRAIN_BREADTH; j++) {
+ st->terrain[i][j] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ st->terrain[TERRAIN_LENGTH-1][0] = - (random() % 300);
+ st->terrain[TERRAIN_LENGTH-1][TERRAIN_BREADTH/2] = - (random() % 300);
+ generate_smooth (st, 0, TERRAIN_LENGTH-1);
+ generate_terrain (st, 0, TERRAIN_LENGTH/4 -1, 4);
+ generate_terrain (st, TERRAIN_LENGTH/4, TERRAIN_LENGTH/2 -1, 2);
+ generate_terrain (st, TERRAIN_LENGTH/2, 3*TERRAIN_LENGTH/4 -1, 1);
+ generate_smooth (st, 3*TERRAIN_LENGTH/4, TERRAIN_LENGTH-1);
+ * init_curves ()
+ *
+ * initialise the curvatures and wideness for the beginning of the demo.
+ */
+static void
+init_curves (struct state *st)
+ int i;
+ for (i=0; i < TERRAIN_LENGTH-1; i++) {
+ st->xcurvature[i] = 0.0;
+ st->ycurvature[i] = 0.0;
+ st->zcurvature[i] = 0.0;
+ }
+ st->xcurvature[TERRAIN_LENGTH-1] = random_curvature();
+ st->ycurvature[TERRAIN_LENGTH-1] = random_curvature();
+ st->zcurvature[TERRAIN_LENGTH-1] = random_twist();
+ generate_straight (st, 0, TERRAIN_LENGTH/4-1);
+ generate_curves (st, TERRAIN_LENGTH/4, TERRAIN_LENGTH/2-1);
+ generate_curves (st, TERRAIN_LENGTH/2, 3*TERRAIN_LENGTH/4-1);
+ generate_straight (st, 3*TERRAIN_LENGTH/4, TERRAIN_LENGTH-1);
+ * render_quads (dpy, d, t, dt, i)
+ *
+ * renders the quadrilaterals from perspective depth t to t+dt.
+ * i is passed as a hint, where i corresponds to t as asserted.
+ */
+static void
+render_quads (struct state *st, Drawable d, int t, int dt, int i)
+ int j, t2, j2, in;
+ int index;
+ XPoint points[4];
+ GC gc;
+ assert (i == (st->nearest - (t + dt) + TERRAIN_LENGTH) % TERRAIN_LENGTH);
+ in = i + 1; MODULO(in, TERRAIN_LENGTH);
+ for (j=0; j < TERRAIN_BREADTH; j+=dt) {
+ t2 = t+dt; if (t2 >= TERRAIN_LENGTH) t2 -= TERRAIN_LENGTH;
+ j2 = j+dt; if (j2 >= TERRAIN_BREADTH) j2 -= TERRAIN_BREADTH;
+ points[0].x = st->xvals[t][j]; points[0].y = st->yvals[t][j];
+ points[1].x = st->xvals[t2][j]; points[1].y = st->yvals[t2][j];
+ points[2].x = st->xvals[t2][j2]; points[2].y = st->yvals[t2][j2];
+ points[3].x = st->xvals[t][j2]; points[3].y = st->yvals[t][j2];
+ index = st->bonus_bright + st->ncolors/3 +
+ t*(t*INTERP + st->pindex) * st->ncolors /
+ if (!wireframe) {
+ index += (int)((points[0].y - points[3].y) / 8);
+ index += (int)((st->worldx[i][j] - st->worldx[in][j]) / 40);
+ index += (int)((st->terrain[in][j] - st->terrain[i][j]) / 100);
+ }
+ if (st->be_wormy && st->psychedelic_flag) index += st->ncolors/4;
+ if (st->ncolors > MAX_COLORS) abort();
+ index = MIN (index, st->ncolors-1);
+ index = MAX (index, 0);
+ if (st->bonuses[i]) {
+ XSetClipMask (st->dpy, st->bonus_gcs[index], None);
+ }
+ if (wireframe) {
+ if (st->bonuses[i]) gc = st->bonus_gcs[index];
+ else gc = st->ground_gcs[index];
+ XDrawLines (st->dpy, d, gc, points, 4, CoordModeOrigin);
+ } else {
+ if (st->bonuses[i])
+ gc = st->bonus_gcs[index];
+ else if ((st->direction>0 && j < TERRAIN_BREADTH/8) ||
+ (j > TERRAIN_BREADTH/8 && j < 3*TERRAIN_BREADTH/8-1) ||
+ (st->direction < 0 && j > 3*TERRAIN_BREADTH/8-1 &&
+ st->terrain[i][j] == STEEL_ELEVATION ||
+ st->wideness[in] - st->wideness[i] > 200)
+ gc = st->ground_gcs[index];
+ else
+ gc = st->wall_gcs[index];
+ XFillPolygon (st->dpy, d, gc, points, 4, Nonconvex, CoordModeOrigin);
+ }
+ }
+ * render_pentagons (dpy, d, t, dt, i)
+ *
+ * renders the pentagons from perspective depth t to t+dt.
+ * i is passed as a hint, where i corresponds to t as asserted.
+ */
+static void
+render_pentagons (struct state *st, Drawable d, int t, int dt, int i)
+ int j, t2, j2, j3, in;
+ int index;
+ XPoint points[5];
+ GC gc;
+ assert (i == (st->nearest -t + TERRAIN_LENGTH) % TERRAIN_LENGTH);
+ in = i + 1; MODULO(in, TERRAIN_LENGTH);
+ for (j=0; j < TERRAIN_BREADTH; j+=dt*2) {
+ t2 = t+(dt*2); if (t2 >= TERRAIN_LENGTH) t2 -= TERRAIN_LENGTH;
+ j2 = j+dt; if (j2 >= TERRAIN_BREADTH) j2 -= TERRAIN_BREADTH;
+ j3 = j+dt+dt; if (j3 >= TERRAIN_BREADTH) j3 -= TERRAIN_BREADTH;
+ points[0].x = st->xvals[t][j]; points[0].y = st->yvals[t][j];
+ points[1].x = st->xvals[t2][j]; points[1].y = st->yvals[t2][j];
+ points[2].x = st->xvals[t2][j2]; points[2].y = st->yvals[t2][j2];
+ points[3].x = st->xvals[t2][j3]; points[3].y = st->yvals[t2][j3];
+ points[4].x = st->xvals[t][j3]; points[4].y = st->yvals[t][j3];
+ index = st->bonus_bright + st->ncolors/3 +
+ t*(t*INTERP + st->pindex) * st->ncolors /
+ if (!wireframe) {
+ index += (int)((points[0].y - points[3].y) / 8);
+ index += (int)((st->worldx[i][j] - st->worldx[in][j]) / 40);
+ index += (int)((st->terrain[in][j] - st->terrain[i][j]) / 100);
+ }
+ if (st->be_wormy && st->psychedelic_flag) index += st->ncolors/4;
+ index = MIN (index, st->ncolors-1);
+ index = MAX (index, 0);
+ if (st->bonuses[i]) {
+ XSetClipMask (st->dpy, st->bonus_gcs[index], None);
+ }
+ if (wireframe) {
+ if (st->bonuses[i]) gc = st->bonus_gcs[index];
+ else gc = st->ground_gcs[index];
+ XDrawLines (st->dpy, d, gc, points, 5, CoordModeOrigin);
+ } else {
+ if (st->bonuses[i])
+ gc = st->bonus_gcs[index];
+ else if (j < TERRAIN_BREADTH/8 ||
+ (j > TERRAIN_BREADTH/8 && j < 3*TERRAIN_BREADTH/8-1) ||
+ st->terrain[i][j] == STEEL_ELEVATION ||
+ st->wideness[in] - st->wideness[i] > 200)
+ gc = st->ground_gcs[index];
+ else
+ gc = st->wall_gcs[index];
+ XFillPolygon (st->dpy, d, gc, points, 5, Complex, CoordModeOrigin);
+ }
+ }
+ * render_block (dpy, d, gc, t)
+ *
+ * render a filled polygon at perspective depth t using the given GC
+ */
+static void
+render_block (struct state *st, Drawable d, GC gc, int t)
+ int i;
+ XPoint erase_points[TERRAIN_BREADTH/2];
+ for (i=0; i < TERRAIN_BREADTH/2; i++) {
+ erase_points[i].x = st->xvals[t][i*2];
+ erase_points[i].y = st->yvals[t][i*2];
+ }
+ XFillPolygon (st->dpy, d, gc, erase_points,
+ TERRAIN_BREADTH/2, Complex, CoordModeOrigin);
+ * regenerate_stars_mask (dpy, t)
+ *
+ * regenerate the clip mask 'stars_mask' for drawing the bonus stars at
+ * random positions within the bounding box at depth t
+ */
+static void
+regenerate_stars_mask (struct state *st, int t)
+ int i, w, h, a, b, l1, l2;
+ const int lim = st->width*TERRAIN_LENGTH/(300*(TERRAIN_LENGTH-t));
+ w = st->maxx[t] - st->minx[t];
+ h = st->maxy[t] - st->miny[t];
+ if (w<6||h<6) return;
+ XFillRectangle (st->dpy, st->stars_mask, st->stars_erase_gc,
+ 0, 0, st->width, st->height);
+ l1 = (t>3*TERRAIN_LENGTH/4?2:1);
+ l2 = (t>7*TERRAIN_LENGTH/8?2:1);
+ for (i=0; i < lim; i++) {
+ a = RAND(w); b = RAND(h);
+ XDrawLine (st->dpy, st->stars_mask, st->stars_gc,
+ st->minx[t]+a-l1, st->miny[t]+b, st->minx[t]+a+l1, st->miny[t]+b);
+ XDrawLine (st->dpy, st->stars_mask, st->stars_gc,
+ st->minx[t]+a, st->miny[t]+b-l1, st->minx[t]+a, st->miny[t]+b+l1);
+ }
+ for (i=0; i < lim; i++) {
+ a = RAND(w); b = RAND(h);
+ XDrawLine (st->dpy, st->stars_mask, st->stars_gc,
+ st->minx[t]+a-l2, st->miny[t]+b, st->minx[t]+a+l2, st->miny[t]+b);
+ XDrawLine (st->dpy, st->stars_mask, st->stars_gc,
+ st->minx[t]+a, st->miny[t]+b-l2, st->minx[t]+a, st->miny[t]+b+l2);
+ }
+ * render_bonus_block (dpy, d, t, i)
+ *
+ * draw the bonus stars at depth t.
+ * i is passed as a hint, where i corresponds to t as asserted.
+ */
+static void
+render_bonus_block (struct state *st, Drawable d, int t, int i)
+ int bt;
+ assert (i == (st->nearest -t + TERRAIN_LENGTH) % TERRAIN_LENGTH);
+ if (!st->bonuses[i] || wireframe) return;
+ regenerate_stars_mask (st, t);
+ bt = t * st->nr_bonus_colors / (2*TERRAIN_LENGTH);
+ XSetClipMask (st->dpy, st->bonus_gcs[bt], st->stars_mask);
+ render_block (st, d, st->bonus_gcs[bt], t);
+static int
+begin_at (struct state *st)
+ int t;
+ int max_minx=0, min_maxx=st->width, max_miny=0, min_maxy=st->height;
+ for (t=TERRAIN_LENGTH-1; t > 0; t--) {
+ max_minx = MAX (max_minx, st->minx[t]);
+ min_maxx = MIN (min_maxx, st->maxx[t]);
+ max_miny = MAX (max_miny, st->miny[t]);
+ min_maxy = MIN (min_maxy, st->maxy[t]);
+ if (max_miny >= min_maxy || max_minx >= min_maxx) break;
+ }
+ return t;
+ * render_speedmine (dpy, d)
+ *
+ * render the current frame.
+ */
+static void
+render_speedmine (struct state *st, Drawable d)
+ int t, i=st->nearest, dt=1;
+ GC gc;
+ assert (st->nearest >= 0 && st->nearest < TERRAIN_LENGTH);
+ if (st->be_wormy || wireframe) {
+ XFillRectangle (st->dpy, d, st->erase_gc, 0, 0, st->width, st->height);
+ dt=4;
+ for (t=0; t < TERRAIN_LENGTH/4; t+=dt) {
+ render_bonus_block (st, d, t, i);
+ render_quads (st, d, t, dt, i);
+ }
+ assert (t == TERRAIN_LENGTH/4);
+ } else {
+ t = MAX(begin_at(st), TERRAIN_LENGTH/4);
+ /*t = TERRAIN_LENGTH/4; dt = 2; */
+ /*dt = (t >= 3*TERRAIN_LENGTH/4 ? 1 : 2);*/
+ i = (st->nearest -t + TERRAIN_LENGTH) % TERRAIN_LENGTH;
+ render_block (st, d, st->tunnelend_gc, t);
+ }
+ dt=2;
+ if (t == TERRAIN_LENGTH/4)
+ render_pentagons (st, d, t, dt, i);
+ for (; t < 3*TERRAIN_LENGTH/4; t+=dt) {
+ render_bonus_block (st, d, t, i);
+ render_quads (st, d, t, dt, i);
+ }
+ dt=1;
+ if (st->be_wormy) {
+ for (; t < TERRAIN_LENGTH-(1+(st->pindex<INTERP/2)); t+=dt) {
+ render_bonus_block (st, d, t, i);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (wireframe) {assert (t == 3*TERRAIN_LENGTH/4);}
+ if (t == 3*TERRAIN_LENGTH/4)
+ render_pentagons (st, d, t, dt, i);
+ for (; t < TERRAIN_LENGTH-(1+(st->pindex<INTERP/2)); t+=dt) {
+ render_bonus_block (st, d, t, i);
+ render_quads (st, d, t, dt, i);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Draw crosshair */
+ if (st->crosshair_flag) {
+ gc = (wireframe ? st->bonus_gcs[st->nr_bonus_colors/2] : st->erase_gc);
+ XFillRectangle (st->dpy, d, gc,
+ st->width/2+(st->xoffset)-8, st->height/2+(st->yoffset*2)-1, 16, 3);
+ XFillRectangle (st->dpy, d, gc,
+ st->width/2+(st->xoffset)-1, st->height/2+(st->yoffset*2)-8, 3, 16);
+ }
+ * move (step)
+ *
+ * move to the position for the next frame, and modify the state variables
+ * st->nearest, pindex, pos, speed
+ */
+static void
+move (struct state *st)
+ double dpos;
+ st->pos += st->step;
+ dpos = SIGN3(st->pos) * floor(fabs(st->pos));
+ st->pindex += SIGN3(effective_speed) + INTERP;
+ while (st->pindex >= INTERP) {
+ st->nearest --;
+ st->pindex -= INTERP;
+ }
+ while (st->pindex < 0) {
+ st->nearest ++;
+ st->pindex += INTERP;
+ }
+ st->nearest += dpos; MODULO(st->nearest, TERRAIN_LENGTH);
+ st->pos -= dpos;
+ st->accel = st->thrust + st->ycurvature[st->nearest] * st->gravity;
+ st->speed += st->accel;
+ if (st->speed > st->maxspeed) st->speed = st->maxspeed;
+ if (st->speed < -st->maxspeed) st->speed = -st->maxspeed;
+ * speedmine (dpy, window)
+ *
+ * do everything required for one frame of the demo
+ */
+static unsigned long
+speedmine_draw (Display *dpy, Window window, void *closure)
+ struct state *st = (struct state *) closure;
+ double elapsed, time_per_frame = 0.04;
+ regenerate_terrain (st);
+ perspective (st);
+ render_speedmine (st, st->dbuf);
+ if (st->dbuf != st->window)
+ XCopyArea (st->dpy, st->dbuf, st->window, st->draw_gc, 0, 0, st->width, st->height, 0, 0);
+ st->fps_end = get_time(st);
+ st->nframes++;
+ st->total_nframes++;
+ if (st->fps_end > st->fps_start + 0.5) {
+ elapsed = st->fps_end - st->fps_start;
+ st->fps_start = get_time(st);
+ time_per_frame = elapsed / st->nframes - st->delay*1e-6;
+ st->fps = st->nframes / elapsed;
+ if (DEBUG_FLAG) {
+ printf ("%f s elapsed\t%3f s/frame\t%.1f FPS\n", elapsed,
+ time_per_frame, st->fps);
+ }
+ st->step = effective_speed * elapsed;
+ st->nframes = 0;
+ }
+ move (st);
+ decrement_bonuses (st, time_per_frame);
+ check_bonuses (st);
+ return st->delay;
+ * speedmine_color_ramp (dpy, gcs, colors, ncolors, s1, s2, v1, v2)
+ *
+ * generate a color ramp of up to *ncolors between randomly chosen hues,
+ * varying from saturation s1 to s2 and value v1 to v2, placing the colors
+ * in 'colors' and creating corresponding GCs in 'gcs'.
+ *
+ * The number of colors actually allocated is returned in ncolors.
+ */
+static void
+speedmine_color_ramp (struct state *st, GC *gcs, XColor * colors,
+ int *ncolors, double s1, double s2, double v1, double v2)
+ XGCValues gcv;
+ int h1, h2;
+ unsigned long flags;
+ int i;
+ assert (*st->ncolors >= 0);
+ assert (s1 >= 0.0 && s1 <= 1.0 && v1 >= 0.0 && v2 <= 1.0);
+ if (st->psychedelic_flag) {
+ h1 = RAND(360); h2 = (h1 + 180) % 360;
+ } else {
+ h1 = h2 = RAND(360);
+ }
+ make_color_ramp (st->screen, st->visual, st->cmap,
+ h1, s1, v1, h2, s2, v2,
+ colors, ncolors, False, True, False);
+ flags = GCForeground;
+ for (i=0; i < *ncolors; i++) {
+ gcv.foreground = colors[i].pixel;
+ if (gcs[i]) XFreeGC (st->dpy, gcs[i]);
+ gcs[i] = XCreateGC (st->dpy, st->dbuf, flags, &gcv);
+ }
+ * change_colors ()
+ *
+ * perform the color changing bonus. New colors are allocated for the
+ * walls and bonuses, and if the 'psychedelic' option is set then new
+ * colors are also chosen for the ground.
+ */
+static void
+change_colors (struct state *st)
+ double s1, s2;
+ if (st->psychedelic_flag) {
+ free_colors (st->screen, st->cmap, st->bonus_colors, st->nr_bonus_colors);
+ free_colors (st->screen, st->cmap, st->wall_colors, st->nr_wall_colors);
+ free_colors (st->screen, st->cmap, st->ground_colors, st->nr_ground_colors);
+ s1 = 0.4; s2 = 0.9;
+ st->ncolors = MAX_COLORS;
+ speedmine_color_ramp (st, st->ground_gcs, st->ground_colors,
+ &st->ncolors, 0.0, 0.8, 0.0, 0.9);
+ st->nr_ground_colors = st->ncolors;
+ } else {
+ free_colors (st->screen, st->cmap, st->bonus_colors, st->nr_bonus_colors);
+ free_colors (st->screen, st->cmap, st->wall_colors, st->nr_wall_colors);
+ st->ncolors = st->nr_ground_colors;
+ s1 = 0.0; s2 = 0.6;
+ }
+ st->ncolors = MAX_COLORS;
+ speedmine_color_ramp (st, st->wall_gcs, st->wall_colors, &st->ncolors,
+ s1, s2, 0.0, 0.9);
+ st->nr_wall_colors = st->ncolors;
+ st->ncolors = MAX_COLORS;
+ speedmine_color_ramp (st, st->bonus_gcs, st->bonus_colors, &st->ncolors,
+ 0.6, 0.9, 0.4, 1.0);
+ st->nr_bonus_colors = st->ncolors;
+ * init_psychedelic_colors (dpy, window, cmap)
+ *
+ * initialise a psychedelic colormap
+ */
+static void
+init_psychedelic_colors (struct state *st)
+ XGCValues gcv;
+ gcv.foreground = get_pixel_resource (st->dpy, st->cmap, "tunnelend", "TunnelEnd");
+ st->tunnelend_gc = XCreateGC (st->dpy, st->window, GCForeground, &gcv);
+ st->ncolors = MAX_COLORS;
+ speedmine_color_ramp (st, st->ground_gcs, st->ground_colors, &st->ncolors,
+ 0.0, 0.8, 0.0, 0.9);
+ st->nr_ground_colors = st->ncolors;
+ st->ncolors = MAX_COLORS;
+ speedmine_color_ramp (st, st->wall_gcs, st->wall_colors, &st->ncolors,
+ 0.0, 0.6, 0.0, 0.9);
+ st->nr_wall_colors = st->ncolors;
+ st->ncolors = MAX_COLORS;
+ speedmine_color_ramp (st, st->bonus_gcs, st->bonus_colors, &st->ncolors,
+ 0.6, 0.9, 0.4, 1.0);
+ st->nr_bonus_colors = st->ncolors;
+ * init_colors (dpy, window, cmap)
+ *
+ * initialise a normal colormap
+ */
+static void
+init_colors (struct state *st)
+ XGCValues gcv;
+ XColor dark, light;
+ int h1, h2;
+ double s1, s2, v1, v2;
+ unsigned long flags;
+ int i;
+ gcv.foreground = get_pixel_resource (st->dpy, st->cmap, "tunnelend", "TunnelEnd");
+ st->tunnelend_gc = XCreateGC (st->dpy, st->window, GCForeground, &gcv);
+ st->ncolors = MAX_COLORS;
+ dark.pixel = get_pixel_resource (st->dpy, st->cmap, "darkground", "DarkGround");
+ XQueryColor (st->dpy, st->cmap, &dark);
+ light.pixel = get_pixel_resource (st->dpy, st->cmap, "lightground", "LightGround");
+ XQueryColor (st->dpy, st->cmap, &light);
+ rgb_to_hsv (,,, &h1, &s1, &v1);
+ rgb_to_hsv (,,, &h2, &s2, &v2);
+ make_color_ramp (st->screen, st->visual, st->cmap,
+ h1, s1, v1, h2, s2, v2,
+ st->ground_colors, &st->ncolors, False, True, False);
+ st->nr_ground_colors = st->ncolors;
+ flags = GCForeground;
+ for (i=0; i < st->ncolors; i++) {
+ gcv.foreground = st->ground_colors[i].pixel;
+ st->ground_gcs[i] = XCreateGC (st->dpy, st->dbuf, flags, &gcv);
+ }
+ st->ncolors = MAX_COLORS;
+ speedmine_color_ramp (st, st->wall_gcs, st->wall_colors, &st->ncolors,
+ 0.0, 0.6, 0.0, 0.9);
+ st->nr_wall_colors = st->ncolors;
+ st->ncolors = MAX_COLORS;
+ speedmine_color_ramp (st, st->bonus_gcs, st->bonus_colors, &st->ncolors,
+ 0.6, 0.9, 0.4, 1.0);
+ st->nr_bonus_colors = st->ncolors;
+ * print_stats ()
+ *
+ * print out average FPS stats for the demo
+ */
+#if 0
+static void
+print_stats (struct state *st)
+ if (st->total_nframes >= 1)
+ printf ("Rendered %d frames averaging %f FPS\n", st->total_nframes,
+ st->total_nframes / get_time(st));
+ * init_speedmine (dpy, window)
+ *
+ * initialise the demo
+ */
+static void *
+speedmine_init (Display *dpy, Window window)
+ struct state *st = (struct state *) calloc (1, sizeof(*st));
+ XGCValues gcv;
+ XWindowAttributes xgwa;
+ int i;
+ double th;
+ int wide;
+ st->dpy = dpy;
+ st->window = window;
+ st->speed = 1.1;
+ st->accel = 0.00000001;
+ st->direction = FORWARDS;
+ st->orientation = (17*ROTS)/22;
+ XGetWindowAttributes (st->dpy, st->window, &xgwa);
+ st->cmap = xgwa.colormap;
+ st->visual = xgwa.visual;
+ st->screen = xgwa.screen;
+ st->width = xgwa.width;
+ st->height = xgwa.height;
+ st->verbose_flag = get_boolean_resource (st->dpy, "verbose", "Boolean");
+# ifdef HAVE_JWXYZ /* Don't second-guess Quartz's double-buffering */
+ st->dbuf = st->window;
+ st->dbuf = XCreatePixmap (st->dpy, st->window, st->width, st->height, xgwa.depth);
+ st->stars_mask = XCreatePixmap (st->dpy, st->window, st->width, st->height, 1);
+ gcv.foreground = st->default_fg_pixel =
+ get_pixel_resource (st->dpy, st->cmap, "foreground", "Foreground");
+ st->draw_gc = XCreateGC (st->dpy, st->window, GCForeground, &gcv);
+ gcv.foreground = 1;
+ st->stars_gc = XCreateGC (st->dpy, st->stars_mask, GCForeground, &gcv);
+ gcv.foreground = get_pixel_resource (st->dpy, st->cmap, "background", "Background");
+ st->erase_gc = XCreateGC (st->dpy, st->dbuf, GCForeground, &gcv);
+ gcv.foreground = 0;
+ st->stars_erase_gc = XCreateGC (st->dpy, st->stars_mask, GCForeground, &gcv);
+ st->wire_flag = get_boolean_resource (st->dpy, "wire", "Boolean");
+ st->psychedelic_flag = get_boolean_resource (st->dpy, "psychedelic", "Boolean");
+ st->delay = get_integer_resource(st->dpy, "delay", "Integer");
+ st->smoothness = get_integer_resource(st->dpy, "smoothness", "Integer");
+ if (st->smoothness < 1) st->smoothness = 1;
+ st->maxspeed = get_float_resource(st->dpy, "maxspeed", "Float");
+ st->maxspeed *= 0.01;
+ st->maxspeed = fabs(st->maxspeed);
+ st->thrust = get_float_resource(st->dpy, "thrust", "Float");
+ st->thrust *= 0.2;
+ st->gravity = get_float_resource(st->dpy, "gravity", "Float");
+ st->gravity *= 0.002/9.8;
+ st->vertigo = get_float_resource(st->dpy, "vertigo", "Float");
+ st->vertigo *= 0.2;
+ st->curviness = get_float_resource(st->dpy, "curviness", "Float");
+ st->curviness *= 0.25;
+ st->twistiness = get_float_resource(st->dpy, "twistiness", "Float");
+ st->twistiness *= 0.125;
+ st->terrain_flag = get_boolean_resource (st->dpy, "terrain", "Boolean");
+ st->widening_flag = get_boolean_resource (st->dpy, "widening", "Boolean");
+ st->bumps_flag = get_boolean_resource (st->dpy, "bumps", "Boolean");
+ st->bonuses_flag = get_boolean_resource (st->dpy, "bonuses", "Boolean");
+ st->crosshair_flag = get_boolean_resource (st->dpy, "crosshair", "Boolean");
+ st->be_wormy = get_boolean_resource (st->dpy, "worm", "Boolean");
+ if (st->be_wormy) {
+ st->maxspeed *= 1.43;
+ st->thrust *= 10;
+ st->gravity *= 3;
+ st->vertigo *= 0.5;
+ st->smoothness *= 2;
+ st->curviness *= 2;
+ st->twistiness *= 2;
+ st->psychedelic_flag = True;
+ st->crosshair_flag = False;
+ }
+ if (st->psychedelic_flag) init_psychedelic_colors (st);
+ else init_colors (st);
+ for (i=0; i<ROTS; i++) {
+ th = M_PI * 2.0 * i / ROTS;
+ st->costab[i] = cos(th);
+ st->sintab[i] = sin(th);
+ }
+ wide = random_wideness();
+ for (i=0; i < TERRAIN_LENGTH; i++) {
+ st->wideness[i] = wide;
+ st->bonuses[i] = 0;
+ }
+ init_terrain (st);
+ init_curves (st);
+ wrap_tunnel (st, 0, TERRAIN_LENGTH-1);
+#if 0
+ if (DEBUG_FLAG || st->verbose_flag) atexit(print_stats);
+ st->step = effective_speed;
+ init_time (st);
+ return st;
+static void
+speedmine_reshape (Display *dpy, Window window, void *closure,
+ unsigned int w, unsigned int h)
+ struct state *st = (struct state *) closure;
+ st->width = w;
+ st->height = h;
+ if (st->dbuf != st->window) {
+ XWindowAttributes xgwa;
+ XGetWindowAttributes (st->dpy, st->window, &xgwa);
+ XFreePixmap (dpy, st->dbuf);
+ st->dbuf = XCreatePixmap (st->dpy, st->window,
+ st->width, st->height, xgwa.depth);
+ }
+static Bool
+speedmine_event (Display *dpy, Window window, void *closure, XEvent *event)
+ return False;
+static void
+speedmine_free (Display *dpy, Window window, void *closure)
+ struct state *st = (struct state *) closure;
+ free (st);
+ * Down the speedmine, you'll find speed
+ * to satisfy your moving needs;
+ * So if you're looking for a blast
+ * then hit the speedmine, really fast.
+ */
+ * Speedworm likes to choke and spit
+ * and chase his tail, and dance a bit
+ * he really is a funky friend;
+ * he's made of speed from end to end.
+ */
+static const char *speedmine_defaults [] = {
+ ".verbose: False",
+ "*worm: False",
+ "*wire: False",
+ ".background: black",
+ ".foreground: white",
+ "*darkground: #101010",
+ "*lightground: #a0a0a0",
+ "*tunnelend: #000000",
+ "*delay: 30000",
+ "*maxspeed: 700",
+ "*thrust: 1.0",
+ "*gravity: 9.8",
+ "*vertigo: 1.0",
+ "*terrain: True",
+ "*smoothness: 6",
+ "*curviness: 1.0",
+ "*twistiness: 1.0",
+ "*widening: True",
+ "*bumps: True",
+ "*bonuses: True",
+ "*crosshair: True",
+ "*psychedelic: False",
+ 0
+static XrmOptionDescRec speedmine_options [] = {
+ { "-verbose", ".verbose", XrmoptionNoArg, "True"},
+ { "-worm", ".worm", XrmoptionNoArg, "True"},
+ { "-wireframe", ".wire", XrmoptionNoArg, "True"},
+ { "-no-wireframe", ".wire", XrmoptionNoArg, "False"},
+ { "-darkground", ".darkground", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-lightground", ".lightground", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-tunnelend", ".tunnelend", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-delay", ".delay", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-maxspeed", ".maxspeed", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-thrust", ".thrust", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-gravity", ".gravity", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-vertigo", ".vertigo", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-terrain", ".terrain", XrmoptionNoArg, "True"},
+ { "-no-terrain", ".terrain", XrmoptionNoArg, "False"},
+ { "-smoothness", ".smoothness", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-curviness", ".curviness", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-twistiness", ".twistiness", XrmoptionSepArg, 0 },
+ { "-widening", ".widening", XrmoptionNoArg, "True"},
+ { "-no-widening", ".widening", XrmoptionNoArg, "False"},
+ { "-bumps", ".bumps", XrmoptionNoArg, "True"},
+ { "-no-bumps", ".bumps", XrmoptionNoArg, "False"},
+ { "-bonuses", ".bonuses", XrmoptionNoArg, "True"},
+ { "-no-bonuses", ".bonuses", XrmoptionNoArg, "False"},
+ { "-crosshair", ".crosshair", XrmoptionNoArg, "True"},
+ { "-no-crosshair", ".crosshair", XrmoptionNoArg, "False"},
+ { "-psychedelic", ".psychedelic", XrmoptionNoArg, "True"},
+ { "-no-psychedelic", ".psychedelic", XrmoptionNoArg, "False"},
+ { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
+XSCREENSAVER_MODULE ("SpeedMine", speedmine)
+/* vim: ts=4
+ */