path: root/config-db/OpenSLX/
blob: 2f10bec7835b75b592753d40cdac1b5bbb75b832 (plain) (tree)






















































# Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 - OpenSLX GmbH
# This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
# See
# If you have any feedback please consult and
# send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to
# General information about OpenSLX can be found at
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#	- provides database schema of the OpenSLX config-db.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
package OpenSLX::DBSchema;

use strict;
use warnings;

use OpenSLX::AttributeRoster;
use OpenSLX::Basics;

### DB-schema definition
### 	This hash-ref describes the current OpenSLX configuration database 
###		schema.
###		Each table is defined by a list of column descriptions (and optionally
###		a list of default values).
### 	A column description is simply the name of the column followed by ':'
### 	followed by the data type description. The following data types are
### 	currently supported:
### 		b		=> boolean (providing the values 1 and 0 only)
### 		i		=> integer (32-bit, signed)
### 		s.20	=> string, followed by length argument (in this case: 20)
### 		pk		=> primary key (integer)
### 		fk		=> foreign key (integer)

my $VERSION = 0.24;

my $DbSchema = {
	'version' => $VERSION,
	'tables' => {
		'client' => {
			# a client is a PC booting via network
			'cols' => [
				'id:pk',			# primary key
				'name:s.128',		# official name of PC (e.g. as given by sticker
									# on case)
				'mac:s.20',			# MAC of NIC used for booting
				'boot_type:s.20',	# type of remote boot procedure (PXE, ...)
				'unbootable:b',		# unbootable clients simply won't boot
				'kernel_params:s.128',	# client-specific kernel-args (e.g. console)
				'comment:s.1024',	# internal comment (optional, for admins)
			'vals' => [
				{	# add default client
					'id'         => 0,
					'name'       => '<<<default>>>',
					'comment'    => 'internal client that holds default values',
					'unbootable' => 0,
		'client_attr' => {
			# attributes of clients
			'cols' => [
				'id:pk',			# primary key
				'client_id:fk',		# foreign key to client
				'name:s.128',		# attribute name
				'value:s.255',		# attribute value
		'client_system_ref' => {
			# clients referring to the systems they should offer for booting
			'cols' => [
				'client_id:fk',		# foreign key
				'system_id:fk',		# foreign key
		'export' => {
			# an export describes a vendor-OS "wrapped" in some kind of exporting
			# format (NFS or NBD-squash). This represents the rootfs that the
			# clients will see.
			'cols' => [
				'id:pk',			# primary key
				'name:s.64',		# unique name of export, is automatically
									# constructed like this:
									#   <vendor-os-name>-<export-type>
				'vendor_os_id:fk',	# foreign key
				'comment:s.1024',	# internal comment (optional, for admins)
				'type:s.10',		# 'nbd', 'nfs', ...
				'server_ip:s.16',	# IP of exporting server, if empty the
									# boot server will be used
				'port:i',			# some export types need to use a specific
									# port for each incarnation, if that's the
									# case you can specify it here
				'uri:s.255',		# path to export (squashfs or NFS-path), if
									# empty it will be auto-generated by
									# config-demuxer
		'global_info' => {
			# a home for global counters and other info
			'cols' => [
				'id:s.32',			# key
				'value:s.128',		# value
			'vals' => [
				{	# add nbd-server-port
					'id' => 'next-nbd-server-port',
					'value' => '5000',
		'groups' => {
			# a group encapsulates a set of clients as one entity, managing
			# a group-specific attribute set. All the different attribute
			# sets a client inherits via group membership are folded into
			# one resulting attribute set with respect to each group's priority.
			'cols' => [
				'id:pk',			# primary key
				'name:s.128',		# name of group
				'priority:i',		# priority, used for order in group-list
									# (from 0-highest to 99-lowest)
				'comment:s.1024',	# internal comment (optional, for admins)
		'group_attr' => {
			# attributes of groups
			'cols' => [
				'id:pk',			# primary key
				'group_id:fk',		# foreign key to group
				'name:s.128',		# attribute name
				'value:s.255',		# attribute value
		'group_client_ref' => {
			# groups referring to their clients
			'cols' => [
				'group_id:fk',		# foreign key
				'client_id:fk',		# foreign key
		'group_system_ref' => {
			# groups referring to the systems each of their clients should
			# offer for booting
			'cols' => [
				'group_id:fk',		# foreign key
				'system_id:fk',		# foreign key
		'installed_plugin' => {
			# holds the plugins that have been installed into a specific 
			# vendor-OS
			'cols' => [
				'id:pk',			# primary key
				'vendor_os_id:fk',	# foreign key
				'plugin_name:s.64',	# name of installed plugin
									# (e.g. suse-9.3-kde, debian-3.1-ppc,
									# suse-10.2-cloned-from-kiwi).
									# This is used as the folder name for the
									# corresponding stage1, too.
		'meta' => {
			# information about the database as such
			'cols' => [
				'schema_version:s.5',	# schema-version currently implemented by DB
			'vals' => [
					'schema_version' => $VERSION,
		'system' => {
			# a system describes one bootable instance of an export, it
			# represents a selectable line in the PXE boot menu of all the
			# clients associated with this system
			'cols' => [
				'id:pk',			# primary key
				'export_id:fk',		# foreign key
				'name:s.64',		# unique name of system, is automatically
									# constructed like this:
									#   <vendor-os-name>-<export-type>-<kernel>
				'label:s.64',		# name visible to user (pxe-label)
									# if empty, this will be autocreated from
									# the name
				'kernel:s.128',		# path to kernel file, relative to /boot
				'kernel_params:s.512',	# kernel-param string for pxe
				'hidden:b',				# hidden systems won't be offered for booting
				'description:s.512',# visible description (for PXE TEXT)
				'comment:s.1024',	# internal comment (optional, for admins)
			'vals' => [
				{	# add default system
					'id' => 0,
					'name' => '<<<default>>>',
					'hidden' => 1,
					'comment' => 'internal system that holds default values',
		'system_attr' => {
			# attributes of systems
			'cols' => [
				'id:pk',			# primary key
				'system_id:fk',		# foreign key to system
				'name:s.128',		# attribute name
				'value:s.255',		# attribute value
		'vendor_os' => {
			# a vendor-OS describes a folder containing an operating system as
			# provided by the vendor (a.k.a. unchanged and thus updatable)
			'cols' => [
				'id:pk',			# primary key
				'name:s.48',		# structured name of OS installation
									# (e.g. suse-9.3-kde, debian-3.1-ppc,
									# suse-10.2-cloned-from-kiwi).
									# This is used as the folder name for the
									# corresponding stage1, too.
				'comment:s.1024',	# internal comment (optional, for admins)
				'clone_source:s.255',	# if vendor-OS was cloned, this contains
										# the rsync-URI pointing to the original

### standard methods
sub new
	my $class = shift;

	my $self = {

	return bless $self, $class;

sub checkAndUpgradeDBSchemaIfNecessary
	my $self     = shift;
	my $configDB = shift;

	my $metaDB = $configDB->{'meta-db'};

	vlog(2, "trying to determine schema version...");
	my $currVersion = $metaDB->schemaFetchDBVersion();
	if (!defined $currVersion) {
		# that's bad, someone has messed with our DB: there is a
		# database, but the 'meta'-table is empty. 
		# There might still be data in the other tables, but we have no way to 
		# find out which schema version they're in. So it's safer to give up.
		croak _tr('Could not determine schema version of database');

	if ($currVersion == 0) {
		vlog(1, _tr('Creating DB (schema version: %s)', $DbSchema->{version}));
		foreach my $tableName (keys %{$DbSchema->{tables}}) {
			# create table (optionally inserting default values, too)
		vlog(1, _tr('DB has been created successfully'));
	} elsif ($currVersion < $DbSchema->{version}) {
				'Our schema-version is %s, DB is %s, upgrading DB...',
				$DbSchema->{version}, $currVersion
		$self->_schemaUpgradeDBFrom($metaDB, $currVersion);
		vlog(1, _tr('upgrade done'));
	} else {
		vlog(1, _tr('DB matches current schema version (%s)', $currVersion));

	return 1;

sub getColumnsOfTable
	my $self      = shift;
	my $tableName = shift;

		map { (/^(\w+)\W/) ? $1 : $_; } 

sub synchronizeAttributesWithDefaultSystem
	my $self     = shift;
	my $configDB = shift;

	my $defaultSystem = $configDB->fetchSystemByID(0);
	return if !$defaultSystem;

	# fetch all known attributes from attribute roster and merge these 
	# into the existing attributes of the default system
	my $attrInfo = OpenSLX::AttributeRoster->getAttrInfo();
	foreach my $attr (keys %$attrInfo) {
		next if exists $defaultSystem->{attrs}->{$attr};
		$defaultSystem->{attrs}->{$attr} = $attrInfo->{$attr}->{default};
	# remove unknown attributes from default system
	my @unknownAttrs 
		= grep { !exists $attrInfo->{$_} } keys %{$defaultSystem->{attrs}};
	foreach my $unknownAttr (@unknownAttrs) {
		delete $defaultSystem->{attrs}->{$unknownAttr};
	# now write back the updated default system
	return $configDB->changeSystem(0, $defaultSystem);

### methods for upgrading the DB schema
my %DbSchemaHistory;

sub _schemaUpgradeDBFrom
	my $self        = shift;
	my $metaDB      = shift;
	my $currVersion = shift;

	foreach my $version (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %DbSchemaHistory) {
		next if $currVersion >= $version;

	return 1;

%DbSchemaHistory = (
	0.2 => sub {
		my $metaDB = shift;
		vlog(0, "upgrading schema version to 0.2");
		# move attributes into separate tables ...
		# ... system attributes ...
		foreach my $system ($metaDB->fetchSystemByFilter()) {
			my %attrs;
			foreach my $key (keys %$system) {
				next if substr($key, 0, 5) ne 'attr_';
				my $attrValue = $system->{$key} || '';
				next if $system->{id} > 0 && !length($attrValue);
				my $newAttrName = substr($key, 5);
				$attrs{$newAttrName} = $attrValue;
			$metaDB->setSystemAttrs($system->{id}, \%attrs);
		# ... client attributes ...
		foreach my $client ($metaDB->fetchClientByFilter()) {
			my %attrs;
			foreach my $key (keys %$client) {
				next if substr($key, 0, 5) ne 'attr_';
				my $attrValue = $client->{$key} || '';
				next if !length($attrValue);
				my $newAttrName = substr($key, 5);
				$attrs{$newAttrName} = $attrValue;
			$metaDB->setClientAttrs($client->{id}, \%attrs);
		# ... group attributes ...
		foreach my $group ($metaDB->fetchGroupByFilter()) {
			my %attrs;
			foreach my $key (keys %$group) {
				next if substr($key, 0, 5) ne 'attr_';
				my $attrValue = $group->{$key} || '';
				next if !length($attrValue);
				my $newAttrName = substr($key, 5);
				$attrs{$newAttrName} = $attrValue;
			$metaDB->setGroupAttrs($group->{id}, \%attrs);
		return 1;
	0.21 => sub {
		my $metaDB = shift;
		vlog(0, "upgrading schema version to 0.21");
		# add new table installed_plugins
		return 1;
	0.22 => sub {
		my $metaDB = shift;
		vlog(0, "upgrading schema version to 0.22");
		# dummy schema change, just to trigger the attribute synchronization
		# into the default system
		return 1;
	0.23 => sub {
		my $metaDB = shift;

		vlog(0, "upgrading schema version to 0.23");
		# add new column system.descripion
		return 1;
	0.24 => sub {
		my $metaDB = shift;
		vlog(0, "upgrading schema version to 0.24");
		# split theme::name into theme::splash, theme::displaymanager and
		# theme::desktop
		foreach my $system ($metaDB->fetchSystemByFilter()) {
			my $attrs = $system->{attrs} || {};
			next if !exists $attrs->{'theme::name'};
				= $attrs->{'theme::displaymanager'}
				= $attrs->{'theme::desktop'} 
				= $attrs->{'theme::name'};
			delete $attrs->{'theme::name'};
			$metaDB->setSystemAttrs($system->{id}, $attrs);
		# force all theme names to lowercase
		foreach my $vendorOS ($metaDB->fetchVendorOSByFilter()) {
			my @installedPlugins 
				= $metaDB->fetchInstalledPlugins($vendorOS->{id});
			foreach my $plugin (@installedPlugins) {
				my $pluginName = $plugin->{plugin_name};
				$metaDB->removeInstalledPlugin($vendorOS->{id}, $pluginName);
				$metaDB->addInstalledPlugin($vendorOS->{id}, lc($pluginName));

		return 1;
