# Base.pm - provides empty base of the OpenSLX MetaDB API.
# (c) 2006 - OpenSLX.com
# Oliver Tappe <ot@openslx.com>
package OpenSLX::MetaDB::Base;
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = 1.01; # API-version . implementation-version
use Carp;
### basic functions
sub new
confess "Don't create OpenSLX::MetaDB::Base - objects directly!";
sub connectConfigDB
sub disconnectConfigDB
sub quote
### data access interface
sub fetchVendorOSesByFilter
sub fetchVendorOSesByID
sub fetchSystemsByFilter
sub fetchSystemsByID
sub fetchSystemIDsOfVendorOS
sub fetchSystemIDsOfClient
sub fetchSystemIDsOfGroup
sub fetchSystemVariantsByFilter
sub fetchSystemVariantsByID
sub fetchSystemVariantIDsOfSystem
sub fetchClientsByFilter
sub fetchClientsByID
sub fetchClientIDsOfSystem
sub fetchClientIDsOfGroup
sub fetchGroupsByFilter
sub fetchGroupsByID
sub fetchGroupIDsOfClient
sub fetchGroupIDsOfSystem
### data manipulation interface
sub generateNextIdForTable
{ # some DBs (CSV for instance) aren't able to generate any IDs, so we
# offer an alternative way (by pre-specifying IDs for INSERTs).
# NB: if this method is called without a tablename, it returns:
# 1 if this backend requires manual ID generation
# 0 if not.
return undef;
sub addVendorOS
sub removeVendorOS
sub changeVendorOS
sub addSystem
sub removeSystem
sub changeSystem
sub addSystemVariant
sub removeSystemVariant
sub changeSystemVariant
sub setClientIDsOfSystem
sub setGroupIDsOfSystem
sub addClient
sub removeClient
sub changeClient
sub setSystemIDsOfClient
sub setGroupIDsOfClient
sub addGroup
sub removeGroup
sub changeGroup
sub setClientIDsOfGroup
sub setSystemIDsOfGroup
### schema related functions
sub schemaFetchDBVersion
sub schemaConvertTypeDescrToNative
sub schemaDeclareTable
sub schemaAddTable
sub schemaDropTable
sub schemaRenameTable
sub schemaAddColumns
sub schemaDropColumns
sub schemaChangeColumns
=head1 NAME
OpenSLX::MetaDB::Base - the base class for all MetaDB drivers
package OpenSLX::MetaDB::coolnewDB;
use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
@ISA = ('OpenSLX::MetaDB::Base');
$VERSION = 1.01;
my $superVersion = $OpenSLX::MetaDB::Base::VERSION;
if ($superVersion < $VERSION) {
confess _tr('Unable to load module <%s> (Version <%s> required)',
'OpenSLX::MetaDB::Base', $VERSION);
use coolnewDB;
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
return bless $self, $class;
sub connectConfigDB
my $self = shift;
my $dbName = $openslxConfig{'db-name'};
vlog 1, "trying to connect to coolnewDB-database <$dbName>";
$self->{'dbh'} = ... # get connection handle from coolnewDB
sub disconnectConfigDB
my $self = shift;
# override all methods of OpenSLX::MetaDB::Base in order to implement
# a full MetaDB driver
I<The synopsis above outlines a class that implements a
MetaDB driver for the (imaginary) database B<coolnewDB>>
This class defines the MetaDB interface for the OpenSLX.
Aim of the MetaDB abstraction is to make it possible to use a large set
of different databases (from CSV-files to a fullblown Oracle-installation)
While OpenSLX::ConfigDB represents the data layer to the outside world, each
implementation of OpenSLX::MetaDB::Base provides a backend for a specific database.
This way, the different OpenSLX-scripts do not have to burden
themselves with any DB-specific details, they just request the data they want
from the ConfigDB-layer and that in turn creates and communicates with the
appropriate MetaDB driver in order to connect to the database and fetch and/or
change the data as instructed.
The MetaDB interface contains of four different parts:
=item - L<basic methods> (connection handling and utilities)
=item - L<data access methods> (getting data)
=item - L<data manipulation methods> (adding, removing and changing data)
=item - L<schema related methods> (migrating between different DB-versions)
In order to implement a MetaDB driver for a specific database, you need
to inherit from B<OpenSLX::MetaDB::Base> and implement the full interface. As this
is quite some work, it might be wiser to actually inherit your driver from
B<L<OpenSLX::MetaDB::DBI|OpenSLX::MetaDB::DBI>>, which is a default implementation for SQL databases.
If there is a DBD-driver for the database your new MetaDB driver wants to talk
to then all you need to do is inherit from B<OpenSLX::MetaDB::DBI> and then
reimplement L<C<connectConfigDB>> (and maybe some other methods in order to
improve efficiency).
=head1 Special Concepts
=item C<Filters>
A filter is a hash-ref defining the filter criteria to be applied to a database
query. Each key of the filter corresponds to a DB column and the (hash-)value
contains the respective column value.
[At a later stage, this will be improved to support a more structured approach
to filtering (with boolean operators and hierarchical expressions)].
=head1 Methods
=head2 Basic Methods
The following basic methods need to be implemented in a MetaDB driver:
=item C<connectConfigDB()>
Tries to establish a connection to the DBMS that this MetaDB driver deals with.
The global configuration hash C<%config> contains further info about the
requested connection. When implementing this method, you may have to look at
the following entries in order to find out which database to connect to:
=item C<$config{'db-basepath'}>
Basic path to openslx database, defaults to path of running script
=item C<$config{'db-datadir'}>
Data folder created under db-basepath, default depends on db-type (many
DBMSs don't have such a folder, as they do not store the data in the
=item C<$config{'db-spec'}>
Full specification of database, a special string defining the
precise database to connect to (this allows connecting to a database
that requires specifications which aren't cared for by the existing
=item C<$config{'db-name'}>
The precise name of the database that should be connected (defaults to 'openslx').
=item C<disconnectConfigDB()>
Tears down the connection to the DBMS that this MetaDB driver deals with and
cleans up.
=item C<quote(string)>
Returns the given string quoted such that it can be used in SQL-statements
(with respect to the corresponding DBMS).
This usually involves putting
single quotes around the string and escaping any single quote characters
enclosed in the given string with a backslash.
=head2 Data Access Methods
The following methods need to be implemented in a MetaDB driver in order to
allow the user to access data:
=item C<fetchVendorOSesByFilter([%$filter], [$resultCols])>
Fetches and returns information about all vendor-OSes that match the given
=item Param C<filter>
A hash-ref containing the filter criteria that shall be applied - default
is no filtering. See L</"Filters"> for more info.
=item Param C<resultCols>
A string listing the columns that shall be returned - default is all columns.
=item Return Value
An array of hash-refs containing the resulting data rows.
=item C<fetchVendorOSesByID(@$ids, [$resultCols])>
Fetches and returns information the vendor-OSes with the given IDs.
=item Param C<ids>
An array of the vendor-OS-IDs you are interested in.
=item Param C<resultCols>
A string listing the columns that shall be returned - default is all columns.
=item Return Value
An array of hash-refs containing the resulting data rows.
=item C<fetchSystemsByFilter([%$filter], [$resultCols])>
Fetches and returns information about all systems that match the given filter.
=item Param C<$filter>
A hash-ref containing the filter criteria that shall be applied - default
is no filtering. See L</"Filters"> for more info.
=item Param C<$resultCols> [Optional]
A comma-separated list of colunm names that shall be returned. If not defined,
all available data must be returned.
=item Return Value
An array of hash-refs containing the resulting data rows.
=item C<fetchSystemsByID(@$ids, [$resultCols])>
Fetches and returns information the systems with the given IDs.
=item Param C<ids>
An array of the system-IDs you are interested in.
=item Param C<resultCols>
A string listing the columns that shall be returned - default is all columns.
=item Return Value
An array of hash-refs containing the resulting data rows.
=item C<fetchSystemIDsOfVendorOS($id)>
Fetches the IDs of all systems that make use of the vendor-OS with the given ID.
=item Param C<id>
ID of the vendor-OS whose systems shall be returned.
=item Return Value
An array of system-IDs.
=item C<fetchSystemIDsOfClient($id)>
Fetches the IDs of all systems that are used by the client with the given
=item Param C<id>
ID of the client whose systems shall be returned.
=item Return Value
An array of system-IDs.
=item C<fetchSystemIDsOfGroup($id)>
Fetches the IDs of all systems that are part of the group with the given
=item Param C<id>
ID of the group whose systems shall be returned.
=item Return Value
An array of system-IDs.
=item C<fetchSystemVariantsByFilter([%$filter], [$resultCols])>
Fetches and returns information about all system variants that match the given
=item Param C<$filter>
A hash-ref containing the filter criteria that shall be applied - default
is no filtering. See L</"Filters"> for more info.
=item Param C<$resultCols> [Optional]
A comma-separated list of colunm names that shall be returned. If not defined,
all available data must be returned.
=item Return Value
An array of hash-refs containing the resulting data rows.
=item C<fetchSystemVariantsByID(@$ids, [$resultCols])>
Fetches and returns information the systems variants with the given IDs.
=item Param C<ids>
An array of the system-variant-IDs you are interested in.
=item Param C<resultCols>
A string listing the columns that shall be returned - default is all columns.
=item Return Value
An array of hash-refs containing the resulting data rows.
=item C<fetchSystemVariantIDsOfSystem($id)>
Fetches the IDs of all system variants that belong to the system with the given
=item Param C<id>
ID of the system whose variants shall be returned.
=item Return Value
An array of system-variant-IDs.
=item C<fetchClientsByFilter([%$filter], [$resultCols])>
Fetches and returns information about all clients that match the given filter.
=item Param C<$filter>
A hash-ref containing the filter criteria that shall be applied - default
is no filtering. See L</"Filters"> for more info.
=item Param C<$resultCols> [Optional]
A comma-separated list of colunm names that shall be returned. If not defined,
all available data must be returned.
=item Return Value
An array of hash-refs containing the resulting data rows.
=item C<fetchClientsByID(@$ids, [$resultCols])>
Fetches and returns information the clients with the given IDs.
=item Param C<ids>
An array of the client-IDs you are interested in.
=item Param C<resultCols>
A string listing the columns that shall be returned - default is all columns.
=item Return Value
An array of hash-refs containing the resulting data rows.
=item C<fetchClientIDsOfSystem($id)>
Fetches the IDs of all clients that make use of the system with the given
=item Param C<id>
ID of the system whose clients shall be returned.
=item Return Value
An array of client-IDs.
=item C<fetchClientIDsOfGroup($id)>
Fetches the IDs of all clients that are part of the group with the given
=item Param C<id>
ID of the group whose clients shall be returned.
=item Return Value
An array of client-IDs.
=item C<fetchGroupsByFilter([%$filter], [$resultCols])>
Fetches and returns information about all groups that match the given filter.
=item Param C<$filter>
A hash-ref containing the filter criteria that shall be applied - default
is no filtering. See L</"Filters"> for more info.
=item Param C<$resultCols> [Optional]
A comma-separated list of colunm names that shall be returned. If not defined,
all available data must be returned.
=item Return Value
An array of hash-refs containing the resulting data rows.
=item C<fetchGroupsByID(@$ids, [$resultCols])>
Fetches and returns information the groups with the given IDs.
=item Param C<ids>
An array of the group-IDs you are interested in.
=item Param C<resultCols>
A string listing the columns that shall be returned - default is all columns.
=item Return Value
An array of hash-refs containing the resulting data rows.
=item C<fetchGroupIDsOfClient($id)>
Fetches the IDs of all groups that contain the client with the given
=item Param C<id>
ID of the client whose groups shall be returned.
=item Return Value
An array of client-IDs.
=item C<fetchGroupIDsOfSystem($id)>
Fetches the IDs of all groups that contain the system with the given
=item Param C<id>
ID of the system whose groups shall be returned.
=item Return Value
An array of client-IDs.