path: root/os-plugins/plugins/xserver/OpenSLX/OSPlugin/
blob: e80c77cff0acaaa5007e8ac52232aa43715aeff5 (plain) (tree)






























































# Copyright (c) 2008 - OpenSLX GmbH
# This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
# See
# If you have any feedback please consult and
# send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to
# General information about OpenSLX can be found at
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
package OpenSLX::OSPlugin::xserver;

use strict;
use warnings;

use base qw(OpenSLX::OSPlugin::Base);

use OpenSLX::Basics;
use OpenSLX::Utils;

use File::Basename;

# if you have any questions regarding the concept of OS-plugins and their
# implementation, please drop a mail to:, or join the IRC-channel
# '#openslx' (on freenode).
sub new
    my $class = shift;

    my $self = {
        name => 'xserver',

    return bless $self, $class;

sub getInfo
    my $self = shift;

    return {
        description => unshiftHereDoc(<<'        End-of-Here'),
        This plugin tries to configure the local Xorg-Server and 
	integrates binary graphics drivers (closed sourced) into the system.
        Notice that you need to have kernel-headers installed to work properly.
        in some cases. You need to download the driver packages yourself and 
        supply the download folder into the pkgpath option.
        precedence => 80,

sub getAttrInfo
{   # returns a hash-ref with information about all attributes supported
    # by this specific plugin
    my $self = shift;

    # This default configuration will be added as attributes to the default
    # system, such that it can be overruled for any specific system by means
    # of slxconfig.
    return {
        # attribute 'active' is mandatory for all plugins
        'xserver::active' => {
            applies_to_systems => 1,
            applies_to_clients => 1,
            description => unshiftHereDoc(<<'            End-of-Here'),
            should the 'xserver'-plugin be executed during boot?
            content_regex => qr{^(0|1)$},
            content_descr => '1 means active - 0 means inactive',
            default => '1',
        'xserver::ddcinfo' => {
            applies_to_systems => 1,
            applies_to_clients => 1,
            description => unshiftHereDoc(<<'            End-of-Here'),
            should the 'xserver'-plugin use the ddcinfo (if available) for
            the monitor/tft setup? Might help in scenarios with resolutions
            configured much lower than physically possible. (0 ignore, 1 use)
            content_regex => qr{^(0|1)$},
            content_descr => '0 ignore ddcinfo, 1 use ddcinfo if available',
            default => '0',
        'xserver::driver' => {
            applies_to_systems => 1,
            applies_to_clients => 1,
            description => unshiftHereDoc(<<'            End-of-Here'),
            force to use defined driver
            content_regex => undef,
            content_descr => 'force to use defined driver',
            default => undef,
        'xserver::prefnongpl' => {
            applies_to_systems => 1,
            applies_to_clients => 1,
            description => unshiftHereDoc(<<'            End-of-Here'),
            should the 'xserver'-plugin use the non-gpl drivers for some graphic
            adaptors if available (0 prefer gpl, 1 use the nongpl)
            content_regex => qr{^(0|1)$},
            content_descr => '0 prefer gpl, 1 use the nongpl',
            default => '0',
        'xserver::multihead' => {
            applies_to_systems => 1,
            applies_to_clients => 1,
            description => unshiftHereDoc(<<'            End-of-Here'),
            should the 'xserver'-plugin configure multi-head setups of Xorg
            for different scenarios and dynamically added displays
            (not implemented yet)
            content_regex => undef,
            content_descr => '',
            default => '1',

        # plugin specific attributes start here ...

        # stage1
        # Currently not needed in scenarios where distro specific packages are
        # available, but for example in SUSE 10.2 we use this method
		# -> provide downloaded packages here.
        'xserver::pkgpath' => {
            applies_to_vendor_os => 1,
            description => unshiftHereDoc(<<'            End-of-Here'),
                Path to downloaded ATI or Nvidia package
            content_regex => qr{^.+$}, # not empty
            content_descr => 'Path to Nvidia or ATI packages',
            default => '/root/xserver-pkgs',
        'xserver::ati' => {
            applies_to_vendor_os => 1,
            description => unshiftHereDoc(<<'            End-of-Here'),
                should the non-gpl ATI drivers be available (installed in  vendor-OS - not implemented yet)?
            content_regex => qr{^0|1$},
            content_descr => '"0", "1"',
            default => '0',
        'xserver::nvidia' => {
            applies_to_vendor_os => 1,
            description => unshiftHereDoc(<<'            End-of-Here'),
                should the non-gpl NVidia drivers be available (installed in  vendor-OS - not implemented yet)?
            content_regex => qr{^0|1$},
            content_descr => '"0", "1"',
            default => '0',
        #'xserver::matrox' => {
        #    applies_to_vendor_os => 1,
        #    description => unshiftHereDoc(<<'            End-of-Here'),
        #        should the non-gpl Matrox drivers (e.g. for the Parhelia) be 
        #        available (installed in vendor-OS)?
        #    End-of-Here
        #    content_regex => qr{^0|1$},
        #    content_descr => '"0", "1"',
        #    default => '0',

sub preInstallationPhase()
    my $self = shift;
    my $info = shift;

    $self->{pluginRepositoryPath} = $info->{'plugin-repo-path'};
    $self->{pluginTempPath}       = $info->{'plugin-temp-path'};
    $self->{openslxBasePath}      = $info->{'openslx-base-path'};
    $self->{openslxConfigPath}    = $info->{'openslx-config-path'};
    $self->{attrs}                = $info->{'plugin-attrs'};
    $self->{vendorOsPath}         = $info->{'vendor-os-path'};

    my $pkgpath = $self->{attrs}->{'xserver::pkgpath'};
    $pkgpath ||= "";
    my $installAti = $self->{attrs}->{'xserver::ati'};
    my $installNvidia = $self->{attrs}->{'xserver::nvidia'};

    if (! -d $pkgpath && ($installAti == 1 || $installNvidia == 1)) {
        print "\n\n * xserver::pkgpath: no such directory!\n";
        print " * xserver plugin can only install ATI or Nvidia driver\n";
		print "   via operating system packaging (e.g. != SuSE-10.2)!\n";
        # exit 1 => xserver plugin is not getting installed because ati
        # or nvidia where selected but are not installable!
		# exit 1;

    if (-d $pkgpath && ($installNvidia == 1 || $installAti == 1)) {
        system("cp -r $pkgpath $self->{pluginRepositoryPath}/packages");


sub installationPhase
{   # called while chrooted to the vendor-OS root in order to give the plugin
    # a chance to install required files into the vendor-OS.
    my $self = shift;
    my $info = shift;

    # ehh... every plugin has it's own different installationPhase
    # variable definition?
    my $pluginRepoPath = $info->{'plugin-repo-path'};
        # The folder where the stage1-plugin should store all files
        # required by the corresponding stage3 runlevel script.
        # As this method is being executed while chrooted into the vendor-OS,
        # this path is relative to that root (i.e. directly usable).
    my $pluginTempPath = $info->{'plugin-temp-path'};
        # A temporary playground that will be cleaned up automatically.
        # As this method is being executed while chrooted into the vendor-OS,
        # this path is relative to that root (i.e. directly usable).
    my $openslxBasePath = $info->{'openslx-base-path'};
        # the openslx base path (/opt/openslx) bind-mounted into the chroot
    my $openslxConfigPath = $info->{'openslx-config-path'};
        # the openslx config path (/etc/opt/openlsx) bind-mounted into the 
        # chroot
    my $attrs = $info->{'plugin-attrs'};
        # attributes in effect for this installation
    my $vendorOSName = $self->{'os-plugin-engine'}->{'vendor-os-name'};

    # write the distro specific extension (inclusion) of
    my $script = $self->{distro}->setupXserverScript($pluginRepoPath);
    spitFile("$pluginRepoPath/", $script);

    # if defined: build nvidia or ati binarys
    my $pluginFilesPath =
    my $installationPath = "$pluginRepoPath/";
    my $binDrivers = 0;
    my $engine = $self->{'os-plugin-engine'};

    # removeLinks is to remove Links to the files
    # TODO: In future versions this call can be removed - deprecated version

    if ($attrs->{'xserver::nvidia'} == 1  || $attrs->{'xserver::ati'} == 1 ) {
        if($vendorOSName =~ /.*?ubuntu.*?/i) 
            if($vendorOSName =~ /.*?8.10|9.04|9.10.*?/i) 
                copyFile("$pluginFilesPath/", "$installationPath");
        $binDrivers = 1;
    if ($attrs->{'xserver::ati'} == 1 ) {
    if ($attrs->{'xserver::nvidia'} == 1 ) {

    if ($binDrivers == 1) {
        system("chmod -R 755 $installationPath");


sub removalPhase
{   # called while chrooted to the vendor-OS root in order to give the plugin
    # a chance to uninstall no longer required files from the vendor-OS.
    my $self = shift;
    my $info = shift;
    my $pluginRepoPath = $info->{'plugin-repo-path'};
        # The folder where the stage1-plugin should store all files
        # required by the corresponding stage3 runlevel script.
        # As this method is being executed while chrooted into the vendor-OS,
        # this path is relative to that root (i.e. directly usable).
    my $pluginTempPath = $info->{'plugin-temp-path'};
        # A temporary playground that will be cleaned up automatically.
        # As this method is being executed while chrooted into the vendor-OS,
        # this path is relative to that root (i.e. directly usable).

    # TODO (in far future): Remove - linking is deprecated
    # Make sure nobody has installed the old plugin version


# Create for the binary drivers 
sub ldconf
    my $self = shift;
    my $info = shift;

    my $attrs = $info->{'plugin-attrs'};
    my $ldincl = $info->{'plugin-repo-path'}.'/';
    my $ldpl = "/etc/ld.conf.preload";
    my $ldconf = "/etc/";
    my $ldcache = "";

    if( -d $ldincl.'nvidia/') {

        ## WRITE ##
        print IN $ldincl."nvidia/usr/lib\n".$ldincl.'nvidia/usr/X11R6/lib';
        ## CREATE DIFFERENT '' ##
        $ldcache = $ldincl.'/nvidia/';
        system('sed -e "1s,^,include '.$ldincl.'nvidia/\n,g" -i '.$ldconf);
        #print "Calling ldconfig to create $ldcache ... Please Wait\n";
        system('ldconfig -C '.$ldcache);
        system('sed -e "1d" -i '.$ldconf);

    if( -d $ldincl.'ati/') {
        print IN $ldincl."ati/usr/lib\n".$ldincl.'ati/usr/X11R6/lib';
        $ldcache = $ldincl.'/ati/';
        system('sed -e "1s,^,include '.$ldincl.'ati/\n,g" -i '.$ldconf);
        #print "Calling ldconfig to create $ldcache ... Please Wait\n";
        system('ldconfig -C '.$ldcache);
        system('sed -e "1d" -i '.$ldconf);

# deprecated
# removes linked libraries from /usr/lib/
sub removeLinks
    my $instFolders = "/usr/lib";
    if(-d "/usr/X11R6/lib") {
        $instFolders .= " /usr/X11R6/lib";
    my $divertFolder = "/var/X11R6/lib";
    my $pluginFolder = "/opt/openslx/plugin-repo/xserver";

    # get all previously installed links
    my @linkedFiles = 
        `find $instFolders -lname "$divertFolder*" -o -lname "$pluginFolder*" `;

    # also remove _MESA backup files
    my @backupFiles =
        `find $instFolders -name "**"`;
    my $origfile = '';
    for my $file (@backupFiles) {
        $origfile = $file;
        $file =~ s/_MESA//;
    unlink "/usr/lib/", "/usr/lib/";
    symlink "/usr/lib/", "/usr/lib/";
    symlink "/usr/lib/", "/usr/lib/";

    foreach my $file (@linkedFiles) {
		unlink $file;

	# this should not print any file at all ;-(
    my @files = `find $instFolders -lname "$divertFolder*" -o -lname "$pluginFolder*" `;
	if ( $#files > 0 ) {
		print "Links were not removed properly! Exiting!\n";
		my $bla;
		foreach (@files) {
			chomp($bla = $_);
			print $bla;
