path: root/tools/updateDistroInfo.suse
blob: e9978081cd13530442e3ef280ecee0d6d8070f8b (plain) (tree)










# Copyright (c) 2009..2011 - OpenSLX GmbH
# This program/file is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
# See
# If you have any feedback please consult and
# send your feedback to
# General information about OpenSLX can be found at
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# updateDistroInfo.suse
#    - perl script to update the package information for OpenSuSE distribtion
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

use strict;
use warnings;

use threads ('yield',
             'stack_size' => 64*4096,
             'exit' => 'threads_only',
use Time::HiRes qw(sleep);
use Switch;
use Net::HTTP;
use Net::FTP;
#use Data::Dumper;

# Configuration ###############################################################

my @supportedVersions = (
#    {
#        ver => 
#            '10.3',
#        source => 
#            '',
#        supporedArch => 
#            'i586 x86_64',
#        packageKeysLocation => 
#            ''
#    },
#    {
#        ver => 
#            '11.0',
#        source => 
#            '',
#        supporedArch => 
#            'i586 x86_64',
#        packageKeysLocation => 
#            ''
#    },
#    {
#        ver => 
#            '11.1',
#        source => 
#            '',
#        supporedArch => 
#            'i586 x86_64',
#        packageKeysLocation => 
#            ''
#    },
#    {
#        ver => 
#            '11.2',
#        source => 
#            '',
#        supporedArch => 
#            'i586 x86_64',
#        packageKeysLocation => 
#            ''
#    },
#    {
#        ver => 
#            '11.3',
#        source => 
#            '',
#        supporedArch => 
#            'i586 x86_64',
#        packageKeysLocation => 
#            ''
#    },
        ver =>
        source =>
        supporedArch =>
            'i586 x86_64',
        packageKeysLocation =>
        ver =>
        source =>
        supporedArch =>
            'i586 x86_64',
        packageKeysLocation =>


my %sourceLists = (
    'base' =>
             path => 'distribution/#ver#/repo/oss',
             archpath => 'distribution/#ver#/repo/oss/suse/#arch#'
    'base_non-oss' =>
             path => 'distribution/#ver#/repo/non-oss',
             archpath => 'distribution/#ver#/repo/oss/suse/#arch#'
    'base_update' =>
             path => 'update/#ver#',
             archpath => 'update/#ver#/rpm/#arch#'


my $cmd; 
my $out = {};
my $statistics = {};

# set autoflush
$| = 1;

sub checkHttpMirror {
    my $checkurl = shift;
    my $mirrorurl = shift;
    my $outfile = shift;

    $SIG{'KILL'} = sub { threads->exit(); };

    $checkurl = m/http:\/\/([^\/]*)(\/.*)/;
    my $s = Net::HTTP->new(Host => $1, Timeout => 10, Debug => 0) or return ( "status:1" );
    $s->write_request(GET => $2, 'User-Agent' => "Mozilla/5.0");

    my($code, $mess, %h) = $s->read_response_headers;

    if ($code == 200) {
        return ( "status:0", "mirror:$mirrorurl", "outfile:$outfile" );
    } else {
        return ( "status:2" );

sub checkFtpMirror {
    my $checkurl = shift;
    my $mirrorurl = shift;
    my $outfile = shift;

    $SIG{'KILL'} = sub { threads->exit(); };

    $checkurl = m/ftp:\/\/([^\/]*)(\/.*)/;
    my $ftp = Net::FTP->new(Host => $1, Timeout => 10, Debug => 0) or return ( "status:1" );
    $ftp->login("anonymous",'-anonymous@') or return ( "status:2" );
    $ftp->cwd($2) or return ( "status:3" );

    return ( "status:0", "mirror:$mirrorurl", "outfile:$outfile" );

sub cleanupThreads {

    my @joinable = threads->list(threads::joinable);
    while (@joinable) {
        my @ret = shift(@joinable)->join();
        my $response = {};

        while (my $param = shift(@ret)) {
            $param =~ m/^([^:]*):(.*)$/;
            $response->{$1} = $2;

        switch ($response->{status}) {
            case 0 {
                 print "o"
            else { 
                 print "x";
         #print "j";

    my $running = threads->list(threads::running);
    return $running;

my $startTime = time();
my $endTime;

my $oldtime;
if ( -e "$ENV{'HOME'}/.update-suse-distro-info" ) {
   $oldtime = qx(cat $ENV{'HOME'}/.update-suse-distro-info);

# cleanup
system ("rm -rf out");

print "\n              ** OpenSLX distro-info Updater - OpenSUSE **\n\n";
print "Notice: running the checks takes some time, so it's enough time for a coffee\n        break ;)";

if ($oldtime) {
    my ($min, $sec) = split(/:/, $oldtime);
    printf (" - last run took %i min %i sec ..\n", $min, $sec);
} else {
    print "\n";

while (my $version = shift(@supportedVersions)) {
    print "\nopenSUSE $version->{ver} \n";

    print "fetching mirror list..\n";
    system("wget -q -O suse-$version->{ver} $version->{source}");

    print "extracting mirrors.. \n";
    $cmd  = "grep -P -e \"<a href=.*>(HT|F)TP</a>\" suse-$version->{ver} | ";
    $cmd .= "sed -e \"s/^[^\\\"]*\\\"//\" -e \"s/\\\".*\$//\" >";
    $cmd .= "suse-$version->{ver}-mirrors && rm suse-$version->{ver}";
    system $cmd;

    my @sa = split(/ /,$version->{supporedArch});
    # empty out
    $out = {};
    $statistics = {};

    while (my $arch = shift(@sa)) {
        $arch = "_$arch";
        # if we have ix86 arch name is not used..
        $arch =~ s/_i.?86//; 
        $cmd  = "mkdir -p out/suse-$version->{ver}$arch/mirrors";
        $cmd .= "         out/suse-$version->{ver}$arch/trusted-package-keys";
        system ($cmd);

    print "check mirrors .. \n";
    my $running;
    $statistics->{numMirrors} = qx(cat suse-$version->{ver}-mirrors | wc -l);
    open FILE, "< suse-$version->{ver}-mirrors", or die "couldn't open file: $!";
    while (<FILE>) {
        my $mirror = $_;
        my $skipmirror = 0;
        @sa = split(/ /,$version->{supporedArch});
        while (my $arch = shift(@sa)) {
             while (my($type, $parameters) = each %sourceLists) {
                 my $checkpath = $parameters->{archpath};
                    $checkpath =~ s/#ver#/$version->{ver}/;
                    $checkpath =~ s/#arch#/$arch/;

                 my $mirrorpath = $parameters->{path};
                    $mirrorpath =~ s/#ver#/$version->{ver}/;

                 my $local_arch = "_$arch";
                 # if we have ix86 arch name is not used..
                 $local_arch =~ s/_i.?86//;

                 my @running = threads->list(threads::running);
                 my $numRunning = scalar @running;
                 $running = cleanupThreads();

                 while( $running > 50 ) { sleep 0.1; $running = cleanupThreads();}
                 if ($mirror =~ m/^http:/) {
                     threads->create({context => 'list'},
                 if ($mirror =~ m/^ftp:/) {
                     threads->create({context => 'list'},
        #print "$mirror \n";
    close FILE;
    system ("rm suse-$version->{ver}-mirrors");

    $running = cleanupThreads();
    printf ("\n-- waiting for %i unfinished check(s) ..\n", $running);
    my $counter = 30;
    my $exit = 0;
    while( $exit == 0 ) { 
        sleep 0.5; 
        $running = cleanupThreads();
        if ( $counter < 1 ) {
            printf ("\n-- %i check(s) still running.. \n", $running);
            print ("\n-- cleanup remaining check(s)..");
            my @runningthreads = threads->list();
            while (@runningthreads) {
            $exit = 1;
    print "\nfinished.\n\n";
    print "writing active mirrors to file.\n";

    while (my($file, $mirrorlist) = each %{$out}) {
        open(OUTFILE, ">>", "out/$file") or die ("something went wrong");
        while (@$mirrorlist) {
            #print Dumper($mirrorlist);
            print OUTFILE shift(@$mirrorlist);
            print OUTFILE "\n";

    print "\nStatistics:\n";
    printf ("-- checked %i mirrors \n", $statistics->{numMirrors});
    while (my($f, $num) = each(%{$statistics->{files}})) {
        printf ("-- found %i entries for: %s \n", $num, $f);

    print "\nGet package keys\n";
    system("wget -q -O index$version->{ver}/repo/oss/");
    my @files = qx(cat index | grep -P -e "(gpg-pubkey|pubring)");
    while (@files) {
        my $file = shift(@files);
        $file =~ m/href=\"([^\"]*)\"/;
        my $cmd  = "wget -q -O out/suse-$version->{ver}/trusted-package-keys/$1 ";
           $cmd .= "$version->{ver}/repo/oss/$1";
        system ("sh", "-c", $cmd);
    system ("rm index");

    @sa = split(/ /,$version->{supporedArch});
    while (@sa) {
        my $arch = shift(@sa);
        my $cmd  = "cp out/suse-$version->{ver}/trusted-package-keys/* ";
           $cmd .= "   out/suse-$version->{ver}_$arch/trusted-package-keys/";
        $arch =~ m/i.?86/ or system ($cmd);

$endTime = time();
my $totalTime = $endTime - $startTime;

system("cd out && tar cf ../distro-info.suse.tar * && cd ..");
system("rm -rf out");

printf ("\nUpdated distro info in %i min %i sec \n", $totalTime/60, $totalTime%60);
printf ("Data written to distro-info.suse.tar, go to <oslx-source>/lib/distro-info \n and extract it.");

open(FH, ">", "$ENV{'HOME'}/.update-suse-distro-info") or die ($!);
printf FH ("%i:%i", $totalTime/60, $totalTime%60);

exit 1;