path: root/bin
diff options
authorSebastian Schmelzer2010-09-02 17:50:49 +0200
committerSebastian Schmelzer2010-09-02 17:50:49 +0200
commit416ab8a37f1b07dc9f6c0fb3ff1a8ff2036510b5 (patch)
tree4715f7d742fec50931017f38fe6ff0a89d4ceccc /bin
parentFix for the problem reported on the list (sed filter forgotten for the (diff)
change dir structure
Diffstat (limited to 'bin')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 1304 deletions
diff --git a/bin/devel-tools/ b/bin/devel-tools/
deleted file mode 100755
index 52d13fc5..00000000
--- a/bin/devel-tools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/perl
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 - OpenSLX GmbH
-# This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
-# See
-# If you have any feedback please consult and
-# send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to
-# General information about OpenSLX can be found at
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-my $abstract = q[
- This script is a tool for OpenSLX developers that allows to extract
- the minimal package-set from all the installed rpm packages.
- "Minimum" here means those packages only that are not
- required by other installed packages (a.k.a. the leaves of the RPM
- dependency graph).
- This minimal set is useful to simplify the commandline for yum when
- it is invoked to install a specific selection.
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Pod::Usage;
-my (
- $helpReq,
- $verbose,
- $versionReq,
- %pkgs,
- @leafPkgs,
-my $rpmOutFile = "/tmp/minpkgset.rpmout";
-my $rpmErrFile = "/tmp/minpkgset.rpmerr";
- 'help|?' => \$helpReq,
- 'verbose' => \$verbose,
- 'version' => \$versionReq,
-) or pod2usage(2);
-pod2usage(-msg => $abstract, -verbose => 0, -exitval => 1) if $helpReq;
-if ($versionReq) {
- system('slxversion');
- exit 1;
-print(('-' x 40)."\n");
-print join("\n", sort @leafPkgs)."\n";
-sub slurpFile
- my $file = shift;
- my $fh;
- open($fh, '<', $file)
- or die _tr("could not open file '%s' for reading! (%s)", $file, $!);
- local $/ = undef;
- my $text = <$fh>;
- close($fh);
- return $text;
-sub rpmDie
- my $rpmCmd = shift;
- print "\n*** An error occurred when executing the following rpm-command:\n";
- print "\t$rpmCmd\n";
- my $err = slurpFile($rpmErrFile);
- print "*** The error was:\n";
- print "\t$err\n";
- exit 5;
-sub callRpm
- my $rpmCmd = shift;
- my $res = system("$rpmCmd >$rpmOutFile 2>$rpmErrFile");
- exit 1 if ($res & 127); # child caught a signal
- rpmDie($rpmCmd) if -s $rpmErrFile;
- my $out = slurpFile($rpmOutFile);
- return ($res, $out);
-sub handlePackage
- my $pkgName = shift;
- # if any other package requires it, the current package is not a leaf!
- print "\tdirectly required..." if $verbose;
- my ($rpmRes, $rpmOut) = callRpm(qq[rpm -q --whatrequires "$pkgName"]);
- print $rpmRes ? "no\n" : "yes\n" if $verbose;
- return 0 unless $rpmRes;
- print "\tany of its provides required..." if $verbose;
- ($rpmRes, $rpmOut) = callRpm(qq[rpm -q --provides "$pkgName"]);
- my $provides
- = join ' ',
- map {
- my $rpm = $_;
- $rpm =~ s[^\s*(.+?)\s*$][$1];
- qq["$rpm"];
- }
- split "\n", $rpmOut;
- ($rpmRes, $rpmOut) = callRpm(qq[rpm -q --whatrequires $provides]);
- if ($rpmRes == 0) {
- # ignore if rpm tells us that a provides is required by
- # the package that provides it:
- $rpmRes = 1;
- while($rpmOut =~ m[^\s*(.+?)\s*]gm) {
- if ($1 ne $pkgName) {
- $rpmRes = 0;
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- print $rpmRes ? "no\n" : "yes\n" if $verbose;
- return 0 unless $rpmRes;
- print "!!! adding $pkgName\n" if $verbose;
- push @leafPkgs, $pkgName;
- return 1;
-sub determineMinimumPackageSet
- my ($rpmRes, $allPkgs)
- = callRpm(qq[rpm -qa --queryformat "%{NAME}\n"]);
- foreach my $p (sort split "\n", $allPkgs) {
- print "$p...\n" if $verbose;
- print "." unless $verbose;
- handlePackage($p);
- }
- return;
-=head1 NAME
- - OpenSLX script to extract the minimum package
-set from all the installed rpm packages.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- [options]
- Options:
- --help brief help message
- --verbose show files as they are being processed
- --version show version
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=over 8
-=item B<--help>
-Prints a brief help message and exits.
-=item B<--verbose>
-Prints information about each installed package as it is being processed.
-=item B<--version>
-Prints the version and exits.
-=cut \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bin/devel-tools/ b/bin/devel-tools/
deleted file mode 100755
index 789a70ad..00000000
--- a/bin/devel-tools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/perl
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 - OpenSLX GmbH
-# This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
-# See
-# If you have any feedback please consult and
-# send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to
-# General information about OpenSLX can be found at
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# - OpenSLX-script to extract translatable strings from other scripts
-# and modules.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-my $abstract = q[
- This script is a tool for OpenSLX developers that allows to extract
- translatable strings from all OpenSLX perl-scripts and modules found
- in and below a given path.
- Optionally, all the translatable strings that were found can automatically
- be integrated into all existing translation modules. During this process,
- any translations already existing in these modules will be preserved.
-use Cwd;
-use File::Find;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Pod::Usage;
-use OpenSLX::Utils;
-my (
- $helpReq,
- $show,
- $update,
- $verbose,
- $versionReq,
- %translatableStrings,
- $fileCount,
- 'help|?' => \$helpReq,
- 'update' => \$update,
- 'show' => \$show,
- 'verbose' => \$verbose,
- 'version' => \$versionReq,
-) or pod2usage(2);
-pod2usage(-msg => $abstract, -verbose => 0, -exitval => 1) if $helpReq;
-if ($versionReq) {
- system('slxversion');
- exit 1;
-# chdir to the repository's root folder:
-use FindBin;
-my $path = "$FindBin::RealBin/../..";
- or die "can't chdir to repository-root <$path> ($!)";
-print "searching in ".cwd()."\n";
-find(\&ExtractTrStrings, '.');
-my $trCount = scalar keys %translatableStrings;
-print "Found $trCount translatable strings in $fileCount files.\n";
-if ($show) {
- foreach my $tr (sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} keys %translatableStrings) {
- print "\tqq{$tr}\n\t\t=> qq{$tr}\n";
- }
-if ($update) {
- find(\&UpdateTrModule, 'lib/OpenSLX/Translations');
-sub ExtractTrStrings
- $File::Find::prune = 1 if ($_ eq '.svn'
- || $_ eq 'Translations'
- || $_ eq 'devel-tools');
- return if -d;
- my $text = slurpFile($_);
- if ($File::Find::name !~ m[\.pm$] && $text !~ m[^#!.+/perl]im) {
- # ignore anything other than perl-modules and -scripts
- return;
- }
- print "$File::Find::name...\n";
- $fileCount++;
- while($text =~ m[_tr\s*\(\s*(.+?)\s*\);]gos) {
- # NOTE: that cheesy regex relies on the string ');' not being used
- # inside of translatable strings... so SLX_DONT_DO_THAT!
- # As an alternative, we could implement a real parser, but
- # I'd like to postpone that until the current scheme proves
- # simply not good enough.
- my $tr = $1;
- if (!($tr =~ m[^'([^']+)'\s*(,.+?)*\s*$]os
- || $tr =~ m[^\"([^"]+)\"\s*(,.+?)*\s*$]os
- || $tr =~ m{^qq?\[([^\]]+)\]\s*(,.+?)*\s*$}os)) {
- die "$File::Find::name: could not parse _tr()-argument \n"
- ."\t$tr\nPlease correct and retry.\n";
- }
- $tr = $1;
- if ($tr =~ m[(\$\w+)]) {
- die "$File::Find::name: _tr()-argument\n\t$tr\n"
- ."contains variable '$1'.\nPlease correct and retry.\n";
- }
- $tr =~ s[\n][\\n]g;
- $tr =~ s[\t][\\t]g;
- $translatableStrings{$tr} = $tr;
- print "\t$tr\n" if $verbose;
- }
-sub UpdateTrModule
- $File::Find::prune = 1 if ($_ eq '.svn');
- return if -d || !/.pm$/;
- print "updating $File::Find::name...\n";
- my $trModule = $_;
- my $useKeyAsTranslation = ($trModule eq '');
- my $text = slurpFile($trModule);
- if ($text !~ m[%translations\s*=\s*\(\s*(.+)\s*\);]os) {
- print "\t*** No translations found - file will be skipped! ***\n";
- return;
- }
- my %translations;
- # evaluate the hash read from file into %translations:
- if (!eval "$&") {
- print "\t*** translations can't be evaluated - file will be skipped! ***\n";
- return;
- }
- my $updatedTranslations = "%translations = (\n";
- my $keepCount = 0;
- my $newCount = 0;
- foreach my $tr (sort {lc($a) cmp lc($b)} keys %translatableStrings) {
- if (!length($translations{$tr})) {
- if ($useKeyAsTranslation) {
- # POSIX language (English): use key as translation:
- $updatedTranslations
- .= "\tq{$tr}\n\t=>\n\tqq{$tr},\n\n";
- $newCount++;
- } else {
- # no translation available, we mark the key, such that a
- # search for this key will fall back to the english message:
- my $trMark = "NEW:$tr";
- if (exists $translations{$trMark}) {
- # the marked string already exists, we keep the translation
- # if any (usually, of course, there is none):
- my $trValue = $translations{$trMark};
- $trValue =~ s[\n][\\n]g;
- $trValue =~ s[\t][\\t]g;
- $updatedTranslations
- .= "\tq{$trMark}\n\t=>\n\tqq{$trValue},\n\n";
- $keepCount++;
- } else {
- $updatedTranslations
- .= "\tq{$trMark}\n\t=>\n\tqq{},\n\n";
- $newCount++;
- }
- }
- } else {
- # use existing translation for key:
- my $trValue = $translations{$tr};
- $trValue =~ s[\n][\\n]g;
- $trValue =~ s[\t][\\t]g;
- $updatedTranslations
- .= "\tq{$tr}\n\t=>\n\tqq{$trValue},\n\n";
- $keepCount++;
- }
- }
- my $delCount = scalar(keys %translations) - $keepCount;
- $text =~ s[%translations\s*=\s*\(\s*(.+)\s*\);]
- [$updatedTranslations);]os;
- if ($newCount + $delCount) {
- chomp $text;
- spitFile($trModule, $text."\n");
- print "\tadded $newCount strings, kept $keepCount and removed $delCount.\n";
- } else {
- print "\tnothing changed\n";
- }
-=head1 NAME
- - OpenSLX-script to extract translatable strings from
-all scripts and modules found in and below the given path.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- [options]
- Options:
- --help brief help message
- --update update the OpenSLX locale modules
- (in lib/OpenSLX/Translations)
- --show show overview of all strings found
- --verbose show for each file which strings are found
- --version show version
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=over 8
-=item B<--help>
-Prints a brief help message and exits.
-=item B<--show>
-Prints sorted list of all translatable strings that were found.
-=item B<--update>
-Integrates the found translatable strings into all OpenSLX locale modules found
-under lib/OpenSLX/Translations.
-Every module will be updated with the found strings, existing
-translations will not be changed (unless the corresponding key doesn't exist
-anymore, in which case they will be removed).
-=item B<--verbose>
-Prints information about what's going on during execution of the script.
-=item B<--version>
-Prints the version and exits.
-=cut \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bin/devel-tools/ b/bin/devel-tools/
deleted file mode 100755
index b0e1b447..00000000
--- a/bin/devel-tools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/perl
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 - OpenSLX GmbH
-# This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
-# See
-# If you have any feedback please consult and
-# send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to
-# General information about OpenSLX can be found at
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Data::Dumper;
-my $abstract = q[
- This script is a tool for OpenSLX developers that is meant to generate a
- packageset for settings.default. It can be used to generate
- bootstrap-packages for example.
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Pod::Usage;
-my (
- $helpReq,
- $verbose,
- $versionReq,
- $inputfile,
- $outputfile,
- $url,
- $errorfile,
- @Pkgs,
- @files,
- @GivenNames,
- @filelisting,
- @errors,
- 'help|?' => \$helpReq,
- 'verbose' => \$verbose,
- 'version' => \$versionReq,
- 'if=s' => \$inputfile,
- 'of=s' => \$outputfile,
- 'url=s' => \$url,
-) or pod2usage(2);
-pod2usage(-msg => $abstract, -verbose => 0, -exitval => 1) if $helpReq;
-if ($versionReq) {
- system('slxversion');
- exit 1;
-open(INPUTFILE,$inputfile) || die("Can't open input-file $inputfile!");
- while (my $zeile=<INPUTFILE>){
- if ($zeile ne "") {
- push (@GivenNames,$zeile);
- }
- }
-print "getting filelisting:\n" if $verbose;
-if (substr($url,0,3) eq "ftp") {
- print "\trecognized mirror as ftp - $url\n" if $verbose;
- @filelisting=_getPackageListingFtp($url);
-} elsif (substr($url,0,4) eq "http") {
- print "\trecognized mirror as http - $url\n" if $verbose;
- @filelisting=_getPackageListingHttp($url);
-} else {
- die "Unable to get mirror type (ftp or http)";
-print "\tgot file listing from $url\n" if $verbose;
-print "resolving names:\n" if $verbose;
-foreach my $name (@GivenNames) {
- $name=~ s/^[\s\t]+//; #removes whitespaces
- $name=~ s/[\n\t\r]$//; #removes new lines
- my @possiblepackages = grep(/^\Q$name\E*/i,@filelisting);
- my $res;
- if ($possiblepackages[0]) {
- $res = $possiblepackages[0];
- } else {
- push (@errors,$name);
- }
- print "\t$name->$res\n" if $verbose;
- push (@Pkgs,$res) if $res;
-open (OUTPUTFILE,">>$outputfile") || die("Can't open output-file $outputfile!");
-foreach my $package (@Pkgs) {
- print OUTPUTFILE "$package\n";
-close (OUTPUTFILE);
-open (ERRORFILE,">>$errorfile") || die("Can't open output-file $errorfile!");
- foreach my $error (@errors) {
- print ERRORFILE "$error\n";
-close (ERRORFILE);
-print "\n";
-if ($verbose) {
- print "THE PACKAGE LIST:\n";
- print(('=' x 40)."\n");
- print join("\n", sort @Pkgs)."\n";
-sub _getPackageListingFtp {
- my $url = shift;
- use Net::FTP;
- use URI;
- require URI::_generic;
- my $urlObject = URI->new($url);
- my $path = shift;
- my $ftp = Net::FTP->new($urlObject->host( ), Timeout => 240)
- or die _tr("Unable to connect to FTP-Server");
- $ftp->login("anonymous", "mailaddress@");
- $ftp->cwd($urlObject->path( ));
- return $ftp->ls();
-sub _getPackageListingHttp {
- my $url = shift;
- use URI;
- use URI::http;
- use URI::_foreign;
- use HTTP::Request;
- use LWP::UserAgent;
- use LWP::Protocol::http;
- my @filelisting;
- my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
- $ua->agent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv:1.8) Gecko/20051111 Firefox/1.5");
- my $req;
- $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $url);
- $req->header('Accept' => 'text/html');
- # send request
- my $res = $ua->request($req);
- # check the outcome
- if ($res->is_success) {
- print "\tThe given URL is : $url\n" if $verbose;
- @filelisting = ($res->decoded_content =~ m/<a href=\"([^\"]*.rpm)/g);
- foreach my $i (@filelisting){
- print $i."\n" if $verbose;
- }
- print "\tgot list of files from mirror.\n" if $verbose;
- return @filelisting;
- }
- die("Error: " . $res->status_line . "\n");
-=head1 NAME
- - OpenSLX script to extract full package names
-from a given mirror.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- [options]
- Options:
- --if inputfile
- --of outputfile
- --url url of the mirror
- --help brief help message
- --verbose show files as they are being processed
- --version show version
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=over 8
-=item B<--if>
-Select input file with package names in each line.
-=item B<--of>
-Select output file for complete package names to append.
-=item B<--url>
-Select a mirror directory for the desired distribution
-=item B<--help>
-Prints a brief help message and exits.
-=item B<--verbose>
-Prints information about each installed package as it is being processed.
-=item B<--version>
-Prints the version and exits.
diff --git a/bin/devel-tools/ b/bin/devel-tools/
deleted file mode 100755
index a286cd71..00000000
--- a/bin/devel-tools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/perl
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 - OpenSLX GmbH
-# This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
-# See
-# If you have any feedback please consult and
-# send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to
-# General information about OpenSLX can be found at
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# - OpenSLX script to extract a package list from a given list of
-# SUSE-pattern-files (*.pat).
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-my $abstract = q[
- This script is a tool for OpenSLX developers that allows to extract
- package lists from a given set of SUSE pattern files.
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Pod::Usage;
-my (
- $helpReq,
- $versionReq,
- %patternNames,
- %packageNames,
- 'help|?' => \$helpReq,
- 'version' => \$versionReq,
-) or pod2usage(2);
-pod2usage(-msg => $abstract, -verbose => 0, -exitval => 1) if $helpReq;
-if ($versionReq) {
- system('slxversion');
- exit 1;
-if ($ARGV[0] !~ m[^(\w+)-(.+)$]) {
- die "can't extract architecture from pattern file name '$ARGV[0]'";
-my $arch = $2;
-foreach my $patternFile (@ARGV) {
- parsePatternFile($patternFile, 1);
-print join("\n", sort keys %packageNames)."\n";
-sub parsePatternFile
- my $patternFile = shift;
- my $outmost = shift;
- my $patFH;
- if (!open($patFH, '<', $patternFile)) {
- return unless $outmost;
- die "unable to open $patternFile";
- }
- undef $/;
- my $content = <$patFH>;
- close($patFH);
- $patternNames{$patternFile} = 1;
- if ($content =~ m[^\\s*(.+?)\s*$]ms) {
- print "+ $1\n";
- }
- if ($content =~ m[^\+Sug:\s*?$(.+?)^\-Sug:\s*?$]ms) {
- addSubPatterns($1);
- }
- if ($content =~ m[^\+Req:\s*?$(.+?)^\-Req:\s*?$]ms) {
- addSubPatterns($1);
- }
- if ($content =~ m[^\+Rec:\s*?$(.+?)^\-Rec:\s*?$]ms) {
- addSubPatterns($1);
- }
- if ($content =~ m[^\+Prq:\s*?$(.+?)^\-Prq:\s*?$]ms) {
- addPkgNames($1);
- }
- if ($content =~ m[^\+Prc:\s*?$(.+?)^\-Prc:\s*?$]ms) {
- addPkgNames($1);
- }
- return;
-sub addSubPatterns
- my $patternNames = shift;
- my @subPatterns
- = grep { length($_) > 0 }
- map {
- my $pattern = $_;
- $pattern =~ s[^\s*(.+?)\s*$][$1];
- $pattern;
- }
- split "\n", $patternNames;
- foreach my $subPattern (@subPatterns) {
- my $subPatternFile = "$subPattern-$arch";
- if (!exists $patternNames{$subPatternFile}) {
- parsePatternFile($subPatternFile);
- }
- }
- return;
-sub addPkgNames
- my $pkgs = shift;
- my @pkgNames
- = grep { length($_) > 0 }
- map {
- my $pkg = $_;
- $pkg =~ s[^\s*(.+?)\s*$][$1];
- $pkg;
- }
- split "\n", $pkgs;
- foreach my $pkgName (@pkgNames) {
- $packageNames{$pkgName} = 1;
- }
- return;
-=head1 NAME
- - OpenSLX script to extract a package list from
-a given list of SUSE-pattern-files (*.pat).
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- [options] <pattern-file> ...
- Options:
- --help brief help message
- --version show version
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=over 8
-=item B<--help>
-Prints a brief help message and exits.
-=item B<--version>
-Prints the version and exits.
-=cut \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bin/slxldd b/bin/slxldd
deleted file mode 100755
index 16d07b9c..00000000
--- a/bin/slxldd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/perl
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 - OpenSLX GmbH
-# This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
-# See
-# If you have any feedback please consult and
-# send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to
-# General information about OpenSLX can be found at
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# slxldd
-# - OpenSLX-rewrite of ldd that works on multiple architectures.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-my $abstract = q[
- This script reimplements ldd in a way that should work for all
- binary formats supported by the binutils installed on the host system.
- An example: if you have a folder containing an x86_64 system, you can
- invoke this script on a x86_32-host in order to determine all the libraries
- required by a binary of the x86_64 target system.
-# add the lib-folder to perl's search path for modules:
-use FindBin;
-use lib "$FindBin::RealBin/../lib";
-use File::Glob ':globally';
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Pod::Usage;
-use OpenSLX::Basics;
-use OpenSLX::LibScanner;
-my %option = (
- rootPath => '/',
- 'help|?' => \$option{helpReq},
- 'man' => \$option{manReq},
- 'root-path=s' => \$option{rootPath},
- 'verbose' => \$option{verbose},
- 'version' => \$option{versionReq},
- )
- or pod2usage(2);
-pod2usage(-msg => $abstract, -verbose => 0, -exitval => 1) if $option{helpReq};
-pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if $option{manReq};
-if ($option{versionReq}) {
- system('slxversion');
- exit 1;
-if (!$option{rootPath}) {
- print STDERR _tr("You need to specify the root-path!\n");
- pod2usage(2);
-$option{rootPath} =~ s[/+$][];
-# remove trailing slashes
-if (!@ARGV) {
- print STDERR _tr("You need to specify at least one file!\n");
- pod2usage(2);
-my $libScanner = OpenSLX::LibScanner->new({
- 'root-path' => $option{rootPath},
- 'verbose' => $option{verbose},
-my @libs = $libScanner->determineRequiredLibs(@ARGV);
-print join("\n", @libs), "\n";
-=head1 NAME
-slxldd - OpenSLX-script to determine the libraries required by any given
-binary file.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-slxldd [options] file [...more files]
- Options:
- --help brief help message
- --man show full documentation
- --root-path=<string> path to the root folder for library search
- --verbose show what's going on during execution
- --version show version
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=over 8
-=item B<--help>
-Prints a brief help message and exits.
-=item B<--man>
-Prints the manual page and exits.
-=item B<--root-path=<string>>
-Sets the root folder that is used when searching for libraries. In order to
-collect the loader-settings, etc/ is read relative to this path and
-all libraries are sought relative to this path, too (a.k.a. a virtual chroot).
-Defaults to '/'.
-=item B<--verbose>
-Prints info about the files as they are being scanned.
-=item B<--version>
-Prints the version and exits.
diff --git a/bin/slxsettings b/bin/slxsettings
deleted file mode 100755
index 8c6a823d..00000000
--- a/bin/slxsettings
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,381 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/perl
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 - OpenSLX GmbH
-# This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
-# See
-# If you have any feedback please consult and
-# send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to
-# General information about OpenSLX can be found at
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# slxsettings
-# - OpenSLX-script to show & change local settings
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-my $abstract = q[
- This script can be used to show or change the local settings for OpenSLX.
- Any cmdline-argument passed to this script will change the local OpenSLX
- settings file (usually /etc/opt/openslx/settings).
- If you invoke the script without any arguments, it will print the current
- settings and exit.
- Please use the --man option in order to read the full manual.
-# add the lib-folder and the folder this script lives in to perl's search
-# path for modules:
-use FindBin;
-use lib "$FindBin::RealBin/../lib";
-use lib "$FindBin::RealBin";
-# development path to config-db stuff
-use Config::General;
-use Getopt::Long qw(:config pass_through);
-use Pod::Usage;
-use OpenSLX::Basics;
-use OpenSLX::Utils;
-my (@reset, %givenSettings, %option);
- 'quiet' => \$option{quiet},
- 'help|?' => \$option{helpReq},
- 'man' => \$option{manReq},
- 'version' => \$option{versionReq},
-pod2usage(-msg => $abstract, -verbose => 0, -exitval => 1) if $option{helpReq};
-pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if $option{manReq};
-if ($option{versionReq}) {
- system('slxversion');
- exit 1;
-if ($> != 0) {
- die _tr("Sorry, this script can only be executed by the superuser!\n");
-openslxInit() or pod2usage(2);
-# some settings must match a certain pattern:
-my %configPattern = (
- 'db-type' => '(SQLite|mysql)',
-# the remaining cmdline arguments are set or reset actions, each followed
-# by a single argument:
-while (scalar @ARGV) {
- my $action = shift || '';
- my $arg = shift || '';
- if ($action eq 'set') {
- if ($arg !~ m[^([-\w]+)=(.+)$]) {
- die _tr(
- "set-argument '%s' has unknown format, expected '<key>=<value>!'",
- $arg
- );
- }
- $givenSettings{$1} = $2;
- }
- elsif ($action eq 'reset') {
- push @reset, $arg;
- }
- else {
- die _tr(unshiftHereDoc(<<' END-OF-HERE'), $arg, $0);
- action '%s' is not understood! Known actions are:
- set
- reset
- Try '%s --help' for more info.
- }
-# fetch current content of local settings file...
-my $fileName = "$openslxConfig{'config-path'}/settings";
-if (!-e $fileName) {
- # create empty default settings file with tight mode (root-only access)
- # [I know this isn't *secure* as such, but it's still better than nothing]
- slxsystem("touch $fileName && chmod 0600 $fileName");
-my $configObj = Config::General->new(
- -ConfigFile => $fileName,
- -SplitDelimiter => '\s*=\s*',
- -SplitPolicy => 'custom',
- -StoreDelimiter => '=',
-my %settings = $configObj->getall();
-my %changed;
-# ...set new values...
-foreach my $key (keys %givenSettings) {
- my $value = $givenSettings{$key};
- next if !defined $value;
- if (!exists $openslxConfig{$key}) {
- die _tr("option '%s' is not known!", $key);
- }
- if ($key =~ m{^(base-path|config-path)$}) {
- die _tr("option '%s' is fixed!", $key);
- }
- if (exists $configPattern{$key} && $value !~ m{$configPattern{$key}}) {
- die _tr(
- "option '%s' must match pattern '%s'!", $key, $configPattern{$key}
- );
- }
- vlog(0, _tr("setting %s to '%s'", $key, $value)) unless $option{quiet};
- my $externalKey = externalKeyFor($key);
- if (!exists $settings{$externalKey} || $settings{$externalKey} ne $value) {
- $settings{$externalKey} = $value;
- }
- $changed{$key}++;
-# reset specified keys to fall back to default:
-foreach my $key (@reset) {
- my $externalKey = externalKeyFor($key);
- if (exists $settings{$externalKey}) {
- delete $settings{$externalKey};
- vlog(0,
- _tr("removing option '%s' from local settings", $key))
- unless $option{quiet};
- } else {
- vlog(0,
- _tr("option '%s' didn't exist in local settings!", $key))
- unless $option{quiet};
- }
- $changed{$key}++;
-# ... and write local settings file if necessary
-if (keys %changed) {
- $configObj->save_file($fileName, \%settings);
- openslxInit();
- foreach my $key (keys %changed) {
- changedHandler($key, $openslxConfig{$key});
- }
-if (!keys %changed) {
- print _tr("paths fixed at installation time:\n");
- print qq[\tbase-path='$openslxConfig{'base-path'}'\n];
- print qq[\tconfig-path='$openslxConfig{'config-path'}'\n];
- my $text =
- keys %changed
- ? "resulting base settings (cmdline options):\n"
- : "current base settings (cmdline options):\n";
- print $text;
- my @baseSettings = grep { exists $cmdlineConfig{$_} } keys %openslxConfig;
- foreach my $key (sort @baseSettings) {
- my $val = $openslxConfig{$key} || '';
- print qq[\t$key='$val'\n];
- }
- print _tr("extended settings:\n");
- my @extSettings = grep { !exists $cmdlineConfig{$_} } keys %openslxConfig;
- foreach my $key (sort @extSettings) {
- next if $key =~ m[^(base-path|config-path)$];
- my $val = $openslxConfig{$key};
- if (defined $val) {
- print qq[\t$key='$val'\n];
- }
- else {
- print qq[\t$key=<unset>\n];
- }
- }
-sub externalKeyFor
- my $key = shift;
- $key =~ tr[-][_];
- return "SLX_" . uc($key);
-sub changedHandler
- my $key = shift;
- my $value = shift;
- # invoke a key-specific change handler if it exists:
- $key =~ tr[-][_];
- # we do the following function call in an eval as that function may simply
- # not exist:
- eval {
- no strict 'refs'; ## no critic (ProhibitNoStrict)
- "${key}_changed_handler"->();
- };
- return;
-sub private_path_changed_handler
- # create the default config folders (for default system only):
- require OpenSLX::ConfigFolder;
- OpenSLX::ConfigFolder::createConfigFolderForDefaultSystem();
- return;
-=head1 NAME
-slxsettings - OpenSLX-script to show & change local settings
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-slxsettings [options] [action ...]
-=head3 Script Actions
- set <option-name=value> sets the option to the given value
- reset <option-name> resets the given option to its default
-=head3 List of Known Option Names
- db-name=<string> name of database
- db-spec=<string> full DBI-specification of database
- db-type=<string> type of database to connect to
- locale=<string> locale to use for translations
- log-level=<int> level of logging verbosity (0-3)
- logfile=<string> file to write logging output to
- private-path=<string> path to private data
- public-path=<string> path to public (client-accesible) data
- temp-path=<string> path to temporary data
-=head3 General Options
- --help brief help message
- --man full documentation
- --quiet do not print anything
- --version show version
-=head3 Actions
-=over 8
-=item B<< set <openslx-option>=<value> >>
-sets the specified option to the given value
-=item B<< reset <setting> >>
-removes the given setting from the local settings (resets it to its default
-B<slxsettings> can be used to show or change the local settings for OpenSLX.
-Any cmdline-argument passed to this script will change the local OpenSLX
-settings file (usually /etc/opt/openslx/settings).
-If you invoke the script without any arguments, it will print the current
-settings and exit.
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=head3 Known Option Names
-=over 8
-=item B<< db-name=<string> >>
-Gives the name of the database to connect to.
-Default is $SLX_DB_NAME (usually C<openslx>).
-=item B<< db-spec=<string> >>
-Gives the full DBI-specification of database to connect to. Content depends
-on the db-type.
-Default is $SLX_DB_SPEC (usually empty as it will be built automatically).
-=item B<< db-type=<string> >>
-Sets the type of database to connect to (SQLite, mysql, ...).
-Default $SLX_DB_TYPE (usually C<SQLite>).
-=item B<< locale=<string> >>
-Sets the locale to use for translations.
-Defaults to the system's standard locale.
-=item B<< logfile=<string> >>
-Specifies a file where logging output will be written to.
-Default is to log to STDERR.
-=item B<< private-path=<string> >>
-Sets path to private data, where the config-db, vendor_oses and configurational
-extensions will be stored.
-Default is $SLX_PRIVATE_PATH (usually F</var/opt/openslx>.
-=item B<< public-path=<string> >>
-Sets path to public (client-accesible) data.
-Default is $SLX_PUBLIC_PATH (usually F</srv/openslx>.
-=item B<< temp-path=<string> >>
-Sets path to temporary data.
-Default is $SLX_TEMP_PATH (usually F</tmp>.
-=item B<< log-level=<int> >>
-Sets the level of logging verbosity (0-3).
-Prints additional output for debugging. N is a number between 0 and 3. Level
-1 provides more information than the default, while 2 provides traces. With
-level 3 you get extreme debug output, e.g. database commands are printed.
-Default is $SLX_VERBOSE_LEVEL (usually 0, no logging).
-=head3 General Options
-=over 8
-=item B< --help>
-Prints a brief help message and exits.
-=item B< --man>
-Prints the manual page and exits.
-=item B< --quiet>
-Runs the script without printing anything.
-=item B< --version>
-Prints the version and exits.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-slxos-setup, slxos-export, slxconfig, slxconfig-demuxer