path: root/boot-env/OpenSLX/BootEnvironment/
diff options
authorOliver Tappe2009-01-28 12:18:45 +0100
committerOliver Tappe2009-01-28 12:18:45 +0100
commit49362ffd959fcf42af8866f69e9d93c9fb541232 (patch)
tree722c5dea2b98b8a68169a0c1ab4be8dc4fe677f1 /boot-env/OpenSLX/BootEnvironment/
parent* removed setting default values for attributes that do not exist anymore (diff)
* refactored common stuff from PrebootCD into Preboot, as there will be other
variants, later (like PrebootDisk, etc.) * adjusted naming to follow our style better (no more all-caps) git-svn-id: 95ad53e4-c205-0410-b2fa-d234c58c8868
Diffstat (limited to 'boot-env/OpenSLX/BootEnvironment/')
1 files changed, 182 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/boot-env/OpenSLX/BootEnvironment/ b/boot-env/OpenSLX/BootEnvironment/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eb6fa730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/boot-env/OpenSLX/BootEnvironment/
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2008 - OpenSLX GmbH
+# This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
+# See
+# If you have any feedback please consult and
+# send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to
+# General information about OpenSLX can be found at
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# - provides general preboot implementation of the BootEnvironment API.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+package OpenSLX::BootEnvironment::Preboot;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw(OpenSLX::BootEnvironment::Base);
+use Clone qw(clone);
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Path;
+use OpenSLX::Basics;
+use OpenSLX::Utils;
+sub writeBootloaderMenuFor
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $client = shift;
+ my $externalClientID = shift;
+ my $systemInfos = shift || [];
+ $self->_prepareBootloaderConfigFolder()
+ unless $self->{preparedBootloaderConfigFolder};
+ my $prebootSystemInfo
+ = clone($self->_pickSystemWithNewestKernel($systemInfos));
+ $self->_createImage($client, $prebootSystemInfo);
+# my $pxePath = $self->{'target-path'};
+# my $pxeConfigPath = "$pxePath/pxelinux.cfg";
+# my $pxeConfig = $self->_getTemplate();
+# my $pxeFile = "$pxeConfigPath/$externalClientID";
+# my $clientAppend = $client->{attrs}->{kernel_params_client} || '';
+# vlog(1, _tr("writing PXE-file %s", $pxeFile));
+# # set label for each system
+# foreach my $info (@$systemInfos) {
+# my $label = $info->{label} || '';
+# if (!length($label) || $label eq $info->{name}) {
+# if ($info->{name} =~ m{^(.+)::(.+)$}) {
+# my $system = $1;
+# my $exportType = $2;
+# $label = $system . ' ' x (40-length($system)) . $exportType;
+# } else {
+# $label = $info->{name};
+# }
+# }
+# $info->{label} = $label;
+# }
+# my $slxLabels = '';
+# foreach my $info (sort { $a->{label} cmp $b->{label} } @$systemInfos) {
+# my $vendorOSName = $info->{'vendor-os'}->{name};
+# my $kernelName = basename($info->{'kernel-file'});
+# my $append = $info->{attrs}->{kernel_params};
+# $append .= " initrd=$vendorOSName/$info->{'initramfs-name'}";
+# $append .= " $clientAppend";
+# $slxLabels .= "LABEL openslx-$info->{'external-id'}\n";
+# $slxLabels .= "\tMENU LABEL ^$info->{label}\n";
+# $slxLabels .= "\tKERNEL $vendorOSName/$kernelName\n";
+# $slxLabels .= "\tAPPEND $append\n";
+# $slxLabels .= "\tIPAPPEND 1\n";
+# my $helpText = $info->{description} || '';
+# if (length($helpText)) {
+# # make sure that text matches the given margin
+# my $margin = $openslxConfig{'pxe-theme-menu-margin'} || 0;
+# my $marginAsText = ' ' x $margin;
+# $helpText =~ s{^}{$marginAsText}gms;
+# $slxLabels .= "\tTEXT HELP\n$helpText\n\tENDTEXT\n";
+# }
+# }
+# # now add the slx-labels (inline or appended) and write the config file
+# if (!($pxeConfig =~ s{\@\@\@SLX_LABELS\@\@\@}{$slxLabels})) {
+# $pxeConfig .= $slxLabels;
+# }
+# # PXE uses 'cp850' (codepage 850) but our string is in utf-8, we have
+# # to convert in order to avoid showing gibberish on the client side...
+# spitFile($pxeFile, $pxeConfig, { 'io-layer' => 'encoding(cp850)' } );
+ return 1;
+sub _prepareBootloaderConfigFolder
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $bootloaderPath = "$self->{'target-path'}/bootloader";
+ if (!$self->{'dry-run'}) {
+ rmtree($bootloaderPath);
+ mkpath($bootloaderPath);
+ }
+ $self->{preparedBootloaderConfigFolder} = 1;
+ return 1;
+sub _pickSystemWithNewestKernel
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $systemInfos = shift;
+ my $systemWithNewestKernel;
+ my $newestKernelFileSortKey = '';
+ foreach my $system (@$systemInfos) {
+ next unless $system->{'kernel-file'} =~ m{
+ (?:vmlinuz|x86)-(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?-(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)
+ }x;
+ my $sortKey
+ = sprintf("%02d.%02d.%02d.%02d-%2.1f", $1, $2, $3, $4||0, $5);
+ if ($newestKernelFileSortKey lt $sortKey) {
+ $systemWithNewestKernel = $system;
+ $newestKernelFileSortKey = $sortKey;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!defined $systemWithNewestKernel) {
+ die _tr("unable to pick a system to be used for preboot!");
+ }
+ return $systemWithNewestKernel;
+sub _makePrebootInitRamFS
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $info = shift;
+ my $initramfs = shift;
+ my $vendorOS = $info->{'vendor-os'};
+ my $kernelFile = basename(followLink($info->{'kernel-file'}));
+ my $attrs = clone($info->{attrs} || {});
+ chomp(my $slxVersion = qx{slxversion});
+ my $params = {
+ 'attrs' => $attrs,
+ 'export-name' => undef,
+ 'export-uri' => undef,
+ 'initramfs' => $initramfs,
+ 'kernel-params'
+ => [ split ' ', ($info->{attrs}->{kernel_params} || '') ],
+ 'kernel-version' => $kernelFile =~ m[-(.+)$] ? $1 : '',
+ 'plugins' => '',
+ 'root-path'
+ => "$openslxConfig{'private-path'}/stage1/$vendorOS->{name}",
+ 'slx-version' => $slxVersion,
+ 'system-name' => $info->{name},
+ };
+ # TODO: make debug-level an explicit attribute, it's used in many places!
+ my $kernelParams = $info->{attrs}->{kernel_params} || '';
+ if ($kernelParams =~ m{debug(?:=(\d+))?}) {
+ my $debugLevel = defined $1 ? $1 : '1';
+ $params->{'debug-level'} = $debugLevel;
+ }
+ my $makeInitRamFSEngine = $self->{'initramfs-factory'}->($params);
+ $makeInitRamFSEngine->execute($self->{'dry-run'});
+ # copy back kernel-params, as they might have been changed (by plugins)
+ $info->{attrs}->{kernel_params}
+ = join ' ', $makeInitRamFSEngine->kernelParams();
+ return;