path: root/ldap-site-mngmt/generation-scripts
diff options
authorLars Müller2008-03-01 19:04:26 +0100
committerLars Müller2008-03-01 19:04:26 +0100
commitcd46d68991f7ae0cf319f915c5fecdd71b78ee34 (patch)
treee9a48065f3203c8e16b14f82216452810d0f53ee /ldap-site-mngmt/generation-scripts
parentOptimizations, improvements ... (diff)
Reorganisation of the repo structure as discussed on the devel list.
- Move the majority of trunk and all branches to the new openslx/ dir. - Move ldap-site-mngmt to contrib/. - Move openslx/trunk/os-plugins/plugins/vmchooser/src/ to openslx-src-tools/trunk/os-plugins/plugins/vmchooser/ git-svn-id: 95ad53e4-c205-0410-b2fa-d234c58c8868
Diffstat (limited to 'ldap-site-mngmt/generation-scripts')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 494 deletions
diff --git a/ldap-site-mngmt/generation-scripts/ b/ldap-site-mngmt/generation-scripts/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5623cc96..00000000
--- a/ldap-site-mngmt/generation-scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,410 +0,0 @@
-# Generate ISC DHCP Configuration File
-# Reads DHCP Config Data form LDAP Directory and generates an
-# include file "" included in dhcpd.conf with:
-# - Definitions of User-defined DHCP Options
-# - DHCP Service Global Options
-# - DHCP Subnet Declarations, Options and Dynamic Pools
-# - DHCP Host Declarations and Options
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-#use diagnostics;
-#use LSM::dhcpgen;
-use Net::LDAP;
-use Net::LDAP::LDIF;
-use Getopt::Std;
-our $VERSION = "1.10";
-# Configuration Variables for Perl-Script
-our ( $ldaphost, $basedn, $userdn, $passwd, $dhcpdn, $dhcpdconfpath, $dhcpdconffile, $opt_a, $opt_h, $opt_v );
-# Read Configuration Variables ...
-require "";
-my ( $ldap, $mesg, $failoverpeer, @searchbases );
-#use LSM::dhcpgen;
-my $acteptime = time();
-my $acttime = localtime();
-if ($opt_h){ print "HILFE Text\n"; exit (1); }
-if ($opt_a){ print "Generate all Include Files:\n\n";}
-# Bind with LDAP Server
-$ldap = Net::LDAP->new( $ldaphost, debug => 0 ) or die "$@";
-$mesg = $ldap->bind( $userdn, password => $passwd );
-$mesg->code && die $mesg->error;
-my @dhcpunits = get_dhcpunits();
-@searchbases = searchbases($acteptime);
-#print @searchbases;
-mkdir "$dhcpdconfpath/includes";
-my $writemaster;
-my @dhcpdnarray = split /,/,$dhcpdn;
-my $aurdn = $dhcpdnarray[2];
-my @auarray = split /=/,$aurdn;
-my $au = $auarray[1];
-my $srvrdn = $dhcpdnarray[0];
-my @srvarray = split /=/,$srvrdn;
-my $srv = $srvarray[1];
-# File Header
-$writemaster .= "# DHCP Config Master Include File \"\"\n# DHCP Service: $srv\n# AU: $au\n# (DN: $dhcpdn)\n# generated: $acttime\n# Unix: $acteptime\n\n";
-# LDAP Search: DHCP Service Object
-my $dhcpsrventry = get_dhcpservice_object($ldap,$dhcpdn);
-# Definitions for user/self-defined DHCP Options
-$writemaster .= "\n######################\n# Option Definitions\n######################\n\n";
-if ($dhcpsrventry->exists('OptionDefinition')) {
- my @optdefinitions = $dhcpsrventry->get_value('OptionDefinition');
- foreach my $optdef (@optdefinitions) {
- $writemaster .= "$optdef\n";
- }
-# Failover Information of DHCP Service, needed for DHCP Pool Declarations later
-#my $failoverpeer;
-if ($dhcpsrventry->exists( 'dhcpFailoverPeer' )) {
- $failoverpeer = $dhcpsrventry->get_value( 'dhcpFailoverPeer' );
-# Global DHCP Options (global Scope)
-$writemaster .= "\n\n######################\n# Global Options\n######################\n\n";
-my $indent = "";
-$writemaster .= dhcpoptions( $dhcpsrventry, $indent );
-# Include Directives (one for each DHCP Unit in LDAP Database)
-$writemaster .= "\n\n######################\n# Includes\n######################\n\n";
-foreach my $dhcpunit ( @dhcpunits ){
- $writemaster .= "include \"$dhcpdconfpath/includes/dhcp.".lc $dhcpunit->get_value('ou').".inc\";\n";
- #$writemaster .= "include \"includes/dhcp.".lc $dhcpunit->get_value('ou').".inc\";\n";
-# Write File
-print "Generate DHCP Master Include File\n";
-open DATEI, "> $dhcpdconfpath/includes/";
-print DATEI $writemaster;
-close DATEI;
-# DHCP INCLUDE FILES, one for each AdministrativeUnit
-foreach my $searchbase ( @searchbases ){
- my $writeinc;
- my $lastchange;
- my $includedatei = lc "dhcp.$searchbase->{ou}.inc";
- my $audn = $searchbase->{dn};
- my $dhcpmtime = $searchbase->{dhcpmtime};
- #print "$includedatei\n";
- #print "$audn\n";
- # Include File Header
- $writeinc .= "# DHCP Config Include File \"$includedatei\"\n# AU: $searchbase->{ou}\n# (DN: $audn)\n# generated: $acttime\n# Unix: $acteptime\n\n";
- ###########################
- # LDAP Search: DHCP Subnet Objects referencing to DHCP Service Object
- my @subnets = get_dhcpsubnet_objects($ldap,$audn,$dhcpdn);
- # write Subnet declarations
- $writeinc .= "\n\n######################\n# DHCP Subnets\n######################\n\n";
- foreach my $subnetentry ( @subnets ) {
- $writeinc .= dhcpsubnet($subnetentry);
- }
- ###########################
- # LDAP Search: DHCP Host Objects referencing to DHCP Service Object
- my @hosts = get_dhcphost_objects($ldap,$audn,$dhcpdn);
- # write Host Declarations
- $writeinc .= "\n\n######################\n# DHCP Hosts\n######################\n";
- foreach my $hostentry ( @hosts ) {
- $writeinc .= dhcphost($hostentry);
- }
- # Write File
- if ($dhcpmtime == 0){ $lastchange = "not changed yet!"; }
- else{ $lastchange = "last change: ".localtime($dhcpmtime); }
- print "Generate Include-File $includedatei ($lastchange)\n";
- open DATEI, "> $dhcpdconfpath/includes/$includedatei";
- print DATEI $writeinc;
- close DATEI;
-# Writing DHCP INCLUDE FILES Completed
-# LDAP unbind
-$mesg = $ldap->unbind;
-exit (0);
-# Subroutines
-# write DHCP Options, Parameter: DHCP Object LDAP Entry
-sub dhcpoptions {
- my $entry = shift;
- my $indent = shift;
- my @atts = $entry->attributes;
- my $output = "";
- # DHCP Option beginning with with 'option'
- my @options1 = grep /dhcpopt/, @atts;
- #printf "options: @options1\n";
- foreach my $option ( @options1 ){
- if ( $option ne "dhcpoptNetmask" ){
- my $value = $entry->get_value( $option );
- $option =~ s/dhcpopt//;
- if ( $option eq "Domain-name"){
- $output .= $indent."option ".lc($option)." \"$value\";\n";
- }else{
- $output .= $indent."option ".lc($option)." $value;\n";
- }
- }
- }
- # DHCP Options without 'option'
- my @options2 = grep /dhcpOpt/, @atts;
- #printf "Options: @options2\n";
- foreach my $option ( @options2 ){
- if ( $option ne "dhcpOptFixed-address" ){
- my $value = $entry->get_value( $option );
- $option =~ s/dhcpOpt//;
- if ( $option eq "Filename"){
- $output .= $$option)." \"$value\";\n";
- }else{
- $output .= $$option)." $value;\n";
- }
- }
- }
- return $output;
-# write DHCP Pool declaration (+ specific Options), Parameter: DHCP Object LDAP Entry
-sub dhcppool {
- my $entry = shift;
- my $indent = shift;
- my @atts = $entry->attributes;
- my $output = "";
- # open Pool Declaration
- $output .= $indent."pool {\n";
- # write DHCP Options in Pool Scope
- my $poolindent = $indent." ";
- if ( $failoverpeer ){
- $output .= $poolindent."failover peer \"$failoverpeer\";\n";
- $output .= $poolindent."deny dynamic bootp clients;\n";
- }
- if ($entry->exists( 'dhcpRange' )) {
- #foreach my $ranges ( @) {
- my @range = split /_/,$entry->get_value( 'dhcpRange' );
- $output .= $poolindent."range $range[0] $range[1];\n";
- }
- $output .= dhcpoptions($entry,$poolindent);
- # close Pool Declaration
- $output .= "$indent}\n";
- return $output;
-# write DHCP Subnet declaration (specific Options), Parameter: DHCP Object LDAP Entry
-sub dhcpsubnet {
- my $entry = shift;
- my @atts = $entry->attributes;
- my $output = "";
- my $subnetdn = $entry->dn;
- my $subnet = $entry->get_value( 'cn' );
- my $netmask = $entry->get_value( 'dhcpoptnetmask' );
- # open Subnet Declaration
- $output .= "subnet $subnet netmask $netmask {\n";
- # write DHCP Options in Subnet Scope
- my $optindent = " ";
- $output .= dhcpoptions($entry,$optindent);
- # write Pool Declarations in Subnet Declaration
- # ldapsearch on Pool Objects referencing to DHCP Subnet Object
- $mesg = $ldap->search(base=>$basedn,
- scope => 'sub',
- filter => '(&(objectclass=dhcpPool)(dhcphlpcont:dn:='.$subnetdn.'))');
- #Net::LDAP::LDIF->new( \*STDOUT,"w" )->write( $mesg->entries );
- $mesg->code && die $mesg->error;
- my @pools = $mesg->sorted('cn');
- foreach my $poolentry ( @pools ) {
- $output .= dhcppool($poolentry,$optindent);
- }
- # close Subnet Declaration
- $output .= "}\n\n";
- return $output;
-# write DHCP Host declaration (specific Options), Parameter: DHCP Object LDAP Entry
-sub dhcphost {
- my $entry = shift;
- my @atts = $entry->attributes;
- my $output = "";
- $output .= "\nhost ".lc $entry->get_value('hostname')." {\n";
- #printf DATEI "\nhost %s {\n", lc $entry->get_value( 'hostname' );
- # Host specific DHCP Options
- if ($entry->exists('hwaddress')) {
- $output .= " hardware ethernet ".$entry->get_value('hwaddress').";\n";
- }
- if ($entry->exists('dhcpoptfixed-address')) {
- if ( $entry->get_value('dhcpoptfixed-address') eq "ip" ){
- my @ip = split /_/, $entry->get_value('ipaddress');
- $output .= " fixed-address ".lc $ip[0].";\n";
- }
- if ( $entry->get_value('dhcpoptfixed-address') eq "hostname" ){
- $output .= " fixed-address ".lc $entry->get_value('hostname').".".lc $entry->get_value('domainname').";\n";
- }
- }
- my @hwoptions = grep /Hw-/, @atts;
- foreach my $hwoption ( @hwoptions ){
- $output .= " option ".lc($hwoption)." \"".$entry->get_value($hwoption)."\";\n";
- }
- # remaining DHCP Options
- my $optindent = " ";
- $output .= dhcpoptions ($entry, $optindent);
- $output .= "}\n";
- return $output;
-sub get_dhcpservice_object {
- my $ldap = shift;
- my $basedn = shift;
- # Ldapsearch on DHCP Service Object
- my $mesg = $ldap->search(base => $basedn,
- scope => 'base',
- filter => '(objectclass=dhcpService)');
- #Net::LDAP::LDIF->new( \*STDOUT,"w" )->write( $mesg->entries );
- $mesg->code && die $mesg->error;
- my $dhcpservice = $mesg->count or die "DHCP Service Object does not exist in the System";
- my $dhcpsrventry = $mesg->entry(0);
- return $dhcpsrventry;
-# all Subnet Objects of one AU Container
-sub get_dhcpsubnet_objects {
- my $ldap = shift;
- my $audn = shift;
- my $dhcpdn = shift;
- # ldapsearch on Subnet Objects referencing to DHCP Service Object
- $mesg = $ldap->search(base=>"cn=dhcp,".$audn,
- scope => 'sub',
- filter => '(&(objectclass=dhcpSubnet)(dhcphlpcont:dn:='.$dhcpdn.'))');
- #Net::LDAP::LDIF->new( \*STDOUT,"w" )->write( $mesg->entries );
- $mesg->code && die $mesg->error;
- my @dhcpsubnets = $mesg->sorted('cn');
- return @dhcpsubnets;
-# all Host Objects of one AU Container
-sub get_dhcphost_objects {
- my $ldap = shift;
- my $audn = shift;
- my $dhcpdn = shift;
- # ldapsearch on DHCP Host Objects referencing to DHCP Service Object
- $mesg = $ldap->search(base=>"cn=computers,".$audn,
- scope => 'sub',
- filter => '(&(objectclass=dhcpHost)(dhcphlpcont:dn:='.$dhcpdn.'))');
- #Net::LDAP::LDIF->new( \*STDOUT,"w" )->write( $mesg->entries );
- $mesg->code && die $mesg->error;
- my @dhcphosts = $mesg->sorted('dn');
- return @dhcphosts;
-# all AU containers
-sub get_dhcpunits {
- #my $ldap = shift;
- #my $basedn = shift;
- # ldapsearch on Subnet Objects referencing to DHCP Service Object
- $mesg = $ldap->search(base=>$basedn,
- scope => 'sub',
- filter => '(objectclass=administrativeUnit)',
- #filter => '(&(objectclass=administrativeUnit)(dhcpMTime>='.$yday.'))',
- attrs => [ 'ou','dhcpMTime' ] );
- #Net::LDAP::LDIF->new( \*STDOUT,"w" )->write( $mesg->entries );
- $mesg->code && die $mesg->error;
- my @adminunits = $mesg->entries;
- return @adminunits;
-# Generate Searchbases-Array for AdminUnit-specific LDAP Search on DHCP Objects
-sub searchbases {
- my $acteptime = shift; ### falls noch plausibiltäts-test: acteptime > dhcpmtime
- my $opta = $opt_a;
- #print "opt_a: $opta \n";
- my @adunits = get_dhcpunits();
- if ( $opta ){
- # All Admin Units
- foreach my $adunit (@adunits){
- push @searchbases, { dn => $adunit->dn, ou => $adunit->get_value('ou'), dhcpmtime => $adunit->get_value('dhcpMTime') };
- }
- }else{
- # Only Admin Units which DHCP Data changed since last generation
- foreach my $adunit (@adunits){
- my $changetime = "1";
- my $dhandle = 1;
- open DAT, "< $dhcpdconfpath/includes/dhcp.".lc $adunit->get_value('ou').".inc" #or open DAT and my $incgen = 1; #or die "Can't open/generate Include File";
- #print $incgen;
- or $dhandle = 0;
- if ($dhandle){
- while (<DAT>){
- chomp;
- if (/^# Unix: (\S+)/){ $changetime = $1; }
- }
- close DAT;
- }
- my $actualize = "";
- if ($adunit->exists( 'dhcpMTime' ) && $adunit->get_value('dhcpMTime') >= $changetime ) {
- #printf "%s - %s\n", $adunit->dn, $adunit->get_value('dhcpMTime');
- $actualize = "needs to be actualized\n";
- push @searchbases, { dn => $adunit->dn, ou => $adunit->get_value('ou'), dhcpmtime => $adunit->get_value('dhcpMTime') };
- }
- if ($opt_v){
- print $adunit->get_value('ou')."\n";
- print "dhcpmodify: ".$adunit->get_value('dhcpMTime')."\n";
- print "lastchange: $changetime\n";
- print $actualize;
- print "------------------------\n";
- }
- }
- }
- return @searchbases;
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ldap-site-mngmt/generation-scripts/pxelink b/ldap-site-mngmt/generation-scripts/pxelink
deleted file mode 100755
index 7e9df8af..00000000
--- a/ldap-site-mngmt/generation-scripts/pxelink
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-# the pxe-linking skript should be executed every new hour
-# crontab entry: 0 * * * * root <absolute-path>/
-cd $pxedir
-# delete all symbolic links (they are obsolete)
-rm 01-*
-if [ -e default ] ; then rm default ; fi
-# get actual time parameters (weekday and hour)
-datum=`date +%a:%-k |sed 's/[a-z]/\U&/g'`
-wday=`echo $datum | cut -d ":" -f 1`
-time=`echo $datum | cut -d ":" -f 2`
-echo "actual time: " $wday $time
-# get all PXE files (unique) under <timerange>/<pxefile>
-pxenumber=`find -type f | cut -d "/" -f 3 | sort | sed '$!N; /^\(.*\)
- \n\1$/!P; D' | wc -l`
-pxe=`find -type f | cut -d "/" -f 3 | sort | sed '$!N; /^\(.*\)\n\1$
- /!P; D' `
-for ((j=0;j<$pxenumber;j++)) ; do
- pxe_array[$j]=`echo $pxe | cut -d " " -f $[$j+1] `
- echo "pxe file: " ${pxe_array[j]}
- lines=`find */${pxe_array[j]} | cut -d "/" -f 1 | wc -l`
- ranges=`find */${pxe_array[j]} | cut -d "/" -f 1`
- for ((i=0;i<$lines;i++)) ; do
- timerange[$i]=`echo $ranges | cut -d " " -f $[$i+1] `
- #echo ${timerange[i]}
- done
- match=0
- # get timerange corresponding to actual time parameters
- while true; do
- for ((i=0;i<$lines;i++)) ; do
- trday=`echo ${timerange[i]} | cut -d "_" -f 1`
- trbegin=`echo ${timerange[i]} | cut -d "_" -f 2`
- trend=`echo ${timerange[i]} | cut -d "_" -f 3`
- if [ $trday != "X" ] && [ $trbegin != "X" ] && [ $trday == $wday ] \
- && [ $trbegin -le $time ] && [ $time -le $trend ]; then
- echo $wday $time "[D H H]match ->" ${timerange[i]}
- ln -s ${timerange[i]}'/'${pxe_array[j]} ${pxe_array[j]}
- echo "symlink: " ${pxe_array[j]} "->" ${timerange[i]}"/"${pxe_array[j]}
- match=1 && break
- fi
- done
- if [ $match == 1 ] ; then break ; fi
- for ((i=0;i<$lines;i++)) ; do
- trday=`echo ${timerange[i]} | cut -d "_" -f 1`
- trbegin=`echo ${timerange[i]} | cut -d "_" -f 2`
- trend=`echo ${timerange[i]} | cut -d "_" -f 3`
- if [ $trday == $wday ] && [ $trbegin == "X" ] && [ $trend == "X" ]; then
- echo $wday $time "[D _ _]match ->" ${timerange[i]}
- ln -s ${timerange[i]}"/"${pxe_array[j]} ${pxe_array[j]}
- echo "symlink: " ${pxe_array[j]} "->" ${timerange[i]}"/"${pxe_array[j]}
- match=1 && break
- fi
- done
- if [ $match == 1 ] ; then break ; fi
- for ((i=0;i<$lines;i++)) ; do
- trday=`echo ${timerange[i]} | cut -d "_" -f 1`
- trbegin=`echo ${timerange[i]} | cut -d "_" -f 2`
- trend=`echo ${timerange[i]} | cut -d "_" -f 3`
- if [ $trday == "X" ] && [ $trbegin != "X" ] && [ $trend != "X" ] && \
- [ $trbegin -le $time ] && [ $time -le $trend ]; then
- echo $wday $time "[_ H H]match ->" ${timerange[i]}
- ln -s ${timerange[i]}"/"${pxe_array[j]} ${pxe_array[j]}
- echo "symlink: " ${pxe_array[j]} "->" ${timerange[i]}"/"${pxe_array[j]}
- match=1 && break
- else
- if [ ${timerange[i]} == "X_X_X" ]; then
- echo $wday $time "[_ _ _]match ->" ${timerange[i]}
- ln -s ${timerange[i]}"/"${pxe_array[j]} ${pxe_array[j]}
- echo "symlink: " ${pxe_array[j]} "->" ${timerange[i]}"/"${pxe_array[j]}
- fi
- match=1
- fi
- done
- if [ $match == 1 ] ; then break ; fi
- done
-exit 0