path: root/os-plugins/plugins/virtualbox/files/run-virt2.include
diff options
authorMichael Janczyk2010-08-18 22:00:51 +0200
committerMichael Janczyk2010-08-18 22:00:51 +0200
commit304f7d60e1bbe0098a6c0aaf64c8e352025cffe4 (patch)
tree85cfe26dbddadef9c469dff24635b5d1989c82b9 /os-plugins/plugins/virtualbox/files/run-virt2.include
parentupdate makefile to install squashfs binaries (diff)
parentMerge branch 'master' into vmgrid (diff)
Merge branch 'vmgrid'
Diffstat (limited to 'os-plugins/plugins/virtualbox/files/run-virt2.include')
1 files changed, 323 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/os-plugins/plugins/virtualbox/files/run-virt2.include b/os-plugins/plugins/virtualbox/files/run-virt2.include
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4f885abd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os-plugins/plugins/virtualbox/files/run-virt2.include
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+# run-virt.include
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (c) 2009..2010 - RZ Uni Freiburg
+# Copyright (c) 2009..2010 - OpenSLX GmbH
+# This program/file is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
+# See
+# If you have any feedback please consult and
+# send your feedback to
+# General information about OpenSLX can be found at
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# run-virt.include
+# - Include script for running the Virtual Box on an OpenSLX client via the
+# or
+### Include general configuration
+if [ -f ${OPENSLX_DEFAULT_CONFDIR}/plugins/${self}/${self}.conf ]; then
+ . ${OPENSLX_DEFAULT_CONFDIR}/plugins/${self}/${self}.conf
+ writelog "Problems reading config file of ${self} plugin"
+ exit 1
+### Declaration of default variables
+# create TMPDIR for all users
+mkdir -m 1777 /tmp/${self} 2>/dev/null
+# dir for configs
+# use alternate configuration directory instead of $HOME/.VirtualBox
+export VBOX_USER_HOME=${confdir}
+# imgname is the name of the virtual image file
+# use vm_shortname since vm_name can be very long + VM_ID
+vm_shortname="$(echo ${imgnamebase} | sed -e "s, ,-,g")-${VM_ID}"
+# mach folders config
+# remove old stuff, RMDIRS can be used in calling script as well
+RMDIRS="${machfolder}/${vm_shortname} ${diskfile}"
+rm -rf ${RMDIRS}
+# create new stuff
+mkdir -p ${diskfolder} ${snapshotdir}
+# check if image already existing
+if [ "$(readlink -f ${diskfile})" = "${vmpath}" ]; then
+ diskuuid=$(grep "${diskfile}" "${confdir}/VirtualBox.xml" | \
+ sed -e "s,.*HardDisk uuid=\"{\(.*\)}\" location=.*,\1,")
+ diskexisting=1
+ ln -sf ${vmpath} ${diskfile}
+# check the file type
+if echo ${imgname} | grep -iE "vdi" >/dev/null 2>&1; then #vmdk|vhd
+ imgtype=$(echo ${imgnameending} | tr [a-z] [A-Z])
+ writelog "${imgname} is not a valid image type (vdi)" #vmdk|vhd
+# TODO: maybe rewrite, to reduce checks, merge it with network option,
+# so we can have a "compatibility to vmware config" section
+case "${vmostype}" in
+ winxp*)
+ vmostype="WindowsXP"
+ ;;
+ winvista*)
+ vmostype="WindowsVista"
+ ;;
+ Windows7*)
+ vmostype="Windows7"
+ ;;
+ linux*)
+ vmostype="Linux26"
+ ;;
+writelog "Directories:"
+writelog "\tConfig dir:\t\t$confdir"
+writelog "\tMachines dir:\t\t$machfolder"
+writelog "\tMachine config:\t\t$machconfig"
+writelog "\tHardDisks dir:\t\t$diskfolder"
+### Hardware checks
+# remove ':' from MAC addr for vbox
+macaddr=$(echo ${macaddr} | sed 's/://g')
+# memory part equal to vmware plugin
+# percentage of memory to use for virtualbox in standard case
+if [ -n "${forcemem}" ]; then
+ mem="${forcemem}"
+ permem=30
+ if [ "${totalmem}" -ge "1600" ]; then
+ permem=40
+ fi
+ # check if /tmp is on harddisk
+ if grep -qe "/dev/.* /tmp " /proc/mounts ; then
+ permem=60
+ id44="1"
+ # Hack, if more than 2,5G RAM use 40% of Ram and write vmem into Ram as well
+ # (40% vmware | 40% confdir(vmem...) | 20% host
+ # VMplayer 2+ issue
+ # TODO: makes this sense for vbox?
+ #if [ "${totalmem}" -ge "2500" ]; then
+ #permem=40
+ #rmdir ${snapshotdir}
+ #snapshotdirold=${snapshotdir}
+ #snapshotdir=/dev/shm/${self}/${USER}
+ #mkdir -p ${snapshotdir}
+ #ln -sf ${snapshotdir} ${snapshotdirold}
+ #fi
+ fi
+ mem=$(expr ${totalmem} / 100 \* ${permem})
+ if [ "${id44}" = "1" ]; then
+ memhost=$(expr ${totalmem} - ${mem})
+ else
+ memhost=$(expr ${totalmem} - ${mem} - ${mem})
+ fi
+ #permem=40
+ #mem=$(expr ${totalmem} * ${permem})
+ if [ "${mem}" -lt "256" ] || [ "${memhost}" -lt "256" ]; then
+ writelog "Memory out of range: ${mem} MB (guest) / ${memhost} MB (host)!"
+ writelog "Min. 256 MB for host and guest!"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+# machine UUID, MAC addr part of it
+# cosmetical, since UUID in lower case
+machineuuid=$(echo ${machineuuid} | tr [A-Z] [a-z])
+# get UUID of VBox image
+[ -z "${diskuuid}" ] && diskuuid=$(VBoxManage -q showvdiinfo ${diskfile} | \
+ grep UUID | awk '{print $2}')
+# snapshot UUIDs (static)
+cat ${OPENSLX_DEFAULT_DIR}/plugin-repo/virtualbox/empty-diff-${VM_ID}.vdi.gz | \
+ gunzip > "${snapshotdir}/{${snapshotuuid}}.vdi"
+#snapshotuuid=$(VBoxManage -q showvdiinfo \
+# "${snapshotdir}/${snapshotuuid}.vdi" | grep UUID | awk '{print $2}')
+# translate network cards
+if [ "${network_card}" = "e1000" ]; then
+ vb_network_card="82540EM"
+ network_card="pcnet"
+ vb_network_card="Am79C973"
+# translate network kinds (nat, bridged, host-only)
+case "${network_kind}" in
+ bridged)
+ network_kind='BridgedInterface name="br0"'
+ ;;
+ host-only)
+ network_kind='HostOnlyInterface name="vboxnet0"'
+ ;;
+ *)
+ network_kind="NAT"
+ ;;
+# TODO: most of the following does not make much sense yet ...
+# virtual fd/cd/dvd and drive devices, floppy b: for configuration
+# if $floppy_0 from run-virt.include set then fdtest="TRUE"
+# if $fdtest not set floppy0="FALSE", else "TRUE"
+# if $cdrom_0 from run-virt.include set then cdtest="TRUE"
+# if $cdtest not set cdrom0="FALSE", else "TRUE"
+# if $cdrom_1 from run-virt.include set then cdtest="TRUE"
+# if $cdtest not set cdrom1="FALSE", else "TRUE"
+# ide is expected default, test for the virtual disk image type should
+# be done while creating the runscripts ...
+writelog "\tSnapshots dir:\t\t$snapshotdir"
+writelog "Diskimage:"
+writelog "\tDisk type:\t\t$imgtype"
+writelog "\tDisk file:\t\t$diskfile"
+writelog "\tVMostype:\t\t$vmostype"
+writelog "\tMachine UUID:\t\t$machineuuid"
+writelog "\tDisk UUID:\t\t$diskuuid"
+writelog "\tSnapshot UUID:\t\t$snapshotuuid"
+writelog "Virtual Hardware:"
+writelog "\tGuest RAM:\t\t${mem} MB"
+# echo nur wenn memhost gesetzt
+[ -n "${memhost}" ] && writelog "\tHost RAM:\t\t${memhost} MB"
+writelog "\tMAC address:\t\t$macaddr"
+writelog "\tNetwork card:\t\t${vb_network_card}"
+writelog "\tNetwork kind:\t\t${network_kind}"
+#writelog "\tCD-ROM1:\t${cdrom0}"
+#writelog "\tCD-ROM2:\t${cdrom1}"
+#writelog "\tFloppy_A:\t${floppy0}"
+### Pepare and configure virtual machine and disk image
+# TODO: date wichtig?
+#date="$(date +%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ)"
+# check if VirtualBox.xml already existing
+# TODO: geht nicht!!!
+if grep -q "<HardDisk uuid=" "${confdir}/VirtualBox.xml"; then
+ # check if our HD and location present
+ extrahd="<HardDisk uuid=\"{${diskuuid}}\" location=\"${diskfile}\"" \
+ extrahd="${extrahd} format=\"${imgtype}\" type=\"Immutable\">"
+ extdiff="<HardDisk uuid=\"{${snapshotuuid}}\" location=\"${snapshotdir}" \
+ extdiff="${extdiff}/{${snapshotuuid}}.vdi\" format=\"VDI\"" \
+ extdiff="${extdiff} autoReset=\"true\"/>"
+ if [ -z "${diskexisting}" ]; then
+ sed -i "s,</HardDisks>, ${extrahd}\n ${extdiff}\n\
+ </HardDisk>\n </HardDisks>," \
+ "${confdir}/VirtualBox.xml"
+ elif [ ${diskexisting} -eq 1 2>/dev/null ]; then
+ sed -i "s,\(<HardDisk uuid="{${diskuuid}}".*\),\1\n ${extdiff}\n,"\
+ "${confdir}/VirtualBox.xml"
+ fi
+ # check if our machine and location present
+ extramach="<MachineEntry uuid=\"{${machineuuid}}\" src=\"Machines" \
+ extramach="${extramach}/${vm_shortname}/${vm_shortname}.xml\"/>"
+ if ! grep -q "${extramach}" "${confdir}/VirtualBox.xml"; then
+ sed -i "s,</MachineRegistry>, ${extramach}\n </MachineRegistry>," \
+ "${confdir}/VirtualBox.xml"
+ fi
+ . ${PLUGINCONFVIRTUALBOX}/virtualbox.include > \
+ "${confdir}/VirtualBox.xml"
+# shortened date YYYY-MM-DD
+. ${PLUGINCONFVIRTUALBOX}/machine.include >"${machconfig}"
+# add ssh port if linux and NAT
+if [ "${vmostype}" = "Linux26" ] && [ "${network_kind}" = "NAT" ]; then
+ vmsshport="220${VM_ID}"
+ extradataitem='<ExtraDataItem name="VBoxInternal/Devices' \
+ extradataitem="${extradataitem}/${network_card}/0/LUN#0/Config/ssh/"
+ extradataguestport='GuestPort" value="22"/>'
+ extradatahostport="HostPort\" value=\"${vmsshport}\"/>"
+ extradataprotocol='Protocol" value="TCP"/>'
+ sed -ni "s,</ExtraData>, ${extradataitem}${extradataguestport}\n\
+ ${extradataitem}${extradatahostport}\n\
+ ${extradataitem}${extradataprotocol}\n\
+ </ExtraData>," "${machconfig}"
+ writelog "\tGuest SSH port:\t\t${vmsshport}"
+# finally set env for
+# wait for a certain command to settle
+# get the PID of the right process
+# TODO: not very good! But seems to work
+# TODO: not needed? KILL!!!
+VBMANPID=$(pstree -p | grep VBoxXPCOMIPCD | grep -ivE "VirtualBox|VBoxHeadless"\
+ | sed -e "s/.*VBoxXPCOMIPCD(\(.*\)).*/\1/")
+for i in $(echo ${VBMANPID}); do
+ kill -9 ${VBMANPID} >/dev/null 2>&1
+# TODO: OLD Version, NOW: KILL process
+#VBMANPID=$(pstree -p | grep VBoxXPCOMIPCD | grep -ivE "VirtualBox|VBoxHeadless"\
+# | sed -e "s/.*VBoxXPCOMIPCD(\(.*\)).*/\1/" | tail -n 1)
+#for i in {0..999}; do
+# ps aux | grep -v grep | grep VBoxXPCOMIPCD | grep -q " ${VBMANPID} " || break
+# if [ $i -eq 999 ]; then
+# kill -9 ${VBMANPID} >/dev/null 2>&1
+# writelog "Process ID ${VBMANPID} did not finish, killing!"
+# fi
+# set the variables appropriately (several interfaces with different names)
+VIRTCMD=$(which VirtualBox 2>/dev/null)
+VIRTCMDOPTS="--startvm ${machineuuid} --start-running"
+# SDL tests
+#VIRTCMDSDL=$(which VBoxSDL 2>/dev/null)
+#VIRTCMDOPTSSDL="--startvm ${machineuuid} --fullscreen --hwvirtex --memory 1024 \
+# --fixedmode 1680 1050 24 --hostkey 302 0"
+# set headless mode
+VIRTCMDHL=$(which VBoxHeadless 2>/dev/null)
+VIRTCMDOPTSHL="-s ${machineuuid}"