path: root/src/config-db/OpenSLX/
diff options
authorSebastian Schmelzer2010-09-02 17:50:49 +0200
committerSebastian Schmelzer2010-09-02 17:50:49 +0200
commit416ab8a37f1b07dc9f6c0fb3ff1a8ff2036510b5 (patch)
tree4715f7d742fec50931017f38fe6ff0a89d4ceccc /src/config-db/OpenSLX/
parentFix for the problem reported on the list (sed filter forgotten for the (diff)
change dir structure
Diffstat (limited to 'src/config-db/OpenSLX/')
1 files changed, 3190 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/config-db/OpenSLX/ b/src/config-db/OpenSLX/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..89011246
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/config-db/OpenSLX/
@@ -0,0 +1,3190 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 - OpenSLX GmbH
+# This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
+# See
+# If you have any feedback please consult and
+# send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to
+# General information about OpenSLX can be found at
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+package OpenSLX::ConfigDB;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+$VERSION = 1; # API-version
+use Clone qw(clone);
+use File::Basename;
+use Exporter;
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+=head1 NAME
+OpenSLX::ConfigDB - the configuration database API class for OpenSLX
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use OpenSLX::ConfigDB;
+ openslxInit();
+ my $openslxDB = OpenSLX::ConfigDB->new();
+ $openslxDB->connect();
+ # fetch a client by name:
+ my $defaultClient = $openslxDB->fetchClientByFilter({'name' => '<<<default>>>'})
+ # fetch all systems:
+ my @systems = $openslxDB->fetchSystemByFilter();
+This class defines the OpenSLX API to the config database (the data layer to
+the outside world).
+The ConfigDB interface contains of five different parts:
+=item - L<basic methods> (connection handling)
+=item - L<data access methods> (getting data)
+=item - L<data manipulation methods> (adding, removing and changing data)
+=item - L<data aggregation methods> (getting info about the resulting
+configurations after mixing individual client-, group- and system-
+=item - L<suppport functions> (useful helpers)
+=head1 Special Concepts
+=item C<Filters>
+A filter is a hash-ref defining the filter criteria to be applied to a database
+query. Each key of the filter corresponds to a DB column and the (hash-)value
+contains the respective column value.
+[At a later stage, this will be improved to support a more structured approach
+to filtering (with boolean operators and hierarchical expressions)].
+my @supportExports = qw(
+ mergeAttributes pushAttributes
+ externalIDForSystem externalIDForClient externalConfigNameForClient
+ generatePlaceholderFor
+@EXPORT_OK = (@supportExports);
+%EXPORT_TAGS = ('support' => [@supportExports],);
+use OpenSLX::AttributeRoster;
+use OpenSLX::Basics;
+use OpenSLX::DBSchema;
+use OpenSLX::OSPlugin::Roster;
+use OpenSLX::Utils;
+=head1 Methods
+=head2 Basic Methods
+=item C<new()>
+Returns an object representing a database handle to the config database.
+sub new
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $self = {
+ 'db-schema' => OpenSLX::DBSchema->new,
+ };
+ return bless $self, $class;
+=item C<connect()>
+Tries to establish a connection to the database specified via the db-...
+The global configuration hash C<%openslxConfig> contains further info about the
+requested connection. When implementing this method, you may have to look at
+the following entries in order to find out which database to connect to:
+=item C<$openslxConfig{'db-spec'}>
+Full specification of database, a special string defining the
+precise database to connect to (this allows connecting to a database
+that requires specifications which aren't cared for by the existing
+=item C<$openslxConfig{'db-name'}>
+The precise name of the database that should be connected (defaults to 'openslx').
+sub connect ## no critic (ProhibitBuiltinHomonyms)
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $dbParams = shift; # hash-ref with any additional info that might be
+ # required by specific metadb-module (not used yet)
+ my $dbType = $openslxConfig{'db-type'};
+ # name of underlying database module...
+ my $dbModuleName = "OpenSLX/MetaDB/$";
+ my $dbModule = "OpenSLX::MetaDB::$dbType";
+ unless (eval { require $dbModuleName } ) {
+ if ($! == 2) {
+ die _tr(
+ "Unable to load DB-module <%s>\nthat database type is not supported (yet?)\n",
+ $dbModuleName
+ );
+ } else {
+ die _tr("Unable to load DB-module <%s> (%s)\n", $dbModuleName, $@);
+ }
+ }
+ my $metaDB = $dbModule->new();
+ if (!$metaDB->connect($dbParams)) {
+ warn _tr("Unable to connect to DB-module <%s>\n%s", $dbModuleName, $@);
+ warn _tr("These DB-modules seem to work ok:");
+ foreach my $dbMod ('mysql', 'SQLite') {
+ my $fullDbModName = "DBD/$";
+ if (eval { require $fullDbModName }) {
+ vlog(0, "\t$dbMod\n");
+ }
+ }
+ die _tr(
+ 'Please use slxsettings if you want to switch to another db-type.'
+ );
+ }
+ $self->{'db-type'} = $dbType;
+ $self->{'meta-db'} = $metaDB;
+ $self->{'db-schema'}->checkAndUpgradeDBSchemaIfNecessary($self)
+ or die _tr('unable to check/update DB schema!');
+ # check if any attributes or plugins have been added/removed since
+ # last DB-session and bring the DB up-to-date, if so
+ my $pluginInfoHashVal
+ = OpenSLX::AttributeRoster->computeMD5HashOverAllAttrs();
+ my $pluginInfoHashValInDB = $metaDB->schemaFetchPluginInfoHashVal() || '';
+ vlog(1, "plugin-info-hashes: $pluginInfoHashVal <=> $pluginInfoHashValInDB");
+ if ($pluginInfoHashValInDB ne $pluginInfoHashVal) {
+ $self->cleanupAnyInconsistencies();
+ return if !$metaDB->schemaSetPluginInfoHashVal($pluginInfoHashVal);
+ }
+ return 1;
+=item C<disconnect()>
+Tears down the connection to the database and cleans up.
+sub disconnect
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'meta-db'}->disconnect();
+ return 1;
+=item C<startTransaction()>
+Opens a database transaction - most useful if you want to make sure a couple of
+changes apply as a whole or not at all.
+sub startTransaction
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'meta-db'}->startTransaction();
+ return 1;
+=item C<commitTransaction()>
+Commits a database transaction - so all changes done inside of this transaction
+will be applied to the database.
+sub commitTransaction
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'meta-db'}->commitTransaction();
+ return 1;
+=item C<rollbackTransaction()>
+Revokes a database transaction - so all changes done inside of this transaction
+will be undone.
+sub rollbackTransaction
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{'meta-db'}->rollbackTransaction();
+ return 1;
+=item C<cleanupAnyInconsistencies()>
+Looks for any inconsistencies (stale references, references to non-existing
+plugins, ...) and removes them from the DB.
+sub cleanupAnyInconsistencies
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->synchronizeAttributesWithDB();
+ return if !$self->_removeStaleSystemAttributes();
+ return if !$self->_removeStaleGroupAttributes();
+ return if !$self->_removeStaleClientAttributes();
+ return if !$self->_removeStaleVendorOSAttributes();
+ return 1;
+=item C<synchronizeAttributesWithDB()>
+Makes sure that all known attributes are referenced by the default system
+(and no unknown ones).
+Additionally, all systems, groups and clients can be checked and get their
+stale attributes removed, too.
+sub synchronizeAttributesWithDB
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $defaultSystem = $self->fetchSystemByID(0);
+ return if !$defaultSystem;
+ # fetch all known attributes from attribute roster and merge these
+ # into the existing attributes of the default system and client
+ my $attrInfo = OpenSLX::AttributeRoster->getAttrInfo();
+ # add new system attributes to default system
+ my @newSystemAttrs
+ = grep {
+ $attrInfo->{$_}->{applies_to_systems}
+ && !exists $defaultSystem->{attrs}->{$_}
+ } keys %{$attrInfo};
+ foreach my $attr (@newSystemAttrs) {
+ $defaultSystem->{attrs}->{$attr} = $attrInfo->{$attr}->{default};
+ }
+ # remove unknown system attributes from default system
+ my @unknownSystemAttrs
+ = grep {
+ !exists $attrInfo->{$_}
+ || !$attrInfo->{$_}->{applies_to_systems}
+ } keys %{$defaultSystem->{attrs}};
+ foreach my $unknownAttr (@unknownSystemAttrs) {
+ delete $defaultSystem->{attrs}->{$unknownAttr};
+ }
+ # now write back the updated default system if necessary
+ if (@newSystemAttrs || @unknownSystemAttrs) {
+ return if !$self->changeSystem(0, $defaultSystem);
+ }
+ my $defaultClient = $self->fetchClientByID(0);
+ return if !$defaultClient;
+ # add new client attributes to default client (deal only with
+ # attributes that are client-only)
+ my @newClientAttrs
+ = grep {
+ $attrInfo->{$_}->{applies_to_clients}
+ && !$attrInfo->{$_}->{applies_to_systems}
+ && !exists $defaultClient->{attrs}->{$_}
+ } keys %{$attrInfo};
+ foreach my $attr (@newClientAttrs) {
+ $defaultClient->{attrs}->{$attr} = $attrInfo->{$attr}->{default};
+ }
+ # remove unknown client attributes from default client (deal only with
+ # attributes that are client-only)
+ my @unknownClientAttrs
+ = grep {
+ !exists $attrInfo->{$_}
+ || !$attrInfo->{$_}->{applies_to_clients}
+ || $attrInfo->{$_}->{applies_to_systems}
+ } keys %{$defaultClient->{attrs}};
+ foreach my $unknownAttr (@unknownClientAttrs) {
+ delete $defaultClient->{attrs}->{$unknownAttr};
+ }
+ # now write back the updated default client if necessary
+ if (@newClientAttrs || @unknownClientAttrs) {
+ return if !$self->changeClient(0, $defaultClient);
+ }
+ return 1;
+=item C<_removeStaleSystemAttributes()>
+Removes any stale attributes from every system.
+sub _removeStaleSystemAttributes
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $attrInfo = OpenSLX::AttributeRoster->getAttrInfo();
+ my @systems = $self->fetchSystemByFilter();
+ foreach my $system (@systems) {
+ my @unknownAttrs
+ = grep { !exists $attrInfo->{$_} } keys %{$system->{attrs}};
+ if (@unknownAttrs) {
+ foreach my $unknownAttr (@unknownAttrs) {
+ delete $system->{attrs}->{$unknownAttr};
+ }
+ return if !$self->changeSystem($system->{id}, $system);
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+=item C<_removeStaleGroupAttributes()>
+Removes any stale attributes from every group.
+sub _removeStaleGroupAttributes
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $attrInfo = OpenSLX::AttributeRoster->getAttrInfo();
+ my @groups = $self->fetchGroupByFilter();
+ foreach my $group (@groups) {
+ my @unknownAttrs
+ = grep { !exists $attrInfo->{$_} } keys %{$group->{attrs}};
+ if (@unknownAttrs) {
+ foreach my $unknownAttr (@unknownAttrs) {
+ delete $group->{attrs}->{$unknownAttr};
+ }
+ return if !$self->changeGroup($group->{id}, $group);
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+=item C<_removeStaleClientAttributes()>
+Removes any stale attributes from every client.
+sub _removeStaleClientAttributes
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $attrInfo = OpenSLX::AttributeRoster->getAttrInfo();
+ my @clients = $self->fetchClientByFilter();
+ foreach my $client (@clients) {
+ my @unknownAttrs
+ = grep { !exists $attrInfo->{$_} } keys %{$client->{attrs}};
+ if (@unknownAttrs) {
+ foreach my $unknownAttr (@unknownAttrs) {
+ delete $client->{attrs}->{$unknownAttr};
+ }
+ return if !$self->changeClient($client->{id}, $client);
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+=item C<_removeStaleVendorOSAttributes()>
+Removes any stale attributes from every vendor-OS.
+sub _removeStaleVendorOSAttributes
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @vendorOSes = $self->fetchVendorOSByFilter();
+ foreach my $vendorOS (@vendorOSes) {
+ my @installedPlugins = $self->fetchInstalledPlugins($vendorOS->{id});
+ foreach my $plugin (@installedPlugins) {
+ my $pluginName = $plugin->{plugin_name};
+ my $attrInfo
+ = OpenSLX::OSPlugin::Roster->getPluginAttrInfo($pluginName);
+ if ($attrInfo) {
+ my @unknownAttrs
+ = grep { !exists $attrInfo->{$_} } keys %{$plugin->{attrs}};
+ if (@unknownAttrs) {
+ foreach my $unknownAttr (@unknownAttrs) {
+ delete $plugin->{attrs}->{$unknownAttr};
+ }
+ return if !$self->addInstalledPlugin(
+ $vendorOS->{id}, $pluginName, $plugin->{attrs}
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->removeInstalledPlugin($vendorOS->{id}, $pluginName);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+=head2 Data Access Methods
+=item C<getColumnsOfTable($tableName)>
+Returns the names of the columns of the given table.
+=item Param C<tableName>
+The name of the DB-table whose columns you'd like to retrieve.
+=item Return Value
+An array of column names.
+sub getColumnsOfTable
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $tableName = shift;
+ return $self->{'db-schema'}->getColumnsOfTable($tableName);
+=item C<fetchVendorOSByFilter([%$filter], [$resultCols])>
+Fetches and returns information about all vendor-OSes that match the given
+=item Param C<filter>
+A hash-ref containing the filter criteria that shall be applied - default
+is no filtering. See L</"Filters"> for more info.
+=item Param C<resultCols>
+A string listing the columns that shall be returned - default is all columns.
+=item Return Value
+An array of hash-refs containing the resulting data rows.
+sub fetchVendorOSByFilter
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $filter = shift;
+ my $resultCols = shift;
+ my @vendorOS
+ = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchVendorOSByFilter($filter, $resultCols);
+ return wantarray() ? @vendorOS : shift @vendorOS;
+=item C<fetchVendorOSByID(@$ids, [$resultCols])>
+Fetches and returns information the vendor-OSes with the given IDs.
+=item Param C<ids>
+An array of the vendor-OS-IDs you are interested in.
+=item Param C<resultCols>
+A string listing the columns that shall be returned - default is all columns.
+=item Return Value
+An array of hash-refs containing the resulting data rows.
+sub fetchVendorOSByID
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $ids = _aref(shift);
+ my $resultCols = shift;
+ my @vendorOS = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchVendorOSByID($ids, $resultCols);
+ return wantarray() ? @vendorOS : shift @vendorOS;
+=item C<fetchInstalledPlugins($vendorOSID)>
+Returns the names of all plugins that have been installed into the given
+=item Param C<vendorOSID>
+The id of the vendor-OS whose plugins you are interested in
+=item Param C<pluginName> [Optional]
+The name of a specific plugin you are interested in
+=item Return Value
+An array with the plugin names.
+sub fetchInstalledPlugins
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $vendorOSID = shift;
+ my $pluginName = shift;
+ $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchInstalledPlugins($vendorOSID, $pluginName);
+=item C<fetchExportByFilter([%$filter], [$resultCols])>
+Fetches and returns information about all exports that match the given
+=item Param C<filter>
+A hash-ref containing the filter criteria that shall be applied - default
+is no filtering. See L</"Filters"> for more info.
+=item Param C<resultCols>
+A string listing the columns that shall be returned - default is all columns.
+=item Return Value
+An array of hash-refs containing the resulting data rows.
+sub fetchExportByFilter
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $filter = shift;
+ my $resultCols = shift;
+ my @exports = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchExportByFilter($filter, $resultCols);
+ return wantarray() ? @exports : shift @exports;
+=item C<fetchExportByID(@$ids, [$resultCols])>
+Fetches and returns information the exports with the given IDs.
+=item Param C<ids>
+An array of the export-IDs you are interested in.
+=item Param C<resultCols>
+A string listing the columns that shall be returned - default is all columns.
+=item Return Value
+An array of hash-refs containing the resulting data rows.
+sub fetchExportByID
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $ids = _aref(shift);
+ my $resultCols = shift;
+ my @exports = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchExportByID($ids, $resultCols);
+ return wantarray() ? @exports : shift @exports;
+=item C<fetchExportIDsOfVendorOS($id)>
+Fetches the IDs of all exports that make use of the vendor-OS with the given ID.
+=item Param C<id>
+ID of the vendor-OS whose exports shall be returned.
+=item Return Value
+An array of system-IDs.
+sub fetchExportIDsOfVendorOS
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $vendorOSID = shift;
+ return $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchExportIDsOfVendorOS($vendorOSID);
+=item C<fetchGlobalInfo($id)>
+Fetches the global info element specified by the given ID.
+=item Param C<id>
+The name of the global info value you are interested in.
+=item Return Value
+The value of the requested global info.
+sub fetchGlobalInfo
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $id = shift;
+ return $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchGlobalInfo($id);
+=item C<fetchSystemByFilter([%$filter], [$resultCols])>
+Fetches and returns information about all systems that match the given filter.
+=item Param C<$filter>
+A hash-ref containing the filter criteria that shall be applied - default
+is no filtering. See L</"Filters"> for more info.
+=item Param C<$resultCols> [Optional]
+A comma-separated list of colunm names that shall be returned. If not defined,
+all available data must be returned.
+=item Param C<$attrFilter> [Optional]
+A hash-ref containing the filter criteria that shall be applied against
+=item Return Value
+An array of hash-refs containing the resulting data rows.
+sub fetchSystemByFilter
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $filter = shift;
+ my $resultCols = shift;
+ my $attrFilter = shift;
+ my @systems = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchSystemByFilter(
+ $filter, $resultCols, $attrFilter
+ );
+ # unless specific result cols have been given, we mix in the attributes
+ # of each system, too:
+ if (!defined $resultCols) {
+ foreach my $system (@systems) {
+ $system->{attrs}
+ = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchSystemAttrs($system->{id});
+ }
+ }
+ return wantarray() ? @systems : shift @systems;
+=item C<fetchSystemByID(@$ids, [$resultCols])>
+Fetches and returns information the systems with the given IDs.
+=item Param C<ids>
+An array of the system-IDs you are interested in.
+=item Param C<resultCols>
+A string listing the columns that shall be returned - default is all columns.
+=item Return Value
+An array of hash-refs containing the resulting data rows.
+sub fetchSystemByID
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $ids = _aref(shift);
+ my $resultCols = shift;
+ my @systems = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchSystemByID($ids, $resultCols);
+ # unless specific result cols have been given, we mix in the attributes
+ # of each system, too:
+ if (!defined $resultCols) {
+ foreach my $system (@systems) {
+ $system->{attrs}
+ = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchSystemAttrs($system->{id});
+ }
+ }
+ return wantarray() ? @systems : shift @systems;
+=item C<fetchSystemIDsOfExport($id)>
+Fetches the IDs of all systems that make use of the export with the given ID.
+=item Param C<id>
+ID of the export whose systems shall be returned.
+=item Return Value
+An array of system-IDs.
+sub fetchSystemIDsOfExport
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $exportID = shift;
+ return $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchSystemIDsOfExport($exportID);
+=item C<fetchSystemIDsOfClient($id)>
+Fetches the IDs of all systems that are used by the client with the given
+=item Param C<id>
+ID of the client whose systems shall be returned.
+=item Return Value
+An array of system-IDs.
+sub fetchSystemIDsOfClient
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $clientID = shift;
+ return $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchSystemIDsOfClient($clientID);
+=item C<fetchSystemIDsOfGroup($id)>
+Fetches the IDs of all systems that are part of the group with the given
+=item Param C<id>
+ID of the group whose systems shall be returned.
+=item Return Value
+An array of system-IDs.
+sub fetchSystemIDsOfGroup
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $groupID = shift;
+ return $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchSystemIDsOfGroup($groupID);
+=item C<fetchClientByFilter([%$filter], [$resultCols])>
+Fetches and returns information about all clients that match the given filter.
+=item Param C<$filter>
+A hash-ref containing the filter criteria that shall be applied - default
+is no filtering. See L</"Filters"> for more info.
+=item Param C<$resultCols> [Optional]
+A comma-separated list of colunm names that shall be returned. If not defined,
+all available data must be returned.
+=item Return Value
+An array of hash-refs containing the resulting data rows.
+sub fetchClientByFilter
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $filter = shift;
+ my $resultCols = shift;
+ my $attrFilter = shift;
+ my @clients = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchClientByFilter(
+ $filter, $resultCols, $attrFilter
+ );
+ # unless specific result cols have been given, we mix in the attributes
+ # of each client, too:
+ if (!defined $resultCols) {
+ foreach my $client (@clients) {
+ $client->{attrs}
+ = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchClientAttrs($client->{id});
+ }
+ }
+ return wantarray() ? @clients : shift @clients;
+=item C<fetchClientByID(@$ids, [$resultCols])>
+Fetches and returns information the clients with the given IDs.
+=item Param C<ids>
+An array of the client-IDs you are interested in.
+=item Param C<resultCols>
+A string listing the columns that shall be returned - default is all columns.
+=item Return Value
+An array of hash-refs containing the resulting data rows.
+sub fetchClientByID
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $ids = _aref(shift);
+ my $resultCols = shift;
+ my @clients = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchClientByID($ids, $resultCols);
+ # unless specific result cols have been given, we mix in the attributes
+ # of each client, too:
+ if (!defined $resultCols) {
+ foreach my $client (@clients) {
+ $client->{attrs}
+ = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchClientAttrs($client->{id});
+ }
+ }
+ return wantarray() ? @clients : shift @clients;
+=item C<fetchClientIDsOfSystem($id)>
+Fetches the IDs of all clients that make use of the system with the given
+=item Param C<id>
+ID of the system whose clients shall be returned.
+=item Return Value
+An array of client-IDs.
+sub fetchClientIDsOfSystem
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $systemID = shift;
+ return $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchClientIDsOfSystem($systemID);
+=item C<fetchClientIDsOfGroup($id)>
+Fetches the IDs of all clients that are part of the group with the given
+=item Param C<id>
+ID of the group whose clients shall be returned.
+=item Return Value
+An array of client-IDs.
+sub fetchClientIDsOfGroup
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $groupID = shift;
+ return $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchClientIDsOfGroup($groupID);
+=item C<fetchGroupByFilter([%$filter], [$resultCols])>
+Fetches and returns information about all groups that match the given filter.
+=item Param C<$filter>
+A hash-ref containing the filter criteria that shall be applied - default
+is no filtering. See L</"Filters"> for more info.
+=item Param C<$resultCols> [Optional]
+A comma-separated list of colunm names that shall be returned. If not defined,
+all available data must be returned.
+=item Return Value
+An array of hash-refs containing the resulting data rows.
+sub fetchGroupByFilter
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $filter = shift;
+ my $resultCols = shift;
+ my $attrFilter = shift;
+ my @groups = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchGroupByFilter(
+ $filter, $resultCols, $attrFilter
+ );
+ # unless specific result cols have been given, we mix in the attributes
+ # of each group, too:
+ if (!defined $resultCols) {
+ foreach my $group (@groups) {
+ $group->{attrs}
+ = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchGroupAttrs($group->{id});
+ }
+ }
+ return wantarray() ? @groups : shift @groups;
+=item C<fetchGroupByID(@$ids, [$resultCols])>
+Fetches and returns information the groups with the given IDs.
+=item Param C<ids>
+An array of the group-IDs you are interested in.
+=item Param C<resultCols>
+A string listing the columns that shall be returned - default is all columns.
+=item Return Value
+An array of hash-refs containing the resulting data rows.
+sub fetchGroupByID
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $ids = _aref(shift);
+ my $resultCols = shift;
+ my @groups = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchGroupByID($ids, $resultCols);
+ # unless specific result cols have been given, we mix in the attributes
+ # of each group, too:
+ if (!defined $resultCols) {
+ foreach my $group (@groups) {
+ $group->{attrs}
+ = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchGroupAttrs($group->{id});
+ }
+ }
+ return wantarray() ? @groups : shift @groups;
+=item C<fetchGroupIDsOfSystem($id)>
+Fetches the IDs of all groups that contain the system with the given
+=item Param C<id>
+ID of the system whose groups shall be returned.
+=item Return Value
+An array of client-IDs.
+sub fetchGroupIDsOfSystem
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $systemID = shift;
+ return $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchGroupIDsOfSystem($systemID);
+=item C<fetchGroupIDsOfClient($id)>
+Fetches the IDs of all groups that contain the client with the given
+=item Param C<id>
+ID of the client whose groups shall be returned.
+=item Return Value
+An array of client-IDs.
+sub fetchGroupIDsOfClient
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $clientID = shift;
+ return $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchGroupIDsOfClient($clientID);
+=head2 Data Manipulation Methods
+=item C<addVendorOS(@$valRows)>
+Adds one or more vendor-OS to the database.
+=item Param C<valRows>
+An array-ref containing hash-refs with the data of the new vendor-OS(es).
+=item Return Value
+The IDs of the new vendor-OS(es), C<undef> if the creation failed.
+sub addVendorOS
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $valRows = _aref(shift);
+ _checkCols($valRows, 'vendor_os', 'name');
+ my @IDs = $self->{'meta-db'}->addVendorOS($valRows);
+ return wantarray() ? @IDs : $IDs[0];
+=item C<removeVendorOS(@$vendorOSIDs)>
+Removes one or more vendor-OS from the database.
+=item Param C<vendorOSIDs>
+An array-ref containing the IDs of the vendor-OSes that shall be removed.
+=item Return Value
+C<1> if the vendorOS(es) could be removed, C<undef> if not.
+sub removeVendorOS
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $vendorOSIDs = _aref(shift);
+ # drop all installed plugins before removing the vendor-OS
+ foreach my $vendorOSID (@$vendorOSIDs) {
+ my @installedPlugins
+ = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchInstalledPlugins($vendorOSID);
+ foreach my $plugin (@installedPlugins) {
+ my $pluginName = $plugin->{plugin_name};
+ $self->{'meta-db'}->removeInstalledPlugin($vendorOSID, $pluginName);
+ }
+ }
+ return $self->{'meta-db'}->removeVendorOS($vendorOSIDs);
+=item C<changeVendorOS(@$vendorOSIDs, @$valRows)>
+Changes the data of one or more vendor-OS.
+=item Param C<vendorOSIDs>
+An array-ref containing the IDs of the vendor-OSes that shall be changed.
+=item Param C<valRows>
+An array-ref containing hash-refs with the new data for the vendor-OS(es).
+=item Return Value
+C<1> if the vendorOS(es) could be changed, C<undef> if not.
+sub changeVendorOS
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $vendorOSIDs = _aref(shift);
+ my $valRows = _aref(shift);
+ return $self->{'meta-db'}->changeVendorOS($vendorOSIDs, $valRows);
+=item C<addInstalledPlugin($vendorOSID, $pluginName)>
+Adds a freshly installed plugin to a vendor-OS.
+=item Param C<vendorOSID>
+The id of the vendor-OS the given plugin has been installed into
+=item Param C<pluginName>
+The name of the plugin that has been installed
+=item Return Value
+The ID of the new reference entry, C<undef> if the creation failed.
+sub addInstalledPlugin
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $vendorOSID = shift;
+ my $pluginName = shift;
+ my $pluginAttrs = shift || {};
+ return $self->{'meta-db'}->addInstalledPlugin(
+ $vendorOSID, $pluginName, $pluginAttrs
+ );
+=item C<removeInstalledPlugin($vendorOSID, $pluginName)>
+Removes a uninstalled plugin for a vendor-OS.
+=item Param C<vendorOSID>
+The id of the vendor-OS the given plugin has been uninstalled from
+=item Param C<pluginName>
+The name of the plugin that has been uninstalled
+=item Return Value
+1 if it worked, C<undef> if it didn't.
+sub removeInstalledPlugin
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $vendorOSID = shift;
+ my $pluginName = shift;
+ return $self->{'meta-db'}->removeInstalledPlugin($vendorOSID, $pluginName);
+=item C<addExport(@$valRows)>
+Adds one or more export to the database.
+=item Param C<valRows>
+An array-ref containing hash-refs with the data of the new export(s).
+=item Return Value
+The IDs of the new export(s), C<undef> if the creation failed.
+sub addExport
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $valRows = _aref(shift);
+ _checkCols($valRows, 'export', qw(name vendor_os_id type));
+ my @IDs = $self->{'meta-db'}->addExport($valRows);
+ return wantarray() ? @IDs : $IDs[0];
+=item C<removeExport(@$exportIDs)>
+Removes one or more export from the database.
+=item Param C<exportIDs>
+An array-ref containing the IDs of the exports that shall be removed.
+=item Return Value
+C<1> if the export(s) could be removed, C<undef> if not.
+sub removeExport
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $exportIDs = _aref(shift);
+ return $self->{'meta-db'}->removeExport($exportIDs);
+=item C<changeExport(@$exportIDs, @$valRows)>
+Changes the data of one or more export.
+=item Param C<vendorOSIDs>
+An array-ref containing the IDs of the exports that shall be changed.
+=item Param C<valRows>
+An array-ref containing hash-refs with the new data for the export(s).
+=item Return Value
+C<1> if the export(s) could be changed, C<undef> if not.
+sub changeExport
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $exportIDs = _aref(shift);
+ my $valRows = _aref(shift);
+ return $self->{'meta-db'}->changeExport($exportIDs, $valRows);
+=item C<incrementGlobalCounter($counterName)>
+Increments the global counter of the given name and returns the *old* value.
+=item Param C<counterName>
+The name of the global counter that shall be bumped.
+=item Return Value
+The value the global counter had before it was incremented.
+sub incrementGlobalCounter
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $counterName = shift;
+ $self->startTransaction();
+ my $value = $self->fetchGlobalInfo($counterName);
+ return unless defined $value;
+ my $newValue = $value + 1;
+ $self->changeGlobalInfo($counterName, $newValue);
+ $self->commitTransaction();
+ return $value;
+=item C<changeGlobalInfo($id, $value)>
+Sets the global info element specified by the given ID to the given value.
+=item Param C<id>
+The ID specifying the global info you'd like to change.
+=item Param C<value>
+The new value for the global info element.
+=item Return Value
+The value the global counter had before it was incremented.
+sub changeGlobalInfo
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $id = shift;
+ my $value = shift;
+ return if !defined $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchGlobalInfo($id);
+ return $self->{'meta-db'}->changeGlobalInfo($id, $value);
+=item C<addSystem(@$valRows)>
+Adds one or more systems to the database.
+=item Param C<valRows>
+An array-ref containing hash-refs with the data of the new system(s).
+=item Return Value
+The IDs of the new system(s), C<undef> if the creation failed.
+sub addSystem
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $inValRows = _aref(shift);
+ _checkCols($inValRows, 'system', qw(name export_id));
+ my ($valRows, $attrValRows) = _cloneAndUnhingeAttrs($inValRows);
+ foreach my $valRow (@$valRows) {
+ if (!$valRow->{kernel}) {
+ $valRow->{kernel} = 'vmlinuz';
+ vlog(
+ 1,
+ _tr(
+ "setting kernel of system '%s' to 'vmlinuz'!",
+ $valRow->{name}
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ if (!$valRow->{label}) {
+ $valRow->{label} = $valRow->{name};
+ }
+ }
+ my @IDs = $self->{'meta-db'}->addSystem($valRows, $attrValRows);
+ return wantarray() ? @IDs : $IDs[0];
+=item C<removeSystem(@$systemIDs)>
+Removes one or more systems from the database.
+=item Param C<systemIDs>
+An array-ref containing the IDs of the systems that shall be removed.
+=item Return Value
+C<1> if the system(s) could be removed, C<undef> if not.
+sub removeSystem
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $systemIDs = _aref(shift);
+ foreach my $system (@$systemIDs) {
+ $self->setGroupIDsOfSystem($system);
+ $self->setClientIDsOfSystem($system);
+ }
+ return $self->{'meta-db'}->removeSystem($systemIDs);
+=item C<changeSystem(@$systemIDs, @$valRows)>
+Changes the data of one or more systems.
+=item Param C<systemIDs>
+An array-ref containing the IDs of the systems that shall be changed.
+=item Param C<valRows>
+An array-ref containing hash-refs with the new data for the system(s).
+=item Return Value
+C<1> if the system(s) could be changed, C<undef> if not.
+sub changeSystem
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $systemIDs = _aref(shift);
+ my $inValRows = _aref(shift);
+ my ($valRows, $attrValRows) = _cloneAndUnhingeAttrs($inValRows);
+ return $self->{'meta-db'}->changeSystem($systemIDs, $valRows, $attrValRows);
+#=item C<setSystemAttr($systemID, $attrName, $attrValue)>
+#Sets a value for an attribute of the given system. If the system already
+#has a value for this attribute, it will be overwritten.
+#=item Param C<systemID>
+#The ID of the system whose attribute shall be changed.
+#=item Param C<attrName>
+#The name of the attribute to change.
+#=item Param C<attrValue>
+#The new value for the attribute.
+#=item Return Value
+#C<1> if the attribute could be set, C<undef> if not.
+#sub setSystemAttr
+# my $self = shift;
+# my $systemID = shift;
+# my $attrName = shift;
+# my $attrValue = shift;
+# return $self->{'meta-db'}->setSystemAttr($systemID, $attrName, $attrValue);
+=item C<setClientIDsOfSystem($systemID, @$clientIDs)>
+Specifies all clients that should offer the given system for booting.
+=item Param C<systemID>
+The ID of the system whose clients you'd like to specify.
+=item Param C<clientIDs>
+An array-ref containing the IDs of the clients that shall be connected to the
+=item Return Value
+C<1> if the system/client references could be set, C<undef> if not.
+sub setClientIDsOfSystem
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $systemID = shift;
+ my $clientIDs = _aref(shift);
+ # associating a client to the default system makes no sense
+ return 0 if $systemID == 0;
+ my @uniqueClientIDs = _unique(@$clientIDs);
+ return $self->{'meta-db'}->setClientIDsOfSystem(
+ $systemID, \@uniqueClientIDs
+ );
+=item C<addClientIDsToSystem($systemID, @$clientIDs)>
+Add one or more clients to the set that should offer the given system for booting.
+=item Param C<systemID>
+The ID of the system that you wish to add the clients to.
+=item Param C<clientIDs>
+An array-ref containing the IDs of the new clients that shall be added to the
+=item Return Value
+C<1> if the system/client references could be set, C<undef> if not.
+sub addClientIDsToSystem
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $systemID = shift;
+ my $newClientIDs = _aref(shift);
+ my @clientIDs = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchClientIDsOfSystem($systemID);
+ push @clientIDs, @$newClientIDs;
+ return $self->setClientIDsOfSystem($systemID, \@clientIDs);
+=item C<removeClientIDsFromSystem($systemID, @$clientIDs)>
+Removes the connection between the given clients and the given system.
+=item Param C<systemID>
+The ID of the system you'd like to remove groups from.
+=item Param C<clientIDs>
+An array-ref containing the IDs of the clients that shall be removed from the
+=item Return Value
+C<1> if the system/client references could be set, C<undef> if not.
+sub removeClientIDsFromSystem
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $systemID = shift;
+ my $removedClientIDs = _aref(shift);
+ my %toBeRemoved;
+ @toBeRemoved{@$removedClientIDs} = ();
+ my @clientIDs =
+ grep { !exists $toBeRemoved{$_} }
+ $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchClientIDsOfSystem($systemID);
+ return $self->setClientIDsOfSystem($systemID, \@clientIDs);
+=item C<setGroupIDsOfSystem($systemID, @$groupIDs)>
+Specifies all groups that should offer the given system for booting.
+=item Param C<systemID>
+The ID of the system whose groups you'd like to specify.
+=item Param C<groupIDs>
+An array-ref containing the IDs of the groups that shall be connected to the
+=item Return Value
+C<1> if the system/group references could be set, C<undef> if not.
+sub setGroupIDsOfSystem
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $systemID = shift;
+ my $groupIDs = _aref(shift);
+ # associating a group to the default system makes no sense
+ return 0 if $systemID == 0;
+ my @uniqueGroupIDs = _unique(@$groupIDs);
+ return $self->{'meta-db'}->setGroupIDsOfSystem($systemID, \@uniqueGroupIDs);
+=item C<addGroupIDsToSystem($systemID, @$groupIDs)>
+Add one or more groups to the set that should offer the given system for booting.
+=item Param C<systemID>
+The ID of the system that you wish to add the groups to.
+=item Param C<groupIDs>
+An array-ref containing the IDs of the new groups that shall be added to the
+=item Return Value
+C<1> if the system/group references could be set, C<undef> if not.
+sub addGroupIDsToSystem
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $systemID = shift;
+ my $newGroupIDs = _aref(shift);
+ my @groupIDs = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchGroupIDsOfSystem($systemID);
+ push @groupIDs, @$newGroupIDs;
+ return $self->setGroupIDsOfSystem($systemID, \@groupIDs);
+=item C<removeGroupIDsFromSystem($systemID, @$groupIDs)>
+Removes the connection between the given groups and the given system.
+=item Param C<systemID>
+The ID of the system you'd like to remove groups from.
+=item Param C<groupIDs>
+An array-ref containing the IDs of the groups that shall be removed from the
+=item Return Value
+C<1> if the system/group references could be set, C<undef> if not.
+sub removeGroupIDsFromSystem
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $systemID = shift;
+ my $toBeRemovedGroupIDs = _aref(shift);
+ my %toBeRemoved;
+ @toBeRemoved{@$toBeRemovedGroupIDs} = ();
+ my @groupIDs =
+ grep { !exists $toBeRemoved{$_} }
+ $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchGroupIDsOfSystem($systemID);
+ return $self->setGroupIDsOfSystem($systemID, \@groupIDs);
+=item C<addClient(@$valRows)>
+Adds one or more clients to the database.
+=item Param C<valRows>
+An array-ref containing hash-refs with the data of the new client(s).
+=item Return Value
+The IDs of the new client(s), C<undef> if the creation failed.
+sub addClient
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $inValRows = _aref(shift);
+ _checkCols($inValRows, 'client', qw(name mac));
+ my ($valRows, $attrValRows) = _cloneAndUnhingeAttrs($inValRows);
+ my @IDs = $self->{'meta-db'}->addClient($valRows, $attrValRows);
+ return wantarray() ? @IDs : $IDs[0];
+=item C<removeClient(@$clientIDs)>
+Removes one or more clients from the database.
+=item Param C<clientIDs>
+An array-ref containing the IDs of the clients that shall be removed.
+=item Return Value
+C<1> if the client(s) could be removed, C<undef> if not.
+sub removeClient
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $clientIDs = _aref(shift);
+ foreach my $client (@$clientIDs) {
+ $self->setGroupIDsOfClient($client);
+ $self->setSystemIDsOfClient($client);
+ }
+ return $self->{'meta-db'}->removeClient($clientIDs);
+=item C<changeClient(@$clientIDs, @$valRows)>
+Changes the data of one or more clients.
+=item Param C<clientIDs>
+An array-ref containing the IDs of the clients that shall be changed.
+=item Param C<valRows>
+An array-ref containing hash-refs with the new data for the client(s).
+=item Return Value
+C<1> if the client(s) could be changed, C<undef> if not.
+sub changeClient
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $clientIDs = _aref(shift);
+ my $inValRows = _aref(shift);
+ my ($valRows, $attrValRows) = _cloneAndUnhingeAttrs($inValRows);
+ return $self->{'meta-db'}->changeClient($clientIDs, $valRows, $attrValRows);
+#=item C<setClientAttr($clientID, $attrName, $attrValue)>
+#Sets a value for an attribute of the given client. If the client already
+#has a value for this attribute, it will be overwritten.
+#=item Param C<clientID>
+#The ID of the client whose attribute shall be changed.
+#=item Param C<attrName>
+#The name of the attribute to change.
+#=item Param C<attrValue>
+#The new value for the attribute.
+#=item Return Value
+#C<1> if the attribute could be set, C<undef> if not.
+#sub setClientAttr
+# my $self = shift;
+# my $clientID = shift;
+# my $attrName = shift;
+# my $attrValue = shift;
+# return $self->{'meta-db'}->setClientAttr($clientID, $attrName, $attrValue);
+=item C<setSystemIDsOfClient($clientID, @$systemIDs)>
+Specifies all systems that should be offered for booting by the given client.
+=item Param C<clientID>
+The ID of the client whose systems you'd like to specify.
+=item Param C<systemIDs>
+An array-ref containing the IDs of the systems that shall be connected to the
+=item Return Value
+C<1> if the client/system references could be set, C<undef> if not.
+sub setSystemIDsOfClient
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $clientID = shift;
+ my $systemIDs = _aref(shift);
+ # filter out the default system, as no client should be associated to it
+ my @uniqueSystemIDs = grep { $_ > 0; } _unique(@$systemIDs);
+ return $self->{'meta-db'}->setSystemIDsOfClient(
+ $clientID, \@uniqueSystemIDs
+ );
+=item C<addSystemIDsToClient($clientID, @$systemIDs)>
+Adds some systems to the set that should be offered for booting by the given client.
+=item Param C<clientID>
+The ID of the client to which you'd like to add systems to.
+=item Param C<systemIDs>
+An array-ref containing the IDs of the new systems that shall be added to the
+=item Return Value
+C<1> if the client/system references could be set, C<undef> if not.
+sub addSystemIDsToClient
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $clientID = shift;
+ my $newSystemIDs = _aref(shift);
+ my @systemIDs = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchSystemIDsOfClient($clientID);
+ push @systemIDs, @$newSystemIDs;
+ return $self->setSystemIDsOfClient($clientID, \@systemIDs);
+=item C<removeSystemIDsFromClient($clientID, @$systemIDs)>
+Removes some systems from the set that should be offered for booting by the given client.
+=item Param C<clientID>
+The ID of the client to which you'd like to remove systems from.
+=item Param C<systemIDs>
+An array-ref containing the IDs of the systems that shall be removed from the
+=item Return Value
+C<1> if the client/system references could be set, C<undef> if not.
+sub removeSystemIDsFromClient
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $clientID = shift;
+ my $removedSystemIDs = _aref(shift);
+ my %toBeRemoved;
+ @toBeRemoved{@$removedSystemIDs} = ();
+ my @systemIDs =
+ grep { !exists $toBeRemoved{$_} }
+ $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchSystemIDsOfClient($clientID);
+ return $self->setSystemIDsOfClient($clientID, \@systemIDs);
+=item C<setGroupIDsOfClient($clientID, @$groupIDs)>
+Specifies all groups that the given client shall be part of.
+=item Param C<clientID>
+The ID of the client whose groups you'd like to specify.
+=item Param C<groupIDs>
+An array-ref containing the IDs of the groups that the client should be part of.
+=item Return Value
+C<1> if the client/group references could be set, C<undef> if not.
+sub setGroupIDsOfClient
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $clientID = shift;
+ my $groupIDs = _aref(shift);
+ my @uniqueGroupIDs = _unique(@$groupIDs);
+ return $self->{'meta-db'}->setGroupIDsOfClient($clientID, \@uniqueGroupIDs);
+=item C<addGroupIDsToClient($clientID, @$groupIDs)>
+Adds the given client to the given groups.
+=item Param C<clientID>
+The ID of the client that you'd like to add to the given groups.
+=item Param C<groupIDs>
+An array-ref containing the IDs of the groups that shall be added to the
+=item Return Value
+C<1> if the client/group references could be set, C<undef> if not.
+sub addGroupIDsToClient
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $clientID = shift;
+ my $newGroupIDs = _aref(shift);
+ my @groupIDs = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchGroupIDsOfClient($clientID);
+ push @groupIDs, @$newGroupIDs;
+ return $self->setGroupIDsOfClient($clientID, \@groupIDs);
+=item C<removeGroupsIDsFromClient($clientID, @$groupIDs)>
+Removes the given client from the given groups.
+=item Param C<clientID>
+The ID of the client that you'd like to remove from the given groups.
+=item Param C<groupIDs>
+An array-ref containing the IDs of the groups that shall be removed from the
+=item Return Value
+C<1> if the client/group references could be set, C<undef> if not.
+sub removeGroupIDsFromClient
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $clientID = shift;
+ my $toBeRemovedGroupIDs = _aref(shift);
+ my %toBeRemoved;
+ @toBeRemoved{@$toBeRemovedGroupIDs} = ();
+ my @groupIDs =
+ grep { !exists $toBeRemoved{$_} }
+ $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchGroupIDsOfClient($clientID);
+ return $self->setGroupIDsOfClient($clientID, \@groupIDs);
+=item C<addGroup(@$valRows)>
+Adds one or more groups to the database.
+=item Param C<valRows>
+An array-ref containing hash-refs with the data of the new group(s).
+=item Return Value
+The IDs of the new group(s), C<undef> if the creation failed.
+sub addGroup
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $inValRows = _aref(shift);
+ _checkCols($inValRows, 'group', qw(name));
+ my ($valRows, $attrValRows) = _cloneAndUnhingeAttrs($inValRows);
+ foreach my $valRow (@$valRows) {
+ if (!defined $valRow->{priority}) {
+ $valRow->{priority} = '50';
+ }
+ }
+ my @IDs = $self->{'meta-db'}->addGroup($valRows, $attrValRows);
+ return wantarray() ? @IDs : $IDs[0];
+=item C<removeGroup(@$groupIDs)>
+Removes one or more groups from the database.
+=item Param C<groupIDs>
+An array-ref containing the IDs of the groups that shall be removed.
+=item Return Value
+C<1> if the group(s) could be removed, C<undef> if not.
+sub removeGroup
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $groupIDs = _aref(shift);
+ foreach my $group (@$groupIDs) {
+ $self->setSystemIDsOfGroup($group, []);
+ $self->setClientIDsOfGroup($group, []);
+ }
+ return $self->{'meta-db'}->removeGroup($groupIDs);
+#=item C<setGroupAttr($groupID, $attrName, $attrValue)>
+#Sets a value for an attribute of the given group. If the group already
+#has a value for this attribute, it will be overwritten.
+#=item Param C<groupID>
+#The ID of the group whose attribute shall be changed.
+#=item Param C<attrName>
+#The name of the attribute to change.
+#=item Param C<attrValue>
+#The new value for the attribute.
+#=item Return Value
+#C<1> if the attribute could be set, C<undef> if not.
+#sub setGroupAttr
+# my $self = shift;
+# my $groupID = shift;
+# my $attrName = shift;
+# my $attrValue = shift;
+# return $self->{'meta-db'}->setGroupAttr($groupID, $attrName, $attrValue);
+=item C<changeGroup(@$groupIDs, @$valRows)>
+Changes the data of one or more groups.
+=item Param C<groupIDs>
+An array-ref containing the IDs of the groups that shall be changed.
+=item Param C<valRows>
+An array-ref containing hash-refs with the new data for the group(s).
+=item Return Value
+C<1> if the group(s) could be changed, C<undef> if not.
+sub changeGroup
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $groupIDs = _aref(shift);
+ my $inValRows = _aref(shift);
+ my ($valRows, $attrValRows) = _cloneAndUnhingeAttrs($inValRows);
+ return $self->{'meta-db'}->changeGroup($groupIDs, $valRows, $attrValRows);
+=item C<setClientIDsOfGroup($groupID, @$clientIDs)>
+Specifies all clients that should be part of the given group.
+=item Param C<groupID>
+The ID of the group whose clients you'd like to specify.
+=item Param C<clientIDs>
+An array-ref containing the IDs of the clients that shall be part of the group.
+=item Return Value
+C<1> if the group/client references could be set, C<undef> if not.
+sub setClientIDsOfGroup
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $groupID = shift;
+ my $clientIDs = _aref(shift);
+ my @uniqueClientIDs = _unique(@$clientIDs);
+ return $self->{'meta-db'}->setClientIDsOfGroup($groupID, \@uniqueClientIDs);
+=item C<addClientIDsToGroup($groupID, @$clientIDs)>
+Add some clients to the given group.
+=item Param C<groupID>
+The ID of the group to which you'd like to add clients.
+=item Param C<clientIDs>
+An array-ref containing the IDs of the clients that shall be added.
+=item Return Value
+C<1> if the group/client references could be set, C<undef> if not.
+sub addClientIDsToGroup
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $groupID = shift;
+ my $newClientIDs = _aref(shift);
+ my @clientIDs = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchClientIDsOfGroup($groupID);
+ push @clientIDs, @$newClientIDs;
+ return $self->setClientIDsOfGroup($groupID, \@clientIDs);
+=item C<removeClientIDsFromGroup($groupID, @$clientIDs)>
+Remove some clients from the given group.
+=item Param C<groupID>
+The ID of the group from which you'd like to remove clients.
+=item Param C<clientIDs>
+An array-ref containing the IDs of the clients that shall be removed.
+=item Return Value
+C<1> if the group/client references could be set, C<undef> if not.
+sub removeClientIDsFromGroup
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $groupID = shift;
+ my $removedClientIDs = _aref(shift);
+ my %toBeRemoved;
+ @toBeRemoved{@$removedClientIDs} = ();
+ my @clientIDs =
+ grep { !exists $toBeRemoved{$_} }
+ $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchClientIDsOfGroup($groupID);
+ return $self->setClientIDsOfGroup($groupID, \@clientIDs);
+=item C<setSystemIDsOfGroup($groupID, @$systemIDs)>
+Specifies all systems that should be offered for booting by the given group.
+=item Param C<groupID>
+The ID of the group whose systems you'd like to specify.
+=item Param C<systemIDs>
+An array-ref containing the IDs of the systems that shall be connected to the
+=item Return Value
+C<1> if the group/system references could be set, C<undef> if not.
+sub setSystemIDsOfGroup
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $groupID = shift;
+ my $systemIDs = _aref(shift);
+ # filter out the default system, as no group should be associated to it
+ my @uniqueSystemIDs = grep { $_ > 0; } _unique(@$systemIDs);
+ return $self->{'meta-db'}->setSystemIDsOfGroup($groupID, \@uniqueSystemIDs);
+=item C<addSystemIDsToGroup($groupID, @$systemIDs)>
+Adds some systems to the set that should be offered for booting by the given group.
+=item Param C<groupID>
+The ID of the group to which you'd like to add systems.
+=item Param C<systemIDs>
+An array-ref containing the IDs of the systems that shall be added.
+=item Return Value
+C<1> if the group/system references could be set, C<undef> if not.
+sub addSystemIDsToGroup
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $groupID = shift;
+ my $newSystemIDs = _aref(shift);
+ my @systemIDs = $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchSystemIDsOfGroup($groupID);
+ push @systemIDs, @$newSystemIDs;
+ return $self->setSystemIDsOfGroup($groupID, \@systemIDs);
+=item C<removeSystemIDsFromGroup($groupID, @$systemIDs)>
+Removes some systems from the set that should be offered for booting by the given group.
+=item Param C<groupID>
+The ID of the group from which you'd like to remove systems.
+=item Param C<systemIDs>
+An array-ref containing the IDs of the systems that shall be removed.
+=item Return Value
+C<1> if the group/system references could be set, C<undef> if not.
+sub removeSystemIDsFromGroup
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $groupID = shift;
+ my $removedSystemIDs = _aref(shift);
+ my %toBeRemoved;
+ @toBeRemoved{@$removedSystemIDs} = ();
+ my @systemIDs =
+ grep { !exists $toBeRemoved{$_} }
+ $self->{'meta-db'}->fetchSystemIDsOfGroup($groupID);
+ return $self->setSystemIDsOfGroup($groupID, \@systemIDs);
+=item C<emptyDatabase()>
+Removes all data from the database - the tables stay, but they will be empty.
+=item Return Value
+sub emptyDatabase
+{ # clears all user-data from the database
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @groupIDs = map { $_->{id} } $self->fetchGroupByFilter();
+ $self->removeGroup(\@groupIDs);
+ my @clientIDs = map { $_->{id} }
+ grep { $_->{name} ne '<<<default>>>' } $self->fetchClientByFilter();
+ $self->removeClient(\@clientIDs);
+ my @sysIDs = map { $_->{id} }
+ grep { $_->{name} ne '<<<default>>>' } $self->fetchSystemByFilter();
+ $self->removeSystem(\@sysIDs);
+ my @exportIDs = map { $_->{id} } $self->fetchExportByFilter();
+ $self->removeExport(\@exportIDs);
+ my @vendorOSIDs = map { $_->{id} } $self->fetchVendorOSByFilter();
+ $self->removeVendorOS(\@vendorOSIDs);
+ return 1;
+=head2 Data Aggregation Methods
+=item C<mergeDefaultAttributesIntoSystem($system)>
+merges vendor-OS-specific plugin attributes and default system attributes into
+the given system hash, and pushes the default client attributes on top of that.
+=item Param C<system>
+The system whose attributes shall be merged into (completed).
+=item Return Value
+sub mergeDefaultAttributesIntoSystem
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $system = shift;
+ my $installedPlugins = shift;
+ my $originInfo = shift;
+ # merge any attributes found in the plugins that are installed into
+ # the vendor-OS:
+ if (ref $installedPlugins eq 'ARRAY' && @$installedPlugins) {
+ for my $plugin (@$installedPlugins) {
+ mergeAttributes($system, $plugin, $originInfo, 'vendor-OS');
+ }
+ # the above will have merged stage1 attributes, too, so we remove
+ # these from the resulting system (as they do not apply to systems)
+ my @stage3AttrNames = OpenSLX::AttributeRoster->getStage3Attrs();
+ for my $attr (keys %{$system->{attrs}}) {
+ next if grep { $attr eq $_ } @stage3AttrNames;
+ delete $system->{attrs}->{$attr};
+ }
+ }
+ # merge yet unset stuff from default system
+ my $defaultSystem = $self->fetchSystemByFilter({name => '<<<default>>>'});
+ mergeAttributes($system, $defaultSystem, $originInfo, 'default-system');
+ # finally push the attributes specified for the default client (these
+ # overrule anything else)
+ my $defaultClient = $self->fetchClientByFilter({name => '<<<default>>>'});
+ pushAttributes($system, $defaultClient, $originInfo, 'default-client');
+ return 1;
+=item C<mergeDefaultAndGroupAttributesIntoClient($client)>
+merges default and group configurations into the given client hash.
+=item Param C<client>
+The client whose attributes shall be merged into (completed).
+=item Return Value
+sub mergeDefaultAndGroupAttributesIntoClient
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $client = shift;
+ my $originInfo = shift;
+ # step over all groups this client belongs to
+ # (ordered by priority from highest to lowest):
+ my @groupIDs = _unique(
+ $self->fetchGroupIDsOfClient(0),
+ $self->fetchGroupIDsOfClient($client->{id})
+ );
+ my @groups
+ = sort { $a->{priority} <=> $b->{priority} }
+ $self->fetchGroupByID(\@groupIDs);
+ foreach my $group (@groups) {
+ # merge configuration from this group into the current client:
+ vlog(
+ 3,
+ _tr('merging from group %d:%s...', $group->{id}, $group->{name})
+ );
+ mergeAttributes($client, $group, $originInfo, "group '$group->{name}'");
+ }
+ # merge configuration from default client:
+ vlog(3, _tr('merging from default client...'));
+ my $defaultClient = $self->fetchClientByFilter({name => '<<<default>>>'});
+ mergeAttributes($client, $defaultClient, $originInfo, 'default-client');
+ return 1;
+=item C<aggregatedSystemIDsOfClient($client)>
+Returns an aggregated list of system-IDs that this client should offer for
+booting (as indicated by itself, the default client and the client's groups)
+=item Param C<client>
+The client whose aggregated systems you're interested in.
+=item Return Value
+A list of unqiue system-IDs.
+sub aggregatedSystemIDsOfClient
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $client = shift;
+ # add all systems directly linked to client:
+ my @systemIDs = $self->fetchSystemIDsOfClient($client->{id});
+ # step over all groups this client belongs to:
+ my @groupIDs = $self->fetchGroupIDsOfClient($client->{id});
+ my @groups = $self->fetchGroupByID(\@groupIDs);
+ foreach my $group (@groups) {
+ # add all systems that the client inherits from the current group:
+ push @systemIDs, $self->fetchSystemIDsOfGroup($group->{id});
+ }
+ # add all systems inherited from default client
+ my $defaultClient = $self->fetchClientByFilter({name => '<<<default>>>'});
+ push @systemIDs, $self->fetchSystemIDsOfClient($defaultClient->{id});
+ return _unique(@systemIDs);
+=item C<aggregatedClientIDsOfSystem($system)>
+Returns an aggregated list of client-IDs that offer this system for
+booting (as indicated by itself, the default system and the system's groups)
+=item Param C<system>
+The system whose aggregated clients you're interested in.
+=item Return Value
+A list of unqiue client-IDs.
+sub aggregatedClientIDsOfSystem
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $system = shift;
+ # add all clients directly linked to system:
+ my $defaultClient = $self->fetchClientByFilter({name => '<<<default>>>'});
+ my @clientIDs = $self->fetchClientIDsOfSystem($system->{id});
+ if (grep { $_ == $defaultClient->{id}; } @clientIDs) {
+ # add *all* client-IDs if the system is being referenced by
+ # the default client, as that means that all clients should offer
+ # this system for booting:
+ push(
+ @clientIDs,
+ map { $_->{id} } $self->fetchClientByFilter(undef, 'id')
+ );
+ }
+ # step over all groups this system belongs to:
+ my @groupIDs = $self->fetchGroupIDsOfSystem($system->{id});
+ my @groups = $self->fetchGroupByID(\@groupIDs);
+ foreach my $group (@groups) {
+ # add all clients that the system inherits from the current group:
+ push @clientIDs, $self->fetchClientIDsOfGroup($group->{id});
+ }
+ # add all clients inherited from default system
+ my $defaultSystem = $self->fetchSystemByFilter({name => '<<<default>>>'});
+ push @clientIDs, $self->fetchClientIDsOfSystem($defaultSystem->{id});
+ return _unique(@clientIDs);
+=item C<aggregatedSystemFileInfoFor($system)>
+Returns aggregated information about the kernel and initialramfs
+this system is using.
+=item Param C<system>
+The system whose aggregated info you're interested in.
+=item Return Value
+A hash containing detailled info about the vendor-OS and export used by
+this system, as well as the specific kernel-file and export-URI being used.
+sub aggregatedSystemFileInfoFor
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $system = shift;
+ my $info = clone($system);
+ my $export = $self->fetchExportByID($system->{export_id});
+ if (!defined $export) {
+ die _tr(
+ "DB-problem: system '%s' references export with id=%s, but that doesn't exist!",
+ $system->{name}, $system->{export_id} || ''
+ );
+ }
+ $info->{'export'} = $export;
+ my $vendorOS = $self->fetchVendorOSByID($export->{vendor_os_id});
+ if (!defined $vendorOS) {
+ die _tr(
+ "DB-problem: export '%s' references vendor-OS with id=%s, but that doesn't exist!",
+ $export->{name}, $export->{vendor_os_id} || ''
+ );
+ }
+ $info->{'vendor-os'} = $vendorOS;
+ my @installedPlugins = $self->fetchInstalledPlugins($vendorOS->{id});
+ $info->{'installed-plugins'} = \@installedPlugins;
+ # check if the specified kernel file really exists (follow links while
+ # checking) and if not, find the newest kernel file that is available.
+ my $kernelPath
+ = "$openslxConfig{'private-path'}/stage1/$vendorOS->{name}/boot";
+ my $kernelFile = "$kernelPath/$system->{kernel}";
+ while (-l $kernelFile) {
+ $kernelFile = followLink($kernelFile);
+ }
+ if (!-e $kernelFile) {
+ # pick best kernel file available
+ my $osSetupEngine = instantiateClass("OpenSLX::OSSetup::Engine");
+ $osSetupEngine->initialize($vendorOS->{name}, 'none');
+ $kernelFile = $osSetupEngine->pickKernelFile($kernelPath);
+ warn(
+ _tr(
+ "setting kernel of system '%s' to '%s'!",
+ $info->{name}, basename($kernelFile)
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ $info->{'kernel-file'} = $kernelFile;
+ # auto-generate export_uri if none has been given
+ my $exportURI = $export->{'uri'} || '';
+ if ($exportURI !~ m[\w]) {
+ # instantiate OSExport engine and ask it for exportURI
+ my $osExportEngine = instantiateClass("OpenSLX::OSExport::Engine");
+ $osExportEngine->initializeFromExisting($export->{name});
+ $exportURI = $osExportEngine->generateExportURI($export, $vendorOS);
+ }
+ $info->{'export-uri'} = $exportURI;
+ return $info;
+=head2 Support Functions
+=item C<mergeAttributes($target, $source)>
+Copies all attributes from source that are unset in target over (source extends target).
+=item Param C<target>
+The hash to be used as copy target.
+=item Param C<source>
+The hash to be used as copy source.
+=item Return Value
+sub mergeAttributes
+ my $target = shift;
+ my $source = shift;
+ my $originInfo = shift;
+ my $origin = shift;
+ my $sourceAttrs = $source->{attrs} || {};
+ $target->{attrs} ||= {};
+ my $targetAttrs = $target->{attrs};
+ foreach my $key (keys %$sourceAttrs) {
+ my $sourceVal = $sourceAttrs->{$key};
+ my $targetVal = $targetAttrs->{$key};
+ if (!defined $targetVal) {
+ vlog(3, _tr(
+ "merging %s (val=%s)", $key,
+ defined $sourceVal ? $sourceVal : ''
+ ));
+ $targetAttrs->{$key} = $sourceVal;
+ if (defined $originInfo) {
+ $originInfo->{$key} = $origin;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+=item C<pushAttributes($target, $source)>
+Copies all attributes that are set in source into the target (source overrules target).
+=item Param C<target>
+The hash to be used as copy target.
+=item Param C<source>
+The hash to be used as copy source.
+=item Return Value
+sub pushAttributes
+ my $target = shift;
+ my $source = shift;
+ my $originInfo = shift;
+ my $origin = shift;
+ my $sourceAttrs = $source->{attrs} || {};
+ $target->{attrs} ||= {};
+ my $targetAttrs = $target->{attrs};
+ foreach my $key (keys %$sourceAttrs) {
+ my $sourceVal = $sourceAttrs->{$key};
+ if (defined $sourceVal) {
+ vlog(3, _tr("pushing %s (val=%s)", $key, $sourceVal));
+ $targetAttrs->{$key} = $sourceVal;
+ if (defined $originInfo) {
+ $originInfo->{$key} = $origin;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+=item C<externalIDForSystem($system)>
+Returns the given system's name as an external ID - worked into a
+state that is usable as a filename.
+=item Param C<system>
+The system you are interested in.
+=item Return Value
+The external ID (name) of the given system.
+sub externalIDForSystem
+ my $system = shift;
+ return "default" if $system->{name} eq '<<<default>>>';
+ my $name = $system->{name};
+ $name =~ tr[/][_];
+ return $name;
+=item C<externalIDForClient($client)>
+Returns the given client's MAC as an external ID - worked into a
+state that is usable as a filename.
+=item Param C<client>
+The client you are interested in.
+=item Return Value
+The external ID (MAC) of the given client.
+sub externalIDForClient
+ my $client = shift;
+ return "default" if $client->{name} eq '<<<default>>>';
+ my $mac = lc($client->{mac});
+ # PXE seems to expect MACs being all lowercase
+ $mac =~ tr[:][-];
+ return "01-$mac";
+=item C<externalConfigNameForClient($client)>
+Returns the given client's name as an external ID - worked into a
+state that is usable as a filename.
+=item Param C<client>
+The client you are interested in.
+=item Return Value
+The external name of the given client.
+sub externalConfigNameForClient
+ my $client = shift;
+ return "default" if $client->{name} eq '<<<default>>>';
+ my $name = $client->{name};
+ $name =~ tr[/][_];
+ return $name;
+=item C<generatePlaceholdersFor($varName)>
+Returns the given variable as a placeholder - surrounded by '@@@' markers.
+=item Param C<varName>
+The variable you are interested in.
+=item Return Value
+The given variable as a placeholder string.
+sub generatePlaceholderFor
+ my $varName = shift;
+ return '@@@' . $varName . '@@@';
+### private stuff
+sub _aref
+{ # transparently converts the given reference to an array-ref
+ my $ref = shift;
+ return [] unless defined $ref;
+ $ref = [$ref] unless ref($ref) eq 'ARRAY';
+ return $ref;
+sub _unique
+{ # return given array filtered to unique elements
+ my %seenIDs;
+ return grep { !$seenIDs{$_}++; } @_;
+sub _checkCols
+ my $valRows = shift;
+ my $table = shift;
+ my @colNames = @_;
+ foreach my $valRow (@$valRows) {
+ foreach my $col (@colNames) {
+ die "need to set '$col' for $table!" if !$valRow->{$col};
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub _cloneAndUnhingeAttrs
+ my $inValRows = shift;
+ # clone data and unhinge attrs
+ my (@valRows, @attrValRows);
+ foreach my $inValRow (@$inValRows) {
+ push @attrValRows, $inValRow->{attrs};
+ my $valRow = clone($inValRow);
+ delete $valRow->{attrs};
+ push @valRows, $valRow;
+ }
+ return (\@valRows, \@attrValRows);