diff options
1 files changed, 718 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/initrd/slxmkramfs b/initrd/slxmkramfs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..479c7c50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/initrd/slxmkramfs
@@ -0,0 +1,718 @@
+# universal (distro independent) generator for initial ramdisks for OpenSLX
+# linux diskless clients (part of stage2 system setup). This script is the
+# successor of mkdxsinitrd ...
+# Dirk von Suchodoletz <>, 2006
+# Nico Dietrich
+# Felix Endres
+# (c) 2003 - 2006 - RZ Universitaet Freiburg
+# (c) 2006 -
+# debug level of script itself
+# debug level of the initramfs (to trigger the addition of specific
+# binaries and kernel modules)
+COMDIRINDXS="/tmp/scratch /var/lib/nobody"
+# distro specific settings read from configuration file
+# D_SYSCONFDIR - system wide configuration settings in /etc - sysconfig in
+# SuSE and RedHat, default in Debian and Ubuntu, conf.d in Gentoo
+# D_ETCEXCL - list of files, wildcards to be excluded from /etc when using
+# bind mounts
+# D_DIRINBINDMNT - lists of directories to be created in bind mounted rw
+# part of the client filesystem
+# D_RODIRSINRW - ReadOnly Directories in RW part of filesystem to save on
+# TempFS usage
+# D_DIRINDXS - directories in client filesystem which should be present
+# anyhow
+# D_BINDMNT - any code which is specific in bind mount environment
+# D_RCDIRS - runlevel directories relative to /etc
+# just ensure that variables are set and the user gets an idea if
+# something fails
+D_SYSCONFDIR="<set in ~/distro-config/distro file>"
+D_ETCEXCL="<set in ~/distro-config/distro file>"
+D_BINDMPTS="<set in ~/distro-config/distro file>"
+D_DIRINBINDMNT="<set in ~/distro-config/distro file>"
+D_RODIRSINRW="<set in ~/distro-config/distro file>"
+D_DIRINDXS="<set in ~/distro-config/distro file>"
+D_BINDMNT="<set in ~/distro-config/distro file>"
+D_INITDIR="<set in ~/distro-config/distro file>"
+D_INITBOOTD="<set in ~/distro-config/distro file>"
+D_RCDIRS="<set in ~/distro-config/distro file>"
+D_RCDIRSINRW="<set in ~/distro-config/distro file>"
+D_INITSCRIPTS="<set in ~/distro-config/distro file>"
+D_XF86CONFFILE="<set in ~/distro-config/distro file>"
+D_XFONTPATH="<set in ~/distro-config/distro file>"
+D_DEFAULTCOUNTRY="<set in ~/distro-config/distro file>"
+# End of global variable declaration, nothing needed to be changed at
+# default below that line
+ echo -e "mkdxsinitrd [-bgh] [-k kernel version] [-i path/file] \
+[-f module(s)] [-n module(s)] [-r path] [-s splashsize]\n"
+ echo "OPTIONEN"
+ echo " -g Benutze glibc als Basisbibliothek in der ramdisk."
+ echo " -b Use busybox instead of separate binaries."
+ echo " -h Zeige Informationen zur Benutzung."
+ echo " -k Kernelversion"
+ echo " mkdxsinitrd versucht die aktuellste Kernelversion zu finden."
+ echo " Falls dies nicht klappt, oder eine andere Kernelversion"
+ echo " gewünscht ist kann diese hier angegeben werden (funktioniert"
+ echo " natürlich nur für auf dem Hostsystem vorhandene Kernelversion"
+ echo " nen)."
+ echo " -i path/file"
+ echo " Optionale Angabe wo die erstellte ramdisk hingeschrieben werden"
+ echo " soll."
+ echo " -f Modulliste"
+ echo " Kernelmodule die benutzt werden sollen um das Rootfilesystem"
+ echo " über das dem Netzwerk zu mounten (z.B. nfs, nbd dnbd)."
+ echo " -n Modulliste"
+ echo " Kernelmodule zum Betrieb der Clientnetzwerkkarten (z.B. e100 tg3"
+ echo " via-rhine)."
+ echo " -r path"
+ echo " Pfad zum Wurzelverzeichnis des zu exportierenden Betriebsystems"
+ echo " (z.B. /export/10.1)."
+ echo " -s screensize (for splash)"
+ echo " -d debug (add special modules to initramfs)"
+ echo " -D Name"
+ echo " Name der Distribution der Betriebsystemvorlage"
+ echo " -v Version"
+ echo " Versionskennung der Distribution der Betriebsystemvorlage"
+ exit 0
+# replaces which command to find executables inside ROOTDIR
+local PROGRAM="$1"
+local RET=1
+for ELEMENT in bin sbin usr/bin usr/sbin usr/local/bin \
+ usr/local/sbin usr/bin/X11; do
+ if [ -f "${ROOTDIR}/$ELEMENT/$PROGRAM" ] && \
+ [ -x "${ROOTDIR}/$ELEMENT/$PROGRAM" ]; then
+ printf '%s\n' "${ROOTDIR}/$ELEMENT/$PROGRAM"
+ RET=0
+ break
+ fi
+return $RET
+# copy some binary to given destination. Takes binary in $1 and
+# destination in $2
+local DEST=$2
+local FPTB=`binfinder $1`
+if [ -z ${FPTB} ] ; then
+ return 1;
+elif [ -L ${FPTB} ] ; then
+ # do not copy the link but the binary the link points to
+ local LINKDEST=`ls -la ${FPTB} | sed -e "s,.* ,,"`
+ case $LINKDEST in
+ ;;
+ *) ;;
+ esac
+ cp ${FPTB} ${INSTDIR}/${DEST}
+ cp ${FPTB} ${INSTDIR}/${DEST}
+# get an idea which libraries are needed
+# fixme: that might not work if executed on different architecture than
+# client root is
+chroot ${ROOTDIR} ldd ${FPTB#${ROOTDIR}*} >> ${INSTDIR}/tmp/libraries
+# possible solution: use the server binary, get library names and look
+# them up manually - fixme: does ldd understand foreign architecture
+# binaries
+# replace copy
+local FILENAME=$1
+DATE=`date +%m-%d-%Y`
+# do not forget to define all variables which should be replaced within
+# the start and configuration scripts. All comment lines will be deleted.
+if [ -d initrd-stuff/${FILENAME} ] ; then
+ [ -d ${INSTDIR}/${FILENAME} ] || mkdir -p ${INSTDIR}/${FILENAME}
+ if file initrd-stuff/${FILENAME}| grep "ELF" &>/dev/null ; then
+ cp initrd-stuff/${FILENAME} ${INSTDIR}/${FILENAME}
+ elif [ -L initrd-stuff/${FILENAME} ] ; then
+ cp -a initrd-stuff/${FILENAME} ${INSTDIR}/${FILENAME%/*}
+ else
+ sed -e "s,@@@INSTDIR@@@,${INSTDIR},g;s,@@@KERNVER@@@,${KERNVER},g" \
+ -e "s,@@@DISTRO@@@,${DISTRO}-${DISTRO_VER},g;s,@@@NETIF@@@,${NET_IF},g" \
+ -e "s,@@@NWMODULES@@@,${NWMODULES},g" \
+ -e "s,@@@COMDIRINDXS@@@,${COMDIRINDXS},g" \
+ -e "s,@@@COMETCEXCL@@@,${COMETCEXCL},g" \
+ -e "s,@@@DATE@@@,${DATE},g;/^#[^!].*/d" \
+ initrd-stuff/${FILENAME} >> ${INSTDIR}/${FILENAME}
+ [ -x busybox -a "$use_busybox" = 1 ] && sed -e "s,^#!/bin/sh,#!/bin/ash," \
+ fi
+copy_distro_stuff() {
+ # copy first the default distro dependent configuration (variables) and
+ # function files, then append to each the distro/version specific file
+ # variables, functions set in default might that way be overwritten by
+ # definitions in distro/version specific files
+ # try first /usr/share/openslx/distro-specs (available if project was
+ # installed via "make install")
+ if [ -d /usr/share/openslx/distro-specs/$1 ] ; then
+ prefix=/usr/share/openslx/distro-specs/$1
+ else
+ prefix=distro-specs/$1
+ fi
+ cat $prefix/config-default >${INSTDIR}/etc/sysconfig/config
+ cat $prefix/config-$2 >>${INSTDIR}/etc/sysconfig/config
+ cat $prefix/functions-default >${INSTDIR}/etc/distro-functions
+ cat $prefix/functions-$2 >>${INSTDIR}/etc/distro-functions
+ # would be cool not to copy .svn here ...
+ # fixme!! works only for etc directories. If dir exists then next copy
+ # places file into the existing dir
+ cp -a $prefix/files-default ${INSTDIR}/etc/sysconfig/files 2>/dev/null
+ # ... so remove them afterwards ...
+ find ${INSTDIR}/etc/sysconfig/files \
+ -regex ".*/\..*" -exec rm -rf {} 2>/dev/null \;
+# This function makes the directory of this script to the present working
+# directory
+# It is called within precheck()
+# Does also work when called by symbolic links (even for nested links).
+ [ $DEBUG -ge 2 ] && echo "Aufgerufen wurde $0, checking if it is a link"
+ calleddetails=`ls -l $0` # get the file flags (e.g. lrwxrwxrwx)
+ [ $DEBUG -ge 2 ] && echo $calleddetails
+ calleddir=${0%/*} # Strip the filename from path
+ [ $DEBUG -ge 2 ] && echo "Wechsele ins Verzeichnis des aufgerufenen scripts/links ($calleddir)"
+ cd $calleddir
+ while index=`expr index "$calleddetails" "l"`;
+ [ $index -eq 1 ]; do
+ [ $DEBUG -ge 2 ] && echo "It is a link"
+ target=`echo $calleddetails | awk '{print $NF}'`
+ [ $DEBUG -ge 2 ] && echo "The target of the link is: $target"
+ hasslash=`expr index "$target" "/"`
+ if [ $hasslash -ne 0 ]; then
+ targetpath=${target%/*} # extract the pathname
+ [ $DEBUG -ge 2 ] && echo "Following link to $targetpath"
+ cd $targetpath
+ else
+ [ $DEBUG -ge 2 ] && echo "It is in the same directory as the link"
+ fi
+ targetfile=`basename $target`
+ [ $DEBUG -ge 2 ] && echo "The target file of the link is: $targetfile"
+ calleddetails=`ls -l $targetfile` # get the file flags (e.g. lrwxrwxrwx)
+ [ $DEBUG -ge 2 ] && echo $calleddetails
+ done
+ [ $DEBUG -ge 2 ] && pwd
+# add a bootsplash image to the initial ramdisk, only SuSE at the moment
+add_splash () {
+splashsizes="800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 1400x1050 1600x1200"
+splash_bin=$(chroot $ROOTDIR which splash)
+if [ -n "$splashsizes" -a -n "$splash_bin" ]; then
+ # add themes created for OpenSLX client (might be different from distro
+ # theming
+ if [ -d /usr/share/openslx/themes/bootsplash/themes ]; then
+ themes_dir="/usr/share/openslx/themes/bootsplash/themes"
+ # cp -a /usr/share/openslx/theming/bootsplash \
+ # ${ROOTDIR}/usr/share/openslx/theming/bootsplash
+ elif [ -d "$ROOTDIR/etc/bootsplash/themes" ]; then
+ themes_dir="$ROOTDIR/etc/bootsplash/themes"
+ relthemesdir="/etc/bootsplash/themes"
+ elif [ -d "$ROOTDIR/usr/share/splash/themes" ]; then
+ themes_dir="$ROOTDIR/usr/share/splash/themes"
+ relthemesdir="/usr/share/splash/themes"
+ fi
+ echo -ne "Bootsplash:\t"
+ if [ -n "$themes_dir" -a \
+ -d "$themes_dir/$THEME" -o -L "$themes_dir/$THEME" ]; then
+ for size in $splashsizes; do
+ bootsplash_picture="$rethemesdir/$THEME/images/bootsplash-$size.jpg"
+ cfgname="$relthemesdir/$THEME/config/bootsplash-$size.cfg"
+ if [ ! -r $ROOTDIR/$cfgname ] ; then
+ echo "disabled for resolution $size"
+ elif [ ! -r $ROOTDIR/$bootsplash_picture ] ; then
+ echo "no image for resolution $size"
+ else
+ echo -n "${splash_image:+, }$THEME ($size)"
+ splash_image="$splash_image $cfgname"
+ fi
+ done
+ echo
+ else
+ echo "no theme selected"
+ fi
+# Include bootsplash image
+for image in $splash_image; do
+ # fixme: ugly hack to have the splash binary
+ chroot $ROOTDIR $splash_bin -s -f $image >> ${INSTDIR}/bootsplash
+# End of function declaration
+while getopts :bhgk:i:r:o:s:f:n:Sut:d:v:I:V:a: a ; do
+ case $a in
+ \:|\?)
+ case $OPTARG in
+ k) echo "-k requires kernel version parameter";;
+ i) echo "-i requires initrd path parameter";;
+ f) echo "-f requires file system module list parameter";;
+ n) echo "-n requires network module list parameter";;
+ r) echo "-r requires root dir parameter";;
+ s) echo "-s requires image size(s)";;
+ t) echo "-t requires tmp dir parameter";;
+ d) echo "-d requires debug level (integer)";;
+ D) echo "-D requires linux Distribution name";;
+ v) echo "-v requires linux distribution version";;
+ I) echo "-I requires network interface parameter";;
+ V) echo "-V requires an executable to run inside linuxrc";;
+ *) echo "Unknown option: -$OPTARG"
+ echo "Try mkinitrd -h";;
+ esac
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ b) use_busybox=1;;
+ g) use_glibc=1;;
+ I) NET_IF=$OPTARG;; # Not in use
+ a) acpi_dsdt="$OPTARG";; # Not in use
+ S) use_selinux=1;; # Not in use
+ l) local_init_script="$OPTARG";; # use for pre/postinit.local?
+ u) sysfs_root=1 # Not in use
+ use_udev=
+ ;;
+ h) usage;;
+ esac
+shift $(expr $OPTIND - 1)
+# End of parameter, argument interpretation
+#Change to the directory this script is located in
+# set temporary setup directory, clean it and setup basic directory
+# structure
+if [ -z "$INSTDIR" ] ; then
+ INSTDIR=/tmp/dxs-instrd
+rm -rf ${INSTDIR}
+mkdir -p ${INSTDIR}/{dev,proc,tmp,mnt,root,bin,sys,lib}
+ln -s /bin ${INSTDIR}/sbin
+mkdir -p ${INSTDIR}/usr/share
+# needed for KNOPPIX hwsetup tool not to be confused with ${D_SYSCONFDIR}
+mkdir -p ${INSTDIR}/etc/sysconfig
+# if still no distro name set, try to find it using significant files
+if [ -z "${DISTRO}" ] ; then
+ if [ -e ${ROOTDIR}/etc/SuSE-release ] ; then
+ DISTRO=suse
+ DISTRO_VER=`grep "VERSION" ${ROOTDIR}/etc/SuSE-release | sed "s/.*= //"`
+ elif [ -e ${ROOTDIR}/etc/lsb-release ] ; then
+ . ${ROOTDIR}/etc/lsb-release
+ elif [ -e ${ROOTDIR}/etc/debian_version ] ; then
+ if [ $(grep Ubuntu /etc/issue | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then
+ DISTRO=Ubuntu
+ DISTRO_VER=`sed 's/[Uu]buntu \([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\).*/\1/' /etc/issue`
+ else
+ DISTRO=debian
+ DISTRO_VER=`cat ${ROOTDIR}/etc/debian_version`
+ fi
+ elif [ -e ${ROOTDIR}/etc/gentoo-release ] ; then
+ DISTRO=gentoo
+ # any idea on the versioning scheme??
+ else
+ echo -e "Could not detect client distribution type and version. Please \
+specify\nas command line argument (-d <distro-name> -v <distro-version>)"
+ exit 1;
+ fi
+# unify the description of distribution and its version
+case "${DISTRO}" in
+ Debian*|debian*|Sarge*|sarge*)
+ DISTRO=debian
+ case "${DISTRO_VER}" in
+ Sarge*|sarge*|3.1*|*)
+ mkdir -p ${INSTDIR}/lib/udev
+ cp -r ${ROOTDIR}/lib/udev/* ${INSTDIR}/lib/udev/
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ Ubuntu*|ubuntu*)
+ DISTRO=ubuntu
+ case "${DISTRO_VER}" in
+ Breezy*|breezy*)
+ cp ${ROOTDIR}/lib/ ${INSTDIR}/lib
+ ;;
+ Dapper*|dapper*)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ Gentoo*|gentoo*)
+ DISTRO=gentoo
+ case "${DISTRO_VER}" in
+ 2005*|*)
+ DISTRO_VER=2005.1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ SuSE*|suse*|Suse*|SuSe*|SUSE*|*)
+ DISTRO=suse
+ case "${DISTRO_VER}" in
+ 9*)
+ ;;
+ 10.0)
+ ;;
+ 10*)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+# at this point ${DISTRO} ${DISTRO_VER} should be fixed
+copy_distro_stuff ${DISTRO} ${DISTRO_VER}
+# hotplug/udev type and related stuff
+cp -a ${ROOTDIR}/etc/udev ${INSTDIR}/etc
+# binary and corresponding library copies could be avoided if a small
+# initial ramdisk environment of its own is generated from busybox,
+# dietlibc and similar, see odlx project page ...
+# devices needed rather early (copied from /tmp to /dev in init)
+mknod ${INSTDIR}/tmp/console c 5 1 &>/dev/null
+mknod ${INSTDIR}/tmp/null c 1 3 &>/dev/null
+mknod ${INSTDIR}/tmp/kmsg c 1 11 &>/dev/null
+mknod ${INSTDIR}/tmp/ctl b 241 255 &>/dev/null
+# suse specific, but might be usable with other distros too
+mknod ${INSTDIR}/tmp/bootsplash p &>/dev/null
+# test for the existance of busybox
+if [ "$use_busybox" = 1 ]; then
+ [ -x busybox ] || {
+ unset use_busybox
+ echo "You wanted to include busybox, but did not provide it in \
+ initrd/ directory."; }
+if [ -n "$use_busybox" ] ; then
+ cp busybox ${INSTDIR}/bin
+ for bbins in [ arping ash cat chmod chown chroot cp date \
+ dd df dmesg echo expr fdisk free hwclock insmod ip \
+ kill killall ln ls lsmod mkdir mke2fs mkfs.ext2 \
+ mkfs.ext3 mknod modprobe mount mv ps rdate rm rmmod \
+ sed sort switch_root tar test tftp time udhcpc \
+ umount uname usleep vconfig vi; do
+ ln -s /bin/busybox ${INSTDIR}/bin/$bbins
+ done
+ # fake the sh link in busybox environment
+ echo -e "#!/bin/ash\n/bin/ash \$@" > ${INSTDIR}/bin/sh
+ chmod a+x ${INSTDIR}/bin/sh
+ # find and copy a shell to be used within initialramfs
+ for bbins in bash ash sh; do
+ if cobi ${bbins} bin ; then
+ ln -fs ${bbins} ${INSTDIR}/bin/sh
+ [ "${bbins}" != "ash" ] && ln -fs ${bbins} ${INSTDIR}/bin/ash
+ [ "${bbins}" != "bash" ] && ln -fs ${bbins} ${INSTDIR}/bin/bash
+ break
+ else echo "Binary not found (${bbins})"; fi
+ done
+ # find and copy ip setup binaries
+ for bbins in ip ifconfig; do
+ if cobi ${bbins} bin ; then
+ [ "${bbins}" = "ifconfig" ] && cobi route bin
+ break
+ else echo "Binary not found"; fi
+ done
+ # needed standard binaries (in init, servconfig, hwautocfg, ... scripts)
+ for bbins in \
+ cat chmod chown chroot cp expr fdisk gzip killall ln ls mkdir \
+ mkfs.ext2 modprobe mount rmmod sed sort rm tar umount
+ do
+ cobi ${bbins} bin || echo "Program ${bbins} not found"
+ done
+ # binaries useful for debugging purposes
+ if [ $IRFSDEBUG -gt 2 ] ; then
+ for bbins in \
+ date lsmod lsof ps strace time
+ do
+ cobi ${bbins} bin || echo "Program ${bbins} not found"
+ done
+ fi
+ # tftp client binary for configuration via file - get machine-setup per
+ # tftp from dhcp (or specified other) server
+ for tftp in atftp tftp ; do
+ binfinder $tftp && break;
+ done
+ cobi $tftp bin || echo "Program ${tftp} not found"
+ cp /lib/ ${INSTDIR}/lib
+# one of the dhcp clients
+for dhcp in dhclient dhcpcd pump ipconfig ; do
+ binfinder $dhcp && break;
+cobi $dhcp bin
+mkdir -p ${INSTDIR}/var/{lib,run}
+# type of hotplug/udev/dev (for etc directories see above!!)
+for bbins in udev udevd udevstart udevtrigger udevsend
+ do
+ cobi ${bbins} bin &>/dev/null || \
+ echo "Program ${bbins} not found; could be most probably ignored"
+# if nfs is used as clients root filesystem
+cobi portmap bin
+mkdir -p ${INSTDIR}/var/lib/nfs/state
+# if nbd or dnbd is used as clients root filesystem
+if [ -n "${FSMODULES}" ] ; then
+for i in ${FSMODULES}; do
+ case "$i" in
+ dnbd)
+ cobi dnbd-client bin
+ ;;
+ nbd)
+ cobi nbd-client bin
+ ;;
+ esac
+# if unionfs
+cobi unionctl bin &>/dev/null || \
+ echo "Program unionctl not found; could be ignored ..."
+# if cowloop
+cobi cowdev bin &>/dev/null || \
+ echo "Program cowdev not found; could be ignored ..."
+# distro specific additional stuff
+case "${DISTRO}" in
+ debian*)
+ cp ${ROOTDIR}/lib/ ${INSTDIR}/lib;;
+# add needed libraries depending on choosen binaries. use chroot
+# on ldd, otherwise the detection does not work properly. ldd has to be
+# static linked binary
+# fixme: procedure might have to be changed
+for lib in `cat ${INSTDIR}/tmp/libraries 2>/dev/null | \
+ sed -e "s,tls,,;s,i686/cmov,," \
+ -ne 's:\t\(.* => \)\?\(/.*\) (0x[0-9a-f]*):\2:p' | sort -u` ; do
+ baselib=`basename ${lib}`
+ test -e ${INSTDIR}/lib/${baselib} || \
+ cp /${ROOTDIR}/${lib} ${INSTDIR}/lib
+rm ${INSTDIR}/tmp/libraries
+# add kernel modules and dependency files
+if [ -z "$KERNVER" ] ; then
+ KERNVER=`ls -l ${ROOTDIR}/boot/vmlinuz | grep vmlinuz | sed "s/.*vmlinuz-//"`
+if [ -z "$KERNVER" ] ; then
+ KERNVER=`ls -l ${ROOTDIR}/vmlinuz | grep vmlinuz | sed "s/.*vmlinuz-//"`
+# if no vmlinuz found, go for vmlinuz-x.yz.uv...
+if [ -z "$KERNVER" ] ; then
+ KERNVER=`ls -lt ${ROOTDIR}/boot/vmlinuz* | grep vmlinuz | sed -n "1,1s/.*vmlinuz-//p"`
+ echo "No vmlinuz-link found. Using kernel version "$KERNVER
+if [ -z "$KERNVER" ] ; then
+ echo "No kernel version set or detected - please use the -k flag! Exiting..."
+ exit 1
+if [ -z "$NWMODULES" ] ; then
+ NWMODULES="forcedeth e1000 e100 tg3 via-rhine r8169 pcnet32"
+if [ -z "$FSMODULES" ] ; then
+ FSMODULES="nbd nfs"
+if [ -z "$INITRD_PATH" ] ; then
+ INITRD_PATH="${ROOTDIR}/tmp/dxsinitrd.gz"
+# define modules to put into initial ramdisk for debugging
+#DEBUGMODULES="uhci_hcd usbhid"
+if [ $IRFSDEBUG -gt 1 ] ; then
+ DEBUGMODULES="uhci-hcd ohci-hcd usbhid"
+# put all needed modules into initial ramdisk
+mkdir -p ${INSTDIR}/lib/modules/${KERNVER}
+for module in af_packet unix ${NWMODULES} ${FSMODULES} ${DEBUGMODULES}; do
+ mod=`cd /${ROOTDIR}; find "lib/modules/${KERNVER}" -name ${module}.ko \
+ if [ -n "$mod" ] ; then
+ mpath=${INSTDIR}/${mod%/*}
+ mkdir -p ${mpath}
+ cp ${ROOTDIR}/$mod ${mpath}
+ # fixmee!! selection of dependent modules could be handled a little bit
+ # more clever
+ rdirprefix="${ROOTDIR}/lib/modules/${KERNVER}/kernel"
+ ddirprefix="${INSTDIR}/lib/modules/${KERNVER}/kernel"
+ case "$module" in
+ e100|8139too|via-rhine|sis900|epic100|sundance|8139cp|eepro100|pcnet32)
+ cp ${rdirprefix}/drivers/net/mii.ko \
+ ${ddirprefix}/drivers/net &>/dev/null
+ ;;
+ nfs)
+ # create directory structure for modules needed and copy them
+ # to the proper place (as expected by modprobe/modules.dep)
+ mkdir -p ${ddirprefix}/net/sunrpc
+ mkdir -p ${ddirprefix}/fs/lockd ${ddirprefix}/fs/nfs_common
+ cp ${rdirprefix}/net/sunrpc/sunrpc.ko \
+ ${ddirprefix}/net/sunrpc &>/dev/null
+ cp ${rdirprefix}/fs/lockd/lockd.ko \
+ ${ddirprefix}/fs/lockd &>/dev/null
+ cp ${rdirprefix}/fs/nfs_common/nfs_acl.ko \
+ ${ddirprefix}/fs/nfs_common &>/dev/null
+ ;;
+ ext3)
+ mkdir -p ${ddirprefix}/fs/jbd
+ cp ${rdirprefix}/fs/jbd/jbd.ko \
+ ${ddirprefix}/fs/jbd
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+cp ${ROOTDIR}/lib/modules/${KERNVER}/modules.* \
+ ${INSTDIR}/lib/modules/${KERNVER}
+# initial ramdisk scripts: init, functions, servconfig, hwautocfg, ...
+# copy and replace variable names
+for dirs in `find initrd-stuff/* ! -regex ".*/\..*"` ; do
+ repco ${dirs##initrd-stuff/}
+chmod 755 ${INSTDIR}/init \
+ ${INSTDIR}/bin/{servconfig,hwautocfg,screenres,dhcpmkconfig}
+# add the common default client configuration file - just to ensure to
+# have all major variables defined. !!These settings are most probably
+# are overwritten by fileget in stage3 within initramfs!!
+if [ -f /var/lib/openslx/config/default/initramfs/machine-setup ] ; then
+ cp /var/lib/openslx/config/default/initramfs/machine-setup \
+ ${INSTDIR}/etc/machine-setup
+# use the installed default machine-setup.default
+elif [ -f /usr/share/openslx/templates/machine-setup.default ] ; then
+ cp /usr/share/openslx/templates/machine-setup.default \
+ ${INSTDIR}/etc/machine-setup
+# just compatibility for older versions
+elif [ -f /etc/dxs/client.cfg/machine-setup.default ] ; then
+ cp /etc/dxs/client.cfg/machine-setup.default \
+ ${INSTDIR}/etc/machine-setup
+# fixme: dirty hack if the installer does not creates a normal file
+elif [ -f /etc/dxs/client.cfg/ ] ; then
+ cp /etc/dxs/client.cfg/ \
+ ${INSTDIR}/etc/machine-setup
+elif [ -f ../installer/default_files/machine-setup.default ] ; then
+ cp ../installer/default_files/machine-setup.default \
+ ${INSTDIR}/etc/machine-setup
+ #inserted password for root for debugging purposes
+ echo -e "# default for machine-setup does not exist\n# root logins are \
+disabled\nroot_pw='"'$1$T7VD/mmQ$aCP1WEaWplEsHe9khv4kK.'"'" \
+ > ${INSTDIR}/etc/machine-setup
+# custom hardware configuration files pcitable.local and Cards.local
+# fixme!! New source for these files (instead of templates)!
+if [ -f /usr/share/openslx/templates/pcitable.local ] ; then
+ cat /usr/share/openslx/templates/pcitable.local >> \
+ ${INSTDIR}/usr/share/hwdata/pcitable
+if [ -f /usr/share/openslx/templates/Cards.local ] ; then
+ cat /usr/share/openslx/templates/Cards.local >> \
+ ${INSTDIR}/usr/share/hwdata/Cards
+# finally copy user-supplied preinit files. The client specific one
+# overwrites the system default one. postinit.local may be part of
+# fileget tgz (in stage3)
+for cfg in default/initramfs/preinit.local \
+ ${DISTRO}-${DISTRO_VER}/initramfs/preinit.local \
+ default/initramfs/postinit.local \
+ ${DISTRO}-${DISTRO_VER}/initramfs/postinit.local ; do
+ test -f /var/lib/openslx/config/$cfg && \
+ cp /var/lib/openslx/config/$cfg ${INSTDIR}/bin
+# remove unneeded debug info, fixme not really tested yet
+strip ${INSTDIR}/bin/* ${INSTDIR}/lib/* &>/dev/null
+# End of file copy procedures
+[ -n "$SPLASH" ] && add_splash
+# finally create the compressed initial ramdisk cpio archive
+pushd . > /dev/null 2>&1
+ cd ${INSTDIR}
+ find . ! -name "*~" | cpio -H newc --create | gzip -9 > $INITRD_PATH
+popd > /dev/null 2>&1