diff options
3 files changed, 787 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/OpenSLX/ b/lib/OpenSLX/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e8874b8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/OpenSLX/
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+# - provides basic functionality of the OpenSLX config-db.
+# (c) 2006 -
+# Oliver Tappe <>
+package OpenSLX::Basics;
+use strict;
+use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT $VERSION);
+use Exporter;
+$VERSION = 0.02;
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw(
+ &openslxInit %openslxConfig %cmdlineConfig
+ &_tr &trInit
+ &vlog
+use vars qw(%openslxConfig %cmdlineConfig);
+### Module implementation
+use Carp;
+use FindBin;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use POSIX qw(locale_h);
+my %translations;
+# this hash will hold the active openslx configuration,
+# the initial content is based on environment variables or default values.
+# Each value may be overrided from config files and/or cmdline arguments.
+%openslxConfig = (
+ 'db-datadir' => $ENV{SLX_DB_DATADIR},
+ 'db-name' => $ENV{SLX_DB_NAME} || 'openslx',
+ 'db-spec' => $ENV{SLX_DB_SPEC},
+ 'db-type' => $ENV{SLX_DB_TYPE} || 'CSV',
+ 'locale' => setlocale(LC_MESSAGES),
+ 'locale-charmap' => `locale charmap`,
+ 'base-path' => $ENV{SLX_BASE_PATH} || '/opt/openslx',
+ 'config-path' => $ENV{SLX_CONFIG_PATH} || '/etc/opt/openslx',
+ 'private-path' => $ENV{SLX_PRIVATE_PATH} || '/var/opt/openslx',
+ 'public-path' => $ENV{SLX_PUBLIC_PATH} || '/srv/openslx',
+ 'temp-path' => $ENV{SLX_TEMP_PATH} || '/tmp',
+ 'verbose-level' => $ENV{SLX_VERBOSE_LEVEL} || '0',
+ = $ENV{SLX_BIN_PATH} || "$openslxConfig{'base-path'}/bin",
+ = $ENV{SLX_DB_PATH} || "$openslxConfig{'private-path'}/db",
+ = $ENV{SLX_EXPORT_PATH} || "$openslxConfig{'public-path'}/export",
+ = $ENV{SLX_SHARE_PATH} || "$openslxConfig{'base-path'}/share",
+ = $ENV{SLX_TFTPBOOT_PATH} || "$openslxConfig{'public-path'}/tftpboot",
+# specification of cmdline arguments that are shared by all openslx-scripts:
+my %openslxCmdlineArgs = (
+ 'base-path=s' => \$cmdlineConfig{'base-path'},
+ # basic path to project files (binaries, functionality templates and
+ # distro-specs)
+ 'bin-path=s' => \$cmdlineConfig{'bin-path'},
+ # path to binaries and scripts
+ 'config-path=s' => \$cmdlineConfig{'config-path'},
+ # path to configuration files
+ 'db-basepath=s' => \$cmdlineConfig{'db-basepath'},
+ # basic path to openslx database, defaults to "${private-path}/db"
+ 'db-datadir=s' => \$cmdlineConfig{'db-datadir'},
+ # data folder created under db-basepath, default depends on db-type
+ 'db-name=s' => \$cmdlineConfig{'db-name'},
+ # name of database, defaults to 'openslx'
+ 'db-spec=s' => \$cmdlineConfig{'db-spec'},
+ # full specification of database, a special string defining the
+ # precise database to connect to (the contents of this string
+ # depend on db-type)
+ 'db-type=s' => \$cmdlineConfig{'db-type'},
+ # type of database to connect to (CSV, SQLite, ...), defaults to 'CSV'
+ 'export-path=s' => \$cmdlineConfig{'export-path'},
+ # path to root of all exports, each different export-type (e.g. nfs, nbd)
+ # has a separate subfolder in here.
+ 'locale=s' => \$cmdlineConfig{'locale'},
+ # locale to use for translations
+ 'locale-charmap=s' => \$cmdlineConfig{'locale-charmap'},
+ # locale-charmap to use for I/O (iso-8859-1, utf-8, etc.)
+ 'logfile=s' => \$cmdlineConfig{'locale'},
+ # file to write logging output to, defaults to STDERR
+ 'private-path=s' => \$cmdlineConfig{'private-path'},
+ # path to private data (which is *not* accesible by clients and contains
+ # database, vendorOSes and all local extensions [system specific scripts])
+ 'public-path=s' => \$cmdlineConfig{'public-path'},
+ # path to public data (which is accesible by clients and contains
+ # PXE-configurations, kernels, initramfs and client configurations)
+ 'share-path=s' => \$cmdlineConfig{'share-path'},
+ # path to sharable data (functionality templates and distro-specs)
+ 'temp-path=s' => \$cmdlineConfig{'temp-path'},
+ # path to temporary data (used during demuxing)
+ 'tftpboot-path=s' => \$cmdlineConfig{'tftpboot-path'},
+ # path to root of tftp-server, tftpable data will be stored there
+ 'verbose-level=i' => \$cmdlineConfig{'verbose-level'},
+ # level of logging verbosity (0-3)
+# filehandle used for logging:
+my $openslxLog = *STDERR;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub vlog
+ my $minLevel = shift;
+ return if $minLevel > $openslxConfig{'verbose-level'};
+ print $openslxLog '-'x$minLevel, @_, "\n";
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub openslxInit
+ # evaluate cmdline arguments:
+ Getopt::Long::Configure('no_pass_through');
+ GetOptions(%openslxCmdlineArgs) or return 0;
+ # try to read and evaluate config files:
+ my $configPath = $cmdlineConfig{'config-path'}
+ || $openslxConfig{'config-path'};
+ foreach my $f ("$configPath/settings.default",
+ "$configPath/settings.local",
+ "$ENV{HOME}/.openslx/settings") {
+ next unless open(CONFIG, "<$f");
+ if ($cmdlineConfig{'verbose-level'} >= 2) {
+ vlog 0, "reading config-file $f...";
+ }
+ while(<CONFIG>) {
+ chomp;
+ s/#.*//;
+ s/^\s+//;
+ s/\s+$//;
+ next unless length;
+ if (! /^(\w+)=(.*)$/) {
+ die _tr("config-file <%s> has incorrect syntax here:\n\t%s\n",
+ $f, $_);
+ }
+ my ($key, $value) = ($1, $2);
+ # N.B.: the config files are used by shell-scripts, too, so in
+ # order to comply with shell-style, the config files use shell
+ # syntax and an uppercase, underline-as-separator format.
+ # Internally, we use lowercase, minus-as-separator format, so we
+ # need to convert the environment variable names to our own
+ # internal style here (e.g. 'SLX_BASE_PATH' to 'base-path'):
+ $key =~ s[^SLX_][];
+ $key =~ tr/[A-Z]_/[a-z]-/;
+ $openslxConfig{$key} = $value;
+ }
+ close CONFIG;
+ }
+ # push any cmdline argument into our config hash, possibly overriding any
+ # setting from the config files:
+ while(my ($key, $val) = each(%cmdlineConfig)) {
+ next unless defined $val;
+ $openslxConfig{$key} = $val;
+ }
+ if (defined $openslxConfig{'logfile'}
+ && open(LOG, ">>$openslxConfig{'logfile'}")) {
+ $openslxLog
+ }
+ if ($openslxConfig{'verbose-level'} >= 2) {
+ foreach my $k (sort keys %openslxConfig) {
+ vlog 2, "config-dump: $k = $openslxConfig{$k}";
+ }
+ }
+ # setup translation "engine":
+ trInit();
+ return 1;
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub trInit
+ # set the specified locale...
+ setlocale('LC_ALL', $openslxConfig{'locale'});
+ # ...and activate automatic charset conversion on all I/O streams:
+ binmode(STDIN, ":encoding($openslxConfig{'locale-charmap'})");
+ binmode(STDOUT, ":encoding($openslxConfig{'locale-charmap'})");
+ binmode(STDERR, ":encoding($openslxConfig{'locale-charmap'})");
+ use open ':locale';
+ my $locale = $openslxConfig{'locale'};
+ if (lc($locale) eq 'c') {
+ # treat locale 'c' as equivalent for 'posix':
+ $locale = 'posix';
+ }
+ # load Posix-Translations first in order to fall back to English strings
+ # if a specific translation isn't available:
+ if (eval "require OpenSLX::Translations::posix") {
+ %translations = %OpenSLX::Translations::posix::translations;
+ } else {
+ vlog 1, "unable to load translations module 'posix' ($!).";
+ }
+ if (lc($locale) ne 'posix') {
+ # parse locale and canonicalize it (e.g. to 'de_DE') and generate
+ # two filenames from it (language+country and language only):
+ if ($locale !~ m{^\s*([^_]+)(?:_(\w+))?}) {
+ die "locale $locale has unknown format!?!";
+ }
+ my @locales;
+ if (defined $2) {
+ push @locales, lc($1).'_'.uc($2);
+ }
+ push @locales, lc($1);
+ # try to load any of the Translation modules (starting with the more
+ # specific one [language+country]):
+ my $loadedTranslationModule;
+ foreach my $trName (@locales) {
+ my $trModule = "OpenSLX::Translations::$trName";
+ if (eval "require $trModule") {
+ # Access OpenSLX::Translations::<locale>::translations
+ # via a symbolic reference...
+ no strict 'refs';
+ my $translationsRef = \%{ "${trModule}::translations" };
+ # ...and copy the available translations into our hash:
+ foreach my $k (keys %{$translationsRef}) {
+ $translations{$k} = $translationsRef->{$k};
+ }
+ $loadedTranslationModule = $trModule;
+ vlog 1, _tr("translations module %s loaded successfully",
+ $trModule);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!defined $loadedTranslationModule) {
+ vlog 1, "unable to load any translations module for locale '$locale' ($!).";
+ }
+ }
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub _tr
+ my $trOrig = shift;
+ my $trKey = $trOrig;
+ $trKey =~ s[\n][\\n]g;
+ $trKey =~ s[\t][\\t]g;
+ my $formatStr = $translations{$trKey};
+ if (!defined $formatStr) {
+ vlog 1, "Translation key '$trKey' not found.";
+ $formatStr = $trOrig;
+ }
+ return sprintf($formatStr, @_);
+1; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/OpenSLX/Translations/ b/lib/OpenSLX/Translations/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..716e3f34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/OpenSLX/Translations/
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+# - OpenSLX-translations for the German language.
+# (c) 2006 -
+# Oliver Tappe <>
+package OpenSLX::Translations::de;
+use strict;
+use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT $VERSION);
+use Exporter;
+$VERSION = 0.02;
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw(%translations);
+use vars qw(%translations);
+### Translations
+%translations = (
+ q{NEW:%s doesn't seem to be installed,\nso there is no support for %s available, sorry!\n}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Can't add column to table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Can't add columns to table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Can't change columns in table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Can't create table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Can't delete from table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Can't drop columns from table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Can't drop table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Can't execute SQL-statement <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Can't insert into table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Can't lock ID-file <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Can't open ID-file <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Can't prepare SQL-statement <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Can't rename table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Can't to seek ID-file <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Can't truncate ID-file <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Can't update ID-file <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Can't update table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Cannot connect to database <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:config-file <%s> has incorrect syntax here:\n\t%s\n}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:copying kernel %s to %s/kernel}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{Could not determine schema version of database}
+ =>
+ qq{Die Version des Datenbank-Schemas konnte nicht bestimmt werden},
+ q{NEW:Could not load module <%s> (Version <%s> required, but <%s> found)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:creating tar %s}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:DB matches current schema version %s}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:executing %s}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:exporting client %d:%s}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:exporting system %d:%s}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:generating initialramfs %s/initramfs}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:ignoring unknown key <%s>}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Lock-file <%s> exists, script is already running.\nPlease remove the logfile and try again if you are sure that no one else is executing this script.}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:merging %s (val=%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:merging from default client...}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:merging from group %d:%s...}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{no}
+ =>
+ qq{nein},
+ q{NEW:Our schema-version is %s, DB is %s, upgrading DB...}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:PXE-system %s already exists!}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:removing %s}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:setting %s to <%s>}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:system-error: illegal target-path <%s>!}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{This will overwrite the current OpenSLX-database with an example dataset.\nAll your data (%s systems and %s clients) will be lost!\nDo you want to continue(%s/%s)? }
+ =>
+ qq{Die aktuelle OpenSLX-Datenbank wird mit einem Beispiel-Datensatz überschrieben.\nAlle Daten (%s Systeme und %s Clients) werden gelöscht!\nMöchten Sie den Vorgang fortsetzen(%s/%s)? },
+ q{NEW:translations module %s loaded successfully}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Unable to access client-config-path '%s'!}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Unable to create or access temp-path '%s'!}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Unable to create or access tftpboot-path '%s'!}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:unable to execute shell-command:\n\t%s \n\t(%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{Unable to load DB-module <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Kann DB-Modul <%s> nicht laden (%s)},
+ q{NEW:Unable to load module <%s> (Version <%s> required)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Unable to load module <%s> (Version <%s> required, but <%s> found)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Unable to write local settings file <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:UnknownDbSchemaColumnDescr}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{UnknownDbSchemaCommand}
+ =>
+ qq{Unbekannter DbSchema-Befehl <%s> wird übergangen},
+ q{NEW:UnknownDbSchemaTypeDescr}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:upgrade done}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:writing PXE-file %s}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{yes}
+ =>
+ qq{ja},
diff --git a/lib/OpenSLX/Translations/ b/lib/OpenSLX/Translations/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9140442c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/OpenSLX/Translations/
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+# - OpenSLX-translations for the posix locale (English language).
+# (c) 2006 -
+# Oliver Tappe <>
+package OpenSLX::Translations::posix;
+use strict;
+use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT $VERSION);
+use Exporter;
+$VERSION = 0.02;
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw(%translations);
+use vars qw(%translations);
+### Translations
+%translations = (
+ q{%s doesn't seem to be installed,\nso there is no support for %s available, sorry!\n}
+ =>
+ qq{%s doesn't seem to be installed,\nso there is no support for %s available, sorry!\n},
+ q{Can't add column to table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Can't add column to table <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Can't add columns to table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Can't add columns to table <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Can't change columns in table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Can't change columns in table <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Can't create table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Can't create table <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Can't delete from table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Can't delete from table <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Can't drop columns from table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Can't drop columns from table <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Can't drop table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Can't drop table <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Can't execute SQL-statement <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Can't execute SQL-statement <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Can't insert into table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Can't insert into table <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Can't lock ID-file <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Can't lock ID-file <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Can't open ID-file <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Can't open ID-file <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Can't prepare SQL-statement <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Can't prepare SQL-statement <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Can't rename table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Can't rename table <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Can't to seek ID-file <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Can't to seek ID-file <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Can't truncate ID-file <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Can't truncate ID-file <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Can't update ID-file <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Can't update ID-file <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Can't update table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Can't update table <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Cannot connect to database <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Cannot connect to database <%s> (%s)},
+ q{config-file <%s> has incorrect syntax here:\n\t%s\n}
+ =>
+ qq{config-file <%s> has incorrect syntax here:\n\t%s\n},
+ q{copying kernel %s to %s/kernel}
+ =>
+ qq{copying kernel %s to %s/kernel},
+ q{Could not determine schema version of database}
+ =>
+ qq{Could not determine schema version of database},
+ q{Could not load module <%s> (Version <%s> required, but <%s> found)}
+ =>
+ qq{Could not load module <%s> (Version <%s> required, but <%s> found)},
+ q{creating tar %s}
+ =>
+ qq{creating tar %s},
+ q{DB matches current schema version %s}
+ =>
+ qq{DB matches current schema version %s},
+ q{executing %s}
+ =>
+ qq{executing %s},
+ q{exporting client %d:%s}
+ =>
+ qq{exporting client %d:%s},
+ q{exporting system %d:%s}
+ =>
+ qq{exporting system %d:%s},
+ q{generating initialramfs %s/initramfs}
+ =>
+ qq{generating initialramfs %s/initramfs},
+ q{ignoring unknown key <%s>}
+ =>
+ qq{ignoring unknown key <%s>},
+ q{Lock-file <%s> exists, script is already running.\nPlease remove the logfile and try again if you are sure that no one else is executing this script.}
+ =>
+ qq{Lock-file <%s> exists, script is already running.\nPlease remove the logfile and try again if you are sure that no one else is executing this script.},
+ q{merging %s (val=%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{merging %s (val=%s)},
+ q{merging from default client...}
+ =>
+ qq{merging from default client...},
+ q{merging from group %d:%s...}
+ =>
+ qq{merging from group %d:%s...},
+ q{no}
+ =>
+ qq{no},
+ q{Our schema-version is %s, DB is %s, upgrading DB...}
+ =>
+ qq{Our schema-version is %s, DB is %s, upgrading DB...},
+ q{PXE-system %s already exists!}
+ =>
+ qq{PXE-system %s already exists!},
+ q{removing %s}
+ =>
+ qq{removing %s},
+ q{setting %s to <%s>}
+ =>
+ qq{setting %s to <%s>},
+ q{system-error: illegal target-path <%s>!}
+ =>
+ qq{system-error: illegal target-path <%s>!},
+ q{This will overwrite the current OpenSLX-database with an example dataset.\nAll your data (%s systems and %s clients) will be lost!\nDo you want to continue(%s/%s)? }
+ =>
+ qq{This will overwrite the current OpenSLX-database with an example dataset.\nAll your data (%s systems and %s clients) will be lost!\nDo you want to continue(%s/%s)? },
+ q{translations module %s loaded successfully}
+ =>
+ qq{translations module %s loaded successfully},
+ q{Unable to access client-config-path '%s'!}
+ =>
+ qq{Unable to access client-config-path '%s'!},
+ q{Unable to create or access temp-path '%s'!}
+ =>
+ qq{Unable to create or access temp-path '%s'!},
+ q{Unable to create or access tftpboot-path '%s'!}
+ =>
+ qq{Unable to create or access tftpboot-path '%s'!},
+ q{unable to execute shell-command:\n\t%s \n\t(%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{unable to execute shell-command:\n\t%s \n\t(%s)},
+ q{Unable to load DB-module <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Unable to load DB-module <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Unable to load module <%s> (Version <%s> required)}
+ =>
+ qq{Unable to load module <%s> (Version <%s> required)},
+ q{Unable to load module <%s> (Version <%s> required, but <%s> found)}
+ =>
+ qq{Unable to load module <%s> (Version <%s> required, but <%s> found)},
+ q{Unable to write local settings file <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Unable to write local settings file <%s> (%s)},
+ q{UnknownDbSchemaColumnDescr}
+ =>
+ qq{Unknown DbSchema column description <%s> found},
+ q{UnknownDbSchemaCommand}
+ =>
+ qq{Unknown DbSchema command <%s> found},
+ q{UnknownDbSchemaTypeDescr}
+ =>
+ qq{Unknown DbSchema type description <%s> found},
+ q{upgrade done}
+ =>
+ qq{upgrade done},
+ q{writing PXE-file %s}
+ =>
+ qq{writing PXE-file %s},
+ q{yes}
+ =>
+ qq{yes},