path: root/initrd/distro-specs/debian/functions-3.1
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Diffstat (limited to 'initrd/distro-specs/debian/functions-3.1')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 262 deletions
diff --git a/initrd/distro-specs/debian/functions-3.1 b/initrd/distro-specs/debian/functions-3.1
index 878df587..3b884631 100644
--- a/initrd/distro-specs/debian/functions-3.1
+++ b/initrd/distro-specs/debian/functions-3.1
@@ -1,268 +1,12 @@
-# Description: configuration script for Debian 3.1 to configure
-# linux diskless clients (executed within initial
-# ramdisk after genconfig)
+# Description: configuration script for Debian Sarge (3.1) to configure
+# linux diskless clients (executed within initial ramdisk
+# after genconfig)
-# Author(s): Dirk von Suchodoletz <>, 18-05-2006
+# Author(s): Dirk von Suchodoletz <>, 23-06-2006
# Felix Endres, 30-04-2006
# Copyright: (c) 2006 - RZ Universitaet Freiburg
-# Version: 0.2.1d
+# Version: 0.3.0a
-# distro specific stuff to initialize
-preinit () {
- echo "Creating dhcp user"
- echo "dhcp:x:101:" >>/etc/group
- echo "dhcp:x:101:101::/nonexistent:/bin/false" >>/etc/passwd
-# distro specific function called from servconfig script
-config_distro () {
-# add the halt link to the 0 and 6 runlevel directories
- ln -sf ../init.d/halt /mnt/etc/rc0.d/S90halt
- ln -sf ../init.d/reboot /mnt/etc/rc6.d/S90reboot
- # set default runlevel
- sed -e "s/.*initdefault/id:${D_INITDEFAULT}:initdefault/" -i /mnt/etc/inittab
-# AUS SuSE-9.3
-# udev/hotplug - auto device discovery service
-# Result: 1 is bad, 0 is good
-udev_hotplug () {
- local result=0
- [ -d /etc/hotplug -a -d /etc/hotplug.d ] || error "$df_errhotpl" nonfatal
- echo "Enabling hotplug/udev"
- #udevstart && result=0
- #udevtrigger && result=0
- udevd --daemon || result=1
- [ ! -e /sbin/udevsend ] && result=1
- echo "/sbin/udevsend/" > /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug
- mkdir -p /dev/.udev/db /dev/.udev/queue
- trigger_device_events
- return $result
-# distro specific general function called from servconfig script
-config_distro () {
-# add the halt link to the 0 and 6 runlevel directories
- ln -sf ../halt /mnt/etc/rc0.d/S90halt
- ln -sf ../reboot /mnt/etc/rc6.d/S90reboot
- # set default runlevel
- sed -e "s/.*initdefault/id:${D_INITDEFAULT}:initdefault/" -i /mnt/etc/inittab
-# linking runlevel scripts
-rllinker () {
-local script="$1"
-local start="$2"
-local stop="$3"
-# empty runlevel links - decision on running certain services is
-# passed via configuration
-# "stop" seems not to be used in Debian!? - It is. Felix
-for i in rc2.d/K$stop$script rc3.d/K$stop$script \
- rc2.d/S$start$script rc3.d/S$start$script ; do
- if ! [ -f /mnt/etc/init.d/$script ]; then
- echo "Target `pwd`../$script does not exist. Skipping links"
- break
- else
- ln -sf ../init.d/$script /mnt/etc/$i
- echo "Linked $script"
- fi
-# make a runlevel script
-d_mkrlscript () {
-local switch=$1
-local name=$2
-local info=$3
-# group of functions for the normal runlevels - first parameter is start
-# second stop (fixme: is "stop" needed in Debian?? - Yep)
-# function for ntp configuration
-config_ntp () {
-if [ -f /mnt/etc/init.d/ntp ] ; then
- echo -e "ntp:x:74:65534:NTP daemon:/var/lib/ntp:/bin/false" \
- >>/mnt/etc/passwd
- testmkd /mnt/var/lib/ntp/var/run/ntp &>/dev/null
- if [ "x$start_ntp" = "xinitial" ] ; then
- echo -e "# entry added by $0: $date" \
- >>/mnt/etc/${D_INITDIR}/boot.ld
- echo "ntpdate -s -b $ntp_servers >${LOGFILE} 2>&1 &" \
- >>/mnt/etc/${D_INITDIR}/boot.ld
- else
- rllinker "ntp" "20" "02"
- fi
-# function for atd
-config_atd () {
-if [ "x$start_atd" = "xyes" ]; then
- # fixme!! needed? Fix permissions
- #testmkd /mnt/var/spool/cron/atjobs
- #testmkd /mnt/var/spool/cron/atspool
- #chown /mnt/var/spool/cron/atjobs /mnt/var/spool/cron/atspool
- rllinker "atd" "89" "01"
-# function for configuration of cron services
-config_cron () {
-if [ "x$start_cron" = "xyes" ] ; then
- if [ -f /mnt/etc/init.d/cron ] ; then
- rllinker "cron" "89" "01"
- testmkd /mnt/var/spool/cron/crontabs
- echo -e "# /etc/crontab - file generated by $0:\n\
-\nMAILTO=\n-*/15 * * * *\troot\ttest -x /usr/lib/cron/run-crons && \
-/usr/lib/cron/run-crons >/dev/null 2>&1\n" >/mnt/etc/crontab
- else
- error "$df_errcron" nonfatal
- fi
-# syslog service
-config_syslog () {
-if [ "x$start_syslog" = "xyes" ] ; then
- :
-# secure shell service
-config_sshd () {
-if [ "x$start_sshd" = "xyes" ] ; then
- if [ -f /mnt/etc/init.d/ssh ] ; then
- rllinker "sshd" "20" "02"
- fi
-# snmp agent for remote monitoring
-config_snmp () {
-if [ "x$start_snmp" = "xyes" ] ; then
- if [ -f /mnt/etc/init.d/snmpd ] ; then
- rllinker "snmpd" "30" "03"
- testmkd /mnt/var/lib/net-snmp >/dev/null 2>&1
- fi
- # fixme!!
- # write service monitor depending on services started
- fi
-# x11 stuff
-descsession () {
-if [ "x$desktop_session" != "x" ] ; then
- windowmanagers="$desktop_session"
- # write script for desktop-session chooser
- if [ "x$vmware" != "xno" ] ; then
- debug=""
- [ ${DEBUGLEVEL} -gt 0 ] && debug="--debug 1"
- echo -e "#!/bin/sh\n#\n# file generated by\n#\t$0:\n#\t$date\n
-OSTYPE=\`echo \$0 | sed -e \"s,-, ,\" -e \"s,.*/,,\" | awk '{print \$1}'\`
-SPECTYPE=\`echo \$0 | sed -e \"s,-, ,\" -e \"s,.*/,,\" | awk '{print \$2}'\`\n
-OPTS=\"-o \$OSTYPE \${SPECTYPE:+\"-s \$SPECTYPE\"}\"\n
-xterm -bg black -fg white -geometry 170x30+0-0 +sb \
--e \"runvmware \$OPTS $debug\"\n" > /mnt/var/X11R6/bin/desktop-session
- chmod a+x /mnt/var/X11R6/bin/desktop-session
- addpath="true";
- fi
- windowmanagers="kde,gnome,icewm,failsafe"
-# check if /usr/X11R6/bin is writeable, else use /var/X11R6/bin
-if [ -w /mnt/usr/X11R6/bin/WM-Session ] ; then
- sesspath="/usr/X11R6/bin"
- sesspath="/var/X11R6/bin"
- addpath="true"
-# create links to desktop-session chooser
-[ -f /mnt/usr/bin/X11/wmlist ] && wmlist=`cat /mnt/usr/bin/X11/wmlist`
-for i in `echo $windowmanagers|sed -e "s/,/ /g"` ; do
- # beware!! quickhack for VMware sessions
- strinstr "$i" "$wmlist" || \
- test -x /mnt/usr/X11R6/bin/$i || \
- echo -e "[Desktop Entry]\nX-SuSE-translate=true\nEncoding=UTF-8\n\
-Name=$i\n" > /mnt/etc/X11/sessions/$i.desktop
- # does not work correctly (add /var/X11R6/bin to path!!)
- test -x /mnt/usr/X11R6/bin/$i || \
- ln -fs /var/X11R6/bin/desktop-session /mnt/$sesspath/$i
-# add special path /var/X11R6/bin to the PATH variable
-# fixme!! add path directly to /etc/profile!?
-#[ "x$addpath" != "x" ] && \
-# echo -e "# added path component by $0: $date\n\
-#PATH=\"\$PATH:/var/X11R6/bin\"" >>/mnt/etc/profile
-# consolefont and language
-consolefont () {
-echo -e "setfont ${CONSOLE_FONT} >${LOGFILE} 2>&1" \
- >>/mnt/etc/${D_INITDIR}/boot.ld
-# fixme!! check for proper operation
-sed -e "s,LANGUAGE=.*,LANGUAGE=\"${LANG}\" # set within initramfs," \
- -e "s,LANG=.*,LANG=\"${LANG}\" # set within initramfs," \
- -i /mnt/etc/environment
-# configure gdm as display manager
-config_gdm () {
- ln -sf ../${D_INITDIR}/gdm /mnt/etc/rc3.d/K20gdm
- echo -e "\t/etc/${D_INITDIR}/gdm start >${LOGFILE} 2>&1\n\
- \t( sleep 120; ln -sf /etc/${D_INITDIR}/gdm /etc/rc3.d/S01gdm \
- >${LOGFILE} 2>&1) &\n" >>/mnt/etc/${D_INITDIR}/boot.ld
- # check for gdm user in passwd and group files
- # fixme!!
-# echo "gdm:x:113:">>/mnt/etc/group
-# echo "gdm:x:106:113:Gnome Display Manager:/var/lib/gdm:/bin/false" \
- >>/mnt/etc/passwd
-# configure kdm as display manager
-config_kdm () {
- ln -sf ../${D_INITDIR}/kdm /mnt/etc/rc3.d/K20kdm
- ln -sf ../${D_INITDIR}/kdm /mnt/etc/rc3.d/S20kdm
-# configure hal, dbus, resmgr and services like that
-config_dreshal () {
-if [ "x$start_dreshal" = "xyes" ]; then
- :
-# fixme!! taken from SuSE10.0 untested here ...
-# prepare virtual machine environment (vmware, vmplayer)
-config_vmware () {
-rllinker "vmware-prep" "22" "02"
-rllinker "vmware" "24" "02"
-# during vmware sessions linux should not handle usb events/devices
-testmkd /mnt/var/X11R6/bin
-echo '#!/bin/sh'>> /mnt/etc/udev/rules.d/01-udev-vm.rules
-echo -e "# Script for blocking linux from handling usb \
-devices\n# during vmware sessions. If you like to remove certain modules \
-add them\n# to the list below - Dirk von Suchodoletz, <>\n\
-STATE=1\nps aux|grep -i vmware|grep -v \"grep\" &>/dev/null && { STATE=0; \
-/sbin/rmmod usb-storage &>/tmp/null; }\n\
-[ x$ACTION = xremove ] && { [ $STATE = 0 ] && /sbin/rmmod usb-storage \
-&>/dev/null; }\nexit \$STATE" > /mnt/var/X11R6/bin/vm-udev
-chmod u+x /mnt/var/X11R6/bin/vm-udev
-echo -e "# special entry to block linux from reacting to usb events during \
-running\n# vmware sessions, generated by $0 during initramfs\n# Dirk von \
-Suchodoletz, <>\nSUBSYSTEM==\"usb\", ACTION==\"add\", \
-PROGRAM=\"/var/X11R6/bin/vm-udev\", OPTIONS=\"ignore_device\"\n\
-SUBSYSTEM==\"usb\", ACTION==\"remove\", PROGRAM=\"/var/X11R6/bin/vm-udev\"" \
- >> /mnt/etc/udev/rules.d/01-udev-vm.rules
+# nothing changed yet from default