path: root/initrd/distro-specs/ubuntu/functions-6.06
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Diffstat (limited to 'initrd/distro-specs/ubuntu/functions-6.06')
1 files changed, 420 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/initrd/distro-specs/ubuntu/functions-6.06 b/initrd/distro-specs/ubuntu/functions-6.06
index f2229f1d..ea7fb0ad 100644
--- a/initrd/distro-specs/ubuntu/functions-6.06
+++ b/initrd/distro-specs/ubuntu/functions-6.06
@@ -1,14 +1,425 @@
-# Description: configuration script for Ubuntu V6.06 to configure
-# linux diskless clients (executed within initial
-# ramdisk after genconfig) - overwrites settings from the
-# ubuntu default file (functions-default)
+# Description: configuration script for Ubuntu V6.06 Dapper Dake
+# to configure linux diskless clients (executed within
+# initial ramdisk after genconfig)
-# Author(s): Dirk von Suchodoletz <>, 23-06-2006
-# Nico Dietrich
-# Felix Endres
+# Author(s): Dirk von Suchodoletz <>, 18-05-2006
+# Nico Dietrich
+# Felix Endres
# Copyright: (c) 2006 - RZ Universitaet Freiburg
-# Version: 0.3.0a
+# Version: 0.2.1g
-# nothing changed from default yet
+# distro specific stuff to initialize
+preinit () {
+ echo "Creating dhcp user"
+ echo "dhcp:x:101:">>/etc/group
+ echo "dhcp:x:101:101::/nonexistent:/bin/false" >>/etc/passwd
+ testmkd /mnt/etc/rcS.d
+ # load unix module to provide sockets (is compiled into kernel on
+ # the live CDs!?)
+# modprobe ${MODPRV} unix || error "$df_errumod" nonfatal
+ echo "preinit ende"
+# distro specific function called from servconfig script
+config_distro () {
+# add the halt link to the 0 and 6 runlevel directories
+ ln -sf ../init.d/halt /mnt/etc/rc0.d/S90halt
+ ln -sf ../init.d/reboot /mnt/etc/rc6.d/S90reboot
+ # set default runlevel
+# sed -e "s/.*initdefault/id:${D_INITDEFAULT}:initdefault/" -i /mnt/etc/inittab
+# AUS SuSE-9.3
+# udev/hotplug - auto device discovery service
+udev_hotplug () {
+# local result=0
+# [ -d /etc/hotplug -a -d /etc/hotplug.d ] || error "$df_errhotpl" nonfatal
+# echo "Enabling hotplug/udev"
+# udevd -d || result=1
+# return $result
+# linking runlevel scripts
+rllinker () {
+local script="$1"
+local start="$2"
+local stop="$3"
+# empty runlevel links - decision on running certain services is
+# passed via configuration
+for i in rc0.d/K$stop$script rc.S/S$start$script \
+ rc2.d/K$stop$script rc3.d/K$stop$script \
+ rc2.d/S$start$script rc3.d/S$start$script ; do
+ if ! [ -f /mnt/etc/init.d/$script ]; then
+ echo "Target `pwd`../$script does not exist. Skipping links"
+ break
+ else
+ ln -sf /mnt/etc/init.d/$script /mnt/etc/$i
+ echo "Linked $script"
+ fi
+# group of functions for the normal runlevels - first parameter is start
+# second stop
+# function for ntp configuration
+config_ntp () {
+ local start=13
+ local stop=14
+echo -e "#!/bin/sh
+test -f /usr/sbin/ntpdate || exit 0
+if test -f /etc/default/ntpdate ; then
+. /etc/default/ntpdate
+test -n \"\$NTPSERVERS\" || exit 0
+. /lib/lsb/init-functions
+case \"\$1\" in
+ log_begin_msg \"Synchronizing clock to \$NTPSERVERS...\"
+ /usr/sbin/ntpdate -b -s \$NTPOPTIONS \$NTPSERVERS
+ log_end_msg \$?
+ ;;
+ # Drop -b to slew clock rather than step it if called after system is up
+ log_begin_msg \"Synchronizing clock to \$NTPSERVERS...\"
+ /usr/sbin/ntpdate -s \$NTPOPTIONS \$NTPSERVERS
+ log_end_msg \$?
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ log_success_msg \"Usage: /etc/init.d/ntpdate {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload}\"
+ exit 1
+exit 0" > /mnt/etc/init.d/ntpdate
+ chmod a+x /mnt/etc/init.d/ntpdate
+ rllinker "ntpdate" "$start" "$stop"
+# function for atd
+config_atd () {
+if [ "x$start_atd" = "xyes" ]; then
+ # testmkd /mnt/var/spool/atjobs
+ # testmkd /mnt/var/spool/atspool
+ # chown 1:1 /mnt/var/spool/atjobs /mnt/var/spool/atspool
+ rllinker "atd" "14" "04"
+# function for configuration of cron services
+config_cron () {
+if [ "x$start_cron" = "xyes" ] ; then
+ if [ -f /mnt/etc/init.d/cron ] ; then
+ rllinker "cron" "18" "02"
+ # fixme! check for proper permissions!
+ testmkd /mnt/var/spool/crontabs
+ echo -e "# /etc/crontab - file generated by $0:\n\
+\nMAILTO=\n-*/15 * * * *\troot\ttest -x /usr/lib/cron/run-crons && \
+/usr/lib/cron/run-crons >/dev/null 2>&1\n" >/mnt/etc/crontab
+ else
+ error "$df_errcron" nonfatal
+ fi
+# syslog service
+config_syslog () {
+if [ "x$start_syslog" = "xyes" ] ; then
+ echo -e "# /etc/syslog.conf - file generated by $0" >/mnt/etc/syslogd.conf
+ echo "kern.warn;*.err;authpriv.none\t/dev/tty10\n\
+#-/var/log/messages" >> /mnt/etc/syslogd.conf
+# test -n "$log_servers" && \
+# for logserver in $log_servers; do
+# echo -e "*.*;*.*;*.*;*kern.!*\t@$logserver" >>/mnt/etc/syslog.conf
+# done
+ rllinker "sysklogd" "02" "18"
+ testmkd /mnt/var/log/news
+# secure shell service
+config_sshd () {
+if [ "x$start_sshd" = "xyes" ] ; then
+ if [ -f /mnt/etc/init.d/ssh ] ; then
+ #testmkd /mnt/var/run/sshd
+ rllinker "ssh" "12" "10"
+ else
+ error "$df_errsshd" nonfatal
+ fi
+# snmp agent for remote monitoring
+config_snmp () {
+if [ "x$start_snmp" = "xyes" ] ; then
+ if [ -f /mnt/etc/init.d/snmpd ] ; then
+ rllinker "snmpd" "24" "02"
+ testmkd /mnt/var/lib/net-snmp >/dev/null 2>&1
+ fi
+ # fixme!!
+ # write service monitor depending on services started
+ fi
+# consolefont
+consolefont () {
+echo -e "setfont ${CONSOLE_FONT} >${LOGFILE} 2>&1" \
+ >>/mnt/etc/${D_INITDIR}/boot.ld
+"20" "02"
+# acpi and powersave
+config_acpi () {
+ rllinker "acpid" "02" "19"
+ rllinker "acpi-support" "20" "02"
+# configure gdm as display manager
+config_gdm () {
+ # start the display manager as early as possible, but avoid that is
+ # started twice during bootup - quickhack ...
+ #ln -sf /etc/${D_INITDIR}/xdm /mnt/etc/${D_INITDIR}/rc5.d/S01xdm
+ ln -sf ../${D_INITDIR}/gdm /mnt/etc/rc3.d/K20gdm
+ echo -e "\t/etc/${D_INITDIR}/gdm start >${LOGFILE} 2>&1\n\
+ \t( sleep 120; ln -sf /etc/${D_INITDIR}/gdm /etc/rc3.d/S01gdm \
+ >${LOGFILE} 2>&1) &\n" >>/mnt/etc/${D_INITDIR}/boot.ld
+ # append gdm user
+ echo "gdm:x:113:">>/etc/group
+ echo "gdm:x:106:113:Gnome Display Manager:/var/lib/gdm:/bin/false" >>/etc/passwd
+echo -e "# /etc/gdm/gdm.conf - file generated by $0\n\
+RebootCommand=/sbin/shutdown -r now \"Rebooted from gdm menu.\"
+HaltCommand=/sbin/shutdown -h now \"Halted from gdm menu.\"
+SuspendCommand=/usr/sbin/pmi action sleep
+HibernateCommand=/usr/sbin/pmi action hibernate
+Xnest=/usr/X11R6/bin/Xnest -br -audit 0 -name Xnest
+name=Standard server
+command=/usr/X11R6/bin/X -br -audit 0
+name=Terminal server
+command=/usr/X11R6/bin/X -br -audit 0 -terminate
+name=Chooser server
+command=/usr/X11R6/bin/X -br -audit 0
+Enable=$debug" >/mnt/etc/gdm/gdm.conf
+if [ "x$start_x" = "xindirect" ] ; then
+ # when X server consumes to much mem set X -terminate
+ echo -e "\n[servers]\n0=Terminal -audit 0 -indirect \
+[server-Terminal]\nname=Terminal server\ncommand=/usr/X11R6/bin/X \
+-audit 0\n\
+flexible=true\nhandled=true\nchooser=true" >>/mnt/etc/opt/gnome/gdm/gdm.conf
+ echo -e "\n[servers]\n0=Standard\n\n\
+[server-Standard]\nname=Standard server\ncommand=/usr/X11R6/bin/X\n\
+flexible=true\nhandled=true" >>/mnt/etc/opt/gnome/gdm/gdm.conf
+# configure kdm as display manager
+config_kdm () {
+ ln -sf ../${D_INITDIR}/kdm /mnt/etc/rc3.d/K20kdm
+ echo -e "\t/etc/${D_INITDIR}/kdm start >${LOGFILE} 2>&1\n\
+ \t( sleep 120; ln -sf /etc/${D_INITDIR}/kdm /etc/rc3.d/S01kdm \
+ >${LOGFILE} 2>&1) &\n" >>/mnt/etc/${D_INITDIR}/boot.ld
+# configure hal, dbus, resmgr and services like that
+config_dreshal () {
+if [ "x$start_dreshal" = "xyes" ]; then
+ :
+# initialize boot.ld - skript to be executed during early system startup
+# (before most of the normal boot init scripts)
+# this script should operate like a normal runlevel script (fixme!!)
+d_mkrlscript () {
+local switch="$1"
+local name="$2"
+local info="$3"
+case "$switch" in
+ init)
+ echo -e "#!/bin/sh\n# skeleton of /etc/${D_INITDIR}/$name written \
+from $0\n# after you applied changes to the creation scripts you have to \
+rerun\n# the mkdxsinitrd script to get them applied" \
+ >/mnt/etc/${D_INITDIR}/$name
+ echo -e "\n\ncase \"\$1\" in\n start)\techo -n \"$info\"" \
+ >>/mnt/etc/${D_INITDIR}/$name
+ chmod u+x /mnt/etc/${D_INITDIR}/$name
+ ;;
+ close)
+ echo -e "\t;;\n stop)\n\t;;\nesac\nexit 0" \
+ >>/mnt/etc/${D_INITDIR}/$name
+ ;;
+# fixme!! taken from SuSE10.0 untested here ...
+# prepare virtual machine environment (vmware, vmplayer)
+config_vmware () {
+rllinker "vmware-prep" "18" "02"
+rllinker "vmware" "20" "02"
+# during vmware sessions linux should not handle usb events/devices
+testmkd /mnt/var/X11R6/bin
+echo '#!/bin/sh'>> /mnt/etc/udev/rules.d/01-udev-vm.rules
+echo -e "# Script for blocking linux from handling usb \
+devices\n# during vmware sessions. If you like to remove certain modules \
+add them\n# to the list below - Dirk von Suchodoletz, <>\n\
+STATE=1\nps aux|grep -i vmware|grep -v \"grep\" &>/dev/null && { STATE=0; \
+/sbin/rmmod usb-storage &>/tmp/null; }\n\
+[ x$ACTION = xremove ] && { [ $STATE = 0 ] && /sbin/rmmod usb-storage \
+&>/dev/null; }\nexit \$STATE" > /mnt/var/X11R6/bin/vm-udev
+chmod u+x /mnt/var/X11R6/bin/vm-udev
+echo -e "# special entry to block linux from reacting to usb events during \
+running\n# vmware sessions, generated by $0 during initramfs\n# Dirk von \
+Suchodoletz, <>\nSUBSYSTEM==\"usb\", ACTION==\"add\", \
+PROGRAM=\"/var/X11R6/bin/vm-udev\", OPTIONS=\"ignore_device\"\n\
+SUBSYSTEM==\"usb\", ACTION==\"remove\", PROGRAM=\"/var/X11R6/bin/vm-udev\"" \
+ >> /mnt/etc/udev/rules.d/01-udev-vm.rules
+# configure automounter
+config_automount () {
+if [ -f /mnt/etc/init.d/autofs ] ; then
+ testmkd /var/lock/subsys
+ echo -e "# /etc/auto.master - file generated by $0:\n\
+/misc\t/etc/auto.misc" >/mnt/etc/auto.master
+ echo -e "# /etc/auto.misc - file generated by $0:\n" \
+ > /mnt/etc/auto.misc
+ if [ -n "${automnt_src}" ] ; then
+ # local directory and home directory server from machine-setup
+ [ -z "${automnt_dir}" ] && automnt_dir="/home"
+ strinstr "/" "${automnt_dir}" && error "$df_erratpld" nonfatal
+ automnt_dir=${automnt_dir#/}
+ echo -e "/home\t/etc/auto.${automnt_dir}\n" >> /mnt/etc/auto.master
+ echo -e "# /etc/auto.${automnt_dir} created by $0:\n" \
+ > /mnt/etc/auto.${automnt_dir}
+ echo -e "*\t-rsize=32768,wsize=32768,tcp,rw\t${automnt_src}/&" \
+ >> /mnt/etc/auto.${automnt_dir}
+ fi
+ echo -e "# /etc/sysconfig/autofs - file modified by\n#\t$0:\n#" \
+ > /etc/autofs
+ sed -e "s,AUTOFS_OPTIONS.*,AUTOFS_OPTIONS=\"--timeout 3\"," \
+ /mnt/etc/${D_SYSCONFDIR}/autofs >> /etc/autofs
+ cp /etc/autofs /mnt/etc/${D_SYSCONFDIR}/autofs
+ config_portmap
+ rllinker "autofs" "18" "04"
+# start portmapper (needed at least for nfs and nis services)
+config_portmap () {
+ rllinker "portmap" "02" "20"
+# start NIS (fixmee - does the service is really named ypbind??)
+config_nis () {
+ rllinker "ypbind" "06" "16"