path: root/ldap-site-mngmt/generation-scripts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ldap-site-mngmt/generation-scripts')
2 files changed, 226 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ldap-site-mngmt/generation-scripts/ b/ldap-site-mngmt/generation-scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..13969f34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldap-site-mngmt/generation-scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+# Generate ISC DHCP Configuration File
+# generates an include file "" included in dhcpd.conf
+# with:
+# - Definitions of User-defined DHCP Options
+# - DHCP Service Global Options
+# - DHCP Subnet Deklarations and Options
+# - DHCP Host Deklarations and Options
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+#use diagnostics;
+use Net::LDAP;
+use Net::LDAP::LDIF;
+our ( $ldaphost, $basedn, $userdn, $passwd, $dhcpdn, $dhcpdconfpath, $dhcpdconffile );
+my ( $ldap, $mesg );
+# Read Configuration Variables for LDAP/
+require "";
+#use dhcpgenconfig;
+# Bind with LDAP Server
+$ldap = Net::LDAP->new( $ldaphost ) or die "$@";
+$mesg = $ldap->bind( $userdn, password => $passwd );
+$mesg->code && die $mesg->error;
+mkdir "$dhcpdconfpath/includes";
+open DATEI, "> $dhcpdconfpath/includes/";
+my @dhcpdnarray = split /,/,$dhcpdn;
+my $aurdn = $dhcpdnarray[2];
+my @auarray = split /=/,$aurdn;
+my $au = $auarray[1];
+my $srvrdn = $dhcpdnarray[0];
+my @srvarray = split /=/,$srvrdn;
+my $srv = $srvarray[1];
+# File Header (general Informations)
+printf DATEI "##################### DHCP SERVICE CONFIG ############################################ \n#\n";
+printf DATEI "# DHCP Service: \t\t %s \n", $srv;
+printf DATEI "# Administrative Unit: \t\t %s \n#\n", $au;
+printf DATEI "# [ %s ]\n#\n", $dhcpdn;
+printf DATEI "######################################################################################## \n\n\n";
+# Ldapsearch on DHCP Service Object
+$mesg = $ldap->search(base => $dhcpdn,
+ scope => 'base',
+ filter => '(objectclass=dhcpService)');
+#Net::LDAP::LDIF->new( \*STDOUT,"w" )->write( $mesg->entries );
+$mesg->code && die $mesg->error;
+my $dhcpservice = $mesg->count or die "DHCP Service Object does not exist in the System";
+my $dhcpsrventry = $mesg->entry(0);
+printf DATEI "######################\n# Option Definitions\n######################\n\n";
+# write Definitions of user/self-defined DHCP Options
+if ($dhcpsrventry->exists( 'OptionDefinition' )) {
+ my @optdefinitions = $dhcpsrventry->get_value( 'OptionDefinition' );
+ foreach my $optdef ( @optdefinitions) {
+ printf DATEI "%s\n", $optdef;
+ }
+printf DATEI "\n\n######################\n# Global Options\n######################\n\n";
+# write DHCP Options in global Scope
+dhcpoptions( $dhcpsrventry );
+printf DATEI "\n";
+# ldapsearch on Subnet Objects referencing to DHCP Service Object
+$mesg = $ldap->search(base=>$basedn,
+ scope => 'sub',
+ filter => '(&(objectclass=dhcpSubnet)(dhcphlpcont:dn:='.$dhcpdn.'))');
+#Net::LDAP::LDIF->new( \*STDOUT,"w" )->write( $mesg->entries );
+$mesg->code && die $mesg->error;
+my @subnets = $mesg->sorted('cn');
+# write Subnet Declarations
+printf DATEI "\n\n######################\n# DHCP Subnets\n######################\n\n";
+foreach my $subnetentry ( @subnets ) {
+ my $subnetdn = $subnetentry->dn;
+ my $subnet = $subnetentry->get_value( 'cn' );
+ my $netmask = $subnetentry->get_value( 'dhcpoptnetmask' );
+ printf DATEI "subnet %s netmask %s {\n", $subnet, $netmask;
+ # write DHCP Options in Subnet Scope
+ dhcpoptions($subnetentry);
+ # Range
+ if ($subnetentry->exists( 'dhcpRange' )) {
+ my @range = split /_/,$subnetentry->get_value( 'dhcpRange' );
+ printf DATEI " range %s %s;\n", $range[0], $range[1];
+ }
+ printf DATEI "}\n\n";
+# ldapsearch on DHCP Host Objects referencing to DHCP Service Object
+$mesg = $ldap->search(base=>$basedn,
+ scope => 'sub',
+ filter => '(&(objectclass=dhcpHost)(dhcphlpcont:dn:='.$dhcpdn.'))');
+ #Net::LDAP::LDIF->new( \*STDOUT,"w" )->write( $mesg->entries );
+ $mesg->code && die $mesg->error;
+my @hosts = $mesg->sorted('dn');
+# write Host Declarations
+printf DATEI "\n\n######################\n# DHCP Hosts\n######################\n";
+# grouping Hosts by Administrative Units (AU)
+my $hostau = "";
+foreach my $hostentry ( @hosts ) {
+ # für jede AU eigener Abschnitt (oder abzweigung in eigene includedatei ...)
+ my $hostdn = $hostentry->dn();
+ my @dnarray = split /,/,$hostdn;
+ my @auarray = split /=/,$dnarray[2];
+ my $hostauactual = $auarray[1];
+ if ( $hostau ne $hostauactual) {
+ # hier neues handle und pfad falls eigene includedatei ...
+ printf DATEI "\n################################################\n# AU: %s \n", $hostauactual;
+ $hostau = $hostauactual;
+ }
+ # DHCP Options in Host Scope
+ dhcphost($hostentry);
+close DATEI;
+# LDAP unbind
+$mesg = $ldap->unbind;
+exit (0);
+# Subroutines
+# write DHCP Options, Parameter: DHCP Object LDAP Entry
+sub dhcpoptions {
+ my $entry = shift;
+ my @atts = $entry->attributes;
+ # DHCP Optionen mit 'option' vorne dran
+ my @options1 = grep /dhcpopt/, @atts;
+ #printf "options: @options1\n";
+ foreach my $option ( @options1 ){
+ if ( $option ne "dhcpoptNetmask" ){
+ my $value = $entry->get_value( $option );
+ $option =~ s/dhcpopt//;
+ if ( $option eq "Domain-name"){
+ printf DATEI " option %s \"%s\";\n", lc($option), $value;
+ }else{
+ printf DATEI " option %s %s;\n", lc($option), $value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # DHCP Optionen
+ my @options2 = grep /dhcpOpt/, @atts;
+ #printf "Options: @options2\n";
+ foreach my $option ( @options2 ){
+ if ( $option ne "dhcpOptFixed-address" ){
+ my $value = $entry->get_value( $option );
+ $option =~ s/dhcpOpt//;
+ if ( $option eq "Filename"){
+ printf DATEI " %s \"%s\";\n", lc($option), $value;
+ }else{
+ printf DATEI " %s %s;\n", lc($option), $value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# write DHCP Host specific Options, Parameter: DHCP Object LDAP Entry
+sub dhcphost {
+ my $entry = shift;
+ my @atts = $entry->attributes;
+ printf DATEI "\nhost %s {\n", lc $entry->get_value( 'hostname' );
+ # Host specific DHCP Options
+ if ($entry->exists( 'hwaddress' )) {
+ printf DATEI " hardware ethernet %s;\n", $entry->get_value( 'hwaddress' );
+ }
+ if ($entry->exists( 'dhcpoptfixed-address' )) {
+ if ( $entry->get_value('dhcpoptfixed-address') eq "ip" ){
+ my @ip = split /_/, $entry->get_value( 'ipaddress' );
+ printf DATEI " fixed-address %s;\n", lc $ip[0];
+ }
+ if ( $entry->get_value('dhcpoptfixed-address') eq "hostname" ){
+ printf DATEI " fixed-address %s.%s;\n", lc $entry->get_value( 'hostname' ), lc $entry->get_value( 'domainname' );
+ }
+ }
+ my @hwoptions = grep /Hw-/, @atts;
+ foreach my $hwoption ( @hwoptions ){
+ printf DATEI " option %s \"%s\";\n", lc($hwoption), $entry->get_value($hwoption);
+ }
+ # remaining DHCP Options
+ dhcpoptions ($entry);
+ printf DATEI "}\n";
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ldap-site-mngmt/generation-scripts/ b/ldap-site-mngmt/generation-scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0df08379
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ldap-site-mngmt/generation-scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# Beispiel einer Konfiguration der
+# Zentraler DHCP Dienst DHCP_UniFR des Rechenzentrums
+# verantwortlicher Administrator ist admin01
+$ldaphost = "ldap://"; # aus config.php
+$basedn = "ou=UniFreiburg,ou=RIPM,dc=uni-freiburg,dc=de";
+$userdn = "uid=admin01,ou=people,dc=uni-freiburg,dc=de"; # aus Session
+$passwd = "dipman02"; # aus Session
+$dhcpdn = "cn=DHCP_RZ01,cn=dhcp,ou=Rechenzentrum,ou=UniFreiburg,ou=RIPM,dc=uni-freiburg,dc=de";
+$dhcpdconfpath = "/home/lsm/new_dhcpconfigs";
+#$dhcpdconffile = "";