path: root/ldap-site-mngmt/webinterface/computers/computers_menu.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ldap-site-mngmt/webinterface/computers/computers_menu.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 250 deletions
diff --git a/ldap-site-mngmt/webinterface/computers/computers_menu.php b/ldap-site-mngmt/webinterface/computers/computers_menu.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ab98526..00000000
--- a/ldap-site-mngmt/webinterface/computers/computers_menu.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-function createComputersMenu($rollen , $mnr, $auDN, $sbmnr, $mcnr) {
- global $template, $ds, $suffix, $START_PATH;
- $mipb_array = get_maxipblocks_au($auDN);
- #print_r($mipb_array);
- if ( $mipb_array[0] == "" ){
- $iprechnerlink = "no_ip.php?mnr=2";
- }else{
- $iprechnerlink = "ip_rechner.php?sort=ipaddress";
- }
- # Struktur der Registerkartenleiste
- # Hauptmenu
- $hauptmenu = array( #array("link" => "computers.php",
- # "text" => "&Uuml;bersicht",
- # "zugriff" => array("MainAdmin","HostAdmin","DhcpAdmin")),
- array("link" => "hostoverview.php?sort=hostname",
- "text" => "&Uuml;bersicht Rechner",
- "zugriff" => array("MainAdmin","HostAdmin","DhcpAdmin")),
- array("link" => $iprechnerlink,
- "text" => "IP Adressen Rechner",
- "zugriff" => array("MainAdmin","DhcpAdmin","HostAdmin")),
- #array("link" => "groupoverview.php",
- # "text" => "Rechnergruppen",
- # "zugriff" => array("MainAdmin")),
- #array("link" => "machineconfig_default.php",
- # "text" => "Default MachineConfigs",
- # "zugriff" => array("MainAdmin","HostAdmin")),
- #array("link" => "new_mcdef.php",
- # "text" => "Neue MachineConfig",
- # "zugriff" => array("MainAdmin","HostAdmin")),
- array("link" => "pxeconfigs.php",
- "text" => "PXE Configs",
- "zugriff" => array("MainAdmin","DhcpAdmin")));
- # Submenus
- /*$computers_array = get_hosts($auDN,array("dn","hostname","ou"));
- for($n=0;$n<count($computers_array);$n++){
- $comps[] = array("link" => "host.php?dn=".$computers_array[$n]['dn']."&sbmnr=".$n,
- "text" => $computers_array[$n]['hostname'],
- "zugriff" => array("MainAdmin","HostAdmin","DhcpAdmin"));
- # print_r($comps); echo "<br>";
- }*/
- $comps[] = array("link" => "new_host.php?sbmnr=0", #.$n,
- "text" => "Neuen Rechner anlegen",
- "zugriff" => array("MainAdmin","DhcpAdmin","HostAdmin"));
- $groups_array = get_groups($auDN,array("dn","cn"));
- for($n=0;$n<count($groups_array);$n++){
- $groups = array();
- $groups[] = array("link" => "group.php?dn=".$groups_array[$n]['dn']."&sbmnr=".$n,
- "text" => $groups_array[$n]['cn'],
- "zugriff" => array("MainAdmin","DhcpAdmin","HostAdmin"));
- }
- $groups[] = array("link" => "new_group.php?sbmnr=".$n,
- "text" => "Neue Gruppe anlegen",
- "zugriff" => array("MainAdmin","DhcpAdmin","HostAdmin"));
- # default machine-configs
- $mcdef_array = get_machineconfigs("cn=computers,".$auDN,array("dn","cn","timerange"));
- for($n=0;$n<count($mcdef_array);$n++){
- $defmc [] = array("link" => "mcdef.php?dn=".$mcdef_array[$n]['dn']."&mnr=3&sbmnr=".$n,
- "text" => $mcdef_array[$n]['cn'],
- "zugriff" => array("MainAdmin","DhcpAdmin","HostAdmin"));
- }
- $newpxe[] = array("link" => "new_pxe.php",
- "text" => "Neue PXE Config anlegen",
- "zugriff" => array("MainAdmin","DhcpAdmin"));
- $submenu = array(#array(),
- $comps,
- array(),
- #$groups,
- #$defmc,
- $newpxe);
- #echo "submenu: ";print_r($submenu);echo "<br><br>";
- # Zusammenstellen der Menuleiste
- $template->define_dynamic("Hauptmenu", "Menu");
- $template->define_dynamic("Submenu", "Menu");
- $i=0;
- $maxmenu = count($hauptmenu);
- foreach($hauptmenu as $item){
- $template->clear_parse("SUBMENU_LIST");
- if($item['zugriff'] === "alle" || vergleicheArrays($rollen , $item['zugriff'])) {
- #########################################################################
- $subempty = 0;
- $j=0;
- $maxsub = count($submenu[$mnr]);
- #echo "_"; print_r($maxsub); echo "_";
- if($maxsub > 0){
- foreach($submenu[$mnr] as $item2) {
- if($item2['zugriff'] === "alle" || vergleicheArrays($rollen, $item2['zugriff'])) {
- if($i != $mnr){
- $template->assign(array("SUB" => ""));
- # "LINK_S" => "",
- # "TEXT_S" => ""));
- $template->parse("SUBMENU_LIST", ".Submenu");
- $template->clear_dynamic("Submenu");
- }
- else{
- if ($j==0) {
- if ($sbmnr==0) {
- if($maxsub == 1){$zwisch2="branchbottom2";}
- else {$zwisch2="branch2";}
- $lastaktive=true;
- $farb="#505050";
- }
- else{
- if ($maxsub == 1) {$zwisch2="branchbottom2";}
- # Wenn Unter-Unter-Menu ...
- #if(count($subsubmenu[$i][$j][0]) != 0){
- #if($maxsub == 1){$zwisch2="<a href='".$item2['link']."' style='border-style=none;text-decoration:none'>
- # <img style='border-width:0;border-style=none;' src='../pics/plus2.gif'></a>";}
- #else {$zwisch2="<a href='".$item2['link']."' style='border-style=none;text-decoration:none'>
- # <img style='border-width:0;border-style=none;' src='../pics/plus2.gif'></a>";}
- #}
- else{$zwisch2="branch2";}
- $farb="#A0A0A0";
- $lastaktive=false;
- }
- }
- else {
- if ($sbmnr==$j) {
- if($maxsub == $j+1){$zwisch2="branchbottom2";}
- else {$zwisch2="branch2";}
- $lastaktive=true;
- $farb="#505050";
- }
- else {
- if ($maxsub == $j+1) {$zwisch2="branchbottom2";}
- # Wenn Unter-Unter-Menu ...
- #if(count($subsubmenu[$i][$j][0]) != 0){
- # if($maxsub == $i+1){$zwisch2="<a href='".$item2['link']."' style='border-style=none;text-decoration:none'>
- # <img style='border-width:0;border-style=none;' src='../pics/plus2.gif'></a>";}
- # else {$zwisch2="<a href='".$item2['link']."' style='border-style=none;text-decoration:none'>
- # <img style='border-width:0;border-style=none;' src='../pics/plus2.gif'></a>";}
- #}
- else{$zwisch2="branch2";}
- $farb="#A0A0A0";
- $lastaktive=false;
- }
- }
- $htmlcode= "
- <tr height='4'>
- <td></td><td align='right'><img src='../pics/line2.gif' height='4'></td><td></td><td></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td width='8%'>&nbsp;</td>
- <td width='8%' align='right'><img src='../pics/".$zwisch2.".gif'></td>
- <td width='5%' align='left' style='border-width:1 0 1 1;border-color:#000000;border-style:solid;padding:4;background-color:{FARBE_S}'>&nbsp;</td>
- <td width='69%' align='left' style='border-width:1 1 1 0;border-color:#000000;border-style:solid;padding:4;padding-left:12px;background-color:{FARBE_S}'>
- <a href='".$item2['link']."' style='text-decoration:none'><code class='submenue_schrift'>".$item2['text']."</code></a></td>
- <td width='10%'>&nbsp;</td>
- </tr>
- ";
- $template->assign(array("SUB" => $htmlcode));
- $template->assign(array("FARBE_S" => $farb));
- $template->parse("SUBMENU_LIST", ".Submenu");
- $template->clear_dynamic("Submenu");
- }
- }
- else {
- $subempty++;
- }
- $j=$j+1;
- }
- }
- if($subempty == count($submenu[$mnr])) {
- $template->assign(array("SUB" => ""));
- # "LINK_S" => "",
- # "TEXT_S" => ""));
- $template->parse("SUBMENU_LIST", ".Submenu");
- $template->clear_dynamic("Submenu");
- }
- #####################################################################
- if ($i==0) {
- if ($mnr==0) {
- if(count($submenu[$i][0]) != 0){
- if($maxmenu == 1){$zwisch="";} # {$zwisch="<img style='border-width:0;border-style=none;' src='../pics/minus2.gif'>";}
- else {$zwisch="";}
- }else{$zwisch="";}
- $lastaktive=true;
- $farb="#505050";
- }
- else{
- if(count($submenu[$i][0]) != 0){
- if($maxmenu == 1){$zwisch="<a href='{LINK_M}' style='border-style=none;text-decoration:none'>
- <img style='border-width:0;border-style=none;' src='../pics/plus2.gif'></a>";}
- else {$zwisch="<a href='{LINK_M}' style='border-style=none;text-decoration:none'>
- <img style='border-width:0;border-style=none;' src='../pics/plus2.gif'></a>";}
- }else{$zwisch="";}
- $farb="#A0A0A0";
- $lastaktive=false;
- }
- }
- else {
- if ($mnr==$i) {
- if(count($submenu[$mnr][0]) != 0){
- if($maxmenu == $i+1){$zwisch="";}
- else {$zwisch="";}
- }else{$zwisch="";}
- $lastaktive=true;
- $farb="#505050";
- }
- else {
- if(count($submenu[$i][0]) != 0){
- if($maxmenu == $i+1){$zwisch="<a href='{LINK_M}' style='border-style=none;text-decoration:none'>
- <img style='border-width:0;border-style=none;' src='../pics/plus2.gif'></a>";}
- else {$zwisch="<a href='{LINK_M}' style='border-style=none;text-decoration:none'>
- <img style='border-width:0;border-style=none;' src='../pics/plus2.gif'></a>";}
- }else{$zwisch="";}
- $farb="#A0A0A0";
- $lastaktive=false;
- }
- }
- $template->assign(array("ICON" => $zwisch,
- "FARBE" => $farb,
- "LINK_M" => $item["link"],
- "TEXT_M" => $item["text"]));
- $template->parse("HAUPTMENU_LIST", ".Hauptmenu");
- $template->clear_dynamic("Hauptmenu");
- }
- $i=$i+1;
- }
- if ($lastaktive) {$template->assign(array("ENDE" => ""));}
- else{
- $template->assign(array("ENDE" => ""));
- }
-?> \ No newline at end of file