path: root/ldap-site-mngmt/webinterface/computers/dhcphost.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ldap-site-mngmt/webinterface/computers/dhcphost.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 185 deletions
diff --git a/ldap-site-mngmt/webinterface/computers/dhcphost.php b/ldap-site-mngmt/webinterface/computers/dhcphost.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e64000d..00000000
--- a/ldap-site-mngmt/webinterface/computers/dhcphost.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-# Dateiname und evtl. Pfad des Templates für die Webseite
-$webseite = "dhcphost.dwt";
-$mnr = 0;
-$sbmnr = -1;
-$mcnr = -1;
-$sbmnr = $_GET['sbmnr'];
-# Menuleisten erstellen
-createMainMenu($rollen, $mainnr);
-createComputersMenu($rollen, $mnr, $auDN, $sbmnr, $mcnr);
-$hostDN = $_GET['dn'];
-# Rechner Daten
-$attributes = array("hostname","domainname","ipaddress","hwaddress","hlprbservice",
- "dhcphlpcont","dhcpoptfixed-address","dhcpopthardware","dhcpoptfilename",
- "dhcpoptnext-server","dhcpoptmax-lease-time","dhcpoptdefault-lease-time");
-$host = get_node_data($hostDN,$attributes);
-$hostip = explode('_',$host['ipaddress']);
-# print_r($hostip); echo "<br><br>";
-$dhcphlpcont = $host['dhcphlpcont'];
-$dhcpmaxlease = $host['dhcpoptmax-lease-time'];
-$dhcpdefaultlease = $host['dhcpoptdefault-lease-time'];
-$objectDN = $dhcphlpcont;
-$rbsDN = $host['hlprbservice'];
-$rbs_dhcpopt = "";
-$host_dhcpopt = "";
-$dhcp_selectbox = "";
-# DHCP Setup
-# DHCP Daten
-if ($dhcphlpcont == ""){
- $objecttype = "nodhcp";
- # DHCP Selectbox
- $altdhcp = alternative_dhcpobjects($objecttype,$objectDN,$hostip[0]);
- $dhcp_selectbox .= "<td class='tab_d'>
- <select name='dhcpcont' size='3' class='medium_form_selectbox'>
- <option selected value='none'>----------</option>";
- if (count($altdhcp) != 0){
- foreach ($altdhcp as $item){
- $dhcp_selectbox .= "
- <option value='".$item['dn']."'>".$item['cn']." ".$item['au']."</option>";
- }
- }
- $dhcp_selectbox .= "<option value=''>Kein DHCP</option>
- </select></td>";
- $dhcp = "<td class='tab_d_ohne' colspan='2'><b>Eingebunden in DHCP Dienst: </b>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class='tab_d_ohne'>
- Rechner ist in keinem DHCP Dienst angemeldet<br></td></tr>
- <tr valign='top'><td class='tab_d' colspan='2'>
- DHCP Dienst ausw&auml;hlen: <br></td>".$dhcp_selectbox;
- $rbs = "<td class='tab_d_ohne' colspan='2'>
- Sie m&uuml;ssen den Rechner zuerst in einem DHCP Dienst anmelden, bevor Sie ihn
- einem Remote Boot Dienst zuordnen k&ouml;nnen <br>(DHCP Optionen!!).<br></td>
- </tr>
- <input type='hidden' name='rbs' value='".$rbsDN."'>";
- # Host in Service oder Subnet?
- $objecttype = "service";
- $dhcp = "";
- /*$ocarray = get_node_data($dhcphlpcont,array("objectclass","dhcphlpcont"));
- #print_r($ocarray); echo "<br>";
- $sub = array_search('dhcpSubnet', $ocarray['objectclass']);
- #print_r($sub);
- if ($sub !== false ){
- $objecttype = "subnet";
- $exp0 = explode(',',$dhcphlpcont);
- $expsub = explode('=',$exp0[0]); $dhcpsub = $expsub[1];
- $dhcp .= "Subnet <b>".$dhcpsub."</b> / ";
- $dhcphlpcont = $ocarray['dhcphlpcont'];
- }*/
- $exp1 = explode(',',$dhcphlpcont);
- $expdhcp = explode('=',$exp1[0]); $dhcpserv = $expdhcp[1];
- $expdhcpau = explode('=',$exp1[2]); $dhcpau = $expdhcpau[1];
- # DHCP Selectbox
- $altdhcp = alternative_dhcpobjects($objecttype,$objectDN,$hostip[0]);
- $dhcp_selectbox .= "<td class='tab_d'>
- <select name='dhcpcont' size='3' class='medium_form_selectbox'>
- <option selected value='none'>----------</option>";
- if (count($altdhcp) != 0){
- foreach ($altdhcp as $item){
- $dhcp_selectbox .= "
- <option value='".$item['dn']."'>".$item['cn']." ".$item['au']."</option>";
- }
- }
- $dhcp_selectbox .= "<option value=''>Kein DHCP</option>
- </select></td>";
- $dhcp .= "<td class='tab_d_ohne' colspan='2'><b>Eingebunden in DHCP Dienst: </b>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class='tab_d_ohne'>
- Service <b>".$dhcpserv."</b> / AU <b>".$dhcpau."</b><br></td></tr>
- <tr valign='top'><td class='tab_d' colspan='2'>
- DHCP Dienst &auml;ndern: <br></td>".$dhcp_selectbox;
- $fixedaddselopt = "<option selected value='none'>------------</option>";
- switch ( $host['dhcpoptfixed-address'] ){
- case "":
- $fixedaddress = "<b> - </b> <br>(dynamische Vergabe)";
- if ( $hostip[0] != "" ){
- $fixedaddselopt .= "<option value='ip'>".$hostip[0]." &nbsp;(IP Adresse)</option>";
- }
- $fixedaddselopt .= "<option value='hostname'>".$host['hostname']." &nbsp;(Hostname)</option>";
- break;
- case "ip":
- $fixedaddress = "<b>".$hostip[0]."</b><br>(Fixe IP Adresse)";
- $fixedaddselopt .= "<option value='hostname'>".$host['hostname']." &nbsp;(Hostname)</option>
- <option value=''>kein Eintrag &nbsp;(dynamische IP Vergabe)</option>";
- break;
- case "hostname":
- $fixedaddress = "<b>".$host['hostname']."</b><br>(Fixe IP Adresse &uuml;ber DNS aufgel&ouml;st)";
- if ( $hostip[0] != "" ){
- $fixedaddselopt .= "<option value='ip'>".$hostip[0]." &nbsp;(IP Adresse)</option>";
- }
- $fixedaddselopt .= "<option value=''>kein Eintrag (dynamisch)</option>";
- break;
- }
- $host_dhcpopt = "<tr><td class='tab_d_ohne' colspan='2'><b>DHCP Optionen:</b></td></tr>
- <tr valign='top'>
- <td class='tab_d_ohne'><b>hardware ethernet: </b>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class='tab_d_ohne'><b>".$host['hwaddress']."</b>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class='tab_d_ohne'>&nbsp;</td>
- </tr>
- <tr valign='top'>
- <td class='tab_d'><b>fixed-address:</b> &nbsp;</td>
- <td class='tab_d'>".$fixedaddress."&nbsp;</td>
- <td class='tab_d'>
- <select name='fixadd' size='3' class='medium_form_selectbox'>
- ".$fixedaddselopt."
- </select>
- </td>
- </tr>";
-$template->assign(array("HOSTDN" => $hostDN,
- "HOSTNAME" => $host['hostname'],
- #"DOMAINNAME" => $host['domainname'],
- "HWADDRESS" => $host['hwaddress'],
- "IPADDRESS" => $hostip[0],
- "OLDDHCP" => $objectDN,
- "OLDFIXADD" => $host['dhcpoptfixed-address'],
- "OLDRBS" => $rbsDN,
- "DHCPCONT" => $dhcp,
- "HOST_DHCPOPT" => $host_dhcpopt,
- "NEXTSERVER" => $host['dhcpoptnext-server'],
- "FILENAME" => $host['dhcpoptfilename'],
- "DEFAULTLEASE" => $dhcpdefaultlease,
- "MAXLEASE" => $dhcpmaxlease,
- "HOSTLINK" => "<a href='host.php?dn=".$hostDN."&sbmnr=".$sbmnr."' class='headerlink'>",
- "RBSLINK" => "<a href='rbshost.php?dn=".$hostDN."&sbmnr=".$sbmnr."' class='headerlink'>",
- "HWLINK" => "<a href='hwhost.php?dn=".$hostDN."&sbmnr=".$sbmnr."' class='headerlink'>",
- "AUDN" => $auDN,
- "SBMNR" => $sbmnr));
-?> \ No newline at end of file