path: root/ldap-site-mngmt/webinterface/computers/rbshost.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ldap-site-mngmt/webinterface/computers/rbshost.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 250 deletions
diff --git a/ldap-site-mngmt/webinterface/computers/rbshost.php b/ldap-site-mngmt/webinterface/computers/rbshost.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b28e0726..00000000
--- a/ldap-site-mngmt/webinterface/computers/rbshost.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-# Dateiname und evtl. Pfad des Templates für die Webseite
-$webseite = "rbshost.dwt";
-$mnr = 0;
-$sbmnr = -1;
-$mcnr = -1;
-$sbmnr = $_GET['sbmnr'];
-# Menuleisten erstellen
-createMainMenu($rollen, $mainnr);
-createComputersMenu($rollen, $mnr, $auDN, $sbmnr, $mcnr);
-$hostDN = $_GET['dn'];
-# Rechner Daten
-$attributes = array("hostname","domainname","ipaddress","hwaddress","description","hlprbservice",
- "dhcphlpcont","dhcpoptfixed-address","dhcpopthardware","dhcpoptfilename",
- "dhcpoptnext-server","hw-mouse","hw-graphic","hw-monitor");
-$host = get_node_data($hostDN,$attributes);
-$hostip = explode('_',$host['ipaddress']);
-# print_r($hostip); echo "<br><br>";
-$dhcphlpcont = $host['dhcphlpcont'];
-$objectDN = $dhcphlpcont;
-$rbsDN = $host['hlprbservice'];
-$rbs_dhcpopt = "";
-$host_dhcpopt = "";
-$dhcp_selectbox = "";
-$rbs = "";
-$nodhcptext = "";
-# Falls nicht DHCP Dienst dann Erklärung ...
-if ($dhcphlpcont == ""){
- $nodhcptext .= "Der Rechner ist in keinem DHCP Dienst eingetragen. Dies ist jedoch Voraussetzung,
- um einen Remote Boot Dienst nutzen zu k&ouml;nnen.<br>
- D.h. die hier verwalteten RBS-relevanten DHCP Optionen werden bzw. sind f&uuml;r den Client zentral gespeichert,
- werden jedoch in keine DHCP Dienst Konfiguration &uuml;nernommen.
- ";
-# <input type='hidden' name='rbs' value='".$rbsDN."'>
-# RBS Setup
-$rbs_selectbox = "";
-$rbs_dhcpopt = "";
-$altrbs = alternative_rbservices($rbsDN);
- $rbs_selectbox .= "<td class='tab_d'>
- <select name='rbs' size='4' class='medium_form_selectbox'>
- <option selected value='none'>----------</option>";
-if (count($altrbs) != 0){
- foreach ($altrbs as $item){
- $rbs_selectbox .= "
- <option value='".$item['dn']."'>".$item['cn']." ".$item['au']."</option>";
- }
-$rbs_selectbox .= "<option value=''>Kein RBS</option>
- </select></td>";
-# RBS Daten
-if ($rbsDN == ""){
- $rbs .= "<td class='tab_d_ohne'><b>Remote Boot Dienst: </b>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class='tab_d_ohne'>
- Rechner ist in keinem Remote Boot Dienst angemeldet<br></td></tr>
- <tr valign='top'><td class='tab_d'>
- RBS ausw&auml;hlen: <br></td>".$rbs_selectbox;
- $rbsdata = get_node_data($rbsDN,array("tftpserverip"));
- #print_r($rbsdata); echo "<br>";
- $exp2 = explode(',',$host['hlprbservice']);
- $exprbs = explode('=',$exp2[0]); $rbserv = $exprbs[1];
- $exprbsau = explode('=',$exp2[2]); $rbsau = $exprbsau[1];
- $rbs .= "<tr valign='top'>
- <td class='tab_d_ohne'><b>Remote Boot Dienst: </b>&nbsp;</td>
- <td class='tab_d_ohne'>
- Remote Boot Service <b>".$rbserv."</b> / AU <b>".$rbsau."</b></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td class='tab_d_ohne'>DHCP Option <b>next-server</b> &nbsp;(TFTP Boot Server IP):</td>
- <td class='tab_d_ohne'><b>".$host['dhcpoptnext-server']."</b>&nbsp;</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td class='tab_d'>DHCP Option <b>filename</b> &nbsp;(initiale remote Bootdatei):</td>
- <td class='tab_d'><b>".$host['dhcpoptfilename']."</b>&nbsp;</td>
- </tr>
- <tr valign='top'><td class='tab_d'>
- RBS Einbindung &auml;ndern: <br></td>".$rbs_selectbox."
- </tr>";
- $rbs_dhcpopt = "";
-$template->assign(array("HOSTDN" => $hostDN,
- "HOSTNAME" => $host['hostname'],
- "DOMAINNAME" => $host['domainname'],
- "HWADDRESS" => $host['hwaddress'],
- "IPADDRESS" => $hostip[0],
- "DESCRIPTION" => $host['description'],
- "OLDDHCP" => $objectDN,
- "OLDFIXADD" => $host['dhcpoptfixed-address'],
- "NODHCP" => $nodhcptext,
- "OLDRBS" => $rbsDN,
- "RBS" => $rbs,
- "HOSTLINK" => "<a href='host.php?dn=".$hostDN."&sbmnr=".$sbmnr."' class='headerlink'>",
- "DHCPLINK" => "<a href='dhcphost.php?dn=".$hostDN."&sbmnr=".$sbmnr."' class='headerlink'>",
- "HWLINK" => "<a href='hwhost.php?dn=".$hostDN."&sbmnr=".$sbmnr."' class='headerlink'>",
- "AUDN" => $auDN,
- "SBMNR" => $sbmnr));
-# Rechnerspezifische PXEs
-$hostpxeconfigs = get_pxeconfigs2($hostDN, array("dn","cn","description","timerange"));
-$template->assign(array("PXEDN" => "",
- "PXECN" => "Keine PXE Config angelegt",
- "PXEDESC" => "",
- "PXETR" => "",));
-$template->define_dynamic("Rechnerpxes", "Webseite");
-if (count($hostpxeconfigs) != 0){
- for ($i=0;$i<count($hostpxeconfigs);$i++){
- $pxelink = "<a href='pxe.php?dn=".$hostpxeconfigs[$i]['dn']."&mnr=1&sbmnr=".$sbmnr."&mcnr=".$i."&nodedn=".$hostDN."' class='headerlink'>".$hostpxeconfigs[$i]['cn']."</a>";
- $trange = "";
- if (count($hostpxeconfigs[$i]['timerange']) > 1 ){
- foreach ($hostpxeconfigs[$i]['timerange'] as $tr){
- $exptime = array_merge(explode('_',$tr), array($hostpxeconfigs[$i]['cn']));
- $timeranges[$i][] = $exptime; # Für grafische Wo-Ansicht
- if ($exptime[0] == "X"){$exptime[0]="t&auml;glich";}
- # if ($exptime[1] == "X" && $exptime[2] == "X"){$exptime[1] = ""; $exptime[2]= "";}
- $trange .= $exptime[0].", von ".$exptime[1].":00 bis ".$exptime[2].":59 <br> ";
- }
- }else{
- $exptime = array_merge(explode('_',$hostpxeconfigs[$i]['timerange']), array($hostpxeconfigs[$i]['cn']));
- $timeranges[$i] = $exptime; # Für grafische Wo-Ansicht
- if ($exptime[0] == "X"){$exptime[0]="t&auml;glich";}
- # if ($exptime[1] == "X" && $exptime[2] == "X"){$exptime[1] = ""; $exptime[2]= "";}
- $trange .= $exptime[0].", von ".$exptime[1].":00 bis ".$exptime[2].":59";
- }
- $template->assign(array("PXEDN" => $hostpxeconfigs[$i]['dn'],
- "PXECN" => $pxelink,
- #"PXEDESC" => $hostpxeconfigs['description'],
- "PXETR" => $trange, ));
- $template->parse("RECHNERPXES_LIST", ".Rechnerpxes");
- }
-# Default PXEs des RBS
-$template->assign(array("DEFPXEDN" => "",
- "DEFPXECN" => "Keine PXE Config angelegt",
- "DEFPXEDESC" => "",
- "DEFPXETR" => "",
- "PXEPLANDESC" => ""));
-$template->define_dynamic("Defpxes", "Webseite");
-if ($rbsDN != ""){
- $defaultpxeconfigs = get_pxeconfigs($rbsDN,array("dn","cn","description","timerange","filename"));
- if (count($defaultpxeconfigs) != 0){
- for ($i=0;$i<count($defaultpxeconfigs);$i++){
- if ($defaultpxeconfigs[$i]['filename'] == "default"){
- $defpxelink = "<a href='showpxe.php?dn=".$defaultpxeconfigs[$i]['dn']."&mnr=1&sbmnr=".$sbmnr."&mcnr=-1&hostdn=".$hostDN."' class='headerlink'>".$defaultpxeconfigs[$i]['cn']."</a>";
- $deftrange = "";
- if (count($defaultpxeconfigs[$i]['timerange']) > 1 ){
- foreach ($defaultpxeconfigs[$i]['timerange'] as $tr){
- $exptime = array_merge(explode('_',$tr), array($defaultpxeconfigs[$i]['cn']));
- $timeranges[$i][] = $exptime; # Für grafische Wo-Ansicht
- if ($exptime[0] == "X"){$exptime[0]="t&auml;glich";}
- # if ($exptime[1] == "X" && $exptime[2] == "X"){$exptime[1] = ""; $exptime[2]= "";}
- $deftrange .= $exptime[0].", von ".$exptime[1].":00 bis ".$exptime[2].":59 <br> ";
- }
- }else{
- $exptime = array_merge(explode('_',$defaultpxeconfigs[$i]['timerange']), array($defaultpxeconfigs[$i]['cn']));
- $timeranges[$i] = $exptime; # Für grafische Wo-Ansicht
- if ($exptime[0] == "X"){$exptime[0]="t&auml;glich";}
- # if ($exptime[1] == "X" && $exptime[2] == "X"){$exptime[1] = ""; $exptime[2]= "";}
- $deftrange .= $exptime[0].", von ".$exptime[1].":00 bis ".$exptime[2].":59";
- }
- $template->assign(array("DEFPXEDN" => $defaultpxeconfigs[$i]['dn'],
- "DEFPXECN" => $defpxelink,
- "DEFPXEDESC" => $defaultpxeconfigs['description'],
- "DEFPXETR" => $deftrange, ));
- $template->parse("DEFPXES_LIST", ".Defpxes");
- }
- }
- }
-# PXE Wochenübersicht
-# erst Defaults vom RBS Dienst
-for ($i=0; $i<count($defaultpxeconfigs); $i++){
- # Timerange Komponenten
- if (count($defaultpxeconfigs[$i]['timerange']) > 1 ){
- foreach ($defaultpxeconfigs[$i]['timerange'] as $tr){
- $exptime = array_merge(explode('_',$tr),array($defaultpxeconfigs[$i]['cn']));
- $wopldeftranges[$i][] = $exptime; # Für grafische Wo-Ansicht
- }
- }else{
- $exptime = array_merge(explode('_',$defaultpxeconfigs[$i]['timerange']), array($defaultpxeconfigs[$i]['cn']));
- $wopldeftranges[$i] = $exptime; # Für grafische Wo-Ansicht
- }
-# Diese dann mit möglichen Rechnerspezifischen überschreiben
-for ($i=0; $i<count($hostpxeconfigs); $i++){
- # Timerange Komponenten
- if (count($hostpxeconfigs[$i]['timerange']) > 1 ){
- foreach ($hostpxeconfigs[$i]['timerange'] as $tr){
- $exptime = array_merge(explode('_',$tr),array($hostpxeconfigs[$i]['cn']));
- $wopltranges[$i][] = $exptime; # Für grafische Wo-Ansicht
- }
- }else{
- $exptime = array_merge(explode('_',$hostpxeconfigs[$i]['timerange']), array($hostpxeconfigs[$i]['cn']));
- $wopltranges[$i] = $exptime; # Für grafische Wo-Ansicht
- }
-?> \ No newline at end of file