path: root/os-plugins/plugins/xserver/OpenSLX/Distro/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'os-plugins/plugins/xserver/OpenSLX/Distro/')
1 files changed, 361 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/os-plugins/plugins/xserver/OpenSLX/Distro/ b/os-plugins/plugins/xserver/OpenSLX/Distro/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ab543549
--- /dev/null
+++ b/os-plugins/plugins/xserver/OpenSLX/Distro/
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2008..2010 - OpenSLX GmbH
+# This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
+# See
+# If you have any feedback please consult and
+# send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to
+# General information about OpenSLX can be found at
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# xserver/OpenSLX/Distro/
+# - provides SUSE-specific overrides of the Distro API for the xserver
+# plugin.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+package xserver::OpenSLX::Distro::Suse_11_1;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw(xserver::OpenSLX::Distro::Base);
+use File::Path;
+use OpenSLX::Basics;
+use OpenSLX::Utils;
+use OpenSLX::DistroUtils;
+use Data::Dumper;
+### interface methods
+sub setupXserverScript
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $repoPath = shift;
+ my $script = $self->SUPER::setupXserverScript($repoPath);
+ $script .= unshiftHereDoc(<<' End-of-Here');
+ # SuSE specific extension to stage3
+ testmkd /mnt/var/lib/xkb/compiled
+ testmkd /mnt/var/X11R6/bin
+ testmkd /mnt/var/lib/xdm/authdir/authfiles 0700
+ ln -s /usr/bin/Xorg /mnt/var/X11R6/bin/X
+ rm /mnt/etc/X11/xdm/SuSEconfig.xdm
+ End-of-Here
+ return $script;
+# This function needs wget installed
+sub installNvidia
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $repopath = shift || "/opt/openslx/plugin-repo/xserver/";
+ my $pkgpath = shift || "packages";
+ my $tmpdir = "$repopath/nvidia/temp";
+ if( !-d $tmpdir ) {
+ mkdir( $tmpdir );
+ }
+ else {
+ system("rm -rf $tmpdir/*");
+ }
+ my $mykernel = getKernelVersionForDistro("/boot");
+ my $kver = $mykernel->{'version'};
+ my $ksuffix = $mykernel->{'suffix'};
+ my $srinfo = `head -n1 /etc/SuSE-release`;
+ my @data = split (/ /, $srinfo);
+ chomp(@data);
+ my $version = $data[1];
+ my $chost = substr($data[2],1,-1);
+ my $url = "$version/$chost";
+ print " * Downloading NVIDIA rpm from$version\n";
+ system("wget -P $tmpdir -t2 -T2 $url/nvidia-gfxG01-kmp-$ksuffix* >/dev/null 2>&1");
+ if($? > 0) {
+ print "Could not download nvidia kernel module rpm!\n";
+ }
+ my @rpm = glob "$tmpdir/nvidia-gfxG01*.rpm";
+ my $rpm = @rpm;
+ $rpm[0] =~ /nvidia-gfxG01-kmp-$ksuffix-(.*?)_(.*?)-.*?\.$chost.rpm/;
+ my $nv_kver = $2;
+ $nv_kver =~ s/_/-/g;
+ if($rpm == 0) {
+ print "Could not download nvidia kernel module rpm!";
+ return;
+ }
+ system("cd $tmpdir; rpm2cpio $rpm[0] | cpio -idv >/dev/null 2>&1");
+ if(!-d "$repopath/nvidia/modules/")
+ {
+ mkdir("$repopath/nvidia/modules/");
+ }
+ # since kernel there has to be a call to ld
+ # ld -r -m elf_i386 -o ../modules/nvidia.ko lib/modules/{nv-kernel,nv-linux}.o
+ my $nv_path = glob "$tmpdir/lib/modules/*-$ksuffix/updates/";
+ if ( -f "$nv_path/nv-kernel.o" ) {
+ # we have to link our kernel module here
+ system("ld -r -m elf_i386 -o $nv_path/nvidia.ko $nv_path/{nv-kernel,nv-linux}.o");
+ }
+ copyFile("$nv_path/nvidia.ko", "$repopath/nvidia/modules");
+ my @versions = split(/-/, $rpm[0]);
+ my @nv_versions = split('_',$versions[5]);
+ my $nv_version = $nv_versions[0];
+ system("wget -P $tmpdir -t2 -T2 $url/x11-video-nvidiaG01-$nv_version* >/dev/null 2>&1");
+ @rpm = glob "$tmpdir/x11-video-nvidiaG01-$nv_version*";
+ $rpm = @rpm;
+ if($rpm == 0)
+ {
+ print "Could not download x11-video-nvidiaG01-$nv_version*.rpm!\n";
+ print "Exiting nvidia driver installation!\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ system("cd $tmpdir; rpm2cpio $rpm[0] | cpio -idv >/dev/null 2>&1");
+ rmtree("$tmpdir/usr/share");
+ system("mv $tmpdir/usr $repopath/nvidia/");
+ rmtree($tmpdir);
+# this function needs wget
+sub installAti
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $repopath = shift || "/opt/openslx/plugin-repo/xserver/";
+ my $pkgpath = shift || "packages";
+ my $tmpdir = "$repopath/ati/temp";
+ if( !-d $tmpdir ) {
+ mkdir( $tmpdir );
+ }
+ else {
+ system("rm -rf $tmpdir/*");
+ }
+ my $mykernel = getKernelVersionForDistro("/boot");
+ my $kver = $mykernel->{'version'};
+ my $kver_ati = $kver;
+ $kver_ati =~ s/-/_/;
+ my $ksuffix = $mykernel->{'suffix'};
+ my $srinfo = `head -n1 /etc/SuSE-release`;
+ my @data = split (/ /, $srinfo);
+ chomp(@data);
+ my $version = $data[1];
+ my $chost = substr($data[2],1,-1);
+ my $url = "$version/";
+ print " * Downloading ATI rpm from$version\n";
+ system("wget -P $tmpdir -t2 -T2 $url/repodata/primary.xml.gz >/dev/null 2>&1");
+ my $url2 = `zcat $tmpdir/primary.xml.gz | grep -P -o "$chost/ati-fglrxG01-kmp-$ksuffix.*?$kver_ati.*?$chost.rpm"`;
+ chomp($url2);
+ if($url2 eq '') {
+ # Taking more general kernel version (minus local suse version)
+ my $newkernvers = '';
+ if($kver_ati =~ /(.*)_(.*?)$/) {
+ # if we have a match here
+ $newkernvers = $1;
+ }
+ else {
+ # just try the old method
+ $newkernvers = substr $kver_ati, 0, -4;
+ }
+ $url2 = `zcat $tmpdir/primary.xml.gz | grep -P -o "$chost/ati-fglrxG01-kmp-$ksuffix.*?$newkernvers.*?$chost.rpm"`;
+ chomp($url2);
+ if(! $url2 eq '') {
+ $kver = $newkernvers;
+ }
+ else {
+ # Minus local Suse version number - hoping, there was no ABI change
+ if($newkernvers =~ /(.*).(.*?)$/) {
+ # here we try with yet another older kernel version
+ $newkernvers = $1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $newkernvers = substr $kver_ati, 0, -7;
+ }
+ $url2 = `zcat $tmpdir/primary.xml.gz | grep -P -o "$chost/ati-fglrxG01-kmp-$ksuffix.*?$newkernvers.*?$chost.rpm"`;
+ chomp($url2);
+ if(! $url2 eq '') {
+ $kver = $newkernvers;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# print "KVER = $kver; CHOST = $chost; ksuffix=$ksuffix\n";
+# system("bash");
+ if($url2 eq '') {
+ print "No ATI module rpm for the chosen kernel version ($kver) found! Exiting!\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ system("wget -P $tmpdir -t2 -T2 $url/$url2 >/dev/null 2>&1");
+ my @rpm = glob "$tmpdir/ati-fglrxG01-kmp-$ksuffix*$chost.rpm";
+ my $rpm = @rpm;
+ if($rpm == 0) {
+ print "Could not download ATI kernel module rpm (for kernel $kver)!\n";
+ print "Consider downgrading your Kernel! \nTrying package-install!\n";
+ $self->installAtiOldStyle(@_);
+ return;
+ }
+ system("cd $tmpdir; rpm2cpio $rpm[0] | cpio -idv >/dev/null 2>&1");
+ if(!-d "$repopath/ati/modules/")
+ {
+ mkdir("$repopath/ati/modules/");
+ }
+ copyFile("$tmpdir/lib/modules/$kver*-$ksuffix/updates/fglrx.ko",
+ "$repopath/ati/modules");
+ my @versions = split(/-/, $rpm[0]);
+ my @ati_versions = split('_',$versions[5]);
+ my $ati_version = $ati_versions[0];
+ $url2 = `zcat $tmpdir/primary.xml.gz | grep -P -o "$chost/x11-video-fglrxG01-$ati_version-.*?.$chost.rpm"`;
+ chomp($url2);
+ system("wget -P $tmpdir -t2 -T2 $url/$url2 >/dev/null 2>&1");
+ @rpm = glob "$tmpdir/x11-video-fglrxG01-$ati_version*";
+ $rpm = @rpm;
+ if($rpm == 0)
+ {
+ print " Could not download x11-video-fglrxG01-$ati_version*.rpm!\n";
+ print " Exiting ATI driver installation!\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ system("cd $tmpdir; rpm2cpio $rpm[0] | cpio -idv >/dev/null 2>&1");
+ rmtree("$tmpdir/usr/share");
+ system("mv $tmpdir/usr $repopath/ati/");
+ system("mv $tmpdir/etc $repopath/ati/");
+ if( ! -d "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri/" ) {
+ system("mkdir -p /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri/");
+ }
+ symlink("$repopath/ati/usr/lib/dri/","/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri/");
+ rmtree($tmpdir);
+sub installAtiOldStyle
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $repopath = shift || "/opt/openslx/plugin-repo/xserver/";
+ my $pkgpath = shift || "packages";
+ my $ret = $self->SUPER::installAti(@_);
+ if($ret =~ /^error$/) {
+ print "Something went wrong installing ATI files!\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ $self->SUPER::getdkms();
+ my $mykernel = getKernelVersionForDistro("/boot");
+ my $kver = $mykernel->{'version'};
+ my $kver_ati = $kver;
+ $kver_ati =~ s/-/_/;
+ my $ksuffix = $mykernel->{'suffix'};
+ my $srinfo = `head -n1 /etc/SuSE-release`;
+ my @data = split (/ /, $srinfo);
+ chomp(@data);
+ my $version = $data[1];
+ my $chost = substr($data[2],1,-1);
+ # here we have to compile the kernel modules for all kernels
+ #
+ my $ati_version = `head $repopath/$pkgpath/ati-driver-installer-*.run | grep -P -o '[0-9]+\.[0-9]{3}' | tail -n1`;
+ chomp($ati_version);
+ system("mv $ret /usr/src/fglrx-$ati_version >/dev/null 2>&1");
+ open FH,">/usr/src/fglrx-$ati_version/dkms.conf";
+ print FH "DEST_MODULE_LOCATION=/updates\n";
+ print FH "PACKAGE_NAME=fglrx\n";
+ print FH "PACKAGE_VERSION=$ati_version\n";
+ close FH;
+ my $cmd = "#============= Executing following command =============\n".
+ "/sbin/dkms ".
+ " -m fglrx -v $ati_version ".
+ " -k $kver-$ksuffix ".
+ " --kernelsourcedir /usr/src/linux-$kver-obj/i586/$ksuffix ".
+ " --no-prepare-kernel ".
+ " --no-clean-kernel ".
+ " build >/dev/null 2>&1 \n".
+ "#==========================================================";
+#print $cmd;
+ if(!-f "/var/lib/dkms/fglrx/$ati_version/$kver-$ksuffix/$chost/module/fglrx.ko") {
+ system("/sbin/dkms add -m fglrx -v $ati_version >/dev/null 2>&1");
+ system($cmd);
+ #if ($? > 0) {
+ # print "\n\nCould not compile module! Exit with Ctrl-D\n";
+ # system("/bin/bash");
+ #}
+ }
+ if(!-d "$repopath/ati/modules/")
+ {
+ mkdir( "$repopath/ati/modules/" );
+ }
+ if( -e "/var/lib/dkms/fglrx/$ati_version/$kver-$ksuffix/$chost/module/fglrx.ko") {
+ copyFile("/var/lib/dkms/fglrx/$ati_version/$kver-$ksuffix/$chost/module/fglrx.ko",
+ "$repopath/ati/modules");
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Could not install ati driver via pkg-installer!\n";
+ rmtree($repopath."/ati");
+ return;
+ }
+ rmtree("$repopath/ati/temp");