path: root/src/lib/OpenSLX
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/lib/OpenSLX')
14 files changed, 4149 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/lib/OpenSLX/ b/src/lib/OpenSLX/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4ac40166
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/OpenSLX/
@@ -0,0 +1,856 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 - OpenSLX GmbH
+# This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
+# See
+# If you have any feedback please consult and
+# send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to
+# General information about OpenSLX can be found at
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+package OpenSLX::Basics;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Exporter;
+$VERSION = 1.01;
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw(
+ &openslxInit %openslxConfig %cmdlineConfig
+ &_tr
+ &warn &die &croak &carp &confess &cluck
+ &callInSubprocess &executeInSubprocess &slxsystem
+ &vlog
+ &checkParams
+ &instantiateClass &loadDistroModule
+=head1 NAME
+OpenSLX::Basics - implements basic functionality for OpenSLX.
+This module exports basic functions, which are expected to be used all across
+our (%openslxConfig, %cmdlineConfig, %openslxPath);
+use subs qw(die warn);
+use open ':utf8';
+require Carp; # do not import anything as we are going to overload carp
+ # and croak!
+use Config::General;
+use Encode;
+use FindBin;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use POSIX qw(locale_h);
+my $translations;
+=item B<%openslxConfig>
+This hash holds the active openslx configuration.
+The initial content is based on environment variables or default values. Calling
+C<openslxInit()> will read the configuration files and/or cmdline arguments
+and modify this hash accordingly.
+The individual entries of this hash are documented in the manual of the
+I<slxsettings>-script, so please look there if you'd like to know more.
+%openslxConfig = (
+ 'db-name' => $ENV{SLX_DB_NAME} || 'openslx',
+ 'db-spec' => $ENV{SLX_DB_SPEC},
+ 'db-type' => $ENV{SLX_DB_TYPE} || 'SQLite',
+ 'locale' => setlocale(LC_MESSAGES),
+ 'locale-charmap' => `locale charmap`,
+ 'base-path' => $ENV{SLX_BASE_PATH} || '/opt/openslx',
+ 'config-path' => $ENV{SLX_CONFIG_PATH} || '/etc/opt/openslx',
+ 'log-level' => $ENV{SLX_VERBOSE_LEVEL} || '0',
+ 'private-path' => $ENV{SLX_PRIVATE_PATH} || '/var/opt/openslx',
+ 'public-path' => $ENV{SLX_PUBLIC_PATH} || '/srv/openslx',
+ 'temp-path' => $ENV{SLX_TEMP_PATH} || '/tmp',
+ #
+ # options useful during development only:
+ #
+ 'debug-confess' => '0',
+ #
+ # only settable programmatically:
+ #
+ 'log-pids' => '0',
+ #
+ # extended settings follow, which are only supported by slxsettings,
+ # but not by any other script:
+ #
+ 'db-user' => undef,
+ 'db-passwd' => undef,
+ 'default-shell' => 'bash',
+ 'default-timezone' => 'Europe/Berlin',
+ 'mirrors-preferred-top-level-domain' => undef,
+ 'mirrors-to-try-count' => '20',
+ 'mirrors-to-use-count' => '5',
+ 'ossetup-max-try-count' => '5',
+ 'pxe-default-menu-entry' => undef,
+ 'pxe-passwd' => 'secret',
+ 'pxe-timeout' => '100',
+ 'pxe-title' => 'Welcome to OpenSLX',
+ 'pxe-totaltimeout' => '600',
+ 'syslinux-theme' => 'openslx',
+=item B<%cmdlineConfig>
+This hash holds the config items that were specified via cmdline. This can be
+useful if you need to find out which settings have been specified via cmdline
+and which ones have come from a config file.
+Currently, only the slxsettings script and some tests make use of this hash.
+# specification of cmdline arguments that are shared by all openslx-scripts:
+my %openslxCmdlineArgs = (
+ # name of database, defaults to 'openslx'
+ 'db-name=s' => \$cmdlineConfig{'db-name'},
+ # full specification of database, a special string defining the
+ # precise database to connect to (the contents of this string
+ # depend on db-type)
+ 'db-spec=s' => \$cmdlineConfig{'db-spec'},
+ # type of database to connect to (SQLite, mysql, ...), defaults to 'SQLite'
+ 'db-type=s' => \$cmdlineConfig{'db-type'},
+ # activates debug mode, this will show the lines where any error occured
+ # (followed by a stacktrace):
+ 'debug-confess' => \$cmdlineConfig{'debug-confess'},
+ # locale to use for translations
+ 'locale=s' => \$cmdlineConfig{'locale'},
+ # locale-charmap to use for I/O (iso-8859-1, utf-8, etc.)
+ 'locale-charmap=s' => \$cmdlineConfig{'locale-charmap'},
+ # level of logging verbosity (0-3)
+ 'log-level=i' => \$cmdlineConfig{'log-level'},
+ # file to write logging output to, defaults to STDERR
+ 'logfile=s' => \$cmdlineConfig{'locale'},
+ # path to private data (which is *not* accesible by clients and contains
+ # database, vendorOSes and all local extensions [system specific scripts])
+ 'private-path=s' => \$cmdlineConfig{'private-path'},
+ # path to public data (which is accesible by clients and contains
+ # PXE-configurations, kernels, initramfs and client configurations)
+ 'public-path=s' => \$cmdlineConfig{'public-path'},
+ # path to temporary data (used during demuxing)
+ 'temp-path=s' => \$cmdlineConfig{'temp-path'},
+# filehandle used for logging:
+my $openslxLog = *STDERR;
+$Carp::CarpLevel = 1;
+=item B<openslxInit()>
+Initializes OpenSLX environment - every script should invoke this function
+before it invokes any other.
+Basically, this function reads in the configuration and sets up logging
+and translation backends.
+Returns 1 upon success and dies in case of a problem.
+sub openslxInit
+ # evaluate cmdline arguments:
+ Getopt::Long::Configure('no_pass_through');
+ GetOptions(%openslxCmdlineArgs);
+ # try to read and evaluate config files:
+ my $configPath
+ = $cmdlineConfig{'config-path'} || $openslxConfig{'config-path'};
+ my $sharePath = "$openslxConfig{'base-path'}/share";
+ my $verboseLevel = $cmdlineConfig{'log-level'} || 0;
+ foreach my $f (
+ "$sharePath/settings.default",
+ "$configPath/settings",
+ "$ENV{HOME}/.openslx/settings"
+ ) {
+ next unless -e $f;
+ if ($verboseLevel >= 2) {
+ vlog(0, "reading config-file $f...");
+ }
+ my $configObject = Config::General->new(
+ -AutoTrue => 1,
+ -ConfigFile => $f,
+ -LowerCaseNames => 1,
+ -SplitPolicy => 'equalsign',
+ );
+ my %config = $configObject->getall();
+ foreach my $key (keys %config) {
+ # N.B.: these config files are used by shell-scripts, too, so in
+ # order to comply with shell-style, the config files use shell
+ # syntax and an uppercase, underline-as-separator format.
+ # Internally, we use lowercase, minus-as-separator format, so we
+ # need to convert the environment variable names to our own
+ # internal style here (e.g. 'SLX_BASE_PATH' to 'base-path'):
+ my $ourKey = $key;
+ $ourKey =~ s[^slx_][];
+ $ourKey =~ tr/_/-/;
+ $openslxConfig{$ourKey} = $config{$key};
+ }
+ }
+ # push any cmdline argument into our config hash, possibly overriding any
+ # setting from the config files:
+ while (my ($key, $val) = each(%cmdlineConfig)) {
+ next unless defined $val;
+ $openslxConfig{$key} = $val;
+ }
+ if (defined $openslxConfig{'logfile'}) {
+ open($openslxLog, '>>', $openslxConfig{'logfile'})
+ or croak(
+ _tr(
+ "unable to append to logfile '%s'! (%s)",
+ $openslxConfig{'logfile'}, $!
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ if ($openslxConfig{'log-level'} >= 2) {
+ foreach my $key (sort keys %openslxConfig) {
+ my $val = $openslxConfig{$key} || '';
+ vlog(2, "config-dump: $key = $val");
+ }
+ }
+ # setup translation "engine":
+ _trInit();
+ return 1;
+=item B<vlog($level, $message)>
+Logs the given I<$message> if the current log level is equal or greater than
+the given I<$level>.
+sub vlog
+ my $minLevel = shift;
+ return if $minLevel > $openslxConfig{'log-level'};
+ my $str = join("", '-' x $minLevel, @_);
+ if (substr($str, -1, 1) ne "\n") {
+ $str .= "\n";
+ }
+ if ($openslxConfig{'log-pids'}) {
+ print $openslxLog "$$: $str";
+ } else {
+ print $openslxLog $str;
+ }
+ return;
+=item B<_tr($originalMsg, @msgParams)>
+Translates the english text given in I<$originalMsg> to the currently selected
+language, passing on any given additional I<$msgParams> to the translation
+process (as printf arguments).
+N.B.: although it starts with an underscore, this is still a public function!
+sub _tr
+ my $trOrig = shift;
+ my $trKey = $trOrig;
+ $trKey =~ s[\n][\\n]g;
+ $trKey =~ s[\t][\\t]g;
+ my $formatStr;
+ if (defined $translations) {
+ $formatStr = $translations->{$trKey};
+ }
+ if (!defined $formatStr) {
+ $formatStr = $trOrig;
+ }
+ return sprintf($formatStr, @_);
+=item B<callInSubprocess($childFunc)>
+Forks the current process and invokes the code given in I<$childFunc> in the
+child process. The parent blocks until the child has executed that function.
+If an error occured during execution of I<$childFunc>, the parent process will
+cleanup the child and then pass back that error with an invocation of die().
+If the process of executing I<$childFunc> is being interrupted by a signal,
+the parent will cleanup and then exit with an appropriate exit code.
+sub callInSubprocess
+ my $childFunc = shift;
+ my $pid = fork();
+ if (!$pid) {
+ # child -> execute the given function and exit:
+ if (! eval { $childFunc->(); 1 }) {
+ $@ = "*** $@" unless substr( $@, 0, 4) eq '*** ';
+ print STDERR "$@\n";
+ }
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ # parent -> pass on interrupt- and terminate-signals to child ...
+ $SIG{INT} = sub { kill 'INT', $pid; };
+ $SIG{TERM} = sub { kill 'TERM', $pid; };
+ # ... and wait until child has done its work
+ waitpid($pid, 0);
+ exit $? if $?;
+ return;
+=item B<executeInSubprocess(@cmdlineArgs)>
+Forks the current process and executes the program given in I<@cmdlineArgs> in
+the child process.
+The parent process returns immediately after having spawned the new process,
+returning the process-ID of the child.
+sub executeInSubprocess
+ my @cmdlineArgs = @_;
+ my $pid = fork();
+ if (!$pid) {
+ # child...
+ # ...exec the given cmdline:
+ exec(@cmdlineArgs);
+ }
+ # parent...
+ return $pid;
+=item B<slxsystem(@cmdlineArgs)>
+Executes a new program specified by I<@cmdlineArgs> and waits until it is done.
+Returns the exit code of the execution (usually 0 if everything is ok).
+If any signal (other than SIGPIPE) interrupts the execution, this function
+dies with an appropriate error message. SIGPIPE is being ignored in order
+to ignore any failed FTP connections and the like (we just return the
+error code instead).
+sub slxsystem
+ vlog(2, _tr("executing: %s", join ' ', @_));
+ my $res = system(@_);
+ if ($res > 0) {
+ # check if child got killed, if so we stop, too (unless the signal is
+ # SIGPIPE, which we ignore in order to loop over failed FTP connections
+ # and the like):
+ my $signalNo = $res & 127;
+ if ($signalNo > 0 && $signalNo != 13) {
+ die _tr(
+ "child-process received signal '%s', parent stops!", $signalNo
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return $res;
+=item B<cluck()>, B<carp()>, B<warn()>, B<confess()>, B<croak()>, B<die()>
+Overrides of the respective functions in I<Carp::> or I<CORE::> that mark
+any warnings with '°°°' and any errors with '***' in order to make them
+more visible in the output.
+sub cluck
+ _doThrowOrWarn('cluck', @_);
+ return;
+sub carp
+ _doThrowOrWarn('carp', @_);
+ return;
+sub warn
+ _doThrowOrWarn('warn', @_);
+ return;
+sub confess
+ _doThrowOrWarn('confess', @_);
+ return;
+sub croak
+ _doThrowOrWarn('croak', @_);
+ return;
+sub die
+ _doThrowOrWarn('die', @_);
+ return;
+=item B<checkParams($params, $paramsSpec)>
+Utility function that can be used by any function that accepts param-hashes
+to check if the parameters given in I<$params> actually match the expectations
+specified in I<$paramsSpec>.
+Each individual parameter has a specification that describes the expectation
+that the calling function has towards this param. The following specifications
+are supported:
+* '!' - the parameter is required
+* '?' - the parameter is optional
+* 'm{regex}' - the parameter must match the given regex
+* '!class=...' - the parameter is required and must be an object of the given class
+* '?class=...' - if the parameter has been given, it must be an object of the given class
+The function will confess for any unknown, missing, or non-matching param.
+sub checkParams
+ my $params = shift or confess('need to pass in params-hashref!');
+ my $paramsSpec = shift or confess('need to pass in params-spec-hashref!');
+ # print a warning for any unknown parameters that have been given:
+ my @unknownParams
+ = grep { !exists $paramsSpec->{$_}; }
+ keys %$params;
+ if (@unknownParams) {
+ my $unknownParamsStr = join ',', @unknownParams;
+ confess("Enocuntered unknown params: '$unknownParamsStr'!\n");
+ }
+ # check if all required params have been specified:
+ foreach my $param (keys %$paramsSpec) {
+ my $spec = $paramsSpec->{$param};
+ if (ref($spec) eq 'HASH') {
+ # Handle nested specs by recursion:
+ my $subParams = $params->{$param};
+ if (!defined $subParams) {
+ confess("Required param '$param' is missing!");
+ }
+ checkParams($subParams, $spec);
+ }
+ elsif (ref($spec) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ # Handle nested spec arrays by looped recursion:
+ my $subParams = $params->{$param};
+ if (!defined $subParams) {
+ confess("Required param '$param' is missing!");
+ }
+ elsif (ref($subParams) ne 'ARRAY') {
+ confess("Value for param '$param' must be an array-ref!");
+ }
+ foreach my $subParam (@$subParams) {
+ checkParams($subParam, $spec->[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($spec eq '!') {
+ # required parameter:
+ if (!exists $params->{$param}) {
+ confess("Required param '$param' is missing!");
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($spec =~ m{^\!class=(.+)$}i) {
+ my $class = $1;
+ # required parameter ...
+ if (!exists $params->{$param}) {
+ confess("Required param '$param' is missing!");
+ }
+ # ... of specific class
+ if (!$params->{$param}->isa($class)) {
+ confess("Param '$param' is not a '$class', but that is required!");
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($spec eq '?') {
+ # optional parameter - nothing to do
+ }
+ elsif ($spec =~ m{^\?class=(.+)$}i) {
+ my $class = $1;
+ # optional parameter ...
+ if (exists $params->{$param}) {
+ # ... has been given, so it must match specific class
+ if (!$params->{$param}->isa($class)) {
+ confess("Param '$param' is not a '$class', but that is required!");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($spec =~ m{^m{(.+)}$}) {
+ # try to match given regex:
+ my $regex = $1;
+ my $value = $params->{$param};
+ if ($value !~ m{$regex}) {
+ confess("Required param '$param' isn't matching regex '$regex' (given value was '$value')!");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # complain about unknown spec:
+ confess("Unknown param-spec '$spec' encountered!");
+ }
+ }
+ return scalar 1;
+=item B<instantiateClass($class, $flags)>
+Loads the required module and instantiates an object of the class given in
+The following flags can be specified via I<$flags>-hashref:
+=item acceptMissing [optional]
+Usually, this function will die if the corresponding module could not be found
+(acceptMissing == 0). Pass in acceptMissing => 1 if you want this function
+to return undef instead.
+=item pathToClass [optional]
+Sometimes, the module specified in I<$class> lives relative to another path.
+If so, you can specify the base path of that module via this flag.
+=item incPaths [optional]
+Some modules live outside of the standard perl search paths. If you'd like to
+load such a module, you can specify one (or more) paths that will be added
+to @INC while trying to load the module.
+=item version [optional]
+If you require a specific version of the module, you can specify the version
+number via the I<$version> flag.
+sub instantiateClass
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $flags = shift || {};
+ checkParams($flags, {
+ 'acceptMissing' => '?',
+ 'pathToClass' => '?',
+ 'incPaths' => '?',
+ 'version' => '?',
+ });
+ my $pathToClass = $flags->{pathToClass};
+ my $requestedVersion = $flags->{version};
+ my $incPaths = $flags->{incPaths} || [];
+ my $moduleName = defined $pathToClass ? "$pathToClass/$class" : $class;
+ $moduleName =~ s[::][/]g;
+ $moduleName .= '.pm';
+ vlog(3, "trying to load $moduleName...");
+ local @INC = @INC;
+ foreach my $incPath (@$incPaths) {
+ next if grep { $_ eq $incPath } @INC;
+ unshift @INC, $incPath;
+ }
+ if (!eval { require $moduleName; 1 } ) {
+ # check if module does not exists anywhere in search path
+ if ($! == 2) {
+ return if $flags->{acceptMissing};
+ die _tr("Module '%s' not found!\n", $moduleName);
+ }
+ # some other error (probably compilation problems)
+ die _tr("Unable to load module '%s' (%s)\n", $moduleName, $@);
+ }
+ if (defined $requestedVersion) {
+ my $classVersion = $class->VERSION;
+ if ($classVersion < $requestedVersion) {
+ die _tr(
+ 'Could not load class <%s> (Version <%s> required, but <%s> found)',
+ $class, $requestedVersion, $classVersion);
+ }
+ }
+ return $class->new;
+=item B<loadDistroModule($params)>
+Tries to determine the most appropriate distro module for the context specified
+via the given I<$params>.
+During that process, this function will try to load several different modules,
+working its way from the most specific down to a generic fallback.
+For example: when given I<suse-10.3_x86_64> as distroName, this function would
+try the following modules:
+=item I<Suse_10_3_x86_64>
+=item I<Suse_10_3>
+=item I<Suse_10>
+=item I<Suse>
+=item I<Base> (or whatever has been given as fallback name)
+The I<$params>-hashref supports the following entries:
+=item distroName
+Specifies the name of the distro as it was retrieved from the vendor-OS
+(e.g. 'suse-10.2' or 'ubuntu-8.04_amd64').
+=item distroScope
+Specifies the scope of the required distro class (e.g.
+'OpenSLX::OSSetup::Distro' or 'vmware::OpenSLX::Distro').
+=item fallbackName [optional]
+Instead of the default 'Base', you can specify the name of a different fallback
+class that will be tried if no module matching the given distro name could be
+=item pathToClass [optional]
+If you require the distro modules to be loaded relative to a specific path,
+you can specify that base path via the I<$pathToClass> param.
+sub loadDistroModule
+ my $params = shift;
+ checkParams($params, {
+ 'distroName' => '!',
+ 'distroScope' => '!',
+ 'fallbackName' => '?',
+ 'pathToClass' => '?',
+ });
+ my $distroName = ucfirst(lc($params->{distroName}));
+ my $distroScope = $params->{distroScope};
+ my $fallbackName = $params->{fallbackName} || 'Base';
+ my $pathToClass = $params->{pathToClass};
+ vlog(1, "finding a ${distroScope} module for $distroName ...");
+ # try to load the distro module starting with the given name and then
+ # working the way upwards (from most specific to generic).
+ $distroName =~ tr{.-}{__};
+ my @distroModules;
+ my $blockRX = qr{
+ ^(.+?)_ # everything before the last block (the rest is dropped)
+ (?:x86_)? # takes care to treat 'x86_64' as one block
+ [^_]*$ # the last _-block
+ }x;
+ while($distroName =~ m{$blockRX}) {
+ push @distroModules, $distroName;
+ $distroName = $1;
+ }
+ push @distroModules, $distroName;
+ push @distroModules, $fallbackName;
+ my $pluginBasePath = "$openslxConfig{'base-path'}/lib/plugins";
+ my $distro;
+ for my $distroModule (@distroModules) {
+ my $loaded = eval {
+ vlog(1, "trying ${distroScope}::$distroModule ...");
+ my $flags = { acceptMissing => 1 };
+ if ($pathToClass) {
+ $flags->{incPaths} = [ $pathToClass ];
+ }
+ $distro = instantiateClass("${distroScope}::$distroModule", $flags);
+ return 0 if !$distro; # module does not exist, try next
+ vlog(1, "ok - using ${distroScope}::$distroModule.");
+ 1;
+ };
+ last if $loaded;
+ if (!defined $loaded) {
+ die _tr(
+ "Error when trying to load distro module '%s':\n%s",
+ $distroModule, $@
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return $distro;
+sub _trInit
+ # activate automatic charset conversion on all the standard I/O streams,
+ # just to give *some* support to shells in other charsets:
+ binmode(STDIN, ":encoding($openslxConfig{'locale-charmap'})");
+ binmode(STDOUT, ":encoding($openslxConfig{'locale-charmap'})");
+ binmode(STDERR, ":encoding($openslxConfig{'locale-charmap'})");
+ my $locale = $openslxConfig{'locale'};
+ if (lc($locale) eq 'c') {
+ # treat locale 'c' as equivalent for 'posix':
+ $locale = 'posix';
+ }
+ if (lc($locale) ne 'posix') {
+ # parse locale and canonicalize it (e.g. to 'de_DE') and generate
+ # two filenames from it (language+country and language only):
+ if ($locale !~ m{^\s*([^_]+)(?:_(\w+))?}) {
+ die "locale $locale has unknown format!?!";
+ }
+ my @locales;
+ if (defined $2) {
+ push @locales, lc($1) . '_' . uc($2);
+ }
+ push @locales, lc($1);
+ # try to load any of the Translation modules (starting with the more
+ # specific one [language+country]):
+ my $loadedTranslationModule;
+ foreach my $trName (@locales) {
+ vlog(2, "trying to load translation module $trName...");
+ my $trModule = "OpenSLX/Translations/$";
+ my $trModuleSpec = "OpenSLX::Translations::$trName";
+ if (eval { require $trModule } ) {
+ # copy the translations available in the given locale into our
+ # hash:
+ $translations = $trModuleSpec->getAllTranslations();
+ $loadedTranslationModule = $trModule;
+ vlog(
+ 1,
+ _tr(
+ "translations module %s loaded successfully", $trModule
+ )
+ );
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!defined $loadedTranslationModule) {
+ vlog(1,
+ "unable to load any translations module for locale '$locale' ($!)."
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub _doThrowOrWarn
+ my $type = shift;
+ my $msg = shift;
+ # use '! ' for warnings and '***' for errors
+ $msg =~ s[^(! |\*\*\*) ][]gms;
+ if ($type eq 'carp' || $type eq 'warn' || $type eq 'cluck') {
+ $msg =~ s[^][! ]gms;
+ }
+ else {
+ $msg =~ s[^][*** ]gms;
+ }
+ if ($openslxConfig{'debug-confess'}) {
+ my %functionFor = (
+ 'carp' => sub { Carp::cluck @_ },
+ 'cluck' => sub { Carp::cluck @_ },
+ 'confess' => sub { Carp::confess @_ },
+ 'croak' => sub { Carp::confess @_ },
+ 'die' => sub { Carp::confess @_ },
+ 'warn' => sub { Carp::cluck @_ },
+ );
+ my $func = $functionFor{$type};
+ $func->($msg);
+ }
+ else {
+ chomp $msg;
+ my %functionFor = (
+ 'carp' => sub { Carp::carp @_ },
+ 'cluck' => sub { Carp::cluck @_ },
+ 'confess' => sub { Carp::confess @_ },
+ 'croak' => sub { Carp::croak @_ },
+ 'die' => sub { CORE::die @_},
+ 'warn' => sub { CORE::warn @_ },
+ );
+ my $func = $functionFor{$type};
+ $func->("$msg\n");
+ }
+ return;
diff --git a/src/lib/OpenSLX/ b/src/lib/OpenSLX/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fd52821e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/OpenSLX/
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 - OpenSLX GmbH
+# This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
+# See
+# If you have any feedback please consult and
+# send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to
+# General information about OpenSLX can be found at
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+package OpenSLX::ConfigFolder;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Exporter;
+$VERSION = 1.01;
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw(
+ &createConfigFolderForDefaultSystem
+ &createConfigFolderForSystem
+=head1 NAME
+OpenSLX::ConfigFolder - implements configuration folder related functionality
+for OpenSLX.
+This module exports functions that create configuration folders for specific
+system, which will be used by the slxconfig-demuxer when building an initramfs
+for each system.
+use OpenSLX::Basics;
+use OpenSLX::Utils;
+=item B<createConfigFolderForDefaultSystem()>
+Creates the configuration folder for the default system.
+The resulting folder will be named C<default> and will be created
+in the I<OpenSLX-private-path>C</config>-folder (usually
+Within that folder, two subfolders, C<initramfs> and C<rootfs> will be created.
+In the C<initramfs>-subfolder, two files will be created: C<preinit.local>
+and C<postinit.local>, who are empty stub-scripts meant to be edited by the
+OpenSLX admin.
+The functions returns 1 if any folder or file had to be created and 0 if all the
+required folders & files already existed.
+sub createConfigFolderForDefaultSystem
+ my $result = 0;
+ my $defaultConfigPath = "$openslxConfig{'private-path'}/config/default";
+ if (!-e "$defaultConfigPath/initramfs") {
+ slxsystem("mkdir -p $defaultConfigPath/initramfs");
+ $result = 1;
+ }
+ if (!-e "$defaultConfigPath/rootfs") {
+ slxsystem("mkdir -p $defaultConfigPath/rootfs");
+ $result = 1;
+ }
+ # create default pre-/postinit scripts for us in initramfs:
+ my $preInitFile = "$defaultConfigPath/initramfs/preinit.local";
+ if (!-e $preInitFile) {
+ my $preInit = unshiftHereDoc(<<' END-of-HERE');
+ #!/bin/sh
+ #
+ # This script allows the local admin to extend the
+ # capabilities at the beginning of the initramfs (stage3).
+ # The toolset is rather limited and you have to keep in mind
+ # that stage4 rootfs has the prefix '/mnt'.
+ spitFile($preInitFile, $preInit);
+ slxsystem("chmod u+x $preInitFile");
+ $result = 1;
+ }
+ my $postInitFile = "$defaultConfigPath/initramfs/postinit.local";
+ if (!-e $postInitFile) {
+ my $postInit = unshiftHereDoc(<<' END-of-HERE');
+ #!/bin/sh
+ #
+ # This script allows the local admin to extend the
+ # capabilities at the end of the initramfs (stage3).
+ # The toolset is rather limited and you have to keep in mind
+ # that stage4 rootfs has the prefix '/mnt'.
+ # But you may use some special slx-functions available via
+ # inclusion: '. /etc/functions' ...
+ spitFile($postInitFile, $postInit);
+ slxsystem("chmod u+x $postInitFile");
+ $result = 1;
+ }
+ return $result;
+=item B<createConfigFolderForSystem($systemName)>
+Creates the configuration folder for the system whose name has been given in
+The resulting folder will be named just like the system and will be created
+in the I<OpenSLX-private-path>C</config>-folder (usually
+In that folder, a single subfolder C<default> will be created (representing
+the default setup for all clients of that system). Within that folder, two
+subfolders, C<initramfs> and C<rootfs> will be created.
+The functions returns 1 if any folder had to be created and 0 if all the
+required folders already existed.
+sub createConfigFolderForSystem
+ my $systemName = shift || confess "need to pass in system-name!";
+ my $result = 0;
+ my $systemConfigPath
+ = "$openslxConfig{'private-path'}/config/$systemName/default";
+ if (!-e "$systemConfigPath/initramfs") {
+ slxsystem("mkdir -p $systemConfigPath/initramfs");
+ $result = 1;
+ }
+ if (!-e "$systemConfigPath/rootfs") {
+ slxsystem("mkdir -p $systemConfigPath/rootfs");
+ $result = 1;
+ }
+ return $result;
diff --git a/src/lib/OpenSLX/ b/src/lib/OpenSLX/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d7456d92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/OpenSLX/
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 - OpenSLX GmbH
+# This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
+# See
+# If you have any feedback please consult and
+# send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to
+# General information about OpenSLX can be found at
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# - provides utility distro based functions for OpenSLX
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+package OpenSLX::DistroUtils;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use OpenSLX::Utils;
+use OpenSLX::Basics;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use OpenSLX::DistroUtils::Engine;
+use OpenSLX::DistroUtils::InitFile;
+use Exporter;
+use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT $VERSION);
+use Exporter;
+$VERSION = 1.01;
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw(
+ newInitFile
+ getInitFileForDistro
+ simpleInitFile
+ getKernelVersionForDistro
+sub newInitFile {
+ return OpenSLX::DistroUtils::InitFile->new();
+sub simpleInitFile {
+ my $config = shift;
+ my $initFile = OpenSLX::DistroUtils::InitFile->new();
+ return $initFile->simpleSetup($config);
+sub getInitFileForDistro {
+ my $initFile = shift;
+ my $distroName = shift;
+ my $distro;
+ my $engine = OpenSLX::DistroUtils::Engine->new();
+ if ($distroName) {
+ $distro = $engine->loadDistro($distroName);
+ } else {
+ $distro = $engine->loadDistro('Base');
+ }
+ #return $distro->dumpInit($initFile);
+ return $distro->generateInitFile($initFile);
+sub getKernelVersionForDistro {
+ my $kernelPath = shift;
+ my $distroName = shift;
+ my $distro;
+ my $engine = OpenSLX::DistroUtils::Engine->new();
+ if ($distroName) {
+ $distro = $engine->loadDistro($distroName);
+ } else {
+ $distro = $engine->loadDistro('Base');
+ }
+ return $distro->getKernelVersion($kernelPath);
+1; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lib/OpenSLX/DistroUtils/ b/src/lib/OpenSLX/DistroUtils/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f9e6b13b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/OpenSLX/DistroUtils/
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 - OpenSLX GmbH
+# This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
+# See
+# If you have any feedback please consult and
+# send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to
+# General information about OpenSLX can be found at
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# - provides base for distro based utils for OpenSLX
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+package OpenSLX::DistroUtils::Base;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use OpenSLX::Utils;
+use Clone qw(clone);
+use Switch;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+sub new
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $self = {};
+ return bless $self, $class;
+sub dumpInit
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $initFile = shift;
+ print Dumper($initFile->{'configHash'});
+ print $self->generateInitFile($initFile);
+sub _concatContent
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $block = shift;
+ my $output;
+ $output = "#";
+ $output .= $block->{'blockDesc'};
+ $output .= "\n";
+ my $content = $block->{'content'};
+ while ( my ($priority, $contentArray) = each %$content )
+ {
+ $output .= join("\n", @$contentArray);
+ $output .= "\n";
+ }
+ return $output;
+sub _renderInfoBlock
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $config = shift;
+ my $tpl = unshiftHereDoc(<<' End-of-Here');
+ # Provides: %s
+ # Required-Start: %s
+ # Required-Stop: %s
+ # Default-Start: %s
+ # Default-Stop: %s
+ # Short-Description: %s
+ End-of-Here
+ return sprintf(
+ $tpl,
+ $config->{'name'},
+ $config->{'requiredStart'},
+ $config->{'requiredStop'},
+ $config->{'defaultStart'},
+ $config->{'defaultStop'},
+ $config->{'shortDesc'}
+ );
+sub _insertSystemHelperFunctions
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $content = shift;
+ # do some regex
+ # ubuntu:
+ # log_end_msg
+ # log_progress_msg
+ # log_daemon_msg
+ # log_action_msg
+ # start-stop-daemon
+ # suse
+ return $content;
+sub _renderHighlevelConfig
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $initFile = shift;
+ my $element;
+ my $hlc = $initFile->{'configHash'}->{'highlevelConfig'};
+ while ( $element = shift(@$hlc)){
+ switch ($element->{type}) {
+ case 'daemon' {
+ my $tpl;
+ $tpl = "%s_BIN=%s \n";
+ $tpl .= "[ -x %s_BIN ] || exit 5\n\n";
+ $tpl .= "%s_OPTS=\"%s\" \n";
+ $tpl .= "[ -f /etc/sysconfig/%s ] . /etc/sysconfig/%s \n\n";
+ $tpl .= "[ -f /etc/default/%s ] . /etc/default/%s \n\n";
+ $tpl .= "%s_PIDFILE=\"/var/run/\" \n\n";
+ $initFile->addToBlock('head',
+ sprintf(
+ $tpl,
+ uc($element->{shortname}),
+ $element->{binary},
+ uc($element->{shortname}),
+ uc($element->{shortname}),
+ $element->{parameters},
+ $element->{shortname},
+ $element->{shortname},
+ $element->{shortname},
+ $element->{shortname},
+ uc($element->{shortname}),
+ $element->{shortname}
+ ),
+ $element->{priority}
+ );
+ $tpl = "echo -n \"Starting %s \"\n";
+ $tpl .= "startproc -f -p \$%s_PIDFILE \$%s_BIN \$%s_OPTS\n";
+ $tpl .= "rc_status -v";
+ $initFile->addToCase('start',
+ sprintf(
+ $tpl,
+ $element->{desc},
+ uc($element->{shortname}),
+ uc($element->{shortname}),
+ uc($element->{shortname})
+ ),
+ $element->{priority}
+ );
+ $tpl = "echo -n \"Shutting down %s\" \n";
+ $tpl .= "killproc -p \$%s_PIDFILE -TERM \$%s_BIN\n";
+ $tpl .= "rc_status -v";
+ $initFile->addToCase('stop',
+ sprintf(
+ $tpl,
+ $element->{desc},
+ uc($element->{shortname}),
+ uc($element->{shortname})
+ ),
+ 10 - $element->{priority}
+ );
+ $tpl = "## Stop the service and if this succeeds (i.e. the \n";
+ $tpl .= "## service was running before), start it again.\n";
+ $tpl .= "\$0 status >/dev/null && \$0 restart\n\n";
+ $tpl .= "# Remember status and be quiet\n";
+ $tpl .= "rc_status";
+ $initFile->addToCase('try-restart',
+ $tpl,
+ $element->{priority}
+ );
+ $tpl = "## Stop the service and regardless of whether it was \n";
+ $tpl .= "## running or not, start it again.\n";
+ $tpl .= "\$0 stop\n";
+ $tpl .= "\$0 start\n\n";
+ $tpl .= "# Remember status and be quiet\n";
+ $tpl .= "rc_status";
+ $initFile->addToCase('restart',
+ $tpl,
+ $element->{priority}
+ );
+ $tpl = "echo -n \"Reload service %s\"\n";
+ $tpl .= "killproc -p \$%s_PIDFILE -HUP \$%s_BIN\n";
+ $tpl .= "rc_status -v";
+ $initFile->addToCase('reload',
+ sprintf(
+ $tpl,
+ $element->{desc},
+ uc($element->{shortname}),
+ uc($element->{shortname}),
+ uc($element->{shortname})
+ ),
+ $element->{priority}
+ );
+ $tpl = "echo -n \"Checking for service %s\"\n";
+ $tpl .= "checkproc -p \$%s_PIDFILE \$%s_BIN\n";
+ $tpl .= "rc_status -v";
+ $initFile->addToCase('status',
+ sprintf(
+ $tpl,
+ $element->{desc},
+ uc($element->{shortname}),
+ uc($element->{shortname})
+ ),
+ $element->{priority}
+ );
+ }
+ case 'function' {
+ my $tpl;
+ $tpl = "%s () { \n";
+ $tpl .= "%s";
+ $tpl .= "\n}\n";
+ $initFile->addToBlock('functions',
+ sprintf(
+ $tpl,
+ $element->{name},
+ $element->{script}
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ case 'functionCall' {
+ my $tpl;
+ $tpl = "%s %s\n";
+ #$tpl .= "%s\n ";
+ $initFile->addToCase($element->{block},
+ sprintf(
+ $tpl,
+ $element->{function},
+ $element->{parameters},
+ ""
+ ),
+ $element->{priority}
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub _getInitsystemIncludes
+ return "\n";
+sub _renderCasePrefix
+ return "\n";
+sub _renderFooter
+ return "exit 0\n";
+sub _generateUsage
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $usage = shift;
+ my $tpl;
+ $tpl = "## print out usage \n";
+ $tpl .= "echo \"Usage: \$0 {%s}\" >&2 \n";
+ $tpl .= "exit 1";
+ return sprintf(
+ $tpl,
+ $usage
+ );
+sub _getAuthorBlock
+ my $tpl;
+ $tpl = "# Copyright (c) 2009 - OpenSLX GmbH \n";
+ $tpl .= "# \n";
+ $tpl .= "# This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2. \n";
+ $tpl .= "# See \n";
+ $tpl .= "# \n";
+ $tpl .= "# If you have any feedback please consult and \n";
+ $tpl .= "# send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to feedback\ \n";
+ $tpl .= "# \n";
+ $tpl .= "# General information about OpenSLX can be found at \n";
+ $tpl .= "# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
+ $tpl .= "# §filename§ \n";
+ $tpl .= "# - §desc§ \n";
+ $tpl .= "# §generated§ \n";
+ $tpl .= "# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n";
+ return sprintf(
+ $tpl
+ );
+sub generateInitFile
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $initFile = shift;
+ my $content;
+ my @usage;
+ # get a copy of initFile object before modifying it..
+ my $initFileCopy = clone($initFile);
+ $self->_renderHighlevelConfig($initFileCopy);
+ my $config = $initFileCopy->{'configHash'};
+ my $output;
+ # head
+ $output = "#!/bin/sh\n";
+ $output .= $self->_getAuthorBlock();
+ $output .= $self->_renderInfoBlock($config);
+ $output .= $self->_getInitsystemIncludes();
+ if (keys(%{$config->{'blocks'}->{'head'}->{'content'}}) > 0) {
+ $output .= $self->_concatContent($config->{'blocks'}->{'head'});
+ }
+ # functions
+ if (keys(%{$config->{'blocks'}->{'functions'}->{'content'}}) > 0) {
+ $output .= $self->_concatContent($config->{'blocks'}->{'functions'});
+ }
+ # case block
+ $output .= $self->_renderCasePrefix();
+ $output .= "\ncase \"\$1\" in \n";
+ # get caseBlocks in defined order
+ my @blocks = sort{
+ $config->{'caseBlocks'}->{$a}->{'order'} <=>
+ $config->{'caseBlocks'}->{$b}->{'order'}
+ }
+ keys(%{$config->{'caseBlocks'}});
+ # case block
+ while (@blocks)
+ {
+ my $block= shift(@blocks);
+ if (keys(%{$config->{'caseBlocks'}->{$block}->{'content'}}) > 0) {
+ push(@usage, $block);
+ $output .= " $block)\n";
+ $content = $self->_concatContent($config->{'caseBlocks'}->{$block});
+ $content =~ s/^/ /mg;
+ $output .= $content;
+ $output .= " ;;\n";
+ } else {
+ if ($config->{'caseBlocks'}->{$block}->{'required'}) {
+ print "required block $block undefined";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # autogenerate usage
+ if (scalar(grep(/usage/, @usage)) == 0) {
+ $initFileCopy->addToCase(
+ 'usage',
+ $self->_generateUsage(join(', ',@usage))
+ );
+ $output .= " *)\n";
+ $content = $self->_concatContent($config->{'caseBlocks'}->{'usage'});
+ $content =~ s/^/ /mg;
+ $output .= $content;
+ $output .= " ;;\n";
+ }
+ # footer
+ $output .= "esac\n\n";
+ $output .= $self->_renderFooter();
+ return $output;
+sub getKernelVersion
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $kernelPath = shift;
+ my $newestKernelFile;
+ my $newestKernelFileSortKey = '';
+ my $kernelPattern = '{vmlinuz,kernel-genkernel-x86}-*';
+ foreach my $kernelFile (glob("$kernelPath/$kernelPattern")) {
+ next unless $kernelFile =~ m{
+ (?:vmlinuz|x86)-(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?-(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)
+ }x;
+ my $sortKey
+ = sprintf("%02d.%02d.%02d.%02d-%2.1f", $1, $2, $3, $4||0, $5);
+ if ($newestKernelFileSortKey lt $sortKey) {
+ $newestKernelFile = $kernelFile;
+ $newestKernelFileSortKey = $sortKey;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!defined $newestKernelFile) {
+ die; #_tr("unable to pick a kernel-file from path '%s'!", $kernelPath);
+ }
+ $newestKernelFile =~ /.*?-([.\-0-9]*)-([a-zA-Z]*?)$/;
+ my $kernel = {};
+ $kernel->{'version'} = $1;
+ $kernel->{'suffix'} = $2;
+ return $kernel;
diff --git a/src/lib/OpenSLX/DistroUtils/ b/src/lib/OpenSLX/DistroUtils/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..16c3e585
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/OpenSLX/DistroUtils/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 - OpenSLX GmbH
+# This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
+# See
+# If you have any feedback please consult and
+# send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to
+# General information about OpenSLX can be found at
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# - provides engine to distro based utils for OpenSLX
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+package OpenSLX::DistroUtils::Engine;
+use OpenSLX::Basics;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+sub new
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $self = {};
+ return bless $self, $class;
+sub loadDistro {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $distroName = shift;
+ $distroName = ucfirst($distroName);
+ my $distro;
+ my $loaded = eval {
+ $distro = instantiateClass("OpenSLX::DistroUtils::${distroName}");
+ return 0 if !$distro; # module does not exist, try next
+ 1;
+ };
+ if (!$loaded) {
+ vlog(1, "can't find distro specific class, try base class..");
+ $loaded = eval {
+ $distro = instantiateClass("OpenSLX::DistroUtils::Base");
+ return 0 if !$distro; # module does not exist, try next
+ 1;
+ };
+ }
+ if (!$loaded) {
+ vlog(1, "failed to load DistroUtils!");
+ }
+ return $distro;
diff --git a/src/lib/OpenSLX/DistroUtils/ b/src/lib/OpenSLX/DistroUtils/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ab729959
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/OpenSLX/DistroUtils/
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 - OpenSLX GmbH
+# This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
+# See
+# If you have any feedback please consult and
+# send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to
+# General information about OpenSLX can be found at
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# - configuration object for runlevel script
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+package OpenSLX::DistroUtils::InitFile;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use OpenSLX::Basics;
+use OpenSLX::Utils;
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $params = shift || {};
+ my $self = {
+ };
+ $self->{'configHash'} = _initialConfigHash();
+ return bless $self, $class;
+sub _initialConfigHash() {
+ return {
+ 'name' => "",
+ 'requiredStart' => "\$remote_fs",
+ 'requiredStop' => "\$remote_fs",
+ 'defaultStart' => "2 3 4 5",
+ 'defaultStop' => "1",
+ 'shortDesc' => "",
+ 'blocks' => {
+ 'head' => {
+ 'blockDesc' => "head: file existing checks, etc.",
+ 'content' => {}
+ },
+ 'functions' => {
+ 'blockDesc' => "functions: helper functions",
+ 'content' => {}
+ }
+ },
+ 'caseBlocks' => {
+ 'start' => {
+ 'blockDesc' => "start: defines start function for initscript",
+ 'content' => {},
+ 'order' => 1,
+ 'required' => 1
+ },
+ 'stop' => {
+ 'blockDesc' => "stop: defines stop function for initscript",
+ 'content' => {},
+ 'order' => 2,
+ 'required' => 1
+ },
+ 'reload' => {
+ 'blockDesc' => "reload: defines reload function for initscript",
+ 'content' => {},
+ 'order' => 3,
+ 'required' => 0
+ },
+ 'force-reload' => {
+ 'blockDesc' => "force-reload: defines force-reload function for initscript",
+ 'content' => {},
+ 'order' => 4,
+ 'required' => 0
+ },
+ 'restart' => {
+ 'blockDesc' => "restart: defines restart function for initscript",
+ 'content' => {},
+ 'order' => 5,
+ 'required' => 1
+ },
+ 'try-restart' => {
+ 'blockDesc' => "restart: defines restart function for initscript",
+ 'content' => {},
+ 'order' => 6,
+ 'required' => 0
+ },
+ 'status' => {
+ 'blockDesc' => "status: defines status function for initscript",
+ 'content' => {},
+ 'order' => 7,
+ 'required' => 0
+ },
+ 'usage' => {
+ 'blockDesc' => "usage: defines usage function for initscript",
+ 'content' => {},
+ 'order' => 8,
+ 'required' => 0
+ }
+ }
+ };
+sub addToCase {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $blockName = shift;
+ my $content = shift;
+ my $priority = shift || 5;
+ #check if block is valid..
+ push(@{$self->{'configHash'}->{'caseBlocks'}->{$blockName}->{'content'}->{$priority}}, $content);
+ return $self;
+sub addToBlock {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $blockName = shift;
+ my $content = shift;
+ my $priority = shift || 5;
+ #check if block is valid..
+ push(@{$self->{'configHash'}->{'blocks'}->{$blockName}->{'content'}->{$priority}}, $content);
+ return $self;
+sub setName {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
+ $self->{'configHash'}->{'name'} = $name;
+ return $self;
+sub setDesc {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $desc = shift;
+ $self->{'configHash'}->{'shortDesc'} = $desc;
+ return $self;
+sub addFunction {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $script = shift;
+ my $flags = shift || {};
+ my $priority = $flags->{priority} || 5;
+ push(@{$self->{'configHash'}->{'highlevelConfig'}},
+ {
+ name => $name,
+ script => $script,
+ priority => $priority,
+ type => 'function'
+ });
+ return 1;
+sub addFunctionCall {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $function = shift;
+ my $block = shift;
+ my $flags = shift;
+ my $priority = $flags->{priority} || 5;
+ my $parameters = $flags->{parameters} || "";
+ push(@{$self->{'configHash'}->{'highlevelConfig'}},
+ {
+ function => $function,
+ block => $block,
+ parameters => $parameters,
+ priority => $priority,
+ type => 'functionCall'
+ });
+ return 1;
+sub addScript {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $script = shift;
+ my $flags = shift || {};
+ my $block = $flags->{block} || 'start';
+ my $required = $flags->{required} || 1;
+ my $errormsg = $flags->{errormsg} || "$name failed!";
+ my $priority = $flags->{priority} || 5;
+ push(@{$self->{'configHash'}->{'highlevelConfig'}},
+ {
+ name => $name,
+ script => $script,
+ block => $block,
+ required => $required,
+ priority => $priority,
+ errormsg => $errormsg,
+ type => 'script'
+ });
+ return 1;
+sub addDaemon {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $binary = shift;
+ $binary =~ m/\/([^\/]*)$/;
+ my $shortname = $1;
+ my $parameters = shift || "";
+ my $flags = shift || {};
+ my $required = $flags->{required} || 1;
+ my $desc = $flags->{desc} || "$shortname";
+ my $errormsg = $flags->{errormsg} || "$desc failed!";
+ my $priority = $flags->{priority} || 5;
+ push(@{$self->{'configHash'}->{'highlevelConfig'}},
+ {
+ binary => $binary,
+ shortname => $shortname,
+ parameters => $parameters,
+ desc => $desc,
+ errormsg => $errormsg,
+ required => $required,
+ priority => $priority,
+ type => 'daemon'
+ });
+ return 1;
diff --git a/src/lib/OpenSLX/DistroUtils/ b/src/lib/OpenSLX/DistroUtils/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8a41c2eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/OpenSLX/DistroUtils/
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 - OpenSLX GmbH
+# This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
+# See
+# If you have any feedback please consult and
+# send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to
+# General information about OpenSLX can be found at
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# - provides suse specific functions for distro based utils for OpenSLX
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+package OpenSLX::DistroUtils::Suse;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Switch;
+use base qw(OpenSLX::DistroUtils::Base);
+sub _renderCasePrefix
+ return "rc_reset\n";
+sub _renderFooter
+ return "rc_exit\n";
+sub _renderHighlevelConfig {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $initFile = shift;
+ my $element;
+ my $hlc = $initFile->{'configHash'}->{'highlevelConfig'};
+ while ( $element = shift(@$hlc)){
+ switch ($element->{type}) {
+ case 'daemon' {
+ my $tpl;
+ $tpl = "%s_BIN=%s \n";
+ $tpl .= "[ -x %s_BIN ] || exit 5\n\n";
+ $tpl .= "%s_OPTS=\"%s\" \n";
+ $tpl .= "[ -f /etc/sysconfig/%s ] . /etc/sysconfig/%s \n\n";
+ $tpl .= "%s_PIDFILE=\"/var/run/\" \n\n";
+ $initFile->addToBlock('head',
+ sprintf(
+ $tpl,
+ uc($element->{shortname}),
+ $element->{binary},
+ uc($element->{shortname}),
+ uc($element->{shortname}),
+ $element->{parameters},
+ $element->{shortname},
+ $element->{shortname},
+ uc($element->{shortname}),
+ $element->{shortname}
+ )
+ );
+ $tpl = "echo -n \"Starting %s \"\n";
+ $tpl .= "startproc -f -p \$%s_PIDFILE \$%s_BIN \$%s_OPTS\n";
+ $tpl .= "rc_status -v";
+ $initFile->addToCase('start',
+ sprintf(
+ $tpl,
+ $element->{desc},
+ uc($element->{shortname}),
+ uc($element->{shortname}),
+ uc($element->{shortname})
+ )
+ );
+ $tpl = "echo -n \"Shutting down %s\" \n";
+ $tpl .= "killproc -p \$%s_PIDFILE -TERM \$%s_BIN\n";
+ $tpl .= "rc_status -v";
+ $initFile->addToCase('stop',
+ sprintf(
+ $tpl,
+ $element->{desc},
+ uc($element->{shortname}),
+ uc($element->{shortname})
+ )
+ );
+ $tpl = "## Stop the service and if this succeeds (i.e. the \n";
+ $tpl .= "## service was running before), start it again.\n";
+ $tpl .= "\$0 status >/dev/null && \$0 restart\n\n";
+ $tpl .= "# Remember status and be quiet\n";
+ $tpl .= "rc_status";
+ $initFile->addToCase('try-restart',
+ $tpl
+ );
+ $tpl = "## Stop the service and regardless of whether it was \n";
+ $tpl .= "## running or not, start it again.\n";
+ $tpl .= "\$0 stop\n";
+ $tpl .= "\$0 start\n\n";
+ $tpl .= "# Remember status and be quiet\n";
+ $tpl .= "rc_status";
+ $initFile->addToCase('restart',
+ $tpl
+ );
+ $tpl = "echo -n \"Reload service %s\"\n";
+ $tpl .= "killproc -p \$%s_PIDFILE -HUP \$%s_BIN\n";
+ $tpl .= "rc_status -v";
+ $initFile->addToCase('reload',
+ sprintf(
+ $tpl,
+ $element->{desc},
+ uc($element->{shortname}),
+ uc($element->{shortname}),
+ uc($element->{shortname})
+ )
+ );
+ $tpl = "echo -n \"Checking for service %s\"\n";
+ $tpl .= "checkproc -p \$%s_PIDFILE \$%s_BIN\n";
+ $tpl .= "rc_status -v";
+ $initFile->addToCase('status',
+ sprintf(
+ $tpl,
+ $element->{desc},
+ uc($element->{shortname}),
+ uc($element->{shortname})
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ case 'function' {
+ my $tpl;
+ $tpl = "%s () { \n";
+ $tpl .= "%s";
+ $tpl .= "\n}\n";
+ $initFile->addToBlock('functions',
+ sprintf(
+ $tpl,
+ $element->{name},
+ $element->{script}
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ case 'functionCall' {
+ my $tpl;
+ $tpl = "%s %s\n";
+ #$tpl .= "%s\n ";
+ $initFile->addToCase($element->{block},
+ sprintf(
+ $tpl,
+ $element->{function},
+ $element->{parameters},
+ ""
+ ),
+ $element->{priority}
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub _getInitsystemIncludes
+ return ". /etc/rc.status\n\n";
+1; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lib/OpenSLX/DistroUtils/ b/src/lib/OpenSLX/DistroUtils/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..915c19c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/OpenSLX/DistroUtils/
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 - OpenSLX GmbH
+# This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
+# See
+# If you have any feedback please consult and
+# send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to
+# General information about OpenSLX can be found at
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# - provides ubuntu specific functions for distro based utils for OpenSLX
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+package OpenSLX::DistroUtils::Ubuntu;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Switch;
+use base qw(OpenSLX::DistroUtils::Base);
+sub _getInitsystemIncludes
+ return ". /lib/lsb/init-functions\n\n";
+sub _renderCasePrefix
+ return "";
+sub _renderFooter
+ return "exit 0\n";
+sub _renderHighlevelConfig {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $initFile = shift;
+ my $element;
+ my $hlc = $initFile->{'configHash'}->{'highlevelConfig'};
+ while ( $element = shift(@$hlc)){
+ switch ($element->{type}) {
+ case 'daemon' {
+ $element->{binary} =~ m/\/([^\/]*)$/;
+ my $shortname = $1;
+ my $tpl = "export %s_PARAMS=\"%s\" \n";
+ $tpl .= "if [ -f /etc/default/%s ]; then . /etc/default/%s; fi \n";
+ $initFile->addToBlock('head',
+ sprintf(
+ $tpl,
+ uc($shortname),
+ $element->{parameters},
+ $shortname,
+ $shortname
+ )
+ );
+ $tpl = "log_daemon_msg \"Starting %s\" \"%s\" \n";
+ $tpl .= "start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --oknodo ";
+ $tpl .= "--pidfile /var/run/ --exec %s -- \$%s_PARAMS \n";
+ $tpl .= "log_end_msg \$?";
+ $initFile->addToCase('start',
+ sprintf(
+ $tpl,
+ $element->{description},
+ $shortname,
+ $shortname,
+ $element->{binary},
+ uc($shortname)
+ )
+ );
+ $tpl = "start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo ";
+ $tpl .= "--pidfile /var/run/ \n";
+ $tpl .= "log_end_msg \$?";
+ $initFile->addToCase('stop',
+ sprintf(
+ $tpl,
+ $shortname
+ )
+ );
+ $tpl = "log_daemon_msg \"Restarting %s\" \"%s\"\n";
+ $tpl .= "\$0 stop\n";
+ $tpl .= "case \"\$?\" in\n";
+ $tpl .= " 0|1)\n";
+ $tpl .= " \$0 start\n";
+ $tpl .= " case \"\$?\" in\n";
+ $tpl .= " 0) log_end_msg 0 ;;\n";
+ $tpl .= " 1) log_end_msg 1 ;; # Old process is still running\n";
+ $tpl .= " *) log_end_msg 1 ;; # Failed to start\n";
+ $tpl .= " esac\n";
+ $tpl .= " ;;\n";
+ $tpl .= " *)\n";
+ $tpl .= " # Failed to stop\n";
+ $tpl .= " log_end_msg 1\n";
+ $tpl .= " ;;\n";
+ $tpl .= "esac\n";
+ $tpl .= ";;\n";
+ $initFile->addToCase('restart',
+ sprintf(
+ $tpl,
+ $shortname
+ )
+ );
+ $tpl = "start-stop-daemon --stop --signal 1 --quiet ";
+ $tpl .= "--pidfile /var/run/ --name \$s\n";
+ $tpl .= "return 0\n";
+ $initFile->addToCase('reload',
+ sprintf(
+ $tpl,
+ $shortname,
+ $element->{binary}
+ )
+ );
+ $tpl = "status_of_proc -p /var/run/ %s_BIN %s && exit 0 || exit \$?";
+ $initFile->addToCase('status',
+ sprintf(
+ $tpl,
+ $element->{shortname},
+ $element->{binary},
+ $element->{shortname}
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ case 'function' {
+ my $tpl;
+ $tpl = "%s () { \n";
+ $tpl .= "%s";
+ $tpl .= "\n}\n";
+ $initFile->addToBlock('functions',
+ sprintf(
+ $tpl,
+ $element->{name},
+ $element->{script}
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ case 'functionCall' {
+ my $tpl;
+ $tpl = "%s %s\n";
+ #$tpl .= "%s\n ";
+ $initFile->addToCase($element->{block},
+ sprintf(
+ $tpl,
+ $element->{function},
+ $element->{parameters},
+ ""
+ ),
+ $element->{priority}
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+1; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/lib/OpenSLX/ b/src/lib/OpenSLX/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e1f42ba4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/OpenSLX/
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006-2008 - OpenSLX GmbH
+# This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
+# See
+# If you have any feedback please consult and
+# send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to
+# General information about OpenSLX can be found at
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# - module that recursively scans a given binary for library dependencies
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+package OpenSLX::LibScanner;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use File::Find;
+use File::Path;
+use OpenSLX::Basics;
+use OpenSLX::Utils;
+### interface methods
+sub new
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $params = shift || {};
+ checkParams($params, {
+ 'root-path' => '!',
+ 'verbose' => '?',
+ } );
+ my $self = {
+ rootPath => $params->{'root-path'},
+ verbose => $params->{'verbose'} || 0,
+ };
+ return bless $self, $class;
+sub determineRequiredLibs
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @binaries = @_;
+ $self->{filesToDo} = [];
+ $self->{libs} = [];
+ $self->{libInfo} = {};
+ $self->_fetchLoaderConfig();
+ foreach my $binary (@binaries) {
+ if (substr($binary, 0, 1) ne '/') {
+ # force relative paths relative to $rootPath:
+ $binary = "$self->{rootPath}/$binary";
+ }
+ if (!-e $binary) {
+ warn _tr("$0: unable to find file '%s', skipping it\n", $binary);
+ next;
+ }
+ push @{$self->{filesToDo}}, $binary;
+ }
+ foreach my $file (@{$self->{filesToDo}}) {
+ $self->_addLibsForBinary($file);
+ }
+ return @{$self->{libs}};
+sub _fetchLoaderConfig
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @libFolders;
+ if (!-e "$self->{rootPath}/etc") {
+ die _tr("'%s'-folder not found, maybe wrong root-path?\n",
+ "$self->{rootPath}/etc");
+ }
+ $self->_fetchLoaderConfigFile("$self->{rootPath}/etc/");
+ # add "trusted" folders /lib and /usr/lib if not already in place:
+ if (!grep { m[^$self->{rootPath}/lib$] } @libFolders) {
+ push @libFolders, "$self->{rootPath}/lib";
+ }
+ if (!grep { m[^$self->{rootPath}/usr/lib$] } @libFolders) {
+ push @libFolders, "$self->{rootPath}/usr/lib";
+ }
+ # add lib32-folders for 64-bit Debians, as they do not
+ # refer those in (which I find strange...)
+ if (-e '/lib32' && !grep { m[^$self->{rootPath}/lib32$] } @libFolders) {
+ push @libFolders, "$self->{rootPath}/lib32";
+ }
+ if (-e '/usr/lib32'
+ && !grep { m[^$self->{rootPath}/usr/lib32$] } @libFolders)
+ {
+ push @libFolders, "$self->{rootPath}/usr/lib32";
+ }
+ push @{$self->{libFolders}}, @libFolders;
+ return;
+sub _fetchLoaderConfigFile
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $ldConfFile = shift;
+ return unless -e $ldConfFile;
+ my $ldconfFH;
+ if (!open($ldconfFH, '<', $ldConfFile)) {
+ warn(_tr("unable to open file '%s' (%s)", $ldConfFile, $!));
+ return;
+ }
+ while (<$ldconfFH>) {
+ chomp;
+ if (m{^\s*include\s+(.+?)\s*$}i) {
+ my @incFiles = glob("$self->{rootPath}$1");
+ foreach my $incFile (@incFiles) {
+ if ($incFile) {
+ $self->_fetchLoaderConfigFile($incFile);
+ }
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ if (m{\S+}i) {
+ s[=.+][];
+ # remove any lib-type specifications (e.g. '=libc5')
+ push @{$self->{libFolders}}, "$self->{rootPath}$_";
+ }
+ }
+ close $ldconfFH
+ or die(_tr("unable to close file '%s' (%s)", $ldConfFile, $!));
+ return;
+sub _addLibsForBinary
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $binary = shift;
+ # first do some checks:
+ warn _tr("analyzing '%s'...\n", $binary) if $self->{verbose};
+ my $fileInfo = `file --dereference --brief --mime $binary 2>/dev/null`;
+ if ($?) {
+ die _tr("unable to fetch file info for '%s', giving up!\n", $binary);
+ }
+ chomp $fileInfo;
+ warn _tr("\tinfo is: '%s'...\n", $fileInfo) if $self->{verbose};
+ if ($fileInfo !~ m[^application/(x-executable|x-shared)]i) {
+ # ignore anything that's not an executable or a shared library
+ warn _tr(
+ "%s: ignored, as it isn't an executable or a shared library\n",
+ $binary
+ );
+ next;
+ }
+ # fetch file info again, this time without '--mime' in order to get the architecture
+ # bitwidth:
+ $fileInfo = `file --dereference --brief $binary 2>/dev/null`;
+ if ($?) {
+ die _tr("unable to fetch file info for '%s', giving up!\n", $binary);
+ }
+ chomp $fileInfo;
+ warn _tr("\tinfo is: '%s'...\n", $fileInfo) if $self->{verbose};
+ my $bitwidth = ($fileInfo =~ m[64-bit]i) ? 64 : 32;
+ # determine whether binary is 32- or 64-bit platform
+ # now find out about needed libs, we first try objdump...
+ warn _tr("\ttrying objdump...\n") if $self->{verbose};
+ my $res = `objdump -p $binary 2>/dev/null`;
+ if (!$?) {
+ # find out if rpath is set for binary:
+ my $rpath;
+ if ($res =~ m[^\s*RPATH\s*(\S+)]im) {
+ $rpath = $1;
+ warn _tr("\trpath='%s'\n", $rpath) if $self->{verbose};
+ }
+ while ($res =~ m[^\s*NEEDED\s*(.+?)\s*$]gm) {
+ $self->_addLib($1, $bitwidth, $rpath);
+ }
+ } else {
+ # ...objdump failed, so we try readelf instead:
+ warn _tr("\ttrying readelf...\n") if $self->{verbose};
+ $res = `readelf -d $binary 2>/dev/null`;
+ if ($?) {
+ die _tr(
+ "neither objdump nor readelf seems to be installed, giving up!\n"
+ );
+ }
+ # find out if rpath is set for binary:
+ my $rpath;
+ if ($res =~ m{Library\s*rpath:\s*\[([^\]]+)}im) {
+ $rpath = $1;
+ warn _tr("\trpath='%s'\n", $rpath) if $self->{verbose};
+ }
+ while ($res =~ m{\(NEEDED\)[^\[]+\[(.+?)\]\s*$}gm) {
+ $self->_addLib($1, $bitwidth, $rpath);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub _addLib
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $lib = shift;
+ my $bitwidth = shift;
+ my $rpath = shift;
+ if (!exists $self->{libInfo}->{$lib}) {
+ my $libPath;
+ my @folders = @{$self->{libFolders}};
+ if (defined $rpath) {
+ # add rpath if given (explicit paths set during link stage)
+ push @folders, split ':', $rpath;
+ }
+ foreach my $folder (@folders) {
+ if (-e "$folder/$lib") {
+ # have library matching name, now check if the platform is ok, too:
+ my $libFileInfo =
+ `file --dereference --brief $folder/$lib 2>/dev/null`;
+ if ($?) {
+ die _tr("unable to fetch file info for '%s', giving up!\n",
+ $folder / $lib);
+ }
+ my $libBitwidth = ($libFileInfo =~ m[64-bit]i) ? 64 : 32;
+ if ($bitwidth != $libBitwidth) {
+ vlog(
+ 0,
+ _tr(
+ '%s has wrong bitwidth (%s instead of %s)',
+ "$folder/$lib", $libBitwidth, $bitwidth
+ )
+ ) if $self->{verbose};
+ next;
+ }
+ $libPath = "$folder/$lib";
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!defined $libPath) {
+ die _tr("unable to find lib %s!\n", $lib);
+ }
+ print "found $libPath\n" if $self->{verbose};
+ push @{$self->{libs}}, $libPath;
+ $self->{libInfo}->{$lib} = 1;
+ push @{$self->{filesToDo}}, $libPath;
+ }
+ return;
diff --git a/src/lib/OpenSLX/ b/src/lib/OpenSLX/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..af912691
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/OpenSLX/
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2008 - OpenSLX GmbH
+# This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
+# See
+# If you have any feedback please consult and
+# send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to
+# General information about OpenSLX can be found at
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+package OpenSLX::ScopedResource;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our $VERSION = 1.01; # API-version . implementation-version
+=head1 NAME
+OpenSLX::ScopedResource - provides a helper class that implements the
+'resource-acquisition-by-definition' pattern.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+{ # some scope
+ my $distroSession = OpenSLX::ScopedResource->new({
+ name => 'distro::session',
+ acquire => sub { $distro->startSession(); 1 },
+ release => sub { $distro->finishSession(); 1 },
+ });
+ die $@ if ! eval {
+ # do something dangerous and unpredictable here:
+ doRandomStuff();
+ 1;
+ };
+# the distro-session will be cleanly finished, no matter if we died or not
+The class C<ScopedResource> wraps any resource such that the resource will be
+acquired when an object of this class is created. Whenever the ScopedResource
+object is being destroyed (e.g. by leaving scope) the wrapped resource will
+automatically be released.
+The main purpose of this class is to make it simple to implement reliable
+resource acquisition and release management even if the structure of the code
+that refers to that resource is rather complex.
+Furthermore, this class handles cases where the script handling those resources
+is spread across different process and/or makes us of signal handlers.
+# make sure that we catch any signals in order to properly release scoped
+# resources
+use sigtrap qw( die normal-signals error-signals );
+use OpenSLX::Basics;
+=item B<new($params)>
+Creates a ScopedResource object for the resource specified by the given
+As part of creation of the object, the resource will be acquired.
+The I<$params>-hashref requires the following entries:
+=item C<name>
+Gives a name for the wrapped resource. This is just used in log messages
+concerning the acquisition and release of that resource.
+=item C<acuire>
+Gives the code that is going to be executed in order to acquire the resource.
+=item C<release>
+Gives the code that is going to be executed in order to release the resource.
+sub new
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $params = shift;
+ checkParams($params, {
+ name => '!',
+ acquire => '!',
+ release => '!',
+ });
+ my $self = {
+ name => $params->{name},
+ owner => 0,
+ acquire => $params->{acquire},
+ release => $params->{release},
+ };
+ bless $self, $class;
+ $self->_acquire();
+ return $self;
+=item B<DESTROY()>
+Releases the resource (if it had been acquired by this process) and cleans up.
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->_release();
+ # remove references to functions, in order to release any closures
+ $self->{acquire} = undef;
+ $self->{release} = undef;
+ return;
+sub _acquire
+ my $self = shift;
+ # acquire the resource and set ourselves as owner
+ if ($self->{acquire}->()) {
+ vlog(1, "process $$ acquired resource $self->{name}");
+ $self->{owner} = $$;
+ }
+sub _release
+ my $self = shift;
+ # only release the resource if invoked by the owning process
+ vlog(3, "process $$ tries to release resource $self->{name}");
+ return if $self->{owner} != $$;
+ # ignore ctrl-c while we are trying to release the resource, as otherwise
+ # the resource would be leaked
+ local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE';
+ # release the resource and unset owner
+ if ($self->{release}->()) {
+ vlog(1, "process $$ released resource $self->{name}");
+ $self->{owner} = 0;
+ }
diff --git a/src/lib/OpenSLX/ b/src/lib/OpenSLX/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2d9182a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/OpenSLX/
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2008 - OpenSLX GmbH
+# This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
+# See
+# If you have any feedback please consult and
+# send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to
+# General information about OpenSLX can be found at
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# - provides automatic generation of required perl headers (for syscalls)
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+package OpenSLX::Syscall;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our $VERSION = 1.01;
+=head1 NAME
+OpenSLX::Syscall - provides wrapper functions for syscalls.
+This module exports one wrapper function for each syscall that OpenSLX is
+using. Each of these functions takes care to load all required Perl-headers
+before trying to invoke the respective syscall.
+use Config;
+use File::Path;
+use OpenSLX::Basics;
+=item B<enter32BitPersonality()>
+Invokes the I<personality()> syscall in order to enter the 32-bit personality
+sub enter32BitPersonality
+ _loadPerlHeader('');
+ _loadPerlHeader('linux/', 'sys/');
+ syscall(&SYS_personality, PER_LINUX32()) != -1
+ or warn _tr("unable to invoke syscall '%s'! ($!)", 'personality');
+ return;
+sub _loadPerlHeader
+ my @phFiles = @_;
+ my @alreadyLoaded = grep { exists $INC{$_} } @phFiles;
+ return if @alreadyLoaded;
+ my $phLibDir = $Config{installsitearch};
+ local @INC = @INC;
+ push @INC, "$phLibDir/asm";
+ # Unability to load an existing Perl header may be caused by missing
+ # asm-(kernel-)headers, since for instance openSUSE 11 does not provide
+ # any of these).
+ # If they are missing, we just have a go at creating all of them:
+ mkpath($phLibDir) unless -e $phLibDir;
+ if (!-e "$phLibDir/asm") {
+ if (-l "/usr/include/asm") {
+ my $asmFolder = readlink("/usr/include/asm");
+ slxsystem("cd /usr/include && h2ph -rQ -d $phLibDir $asmFolder") == 0
+ or die _tr('unable to create Perl-header from "asm" folder! (%s)', $!);
+ slxsystem("mv $phLibDir/$asmFolder $phLibDir/asm") == 0
+ or die _tr('unable to cleanup "asm" folder for Perl headers! (%s)', $!);
+ }
+ elsif (-d "/usr/include/asm") {
+ slxsystem("cd /usr/include && h2ph -rQ -d $phLibDir asm") == 0
+ or die _tr('unable to create Perl-header from "asm" folder! (%s)', $!);
+ }
+ else {
+ die _tr(
+ 'the folder "/usr/include/asm" is required - please install kernel headers!\
+ \n(maybe linux-libc-dev missing)!'
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if (-e "/usr/include/asm-generic" && !-e "$phLibDir/asm-generic") {
+ slxsystem("cd /usr/include && h2ph -rQ -d $phLibDir asm-generic") == 0
+ or die _tr('unable to create Perl-header from "asm-generic" folder! (%s)', $!);
+ }
+ for my $phFile (@phFiles) {
+ return 1 if eval { require $phFile };
+ warn(_tr(
+ 'unable to load Perl-header "%s", trying to create it ...',
+ $phFile
+ ));
+ # perl-header has not been provided by host-OS, so we create it
+ # manually from C-header (via h2ph):
+ (my $hFile = $phFile) =~ s{\.ph$}{.h};
+ if (-e "/usr/include/$hFile") {
+ slxsystem("cd /usr/include && h2ph -aQ -d $phLibDir $hFile") == 0
+ or die _tr('unable to create %s! (%s)', $phFile, $!);
+ }
+ return 1 if eval { require $phFile };
+ }
+ die _tr(
+ 'unable to load any of these perl headers: %s (%s)',
+ join(',', @phFiles), $@
+ );
diff --git a/src/lib/OpenSLX/Translations/ b/src/lib/OpenSLX/Translations/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b0783b81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/OpenSLX/Translations/
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 - OpenSLX GmbH
+# This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
+# See
+# If you have any feedback please consult and
+# send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to
+# General information about OpenSLX can be found at
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# - OpenSLX-translations for the German language.
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+package OpenSLX::Translations::de;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our $VERSION = 0.02;
+my %translations;
+### Implementation
+sub getAllTranslations
+ my $class = shift;
+ return \%translations;
+### Translations
+%translations = (
+ q{NEW:%s doesn't seem to be installed,\nso there is no support for %s available, sorry!\n}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:%s has wrong bitwidth (%s instead of %s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:%s: ignored, as it isn't an executable or a shared library\n}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:'%s' already exists!\n}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:'%s' not found, maybe wrong root-path?\n}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:\trpath='%s'\n}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:\ttrying objdump...\n}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:\ttrying readelf...\n}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:analyzing '%s'...\n}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Can't add column to table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Can't add columns to table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Can't change columns in table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Can't create table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Can't delete from table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Can't drop columns from table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Can't drop table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Can't execute SQL-statement <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Can't insert into table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Can't lock ID-file <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Can't open ID-file <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Can't prepare SQL-statement <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Can't rename table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Can't to seek ID-file <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Can't truncate ID-file <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Can't update ID-file <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Can't update table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Cannot connect to database <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:config-file <%s> has incorrect syntax here:\n\t%s\n}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:copying kernel %s to %s/kernel}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{Could not determine schema version of database}
+ =>
+ qq{Die Version des Datenbank-Schemas konnte nicht bestimmt werden},
+ q{NEW:Could not load module <%s> (Version <%s> required, but <%s> found)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:creating tar %s}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:DB matches current schema version %s}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:executing %s}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:exporting client %d:%s}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:exporting system %d:%s}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:generating initialramfs %s/initramfs}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:ignoring unknown key <%s>}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:List of supported systems:\n\t}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Lock-file <%s> exists, script is already running.\nPlease remove the logfile and try again if you are sure that no one else\nis executing this script.\n}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:merging %s (val=%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:merging from default client...}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:merging from group %d:%s...}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:neither objdump nor readelf seems to be installed, giving up!\n}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{no}
+ =>
+ qq{nein},
+ q{NEW:Our schema-version is %s, DB is %s, upgrading DB...}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:PXE-system %s already exists!}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:removing %s}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:setting %s to <%s>}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:slxldd: unable to find file '%s', skipping it\n}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Sorry, system '%s' is unsupported.\n}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:system-error: illegal target-path <%s>!}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{This will overwrite the current OpenSLX-database with an example dataset.\nAll your data (%s systems and %s clients) will be lost!\nDo you want to continue(%s/%s)? }
+ =>
+ qq{Die aktuelle OpenSLX-Datenbank wird mit einem Beispiel-Datensatz überschrieben.\nAlle Daten (%s Systeme und %s Clients) werden gelöscht!\nMöchten Sie den Vorgang fortsetzen(%s/%s)? },
+ q{NEW:translations module %s loaded successfully}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Unable to access client-config-path '%s'!}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:unable to create db-datadir %s! (%s)\n}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Unable to create lock-file <%s>, exiting!\n}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Unable to create or access temp-path '%s'!}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Unable to create or access tftpboot-path '%s'!}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:unable to execute shell-command:\n\t%s \n\t(%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:unable to fetch file info for '%s', giving up!\n}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Unable to load DB-module <%s> (%s)\n}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Unable to load DB-module <%s>\nthat database type is not supported (yet?)\n}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:unable to load DHCP-Export backend '%s'! (%s)\n}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Unable to load module <%s> (Version <%s> required)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Unable to load module <%s> (Version <%s> required, but <%s> found)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Unable to load system-module <%s> (%s)\n}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Unable to load system-module <%s>!\n}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:Unable to write local settings file <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:unknown settings key <%s>!\n}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:UnknownDbSchemaColumnDescr}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{UnknownDbSchemaCommand}
+ =>
+ qq{Unbekannter DbSchema-Befehl <%s> wird übergangen},
+ q{NEW:UnknownDbSchemaTypeDescr}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:upgrade done}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:writing dhcp-config for %s clients}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:writing PXE-file %s}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{yes}
+ =>
+ qq{ja},
+ q{NEW:You need to specify at least one file!\n}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:You need to specify exactly one system name!\n}
+ =>
+ qq{},
+ q{NEW:You need to specify the root-path!\n}
+ =>
+ qq{},
diff --git a/src/lib/OpenSLX/Translations/ b/src/lib/OpenSLX/Translations/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..61a94c93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/OpenSLX/Translations/
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 - OpenSLX GmbH
+# This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
+# See
+# If you have any feedback please consult and
+# send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to
+# General information about OpenSLX can be found at
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# - OpenSLX-translations for the posix locale (English language).
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+package OpenSLX::Translations::posix;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+our $VERSION = 0.02;
+my %translations;
+### Implementation
+sub getAllTranslations
+ my $class = shift;
+ return \%translations;
+### Translations
+%translations = (
+ q{%s doesn't seem to be installed,\nso there is no support for %s available, sorry!\n}
+ =>
+ qq{%s doesn't seem to be installed,\nso there is no support for %s available, sorry!\n},
+ q{%s has wrong bitwidth (%s instead of %s)}
+ =>
+ qq{%s has wrong bitwidth (%s instead of %s)},
+ q{%s: ignored, as it isn't an executable or a shared library\n}
+ =>
+ qq{%s: ignored, as it isn't an executable or a shared library\n},
+ q{'%s' already exists!\n}
+ =>
+ qq{'%s' already exists!\n},
+ q{'%s' not found, maybe wrong root-path?\n}
+ =>
+ qq{'%s' not found, maybe wrong root-path?\n},
+ q{\trpath='%s'\n}
+ =>
+ qq{\trpath='%s'\n},
+ q{\ttrying objdump...\n}
+ =>
+ qq{\ttrying objdump...\n},
+ q{\ttrying readelf...\n}
+ =>
+ qq{\ttrying readelf...\n},
+ q{analyzing '%s'...\n}
+ =>
+ qq{analyzing '%s'...\n},
+ q{Can't add column to table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Can't add column to table <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Can't add columns to table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Can't add columns to table <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Can't change columns in table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Can't change columns in table <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Can't create table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Can't create table <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Can't delete from table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Can't delete from table <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Can't drop columns from table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Can't drop columns from table <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Can't drop table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Can't drop table <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Can't execute SQL-statement <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Can't execute SQL-statement <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Can't insert into table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Can't insert into table <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Can't lock ID-file <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Can't lock ID-file <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Can't open ID-file <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Can't open ID-file <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Can't prepare SQL-statement <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Can't prepare SQL-statement <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Can't rename table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Can't rename table <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Can't to seek ID-file <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Can't to seek ID-file <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Can't truncate ID-file <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Can't truncate ID-file <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Can't update ID-file <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Can't update ID-file <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Can't update table <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Can't update table <%s> (%s)},
+ q{Cannot connect to database <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Cannot connect to database <%s> (%s)},
+ q{config-file <%s> has incorrect syntax here:\n\t%s\n}
+ =>
+ qq{config-file <%s> has incorrect syntax here:\n\t%s\n},
+ q{copying kernel %s to %s/kernel}
+ =>
+ qq{copying kernel %s to %s/kernel},
+ q{Could not determine schema version of database}
+ =>
+ qq{Could not determine schema version of database},
+ q{Could not load module <%s> (Version <%s> required, but <%s> found)}
+ =>
+ qq{Could not load module <%s> (Version <%s> required, but <%s> found)},
+ q{creating tar %s}
+ =>
+ qq{creating tar %s},
+ q{DB matches current schema version %s}
+ =>
+ qq{DB matches current schema version %s},
+ q{executing %s}
+ =>
+ qq{executing %s},
+ q{exporting client %d:%s}
+ =>
+ qq{exporting client %d:%s},
+ q{exporting system %d:%s}
+ =>
+ qq{exporting system %d:%s},
+ q{generating initialramfs %s/initramfs}
+ =>
+ qq{generating initialramfs %s/initramfs},
+ q{ignoring unknown key <%s>}
+ =>
+ qq{ignoring unknown key <%s>},
+ q{List of supported systems:\n\t}
+ =>
+ qq{List of supported systems:\n\t},
+ q{Lock-file <%s> exists, script is already running.\nPlease remove the logfile and try again if you are sure that no one else\nis executing this script.\n}
+ =>
+ qq{Lock-file <%s> exists, script is already running.\nPlease remove the logfile and try again if you are sure that no one else\nis executing this script.\n},
+ q{merging %s (val=%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{merging %s (val=%s)},
+ q{merging from default client...}
+ =>
+ qq{merging from default client...},
+ q{merging from group %d:%s...}
+ =>
+ qq{merging from group %d:%s...},
+ q{neither objdump nor readelf seems to be installed, giving up!\n}
+ =>
+ qq{neither objdump nor readelf seems to be installed, giving up!\n},
+ q{no}
+ =>
+ qq{no},
+ q{Our schema-version is %s, DB is %s, upgrading DB...}
+ =>
+ qq{Our schema-version is %s, DB is %s, upgrading DB...},
+ q{PXE-system %s already exists!}
+ =>
+ qq{PXE-system %s already exists!},
+ q{removing %s}
+ =>
+ qq{removing %s},
+ q{setting %s to <%s>}
+ =>
+ qq{setting %s to <%s>},
+ q{slxldd: unable to find file '%s', skipping it\n}
+ =>
+ qq{slxldd: unable to find file '%s', skipping it\n},
+ q{Sorry, system '%s' is unsupported.\n}
+ =>
+ qq{Sorry, system '%s' is unsupported.\n},
+ q{system-error: illegal target-path <%s>!}
+ =>
+ qq{system-error: illegal target-path <%s>!},
+ q{This will overwrite the current OpenSLX-database with an example dataset.\nAll your data (%s systems and %s clients) will be lost!\nDo you want to continue(%s/%s)? }
+ =>
+ qq{This will overwrite the current OpenSLX-database with an example dataset.\nAll your data (%s systems and %s clients) will be lost!\nDo you want to continue(%s/%s)? },
+ q{translations module %s loaded successfully}
+ =>
+ qq{translations module %s loaded successfully},
+ q{Unable to access client-config-path '%s'!}
+ =>
+ qq{Unable to access client-config-path '%s'!},
+ q{unable to create db-datadir %s! (%s)\n}
+ =>
+ qq{unable to create db-datadir %s! (%s)\n},
+ q{Unable to create lock-file <%s>, exiting!\n}
+ =>
+ qq{Unable to create lock-file <%s>, exiting!\n},
+ q{Unable to create or access temp-path '%s'!}
+ =>
+ qq{Unable to create or access temp-path '%s'!},
+ q{Unable to create or access tftpboot-path '%s'!}
+ =>
+ qq{Unable to create or access tftpboot-path '%s'!},
+ q{unable to execute shell-command:\n\t%s \n\t(%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{unable to execute shell-command:\n\t%s \n\t(%s)},
+ q{unable to fetch file info for '%s', giving up!\n}
+ =>
+ qq{unable to fetch file info for '%s', giving up!\n},
+ q{Unable to load DB-module <%s> (%s)\n}
+ =>
+ qq{Unable to load DB-module <%s> (%s)\n},
+ q{Unable to load DB-module <%s>\nthat database type is not supported (yet?)\n}
+ =>
+ qq{Unable to load DB-module <%s>\nthat database type is not supported (yet?)\n},
+ q{unable to load DHCP-Export backend '%s'! (%s)\n}
+ =>
+ qq{unable to load DHCP-Export backend '%s'! (%s)\n},
+ q{Unable to load module <%s> (Version <%s> required)}
+ =>
+ qq{Unable to load module <%s> (Version <%s> required)},
+ q{Unable to load module <%s> (Version <%s> required, but <%s> found)}
+ =>
+ qq{Unable to load module <%s> (Version <%s> required, but <%s> found)},
+ q{Unable to load system-module <%s> (%s)\n}
+ =>
+ qq{Unable to load system-module <%s> (%s)\n},
+ q{Unable to load system-module <%s>!\n}
+ =>
+ qq{Unable to load system-module <%s>!\n},
+ q{Unable to write local settings file <%s> (%s)}
+ =>
+ qq{Unable to write local settings file <%s> (%s)},
+ q{unknown settings key <%s>!\n}
+ =>
+ qq{unknown settings key <%s>!\n},
+ q{UnknownDbSchemaColumnDescr}
+ =>
+ qq{UnknownDbSchemaColumnDescr},
+ q{UnknownDbSchemaCommand}
+ =>
+ qq{UnknownDbSchemaCommand},
+ q{UnknownDbSchemaTypeDescr}
+ =>
+ qq{UnknownDbSchemaTypeDescr},
+ q{upgrade done}
+ =>
+ qq{upgrade done},
+ q{writing dhcp-config for %s clients}
+ =>
+ qq{writing dhcp-config for %s clients},
+ q{writing PXE-file %s}
+ =>
+ qq{writing PXE-file %s},
+ q{yes}
+ =>
+ qq{yes},
+ q{You need to specify at least one file!\n}
+ =>
+ qq{You need to specify at least one file!\n},
+ q{You need to specify exactly one system name!\n}
+ =>
+ qq{You need to specify exactly one system name!\n},
+ q{You need to specify the root-path!\n}
+ =>
+ qq{You need to specify the root-path!\n},
diff --git a/src/lib/OpenSLX/ b/src/lib/OpenSLX/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e722c00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lib/OpenSLX/
@@ -0,0 +1,701 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 - OpenSLX GmbH
+# This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
+# See
+# If you have any feedback please consult and
+# send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to
+# General information about OpenSLX can be found at
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# - provides utility functions for OpenSLX
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+package OpenSLX::Utils;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT $VERSION);
+use Exporter;
+$VERSION = 1.01;
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw(
+ copyFile fakeFile linkFile
+ copyBinaryWithRequiredLibs
+ slurpFile spitFile appendFile
+ followLink
+ unshiftHereDoc
+ string2Array trim
+ chrootInto
+ mergeHash
+ getFQDN
+ readPassword
+ hostIs64Bit
+ getAvailableBusyboxApplets
+ grabLock
+ pathOf
+ isInPath
+=head1 NAME
+OpenSLX::Utils - provides utility functions for OpenSLX.
+This module exports utility functions, which are expected to be used all across
+use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock);
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Path;
+use Socket;
+use Sys::Hostname;
+use Term::ReadLine;
+use OpenSLX::Basics;
+use OpenSLX::ScopedResource;
+=item B<copyFile($fileName, $targetDir, $targetFileName)>
+Copies the file specified by I<$fileName> to the folder I<$targetDir>,
+preserving the permissions and optionally renaming it to I<$targetFileName>
+during the process.
+If I<$targetDir> does not exist yet, it will be created.
+sub copyFile
+ my $fileName = shift || croak 'need to pass in a fileName!';
+ my $targetDir = shift || croak 'need to pass in target dir!';
+ my $targetFileName = shift || '';
+ mkpath($targetDir) unless -d $targetDir;
+ my $target = "$targetDir/$targetFileName";
+ vlog(2, _tr("copying '%s' to '%s'", $fileName, $target));
+ if (system("cp -p $fileName $target")) {
+ croak(
+ _tr(
+ "unable to copy file '%s' to dir '%s' (%s)",
+ $fileName, $target, $!
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return;
+=item B<fakeFile($fullPath)>
+Creates the (empty) file I<$fullPath> unless it already exists.
+If the parent directory of I<$fullPath> does not exist yet, it will be created.
+sub fakeFile
+ my $fullPath = shift || croak 'need to pass in full path!';
+ return if -e $fullPath;
+ my $targetDir = dirname($fullPath);
+ mkpath($targetDir) unless -d $targetDir;
+ if (system("touch", $fullPath)) {
+ croak(_tr("unable to create file '%s' (%s)", $fullPath, $!));
+ }
+ return;
+=item B<linkFile($linkTarget, $linkName)>
+Creates the link I<$linkName> that points to I<$linkTarget>.
+If the directory where the new link shall live does not exist yet, it will be
+sub linkFile
+ my $linkTarget = shift || croak 'need to pass in link target!';
+ my $linkName = shift || croak 'need to pass in link name!';
+ my $targetDir = dirname($linkName);
+ mkpath($targetDir) unless -d $targetDir;
+ if (system("ln -sfn $linkTarget $linkName")) {
+ croak(
+ _tr(
+ "unable to create link '%s' to '%s' (%s)",
+ $linkName, $linkTarget, $!
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ return;
+=item B<slurpFile($fileName, $flags)>
+Reads the file specified by <$fileName> and returns the contents.
+The optional hash-ref I<$flags> supports the following entries:
+=item failIfMissing
+Specifies what shall happen if the file does not exist: die (failIfMissing == 1)
+or return an empty string (failIfMissing == 0). Defaults to 1.
+=item io-layer
+Specifies the Perl-IO-layer that shall be applied to the file (defaults to
+sub slurpFile
+ my $fileName = shift || confess 'need to pass in fileName!';
+ my $flags = shift || {};
+ checkParams($flags, {
+ 'failIfMissing' => '?',
+ 'io-layer' => '?',
+ });
+ my $failIfMissing
+ = exists $flags->{failIfMissing} ? $flags->{failIfMissing} : 1;
+ my $ioLayer = $flags->{'io-layer'} || 'utf8';
+ my $fh;
+ if (!open($fh, "<:$ioLayer", $fileName)) {
+ return '' unless $failIfMissing;
+ croak _tr("could not open file '%s' for reading! (%s)", $fileName, $!);
+ }
+ if (wantarray()) {
+ my @content = <$fh>;
+ close($fh)
+ or croak _tr("unable to close file '%s' (%s)\n", $fileName, $!);
+ return @content;
+ }
+ else {
+ local $/;
+ my $content = <$fh>;
+ close($fh)
+ or croak _tr("unable to close file '%s' (%s)\n", $fileName, $!);
+ return $content;
+ }
+=item B<spitFile($fileName, $content, $flags)>
+Writes the given I<$content> to the file specified by <$fileName>, creating
+the file (and any missing directories) if it does not exist yet.
+The optional hash-ref I<$flags> supports the following entries:
+=item io-layer
+Specifies the Perl-IO-layer that shall be applied to the file (defaults to
+=item mode
+Specifies the file mode that shall be applied to the file (via chmod).
+sub spitFile
+ my $fileName = shift || croak 'need to pass in a fileName!';
+ my $content = shift || '';
+ my $flags = shift || {};
+ checkParams($flags, {
+ 'io-layer' => '?',
+ 'mode' => '?',
+ });
+ my $ioLayer = $flags->{'io-layer'} || 'utf8';
+ my $targetDir = dirname($fileName);
+ mkpath($targetDir) unless -d $targetDir;
+ my $fh;
+ open($fh, ">:$ioLayer", $fileName)
+ or croak _tr("unable to create file '%s' (%s)\n", $fileName, $!);
+ print $fh $content
+ or croak _tr("unable to print to file '%s' (%s)\n", $fileName, $!);
+ close($fh)
+ or croak _tr("unable to close file '%s' (%s)\n", $fileName, $!);
+ if (defined $flags->{mode}) {
+ chmod $flags->{mode}, $fileName;
+ }
+ return;
+=item B<appendFile($fileName, $content, $flags)>
+Appends the given I<$content> to the file specified by <$fileName>, creating
+the file (and any missing directories) if it does not exist yet.
+The optional hash-ref I<$flags> supports the following entries:
+=item io-layer
+Specifies the Perl-IO-layer that shall be applied to the file (defaults to
+sub appendFile
+ my $fileName = shift || croak 'need to pass in a fileName!';
+ my $content = shift;
+ my $flags = shift || {};
+ checkParams($flags, {
+ 'io-layer' => '?',
+ });
+ my $ioLayer = $flags->{'io-layer'} || 'utf8';
+ my $targetDir = dirname($fileName);
+ mkpath($targetDir) unless -d $targetDir;
+ my $fh;
+ open($fh, ">>:$ioLayer", $fileName)
+ or croak _tr("unable to create file '%s' (%s)\n", $fileName, $!);
+ print $fh $content
+ or croak _tr("unable to print to file '%s' (%s)\n", $fileName, $!);
+ close($fh)
+ or croak _tr("unable to close file '%s' (%s)\n", $fileName, $!);
+ return;
+=item B<followLink($path, $prefixedPath)>
+Deeply traverses the given I<$path> until it no longer contains a link and
+returns the resulting file or directory.
+If you pass in a I<$prefixedPath>, each link will be resolved relatively to
+that path (useful for example with respect to chroot-environments).
+sub followLink
+ my $path = shift || croak 'need to pass in a path!';
+ my $prefixedPath = shift || '';
+ my $target;
+ while (-l "$path") {
+ $target = readlink "$path";
+ if (substr($target, 0, 1) eq '/') {
+ $path = "$prefixedPath$target";
+ }
+ else {
+ $path = $prefixedPath . dirname($path) . '/' . $target;
+ }
+ }
+ return $path;
+=item B<copyBinaryWithRequiredLibs($params)>
+Copies a binary to a specified folder, taking along all the libraries that
+are required by this binary.
+The hash-ref I<$params> supports the following entries:
+=item binary
+The full path to the binary that shall be copied.
+=item targetFolder
+The full path to the folder where the binary shall be copied to.
+=item libTargetFolder
+Defines a path relatively to which all required libs will be copied to.
+An example: during execution of
+ copyBinaryWithRequiredLibs({
+ binary => '/bin/ls',
+ targetFolder => '/tmp/slx-initramfs/bin',
+ libTargetFolder => '/tmp/slx-initramfs',
+ });
+the library C<lib/> will be copied to
+=item targetName [optional]
+If you'd like to rename the binary while copying, you can specify the new name
+in this entry.
+sub copyBinaryWithRequiredLibs {
+ my $params = shift;
+ checkParams($params, {
+ 'binary' => '!', # file to copy
+ 'targetFolder' => '!', # where file shall be copied to
+ 'libTargetFolder' => '!', # base target folder for libs
+ 'targetName' => '?', # name of binary in target folder
+ });
+ copyFile($params->{binary}, $params->{targetFolder}, $params->{targetName});
+ # determine all required libraries and copy those, too:
+ vlog(1, _tr("calling slxldd for $params->{binary}"));
+ my $slxlddCmd = "slxldd $params->{binary}";
+ vlog(2, "executing: $slxlddCmd");
+ my $requiredLibsStr = qx{$slxlddCmd};
+ if ($?) {
+ die _tr(
+ "slxldd couldn't determine the libs required by '%s'! (%s)",
+ $params->{binary}, $?
+ );
+ }
+ chomp $requiredLibsStr;
+ vlog(2, "slxldd results:\n$requiredLibsStr");
+ foreach my $lib (split "\n", $requiredLibsStr) {
+ my $libDir = dirname($lib);
+ my $targetLib = "$params->{libTargetFolder}$libDir";
+ next if -e "$targetLib/$lib";
+ vlog(3, "copying lib '$lib'");
+ copyFile($lib, $targetLib);
+ }
+ return $requiredLibsStr;
+=item B<unshiftHereDoc($content)>
+Returns the here-doc (or string) given in I<$content> such that the leading
+whitespace found on the first line will be removed from all lines.
+As an example: if you pass in the string
+ #!/bin/sh
+ if [ -n "$be_nice" ]; then
+ echo "bummer!" >/etc/passwd
+ fi
+you will get this:
+if [ -n "$be_nice" ]; then
+ echo "bummer!" >/etc/passwd
+sub unshiftHereDoc
+ my $content = shift;
+ return $content unless $content =~ m{^(\s+)};
+ my $shiftStr = $1;
+ $content =~ s[^$shiftStr][]gms;
+ return $content;
+=item B<string2Array($string)>
+Returns the given string split into an array, using newlines as separator.
+In the resulting array, empty entries will have been removed and each entry
+will be trimmed of leading or trailing whitespace and comments (lines starting
+with a #).
+sub string2Array
+ my $string = shift || '';
+ my @lines = split m[\n], $string;
+ for my $line (@lines) {
+ # remove leading and trailing whitespace:
+ $line =~ s{^\s*(.*?)\s*$}{$1};
+ }
+ # drop empty lines and comments:
+ return grep { length($_) > 0 && $_ !~ m[^\s*#]; } @lines;
+=item B<chrootInto($osDir)>
+Does a chroot() into the given directory (which is supposed to contain at
+least the fragments of an operating system).
+sub chrootInto
+ my $osDir = shift;
+ vlog(2, "chrooting into $osDir...");
+ chdir $osDir
+ or die _tr("unable to chdir into '%s' (%s)\n", $osDir, $!);
+ # chroot
+ chroot "."
+ or die _tr("unable to chroot into '%s' (%s)\n", $osDir, $!);
+ return;
+=item B<mergeHash($targetHash, $sourceHash, $fillOnly)>
+Deeply copies values from I<$sourceHash> into I<$targetHash>.
+If you pass in 1 for I<$fillOnly>, only hash entries that do not exist in
+I<$targetHash> will be copied (C<Merge>-mode), otherwise all values from
+I<$sourceHash> will be copied over (C<Push>-mode).
+Returns the resulting I<$targetHash> for convenience.
+sub mergeHash
+ my $targetHash = shift;
+ my $sourceHash = shift;
+ my $fillOnly = shift || 0;
+ foreach my $key (keys %{$sourceHash}) {
+ my $sourceVal = $sourceHash->{$key};
+ if (ref($sourceVal) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (!exists $targetHash->{$key}) {
+ $targetHash->{$key} = {};
+ }
+ mergeHash($targetHash->{$key}, $sourceVal);
+ }
+ elsif (ref($sourceVal) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ if (!exists $targetHash->{$key}) {
+ $targetHash->{$key} = [];
+ }
+ foreach my $val (@{$sourceHash->{$key}}) {
+ my $targetVal = {};
+ push @{$targetHash->{$key}}, $targetVal;
+ mergeHash($targetVal, $sourceVal);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ next if $fillOnly && exists $targetHash->{$key};
+ $targetHash->{$key} = $sourceVal;
+ }
+ }
+ return $targetHash;
+=item B<getFQDN()>
+Determines the fully-qualified-domain-name (FQDN) of the computer executing
+this function and returns it.
+sub getFQDN
+ my $hostName = hostname();
+ my $hostAddr = gethostbyname($hostName)
+ or die(_tr("unable to get address of host '%s'", $hostName));
+ my $FQDN = gethostbyaddr($hostAddr, AF_INET)
+ or die(_tr("unable to get dns-name of address '%s'", $hostAddr));
+ return $FQDN;
+=item B<readPassword($prompt)>
+Outputs the given I<$prompt> and then reads a password from the terminal
+(trying to make sure that the characters are not echoed in a readable form).
+sub readPassword
+ my $prompt = shift;
+ my $term = Term::ReadLine->new('slx');
+ my $attribs = $term->Attribs;
+ $attribs->{redisplay_function} = $attribs->{shadow_redisplay};
+ return $term->readline($prompt);
+=item B<hostIs64Bit()>
+Returns 1 if the host (the computer executing this function) is running a
+64-bit OS, 0 if not (i.e. 32-bit).
+sub hostIs64Bit
+ my $arch = qx{uname -m};
+ return $arch =~ m[64];
+=item B<getAvailableBusyboxApplets()>
+Returns the list of the applets that is provided by the given busybox binary.
+sub getAvailableBusyboxApplets
+ my $busyboxBinary = shift;
+ my $busyboxHelp = qx{$busyboxBinary --help};
+ if ($busyboxHelp !~ m{defined functions:(.+)\z}ims) {
+ die "unable to parse busybox --help output:\n$busyboxHelp";
+ }
+ my $rawAppletList = $1;
+ my @busyboxApplets
+ = map {
+ $_ =~ s{\s+}{}igms;
+ $_;
+ }
+ split m{,}, $rawAppletList;
+ return @busyboxApplets;
+=item grabLock()
+sub grabLock
+ my $lockName = shift || die 'you need to pass a lock-name to grabLock()!';
+ my $lockPath = "$openslxConfig{'private-path'}/locks";
+ mkpath($lockPath) unless -e $lockPath;
+ # drop any trailing slashes from lock name:
+ $lockName =~ s{/+$}{};
+ my $lockFile = "$lockPath/$lockName";
+ my $lockFH;
+ my $lock = OpenSLX::ScopedResource->new({
+ name => "lock::$lockName",
+ acquire => sub {
+ # use a lock-file to implement the actual locking:
+ if (-e $lockFile) {
+ my $ctime = (stat($lockFile))[10];
+ my $now = time();
+ if ($now - $ctime > 15 * 60) {
+ # existing lock file is older than 15 minutes, we consider
+ # that to be a leftover (which shouldn't happen of course)
+ # and wipe it:
+ unlink $lockFile;
+ }
+ }
+ local $| = 1;
+ my $waiting;
+ while(!(sysopen($lockFH, $lockFile, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL)
+ && syswrite($lockFH, getpgrp() . "\n"))) {
+ if ($! == 13) {
+ die _tr(
+ qq[Unable to create lock "%s", giving up!], $lockFile
+ );
+ } else {
+ # check if the lock is owned by our own process group
+ # and only block if it isn't (this allows recursive locking)
+ my $pgrpOfLock
+ = slurpFile($lockFile, { failIfMissing => 0});
+ last if $pgrpOfLock && $pgrpOfLock == getpgrp();
+ # wait for lock to become available
+ if (!$waiting) {
+ print _tr('waiting for "%s"-lock ', $lockName);
+ $waiting = 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ print '.';
+ }
+ sleep(1);
+ }
+ }
+ print "ok\n" if $waiting;
+ 1
+ },
+ release => sub {
+ close($lockFH);
+ unlink $lockFile;
+ 1
+ },
+ });
+ return $lock;
+=item B<pathOf()>
+Returns the path of a binary it is installed in.
+sub pathOf
+ my $binary = shift;
+ return qx{which $binary 2>/dev/null};
+=item B<isInpath()>
+Returns whether a binary is found.
+sub isInPath
+ my $binary = shift;
+ my $path = pathOf($binary);
+ return $path ? 1 : 0;
+sub trim
+ my $string = shift;
+ $string =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $string =~ s/\s+$//;
+ return $string;