path: root/src/os-plugins/plugins/vmware/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/os-plugins/plugins/vmware/')
1 files changed, 201 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/os-plugins/plugins/vmware/ b/src/os-plugins/plugins/vmware/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..26b49cc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/os-plugins/plugins/vmware/
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2007..2009 - RZ Uni Freiburg
+# Copyright (c) 2008..2010 - OpenSLX GmbH
+# This program/file is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
+# See
+# If you have any feedback please consult and
+# send your feedback to
+# General information about OpenSLX can be found at
+# script is included from init via the "." load function - thus it has all
+# variables and functions available
+# TODO:
+# configs nach /etc/opt/openslx/plugins/vmware
+# cp nach run-virt.include
+# TODO: nvram,functions
+# write /etc/vmware/config (if a non-standard location of vmware basedir is
+# to be configured), /etc/init.d/vmware
+# include default directories
+. /etc/openslx.conf
+# check if the configuration file is available
+if [ -e /initramfs/plugin-conf/vmware.conf ]; then
+ # load needed variables
+ . /initramfs/plugin-conf/vmware.conf
+ # Test if this plugin is activated... more or less useless with the
+ # new plugin system
+ if [ $vmware_active -ne 0 ]; then
+ [ $DEBUGLEVEL -gt 0 ] && echo "executing the 'vmware' os-plugin ...";
+ # Load general configuration
+ . /initramfs/machine-setup
+ testmkd /mnt/tmp/vmware 1777
+ testmkd /dev/shm/vmware 1777
+ testmkd /mnt/var/run/vmware 1777
+ testmkd ${PLUGINCONFDIR}
+ testmkd /mnt/etc/vmware/udhcpd
+ # write the ${PLUGINCONFDIR}/vmware.conf file
+ # check for the several variables and write the several files:
+ # dhcpd.conf for vmnet* interfaces
+ # nat.conf for the NAT configuration of vmnet8
+ # TODO: vmnet-natd-8.mac not clear if really needed and which mac it
+ # should contain (seems to be an average one)
+ echo -e "# configuration file for vmware background services written in \
+stage3 setup" > ${PLUGINCONFDIR}/vmware.conf
+ if [ "$vmware_bridge" = 1 ] ; then
+ echo "vmnet0=true" >> ${PLUGINCONFDIR}/vmware.conf
+ fi
+ # variable might contain ",NAT" which is to be taken off
+ if [ -n "$vmware_vmnet1" ] ; then
+ local vmnet1=${vmware_vmnet1%,*} # x.x.x.x/yy,NAT => 'x.x.x.x/yy'
+ local vmnat=${vmware_vmnet1#$vmnet1*} # x.x.x.x/yy,NAT => ',NAT'
+ local vmip=${vmnet1%/*} # x.x.x.x/yy => 'x.x.x.x'">
+ local vmpx=${vmnet1#*/} # x.x.x.x/yy => 'yy'
+ local vmsub=$(echo $vmip |sed 's,\(.*\)\..*,\1,') # x.x.x.x => x.x.x
+ echo -e "vmnet1=$vmnet1" >> ${PLUGINCONFDIR}/vmware.conf
+ [ -n "$vmnat" ] && echo "vmnet1nat=true" >> ${PLUGINCONFDIR}/vmware.conf
+ # setting up the udhcpd configuration
+ sed -e "s,NWIF,vmnet1,;s,/misc/,/vmware/," \
+ -e "s,CNETWORK,$vmsub,;s,PIDFILE,/var/run/vmware/," \
+ -e "s,LEASEFILE,/var/run/vmware/udhcpd-vmnet1.leases," \
+ /mnt/etc/opt/openslx/udhcpd.conf >/mnt/etc/vmware/udhcpd/udhcpd-vmnet1.conf
+ fi
+ # vmware nat interface configuration
+ if [ -n "$vmware_vmnet8" ] ; then
+ local vmnet8ip=${vmware_vmnet8%/*}
+ local vmpx=${vmware_vmnet8#*/}
+ local vmsub=$(echo $vmnet8ip |sed 's,\(.*\)\..*,\1,') # x.x.x.x => x.x.x">
+ # vmip is user for vmnet8 device
+ # vmnet is user for config files nat.conf/dhcp
+ local vmip="${vmsub}.1"
+ local vmnet="${vmsub}.2"
+ echo -e "vmnet8=$vmip/$vmpx" >>${PLUGINCONFDIR}/vmware.conf
+ # setting up the udhcpd configuration
+ sed -e "s,NWIF,vmnet8,;s,/misc/,/vmware/," \
+ -e "s,CNETWORK,$vmsub,;s,PIDFILE,/var/run/vmware/," \
+ -e "s,LEASEFILE,/var/run/vmware/udhcpd-vmnet8.leases," \
+ /mnt/etc/opt/openslx/udhcpd.conf >/mnt/etc/vmware/udhcpd/udhcpd-vmnet8.conf
+ # might be not needed any more ...
+ echo -e "# Linux NAT configuration file" \
+ > /mnt/etc/vmware/nat.conf
+ echo -e "[host]" \
+ >> /mnt/etc/vmware/nat.conf
+ echo -e "ip = $vmnet/$vmpx" \
+ >> /mnt/etc/vmware/nat.conf
+ echo -e "device = /dev/vmnet8" \
+ >> /mnt/etc/vmware/nat.conf
+ echo -e "activeFTP = 1" \
+ >> /mnt/etc/vmware/nat.conf
+ echo -e "[udp]" \
+ >> /mnt/etc/vmware/nat.conf
+ echo -e "timeout = 60" \
+ >> /mnt/etc/vmware/nat.conf
+ echo -e "[incomingtcp]" \
+ >> /mnt/etc/vmware/nat.conf
+ echo -e "[incomingudp]" \
+ >> /mnt/etc/vmware/nat.conf
+ echo "00:50:56:F1:30:50" > /mnt/etc/vmware/vmnet-natd-8.mac
+ fi
+ # copy the runlevel script to the proper place and activate it
+ sed "s/eth0/$nwif/g" ${PLUGINDIR}/vmware-slx > /mnt/etc/init.d/vmware-env \
+ || echo " * Error copying runlevel script. Shouldn't happen."
+ chmod a+x /mnt/etc/init.d/vmware-env
+ rllinker "vmware-env" 20 2
+ ############################################################################
+ # vmware stuff first part: two scenarios
+ # * VM images in /usr/share/vmware - then simply link
+ # * VM images via additional mount (mount source NFS, NBD, ...)
+ # get source of vmware image server (get type, server and path)
+ if strinstr "/" "${vmware_imagesrc}" ; then
+ vmimgprot=$(uri_token ${vmware_imagesrc} prot)
+ vmimgserv=$(uri_token ${vmware_imagesrc} server)
+ vmimgpath="$(uri_token ${vmware_imagesrc} path)"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${vmimgserv}" -a -n ${vmimgpath} -a -n ${vmimgprot} ] ; then
+ mnttarget=${VIRTDIR}/vmware
+ # mount the vmware image source readonly (ro)
+ fsmount ${vmimgprot} ${vmimgserv} ${vmimgpath} ${mnttarget} ro
+ else
+ [ $DEBUGLEVEL -gt 1 ] && error " * Incomplete information in variable \
+${vmware_imagesrc}." nonfatal
+ fi
+ ############################################################################
+ # vmware stuff second part: setting up the environment
+ # make udhcpd more silent
+ touch /mnt/var/run/vmware/udhcpd-vmnet1.leases \
+ /mnt/var/run/vmware/udhcpd-vmnet8.leases
+ # create the needed devices which effects all vmware options
+ # they are not created automatically via module load
+ for i in "/dev/vmnet0 c 119 0" "/dev/vmnet1 c 119 1" \
+ "/dev/vmnet8 c 119 8" "/dev/vmmon c 10 165"; do
+ mknod $i
+ done
+ chmod 0700 /dev/vmnet*
+ echo -e "usbfs\t\t/proc/bus/usb\tusbfs\t\tauto\t\t 0 0" >> /mnt/etc/fstab
+ # needed for VMware 5.5.4 and versions below
+ echo -e "\tmount -t usbfs usbfs /proc/bus/usb 2>/dev/null" \
+ >>/mnt/etc/init.d/boot.slx
+ # allow VMware swapping if RamZSWAP is enabled
+ if grep -E "^ramzswap.*1 -.*" /proc/modules ; then
+ echo -e '.encoding = "UTF-8"\nprefvmx.minVmMemPct = "50"
+prefvmx.useRecommendedLockedMemSize = "TRUE"' | sed -e "s/^ *//" \
+ >/mnt/etc/vmware/config
+ else
+ # disable VMware swapping else
+ echo -e '.encoding = "UTF-8"\nprefvmx.minVmMemPct = "100"
+prefvmx.useRecommendedLockedMemSize = "TRUE"' | sed -e "s/^ *//" \
+ >/mnt/etc/vmware/config
+ fi
+ # copy virtualization include files to config dir
+ cp ${PLUGINDIR}/run-virt.include ${PLUGINCONFDIR}
+ # copy version depending files
+ cp ${PLUGINDIR}/${vmware_kind}/vmplayer ${BINDIR}/vmplayer
+ if [ -e ${PLUGINDIR}/${vmware_kind}/vmware ]; then
+ cp ${PLUGINDIR}/${vmware_kind}/vmware ${BINDIR}/vmware
+ fi
+ # affects only kernel and config depending configuration of not
+ # local installed versions
+ cat ${PLUGINDIR}/${vmware_kind}/config >>/mnt/etc/vmware/config
+ chmod 644 /mnt/etc/vmware/config
+ echo "# stage1 variables produced during plugin install" \
+ >>${PLUGINCONFDIR}/vmware.conf
+ cat ${PLUGINDIR}/${vmware_kind}/vmware.conf >>${PLUGINCONFDIR}/vmware.conf
+ # if /tmp resides on nfs: create an empty container file for vmware *.vmem
+ # it does not like to live on NFS exports (still needed??)
+ #if [ cat /proc/mounts|grep -qe "^/tmp "|grep -qe "nfs" ] ; then
+ # dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/tmp/vm-container count=1 seek=2048000
+ # diskfm /mnt/tmp/vm-container /mnt/tmp/vmware
+ # chmod a+rwxt /mnt/tmp/vmware
+ #fi
+ [ $DEBUGLEVEL -gt 0 ] && echo "done with 'vmware' os-plugin ..."
+ fi
+ [ $DEBUGLEVEL -gt 0 ] && echo " * Configuration of vmware plugin failed"