path: root/src/os-plugins/plugins/xen/OpenSLX/OSPlugin/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/os-plugins/plugins/xen/OpenSLX/OSPlugin/')
1 files changed, 185 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/os-plugins/plugins/xen/OpenSLX/OSPlugin/ b/src/os-plugins/plugins/xen/OpenSLX/OSPlugin/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..12331983
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/os-plugins/plugins/xen/OpenSLX/OSPlugin/
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2010 - RZ Uni Freiburg
+# Copyright (c) 2010 - OpenSLX GmbH
+# This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
+# See
+# If you have any feedback please consult and
+# send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to
+# General information about OpenSLX can be found at
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# - implementation of the 'xen' plugin
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+package OpenSLX::OSPlugin::xen;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw(OpenSLX::OSPlugin::Base);
+use File::Path;
+use OpenSLX::Basics;
+use OpenSLX::Utils;
+sub new
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $self = {
+ name => 'xen',
+ };
+ return bless $self, $class;
+sub getInfo
+ my $self = shift;
+ return {
+ description => unshiftHereDoc(<<' End-of-Here'),
+ Configures Xen diskless boot, no installation yet.
+ End-of-Here
+ precedence => 10,
+ };
+sub getAttrInfo
+ my $self = shift;
+ return {
+ 'xen::active' => {
+ applies_to_systems => 1,
+ applies_to_clients => 1,
+ description => unshiftHereDoc(<<' End-of-Here'),
+ should the 'xen'-plugin be executed during boot?
+ End-of-Here
+ content_regex => qr{^(0|1)$},
+ content_descr => '1 means active - 0 means inactive',
+ # set active to 0, later set specially created Xen system to 1
+ default => '0',
+ },
+ # attribute 'imagesrc' defines where we can find xen images
+ 'xen::imagesrc' => {
+ applies_to_systems => 1,
+ applies_to_clients => 1,
+ description => unshiftHereDoc(<<' End-of-Here'),
+ Where do we store our xen images? NFS? Filesystem?
+ End-of-Here
+ content_regex => qr{^(/|nfs://)},
+ content_descr => 'local path or URI or "-" (unset)',
+ default => undef,
+ },
+ # attribute 'tftpdir' defines TFTP dir for network boots /w NAT
+ 'xen::tftpdir' => {
+ applies_to_systems => 1,
+ applies_to_clients => 1,
+ description => unshiftHereDoc(<<' End-of-Here'),
+ Do you want to define a stage 4 TFTP dir for netwoork boots?
+ Needed to boot Xen via NFS, we only need the initramfs
+ Hint: Mount your TFTP ro via NFS to a local dir
+ End-of-Here
+ content_regex => qr{^(/)},
+ content_descr => 'local path or "-" (unset)',
+ default => undef,
+ },
+ };
+sub installationPhase
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $info = shift;
+ $self->{pluginRepositoryPath} = $info->{'plugin-repo-path'};
+ $self->{openslxBasePath} = $info->{'openslx-base-path'};
+ # Copy run-virt.include and template files to the appropriate place for
+ # inclusion in stage4
+ my $pluginName = $self->{'name'};
+ my $pluginBasePath =
+ "$self->{openslxBasePath}/lib/plugins/$pluginName/files";
+ foreach my $file ( qw( run-virt.include machine.include hvm.include ) ) {
+ copyFile("$pluginBasePath/$file", "$self->{pluginRepositoryPath}/");
+ chmod 0644, "$self->{pluginRepositoryPath}/$file";
+ }
+ return;
+sub removalPhase
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $info = shift;
+ return;
+sub suggestAdditionalKernelModules
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $makeInitRamFSEngine = shift;
+ my @suggestedModules;
+ # Xen needs bridge module, for guests xennet and maybe xenblk
+ # earlier versions needed netloop
+ push @suggestedModules, qw( bridge xennet xenblk );
+ return @suggestedModules;
+#sub _xenLabel
+# # set label for each Xen system
+# foreach my $info (@$systemInfos) {
+# if ($info->{xen::active} eq 1) {
+# my $label = $info->{label} || '';
+# if (!length($label) || $label eq $info->{name}) {
+# if ($info->{name} =~ m{^(.+)::(.+)$}) {
+# my $system = $1;
+# my $exportType = $2;
+# $label = $system . "-xen" . ' ' x (36-length($system))
+# . $exportType;
+# } else {
+# $label = $info->{name};
+# }
+# }
+# }
+# $info->{pxeLabel} = $label;
+# }
+# return $info; #???
+#sub _xenBootEntry
+# # Xen entries look different
+# # Example:
+# # KERNEL mboot.c32 vendor-os/xen.gz dom0_mem=128000 ---
+# # vendor-os/vmlinuz-xen debug=3 --- vendor-os/initramfs-1
+# # TODO: versionsort oder per attr?
+# if ($info->{xen::active} eq 1) {
+# my $xenKernel = slxsystem(ls /boot/xen* | sort | tail -n 1);
+# $append .= " file=$bootURI" if length($bootURI);
+# $append .= " file=$tftpPrefix" if length($tftpPrefix);
+# $append .= " $clientAppend";
+# $append .= " --- $pxePrefix$vendorOSName/$info->{'initramfs-name'}";
+# $slxLabels .= "LABEL openslx-$info->{'external-id'}-xen\n";
+# # $slxLabels .= $pxeDefault;
+# $slxLabels .= "\tMENU LABEL ^$info->{pxeLabel}\n";
+# $slxLabels .= "\tKERNEL mboot.c32\n";
+# $slxLabels .= "\tAPPEND $pxePrefix$vendorOSName/$xenKernel";
+# # $slxLabels .= " dom0_mem=128000";
+# $slxLabels .= " --- $pxePrefix$vendorOSName/$kernelName";
+# $slxLabels .= " --- $append\n";
+# $slxLabels .= "\tIPAPPEND 3\n";
+# }
+# return $slxLabels;