path: root/drivers/staging/ced1401/usb1401.h
blob: ea0fe6398a01e6a708aa48a57d344195386727f9 (plain) (tree)


























/* usb1401.h
 Header file for the CED 1401 USB device driver for Linux
 Copyright (C) 2010 Cambridge Electronic Design Ltd
 Author Greg P Smith (

 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 GNU General Public License for more details.

 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef __USB1401_H__
#define __USB1401_H__
#include "use1401.h"
#include "ced_ioctl.h"

#ifndef UINT
#define UINT unsigned int

/** Device type codes, but these don't need to be extended - a succession is assumed
** These are set for usb from the bcdDevice field (suitably mangled). Future devices
** will be added in order of device creation to the list, so the names here are just
** to help use remember which device is which. The U14ERR_... values follow the same
** pattern for modern devices.a
#define TYPEUNKNOWN        -1             /*  dont know */
#define TYPE1401           0              /*  standard 1401 */
#define TYPEPLUS           1              /*  1401 plus */
#define TYPEU1401          2              /*  u1401 */
#define TYPEPOWER          3              /*  Power1401 */
#define TYPEU14012         4              /*  u1401 mkII */
#define TYPEPOWER2         5              /*  Power1401 mk II */
#define TYPEMICRO3         6              /*  Micro1401-3 */
#define TYPEPOWER3         7              /*  Power1401-3 */

/*  Some useful defines of constants. DONT FORGET to change the version in the */
/*  resources whenever you change it here!. */
#define DRIVERMAJREV      2             /*  driver revision level major (match windows) */
#define DRIVERMINREV      0             /*  driver revision level minor */

/*  Definitions of the various block transfer command codes */
#define TM_EXTTOHOST    8               /*  extended tohost */
#define TM_EXTTO1401    9               /*  extended to1401 */

/*  Definitions of values in usbReqtype. Used in sorting out setup actions */
#define H_TO_D 0x00
#define D_TO_H 0x80
#define VENDOR 0x40
#define DEVREQ 0x00
#define INTREQ 0x01
#define ENDREQ 0x02

/*  Definition of values in usbRequest, again used to sort out setup */
#define GET_STATUS      0x00
#define CLEAR_FEATURE   0x01
#define SET_FEATURE     0x03
#define SET_ADDRESS     0x05
#define GET_DESC        0x06
#define SET_DESC        0x07
#define GET_CONF        0x08
#define SET_CONF        0x09
#define GET_INTERFACE   0x0a
#define SET_INTERFACE   0x0b
#define SYNCH_FRAME     0x0c

/*  Definitions of the various debug command codes understood by the 1401. These */
/*  are used in various vendor-specific commands to achieve the desired effect */
#define DB_GRAB         0x50            /* Grab is a NOP for USB */
#define DB_FREE         0x51            /* Free is a NOP for the USB */
#define DB_SETADD       0x52            /* Set debug address (double) */
#define DB_SELFTEST     0x53            /* Start self test */
#define DB_SETMASK      0x54            /* Set enable mask (double) */
#define DB_SETDEF       0x55            /* Set default mask (double) */
#define DB_PEEK         0x56            /* Peek address, save result */
#define DB_POKE         0x57            /* Poke address with data (double) */
#define DB_RAMPD        0x58            /* Ramp data at debug address */
#define DB_RAMPA        0x59            /* Ramp address bus */
#define DB_REPEATS      0x5A            /* Set repeats for operations (double) */
#define DB_WIDTH        0x5B            /* Set width for operations (byte) */
#define DB_DATA         0x5C            /* Get 4-byte data read by PEEK */
#define DB_CHARS        0x5D            /* Send chars via EP0 control write */

#define CR_CHAR          0x0D           /* The carriage return character */
#define CR_CHAR_80       0x8d           /*  and with bit 7 set */

/*  A structure holding information about a block of memory for use in circular transfers */
typedef struct circBlk {
	volatile UINT dwOffset;             /* Offset within area of block start */
	volatile UINT dwSize;               /* Size of the block, in bytes (0 = unused) */

/*  A structure holding all of the information about a transfer area - an area of */
/*   memory set up for use either as a source or destination in DMA transfers. */
typedef struct transarea {
	void	*lpvBuff;                /*  User address of xfer area saved for completeness */
	UINT        dwBaseOffset;           /*  offset to start of xfer area in first page */
	UINT        dwLength;               /*  Length of xfer area, in bytes */
	struct page **pPages;               /*  Points at array of locked down pages */
	int         nPages;                 /*  number of pages that are locked down */
	bool        bUsed;                  /*  Is this structure in use? */
	bool        bCircular;              /*  Is this area for circular transfers? */
	bool        bCircToHost;            /*  Flag for direction of circular transfer */
	bool        bEventToHost;           /*  Set event on transfer to host? */
	int         iWakeUp;                /*  Set 1 on event, cleared by TestEvent() */
	UINT        dwEventSt;              /*  Defines section within xfer area for... */
	UINT        dwEventSz;              /*  ...notification by the event SZ is 0 if unset */
	CIRCBLK     aBlocks[2];             /*  Info on a pair of circular blocks */
	wait_queue_head_t wqEvent;          /*  The wait queue for events in this area MUST BE LAST */

/*  The DMADESC structure is used to hold information on the transfer in progress. It */
/*  is set up by ReadDMAInfo, using information sent by the 1401 in an escape sequence. */
typedef struct dmadesc {
	unsigned short wTransType;          /* transfer type as TM_xxx above        */
	unsigned short wIdent;              /* identifier word                      */
	unsigned int   dwSize;              /* bytes to transfer                    */
	unsigned int   dwOffset;            /* offset into transfer area for trans  */
	bool           bOutWard;            /* true when data is going TO 1401      */

#define INBUF_SZ         256            /* input buffer size */
#define OUTBUF_SZ        256            /* output buffer size */
#define STAGED_SZ 0x10000               /*  size of coherent buffer for staged transfers */

/*  Structure to hold all of our device specific stuff. We are making this as similar as we */
/*  can to the Windows driver to help in our understanding of what is going on. */
typedef struct _DEVICE_EXTENSION {
	char inputBuffer[INBUF_SZ];         /* The two buffers */
	char outputBuffer[OUTBUF_SZ];       /* accessed by the host functions */
	volatile unsigned int dwNumInput;   /* num of chars in input buffer   */
	volatile unsigned int dwInBuffGet;  /* where to get from input buffer */
	volatile unsigned int dwInBuffPut;  /* where to put into input buffer */
	volatile unsigned int dwNumOutput;  /* num of chars in output buffer  */
	volatile unsigned int dwOutBuffGet; /* where to get from output buffer*/
	volatile unsigned int dwOutBuffPut; /* where to put into output buffer*/

	volatile bool bSendCharsPending;    /* Flag to indicate sendchar active */
	volatile bool bReadCharsPending;    /* Flag to indicate a read is primed */
	char *pCoherCharOut;                /* special aligned buffer for chars to 1401 */
	struct urb *pUrbCharOut;            /* urb used for chars to 1401 */
	char *pCoherCharIn;                 /* special aligned buffer for chars to host */
	struct urb *pUrbCharIn;             /* urb used for chars to host */

	spinlock_t charOutLock;             /* to protect the outputBuffer and outputting */
	spinlock_t charInLock;              /* to protect the inputBuffer and char reads */
	__u8 bInterval;                     /* Interrupt end point interval */

	volatile unsigned int dwDMAFlag;    /* state of DMA */
	TRANSAREA rTransDef[MAX_TRANSAREAS];/* transfer area info */
	volatile DMADESC rDMAInfo;          /*  info on current DMA transfer */
	volatile bool bXFerWaiting;         /*  Flag set if DMA transfer stalled */
	volatile bool bInDrawDown;          /*  Flag that we want to halt transfers */

	/*  Parameters relating to a block read\write that is in progress. Some of these values */
	/*   are equivalent to values in rDMAInfo. The values here are those in use, while those */
	/*   in rDMAInfo are those received from the 1401 via an escape sequence. If another */
	/*   escape sequence arrives before the previous xfer ends, rDMAInfo values are updated while these */
	/*   are used to finish off the current transfer. */
	volatile short StagedId;            /*  The transfer area id for this transfer */
	volatile bool StagedRead;           /*  Flag TRUE for read from 1401, FALSE for write */
	volatile unsigned int StagedLength; /*  Total length of this transfer */
	volatile unsigned int StagedOffset; /*  Offset within memory area for transfer start */
	volatile unsigned int StagedDone;   /*  Bytes transferred so far */
	volatile bool bStagedUrbPending;    /*  Flag to indicate active */
	char *pCoherStagedIO;               /*  buffer used for block transfers */
	struct urb *pStagedUrb;             /*  The URB to use */
	spinlock_t stagedLock;              /*  protects ReadWriteMem() and circular buffer stuff */

	short s1401Type;                    /*  type of 1401 attached */
	short sCurrentState;                /*  current error state */
	bool bIsUSB2;                       /*  type of the interface we connect to */
	bool bForceReset;                   /*  Flag to make sure we get a real reset */
	__u32 statBuf[2];                   /*  buffer for 1401 state info */

	unsigned long ulSelfTestTime;       /*  used to timeout self test */

	int nPipes;                         /*  Should be 3 or 4 depending on 1401 usb chip */
	int bPipeError[4];                  /*  set non-zero if an error on one of the pipe */
	__u8 epAddr[4];                     /*  addresses of the 3/4 end points */

	struct usb_device *udev;            /*  the usb device for this device */
	struct usb_interface *interface;    /*  the interface for this device, NULL if removed */
	struct usb_anchor submitted;        /*  in case we need to retract our submissions */
	struct mutex io_mutex;              /*  synchronize I/O with disconnect, one user-mode caller at a time */

	int    errors;                      /*  the last request tanked */
	int    open_count;                  /*  count the number of openers */
	spinlock_t err_lock;                /*  lock for errors */
	struct kref kref;
#define to_DEVICE_EXTENSION(d) container_of(d, DEVICE_EXTENSION, kref)

/*  Definitions of routimes used between compilation object files */
/*  in usb1401.c */
extern int Allowi(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx);
extern int SendChars(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx);
extern void ced_draw_down(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx);
extern int ReadWriteMem(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx, bool Read, unsigned short wIdent,
				unsigned int dwOffs, unsigned int dwLen);

/*  in ced_ioc.c */
extern int ClearArea(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx, int nArea);
extern int SendString(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx, const char __user *pData, unsigned int n);
extern int SendChar(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx, char c);
extern int Get1401State(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx, __u32 *state, __u32 *error);
extern int ReadWrite_Cancel(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx);
extern bool Is1401(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx);
extern bool QuickCheck(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx, bool bTestBuff, bool bCanReset);
extern int Reset1401(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx);
extern int GetChar(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx);
extern int GetString(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx, char __user *pUser, int n);
extern int SetTransfer(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx, struct transfer_area_desc __user *pTD);
extern int UnsetTransfer(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx, int nArea);
extern int SetEvent(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx, struct transfer_event __user *pTE);
extern int Stat1401(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx);
extern int LineCount(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx);
extern int GetOutBufSpace(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx);
extern int GetTransfer(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx, TGET_TX_BLOCK __user *pGTB);
extern int KillIO1401(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx);
extern int BlkTransState(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx);
extern int StateOf1401(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx);
extern int StartSelfTest(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx);
extern int CheckSelfTest(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx, TGET_SELFTEST __user *pGST);
extern int TypeOf1401(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx);
extern int TransferFlags(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx);
extern int DbgPeek(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx, TDBGBLOCK __user *pDB);
extern int DbgPoke(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx, TDBGBLOCK __user *pDB);
extern int DbgRampData(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx, TDBGBLOCK __user *pDB);
extern int DbgRampAddr(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx, TDBGBLOCK __user *pDB);
extern int DbgGetData(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx, TDBGBLOCK __user *pDB);
extern int DbgStopLoop(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx);
extern int SetCircular(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx, struct transfer_area_desc __user *pTD);
extern int GetCircBlock(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx, TCIRCBLOCK __user *pCB);
extern int FreeCircBlock(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx, TCIRCBLOCK __user *pCB);
extern int WaitEvent(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx, int nArea, int msTimeOut);
extern int TestEvent(DEVICE_EXTENSION *pdx, int nArea);