path: root/drivers/staging/wilc1000/host_interface.h
blob: e66dee9af5da6b2529889f5505f0cb49b2814836 (plain) (tree)






















































































































 *  @file	host_interface.h
 *  @brief	File containg host interface APIs
 *  @author	zsalah
 *  @sa		host_interface.c
 *  @date	8 March 2012
 *  @version	1.0

#ifndef HOST_INT_H
#define HOST_INT_H

#include "coreconfigurator.h"
/*								Macros                                       */
#define FAIL		0x0000
#define SUCCESS		0x0001

#define IP_ALEN  4

#define BIT2                    ((u32)(1 << 2))
#define BIT1                    ((u32)(1 << 1))
#define BIT0                    ((u32)(1 << 0))

#define AP_MODE		0x01
#define STATION_MODE	0x02
#define GO_MODE	0x03
#define CLIENT_MODE	0x04

#define MAX_NUM_STA                 9
#define ACTIVE_SCAN_TIME			10
#define PASSIVE_SCAN_TIME			1200
#define MIN_SCAN_TIME				10
#define MAX_SCAN_TIME				1200
#define DEFAULT_SCAN				0
#define USER_SCAN					BIT0
#define GTK_RX_KEY_BUFF_LEN			24
#define ADDKEY						0x1
#define REMOVEKEY					0x2
#define DEFAULTKEY					0x4
#define ADDKEY_AP					0x8
#define MAX_NUM_SCANNED_NETWORKS	100 /* 30		// rachel */
#define MAX_NUM_PROBED_SSID            10  /*One more than the number of scanned ssids*/
#define CHANNEL_SCAN_TIME			250 /* 250 */

#define TX_MIC_KEY_LEN				8
#define RX_MIC_KEY_LEN				8
#define PTK_KEY_LEN					16

#define TX_MIC_KEY_MSG_LEN			26
#define RX_MIC_KEY_MSG_LEN			48
#define PTK_KEY_MSG_LEN				39

#define PMKSA_KEY_LEN				22
#define ETH_ALEN  6
#define PMKID_LEN					16
#define WILC_ADD_STA_LENGTH	40 /* Not including the rates field cause it has variable length*/
/* Data Types                                                                */
/* typedef unsigned char	uint8; */
/* typedef signed char     int8; */
/* typedef unsigned short	uint16; */
/* typedef unsigned long   uint32; */
/* typedef uint32   Bool; */

typedef struct {
	u16 cfg_wid;
	WID_TYPE_T cfg_type;
	s8     *pu8Para;
} cfg_param_t;

typedef struct _tstrStatistics {
	u8 u8LinkSpeed;
	s8 s8RSSI;
	u32 u32TxCount;
	u32 u32RxCount;
	u32 u32TxFailureCount;

} tstrStatistics;

typedef enum {
	HOST_IF_IDLE					= 0,
} tenuHostIFstate;

typedef struct _tstrHostIFpmkid {
	u8 bssid[ETH_ALEN];
	u8 pmkid[PMKID_LEN];
} tstrHostIFpmkid;

typedef struct _tstrHostIFpmkidAttr {
	u8 numpmkid;
	tstrHostIFpmkid pmkidlist[WILC_MAX_NUM_PMKIDS];
} tstrHostIFpmkidAttr;

typedef enum {
	MBPS_1	     = 1,
	MBPS_2	     = 2,
	MBPS_5_5	     = 5,
	MBPS_11	     = 11,
	MBPS_6	     = 6,
	MBPS_9	     = 9,
	MBPS_12	     = 12,
	MBPS_18	     = 18,
	MBPS_24	     = 24,
	MBPS_36	     = 36,
	MBPS_48	     = 48,
	MBPS_54	     = 54

typedef struct {
	u32 u32SetCfgFlag;
	u8 ht_enable;
	u8 bss_type;
	u8 auth_type;
	u16 auth_timeout;
	u8 power_mgmt_mode;
	u16 short_retry_limit;
	u16 long_retry_limit;
	u16 frag_threshold;
	u16 rts_threshold;
	u16 preamble_type;
	u8 short_slot_allowed;
	u8 txop_prot_disabled;
	u16 beacon_interval;
	u16 dtim_period;
	SITE_SURVEY_T site_survey_enabled;
	u16 site_survey_scan_time;
	u8 scan_source;
	u16 active_scan_time;
	u16 passive_scan_time;
	CURRENT_TX_RATE_T curr_tx_rate;

} tstrCfgParamVal;

typedef enum {
	RETRY_SHORT		= 1 << 0,
	RETRY_LONG		= 1 << 1,
	RTS_THRESHOLD	= 1 << 3,
	BSS_TYPE  = 1 << 4,
	AUTH_TYPE = 1 << 5,
	PREAMBLE = 1 << 8,
	DTIM_PERIOD = 1 << 12,
	SITE_SURVEY = 1 << 13,
	CURRENT_TX_RATE = 1 << 17,
	HT_ENABLE = 1 << 18,
} tenuCfgParam;

typedef struct {
	u8 au8bssid[6];
	s8 s8rssi;
} tstrFoundNetworkInfo;

typedef enum {SCAN_EVENT_NETWORK_FOUND  = 0,
	      SCAN_EVENT_DONE = 1,
	      SCAN_EVENT_FORCE_32BIT  = 0xFFFFFFFF} tenuScanEvent;

typedef enum {
} tenuConnDisconnEvent;

typedef enum {
	/* WPATxGtk, */
} tenuKeyType;

/*Scan callBack function definition*/
typedef void (*tWILCpfScanResult)(tenuScanEvent, tstrNetworkInfo *, void *, void *);

/*Connect callBack function definition*/
typedef void (*tWILCpfConnectResult)(tenuConnDisconnEvent,
				     tstrConnectInfo *,
				     tstrDisconnectNotifInfo *,
				     void *);

#ifdef WILC_P2P
typedef void (*tWILCpfRemainOnChanExpired)(void *, u32);  /*Remain on channel expiration callback function*/
typedef void (*tWILCpfRemainOnChanReady)(void *); /*Remain on channel callback function*/

/* typedef u32 WILC_WFIDrvHandle; */
typedef struct {
	s32 s32Dummy;
} *WILC_WFIDrvHandle;

 *  @struct             tstrRcvdNetworkInfo
 *  @brief		Structure to hold Received Asynchronous Network info
 *  @details
 *  @todo
 *  @sa
 *  @author		Mostafa Abu Bakr
 *  @date		25 March 2012
 *  @version		1.0
typedef struct _tstrRcvdNetworkInfo {
	u8 *pu8Buffer;
	u32 u32Length;
} tstrRcvdNetworkInfo;

typedef struct _tstrHiddenNetworkInfo {
	u8  *pu8ssid;
	u8 u8ssidlen;

} tstrHiddenNetworkInfo;

typedef struct _tstrHiddenNetwork {
	tstrHiddenNetworkInfo *pstrHiddenNetworkInfo;
	u8 u8ssidnum;

} tstrHiddenNetwork;

typedef struct {
	/* Scan user call back function */
	tWILCpfScanResult pfUserScanResult;

	/* User specific parameter to be delivered through the Scan User Callback function */
	void *u32UserScanPvoid;

	u32 u32RcvdChCount;
	tstrFoundNetworkInfo astrFoundNetworkInfo[MAX_NUM_SCANNED_NETWORKS];
} tstrWILC_UsrScanReq;

typedef struct {
	u8 *pu8bssid;
	u8 *pu8ssid;
	u8 u8security;
	AUTHTYPE_T tenuAuth_type;
	size_t ssidLen;
	u8 *pu8ConnReqIEs;
	size_t ConnReqIEsLen;
	/* Connect user call back function */
	tWILCpfConnectResult pfUserConnectResult;
	bool IsHTCapable;
	/* User specific parameter to be delivered through the Connect User Callback function */
	void *u32UserConnectPvoid;
} tstrWILC_UsrConnReq;

typedef struct {
	u32 u32Address;
} tstrHostIfSetDrvHandler;

typedef struct {
	u32 u32Mode;
} tstrHostIfSetOperationMode;

typedef struct {
	u8 u8MacAddress[ETH_ALEN];
} tstrHostIfSetMacAddress;

typedef struct {
	u8 *u8MacAddress;
} tstrHostIfGetMacAddress;

typedef struct {
	u8 au8Bssid[ETH_ALEN];
	u8 u8Ted;
	u16 u16BufferSize;
	u16 u16SessionTimeout;
} tstrHostIfBASessionInfo;

#ifdef WILC_P2P
typedef struct {
	u16 u16Channel;
	u32 u32duration;
	tWILCpfRemainOnChanExpired pRemainOnChanExpired;
	tWILCpfRemainOnChanReady pRemainOnChanReady;
	void *pVoid;
	u32 u32ListenSessionID;
} tstrHostIfRemainOnChan;

typedef struct {

	bool bReg;
	u16 u16FrameType;
	u8 u8Regid;

} tstrHostIfRegisterFrame;

#define   ACTION         0xD0
#define   PROBE_REQ   0x40
#define   PROBE_RESP  0x50
#define   ACTION_FRM_IDX   0
#define   PROBE_REQ_IDX     1

enum p2p_listen_state {

typedef struct {
	/* Scan user structure */
	tstrWILC_UsrScanReq strWILC_UsrScanReq;

	/* Connect User structure */
	tstrWILC_UsrConnReq strWILC_UsrConnReq;

	#ifdef WILC_P2P
	/*Remain on channel struvture*/
	tstrHostIfRemainOnChan strHostIfRemainOnChan;
	u8 u8RemainOnChan_pendingreq;
	u64 u64P2p_MgmtTimeout;
	u8 u8P2PConnect;

	tenuHostIFstate enuHostIFstate;

	/* bool bPendingConnRequest; */

	u32 u32SurveyResultsCount;
	wid_site_survey_reslts_s astrSurveyResults[MAX_NUM_SCANNED_NETWORKS];

	u8 au8AssociatedBSSID[ETH_ALEN];
	tstrCfgParamVal strCfgValues;
/* semaphores */
	struct semaphore gtOsCfgValuesSem;
	struct semaphore hSemTestKeyBlock;

	struct semaphore hSemTestDisconnectBlock;
	struct semaphore hSemGetRSSI;
	struct semaphore hSemGetLINKSPEED;
	struct semaphore hSemGetCHNL;
	struct semaphore hSemInactiveTime;
/* timer handlers */
	struct timer_list hScanTimer;
	struct timer_list hConnectTimer;
	#ifdef WILC_P2P
	struct timer_list hRemainOnChannel;

	bool IFC_UP;
} tstrWILC_WFIDrv;

 *  @enum               tenuWILC_StaFlag
 *  @brief			Used to decode the station flag set and mask in tstrWILC_AddStaParam
 *  @details
 *  @todo
 *  @sa			tstrWILC_AddStaParam, enum nl80211_sta_flags
 *  @author		Enumeraion's creator
 *  @date			12 July 2012
 *  @version		1.0 Description

typedef enum {
	WILC_STA_FLAG_AUTHORIZED,                       /*!<  station is authorized (802.1X)*/
	WILC_STA_FLAG_SHORT_PREAMBLE,   /*!< station is capable of receiving frames	with short barker preamble*/
	WILC_STA_FLAG_WME,                              /*!< station is WME/QoS capable*/
	WILC_STA_FLAG_MFP,                                      /*!< station uses management frame protection*/
	WILC_STA_FLAG_AUTHENTICATED             /*!< station is authenticated*/
} tenuWILC_StaFlag;

typedef struct {
	u16 u16AssocID;
	u8 u8NumRates;
	const u8 *pu8Rates;
	bool bIsHTSupported;
	u16 u16HTCapInfo;
	u8 u8AmpduParams;
	u8 au8SuppMCsSet[16];
	u16 u16HTExtParams;
	u32 u32TxBeamformingCap;
	u8 u8ASELCap;
	u16 u16FlagsMask;               /*<! Determines which of u16FlagsSet were changed>*/
	u16 u16FlagsSet;                /*<! Decoded according to tenuWILC_StaFlag */
} tstrWILC_AddStaParam;

/* extern void CfgDisconnected(void* pUserVoid, u16 u16reason, u8 * ie, size_t ie_len); */

/*																			 */
/*							Host Interface API								 */
/*																			 */

 *  @brief              removes wpa/wpa2 keys
 *  @details    only in BSS STA mode if External Supplicant support is enabled.
 *                              removes all WPA/WPA2 station key entries from MAC hardware.
 *  @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
 *  @param[in]  6 bytes of Station Adress in the station entry table
 *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
 *  @note
 *  @author		zsalah
 *  @date		8 March 2012
 *  @version		1.0
s32 host_int_remove_key(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, const u8 *pu8StaAddress);
 *  @brief              removes WEP key
 *  @details    valid only in BSS STA mode if External Supplicant support is enabled.
 *                              remove a WEP key entry from MAC HW.
 *                              The BSS Station automatically finds the index of the entry using its
 *                              BSS ID and removes that entry from the MAC hardware.
 *  @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
 *  @param[in]  6 bytes of Station Adress in the station entry table
 *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
 *  @note               NO need for the STA add since it is not used for processing
 *  @author		zsalah
 *  @date		8 March 2012
 *  @version		1.0
s32 host_int_remove_wep_key(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, u8 u8Index);
 *  @brief              sets WEP deafault key
 *  @details    Sets the index of the WEP encryption key in use,
 *                              in the key table
 *  @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
 *  @param[in]  key index ( 0, 1, 2, 3)
 *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
 *  @note
 *  @author		zsalah
 *  @date		8 March 2012
 *  @version		1.0
s32 host_int_set_WEPDefaultKeyID(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, u8 u8Index);

 *  @brief              sets WEP deafault key
 *  @details    valid only in BSS STA mode if External Supplicant support is enabled.
 *                              sets WEP key entry into MAC hardware when it receives the
 *                              corresponding request from NDIS.
 *  @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
 *  @param[in]  message containing WEP Key in the following format
 *|Key ID Value | Key Length |	Key		|
 |	1byte	  |		1byte  | Key Length	|
 *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
 *  @note
 *  @author		zsalah
 *  @date		8 March 2012
 *  @version		1.0
s32 host_int_add_wep_key_bss_sta(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, const u8 *pu8WepKey, u8 u8WepKeylen, u8 u8Keyidx);
 *  @brief              host_int_add_wep_key_bss_ap
 *  @details    valid only in AP mode if External Supplicant support is enabled.
 *                              sets WEP key entry into MAC hardware when it receives the
 *                              corresponding request from NDIS.
 *  @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
 *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
 *  @note
 *  @author		mdaftedar
 *  @date		28 Feb 2013
 *  @version		1.0
s32 host_int_add_wep_key_bss_ap(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, const u8 *pu8WepKey, u8 u8WepKeylen, u8 u8Keyidx, u8 u8mode, AUTHTYPE_T tenuAuth_type);

 *  @brief              adds ptk Key
 *  @details
 *  @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
 *  @param[in]  message containing PTK Key in the following format
 *|Sta Adress | Key Length |	Temporal Key | Rx Michael Key |Tx Michael Key |
 |	6 bytes |	1byte	 |   16 bytes	 |	  8 bytes	  |	   8 bytes	  |
 *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
 *  @note
 *  @author		zsalah
 *  @date		8 March 2012
 *  @version		1.0
s32 host_int_add_ptk(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, const u8 *pu8Ptk, u8 u8PtkKeylen,
			     const u8 *mac_addr, const u8 *pu8RxMic, const u8 *pu8TxMic, u8 mode, u8 u8Ciphermode, u8 u8Idx);

 *  @brief              host_int_get_inactive_time
 *  @details
 *  @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
 *  @param[in]  message containing inactive time
 *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
 *  @note
 *  @author		mdaftedar
 *  @date		15 April 2013
 *  @version		1.0
s32 host_int_get_inactive_time(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, const u8 *mac, u32 *pu32InactiveTime);

 *  @brief              adds Rx GTk Key
 *  @details
 *  @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
 *  @param[in]  message containing Rx GTK Key in the following format
 *|Sta Address | Key RSC | KeyID | Key Length | Temporal Key	| Rx Michael Key |
 |	6 bytes	 | 8 byte  |1 byte |  1 byte	|   16 bytes	|	  8 bytes	 |
 *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
 *  @note
 *  @author		zsalah
 *  @date		8 March 2012
 *  @version		1.0
s32 host_int_add_rx_gtk(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, const u8 *pu8RxGtk, u8 u8GtkKeylen,
				u8 u8KeyIdx, u32 u32KeyRSClen, const u8 *KeyRSC,
				const u8 *pu8RxMic, const u8 *pu8TxMic, u8 mode, u8 u8Ciphermode);

 *  @brief              adds Tx GTk Key
 *  @details
 *  @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
 *  @param[in]  message containing Tx GTK Key in the following format
 | KeyID | Key Length | Temporal Key	| Tx Michael Key |
 ||1 byte |  1 byte	 |   16 bytes	|	  8 bytes	 |
 *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
 *  @note
 *  @author		zsalah
 *  @date		8 March 2012
 *  @version		1.0
s32 host_int_add_tx_gtk(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, u8 u8KeyLen, u8 *pu8TxGtk, u8 u8KeyIdx);

 *  @brief              caches the pmkid
 *  @details    valid only in BSS STA mode if External Supplicant
 *                              support is enabled. This Function sets the PMKID in firmware
 *                              when host drivr receives the corresponding request from NDIS.
 *                              The firmware then includes theset PMKID in the appropriate
 *                              management frames
 *  @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver
 *  @param[in]  message containing PMKID Info in the following format
 *|NumEntries |	BSSID[1] | PMKID[1] |  ...	| BSSID[K] | PMKID[K] |
 |	   1	|		6	 |   16		|  ...	|	 6	   |	16	  |
 *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
 *  @note
 *  @author		zsalah
 *  @date		8 March 2012
 *  @version		1.0

s32 host_int_set_pmkid_info(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, tstrHostIFpmkidAttr *pu8PmkidInfoArray);
 *  @brief              gets the cached the pmkid info
 *  @details    valid only in BSS STA mode if External Supplicant
 *                              support is enabled. This Function sets the PMKID in firmware
 *                              when host drivr receives the corresponding request from NDIS.
 *                              The firmware then includes theset PMKID in the appropriate
 *                              management frames
 *  @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
 *                                message containing PMKID Info in the following format
 *|NumEntries |	BSSID[1] | PMKID[1] |  ...	| BSSID[K] | PMKID[K] |
 |	   1	|		6	 |   16		|  ...	|	 6	   |	16	  |
 *  @param[in]
 *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
 *  @note
 *  @author		zsalah
 *  @date		8 March 2012
 *  @version		1.0

s32 host_int_get_pmkid_info(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, u8 *pu8PmkidInfoArray,
				    u32 u32PmkidInfoLen);

 *  @brief              sets the pass phrase
 *  @details    AP/STA mode. This function gives the pass phrase used to
 *                              generate the Pre-Shared Key when WPA/WPA2 is enabled
 *                              The length of the field can vary from 8 to 64 bytes,
 *                              the lower layer should get the
 *  @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
 *  @param[in]   String containing PSK
 *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
 *  @note
 *  @author		zsalah
 *  @date		8 March 2012
 *  @version		1.0
s32 host_int_set_RSNAConfigPSKPassPhrase(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, u8 *pu8PassPhrase,
						 u8 u8Psklength);
 *  @brief              gets the pass phrase
 *  @details    AP/STA mode. This function gets the pass phrase used to
 *                              generate the Pre-Shared Key when WPA/WPA2 is enabled
 *                              The length of the field can vary from 8 to 64 bytes,
 *                              the lower layer should get the
 *  @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
 *                                String containing PSK
 *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
 *  @note
 *  @author		zsalah
 *  @date		8 March 2012
 *  @version		1.0
s32 host_int_get_RSNAConfigPSKPassPhrase(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv,
						 u8 *pu8PassPhrase, u8 u8Psklength);

 *  @brief              gets mac address
 *  @details
 *  @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
 *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
 *  @note
 *  @author		mdaftedar
 *  @date		19 April 2012
 *  @version		1.0
s32 host_int_get_MacAddress(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, u8 *pu8MacAddress);

 *  @brief              sets mac address
 *  @details
 *  @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
 *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
 *  @note
 *  @author		mabubakr
 *  @date		16 July 2012
 *  @version		1.0
s32 host_int_set_MacAddress(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, u8 *pu8MacAddress);

 *  @brief              wait until msg q is empty
 *  @details
 *  @param[in,out]
 *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
 *  @note
 *  @author		asobhy
 *  @date		19 march 2014
 *  @version		1.0
s32 host_int_wait_msg_queue_idle(void);

 *  @brief              gets the site survey results
 *  @details
 *  @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
 *                                Message containing  site survey results in the
 *                                following formate
 | MsgLength | fragNo.	| MsgBodyLength	| MsgBody	|
 |	 1		|	  1		|		1		|	 1		|
 | -----------------------------------------	 |  ----------------
 | Network1 | Netweork2 | ... | Network5 |
 |	44	   |	44	   | ... |	 44		|
 | -------------------------- | ---------------------------------------
 | SSID | BSS Type | Channel | Security Status| BSSID | RSSI |Reserved |
 |  33  |	 1	  |	  1		|		1		 |	  6	 |	 1	|	 1	  |
 *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
 *  @note
 *  @author		zsalah
 *  @date		8 March 2012
 *  @version		1.0
s32 host_int_get_site_survey_results(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv,
					     u8 ppu8RcvdSiteSurveyResults[][MAX_SURVEY_RESULT_FRAG_SIZE],
					     u32 u32MaxSiteSrvyFragLen);

 *  @brief              sets a start scan request
 *  @details
 *  @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
 *  @param[in]	Scan Source one of the following values
 *                              DEFAULT_SCAN        0
 *                              USER_SCAN           BIT0
 *                              OBSS_PERIODIC_SCAN  BIT1
 *                              OBSS_ONETIME_SCAN   BIT2
 *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
 *  @note
 *  @author		zsalah
 *  @date		8 March 2012
 *  @version		1.0

s32 host_int_set_start_scan_req(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, u8 scanSource);
 *  @brief              gets scan source of the last scan
 *  @details
 *  @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
 *                              Scan Source one of the following values
 *                              DEFAULT_SCAN        0
 *                              USER_SCAN           BIT0
 *                              OBSS_PERIODIC_SCAN  BIT1
 *                              OBSS_ONETIME_SCAN   BIT2
 *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
 *  @note
 *  @author		zsalah
 *  @date		8 March 2012
 *  @version		1.0
s32 host_int_get_start_scan_req(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, u8 *pu8ScanSource);

 *  @brief              sets a join request
 *  @details
 *  @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
 *  @param[in]	Index of the bss descriptor
 *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
 *  @note
 *  @author		zsalah
 *  @date		8 March 2012
 *  @version		1.0

s32 host_int_set_join_req(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, u8 *pu8bssid,
				  const u8 *pu8ssid, size_t ssidLen,
				  const u8 *pu8IEs, size_t IEsLen,
				  tWILCpfConnectResult pfConnectResult, void *pvUserArg,
				  u8 u8security, AUTHTYPE_T tenuAuth_type,
				  u8 u8channel,
				  void *pJoinParams);

 *  @brief              Flush a join request parameters to FW, but actual connection
 *  @details    The function is called in situation where WILC is connected to AP and
 *                      required to switch to hybrid FW for P2P connection
 *  @param[in] handle to the wifi driver,
 *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
 *  @note
 *  @author		Amr Abdel-Moghny
 *  @date		19 DEC 2013
 *  @version		8.0

s32 host_int_flush_join_req(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv);

 *  @brief              disconnects from the currently associated network
 *  @details
 *  @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
 *  @param[in]	Reason Code of the Disconnection
 *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
 *  @note
 *  @author		zsalah
 *  @date		8 March 2012
 *  @version		1.0
s32 host_int_disconnect(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, u16 u16ReasonCode);

 *  @brief              disconnects a sta
 *  @details
 *  @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
 *  @param[in]	Association Id of the station to be disconnected
 *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
 *  @note
 *  @author		zsalah
 *  @date		8 March 2012
 *  @version		1.0
s32 host_int_disconnect_station(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, u8 assoc_id);
 *  @brief              gets a Association request info
 *  @details
 *  @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
 *                              Message containg assoc. req info in the following format
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 |                        Management Frame Format                    |
 ||Frame Control|Duration|DA|SA|BSSID|Sequence Control|Frame Body|FCS |
 | 2           |2       |6 |6 |6    |		2       |0 - 2312  | 4  |
 |                                                                   |
 |             Association Request Frame - Frame Body                |
 | Capability Information | Listen Interval | SSID | Supported Rates |
 |			2            |		 2         | 2-34 |		3-10        |
 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
 *  @note
 *  @author		zsalah
 *  @date		8 March 2012
 *  @version		1.0

s32 host_int_get_assoc_req_info(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, u8 *pu8AssocReqInfo,
					u32 u32AssocReqInfoLen);
 *  @brief              gets a Association Response info
 *  @details
 *  @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
 *                              Message containg assoc. resp info
 *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
 *  @note
 *  @author		zsalah
 *  @date		8 March 2012
 *  @version		1.0

s32 host_int_get_assoc_res_info(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, u8 *pu8AssocRespInfo,
					u32 u32MaxAssocRespInfoLen, u32 *pu32RcvdAssocRespInfoLen);
 *  @brief              gets a Association Response info
 *  @details    Valid only in STA mode. This function gives the RSSI
 *                              values observed in all the channels at the time of scanning.
 *                              The length of the field is 1 greater that the total number of
 *                              channels supported. Byte 0 contains the number of channels while
 *                              each of Byte N contains	the observed RSSI value for the channel index N.
 *  @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
 *                              array of scanned channels' RSSI
 *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
 *  @note
 *  @author		zsalah
 *  @date		8 March 2012
 *  @version		1.0
s32 host_int_get_rx_power_level(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, u8 *pu8RxPowerLevel,
					u32 u32RxPowerLevelLen);

 *  @brief              sets a channel
 *  @details
 *  @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
 *  @param[in]	Index of the channel to be set
 |          CHANNEL1      CHANNEL2 ....		             CHANNEL14	|
 |  Input:         1             2					            14	|
 *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
 *  @note
 *  @author		zsalah
 *  @date		8 March 2012
 *  @version		1.0
s32 host_int_set_mac_chnl_num(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, u8 u8ChNum);

 *  @brief              gets the current channel index
 *  @details
 *  @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
 *                              current channel index
 |          CHANNEL1      CHANNEL2 ....                     CHANNEL14	|
 |  Input:         1             2                                 14	|
 *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
 *  @note
 *  @author		zsalah
 *  @date		8 March 2012
 *  @version		1.0
s32 host_int_get_host_chnl_num(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, u8 *pu8ChNo);
 *  @brief              gets the sta rssi
 *  @details    gets the currently maintained RSSI value for the station.
 *                              The received signal strength value in dB.
 *                              The range of valid values is -128 to 0.
 *  @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
 *                              rssi value in dB
 *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
 *  @note
 *  @author		zsalah
 *  @date		8 March 2012
 *  @version		1.0
s32 host_int_get_rssi(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, s8 *ps8Rssi);
s32 host_int_get_link_speed(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, s8 *ps8lnkspd);
 *  @brief              scans a set of channels
 *  @details
 *  @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
 *  @param[in]		Scan source
 *                              Scan Type	PASSIVE_SCAN = 0,
 *                                                      ACTIVE_SCAN  = 1
 *                              Channels Array
 *                              Channels Array length
 *                              Scan Callback function
 *                              User Argument to be delivered back through the Scan Cllback function
 *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
 *  @note
 *  @author		zsalah
 *  @date		8 March 2012
 *  @version		1.0
s32 host_int_scan(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, u8 u8ScanSource,
			  u8 u8ScanType, u8 *pu8ChnlFreqList,
			  u8 u8ChnlListLen, const u8 *pu8IEs,
			  size_t IEsLen, tWILCpfScanResult ScanResult,
			  void *pvUserArg, tstrHiddenNetwork *pstrHiddenNetwork);
 *  @brief              sets configuration wids values
 *  @details
 *  @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
 *  @param[in]	WID, WID value
 *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
 *  @note
 *  @author		zsalah
 *  @date		8 March 2012
 *  @version		1.0
s32 hif_set_cfg(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, tstrCfgParamVal *pstrCfgParamVal);

 *  @brief              gets configuration wids values
 *  @details
 *  @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
 *                              WID value
 *  @param[in]	WID,
 *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
 *  @note
 *  @author		zsalah
 *  @date		8 March 2012
 *  @version		1.0
s32 hif_get_cfg(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, u16 u16WID, u16 *pu16WID_Value);
/*							Notification Functions							 */
 *  @brief              notifies host with join and leave requests
 *  @details    This function prepares an Information frame having the
 *                              information about a joining/leaving station.
 *  @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
 *  @param[in]	6 byte Sta Adress
 *                              Join or leave flag:
 *                              Join = 1,
 *                              Leave =0
 *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
 *  @note
 *  @author		zsalah
 *  @date		8 March 2012
 *  @version		1.0
void host_int_send_join_leave_info_to_host
	(u16 assocId, u8 *stationAddr, bool joining);

 *  @brief              notifies host with stations found in scan
 *  @details    sends the beacon/probe response from scan
 *  @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
 *  @param[in]	Sta Address,
 *                              Frame length,
 *                              Rssi of the Station found
 *  @return             Error code indicating success/failure
 *  @note
 *  @author		zsalah
 *  @date		8 March 2012
 *  @version		1.0
void host_int_send_network_info_to_host
	(u8 *macStartAddress, u16 u16RxFrameLen, s8 s8Rssi);

 *  @brief              host interface initialization function
 *  @details
 *  @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
 *  @note
 *  @author		zsalah
 *  @date		8 March 2012
 *  @version		1.0
s32 host_int_init(tstrWILC_WFIDrv **phWFIDrv);

 *  @brief              host interface initialization function
 *  @details
 *  @param[in,out] handle to the wifi driver,
 *  @note
 *  @author		zsalah
 *  @date		8 March 2012
 *  @version		1.0
s32 host_int_deinit(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv);

 *  @fn		s32 host_int_add_beacon(WILC_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv,u8 u8Index)
 *  @brief		Sends a beacon to the firmware to be transmitted over the air
 *  @details
 *  @param[in,out]	hWFIDrv		handle to the wifi driver
 *  @param[in]	u32Interval	Beacon Interval. Period between two successive beacons on air
 *  @param[in]	u32DTIMPeriod DTIM Period. Indicates how many Beacon frames
 *              (including the current frame) appear before the next DTIM
 *  @param[in]	u32Headlen	Length of the head buffer in bytes
 *  @param[in]	pu8Head		Pointer to the beacon's head buffer. Beacon's head
 *		is the part from the beacon's start till the TIM element, NOT including the TIM
 *  @param[in]	u32Taillen	Length of the tail buffer in bytes
 *  @param[in]	pu8Tail		Pointer to the beacon's tail buffer. Beacon's tail
 *		starts just after the TIM inormation element
 *  @return	0 for Success, error otherwise
 *  @todo
 *  @sa
 *  @author		Adham Abozaeid
 *  @date		10 Julys 2012
 *  @version		1.0 Description
s32 host_int_add_beacon(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, u32 u32Interval,
				u32 u32DTIMPeriod,
				u32 u32HeadLen, u8 *pu8Head,
				u32 u32TailLen, u8 *pu8tail);

 *  @fn		s32 host_int_del_beacon(WILC_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv)
 *  @brief		Removes the beacon and stops trawilctting it over the air
 *  @details
 *  @param[in,out]	hWFIDrv		handle to the wifi driver
 *  @return	0 for Success, error otherwise
 *  @todo
 *  @sa
 *  @author		Adham Abozaeid
 *  @date		10 Julys 2012
 *  @version		1.0 Description
s32 host_int_del_beacon(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv);

 *  @fn		s32 host_int_add_station(WILC_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, tstrWILC_AddStaParam strStaParams)
 *  @brief		Notifies the firmware with a new associated stations
 *  @details
 *  @param[in,out]	hWFIDrv		handle to the wifi driver
 *  @param[in]	pstrStaParams	Station's parameters
 *  @return	0 for Success, error otherwise
 *  @todo
 *  @sa
 *  @author		Adham Abozaeid
 *  @date		12 July 2012
 *  @version		1.0 Description
s32 host_int_add_station(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, tstrWILC_AddStaParam *pstrStaParams);

 *  @fn		s32 host_int_del_allstation(WILC_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, const u8* pu8MacAddr)
 *  @brief		Deauthenticates clients when group is terminating
 *  @details
 *  @param[in,out]	hWFIDrv		handle to the wifi driver
 *  @param[in]	pu8MacAddr	Station's mac address
 *  @return	0 for Success, error otherwise
 *  @todo
 *  @sa
 *  @author		Mai Daftedar
 *  @date		09 April 2014
 *  @version		1.0 Description
s32 host_int_del_allstation(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, u8 pu8MacAddr[][ETH_ALEN]);

 *  @fn		s32 host_int_del_station(WILC_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, u8* pu8MacAddr)
 *  @brief		Notifies the firmware with a new deleted station
 *  @details
 *  @param[in,out]	hWFIDrv		handle to the wifi driver
 *  @param[in]	pu8MacAddr	Station's mac address
 *  @return	0 for Success, error otherwise
 *  @todo
 *  @sa
 *  @author		Adham Abozaeid
 *  @date		15 July 2012
 *  @version		1.0 Description
s32 host_int_del_station(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, const u8 *pu8MacAddr);

 *  @fn		s32 host_int_edit_station(WILC_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, tstrWILC_AddStaParam strStaParams)
 *  @brief		Notifies the firmware with new parameters of an already associated station
 *  @details
 *  @param[in,out]	hWFIDrv		handle to the wifi driver
 *  @param[in]	pstrStaParams	Station's parameters
 *  @return	0 for Success, error otherwise
 *  @todo
 *  @sa
 *  @author		Adham Abozaeid
 *  @date		15 July 2012
 *  @version		1.0 Description
s32 host_int_edit_station(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, tstrWILC_AddStaParam *pstrStaParams);

 *  @fn		s32 host_int_set_power_mgmt(WILC_WFIDrvHandle hWFIDrv, bool bIsEnabled, u32 u32Timeout)
 *  @brief		Set the power management mode to enabled or disabled
 *  @details
 *  @param[in,out]	hWFIDrv		handle to the wifi driver
 *  @param[in]	bIsEnabled	TRUE if enabled, FALSE otherwise
 *  @param[in]	u32Timeout	A timeout value of -1 allows the driver to adjust
 *							the dynamic ps timeout value
 *  @return	0 for Success, error otherwise
 *  @todo
 *  @sa
 *  @author		Adham Abozaeid
 *  @date		24 November 2012
 *  @version		1.0 Description
s32 host_int_set_power_mgmt(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, bool bIsEnabled, u32 u32Timeout);
/*  @param[in,out]	hWFIDrv		handle to the wifi driver
 *  @param[in]	bIsEnabled	TRUE if enabled, FALSE otherwise
 *  @param[in]	u8count		count of mac address entries in the filter table
 *  @return	0 for Success, error otherwise
 *  @todo
 *  @sa
 *  @author		Adham Abozaeid
 *  @date		24 November 2012
 *  @version		1.0 Description
s32 host_int_setup_multicast_filter(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, bool bIsEnabled, u32 u32count);
 *  @brief           host_int_setup_ipaddress
 *  @details       set IP address on firmware
 *  @param[in]
 *  @return         Error code.
 *  @author		Abdelrahman Sobhy
 *  @date
 *  @version	1.0
s32 host_int_setup_ipaddress(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, u8 *pu8IPAddr, u8 idx);

 *  @brief           host_int_delBASession
 *  @details       Delete single Rx BA session
 *  @param[in]
 *  @return         Error code.
 *  @author		Abdelrahman Sobhy
 *  @date
 *  @version	1.0
s32 host_int_delBASession(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, char *pBSSID, char TID);

 *  @brief           host_int_delBASession
 *  @details       Delete all Rx BA session
 *  @param[in]
 *  @return         Error code.
 *  @author		Abdelrahman Sobhy
 *  @date
 *  @version	1.0
s32 host_int_del_All_Rx_BASession(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, char *pBSSID, char TID);

 *  @brief           host_int_get_ipaddress
 *  @details       get IP address on firmware
 *  @param[in]
 *  @return         Error code.
 *  @author		Abdelrahman Sobhy
 *  @date
 *  @version	1.0
s32 host_int_get_ipaddress(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, u8 *pu8IPAddr, u8 idx);

#ifdef WILC_P2P
 *  @brief           host_int_remain_on_channel
 *  @details
 *  @param[in]
 *  @return         Error code.
 *  @author
 *  @date
 *  @version	1.0
s32 host_int_remain_on_channel(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, u32 u32SessionID, u32 u32duration, u16 chan, tWILCpfRemainOnChanExpired RemainOnChanExpired, tWILCpfRemainOnChanReady RemainOnChanReady, void *pvUserArg);

 *  @brief              host_int_ListenStateExpired
 *  @details
 *  @param[in]          Handle to wifi driver
 *                              Duration to remain on channel
 *                              Channel to remain on
 *                              Pointer to fn to be called on receive frames in listen state
 *                              Pointer to remain-on-channel expired fn
 *                              Priv
 *  @return             Error code.
 *  @author
 *  @date
 *  @version		1.0
s32 host_int_ListenStateExpired(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, u32 u32SessionID);

 *  @brief           host_int_frame_register
 *  @details
 *  @param[in]
 *  @return         Error code.
 *  @author
 *  @date
 *  @version	1.0
s32 host_int_frame_register(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, u16 u16FrameType, bool bReg);
 *  @brief           host_int_set_wfi_drv_handler
 *  @details
 *  @param[in]
 *  @return         Error code.
 *  @author
 *  @date
 *  @version	1.0
s32 host_int_set_wfi_drv_handler(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *u32address);
s32 host_int_set_operation_mode(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, u32 u32mode);

static s32 Handle_ScanDone(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *drvHandler, tenuScanEvent enuEvent);

static int host_int_addBASession(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, char *pBSSID, char TID, short int BufferSize,
				 short int SessionTimeout, void *drvHandler);

void host_int_freeJoinParams(void *pJoinParams);

s32 host_int_get_statistics(tstrWILC_WFIDrv *hWFIDrv, tstrStatistics *pstrStatistics);

/*																			 */
/*									EOF										 */
/*																			 */