path: root/include/linux/platform_data/keyboard-pxa930_rotary.h
blob: 053587caffdd82c7cb1f7d6335f107bc7e41f580 (plain) (tree)

#ifndef __ASM_ARCH_PXA930_ROTARY_H
#define __ASM_ARCH_PXA930_ROTARY_H

/* NOTE:
 * rotary can be either interpreted as a ralative input event (e.g.
 * REL_WHEEL or REL_HWHEEL) or a specific key event (e.g. UP/DOWN
 * or LEFT/RIGHT), depending on if up_key & down_key are assigned
 * or rel_code is assigned a non-zero value. When all are non-zero,
 * up_key and down_key will be preferred.
struct pxa930_rotary_platform_data {
	int	up_key;
	int	down_key;
	int	rel_code;

void __init pxa930_set_rotarykey_info(struct pxa930_rotary_platform_data *info);

#endif /* __ASM_ARCH_PXA930_ROTARY_H */