path: root/scripts/x509keyid
blob: c8e91a4af3858bca1fcf1d35b6fe95ada6a9399c (plain) (tree)

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Generate an identifier from an X.509 certificate that can be placed in a
# module signature to indentify the key to use.
# Format:
#	./scripts/x509keyid <x509-cert> <signer's-name> <key-id>
# We read the DER-encoded X509 certificate and parse it to extract the Subject
# name and Subject Key Identifier.  The provide the data we need to build the
# certificate identifier.
# The signer's name part of the identifier is fabricated from the commonName,
# the organizationName or the emailAddress components of the X.509 subject
# name and written to the second named file.
# The subject key ID to select which of that signer's certificates we're
# intending to use to sign the module is written to the third named file.
use strict;

my $raw_data;

die "Need three filenames\n" if ($#ARGV != 2);

my $src = $ARGV[0];

open(FD, "<$src") || die $src;
binmode FD;
my @st = stat(FD);
die $src if (!@st);
read(FD, $raw_data, $st[7]) || die $src;

my $UNIV = 0 << 6;
my $APPL = 1 << 6;
my $CONT = 2 << 6;
my $PRIV = 3 << 6;

my $CONS = 0x20;

my $BOOLEAN	= 0x01;
my $INTEGER	= 0x02;
my $BIT_STRING	= 0x03;
my $OCTET_STRING = 0x04;
my $NULL	= 0x05;
my $OBJ_ID	= 0x06;
my $UTF8String	= 0x0c;
my $SEQUENCE	= 0x10;
my $SET		= 0x11;
my $UTCTime	= 0x17;
my $GeneralizedTime = 0x18;

my %OIDs = (
    pack("CCC", 85, 4, 3)	=> "commonName",
    pack("CCC", 85, 4, 6)	=> "countryName",
    pack("CCC", 85, 4, 10)	=> "organizationName",
    pack("CCC", 85, 4, 11)	=> "organizationUnitName",
    pack("CCCCCCCCC", 42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 1, 1) => "rsaEncryption",
    pack("CCCCCCCCC", 42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 1, 5) => "sha1WithRSAEncryption",
    pack("CCCCCCCCC", 42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 9, 1) => "emailAddress",
    pack("CCC", 85, 29, 35)	=> "authorityKeyIdentifier",
    pack("CCC", 85, 29, 14)	=> "subjectKeyIdentifier",
    pack("CCC", 85, 29, 19)	=> "basicConstraints"

# Extract an ASN.1 element from a string and return information about it.
sub asn1_extract($$@)
    my ($cursor, $expected_tag, $optional) = @_;

    return [ -1 ]
	if ($cursor->[1] == 0 && $optional);

    die $src, ": ", $cursor->[0], ": ASN.1 data underrun (elem ", $cursor->[1], ")\n"
	if ($cursor->[1] < 2);

    my ($tag, $len) = unpack("CC", substr(${$cursor->[2]}, $cursor->[0], 2));

    if ($expected_tag != -1 && $tag != $expected_tag) {
	return [ -1 ]
	    if ($optional);
	die $src, ": ", $cursor->[0], ": ASN.1 unexpected tag (", $tag,
	" not ", $expected_tag, ")\n";

    $cursor->[0] += 2;
    $cursor->[1] -= 2;

    die $src, ": ", $cursor->[0], ": ASN.1 long tag\n"
	if (($tag & 0x1f) == 0x1f);
    die $src, ": ", $cursor->[0], ": ASN.1 indefinite length\n"
	if ($len == 0x80);

    if ($len > 0x80) {
	my $l = $len - 0x80;
	die $src, ": ", $cursor->[0], ": ASN.1 data underrun (len len $l)\n"
	    if ($cursor->[1] < $l);

	if ($l == 0x1) {
	    $len = unpack("C", substr(${$cursor->[2]}, $cursor->[0], 1));
	} elsif ($l = 0x2) {
	    $len = unpack("n", substr(${$cursor->[2]}, $cursor->[0], 2));
	} elsif ($l = 0x3) {
	    $len = unpack("C", substr(${$cursor->[2]}, $cursor->[0], 1)) << 16;
	    $len = unpack("n", substr(${$cursor->[2]}, $cursor->[0] + 1, 2));
	} elsif ($l = 0x4) {
	    $len = unpack("N", substr(${$cursor->[2]}, $cursor->[0], 4));
	} else {
	    die $src, ": ", $cursor->[0], ": ASN.1 element too long (", $l, ")\n";

	$cursor->[0] += $l;
	$cursor->[1] -= $l;

    die $src, ": ", $cursor->[0], ": ASN.1 data underrun (", $len, ")\n"
	if ($cursor->[1] < $len);

    my $ret = [ $tag, [ $cursor->[0], $len, $cursor->[2] ] ];
    $cursor->[0] += $len;
    $cursor->[1] -= $len;

    return $ret;

# Retrieve the data referred to by a cursor
sub asn1_retrieve($)
    my ($cursor) = @_;
    my ($offset, $len, $data) = @$cursor;
    return substr($$data, $offset, $len);

# Roughly parse the X.509 certificate
my $cursor = [ 0, length($raw_data), \$raw_data ];

my $cert = asn1_extract($cursor, $UNIV | $CONS | $SEQUENCE);
my $tbs = asn1_extract($cert->[1], $UNIV | $CONS | $SEQUENCE);
my $version = asn1_extract($tbs->[1], $CONT | $CONS | 0, 1);
my $serial_number = asn1_extract($tbs->[1], $UNIV | $INTEGER);
my $sig_type = asn1_extract($tbs->[1], $UNIV | $CONS | $SEQUENCE);
my $issuer = asn1_extract($tbs->[1], $UNIV | $CONS | $SEQUENCE);
my $validity = asn1_extract($tbs->[1], $UNIV | $CONS | $SEQUENCE);
my $subject = asn1_extract($tbs->[1], $UNIV | $CONS | $SEQUENCE);
my $key = asn1_extract($tbs->[1], $UNIV | $CONS | $SEQUENCE);
my $issuer_uid = asn1_extract($tbs->[1], $CONT | $CONS | 1, 1);
my $subject_uid = asn1_extract($tbs->[1], $CONT | $CONS | 2, 1);
my $extension_list = asn1_extract($tbs->[1], $CONT | $CONS | 3, 1);

my $subject_key_id = ();
my $authority_key_id = ();

# Parse the extension list
if ($extension_list->[0] != -1) {
    my $extensions = asn1_extract($extension_list->[1], $UNIV | $CONS | $SEQUENCE);

    while ($extensions->[1]->[1] > 0) {
	my $ext = asn1_extract($extensions->[1], $UNIV | $CONS | $SEQUENCE);
	my $x_oid = asn1_extract($ext->[1], $UNIV | $OBJ_ID);
	my $x_crit = asn1_extract($ext->[1], $UNIV | $BOOLEAN, 1);
	my $x_val = asn1_extract($ext->[1], $UNIV | $OCTET_STRING);

	my $raw_oid = asn1_retrieve($x_oid->[1]);
	next if (!exists($OIDs{$raw_oid}));
	my $x_type = $OIDs{$raw_oid};

	my $raw_value = asn1_retrieve($x_val->[1]);

	if ($x_type eq "subjectKeyIdentifier") {
	    my $vcursor = [ 0, length($raw_value), \$raw_value ];

	    $subject_key_id = asn1_extract($vcursor, $UNIV | $OCTET_STRING);

# Determine what we're going to use as the signer's name.  In order of
# preference, take one of: commonName, organizationName or emailAddress.
my $org = "";
my $cn = "";
my $email = "";

while ($subject->[1]->[1] > 0) {
    my $rdn = asn1_extract($subject->[1], $UNIV | $CONS | $SET);
    my $attr = asn1_extract($rdn->[1], $UNIV | $CONS | $SEQUENCE);
    my $n_oid = asn1_extract($attr->[1], $UNIV | $OBJ_ID);
    my $n_val = asn1_extract($attr->[1], -1);

    my $raw_oid = asn1_retrieve($n_oid->[1]);
    next if (!exists($OIDs{$raw_oid}));
    my $n_type = $OIDs{$raw_oid};

    my $raw_value = asn1_retrieve($n_val->[1]);

    if ($n_type eq "organizationName") {
	$org = $raw_value;
    } elsif ($n_type eq "commonName") {
	$cn = $raw_value;
    } elsif ($n_type eq "emailAddress") {
	$email = $raw_value;

my $id_name = $email;

if ($org && $cn) {
    # Don't use the organizationName if the commonName repeats it
    if (length($org) <= length($cn) &&
	substr($cn, 0, length($org)) eq $org) {
	$id_name = $cn;
	goto got_id_name;

    # Or a signifcant chunk of it
    if (length($org) >= 7 &&
	length($cn) >= 7 &&
	substr($cn, 0, 7) eq substr($org, 0, 7)) {
	$id_name = $cn;
	goto got_id_name;

    $id_name = $org . ": " . $cn;
} elsif ($org) {
    $id_name = $org;
} elsif ($cn) {
    $id_name = $cn;


# Output the signer's name and the key identifier that we're going to include
# in module signatures.
die $src, ": ", "X.509: Couldn't find the Subject Key Identifier extension\n"
    if (!$subject_key_id);

my $id_key_id = asn1_retrieve($subject_key_id->[1]);

open(OUTFD, ">$ARGV[1]") || die $ARGV[1];
print OUTFD $id_name;
close OUTFD || die $ARGV[1];

open(OUTFD, ">$ARGV[2]") || die $ARGV[2];
print OUTFD $id_key_id;
close OUTFD || die $ARGV[2];