path: root/README
blob: d6c305277334264a33513054fc586425b76a5f13 (plain) (tree)





VM Chooser Helper Program

This is the program used by the vmchooser-plugin, which
is part of the openslx-system.


What does it do?
 It handles xml-files for the virtual-machines plugins 
 or linux sessions after the login-screen.
 If chosen, it starts the proper virtualizer script or the linux session
 as a background process and terminates itself.

How can I install it?
 Type "make install" in the vmchooser Folder and it gets installed
 in the right folder (if you have the whole svn structure locally).
 Then you have to install the "vmchooser"-plugin to your VendorOS.

What command-line parameters are available?
 "-p|--path=" In this (abolute) path are your xml-files for the virtualizer-plugin
 "-l|--lpath=" In this (absolute) path are your linux sessions
 "-g|--group=" Show only entries valid for this group
 "-h|--help" Show help


You just need to compile this, if you have local changes.
The most recent svn version is also included in binary format 
in the main folder of this openslx-distribution.

Enter "make" to compile everything.
Enter "make install" to install it to the proper path 
of the svn distribution of openslx. Do not forget to
enter "make install" in openslx/trunk .

Needed libraries to compile:
 - All sorts of X libs
 - fltk-2 (see note *)
 - libxml2
 - libboost-regex_s (static - 
   a dynamic version can be enabled by changing the Makefile)

Needed libraries to run:
 - All sorts of X libs
 - libxml2

* Some static libraries of fltk-2 - svn version - are located 
in fltk-2/ and could be used to link against this program.
- as images are enabled, you should have libjpeg and libpng too.