path: root/vmchooser2/SWindow.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vmchooser2/SWindow.cxx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 340 deletions
diff --git a/vmchooser2/SWindow.cxx b/vmchooser2/SWindow.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index e28b4b7..0000000
--- a/vmchooser2/SWindow.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
-#if 0
-#include "inc/SWindow.h"
-#include "inc/functions.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <map>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "img/gnome_32.xpm"
-#include "img/kde_32.xpm"
-#include "img/linux_32.xpm"
-#include "img/xp_32.xpm"
-#include "img/xp_locked_32.xpm"
-#include "img/xfce_32.xpm"
-/* Added to support default icons */
-#include "img/vmware_32.xpm"
-#include "img/macos_32.xpm"
-#include "img/bsd_32.xpm"
-#include "img/gentoo_32.xpm"
-#include "img/suse_32.xpm"
-#include "img/ubuntu_32.xpm"
-using namespace fltk;
-using namespace std;
- * default constructur for the main window
- * ----------------------------------------------------
- * if you want to use default sizes, call first ctor
- ********************************************************/
-SWindow::SWindow(int w, int h, char* p)
-: fltk::Window(w,h,p),
- go(w/3 + 10, h-40, (2*w)/3 - 20 , 30, "START"),
- exit_btn(10, h-40, w/3 -10, 30, "EXIT"),
- sel(10,10, w-20, h-50),
- ent(NULL),
- entgroup(NULL),
- lin_entgroup(NULL),
- lin_ent(NULL)
-// sel.indented(1);
- begin();
- add_resizable(sel);
- add(exit_btn);
- add(go);
- width = w;
- height = h;
- border(false);
- go.callback(cb_return,this);
- sel.callback(cb_select, this);
- exit_btn.callback(cb_exit, this);
- Style* btn_style = new Style(*fltk::ReturnButton::default_style);
- Style* sel_style = new Style(*fltk::Browser::default_style);
- Font* f1 = font("sans");
- //Font* f1bold = f1->bold();
- btn_style->textsize(16);
- btn_style->labelsize(16);
- btn_style->labelfont(f1);
- btn_style->textfont(f1);
- sel_style->textfont(f1);
- sel_style->textsize(16);
- const int widths[] = { -1,-1,-1,-1, 0 };
- sel.column_widths(widths);
- end();
- sel.take_focus();
- * Callback for ReturnButton at the bottom of the GUI
- * ----------------------------------------------------
- * Should start chosen session entry -> if something is selected
- *********************************************************/
-void SWindow::cb_return()
- //if(!sel.item()) return;
- //curr = (Item*) sel.item();
- if(curr != 0 && curr->user_data()) {
- DataEntry* dat = (DataEntry*) curr->user_data();
- //cout << dat->short_description << endl;
- if(dat) {
- runImage(curr, dat);
- }
- }
- * Callback for Selection-Browser in the center
- * ----------------------------------------------------
- * Starts the session if required -> Mouse Click
- *******************************************************/
-void SWindow::cb_select()
- oldcurr = curr;
- curr = (Item*) sel.item();
- if(!sel.item()) return;
- //cout << "cb_select called with" << sel.item() << endl;
- sel.select_only_this();
- if (sel.item_is_parent() )
- {
- sel.set_item_opened(true);
- return;
- }
- if( curr == oldcurr ) {
- // start image if it has data associated
- // -> double click
- //cout << ((DataEntry*)curr->user_data())->short_description << endl;
- if(curr->user_data()) {
- runImage(curr, (DataEntry*) curr->user_data() );
- }
- return;
- }
- * Put entries in a Linux-Session Group into Browser
- *********************************************************/
-void SWindow::set_lin_entries(DataEntry** ent)
- this->lin_ent = ent;
- lin_entgroup = (ItemGroup*) sel.add_group("LINUX DESKTOP", &sel);
- map<string, DataEntry*> mapEntry;
- for (int i=0; ent[i] != '\0'; i++)
- {
- mapEntry.insert(make_pair(ent[i]->short_description, ent[i]));
- }
- map<string, DataEntry*>::iterator it= mapEntry.begin();
- for(;it!=mapEntry.end(); it++) {
-// Item* w= (Item*)sel.add_leaf(it->second->short_description.c_str() , lin_entgroup, (void*)it->second );
- Item* w= (Item*)lin_entgroup->add(it->second->short_description.c_str(), (void*)it->second );
- xpmImage* xpm = new xpmImage(get_symbol(it->second));
- ((Widget*) w)->image(xpm);
- w->tooltip(it->second->description.c_str());
- w->callback(&runImage, (void*)it->second);
- }
- lin_entgroup->end();
- * Put entries in a VMWARE-Session Group into Browser
- *********************************************************/
-void SWindow::set_entries(DataEntry** ent)
- this->ent = ent;
- sort_entries();
- entgroup = (ItemGroup*)sel.add_group("VMWARE SESSIONS", &sel);
- for (int i=0; ent[i] != '\0'; i++)
- {
- if(!ent[i]->active) continue;
- Item* w= (Item*)sel.add_leaf(ent[i]->short_description.c_str(), entgroup, (void*)ent[i] );
- xpmImage* xpm = new xpmImage(get_symbol(ent[i]));
- ((Widget*) w)->image(xpm);
- w->tooltip(ent[i]->description.c_str());
- w->callback(&runImage, (void*)ent[i]);
- }
- entgroup->end();
- * free arrays (which are dynamically allocated)
- **************************************************************/
-void SWindow::free_entries()
- for (int i=0; ent[i] != '\0'; i++)
- {
- free(ent[i]);
- }
- free(ent);
- * Small helper function to unfold the 2 parent groups
- *
- * ADDED: Now reads session from ~/.openslx/vmchooser via helper
- *
- * WARNING: this->ent and/or this->lin_ent
- * has to assigned before WARNING
- ******************************************************/
-void SWindow::unfold_entries(bool lin_entries, bool vm_entries, char* defsession) {
- int ind = 0;
- if(lin_entries) {
- sel.goto_index(ind);
- if(sel.item_is_parent() ) {
- sel.set_item_opened(true);
- }
- ind++;
- }
- if(vm_entries) {
- sel.goto_index(ind);
- if(sel.item_is_parent() ) {
- sel.set_item_opened(true);
- }
- }
- if(! (lin_entries || vm_entries) ) {
- return;
- }
- sel.next_visible();
- sel.select_only_this(ind);
- curr = (Item*) sel.item();
- //sel.set_focus();
- //sel.set_item_selected(true,1);
- //sel.indented(false);
- char* prename = readSession();
- DataEntry* dp = NULL;
- if(defsession) {
- prename = defsession;
- }
- if ( prename == '\0' ) {
- return;
- } else {
- sel.goto_index(0);
- Item* it = (Item*);
- while( it ) {
- dp = (DataEntry*) it->user_data();
- if(!dp) {
- it = (Item*);
- continue;
- }
- if( dp->short_description.find(prename) != string::npos ) {
- sel.select_only_this(0);
- curr = it;
- return;
- }
- it = (Item*);
- }
- }
- * Helper function to get symbols for entries
- ******************************************************/
-const char** SWindow::get_symbol(DataEntry* dat) {
- if(dat->imgtype == VMWARE) {
- if(dat->os.find("win") != string::npos || dat->os.find("Win") != string::npos) {
- if(dat->locked) {
- return xp_locked_32_xpm;
- }
- else {
- return xp_32_xpm;
- }
- }
- if(dat->icon.find("gentoo") != string::npos || dat->icon.find("Gentoo") != string::npos ) {
- return gentoo_32_xpm;
- }
- if(dat->icon.find("suse") != string::npos || dat->icon.find("Suse") != string::npos ) {
- return suse_32_xpm;
- }
- if(dat->icon.find("ubuntu") != string::npos || dat->icon.find("Ubuntu") != string::npos ) {
- return ubuntu_32_xpm;
- }
- if(dat->os.find("linux") != string::npos) {
- return linux_32_xpm;
- }
- if(dat->icon.find("bsd") != string::npos
- || dat->icon.find("BSD") != string::npos
- || dat->icon.find("Bsd") != string::npos) {
- return bsd_32_xpm;
- }
- if(dat->icon.find("mac") != string::npos
- || dat->icon.find("Mac") != string::npos
- || dat->icon.find("apple") != string::npos) {
- return macos_32_xpm;
- }
- return vmware_32_xpm;
- }
- if(dat->imgtype == LINUX) {
- if(dat->short_description.find("KDE")!= string::npos) {
- return kde_32_xpm;
- }
- if(dat->short_description.find("GNOME")!= string::npos) {
- return gnome_32_xpm;
- }
- if(dat->short_description.find("Xfce")!= string::npos) {
- return xfce_32_xpm;
- }
- return linux_32_xpm;
- }
- return linux_32_xpm;
- * Sort entries to consider priorities
- *
- * -> puts smallest priority number on top
- ******************************************************/
-void SWindow::sort_entries() {
- if(ent == '\0' ) {
- return;
- }
- DataEntry* ptr;
- // worst case sort - but it is enough for this few entries
- for(int i=0; ent[i] != '\0'; i++) {
- for(int j=0; ent[j] != '\0'; j++) {
- if(ent[j]->priority < ent[i]->priority && j > i) {
- // swap element i with j (as i is alway larger j)
- ptr = ent[i];
- ent[i] = ent[j];
- ent[j] = ptr;
- }
- }
- }