path: root/src/client/toolbar/toolbar.cpp
blob: 0111c1c3473fdb070f787f1b3b3e4cc3f1e7f8f3 (plain) (tree)

































































 * toolbar.cpp
 *  Created on: 21.01.2013
 *      Author: sr
#include <QNetworkInterface>

#include "../../shared/settings.h"
#include "../net/serverconnection.h"
#include "../vnc/vncwindow.h"
#include "../vnc/vncserver.h"
#include "../util/util.h"

#include "toolbar.h"
#include "ui_toolbar.h"

 * @brief
 * Does exact teh same as Toolbar::Toolbar(QWidget *parent) but additionally
 * instantly tries to connect to a pvsmgr with the given sessionName.
 * @param sessionName The session to connect to.
 * @param parent If parent is 0, the new widget becomes a window. If parent is
 * another widget, this widget becomes a child window inside parent. The new
 * widget is deleted when its parent is deleted.
Toolbar::Toolbar(const QByteArray sessionName, QWidget *parent)
	: Toolbar(parent)
	qDebug() << "sessionName - constructor";
	_connectWindow->connectToSession(sessionName, NULL);

 * @brief Constructor of the Toolbar.
 * Does exact the same as Toolbar::Toolbar(QWidget *parent) but additionally
 * instantly tries to connect to the pvsmgr in its room without sessionName.
 * @param autoConnect
 * @param parent If parent is 0, the new widget becomes a window. If parent is
 * another widget, this widget becomes a child window inside parent. The new
 * widget is deleted when its parent is deleted.
Toolbar::Toolbar(const bool autoConnect, QWidget *parent) : Toolbar(parent)
	qDebug() << "auto - constructor!";

	if (autoConnect) {
		// Try getting manager ip.
		QString mgrIp = identifyMgrIP();
		qDebug() << "mgrIP: " << mgrIp;
		if (mgrIp != NULL) {
			qDebug() << "Starting WITH specific mgrIP";
			_connectWindow->connectToSession("", mgrIp);
		}	else {
			qDebug() << "Starting WITHOUT specific mgrIP";
			_connectWindow->connectToSession("", NULL);
	} else {
		_connectWindow->connectToSession("", NULL);

 * @brief  Constructor of the Toolbar.
 * Constructs a widget which is a child of parent.
 * Initialize the GUI and sets up the menu, sets window properties, create the
 * VNC- and connect-window, connects the necessary signals, sets the UI's
 * position and configuires the timer for the UI to be hidden.
 * @param parent If parent is 0, the new widget becomes a window. If parent is
 * another widget, this widget becomes a child window inside parent. The new
 * widget is deleted when its parent is deleted.
Toolbar::Toolbar(QWidget *parent) :
	QWidget(parent), _ui(new Ui::Toolbar), _hideTimer(this), _connection(NULL),
	_blinkTimer(this),_cam32(":cam32.svg"),	_beWatchedEye(":eye")
	/* Initialize the GUI */

	/* Set window properties */
	setWindowFlags(Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint | Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint | Qt::FramelessWindowHint);

	/* Create the VNC Window */
	_vnc = new VncWindow(NULL);

	/* Create the connect window */
	_connectWindow = new ConnectWindow(NULL);

	// Connect the signals
	connect(_connectWindow, SIGNAL(disconnect()), this, SLOT(onDoDisconnect()));
	connect(_connectWindow, SIGNAL(connected(ServerConnection*)), this, SLOT(onConnected(ServerConnection*)));

	/* Setup menu */
	_menu = new QMenu(this);
	_acnDisconnect = new QAction(tr("Set &session ID"), this);
	_acnAbout= new QAction(tr("&Was ist das hier?"), this);
	_acnQuit = new QAction(tr("&Quit"), this);
	// Connect the signals
	connect(_menu, SIGNAL(aboutToHide()), this, SLOT(hideBar()));
	connect(_acnDisconnect, SIGNAL(triggered()), _connectWindow, SLOT(show()));
	connect(_acnAbout, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showAboutDialog()));
	connect(_acnQuit, SIGNAL(triggered()), qApp, SLOT(quit()));

	/* Connect the signals from vnc server */
	connect(VncServer::instance(), SIGNAL(started(int, QString&, QString&)), this, SLOT(onVncServerIsRunning(int)));

	/* Set position */
	const QDesktopWidget desktop;
	const QRect primaryScreen = desktop.screenGeometry();
	move(primaryScreen.left() + (primaryScreen.width() - this->width())/2 ,;
	qDebug() << primaryScreen.left() << << primaryScreen.right() << primaryScreen.bottom();

	/* Setup hide timer */
	connect(&_hideTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(hideBar()));
	_hideTimer.start(); // initially show PVS and hide later

	/* Setup blink timer */
	connect(&_blinkTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(cameraBlink()));

 * Destructor of the Toolbar. Destroys the widget. All this widget's children
 * are deleted first.
	delete _ui;

 * Override

 * This event is reimplemented to receive widget leave events. When the mouse
 * cursor leaves the widget, a timer gets started which, when timed out, hides
 * the Toolbar.
 * @param e The leave event (Mouse leaves widget's boundaries.)
void Toolbar::leaveEvent(QEvent* e)

 * This event is reimplemented to receive widget enter events. When the mouse
 * cursor enters the widget, the timer  which, when timed out, hides
 * the Toolbar, gets stopped.
 * @param e The enter event (Mouse enters widget's boundaries.)
void Toolbar::enterEvent(QEvent* e)

QString Toolbar::identifyMgrIP()

	if (!conf.contains("rooms")) {
		qDebug() << "Invalid config file!";
		return NULL;

	QStringList rooms = conf.value("rooms").toStringList();
	// qDebug() << rooms;

	for (auto i : rooms)
		qDebug() << "i: " << i;
		if (!conf.contains("mgrIP")) {
			qDebug() << "Invalid config file!";
			return NULL;

		// Find the managerIP of current room.
		QString mgrIP = conf.value("mgrIP").toString();
		foreach (const QHostAddress &address, QNetworkInterface::allAddresses())
			int size = conf.beginReadArray("client");
			for (int j = 0; j < size; ++j) {
				 *  CFG to test this
				QString ip = conf.value("ip").toString();
				if (address != QHostAddress(QHostAddress::LocalHost) && ip == address.toString())
					qDebug("Found this ip in config.");
					return mgrIP;
	return NULL;

 * Slots

 * A slot for changing the camera icon. This slot should be called permanently
 * if the vnc server is recording  the screen.
void Toolbar::cameraBlink()
	static bool showEye = false;
	if (!showEye)
		showEye = true;
		_ui->icon_cam->setPixmap(QPixmap()); // set empty pixmap for blinking effect
		showEye = false;

 * A slot for the VncServerIsRunning signal. This slot will change the UI
 * according to the state fo the VncServer.
 * @param[in] port Indicates the state of the VncServer.
void Toolbar::onVncServerIsRunning(int port)
	if (port > 0) {
	}	else {

 * A slot for the onDisconnected signal of the ConnectWindow. This slot will
 * change the UI according to the state fo the connection.
void Toolbar::onDisconnected()
	if (_connection != NULL)
	_connection = NULL;

 * A slot for the onConnected signal of the ConnectWindow. This slot will
 * change the UI according to the state of the connection and connect the
 * relevant signals and slots.
 * @param connection Pointer to the ServerConnection
void Toolbar::onConnected(ServerConnection* connection)
	if (_connection != NULL)
		disconnect(_connection, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(onDisconnected()));
	_connection = connection;
	connect(_connection, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(onDisconnected()));
	connect(_connection, SIGNAL(openVnc(const QString&, int, const QString&, bool, bool, const QString&, const int)),
		_vnc, SLOT(open(const QString&, int, const QString&, bool, bool, const QString&, const int)));
	connect(_connection, SIGNAL(closeVnc()), _vnc, SLOT(close()));
	connect(_vnc, SIGNAL(running(const bool, const int)), _connection, SLOT(onVncViewerStartStop(const bool, const int)));

void Toolbar::onDoDisconnect()
	if (_connection != NULL)

 * This slot hides the toolbar. Places the toolbar hidden behind the edge of the
 * screen just showing 2 pixels.
void Toolbar::hideBar()
	// Don't hide window if any menu is open or VNC Server is running from this client.
	if (_menu->isVisible() || VncServer::instance()->isVncServerRunning())
	const QDesktopWidget desktop;
	const QRect primaryScreen = desktop.screenGeometry();
	move(x(), + 2 - height());

 * @brief Toolbar::showAboutDialog
void Toolbar::showAboutDialog()
	QMessageBox msgBox(
				tr("Über PVS Client"),
				tr("Der PVS Client ist Teil eines Softwaresystems zur Verwaltung "\
				"des visuellen Datenverkehrs innerhalb der Poolräume zwischen "\
				"Dozenten und Studenten-PCs und wurde zur Vereinfachung des "\
				"Informationsflusses in Seminaren und allgemeinem eLearning "\

 * This slot shows the toolbar. Used after a hideBar().
void Toolbar::showBar()
	const QDesktopWidget desktop;
	const QRect primaryScreen = desktop.screenGeometry();