path: root/src/server/mainwindow/mainwindow.cpp
blob: c1fc2a56772fb6cc4256700d785105690ce72c3c (plain) (tree)


























































































































































 # Copyright (c) 2009 - OpenSLX Project, Computer Center University of Freiburg
 # This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
 # See
 # If you have any feedback please consult and
 # send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to
 # General information about OpenSLX can be found at
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # mainWindow.cpp
 This is the Main class for the pvsManager. The GUI is constructed here.
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Self
#include "mainwindow.h"
// QT stuff
#include <QtGui>
#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QNetworkInterface>
// Other custom UI elements
#include "../clicklabel/clicklabel.h"
#include "../sessionnamewindow/sessionnamewindow.h"
#include "../connectionframe/connectionframe.h"
#include "../helpwindow/helpwindow.h"
// Network
#include "../net/listenserver.h"
#include "../net/client.h"
#include "../net/discoverylistener.h"
#include "../net/filedownloader.h"
// Others
#include "../../shared/settings.h"
#include "../util/util.h"
#include "../util/global.h"
// Auto-generated ui class
#include "ui_mainwindow.h"

const QString MainWindow::sStrTutorNdef = tr("No tutor defined.");
const QString MainWindow::sStrTutorOffline = tr("Tutor is offline.");
const QString MainWindow::sStrSourceNdef = tr("Please select a projection source.");
const QString MainWindow::sStrSourceOffline = tr("The projection source is offline.");
const QString MainWindow::sStrDestNdef = tr("Please select a projection destination.");
const QString MainWindow::sStrDestOffline = tr("The projection destination is offline.");
const QString MainWindow::sStrSourceDestSame = tr("Selected projection target is tutor.");

 * Initialize MainWindow and ListenServer.
 * @param ipListUrl
 * @param parent
MainWindow::MainWindow(QString ipListUrl, QWidget* parent) :
	QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow), _tbIconSize(24), _tbArea(Qt::LeftToolBarArea)

	_tutorFrame = NULL;
	_selectedFrame = NULL;
	_mode = Mode::Idle;
	_streamingSource = NULL;

	_sessionNameWindow = new SessionNameWindow(this);
	_helpWindow = new HelpWindow(this);


	//conWin = new ConnectionWindow(ui->widget);
	//conList = new ConnectionList(ui->ClWidget);

	// Show only session name label, not textbox
	_sessionNameLabel = new ClickLabel(this);


	// toolbar and actions in pvsmgr
	ui->action_Lock->setStatusTip(tr("Lock or Unlock all Clients"));

	// Initialize FileDownloader.
	if (!ipListUrl.isEmpty())
		_fileDownloader.connectSlot(this, SLOT(onTutorListDownloaded(QByteArray&)));

	// Close button in tool bar
	connect(ui->action_Exit, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onButtonExit()));
	connect(ui->action_BroadcastScreen, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onButtonStudentToAll()));
	connect(ui->action_TutorToAll, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onButtonTutorToAll()));
	connect(ui->action_StudentToTutor, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onButtonStudentToTutor()));
	connect(ui->action_StudentToTutorExclusive, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onButtonStudentToTutorExclusive()));
	connect(ui->action_TutorToStudent, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onButtonTutorToStudent()));
	connect(ui->action_StopProjection, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onButtonStopProjection()));
	connect(ui->action_SetAsTutor, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onButtonSetAsTutor()));
	connect(ui->action_SetAsTutor, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onButtonStopProjection()));
	connect(ui->action_Lock, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(onButtonLock(bool)));
	connect(ui->action_Help, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onButtonHelp()));

	/* Stuff for the button lock */
	_buttonLockTimer = new QTimer(this);
		<< ui->action_Lock
		<< ui->action_BroadcastScreen
		<< ui->action_TutorToAll
		<< ui->action_StudentToTutor
		<< ui->action_TutorToStudent
		<< ui->action_StopProjection
		<< ui->action_SetAsTutor;
	// Disable the buttons if a button is clicked
	foreach (QAction* a, _lockingButtons)
		connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(DisableButtons()));
	// Start the timer a button is clicked
	foreach (QAction* a, _lockingButtons)
		connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered()), _buttonLockTimer, SLOT(start()));
	// Enable the buttons if the timer fires
	connect(_buttonLockTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(EnableButtons()));

	// Clicking the session name label shows the edit field for it
	connect(_sessionNameLabel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onSessionNameClick()));
	// Listen to updates to the session name through the session name window
	connect(_sessionNameWindow, SIGNAL(updateSessionName()), this,

	this->showMaximized(); // show the Mainwindow maximized

	_tileWidth = 10;
	_tileHeight = 10;

	_listenServer = new ListenServer(CLIENT_PORT);
	connect(_listenServer, SIGNAL(newClient(Client*)), this, SLOT(onClientConnected(Client*)));
	_discoveryListener = new DiscoveryListener();

	// Finally

	delete ui;

 * Place the frames at possible Position.
 * If current position out of range, place frame into next free cell.
 * @param frame
void MainWindow::placeFrameInFreeSlot(ConnectionFrame* frame)
	// Get occupied cell of each frame and store status in an array
	const int elems = _tilesX * _tilesY;
	int currentIndex = 0;
	bool grid[elems];
	memset(grid, 0, sizeof(bool) * elems); // set everything to false
	for (QList<ConnectionFrame*>::iterator it(_clientFrames.begin()); it != _clientFrames.end(); ++it)
		const QPoint &oldpos = (*it)->frameGeometry().topLeft();
		const int tx = oldpos.x() / _tileWidth;
		const int ty = oldpos.y() / _tileHeight;
		const int index = tx + ty * _tilesX;
		if (frame == *it)
			// Current frame is the frame to place, remember its old index
			currentIndex = index;
		if (index < 0 || index >= elems)
			// Current frame is out of bounds, place in top left corner
			qDebug("Move A");
			(*it)->move(0, 0);
			grid[0] = true;
		// Just mark cell as occupied in array
		grid[index] = true;
	// Safety
	if (currentIndex < 0 || currentIndex >= elems)
		currentIndex = 0;
	// Now place in next free cell, start looking at current position of frame
	for (int i = 0; i < elems; ++i)
		const int index = (i + currentIndex) % elems;
		if (grid[index])
		const int x = (index % _tilesX) * _tileWidth;
		const int y = (index / _tilesX) * _tileHeight;
		//qDebug() << "Index=" << index << " i=" << i << " cI=" << currentIndex << " elems=" << elems << " x=" << x << " y=" << y;
		qDebug("Move B");
		frame->move(x, y);

 * Create new Frame.
 * Create new frame and add to current available frame list.
 * Also connect signals frameMoved() and clicked() with slots.
 * @return ConnectionFrame*
ConnectionFrame* MainWindow::createFrame()
	// Allocate and resize
	ConnectionFrame *cf = new ConnectionFrame(ui->frmRoom, _tileWidth, _tileHeight);
	connect(cf, SIGNAL(frameMoved(ConnectionFrame *)), this, SLOT(onPlaceFrame(ConnectionFrame *)));
	connect(cf, SIGNAL(clicked(ConnectionFrame *)), this, SLOT(onFrameClicked(ConnectionFrame *)));
	return cf;

 * Load position.
 * @param settings
 * @param id
 * @param x
 * @param y
 * @return If loadPosition was successfull.
bool MainWindow::loadPosition(QSettings& settings, const QString& id, int& x, int& y)
	const QVariant retval(settings.value(id));
	if (retval.type() != QVariant::Point)
		return false;
	const QPoint point(retval.toPoint());
	x = point.x();
	y = point.y();
	return true;

 * Save position of given connectionFrame.
 * @param cf
void MainWindow::savePosition(ConnectionFrame *cf)
	Client *client = cf->client();
	if (client == NULL)
	QPoint pos(cf->pos().x() / _tileWidth, cf->pos().y() / _tileHeight);
	settings.setValue(client->ip(), pos);

 * Overridden methods

 * Handle closeEvent.
 * If user calls closing MainWindow, close, else ignore.
 * @param e
void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent* e)
	int ret = QMessageBox::question(this, "Test", "Exit?", 0, 1, 2);
	if (ret == 1)

 * Change Event.
 * @param e
void MainWindow::changeEvent(QEvent* e)

 * Resize event.
 * @param e
void MainWindow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* e)
	// Resize all connection windows
	if (ui->frmRoom->size().width() < 100 || ui->frmRoom->size().height() < 100 || _tilesX <= 0 || _tilesY <= 0)
	const int nw = ui->frmRoom->size().width() / _tilesX;
	const int nh = ui->frmRoom->size().height() / _tilesY;
	for (QList<ConnectionFrame*>::iterator it = _clientFrames.begin(); it != _clientFrames.end(); ++it)
		const QPoint &oldpos = (*it)->frameGeometry().topLeft();
		qDebug("Move C");
		(*it)->move((oldpos.x() / _tileWidth) * nw, (oldpos.y() / _tileHeight) * nh);
		(*it)->setSize(nw, nh);
	_tileWidth = nw;
	_tileHeight = nh;

 * Handle Mouse Release Event.
 * Check if click was inside the frame and if that is the case, set the selection of each connected
 * client to false.
 * @param e
void MainWindow::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* e)
	// Try to figure out if the user clicked inside the "room" frame
	// No idea if there is a more elegant way to do this without
	// sub-classing that frame and overriding its mouseReleaseEvent
	const QPoint pos(ui->frmRoom->mapFrom(this, e->pos()));
	if (pos.x() < 0 || pos.y() < 0)
	const QSize frame(ui->frmRoom->size());
	if (frame.width() > pos.x() && frame.height() > pos.y())
		if (_selectedFrame != NULL) {
			_selectedFrame = NULL;

 * Slots

 * Extract information from downloaded tutorList.
 * Split downloaded file by new line and store IPs in _tutorList.
 * @param tutorList
void MainWindow::onTutorListDownloaded(QByteArray& tutorList)
	// qDebug() << tutorList;
	QString data = QString::fromUtf8(tutorList.constData(), tutorList.size());
	_tutorList = data.split(QRegExp("[\r\n]"),QString::SkipEmptyParts);
	qDebug() << _tutorList;

 * Place Frame to from user specified position.
 * @param frame
void MainWindow::onPlaceFrame(ConnectionFrame* frame)
	if (_tilesX <= 0 || _tilesY <= 0)
	const QPoint &p = frame->frameGeometry().center();
	const QSize &s = ui->frmRoom->geometry().size();
	int x = (p.x() / _tileWidth) * _tileWidth;
	int y = (p.y() / _tileHeight) * _tileHeight;
	if (x < 0)
		x = 0;
	else if (x > s.width() - _tileWidth)
		x = (_tilesX - 1) * _tileWidth;
	if (y < 0)
		y = 0;
	else if (y > s.height() - _tileHeight)
		y = (_tilesY - 1) * _tileHeight;
	qDebug("Move D");
	frame->move(x, y);
	const QPoint &newpos = frame->frameGeometry().topLeft();
	for (QList<ConnectionFrame*>::iterator it(_clientFrames.begin()); it != _clientFrames.end(); ++it)
		if (*it == frame)
		if ((*it)->frameGeometry().topLeft() == newpos)

 * Mark given frame after it was clicked on.
 * @param frame
void MainWindow::onFrameClicked(ConnectionFrame* frame)
	// If same frame is clicked again,, do nothing
	if (_selectedFrame == frame)

	// If another frame has been selected, unselect it
	// Set the ui selected and set a new reference
	if (_selectedFrame != NULL)
	_selectedFrame = frame;

 * Show session name, after it was clicked on.
void MainWindow::onSessionNameClick()

 * Update session name.
void MainWindow::onSessionNameUpdate()
	_sessionNameLabel->setText(tr("Session Name: %1  [click to edit]").arg(Global::sessionName()));

 * Check if given client is valid.
 * And if that is the case return true.
 * @param client
 * @return If client is valid or not.
bool MainWindow::isValidClient(Client* client)
	for (QList<ConnectionFrame*>::iterator it(_clientFrames.begin()); it != _clientFrames.end(); ++it)
		Client *c = (**it).client();
		if (c == client)
			return true;
	return false;

 * @brief broadcast
 * @param from
void MainWindow::broadcast(Client *from)
	_mode = Mode::Broadcast;

	// if there is a server running which is not "from" stop it.
	if (_streamingSource != NULL && _streamingSource != from)
	_streamingSource = from;

	// Server must not listen to anybody

	// Set desired projection source on all clients, if not "from" or oflline
	for (QList<ConnectionFrame*>::iterator it(_clientFrames.begin()); it != _clientFrames.end(); ++it)
		if ((*it)->client() != NULL && (*it)->client() != _streamingSource)
			_watchers.insert((*it)->client()->id(), (*it)->client());

	if (_streamingSource->isActiveVncServer())
		// From is already active
		// Could not take shortcut, start VNC server on source

 * @brief MainWindow::unicast
 * @param from
 * @param to
 * @param blockOthers
void MainWindow::multicast(Client *from, Client *to, bool blockOthers)
	// If first call in this mode clear the watchers
	if (_mode != (blockOthers ? Mode::LockedMulticast : Mode::Multicast)) {
		_mode = blockOthers ? Mode::LockedMulticast : Mode::Multicast;

	// if there is a server running which is not "from" stop it.
	if (_streamingSource != NULL && _streamingSource != from)
	_streamingSource = from;

	// Projection source is never allowed to be an active VNC viewer
	if (from->isActiveVncClient())

	// Projection destination is never allowed to be an active VNC server
	if (to->isActiveVncServer())

	_watchers.insert(to->id(), to);

	if (blockOthers) {
		// Set lock others
		for (QList<ConnectionFrame*>::iterator it(_clientFrames.begin()); it != _clientFrames.end(); ++it)
			if ((*it)->client() != NULL && (*it)->client() != from && (*it)->client() != to)

	if (from->isActiveVncServer())  // From is already active
	else  // Could not take shortcut, (re)start VNC server on source

	if (blockOthers){


 * Display popup which explains possible actions about the buttons.
void MainWindow::onButtonHelp()

 * Handle projection from tutor to all.
 * Get the client who is tutor and set the projectionSource of all
 * clients, except the tutor ones, to false.
void MainWindow::onButtonTutorToAll()
	if (_tutorFrame == NULL)
		QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Projection"), sStrTutorNdef);
	else if (_tutorFrame->client() == NULL)
		QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Projection"), sStrTutorOffline);

 * Button projection from one student to all the others.
 * First get which client is projectionSource and set this one as from.
 * Set projection source for all clients,except the selected one, to false.
void MainWindow::onButtonStudentToAll()
	if (_selectedFrame == NULL)
		QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Projection"), sStrSourceNdef);
	if (_selectedFrame->client() == NULL)
		QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Projection"), sStrSourceOffline);

 * Handle the projection from Tutor to specific student.
 * Set the client who is tutor as from and the selected client as to.
void MainWindow::onButtonTutorToStudent()
	if (_selectedFrame == NULL)
		QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Projection"), sStrDestNdef);
	else if (_tutorFrame == NULL)
		QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Projection"), sStrTutorNdef);
	else if (_selectedFrame == _tutorFrame)
		QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Projection"), sStrSourceDestSame);
	else if (_selectedFrame->client() == NULL)
		QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Projection"), sStrDestOffline);
	else if (_tutorFrame->client() == NULL)
		QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Projection"), sStrTutorOffline);
		multicast(_tutorFrame->client(), _selectedFrame->client());

 * Handle projection from one student to tutor.
 * Get the client to project from and get client, who is tutor, as to.
void MainWindow::onButtonStudentToTutor()
	if (_selectedFrame == NULL)
		QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Projection"), sStrSourceNdef);
	else if (_tutorFrame == NULL)
		QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Projection"), sStrTutorNdef);
	else if (_tutorFrame == _selectedFrame)
		QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Projection"), sStrSourceDestSame);
	else if (_selectedFrame->client() == NULL)
		QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Projection"), sStrSourceOffline);
	else if (_tutorFrame->client() == NULL)
		QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Projection"), sStrTutorOffline);
		multicast(_selectedFrame->client(), _tutorFrame->client());

 * @brief MainWindow::onButtonStudentToTutorExclusive
void MainWindow::onButtonStudentToTutorExclusive()
	if (_selectedFrame == NULL)
		QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Projection"), sStrSourceNdef);
	else if (_tutorFrame == NULL)
		QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Projection"), sStrTutorNdef);
	else if (_tutorFrame == _selectedFrame)
		QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Projection"), sStrSourceDestSame);
	else if (_selectedFrame->client() == NULL)
		QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Projection"), sStrSourceOffline);
	else if (_tutorFrame->client() == NULL)
		QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Projection"), sStrTutorOffline);
		multicast(_tutorFrame->client(), _selectedFrame->client(), true);

 * Handle Button StopProjection.
 * Set ProjectionSource of each client to false,  stop the active VNC Server
 * and the active VNC Client(s).
void MainWindow::onButtonStopProjection()
	for (QList<ConnectionFrame*>::iterator it(_clientFrames.begin()); it != _clientFrames.end(); ++it)
		Client *c = (**it).client();
		if (c == NULL)

	for (QList<ConnectionFrame*>::iterator it(_clientFrames.begin()); it != _clientFrames.end(); ++it)
		Client *c = (**it).client();
		if (c == NULL)

 * Handle button to lock or unlock screens of client(s).
 * If already locked, do nothing, else lock or unlock the clients, except the
 * tutor.
 * @param checked
void MainWindow::onButtonLock(bool checked)
	for (QList<ConnectionFrame*>::iterator it(_clientFrames.begin()); it != _clientFrames.end(); ++it)
		// Check if client is Tutor or the manager is also running on this machine.
		bool isManagerMachine = false;
		foreach (const QHostAddress &address, QNetworkInterface::allAddresses())
			if (address != QHostAddress(QHostAddress::LocalHost)
					&& (*it)->client() != NULL
					&& (*it)->client()->ip() == address.toString())
				isManagerMachine = true;

		if ((*it)->client() == NULL || isManagerMachine)
			continue; // Don't lock the tutor or the manager running machine.

 * On button exit, close application.
void MainWindow::onButtonExit()

 * Handle button to set specific client as tutor.
 * Unset active tutor and set selected client, if not inactive, as new tutor.
void MainWindow::onButtonSetAsTutor()
	// If same frame is already tutor, do nothing
	if (_selectedFrame == _tutorFrame)

	// If a frame has been selected unselect it
	if (_selectedFrame->client() == NULL){
		QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Selection"), tr("The selected client is not connected."));

	// Else unset the old and set the new tutor
	if (_tutorFrame != NULL)
	_tutorFrame = _selectedFrame;

 * Handle from ListenServer signaled new client connection.
 * @param client
void MainWindow::onClientConnected(Client* client)
	qDebug("ListenServer told MainWindow about new connection");
	connect(client, SIGNAL(authenticating(Client*, ClientLogin*)), this, SLOT(onClientAuthenticating(Client*, ClientLogin*)));
	connect(client, SIGNAL(authenticated(Client*)), this, SLOT(onClientAuthenticated(Client*)));

 * Authenticate new Client client.
 * Check if incoming client ip already exists,
 *							if yes --> return.
 * Check if same name of client already exist,
 *							if yes --> name new client as name(x).
 *							x = number of clients with the same name.
 * @param client
 * @param request
void MainWindow::onClientAuthenticating(Client* client, ClientLogin* request)
	qDebug("onClientAuthenticating - Slot was called.");
	disconnect(client, SIGNAL(authenticating(Client*, ClientLogin*)), this, SLOT(onClientAuthenticating(Client*, ClientLogin*)));
	if (!request->accept) // Another receiver of that signal already rejected the client, so nothing to do
	bool inuse;
	QString check = request->name;
	int addnum = 1;
		inuse = false;
		for (QList<ConnectionFrame*>::iterator it(_clientFrames.begin()); it != _clientFrames.end(); ++it)
			Client *c = (**it).client();
			if (c == NULL)
			if (!c->isAuthed())
			if (c->ip() == request->ip)
				request->accept = false;
			if (c->name() == check)
				inuse = true;
				check = request->name + " (" + QString::number(++addnum) + ")";
	} while (inuse && addnum < 100);
	if (inuse)
		request->accept = false;
		request->name = check;

 * New client was authenticated, make several checks.
 * Check if new clients ip already exists,
 *								if yes --> not necessary to create new clientFrame.
 *								if not --> create a new one and adapt this one to current
 *												   situation in class room(projection / lock screen).
 * Check if avctiv tutor is available,
 *								if not --> check if new client is possible tutor.
 * @param client
void MainWindow::onClientAuthenticated(Client* client)
	qDebug("Entering onClientAuthenticated - Slot.");
	disconnect(client, SIGNAL(authenticated(Client*)), this, SLOT(onClientAuthenticated(Client*)));
	connect(client, SIGNAL(vncServerStateChange(Client*)), this, SLOT(onVncServerStateChange(Client*)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
	connect(client, SIGNAL(vncClientStateChange(Client*)), this, SLOT(onVncClientStateChange(Client*)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
	bool hasActiveTutor = false;
	ConnectionFrame *existing = NULL;
	for (QList<ConnectionFrame*>::iterator it(_clientFrames.begin()); it != _clientFrames.end(); ++it)
		if ((*it)->computerId() == client->ip())
			existing = *it;
		if ((*it)->isTutor())
			if ((*it)->client() != NULL)
				hasActiveTutor = true;

	bool isTutor = false;
	if (!hasActiveTutor)
		for (int i = 0; i < _tutorList.size(); i++)
			// Check if client is possible tutor
			if (client->ip() == _tutorList[i])
				isTutor = true;
	// Clients ip already exists, but was not active.
	if (existing != NULL)
	// New one, create
	ConnectionFrame *cf = createFrame();
	// Try to load last known position
	int x, y;
	bool ok;
	ok = loadPosition(usr, client->ip(), x, y);
	if (!ok)
		ok = loadPosition(sys, client->ip(), x, y);
	if (x >= _tilesX || y >= _tilesY)
		ok = false;
	if (ok)
		if (x < 0)
			x = 0;
		if (y < 0)
			y = 0;
		qDebug("Move E");
		cf->move(x * _tileWidth, y * _tileHeight);
		// Move to any free tile
	// Set Tutor option
	// Assign client instance

	// If clients are currently locked, tell this new client
	if (ui->action_Lock->isChecked())

	if (_mode == Mode::Broadcast){
		_watchers.insert(client->id(), client);
	else if (_mode == Mode::LockedMulticast)

 * Handle if VNC Server State has changed.
 * Check if VNC server has been started/stopped on some client and start VNC server/reset pending
 * VNC projection information.
 * @param client
void MainWindow::onVncServerStateChange(Client* client)
	if (!isValidClient(client)) // Check here because this slot is connected queued
	if (client->isActiveVncServer())
		if (_mode == Mode::Broadcast)
			for (QList<ConnectionFrame*>::iterator it(_clientFrames.begin()); it != _clientFrames.end(); ++it)
				if ((*it)->client() != NULL)
					// Unlock all online clients

					// Start VNCclients on all online clients but source
					if ((*it)->client() != client)
		else  // !Mode::Broadcast  --> Mode::LockedMC || Mode::MC
			for (QList<ConnectionFrame*>::iterator it(_clientFrames.begin()); it != _clientFrames.end(); ++it)
				// Ignore offline clients
				if ( (*it)->client() != NULL)
					if (_watchers.contains((*it)->client()->id()))
						// Unlock destination and connect VNCclient
					else if ((*it)->client()->id() == client->id() )
						// Unlock source
						// Lock others and stop their clients
						(*it)->client()->lockScreen(_mode == Mode::LockedMulticast);
		// VNC server stopped on some client or failed to start - reset local pending projection information
		foreach (Client *c, _watchers) {

 * Handle VNC client state change.
 * Check if any vnc client is in use, and if that is not the case, stop VNC Server.
 * @param client
 * @param lastProjectionSource
void MainWindow::onVncClientStateChange(Client* client)
	if (!isValidClient(client)) // Check here because this slot is connected queued

	// VNC Client stopped -> remove from watchers
	if (!client->isActiveVncClient()){

		// If noboody is watching the multicast stop VNC server
		if (_watchers.isEmpty() && _mode != Mode::Broadcast)

 * DisableButtons.
void MainWindow::DisableButtons()
	foreach (QAction* a, _lockingButtons)

 * EnableButtons.
void MainWindow::EnableButtons()
	foreach (QAction* a, _lockingButtons)