path: root/contrib/syslinux-4.02/core/
blob: a8d28515fa719bc72e9e087404e56d458c3e29b7 (plain) (tree)

;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
;;   Copyright 1994-2008 H. Peter Anvin - All Rights Reserved
;;   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;   the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 53 Temple Place Ste 330,
;;   Boston MA 02111-1307, USA; either version 2 of the License, or
;;   (at your option) any later version; incorporated herein by reference.
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;  VGA splash screen code
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; vgadisplayfile:
;	Display a graphical splash screen.
;	The file is already opened on the top of the getc stack.
;	Assumes CS == DS == ES.
		section .text16

		; This is a cheap and easy way to make sure the screen is
		; cleared in case we were in graphics mode already
		call vgaclearmode
		call vgasetmode
		jnz .error_nz

		; Load the header.
		mov cx,4+2*2+16*3
		mov di,LSSHeader
		call getc
		loop .gethdr
		jc .error

		; The header WILL be in the first chunk.
		cmp dword [LSSMagic],0x1413f33d	; Magic number
.error_nz:	jne .error

		mov dx,GraphColorMap		; Color map offset
		mov ax,1012h			; Set RGB registers
		xor bx,bx			; First register number
		mov cx,16			; 16 registers
		int 10h

		mov ax,[GraphYSize]		; Number of pixel rows
		mov dx,[VGAFontSize]
		add ax,dx
		dec ax
		div dl
		xor dx,dx			; Set column to 0
		cmp al,[VidRows]
		jb .rowsok
		mov al,[VidRows]
		dec al
		mov dh,al
		mov ah,2
		xor bx,bx
		int 10h				; Set cursor below image

		mov cx,[GraphYSize]		; Number of graphics rows
		mov word [VGAPos],0

		push cx
		mov di,VGARowBuffer
		; Pre-clear the row buffer
		push di
		push di
		mov cx,640/4
		xor eax,eax
		rep stosd
		pop di
		mov cx,[GraphXSize]
		call rledecode			; Decode one row
		pop si
		mov di,VGAPlaneBuffer
		push di
		mov bp,640
		call packedpixel2vga
		pop si
		push es
		mov di,0A000h			; VGA segment
		mov es,di
		mov di,[VGAPos]
		call outputvga
		pop es
		add word [VGAPos],640/8
		pop cx
		loop .drawpixelrow

		jmp close			; Tailcall!

; rledecode:
;	Decode a pixel row in RLE16 format.
; getc stack	-> input
; CX		-> pixel count
; ES:DI		-> output (packed pixel)
		xor dx,dx		; DL = last pixel, DH = nybble buffer
		call .getnybble
		cmp al,dl
		je .run			; Start of run sequence
		mov dl,al
		dec cx
		jnz .loop
		xor bx,bx
		call .getnybble
		or bl,al
		jz .longrun
		push cx
		mov cx,bx
		mov al,dl
		rep stosb
		pop cx
		sub cx,bx
		ja .loop
		jmp short .done
		call .getnybble
		mov bl,al
		call .getnybble
		shl al,4
		or bl,al
		add bx,16
		jmp short .dorun

		test dh,10h
		jz .low
		and dh,0Fh
		mov al,dh
		call getc
		mov dh,al
		shr dh,4
		or dh,10h		; Nybble already read
		and al,0Fh

; packedpixel2vga:
;	Convert packed-pixel to VGA bitplanes
; DS:SI -> packed pixel string
; BP    -> pixel count (multiple of 8)
; DS:DI -> output (four planes)
		xor cx,cx
		inc cx
		push si
		push bp
		mov bx,8
		shr al,cl
		rcl dl,1		; VGA is bigendian.  Sigh.
		dec bx
		jnz .loop2
		mov [di],dl
		inc di
		sub bp,byte 8
		ja .loop1
		pop bp
		pop si
		cmp cl,3
		jbe .planeloop

; outputvga:
;	Output four subsequent lines of VGA data
; DS:SI	-> four planes @ 640/8=80 bytes
; ES:DI	-> pointer into VGA memory
		mov dx,3C4h	; VGA Sequencer Register select port
		mov al,2	; Sequencer mask
		out dx,al	; Select the sequencer mask
		inc dx		; VGA Sequencer Register data port
		dec ax		; AL <- 1
		out dx,al	; Select the bit plane to write
		push di
		mov cx,640/32
		rep movsd
		pop di
		add ax,ax
		cmp al,8
		jbe .loop1

; vgasetmode:
;	Enable VGA graphics, if possible; return ZF=1 on success
;	DS must be set to the base segment; ES is set to DS.
		push ds
		pop es
		mov al,[UsingVGA]
		cmp al,01h
		je .success		; Nothing to do...
		test al,04h
		jz .notvesa
		; We're in a VESA mode, which means VGA; use VESA call
		; to revert the mode, and then call the conventional
		; mode-setting for good measure...
		mov ax,4F02h
		mov bx,0012h
		int 10h
		jmp .setmode
		mov ax,1A00h		; Get video card and monitor
		xor bx,bx
		int 10h
		sub bl, 7		; BL=07h and BL=08h OK
		cmp bl, 1
		ja .error		; ZF=0
;		mov bx,TextColorReg
;		mov dx,1009h		; Read color registers
;		int 10h
		mov ax,0012h		; Set mode = 640x480 VGA 16 colors
		int 10h
		mov dx,linear_color
		mov ax,1002h		; Write color registers
		int 10h
		mov [UsingVGA], byte 1

		; Set GXPixCols and GXPixRows
		mov dword [GXPixCols],640+(480 << 16)

		call use_font		; Set graphics font/data
		mov byte [ScrollAttribute], 00h

		xor ax,ax		; Set ZF

; vgaclearmode:
;	Disable VGA graphics.  It is not safe to assume any value
;	for DS or ES.
		push ds
		push es
		mov ax,cs
		mov ds,ax
		mov es,ax
		mov al,[UsingVGA]
		and al,al		; Already in text mode?
		jz .done
		test al,04h
		jz .notvesa
		mov ax,4F02h		; VESA return to normal video mode
		mov bx,0003h
		int 10h
		mov ax,0003h		; Return to normal video mode
		int 10h
;		mov dx,TextColorReg	; Restore color registers
;		mov ax,1002h
;		int 10h
		mov [UsingVGA], byte 0

		mov byte [ScrollAttribute], 07h
		call use_font		; Restore text font/data
		pop es
		pop ds

; vgashowcursor/vgahidecursor:
;	If VGA graphics is enabled, draw a cursor/clear a cursor
		mov al,'_'
		jmp short vgacursorcommon
		mov al,' '
		cmp [UsingVGA], byte 1
		jne .done
		mov ah,09h
		mov bx,0007h
		mov cx,1
		int 10h

		section .data16
		; Map colors to consecutive DAC registers
linear_color	db 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 0

		; See comboot.doc, INT 22h AX=0017h for the semantics
		; of this byte.
UsingVGA	db 0

		section .bss16
		alignb 4
LSSHeader	equ $
LSSMagic	resd 1			; Magic number
GraphXSize	resw 1			; Width of splash screen file
GraphYSize	resw 1			; Height of splash screen file
GraphColorMap	resb 3*16
VGAPos		resw 1			; Pointer into VGA memory
VGAFilePtr	resw 1			; Pointer into VGAFileBuf
; TextColorReg	resb 17			; VGA color registers for text mode
VGAFileBuf	resb FILENAME_MAX+2	; Unmangled VGA image name
VGAFileBuf	resb FILENAME_MAX	; Unmangled VGA image name
VGAFileBufEnd	equ $
VGAFileMBuf	resb FILENAME_MAX	; Mangled VGA image name

		alignb 4
VGARowBuffer	resb 640+80		; Decompression buffer
VGAPlaneBuffer	resb (640/8)*4		; Plane buffers