diff options
authorJonathan Bauer2012-02-21 19:06:08 +0100
committerJonathan Bauer2012-02-21 19:06:08 +0100
commit9fabc0bd3cb496dc77c872993ea2b54cbd2e71bf (patch)
parentMerge branch 'ssl' of into ssl (diff)
globals in extra class, new javascript interface classes for fbgui and ndgui, various cleanups in ndgui...
22 files changed, 1042 insertions, 1235 deletions
diff --git a/src/fbgui/CMakeLists.txt b/src/fbgui/CMakeLists.txt
index e0806b5..4502a58 100644
--- a/src/fbgui/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/fbgui/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -16,16 +16,19 @@ set(QT_USE_QTWEBKIT TRUE)
file(GLOB FBGUI_HEADERS *.h ../common/*.h)
file(GLOB FBGUI_UIS *.ui)
file(GLOB FBGUI_RCS *.qrc)
diff --git a/src/fbgui/agui.cpp b/src/fbgui/agui.cpp
index 3f2fd68..84c2322 100644
--- a/src/fbgui/agui.cpp
+++ b/src/fbgui/agui.cpp
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
* Author: joe
+#include "globals.h"
#include "agui.h"
#include "console.h"
@@ -15,9 +16,6 @@ using namespace log4cxx;
using namespace log4cxx::helpers;
LoggerPtr aguiCoreLogger(Logger::getLogger("agui.core"));
-QString logFilePath("");
-int debugMode = -1;
agui::agui() {
diff --git a/src/fbgui/agui.h b/src/fbgui/agui.h
index 0639981..f685c5a 100644
--- a/src/fbgui/agui.h
+++ b/src/fbgui/agui.h
@@ -10,9 +10,11 @@
#include <QtGui>
#include <QtWebKit>
+#include "globals.h"
-extern QString logFilePath;
-extern int debugMode;
+//extern QString logFilePath;
+//extern int debugMode;
class agui: public QMainWindow
diff --git a/src/fbgui/fbgui.cpp b/src/fbgui/fbgui.cpp
index 5ef9a9c..3a9f686 100644
--- a/src/fbgui/fbgui.cpp
+++ b/src/fbgui/fbgui.cpp
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
#include "fbgui.h"
#include "sysinfo.h"
#include "downloadmanager.h"
-#include "javascriptinterface.h"
+#include "javascriptinterfacefbgui.h"
#include <log4cxx/logger.h>
#include "qlog4cxx.h"
@@ -15,19 +14,6 @@ LoggerPtr coreLogger(Logger::getLogger("fbgui.core"));
#include <QThread>
#include <QtWebKit>
-QThread dmThread;
-QString ipConfigFilePath("");
-QString binPath("");
-QUrl baseURL("");
-QString downloadPath("");
-int updateInterval = -1;
-QString fileToTriggerURL("");
-QString serialLocation("");
-QString sessionID("");
-bool sslSupport;
-//int debugMode=-1;
-//QString logFilePath("");
* A constructor.
@@ -40,10 +26,10 @@ bool sslSupport;
* @see DownloadManager
fbgui::fbgui() :
- agui(){
+ agui() {
- dmThread.quit();
+fbgui::~fbgui() {
+ dmThread.quit();
@@ -52,13 +38,14 @@ fbgui::~fbgui(){
void fbgui::init() {
// start fbgui
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "Initializing fbgui...");
+ setWindowTitle("fbgui");
- if(sslSupport)
+ if (sslSupport)
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "SSL enabled.");
// initialize javascript interface
- JavascriptInterface* jsi = new JavascriptInterface(
- _webView->page()->mainFrame());
+ JavascriptInterfaceFBGUI* jsi = new JavascriptInterfaceFBGUI(
+ this->_webView->page()->mainFrame());
QObject::connect(jsi, SIGNAL(quitFbgui()), this, SLOT(close()));
QObject::connect(jsi, SIGNAL(shutDownClient()), this,
@@ -73,10 +60,8 @@ void fbgui::init() {
SLOT(notify(const QString&)));
QObject::connect(jsi, SIGNAL(requestFile(const QString&)), dm,
SLOT(downloadFile(const QString&)));
- QObject::connect(
- dm,
- SIGNAL(updateProgress(const int&, const double&, const QString&)),
- jsi,
+ QObject::connect(dm,
+ SIGNAL(updateProgress(const int&, const double&, const QString&)), jsi,
SLOT(updateProgressBar(const int&, const double&, const QString&)));
QObject::connect(dm, SIGNAL(downloadQueueEmpty()), jsi, SLOT(
@@ -88,9 +73,8 @@ void fbgui::init() {
- // set properties
- setWindowTitle("fbgui");
// Preparations for URL load
@@ -102,15 +86,16 @@ void fbgui::init() {
* The host is from the URL given through the configuration.
bool fbgui::checkHost() const {
- QHostInfo hostInfo = QHostInfo::fromName(;
- if (hostInfo.error() != QHostInfo::NoError) {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "Lookup of " << << "failed.");
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "Host can not be reached.");
- return false;
- } else {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "Lookup of " << << " succeeded.");
- return true;
- }
+ QHostInfo hostInfo = QHostInfo::fromName(;
+ if (hostInfo.error() != QHostInfo::NoError) {
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "Lookup of " << << "failed.");
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "Host can not be reached.");
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger,
+ "Lookup of " << << " succeeded.");
+ return true;
+ }
@@ -124,155 +109,38 @@ bool fbgui::checkHost() const {
* @see fbgui::generatePOSTData()
void fbgui::loadURL() {
- if (checkHost()) {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "Loading URL: " << baseURL.toString() << " ...");
- // Generate POST identification data needed by PBS.
- QByteArray postData = generatePOSTData();
- // Generate a Network Request Object
- _qnr = new QNetworkRequest(baseURL);
- //Add OpenSLX Certificate to SSLConfiguration
- QList<QSslCertificate> certList = QSslCertificate::fromPath(QLatin1String("/usr/lib/ssl/openslx/CA/certs/openslx-cert.pem"));
- certList.append(QSslCertificate::fromPath(QLatin1String("/usr/lib/ssl/openslx/CA/certs/pbsfr-cert.pem")));
- setCACertificates(certList);
- //Ignore the SelfSignedCertificateInChain-error for the OpenSLX-Certificate
- QSslError error(QSslError::SelfSignedCertificateInChain,;
- _expectedSslErrors.append(error);
- //Add User Certificate to SSLConfiguration
- QList<QSslCertificate> userCertList = QSslCertificate::fromPath(QLatin1String("/usr/lib/ssl/openslx/CA/certs/guest-cert.pem"));
- setLocalCertificate(;
- //Add User PrivateKey to SSLConfiguration
- QFile keyFile("/usr/lib/ssl/openslx/CA/private/guest.pem");
- QByteArray keyContent = keyFile.readAll();
- setPrivateKey(QSslKey(keyContent, QSsl::Rsa, QSsl::Pem, QSsl::PrivateKey, QByteArray("guest")));
- //Connect webViews NetworkAccessManager to SSLErrorHandler SLOT
- QObject::connect(_webView->page()->networkAccessManager(),
- SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)),
- this,
- SLOT(httpErrorHandler(QNetworkReply*)));
+ if (checkHost()) {
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger,
+ "Loading URL: " << baseURL.toString() << " ...");
+ // Generate POST identification data needed by PBS.
+ QByteArray postData = generatePOSTData();
+ // Generate a Network Request Object
+ QNetworkRequest req(baseURL);
+ // show cursor again since user is about to interact.
+ req.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader,
+ "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
+ QObject::connect(_webView, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), this,
+ SLOT(loadURLDone(bool)));
+ _webView->load(req, QNetworkAccessManager::PostOperation, postData);
- //Connect webViews NetworkAccessManager to ErrorHandler SLOT
- QObject::connect(_webView->page()->networkAccessManager(),
- SIGNAL(sslErrors(QNetworkReply*, const QList<QSslError> & )),
- this,
- SLOT(sslErrorHandler(QNetworkReply*, const QList<QSslError> & )));
- // show cursor again since user is about to interact.
- //QWSServer::instance()->setCursorVisible(true); //TODO: ?enabled in original
- _qnr->setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
- QObject::connect(_webView, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), this, SLOT(loadURLDone(bool)));
- _webView->load(*_qnr, QNetworkAccessManager::PostOperation, postData);
-// ////////////////////TEST///////////////////////
-// QSslSocket qssReg = new QSslSocket(this);
-// qssReg.setSslConfiguration(_qnr->sslConfiguration());
-// QHttp http = new QHttp(QLatin1String(""), QHttp::ConnectionModeHttps, 443, this);
-// http.setSocket(&qssReg);
-// //QObject::connect(http, SIGNAL(done(bool)), this, SLOT(done(bool)));
-// QObject::connect(&http, SIGNAL(sslErrors(const QList<QSslError> &)), this,
-// SLOT(sslErrorHandler(const QList<QSslError> & )));
- }
- // TODO: error page if no host.
-void fbgui::loadURLDone(bool success) {
- // done contains the success of the loading: false / true
- if (!success) {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "Loading failed. URL: " << _webView->url().toString());
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "You can quit with CTRL + X ...");
- // TODO handle failure properly...
- } else {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "Loaded URL: " << _webView->url().toString());
- }
-//Handles QNetworkReply SSL Errors
-void fbgui::sslErrorHandler(QNetworkReply* reply, const QList<QSslError> & errlist) {
- foreach (QSslError err, errlist)
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "SSL Error: " << err.error());
-// QSslConfiguration replySslConf = reply->sslConfiguration();
-// foreach (QSslCertificate cert, replySslConf.peerCertificateChain())
-// LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger,"Cert info: \n" << cert.toPem());
- reply->ignoreSslErrors(_expectedSslErrors);
-//Handles QNetworkReply Errors
-void fbgui::httpErrorHandler(QNetworkReply* reply) {
- if(reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError )
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "HTTP Error: " << reply->errorString());
-//Dump all Certificates in SSLConfiguration
-void fbgui::dumpSSLConfiguration(){
- QSslConfiguration sslConfig = _qnr->sslConfiguration();
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger,"****************SSLConfiguration************************** \n");
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger,"CACertificates: \n");
- foreach (QSslCertificate cert, sslConfig.caCertificates()){
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger,cert.toPem() << "\n");
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger,"----------------------------------------------------- \n");
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger,"LocalCertificate: \n");
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger,sslConfig.localCertificate().toPem() << "\n");
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger,"----------------------------------------------------- \n");
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger,"Private Key: \n");
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger,sslConfig.privateKey().toPem() << "\n");
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger,"********************************************************** \n");
+ // TODO: error page if no host.
-//Saves CACertificates to SslConfiguration
-void fbgui::setCACertificates(const QList<QSslCertificate> & certificates){
- foreach (QSslCertificate cert, certificates){
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger,"Is cert valid: " << cert.isValid());
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger,"Cert Issuer: " << cert.issuerInfo(QSslCertificate::CommonName));
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger,"Cert Subject: " << cert.subjectInfo(QSslCertificate::CommonName));
+void fbgui::loadURLDone(bool success) {
+ // done contains the success of the loading: false / true
+ if (!success) {
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger,
+ "Loading failed. URL: " << _webView->url().toString());
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "You can quit with CTRL + X ...");
+ // TODO handle failure properly...
+ } else {
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "Loaded URL: " << _webView->url().toString());
- QSslConfiguration sslConfig = _qnr->sslConfiguration();
- QList<QSslCertificate> caCerts = sslConfig.caCertificates();
- caCerts.append(certificates);
- sslConfig.setCaCertificates(caCerts);
- _qnr->setSslConfiguration(sslConfig);
-//Saves User Certificate to SslConfiguration
-void fbgui::setLocalCertificate(const QSslCertificate& cert){
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger,"Is cert valid: " << cert.isValid());
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger,"Cert Issuer: " << cert.issuerInfo(QSslCertificate::CommonName));
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger,"Cert Subject: " << cert.subjectInfo(QSslCertificate::CommonName));
- QSslConfiguration sslConfig = _qnr->sslConfiguration();
- sslConfig.setLocalCertificate(cert);
- _qnr->setSslConfiguration(sslConfig);
-//Saves PrivateKey to SslConfiguration
-void fbgui::setPrivateKey(const QSslKey & key){
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger,"Key length: " << key.length());
- QSslConfiguration sslConfig = _qnr->sslConfiguration();
- sslConfig.setPrivateKey(key);
- _qnr->setSslConfiguration(sslConfig);
* This method generates the POST data body.
@@ -289,51 +157,57 @@ void fbgui::setPrivateKey(const QSslKey & key){
* @see SysInfo::getMainboardSerial()
QByteArray fbgui::generatePOSTData() {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "Generating POST data...");
- // use MAC address as base data
- SysInfo si;
- QByteArray data(si.getInfo("mac").toUtf8());
- // append mainboard serial to the mac address for more unique hardwarehash
- QByteArray mbserial(si.getInfo("mbserial").toUtf8());
- if (!mbserial.isEmpty())
- data.append(mbserial);
- else {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "Mainboard serial was empty. Not appending to base hash data.");
- }
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "[post] Hashing: " << data);
- // generate MD5 hash of data
- QByteArray hash = QCryptographicHash::hash(data, QCryptographicHash::Md5);
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "[post] MD5 Hash: " << hash.toHex());
- // fetch serial number from usb
- QByteArray serial;
- QFile file(serialLocation);
- if (! {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "[post] No such file: " << file.fileName());
- }
- // everything ok, read data
- serial = file.readAll();
- file.close();
- serial.chop(1); // chop EOF
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "[post] Serial number is: " << serial);
- // construct final byte array
- QByteArray postData("mac=");
- postData.append(si.getInfo("mac"));
- postData.append("&hardwarehash=" + hash.toHex());
- postData.append("&serialnumber=" + serial);
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "[post] POST data: " << postData);
- return postData;
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "Generating POST data...");
+ // use MAC address as base data
+ SysInfo si;
+ QByteArray data;
+ QByteArray macAdress(si.getInfo("mac").toUtf8());
+ if (!macAdress.isEmpty())
+ data.append(macAdress);
+ else {
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "No readable MAC Address.");
+ }
+ // append mainboard serial to the mac address for more unique hardwarehash
+ QByteArray mbserial(si.getInfo("mbserial").toUtf8());
+ if (!mbserial.isEmpty())
+ data.append(mbserial);
+ else {
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger,
+ "Mainboard serial was empty. Not appending to base hash data.");
+ }LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "[post] Hashing: " << data);
+ // generate MD5 hash of data
+ QByteArray hash = QCryptographicHash::hash(data, QCryptographicHash::Md5);
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "[post] MD5 Hash: " << hash.toHex());
+ // fetch serial number from usb
+ QByteArray serial;
+ QFile file(serialLocation);
+ if (! {
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "[post] No such file: " << file.fileName());
+ }
+ // everything ok, read data
+ serial = file.readAll();
+ file.close();
+ serial.chop(1); // chop EOF
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "[post] Serial number is: " << serial);
+ // construct final byte array
+ QByteArray postData("mac=");
+ postData.append(si.getInfo("mac"));
+ postData.append("&hardwarehash=" + hash.toHex());
+ postData.append("&serialnumber=" + serial);
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "[post] POST data: " << postData);
+ return postData;
// Preparing Kernel Switch per kexec (initiating Stage 3)
void fbgui::loadSystem() {
- //show loading system page.
- //_webView->disconnect(this);
- //QObject::connect(_webView, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), this, SLOT(prepareKexec()));
- _webView->load(QUrl("qrc:/html/loadsystem.html"));
- QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(prepareKexec()));
+ //show loading system page.
+ //_webView->disconnect(this);
+ //QObject::connect(_webView, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), this, SLOT(prepareKexec()));
+ _webView->load(QUrl("qrc:/html/loadsystem.html"));
+ QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(prepareKexec()));
@@ -352,55 +226,57 @@ void fbgui::loadSystem() {
void fbgui::prepareKexec() {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "Preparing kexec ...");
- // try to read KCL file that was downloaded.
- QFile file(downloadPath + "/kcl");
- if (! {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "No such file: " << file.fileName());
- }
- // everything ok, read data.
- QString kcl = file.readAll();
- file.close();
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "KCL from PBS: " << kcl);
- // try to read ipconfig file generated by udhcpc.
- file.setFileName("/tmp/ip_config_fbgui");
- if (! {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "No such file: " << file.fileName());
- }
- // everything ok, read data.
- QString ipConfig = file.readAll();
- file.close();
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "IP config: " << ipConfig);
- // append ipConfig
- kcl.append(" ip=");
- kcl.append(ipConfig);
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "Complete KCL: " << kcl);
- // load the kernel + initramfs + append of kcl into kexec.
- QProcess *process = new QProcess(this);
- QString cmdline = "kexec -l " + downloadPath.toUtf8() + "/kernel --initrd="
- + downloadPath.toUtf8() + "/initramfs --append=\"" + kcl.toUtf8()
- + "\"";
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "kexec cmdline: " << cmdline);
- process->start(cmdline);
- bool ret = process->waitForFinished();
- if (!ret) {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "Failed to execute: " << cmdline);
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "Exiting in 5 seconds...");
- QTimer::singleShot(5000, this, SLOT(close()));
- } else {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "Kexec load was successfull.");
- if (debugMode < 0) {
- // if process successfully finished, try to run kexec -e
- runKexec();
- } else {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "Skipping execution of kexec - open debug shell.");
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "To start the system execute \"kexec -e\" in your shell.");
- close();
- }
- }
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "Preparing kexec ...");
+ // try to read KCL file that was downloaded.
+ QFile file(downloadPath + "/kcl");
+ if (! {
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "No such file: " << file.fileName());
+ }
+ // everything ok, read data.
+ QString kcl = file.readAll();
+ file.close();
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "KCL from PBS: " << kcl);
+ // try to read ipconfig file generated by udhcpc.
+ file.setFileName("/tmp/ip_config_fbgui");
+ if (! {
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "No such file: " << file.fileName());
+ }
+ // everything ok, read data.
+ QString ipConfig = file.readAll();
+ file.close();
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "IP config: " << ipConfig);
+ // append ipConfig
+ kcl.append(" ip=");
+ kcl.append(ipConfig);
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "Complete KCL: " << kcl);
+ // load the kernel + initramfs + append of kcl into kexec.
+ QProcess *process = new QProcess(this);
+ QString cmdline = "kexec -l " + downloadPath.toUtf8() + "/kernel --initrd="
+ + downloadPath.toUtf8() + "/initramfs --append=\"" + kcl.toUtf8()
+ + "\"";
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "kexec cmdline: " << cmdline);
+ process->start(cmdline);
+ bool ret = process->waitForFinished();
+ if (!ret) {
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "Failed to execute: " << cmdline);
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "Exiting in 5 seconds...");
+ QTimer::singleShot(5000, this, SLOT(close()));
+ } else {
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "Kexec load was successfull.");
+ if (debugMode < 0) {
+ // if process successfully finished, try to run kexec -e
+ runKexec();
+ } else {
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger,
+ "Skipping execution of kexec - open debug shell.");
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger,
+ "To start the system execute \"kexec -e\" in your shell.");
+ close();
+ }
+ }
@@ -410,12 +286,12 @@ void fbgui::prepareKexec() {
void fbgui::runKexec() {
- QProcess *process = new QProcess(this);
- process->start("kexec -e");
- if (!process->waitForStarted()) {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "Failed to execute: kexec -e");
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "Exiting in 5 seconds...");
- QTimer::singleShot(5000, this, SLOT(close()));
- //TODO: Handle failure properly...
- }
+ QProcess *process = new QProcess(this);
+ process->start("kexec -e");
+ if (!process->waitForStarted()) {
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "Failed to execute: kexec -e");
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(coreLogger, "Exiting in 5 seconds...");
+ QTimer::singleShot(5000, this, SLOT(close()));
+ //TODO: Handle failure properly...
+ }
diff --git a/src/fbgui/fbgui.h b/src/fbgui/fbgui.h
index 8afb496..c300387 100644
--- a/src/fbgui/fbgui.h
+++ b/src/fbgui/fbgui.h
@@ -25,31 +25,6 @@
#include "agui.h"
-// Internal default settings
-#define DEFAULT_URL ""
-#define DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_DIR "/tmp/fbgui"
-#define DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH "/etc/fbgui.conf"
-#define DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_PATH "/tmp/fbgui.log"
-#define DEFAULT_QRC_HTML_DIR ":/html"
-#define DEFAULT_FILE_TRIGGER "/tmp/fbgui/trigger"
-#define DEFAULT_SSL_SUPPORT false;
-// Global settings variables
-extern QString logFilePath;
-extern QString ipConfigFilePath;
-extern QThread dmThread;
-extern QString serialLocation;
-extern QString fileToTriggerURL;
-extern QString sessionID;
-extern QString binPath;
-extern QString downloadPath;
-extern QUrl baseURL;
-extern int debugMode;
-extern int updateInterval;
-extern QString interfaceName;
-extern bool sslSupport;
class fbgui : public agui
@@ -65,32 +40,14 @@ private:
bool checkHost() const;
void loadURL();
- //Dump all Certificates in SSLConfiguration
- void dumpSSLConfiguration();
QByteArray generatePOSTData();
// QNetworkRequest for the Network Request
QNetworkRequest* _qnr;
- // List for expected SSL Errors, like selfsigned certificate error
- QList<QSslError> _expectedSslErrors;
private slots:
void loadURLDone(bool success);
- //SSL Error Handler for SSL Requests
- void sslErrorHandler(QNetworkReply*, const QList<QSslError> &);
- //Error Handler for http Requests
- void httpErrorHandler(QNetworkReply*);
- //Sets CaCertificates in QSslConfiguration
- void setCACertificates(const QList<QSslCertificate> & );
- //Sets LocalCertificate in QSslConfiguration
- void setLocalCertificate(const QSslCertificate & );
- //Sets PrivateKey in QSslConfiguration
- void setPrivateKey(const QSslKey &);
void loadSystem();
// prepares kexec by loading downloaded initramfs, kernel into kexec
void prepareKexec();
diff --git a/src/fbgui/globals.cpp b/src/fbgui/globals.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d7037c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fbgui/globals.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#include <QString>
+#include <QUrl>
+#include <QThread>
+#include "globals.h"
+// agui globals
+QString logFilePath("");
+int debugMode = -1;
+// fbgui globals
+QThread dmThread;
+QString ipConfigFilePath("");
+QString binPath("");
+QUrl baseURL("");
+QString downloadPath("");
+int updateInterval = -1;
+QString fileToTriggerURL("");
+QString serialLocation("");
+QString sessionID("");
+bool sslSupport;
+// ndgui globals
+QString gServerIp("");
+bool gAutoUp = true;
+QString gSocketServerPath("");
+QString gPathToDhcpExe("");
+QString gInterfaceName("");
diff --git a/src/fbgui/globals.h b/src/fbgui/globals.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..353bda3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fbgui/globals.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#ifndef GLOBALS_H_
+#define GLOBALS_H_
+// fbgui default settings
+#define DEFAULT_URL ""
+#define DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_DIR "/tmp/fbgui"
+#define DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH "/etc/fbgui.conf"
+#define DEFAULT_LOG_FILE_PATH "/tmp/fbgui.log"
+#define DEFAULT_QRC_HTML_DIR ":/html"
+#define DEFAULT_FILE_TRIGGER "/tmp/fbgui/trigger"
+#define DEFAULT_SSL_SUPPORT false;
+// ndgui stuff
+#define DEFAULT_PATHTODHCPCDEXE "/bin/cdhcpcd"
+class QString;
+class QUrl;
+class QThread;
+// agui globals
+extern QString logFilePath;
+extern int debugMode;
+// fbgui globals
+extern QString logFilePath;
+extern QString ipConfigFilePath;
+extern QThread dmThread;
+extern QString serialLocation;
+extern QString fileToTriggerURL;
+extern QString sessionID;
+extern QString binPath;
+extern QString downloadPath;
+extern QUrl baseURL;
+extern int debugMode;
+extern int updateInterval;
+extern QString gInterfaceName;
+extern bool sslSupport;
+// ndgui globals
+extern QString gServerIp;
+extern bool gAutoUp;
+extern QString gSocketServerPath;
+extern QString gPathToDhcpExe;
+#endif /* GLOBALS_H_ */
diff --git a/src/fbgui/interfaceconfiguration.cpp b/src/fbgui/interfaceconfiguration.cpp
index d9d72df..37dd3f9 100644
--- a/src/fbgui/interfaceconfiguration.cpp
+++ b/src/fbgui/interfaceconfiguration.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * @class interfaceconfiguration
+ * @class InterfaceConfiguration
* @brief reads and stores a interface configuration.
@@ -19,11 +19,10 @@ using namespace log4cxx;
using namespace log4cxx::helpers;
LoggerPtr ndifLogger(Logger::getLogger("fbgui.nd.ifconf"));
-interfaceconfiguration::interfaceconfiguration() {
- _tag = "[nd:InterfaceConfiguration]";
+InterfaceConfiguration::InterfaceConfiguration() {
-interfaceconfiguration::~interfaceconfiguration() {
+InterfaceConfiguration::~InterfaceConfiguration() {
// TODO Auto-generated destructor stub
@@ -37,14 +36,14 @@ interfaceconfiguration::~interfaceconfiguration() {
* @param pathToConfig
* contains the path to the configuration file.
-bool interfaceconfiguration::readConfigOutOfFile(QString pathToConfig) {
+bool InterfaceConfiguration::readConfigOutOfFile(QString pathToConfig) {
QFile file(pathToConfig);
if (file.exists()) {
if (! | QIODevice::Text)) {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndifLogger, _tag << "couldn't open file:" << pathToConfig);
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndifLogger, "Couldn't open file:" << pathToConfig);
return false;
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndifLogger, _tag << "read config file");
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndifLogger, "read config file");
while (!file.atEnd()) {
QString line(file.readLine());
QStringList splitedLine = line.split("=");
@@ -81,67 +80,67 @@ bool interfaceconfiguration::readConfigOutOfFile(QString pathToConfig) {
} else if ("DHCPCHADDR") == 0) {
this->dhcpchaddr = values;
} else {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndifLogger, _tag << "read unknown name" << name << values);
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndifLogger, "read unknown name" << name << values);
} else {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndifLogger, _tag << "file doesn't exist:" << pathToConfig);
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndifLogger, "file doesn't exist:" << pathToConfig);
return false;
return true;
-QString interfaceconfiguration::getBroadcast() {
+QString InterfaceConfiguration::getBroadcast() {
return broadcast;
-QString interfaceconfiguration::getClientid() {
+QString InterfaceConfiguration::getClientid() {
return clientid;
-QString interfaceconfiguration::getDhcpchaddr() {
+QString InterfaceConfiguration::getDhcpchaddr() {
return dhcpchaddr;
-QString interfaceconfiguration::getDhcpsid() {
+QString InterfaceConfiguration::getDhcpsid() {
return dhcpsid;
-QString interfaceconfiguration::getDnssearch() {
+QString InterfaceConfiguration::getDnssearch() {
return dnssearch;
-QString interfaceconfiguration::getDnsservers() {
+QString InterfaceConfiguration::getDnsservers() {
return dnsservers;
-QString interfaceconfiguration::getGateways() {
+QString InterfaceConfiguration::getGateways() {
return gateways;
-QString interfaceconfiguration::getGateway() {
+QString InterfaceConfiguration::getGateway() {
return gateway;
-QString interfaceconfiguration::getHostname() {
+QString InterfaceConfiguration::getHostname() {
return hostname;
-QString interfaceconfiguration::getInterface() {
+QString InterfaceConfiguration::getInterface() {
return interface;
-QString interfaceconfiguration::getIpAddress() {
+QString InterfaceConfiguration::getIpAddress() {
return ipAddress;
-QString interfaceconfiguration::getNetmask() {
+QString InterfaceConfiguration::getNetmask() {
return netmask;
-QString interfaceconfiguration::getNetwork() {
+QString InterfaceConfiguration::getNetwork() {
return network;
-QString interfaceconfiguration::getRoutes() {
+QString InterfaceConfiguration::getRoutes() {
return routes;
diff --git a/src/fbgui/interfaceconfiguration.h b/src/fbgui/interfaceconfiguration.h
index 9376fbb..b487623 100644
--- a/src/fbgui/interfaceconfiguration.h
+++ b/src/fbgui/interfaceconfiguration.h
@@ -18,16 +18,16 @@
#include <QtCore>
-class interfaceconfiguration: public QObject
+class InterfaceConfiguration: public QObject
- interfaceconfiguration();
- interfaceconfiguration(const interfaceconfiguration &other);
+ InterfaceConfiguration();
+ InterfaceConfiguration(const InterfaceConfiguration &other);
- interfaceconfiguration &operator=(const interfaceconfiguration &other);
- virtual ~interfaceconfiguration();
+ InterfaceConfiguration &operator=(const InterfaceConfiguration &other);
+ virtual ~InterfaceConfiguration();
bool readConfigOutOfFile(QString pathToConfig);
QString getBroadcast();
@@ -46,8 +46,6 @@ public:
QString getRoutes();
- QString _tag;
QString ipAddress;
QString netmask;
QString network;
diff --git a/src/fbgui/javascriptinterface.cpp b/src/fbgui/javascriptinterface.cpp
index 8260fab..72d0844 100644
--- a/src/fbgui/javascriptinterface.cpp
+++ b/src/fbgui/javascriptinterface.cpp
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
#include "fbgui.h"
+#include "ndgui.h"
#include "javascriptinterface.h"
#include "sysinfo.h"
#include <log4cxx/logger.h>
#include "qlog4cxx.h"
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ using namespace log4cxx;
using namespace log4cxx::helpers;
LoggerPtr jsiLogger(Logger::getLogger("fbgui.jsi"));
// Initialisation
@@ -21,8 +20,8 @@ LoggerPtr jsiLogger(Logger::getLogger("fbgui.jsi"));
* Is of type QWebFrame.
JavascriptInterface::JavascriptInterface(QWebFrame *parent) {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(jsiLogger, "Initializing javascript interface...");
- _parent = parent;
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(jsiLogger, "Initializing javascript interface...");
+ _targetFrame = parent;
@@ -42,8 +41,8 @@ JavascriptInterface::~JavascriptInterface() { /* destructor dummy */
* @see JavascriptInterface::loadJQuery()
void JavascriptInterface::attachToDOM() {
- _parent->addToJavaScriptWindowObject(QString("fbgui"), this);
- loadJQuery();
+ _targetFrame->addToJavaScriptWindowObject(QString("fbgui"), this);
+ loadJQuery();
@@ -58,88 +57,29 @@ void JavascriptInterface::attachToDOM() {
* @see JavascriptInterface::attachToDOM()
void JavascriptInterface::loadJQuery() {
- // to test if this actually works...
- QString js;
- QString pathToJsDir(DEFAULT_QRC_HTML_DIR);
- pathToJsDir.append("/js");
+ // to test if this actually works...
+ QString js;
+ QString pathToJsDir(DEFAULT_QRC_HTML_DIR);
+ pathToJsDir.append("/js");
- QDir qrcJSDir(pathToJsDir);
- QFileInfoList fiList = qrcJSDir.entryInfoList();
- QFileInfo fi;
-foreach(fi, fiList)
- if (fi.suffix() == "js") {
- //qDebug()<< fi.fileName();
- //LOG4CXX_DEBUG(jsiLogger, fi.fileName());
- if (fi.fileName() != "test.js") {
- QFile file;
- file.setFileName(pathToJsDir + "/" + fi.fileName());
- js = file.readAll();
- file.close();
+ QDir qrcJSDir(pathToJsDir);
+ QFileInfoList fiList = qrcJSDir.entryInfoList();
+ QFileInfo fi;
- _parent->evaluateJavaScript(js);
- //LOG4CXX_DEBUG(jsiLogger, "evaluated " + fi.fileName());
- }
- }
-// Javascript functions for webpage
- * This method start a download.
- *
- * This method start a download.
- * Can be called from inside a JavaScript function of the HTML page.
- * Emits the JavascriptInterface::requestFile(const QString) signal.
- */
-void JavascriptInterface::startDownload(const QString& filename) {
- // ignore if empty filename
- if (filename.isEmpty()) {
- _parent->evaluateJavaScript("alert(\"No filename!\")");
- return;
- }
- emit requestFile(filename);
- * This method start a download.
- *
- * This method start a download.
- * Can be called from inside a JavaScript function of the HTML page.
- *
- * @todo add some more informations
- */
-void JavascriptInterface::setCallbackOnFinished(const QString& function) {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(jsiLogger, "Callback set: " << function);
- _callbackOnDownloadsFinished = QString(function);
- * This method delivers system informations.
- *
- * This method delivers system informations. Type of informations, are defined by
- * the parameter. The output of this method depends on the parameter.
- * Can be called from inside a JavaScript function of the HTML page.
- *
- * @param infoName
- * Is of type QString. Defines which method will be called. Possible values are:
- * - mac
- * - ip
- * - mbserial
- * - usb
- *
- * @return QString
- * the output of the called method or "info_error" if an error occurred
- * (e. g. invalid parameter).
- *
- * @see SysInfo::getInfo(const QString& infoName)
- */
-const QString JavascriptInterface::getSysInfo(const QString& info) {
- SysInfo si;
- return si.getInfo(info);
+ foreach(fi, fiList) {
+ if (fi.suffix() == "js") {
+ QFile file;
+ file.setFileName(pathToJsDir + "/" + fi.fileName());
+ js = file.readAll();
+ file.close();
+ _targetFrame->evaluateJavaScript(js);
+ //LOG4CXX_DEBUG(jsiLogger, "evaluated " + fi.fileName());
+ }
+ }
* This method quits the whole program.
@@ -149,7 +89,7 @@ const QString JavascriptInterface::getSysInfo(const QString& info) {
* Emits JavascriptInterface::quitFbgui() signal
void JavascriptInterface::quit() {
- emit quitFbgui();
+ emit quitFbgui();
@@ -163,7 +103,7 @@ void JavascriptInterface::quit() {
* @see fbgui::performShutDown()
void JavascriptInterface::shutDown() {
- emit shutDownClient();
+ emit shutDownClient();
@@ -176,56 +116,20 @@ void JavascriptInterface::shutDown() {
* @see fbgui::performReboot()
void JavascriptInterface::reboot() {
- emit rebootClient();
-// Download Manager information exchange
- * This method delivers some informations about the downloading file.
- *
- * This method delivers some informations about the downloading file.
- *
- * @todo add some more informations
- */
-void JavascriptInterface::downloadInfo(const QString& filename,
- const double& filesize) {
- QString code = QString("downloadInfo('\%1', \%2)").arg(filename).arg(
- filesize);
- _parent->evaluateJavaScript(code);
- * This method updates the progress bar.
- *
- * This method calls a Javascript function to update the progress bar of the download.
- * Javascript must have a function called "updateProgress" to receive this information.
- *
- * @todo add some more informations
- */
-void JavascriptInterface::updateProgressBar(const int& percent,
- const double& speed, const QString& unit) {
- if (percent == 0)
- return;
- QString code = QString("updateProgress(\%1, \%2, '\%3')").arg(percent).arg(
- speed).arg(unit);
- _parent->evaluateJavaScript(code);
+ emit rebootClient();
* This method sends out messages to Javascript. A corresponding function must be implemented
* on the webpage to receive these.
void JavascriptInterface::notify(const QString& msg) {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(jsiLogger, "Notifying: " << msg);
- QString code = QString("notify('\%1')").arg(msg);
- _parent->evaluateJavaScript(code);
+LOG4CXX_DEBUG(jsiLogger, "Notifying: " << msg);
+QString code = QString("notify('\%1')").arg(msg);
+// Network Discovery Communication
- * Sets a callback function for when downloads are finished (will be called when the queue is empty).
- */
-void JavascriptInterface::callbackOnFinished() {
- QString code = QString("\%1").arg(_callbackOnDownloadsFinished);
- _parent->evaluateJavaScript(code);
diff --git a/src/fbgui/javascriptinterface.h b/src/fbgui/javascriptinterface.h
index b15c134..2b3c83f 100644
--- a/src/fbgui/javascriptinterface.h
+++ b/src/fbgui/javascriptinterface.h
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
* General information about OpenSLX can be found under
- * Interface for javascript.
+ * Abstract interface for javascript.
@@ -27,17 +27,14 @@ public:
JavascriptInterface(QWebFrame* parent);
// pointer to parent
- QWebFrame* _parent;
- // function to be called withint javascript when downloads are done.
- QString _callbackOnDownloadsFinished;
+ QWebFrame* _targetFrame;
// loads jQuery code
void loadJQuery();
- // request the file from download manager
- void requestFile(const QString& filename);
// quit the application
void quitFbgui();
// shut off the system. connected to fbgui::performShutDown()
@@ -49,21 +46,10 @@ public slots:
// make sure the interface stays attached on webpage reload
void attachToDOM();
- // slots for calling from the webpage
- void startDownload(const QString& filename);
- void setCallbackOnFinished(const QString& function);
- const QString getSysInfo(const QString& info);
void quit();
void shutDown();
void reboot();
- // callback when downloads are done.
- void callbackOnFinished();
- // slots for information exchange with the download manager.
- void updateProgressBar(const int& percent, const double& speed,
- const QString& unit);
- void downloadInfo(const QString& filename, const double& filesize);
void notify(const QString& msg);
diff --git a/src/fbgui/javascriptinterfacefbgui.cpp b/src/fbgui/javascriptinterfacefbgui.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9ff225
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fbgui/javascriptinterfacefbgui.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+ * javascriptinterfacefbgui.cpp
+ *
+ * Created on: Feb 21, 2012
+ * Author: joe
+ */
+#include "javascriptinterfacefbgui.h"
+#include "sysinfo.h"
+JavascriptInterfaceFBGUI::JavascriptInterfaceFBGUI(QWebFrame* parent)
+ : JavascriptInterface(parent){
+JavascriptInterfaceFBGUI::~JavascriptInterfaceFBGUI() {
+// Javascript functions for webpage
+ * This method start a download.
+ *
+ * This method start a download.
+ * Can be called from inside a JavaScript function of the HTML page.
+ * Emits the JavascriptInterface::requestFile(const QString) signal.
+ */
+void JavascriptInterfaceFBGUI::startDownload(const QString& filename) {
+ // ignore if empty filename
+ if (filename.isEmpty()) {
+ _targetFrame->evaluateJavaScript("alert(\"No filename!\")");
+ return;
+ }
+ emit requestFile(filename);
+ * This method start a download.
+ *
+ * This method start a download.
+ * Can be called from inside a JavaScript function of the HTML page.
+ *
+ * @todo add some more informations
+ */
+void JavascriptInterfaceFBGUI::setCallbackOnFinished(const QString& function) {
+ //LOG4CXX_DEBUG(jsiLogger, "Callback set: " << function);
+ _callbackOnDownloadsFinished = QString(function);
+ * This method delivers system informations.
+ *
+ * This method delivers system informations. Type of informations, are defined by
+ * the parameter. The output of this method depends on the parameter.
+ * Can be called from inside a JavaScript function of the HTML page.
+ *
+ * @param infoName
+ * Is of type QString. Defines which method will be called. Possible values are:
+ * - mac
+ * - ip
+ * - mbserial
+ * - usb
+ *
+ * @return QString
+ * the output of the called method or "info_error" if an error occurred
+ * (e. g. invalid parameter).
+ *
+ * @see SysInfo::getInfo(const QString& infoName)
+ */
+const QString JavascriptInterfaceFBGUI::getSysInfo(const QString& info) {
+ SysInfo si;
+ return si.getInfo(info);
+// Download Manager information exchange
+ * This method delivers some informations about the downloading file.
+ *
+ * This method delivers some informations about the downloading file.
+ *
+ * @todo add some more informations
+ */
+void JavascriptInterfaceFBGUI::downloadInfo(const QString& filename,
+ const double& filesize) {
+ QString code = QString("downloadInfo('\%1', \%2)").arg(filename).arg(
+ filesize);
+ _targetFrame->evaluateJavaScript(code);
+ * This method updates the progress bar.
+ *
+ * This method calls a Javascript function to update the progress bar of the download.
+ * Javascript must have a function called "updateProgress" to receive this information.
+ *
+ * @todo add some more informations
+ */
+void JavascriptInterfaceFBGUI::updateProgressBar(const int& percent,
+ const double& speed, const QString& unit) {
+ if (percent == 0)
+ return;
+ QString code = QString("updateProgress(\%1, \%2, '\%3')").arg(percent).arg(
+ speed).arg(unit);
+ _targetFrame->evaluateJavaScript(code);
+ * Sets a callback function for when downloads are finished (will be called when the queue is empty).
+ */
+void JavascriptInterfaceFBGUI::callbackOnFinished() {
+ QString code = QString("\%1").arg(_callbackOnDownloadsFinished);
+ _targetFrame->evaluateJavaScript(code);
diff --git a/src/fbgui/javascriptinterfacefbgui.h b/src/fbgui/javascriptinterfacefbgui.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..627bdb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fbgui/javascriptinterfacefbgui.h
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2010,2011 - RZ Uni Freiburg
+ * Copyright (c) 2010,2011 - OpenSLX Project
+ *
+ * This program/file is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
+ * See
+ *
+ * If you have any feedback please consult and
+ * send your feedback to
+ *
+ * General information about OpenSLX can be found under
+ *
+ *
+ * Custom fbgui interface for javascript.
+ *
+ */
+#include "javascriptinterface.h"
+class JavascriptInterfaceFBGUI : public JavascriptInterface
+ JavascriptInterfaceFBGUI(QWebFrame* parent);
+ virtual ~JavascriptInterfaceFBGUI();
+public slots:
+ // slots for calling from the webpage
+ void startDownload(const QString& filename);
+ void setCallbackOnFinished(const QString& function);
+ const QString getSysInfo(const QString& info);
+ // callback when downloads are done.
+ void callbackOnFinished();
+ // slots for information exchange with the download manager.
+ void updateProgressBar(const int& percent, const double& speed,
+ const QString& unit);
+ void downloadInfo(const QString& filename, const double& filesize);
+ // function to be called withint javascript when downloads are done.
+ QString _callbackOnDownloadsFinished;
+ // request the file from download manager
+ void requestFile(const QString& filename);
diff --git a/src/fbgui/javascriptinterfacendgui.cpp b/src/fbgui/javascriptinterfacendgui.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f300866
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fbgui/javascriptinterfacendgui.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+ * javascriptinterfacendgui.cpp
+ *
+ * Created on: Feb 21, 2012
+ * Author: joe
+ */
+#include "javascriptinterfacendgui.h"
+#include <log4cxx/logger.h>
+#include "qlog4cxx.h"
+using namespace log4cxx;
+using namespace log4cxx::helpers;
+LoggerPtr ndjsiLogger(Logger::getLogger("ndgui.jsi"));
+JavascriptInterfaceNDGUI::JavascriptInterfaceNDGUI(QWebFrame* parent, NetworkDiscovery* nd)
+ : JavascriptInterface(parent){
+ _nd = nd;
+JavascriptInterfaceNDGUI::~JavascriptInterfaceNDGUI() {
+ * @brief show abortBoot dialog
+ *
+ * @param msg
+ * the message, displayed in the dialog.
+ */
+void JavascriptInterfaceNDGUI::abortBoot(const QString msg) {
+ QString code = QString("abortBootDialog('\%1')").arg(msg);
+ _targetFrame->evaluateJavaScript(code);
+ * @brief opens ths chooseInterfaceDialog
+ *
+ * @param msg
+ * the interfaces as json formated string. will be displayed in a select box.
+ */
+void JavascriptInterfaceNDGUI::chooseInterfaceDialog(const QList<QString> ifNameList) {
+ QString jsonArr = "[";
+ for (int i = 0; i < ifNameList.size() - 1; i++) {
+ jsonArr += "\"" + ifNameList.value(i) + "\",";
+ }
+ jsonArr += "\"" + ifNameList.last() + "\"]";
+ QString code = QString("chooseInterfaceDialog(\%1)").arg(jsonArr);
+ _targetFrame->evaluateJavaScript(code);
+ * @brief updates the over all status
+ *
+ * @param status
+ * the new status message
+ */
+void JavascriptInterfaceNDGUI::updateStatus(const QString &status) {
+ if (status == "")
+ return;
+ QString code = QString("updateStatus('\%1')").arg(status);
+ _targetFrame->evaluateJavaScript(code);
+ * @brief updates the progress bar for each interface.
+ *
+ * @param ifname
+ * the name ot the interface to update
+ *
+ * @param percent
+ * the progress in percent
+ */
+void JavascriptInterfaceNDGUI::updateIfProgressBar(const QString &ifName, const int& percent) {
+ if (percent == 0)
+ return;
+ QString code = QString("updateIfProgressBar('\%1',\%2)").arg(ifName).arg(percent);
+ _targetFrame->evaluateJavaScript(code);
+ * @brief update the status for each interface
+ *
+ * @param ifName
+ * the name ot the interface to update
+ *
+ * @param status
+ * the new status of the interface.
+ */
+void JavascriptInterfaceNDGUI::updateIfStatus(const QString &ifName, const QString &status) {
+ if (ifName == "")
+ return;
+ QString code = QString("updateIfStatus('\%1','\%2')").arg(ifName).arg(status);
+ _targetFrame->evaluateJavaScript(code);
+void JavascriptInterfaceNDGUI::addInterface(const QString &ifName) {
+ if (ifName == "")
+ return;
+ QString code = QString("addInterface('\%1')").arg(ifName);
+ _targetFrame->evaluateJavaScript(code);
+ * @brief just for debugging.
+ */
+void JavascriptInterfaceNDGUI::notifyCall(QString msg){
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndjsiLogger, "Javascript notified: " << msg);
+ * @brief read the log file. Log File will be presented inside of a dialog.
+ */
+QString JavascriptInterfaceNDGUI::readLogFile() {
+ QString retval("Contents of log file:\n");
+ QFile logFile(logFilePath);
+ if (logFile.exists()) {
+ if ( | QIODevice::Text)) {
+ while (!logFile.atEnd()) {
+ retval.append(logFile.readLine());
+ }
+ } else {
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndjsiLogger, "could not open log file");
+ retval = "could not open log file";
+ }
+ } else {
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndjsiLogger,
+ "log file does not exist at: " << logFilePath);
+ retval = " log file does not exist at: " + logFilePath;
+ }
+ return retval;
+ * @brief fills the drop down box of the manual interface configuration
+ * dialog.
+ */
+QVariantList JavascriptInterfaceNDGUI::getManualConfInterfaces() {
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndjsiLogger, "call getManualConfInterfaces");
+ QVariantList jsonArr;
+ QString debugOut;
+ foreach (QString s, _nd->getIfUpList()) {
+ QVariant e(s);
+ jsonArr << e;
+ debugOut += s + "; ";
+ }
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndjsiLogger, "value of jsonArr:" << debugOut);
+ return jsonArr;
+ * @brief return a json formated interface configuration
+ *
+ * @param ifName
+ * the name of the interface
+ */
+QVariantMap JavascriptInterfaceNDGUI::getInterfaceConf(QString ifName) {
+ InterfaceConfiguration* ifc = _nd->getInterfaceConfig(ifName);
+ QVariantMap jsonObj;
+ QList<QString> dns;
+ if (ifc != NULL) {
+ jsonObj.insert("ipaddr", ifc->getIpAddress());
+ jsonObj.insert("netmask", ifc->getNetmask());
+ jsonObj.insert("broadcast", ifc->getBroadcast());
+ jsonObj.insert("gateway", ifc->getGateway());
+ dns.clear();
+ dns = ifc->getDnsservers().trimmed().split(" ");
+ jsonObj.insert("dns", dns.first());
+ }
+ return jsonObj;
+ * @brief takes the entered manual configuration dates and delivers it
+ * to the networkDiscovery for further actions.
+ *
+ * @param jsonArr
+ * a jsonArr which contains the manual entered interface configuration
+ */
+int JavascriptInterfaceNDGUI::ip4_setManualConfiguration(QVariantMap jsonArr) {
+ return _nd->ip4_setManualConfiguration(jsonArr);
diff --git a/src/fbgui/javascriptinterfacendgui.h b/src/fbgui/javascriptinterfacendgui.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d286d79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fbgui/javascriptinterfacendgui.h
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2010,2011 - RZ Uni Freiburg
+ * Copyright (c) 2010,2011 - OpenSLX Project
+ *
+ * This program/file is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
+ * See
+ *
+ * If you have any feedback please consult and
+ * send your feedback to
+ *
+ * General information about OpenSLX can be found under
+ *
+ *
+ * Custom ndgui interface for javascript.
+ *
+ */
+#include "javascriptinterface.h"
+#include "networkdiscovery.h"
+class JavascriptInterfaceNDGUI: public JavascriptInterface {
+ JavascriptInterfaceNDGUI(QWebFrame* parent, NetworkDiscovery* nd = 0);
+ virtual ~JavascriptInterfaceNDGUI();
+ Q_INVOKABLE QVariantList getManualConfInterfaces();
+ Q_INVOKABLE int ip4_setManualConfiguration(QVariantMap result);
+ Q_INVOKABLE QString readLogFile();
+ Q_INVOKABLE QVariantMap getInterfaceConf(QString ifName);
+public slots:
+ void abortBoot(QString msg);
+ void updateIfStatus(const QString &ifName, const QString &status);
+ void updateStatus(const QString &status);
+ void updateIfProgressBar(const QString &ifName, const int& percent);
+ void addInterface(const QString &ifName);
+ void chooseInterfaceDialog(const QList<QString>);
+ void notifyCall(QString msg);
+ NetworkDiscovery* _nd;
diff --git a/src/fbgui/main.cpp b/src/fbgui/main.cpp
index 197ba68..09a1b45 100644
--- a/src/fbgui/main.cpp
+++ b/src/fbgui/main.cpp
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include <log4cxx/propertyconfigurator.h>
#include "qlog4cxx.h"
+#include "globals.h"
#include "fbgui.h"
#include "ndgui.h"
diff --git a/src/fbgui/ndgui.cpp b/src/fbgui/ndgui.cpp
index a95d884..40c7cea 100644
--- a/src/fbgui/ndgui.cpp
+++ b/src/fbgui/ndgui.cpp
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include "ndgui.h"
+#include "javascriptinterfacendgui.h"
#include <log4cxx/logger.h>
#include "qlog4cxx.h"
@@ -18,63 +19,51 @@ using namespace log4cxx;
using namespace log4cxx::helpers;
LoggerPtr ndLogger(Logger::getLogger("fbgui.nd"));
-QString gServerIp("");
-bool gAutoUp = true;
-QString gSocketServerPath("");
-QString gPathToDhcpExe("");
-QString interfaceName("");
* constructor
ndgui::ndgui() :
agui() {
* destructor
ndgui::~ndgui() {
delete _allowUserChoice;
delete _tryAgain;
delete _networkDiscovery;
* @brief initialize all variables and prepare everything for a successful run
void ndgui::init() {
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndLogger, "Initializing ndgui...");
+ setWindowTitle(tr("NetD"));
_started = false;
_userChoice = false;
- _ifNameList.clear();
- _manConfList.clear();
_networkDiscovery = new NetworkDiscovery();
- connect(_networkDiscovery, SIGNAL(addInterface(const QString &)), this,
+ _jsi = new JavascriptInterfaceNDGUI(_webView->page()->mainFrame(), _networkDiscovery);
+ connect(_networkDiscovery, SIGNAL(addInterface(const QString &)), _jsi,
SLOT(addInterface( const QString &)));
SIGNAL(changeProgressBarValue(const QString & , const int& )),
- this, SLOT(updateIfProgressBar(const QString & , const int&)));
+ _jsi, SLOT(updateIfProgressBar(const QString & , const int&)));
connect(_networkDiscovery, SIGNAL(connectionEstablished(QString)), this,
- connect(_networkDiscovery, SIGNAL(abortBoot(QString)), this,
+ connect(_networkDiscovery, SIGNAL(abortBoot(QString)), _jsi,
SLOT(abortBoot(const QString)));
- connect(_networkDiscovery, SIGNAL(updateIfStatus(QString,QString)), this,
+ connect(_networkDiscovery, SIGNAL(updateIfStatus(QString,QString)), _jsi,
SLOT(updateIfStatus(const QString &, const QString &)));
- connect(_networkDiscovery, SIGNAL(updateStatus(QString)), this,
+ connect(_networkDiscovery, SIGNAL(updateStatus(QString)), _jsi,
SLOT(updateStatus(const QString&)));
connect(_networkDiscovery, SIGNAL(allProcessesFinished()), this,
@@ -84,8 +73,8 @@ void ndgui::init() {
this, SLOT(continueBootWithoutCheck(QString)));
connect(_webView->page()->mainFrame(), SIGNAL(
- javaScriptWindowObjectCleared()), this, SLOT(attachToDOM()));
- connect(_webView, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), this, SLOT(startSingleShot()));
+ javaScriptWindowObjectCleared()), _jsi, SLOT(attachToDOM()));
+ connect(_webView, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), this, SLOT(startNetworkDiscovery()));
if (debugMode > -1) {
@@ -93,11 +82,9 @@ void ndgui::init() {
} else {
- setWindowTitle(tr("NetD"));
* @brief Add actions
@@ -125,25 +112,6 @@ void ndgui::setUserChoiceTrue() {
_userChoice = true;
- * @brief starts a singleshot event.
- *
- * is connected to the singleShot event. Triggering this method means
- * that we go on with the main NetworkDiscovery screen.
- * connects the loadFinished signal of the _webView with the
- * startNetworkDiscovery slot and removes the
- * action.
- */
-void ndgui::startSingleShot() {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndLogger, "start single shot");
- QTimer::singleShot(3000, this, SLOT(startNetworkDiscovery()));
* @brief start the network discovery
@@ -152,19 +120,15 @@ void ndgui::startSingleShot() {
* and starts the networkDiscovery.
void ndgui::startNetworkDiscovery() {
- disconnect(_webView, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), this,
- SLOT(startSingleShot()));
+ //disconnect(_webView, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), this, SLOT(startSingleShot()));
if (!_started) {
_started = true;
- _networkDiscovery->initAndRun(gServerIp, _userChoice, gAutoUp,
- logFilePath, gSocketServerPath, gPathToDhcpExe);
+ _networkDiscovery->initAndRun(_userChoice);
} else {
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndLogger, "NetworkDiscovery already started");
* @brief handle if a interface is able to connect
@@ -192,12 +156,7 @@ void ndgui::handleAllProcessesFinished() {
if (_ifNameList.size() > 0) {
if (_userChoice) {
- QString jsonArr = "[";
- for (int i = 0; i < _ifNameList.size() - 1; i++) {
- jsonArr += "\"" + _ifNameList.value(i) + "\",";
- }
- jsonArr += "\"" + _ifNameList.last() + "\"]";
- chooseInterfaceDialog(jsonArr);
+ _jsi->chooseInterfaceDialog(_ifNameList);
} else {
foreach(QString i, _ifNameList)
@@ -210,12 +169,11 @@ void ndgui::handleAllProcessesFinished() {
} else {
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndLogger, " No usable interfaces found!: " << _networkDiscovery->GetErrorStr());
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndLogger, " list is empty");
- abortBoot("No usable interfaces found!"
+ _jsi->abortBoot("No usable interfaces found!"
+ _networkDiscovery->GetErrorStr());
* @brief continue the boot sequence
@@ -223,43 +181,44 @@ void ndgui::handleAllProcessesFinished() {
* will start the fbgui screen. All networkDiscovery signals
* will be ignored after this point.
-//void ndgui::continueBoot(QString ifName, int userChoice) {
void ndgui::continueBoot(QString ifName) {
if (_networkDiscovery->checkConnectivity(ifName)) {
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndLogger, " continue with interface: " << ifName);
- interfaceName = ifName;
+ gInterfaceName = ifName;
emit initFbgui();
} else {
- abortBoot(
- "Interface was suddenly made unusable. Please check the log and try again.");
+ _jsi->abortBoot("Interface was suddenly made unusable. Please check the log and try again.");
* @brief continue the boot sequence without further checking if the connection is still possible.
void ndgui::continueBootWithoutCheck(QString ifName) {
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndLogger, " continue with interface: " << ifName);
- interfaceName = ifName;
+ gInterfaceName = ifName;
emit initFbgui();
+/* slots */
- * @brief read the log file. Log File will be presented inside of a dialog.
+ * @brief adds an interface to the DOM tree. Creates its progress bar and it's status label.
+ *
+ * @param ifName
+ * name of the new interface.
-QString ndgui::readLogFile() {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndLogger, "show log");
- return _networkDiscovery->readLogFile();
+//void ndgui::addInterface(const QString &ifName) {
+// if (ifName == "")
+// return;
+// _manConfList.append(ifName);
+// QString code = QString("addInterface('\%1')").arg(ifName);
+// _webView->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript(code);
- * @brief starts the whole application again.
+ * @brief crashes everything :)
void ndgui::tryAgain() {
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndLogger, " try again ");
@@ -269,202 +228,8 @@ void ndgui::tryAgain() {
//delete _webView;
delete _networkDiscovery;
- init();
-/*test html gui version*/
- * @brief fills the drop down box of the manual interface configuration
- * dialog.
- */
-QVariantList ndgui::getManualConfInterfaces() {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndLogger, "call getManualConfInterfaces");
- QVariantList jsonArr;
- QString debugOut;
- foreach (QString s, _manConfList) {
- QVariant e(s);
- jsonArr << e;
- debugOut += s + "; ";
- }
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndLogger, "value of jsonArr:" << debugOut);
- return jsonArr;
- * @brief return a json formated interface configuration
- *
- * @param ifName
- * the name of the interface
- */
-QVariantMap ndgui::getInterfaceConf(QString ifName) {
- return _networkDiscovery->getInterfaceConfig(ifName);
- * @brief takes the entered manual configuration dates and delivers it
- * to the networkDiscovery for further actions.
- *
- * @param jsonArr
- * a jsonArr which contains the manual entered interface configuration
- */
-int ndgui::ip4_setManualConfiguration(QVariantMap jsonArr) {
- return _networkDiscovery->ip4_setManualConfiguration(jsonArr);
-/* slots */
- * @brief stellt ein ndgui/fbgui Objekt zur verwendung durch die html bereit.
- */
-void ndgui::attachToDOM(){
- _webView->page()->mainFrame()->addToJavaScriptWindowObject(QString("fbgui"), this);
- loadJQuery();
- * @brief load jQuery and js scripts into the page so that all javascript functions will work.
- */
-void ndgui::loadJQuery() {
- QString js;
- QString pathToJsDir(":/html");
- pathToJsDir.append("/js");
- QDir qrcJSDir(pathToJsDir);
- QFileInfoList fiList = qrcJSDir.entryInfoList();
- QFileInfo fi;
- foreach(fi, fiList)
- {
- if (fi.suffix() == "js") {
- //LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndLogger, fi.fileName());
- //LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndLogger, fi.fileName());
- //if (fi.fileName() != "test.js" && fi.fileName() != "nd-functions.js") {
- QFile file;
- file.setFileName(pathToJsDir + "/" + fi.fileName());
- js = file.readAll();
- file.close();
- _webView->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript(js);
- //LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndLogger, "evaluated " + fi.fileName());
- //}
- }
- }
- * @brief show abortBoot dialog
- *
- * @param msg
- * the message, displayed in the dialog.
- */
-void ndgui::abortBoot(const QString msg) {
- QString code = QString("abortBootDialog('\%1')").arg(msg);
- _webView->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript(code);
- * @brief opens ths chooseInterfaceDialog
- *
- * @param msg
- * the interfaces as json formated string. will be displayed in a select box.
- */
-void ndgui::chooseInterfaceDialog(const QString msg) {
- QString code = QString("chooseInterfaceDialog(\%1)").arg(msg);
- _webView->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript(code);
- * @brief updates the over all status
- *
- * @param status
- * the new status message
- */
-void ndgui::updateStatus(const QString &status) {
- if (status == "")
- return;
- QString code = QString("updateStatus('\%1')").arg(status);
- _webView->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript(code);
- * @brief updates the progress bar for each interface.
- *
- * @param ifname
- * the name ot the interface to update
- *
- * @param percent
- * the progress in percent
- */
-void ndgui::updateIfProgressBar(const QString &ifName, const int& percent) {
- if (percent == 0)
- return;
- QString code = QString("updateIfProgressBar('\%1',\%2)").arg(ifName).arg(percent);
- _webView->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript(code);
- * @brief update the status for each interface
- *
- * @param ifName
- * the name ot the interface to update
- *
- * @param status
- * the new status of the interface.
- */
-void ndgui::updateIfStatus(const QString &ifName, const QString &status) {
- if (ifName == "")
- return;
- QString code = QString("updateIfStatus('\%1','\%2')").arg(ifName).arg(status);
- _webView->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript(code);
- * @brief adds an interface to the DOM tree. Creates its progress bar and it's status label.
- *
- * @param ifName
- * name of the new interface.
- */
-void ndgui::addInterface(const QString &ifName) {
- if (ifName == "")
- return;
- _manConfList.append(ifName);
- QString code = QString("addInterface('\%1')").arg(ifName);
- _webView->page()->mainFrame()->evaluateJavaScript(code);
+ _ifNameList.clear();
+ _manConfList.clear();
- * @brief just for debugging.
- */
-void ndgui::notifyCall(QString msg){
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndLogger, "------ called:" << msg);
+ init();
diff --git a/src/fbgui/ndgui.h b/src/fbgui/ndgui.h
index 2e214df..379479d 100644
--- a/src/fbgui/ndgui.h
+++ b/src/fbgui/ndgui.h
@@ -11,8 +11,6 @@
* General information about OpenSLX can be found under
#ifndef NDGUI_H
#define NDGUI_H
@@ -20,80 +18,52 @@
#include <QtWebKit>
#include <QVariant>
-#include "fbgui.h"
#include "agui.h"
+#include "javascriptinterfacendgui.h"
#include "networkdiscovery.h"
-extern QString gServerIp;
-extern bool gAutoUp;
-extern QString gSocketServerPath;
-extern QString gPathToDhcpExe;
-class ndgui: public agui
+class ndgui: public agui {
- ndgui();
- ~ndgui();
- Q_INVOKABLE QVariantList getManualConfInterfaces();
- Q_INVOKABLE int ip4_setManualConfiguration(QVariantMap result);
- Q_INVOKABLE QString readLogFile();
- Q_INVOKABLE QVariantMap getInterfaceConf(QString ifName);
+ ndgui();
+ ~ndgui();
- void init();
+ void init();
public slots:
- void handleConnectionEstablished(QString ifName);
- void abortBoot(QString msg);
- void chooseInterfaceDialog(QString msg);
- void handleAllProcessesFinished();
- void continueBoot(QString ifName);
- void continueBootWithoutCheck(QString ifName);
- void tryAgain();
+ void startNetworkDiscovery();
+ void handleConnectionEstablished(QString ifName);
+ void handleAllProcessesFinished();
+ void continueBootWithoutCheck(QString ifName);
+ void tryAgain();
- void startSingleShot();
- void startNetworkDiscovery();
+ /* to delete once the new jsi is tested ... */
+// void addInterface(const QString &ifName);
+ void continueBoot(QString ifName);
- /*test for html gui version*/
- void attachToDOM();
- void loadJQuery();
- void addInterface(const QString &ifName);
- void updateIfStatus(const QString &ifName, const QString &status);
- void updateStatus(const QString &status);
- void updateIfProgressBar(const QString &ifName, const int& percent);
- void notifyCall(QString msg);
- void initFbgui();
+ void initFbgui();
private slots:
- void setUserChoiceTrue();
+ void setUserChoiceTrue();
+ void addActions();
- void addActions();
- QString _tag;
- bool _userChoice;
- bool _started;
- QAction* _allowUserChoice;
- QAction* _tryAgain;
- NetworkDiscovery* _networkDiscovery;
+ NetworkDiscovery* _networkDiscovery;
+ JavascriptInterfaceNDGUI* _jsi;
- QList<QString> _ifNameList; // maps interfaceName to its gateway
+ QAction* _allowUserChoice;
+ QAction* _tryAgain;
- QList<QString> _manConfList;
+ bool _userChoice;bool _started;
- QString _manualConfInterfaces;
+ QList<QString> _ifNameList; // maps interfaceName to its gateway
+ QList<QString> _manConfList;
+ QString _manualConfInterfaces;
#endif // NDGUI_H
diff --git a/src/fbgui/networkdiscovery.cpp b/src/fbgui/networkdiscovery.cpp
index ccefb8a..ab14923 100644
--- a/src/fbgui/networkdiscovery.cpp
+++ b/src/fbgui/networkdiscovery.cpp
@@ -23,18 +23,12 @@ using namespace log4cxx;
using namespace log4cxx::helpers;
LoggerPtr ndcLogger(Logger::getLogger("fbgui.nd.core"));
* constructor
NetworkDiscovery::NetworkDiscovery(QObject *parent) {
- _server = new QLocalServer(this);
* destructor
@@ -44,13 +38,11 @@ NetworkDiscovery::~NetworkDiscovery() {
foreach(QProcess* p, _clientProcessToIfNameMap.keys()) {
delete p;
- foreach(interfaceconfiguration* i, _ifcMap.values()) {
+ foreach(InterfaceConfiguration* i, _ifcMap.values()) {
delete i;
* initialize all important class members and start the main work.
@@ -75,16 +67,10 @@ NetworkDiscovery::~NetworkDiscovery() {
* @param args
* additional arguments for the customdhcpcd client. (default value: NULL)
-void NetworkDiscovery::initAndRun(QString serverIp, bool userChoice, bool autoUp, QString pathToLogFile, QString serverPath, QString pathToExe,
- QStringList* args) {
+void NetworkDiscovery::initAndRun(bool userChoice, QStringList* args) {
- _serverIp = serverIp;
_userChoice = userChoice;
- _autoUp = autoUp;
- _pathToLogFile = pathToLogFile;
- _serverPath = serverPath;
- _pathToDhcpcdExe = pathToExe;
_blocked = false;
_numberOfProcesses = 0;
_ifUpCountdown = 10;
@@ -100,22 +86,24 @@ void NetworkDiscovery::initAndRun(QString serverIp, bool userChoice, bool autoUp
_server = new QLocalServer();
- if (serverPath != DEFAULT_QTSOCKETADDRESS) {
+ if (gSocketServerPath != DEFAULT_QTSOCKETADDRESS) {
- _dhcpcdArguments.append(serverPath);
+ _dhcpcdArguments.append(gSocketServerPath);
/* delete the file at serverPath. this is necessary since in case the application crashes, the file still
- * exists which leads to an error.
- */
+ * exists which leads to an error.
+ */
- if(QFile::exists(serverPath)) {
- QFile::remove(serverPath);
+ if (QFile::exists(gSocketServerPath)) {
+ QFile::remove(gSocketServerPath);
- emit updateStatus("try to create server socket");
- if (!_server->listen(serverPath)) {
+ emit
+ updateStatus("try to create server socket");
+ if (!_server->listen(gSocketServerPath)) {
// emit signal to the gui that a critial error occoured
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "Unable to start server: " << _server->errorString());
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger,
+ "Unable to start server: " << _server->errorString());
abortBoot("Unable to start server: " + _server->errorString());
@@ -124,28 +112,29 @@ void NetworkDiscovery::initAndRun(QString serverIp, bool userChoice, bool autoUp
// check if the path to the customdhcpcd file is correct
- emit updateStatus("check if cdhcpcd is available");
- QFileInfo fInfo(_pathToDhcpcdExe);
- if (!fInfo.exists()) {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "could not find customdhcpcd exe. Please check the path to this file.");
- emit abortBoot(
- "could not find customdhcpcd exe. Please check the path to this file.");
- return;
- }
+ emit
+ updateStatus("check if cdhcpcd is available");
+ QFileInfo fInfo(gPathToDhcpExe);
+ if (!fInfo.exists()) {
+ ndcLogger,
+ "could not find customdhcpcd exe. Please check the path to this file.");
+ emit
+ abortBoot(
+ "could not find customdhcpcd exe. Please check the path to this file.");
+ return;
+ }
connect(_server, SIGNAL(newConnection()), this, SLOT(handleNewConnection()));
- connect(this, SIGNAL(readyForRun()), this, SLOT(slotReadyForRun()));
if (args != NULL && !args->isEmpty()) {
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "added additional args");
- }
- emit updateStatus("start mainwork");
- mainWork();
+ } emit
+ updateStatus("start mainwork");
+ mainWork();
* @brief the main work. Here we start with searching for usable interfaces and check the IsRunning state.
@@ -153,78 +142,20 @@ void NetworkDiscovery::initAndRun(QString serverIp, bool userChoice, bool autoUp
* check every second the IsRunning state. Do this as long the counter (@see _ifUpCountdown) is greater than 0.
* Default: _ifUpCountdown = 10.
-void NetworkDiscovery::mainWork()
- if (_autoUp) {
- emit updateStatus("search for usable interfaces (with auto Up)");
- getListOfNetworkInterfacesWithAutoUp();
- } else {
- emit updateStatus("search for usable interfaces");
- getListOfNetworkInterfaces();
- }
- emit updateStatus("check if interfaces are in running state");
+void NetworkDiscovery::mainWork() {
+ gAutoUp ?
+ emit updateStatus("search for usable interfaces (with auto Up)") :
+ emit updateStatus("search for usable interfaces");
+ getListOfNetworkInterfaces();
+ emit
+ updateStatus("check if interfaces are in running state");
_timer = new QTimer(this);
connect(_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(checkForIsRunning()));
- * searches for usable interfaces and puts them into a list.
- * if the interface is down, put it in the _ifDownList, try to bring it up.
- * else put it in the _ifUpList.
- * usable interfaces are: can Broadcast, no loopback, no point to point, name is not in the BlackList,
- */
-void NetworkDiscovery::getListOfNetworkInterfacesWithAutoUp() {
- QList<QNetworkInterface> nIList = QNetworkInterface::allInterfaces();
- _ifUpList.clear();
- _ifDownList.clear();
- if (nIList.size() > 0) {
- foreach(QNetworkInterface nI, nIList)
- {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "found Interface:" << nI.humanReadableName());
- if ((nI.flags() & QNetworkInterface::CanBroadcast)) {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "flags: can broadcast ");
- }
- if ((nI.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsLoopBack)) {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "flags: is LoopBack ");
- }
- if ((nI.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsPointToPoint)) {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "flags: is Point to Point ");
- }
- if ((nI.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsRunning)) {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "flags: is Running ");
- }
- if ((nI.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsUp)) {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "flags: is Up ");
- }
- if (((!(nI.flags() & QNetworkInterface::CanBroadcast)
- || nI.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsLoopBack)
- || nI.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsPointToPoint)
- || checkBlackList(nI.humanReadableName())) {
- continue;
- }
- if ((nI.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsRunning)) {
- _ifUpList.append(nI.humanReadableName());
- }
- else if (!(nI.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsUp)) {
- _networkManager->bringInterfaceUP(nI.humanReadableName());
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "interface is down, try to bring up: " << nI.humanReadableName() );
- _ifDownList.append(nI.humanReadableName());
- }
- else if (!(nI.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsRunning)) {
- _ifDownList.append(nI.humanReadableName());
- }
- }
- } else {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "no interfaces found! ");
- }
* searches for usable interfaces which are up and running and put them into a list.
* usable interfaces are: can Broadcast, no loopback, no point to point, name is not in the BlackList,
@@ -235,43 +166,48 @@ void NetworkDiscovery::getListOfNetworkInterfaces() {
if (nIList.size() > 0) {
foreach(QNetworkInterface nI, nIList)
- {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "found Interface:" << nI.humanReadableName());
- if ((nI.flags() & QNetworkInterface::CanBroadcast)) {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "flags: can broadcast ");
- }
- if ((nI.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsLoopBack)) {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "flags: is LoopBack ");
- }
- if ((nI.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsPointToPoint)) {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "flags: is Point to Point ");
- }
- if ((nI.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsRunning)) {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "flags: is Running ");
- }
- if ((nI.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsUp)) {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "flags: is Up ");
- }
- if (((!(nI.flags() & QNetworkInterface::CanBroadcast)
- || nI.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsLoopBack)
- || nI.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsPointToPoint)
- || !(nI.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsUp)
- || checkBlackList(nI.humanReadableName())) {
- continue;
- }
- if (!(nI.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsRunning)) {
- _ifDownList.append(nI.humanReadableName());
- } else {
- _ifUpList.append(nI.humanReadableName());
- }
+ {
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "found Interface:" << nI.humanReadableName());
+ if ((nI.flags() & QNetworkInterface::CanBroadcast)) {
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "flags: can broadcast ");
+ }
+ if ((nI.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsLoopBack)) {
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "flags: is LoopBack ");
+ }
+ if ((nI.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsPointToPoint)) {
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "flags: is Point to Point ");
+ }
+ if ((nI.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsRunning)) {
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "flags: is Running ");
+ }
+ if ((nI.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsUp)) {
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "flags: is Up ");
+ }
+ if (((!(nI.flags() & QNetworkInterface::CanBroadcast)
+ || nI.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsLoopBack)
+ || nI.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsPointToPoint)
+ || (gAutoUp && !(nI.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsUp))
+ || checkBlackList(nI.humanReadableName())) {
+ continue;
+ if ((nI.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsRunning)) {
+ _ifUpList.append(nI.humanReadableName());
+ } else if (gAutoUp && !(nI.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsUp)) {
+ _networkManager->bringInterfaceUP(nI.humanReadableName());
+ ndcLogger,
+ "interface is down, try to bring up: " << nI.humanReadableName());
+ _ifDownList.append(nI.humanReadableName());
+ } else if (!(nI.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsRunning)) {
+ _ifDownList.append(nI.humanReadableName());
+ }
+ }
} else {
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "no interfaces found! ");
* only called if autoUp == true.
* check the IsRunning flag of each interface in the _ifDownList.
@@ -280,7 +216,8 @@ void NetworkDiscovery::getListOfNetworkInterfaces() {
void NetworkDiscovery::checkForIsRunning() {
bool isRunning = false;
foreach(QString i, _ifDownList) {
- QNetworkInterface networkInterface = QNetworkInterface::interfaceFromName(i);
+ QNetworkInterface networkInterface = QNetworkInterface::interfaceFromName(
+ i);
isRunning = (networkInterface.flags() & QNetworkInterface::IsRunning);
if (isRunning) {
@@ -288,16 +225,15 @@ void NetworkDiscovery::checkForIsRunning() {
- if ((_ifUpCountdown <= 0 ) || _ifDownList.isEmpty()) {
+ if ((_ifUpCountdown <= 0) || _ifDownList.isEmpty()) {
// shut down timer
delete _timer;
- emit readyForRun();
+ //emit readyForRun();
+ slotReadyForRun();
* emits the addInterface signal for each interface name in _ifUpList
* and calls the runDHCPCD method.
@@ -312,20 +248,20 @@ void NetworkDiscovery::slotReadyForRun() {
_numberOfProcesses = _ifUpList.size();
emit updateStatus("start dhcp client for each interface");
- runDHCPCD( _ifUpList);
+ runDHCPCD(_ifUpList);
} else {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "list is empty. Have not found usable interface. ");
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger,
+ "list is empty. Have not found usable interface. ");
foreach(QString i, _ifDownList) {
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "" << i << " is not in running state. (check cable)");
- abortBoot("All interfaces are not usable. (e.g. please check if all network cables are plugged in. Read the log for more informations.)");
+ abortBoot(
+ "All interfaces are not usable. (e.g. please check if all network cables are plugged in. Read the log for more informations.)");
* call for every interface in the list the runDHCPCD method.
@@ -333,14 +269,11 @@ void NetworkDiscovery::slotReadyForRun() {
* list of interface names.
void NetworkDiscovery::runDHCPCD(QList<QString> &interfaces) {
- foreach(QString nI, interfaces)
- {
- runDHCPCD(nI);
- }
+ foreach(QString nI, interfaces) {
+ runDHCPCD(nI);
+ }
* start a cdhcpcd process with the interface name as last argument.
@@ -352,18 +285,17 @@ void NetworkDiscovery::runDHCPCD(QString interface) {
QProcess * p = new QProcess(this);
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "start cdhcpcd with arguments: " << _dhcpcdArguments.join(", "));
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger,
+ "start cdhcpcd with arguments: " << _dhcpcdArguments.join(", "));
_clientProcessToIfNameMap.insert(p, interface);
- p->start(_pathToDhcpcdExe, _dhcpcdArguments);
+ p->start(gPathToDhcpExe, _dhcpcdArguments);
connect(p, SIGNAL(started()), this, SLOT(handleProcessStarted()));
connect(p, SIGNAL(finished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)), this,
SLOT(handleProcessFinished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)));
* This Method is called when a process is started.
@@ -371,13 +303,11 @@ void NetworkDiscovery::runDHCPCD(QString interface) {
* It prints the message: "process started for interface: <interfaceName>".
void NetworkDiscovery::handleProcessStarted() {
- QProcess* p = qobject_cast<QProcess *> (QObject::sender());
+ QProcess* p = qobject_cast<QProcess *>(QObject::sender());
QString ifName = _clientProcessToIfNameMap.value(p, "ifName");
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "process started for interface: " << ifName);
* This Method is called when a process is finished.
@@ -408,18 +338,21 @@ void NetworkDiscovery::handleProcessStarted() {
void NetworkDiscovery::handleProcessFinished(int exitCode,
QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus) {
- QProcess* p = qobject_cast<QProcess *> (QObject::sender());
+ QProcess* p = qobject_cast<QProcess *>(QObject::sender());
QString ifName = _clientProcessToIfNameMap.value(p, "ifName");
_numberOfProcesses = _numberOfProcesses - 1;
if (!_blocked) { //_blocked becomes true, if _userChoice is false and we already found a usable interface
if ("ifName") == 0) {
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "haven't found process!");
} else {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "process for interface " << ifName << " finished " << " exit code: " << exitCode << " exit status " << exitStatus);
+ ndcLogger,
+ "process for interface " << ifName << " finished " << " exit code: " << exitCode << " exit status " << exitStatus);
if (exitCode > 0) {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "process exited unexpected: " << p->errorString());
- emit updateIfStatus(ifName, "process exited unexpected"
- + p->errorString());
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger,
+ "process exited unexpected: " << p->errorString());
+ emit updateIfStatus(ifName,
+ "process exited unexpected" + p->errorString());
} else {
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "process normal exit ");
@@ -452,8 +385,6 @@ void NetworkDiscovery::handleProcessFinished(int exitCode,
* checks the connectivity. tries to open a TCP connection to the
* server (see _serverIp). For this it adjusts the routing table.
@@ -467,50 +398,44 @@ void NetworkDiscovery::handleProcessFinished(int exitCode,
* @return
* true: connection is possible
* false: connection not possible
- */
-bool NetworkDiscovery::checkConnectivity(QString ifName) {
+ */bool NetworkDiscovery::checkConnectivity(QString ifName) {
int mss = 0;
// get gateway address
pathToGatewayFile += ifName;
- interfaceconfiguration* ifConf;
+ InterfaceConfiguration* ifConf;
if (!_ifcMap.contains(ifName)) {
- ifConf = new interfaceconfiguration();
+ ifConf = new InterfaceConfiguration();
_ifcMap.insert(ifName, ifConf);
- }
- else {
+ } else {
ifConf = _ifcMap.value(ifName);
// replace default route
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "replace default route");
- _networkManager->replaceDefaultRoute(ifName,
- ifConf->getGateway(), mss, AF_INET);
+ _networkManager->replaceDefaultRoute(ifName, ifConf->getGateway(), mss,
- if (checkConnectivityViaTcp(_serverIp)) {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "passed connectivity check! for interface " << ifName);
+ if (checkConnectivityViaTcp(gServerIp)) {
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger,
+ "passed connectivity check! for interface " << ifName);
updateIfStatus(ifName, "connection possible");
return true;
} else {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "failed connectivity check! for interface " << ifName);
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger,
+ "failed connectivity check! for interface " << ifName);
updateIfStatus(ifName, "connection not possible");
return false;
-bool NetworkDiscovery::checkConnectivityViaTcp() {
- return checkConnectivityViaTcp(_serverIp);
+/**/bool NetworkDiscovery::checkConnectivityViaTcp() {
+ return checkConnectivityViaTcp(gServerIp);
* try to open a tcp connection to the server
@@ -520,12 +445,10 @@ bool NetworkDiscovery::checkConnectivityViaTcp() {
* @return
* true: connection is possible
* false: connection not possible
- */
-bool NetworkDiscovery::checkConnectivityViaTcp(QString server) {
+ */bool NetworkDiscovery::checkConnectivityViaTcp(QString server) {
// check connectivity via tcp connection
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "check connectivity to server: " << server);
// do host lookup
- //QHostInfo hostInfo = QHostInfo::fromName(server);
QTcpSocket *tcpSocket = new QTcpSocket(this);
//LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "hostInfo first address: " << hostInfo.addresses().first().toString()); //hostInfo.addresses().first()
tcpSocket->connectToHost(server, 80);
@@ -539,8 +462,6 @@ bool NetworkDiscovery::checkConnectivityViaTcp(QString server) {
delete tcpSocket;
* same function as handleNewInput() but with a client as parameter.
@@ -553,7 +474,8 @@ void NetworkDiscovery::handleNewInput(QLocalSocket * client) {
QString data(client->readLine());
data = data.trimmed();
- if (!data.isEmpty()) LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, data);
+ if (!data.isEmpty())
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, data);
QStringList lines = data.split("\n");
for (int i = 0; i < lines.length(); i++) {
@@ -562,15 +484,13 @@ void NetworkDiscovery::handleNewInput(QLocalSocket * client) {
* This method is connected to the readyRead Signal of the QLocalSocket
* client.
* send an ACK to the client with every received message.
void NetworkDiscovery::handleNewInput() {
- QLocalSocket* socket = qobject_cast<QLocalSocket *> (QObject::sender());
+ QLocalSocket* socket = qobject_cast<QLocalSocket *>(QObject::sender());
QLocalSocket * client = _clients.value(socket);
QString data(client->read(DHCP_MESSAGE_SIZE));
@@ -581,8 +501,6 @@ void NetworkDiscovery::handleNewInput() {
* This Method processes the send messages.
@@ -603,118 +521,114 @@ void NetworkDiscovery::handleNewInput() {
* @param data
* the message. (format <interfaceName>;<state>;<subState>;<msg> )
-void NetworkDiscovery::handleNewInputLine(QLocalSocket * client, QString logMsg) {
- if (logMsg.trimmed().size() < 1) return;
- QString interface = logMsg.section(";", 0, 0);
- QString s_state = logMsg.section(";", 1, 1);
- QString s_subState = logMsg.section(";", 2, 2);
- QString msg = logMsg.section(";", 3, 3);
- int st = s_state.trimmed().toInt();
- int sst = s_subState.trimmed().toInt();
- //LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, logMsg);
- if (_ifNameToClient.size() < _numberOfProcesses
- && !_ifNameToClient.contains(interface))
- {
- _ifNameToClient.insert(interface, client);
- }
- // st states
- // #define LOG_EMERG 0 /* system is unusable */
- // #define LOG_ALERT 1 /* action must be taken immediately */
- // #define LOG_CRIT 2 /* critical conditions */
- // #define LOG_ERR 3 /* error conditions */
- // #define LOG_WARNING 4 /* warning conditions */
- // #define LOG_NOTICE 5 /* normal but significant condition */
- // #define LOG_INFO 6 /* informational */
- // #define LOG_DEBUG 7 /* debug-level messages */
- QString out;
- QTextStream outStream(&out);
- switch (sst)
- {
- emit changeProgressBarValue(interface, 10);
- outStream << interface << " send discover";
- break;
- case DHCP_OFFER:
- emit changeProgressBarValue(interface, 20);
- outStream << interface << " got offer";
- break;
- emit changeProgressBarValue(interface, 30);
- outStream << interface << " send request";
- break;
- case DHCP_ACK:
- emit changeProgressBarValue(interface, 40);
- outStream << interface << " ack";
- break;
- case DHCP_NAK:
- emit changeProgressBarValue(interface, 40);
- outStream << interface << " nak";
- break;
- outStream << interface << " release";
- break;
- break;
- emit changeProgressBarValue(interface, 50);
- outStream << interface << " do arp test";
- break;
- emit changeProgressBarValue(interface, 60);
- break;
- emit changeProgressBarValue(interface, 70);
- outStream << interface << " do configure interface";
- break;
- emit changeProgressBarValue(interface, 80);
- outStream << interface << " write conf file";
- break;
- emit changeProgressBarValue(interface, 100);
- outStream << interface << " exiting";
- break;
- case DHCPCD_LOG:
- outStream << "received dhcpcd log: " << msg;
- break;
- default:
- outStream << "received unknown substatus: " << msg;
- break;
- }
- switch (st)
- {
- case LOG_INFO:
- LOG4CXX_INFO(ndcLogger, out);
- break;
- case LOG_NOTICE:
- LOG4CXX_WARN(ndcLogger, out);
- break;
- LOG4CXX_WARN(ndcLogger, out);
- break;
- case LOG_DEBUG:
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, out);
- break;
- case LOG_ERR:
- LOG4CXX_ERROR(ndcLogger, out);
- break;
- default:
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, out);
- break;
- }
+void NetworkDiscovery::handleNewInputLine(QLocalSocket * client,
+ QString logMsg) {
+ if (logMsg.trimmed().size() < 1)
+ return;
+ QString interface = logMsg.section(";", 0, 0);
+ QString s_state = logMsg.section(";", 1, 1);
+ QString s_subState = logMsg.section(";", 2, 2);
+ QString msg = logMsg.section(";", 3, 3);
+ int st = s_state.trimmed().toInt();
+ int sst = s_subState.trimmed().toInt();
+ //LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, logMsg);
+ if (_ifNameToClient.size() < _numberOfProcesses
+ && !_ifNameToClient.contains(interface)) {
+ _ifNameToClient.insert(interface, client);
+ }
+ // st states
+ // #define LOG_EMERG 0 /* system is unusable */
+ // #define LOG_ALERT 1 /* action must be taken immediately */
+ // #define LOG_CRIT 2 /* critical conditions */
+ // #define LOG_ERR 3 /* error conditions */
+ // #define LOG_WARNING 4 /* warning conditions */
+ // #define LOG_NOTICE 5 /* normal but significant condition */
+ // #define LOG_INFO 6 /* informational */
+ // #define LOG_DEBUG 7 /* debug-level messages */
+ QString out;
+ QTextStream outStream(&out);
+ switch (sst) {
+ emit changeProgressBarValue(interface, 10);
+ outStream << interface << " send discover";
+ break;
+ case DHCP_OFFER:
+ emit changeProgressBarValue(interface, 20);
+ outStream << interface << " got offer";
+ break;
+ emit changeProgressBarValue(interface, 30);
+ outStream << interface << " send request";
+ break;
+ case DHCP_ACK:
+ emit changeProgressBarValue(interface, 40);
+ outStream << interface << " ack";
+ break;
+ case DHCP_NAK:
+ emit changeProgressBarValue(interface, 40);
+ outStream << interface << " nak";
+ break;
+ outStream << interface << " release";
+ break;
+ break;
+ emit changeProgressBarValue(interface, 50);
+ outStream << interface << " do arp test";
+ break;
+ emit changeProgressBarValue(interface, 60);
+ break;
+ emit changeProgressBarValue(interface, 70);
+ outStream << interface << " do configure interface";
+ break;
+ emit changeProgressBarValue(interface, 80);
+ outStream << interface << " write conf file";
+ break;
+ emit changeProgressBarValue(interface, 100);
+ outStream << interface << " exiting";
+ break;
+ case DHCPCD_LOG:
+ outStream << "received dhcpcd log: " << msg;
+ break;
+ default:
+ outStream << "received unknown substatus: " << msg;
+ break;
+ }
+ switch (st) {
+ case LOG_INFO:
+ LOG4CXX_INFO(ndcLogger, out);
+ break;
+ case LOG_NOTICE:
+ LOG4CXX_WARN(ndcLogger, out);
+ break;
+ LOG4CXX_WARN(ndcLogger, out);
+ break;
+ case LOG_DEBUG:
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, out);
+ break;
+ case LOG_ERR:
+ LOG4CXX_ERROR(ndcLogger, out);
+ break;
+ default:
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, out);
+ break;
+ }
* replace the default route. sets af automatically to AF_INET
@@ -728,12 +642,11 @@ void NetworkDiscovery::handleNewInputLine(QLocalSocket * client, QString logMsg)
* @param mss
* mss value (i think this is the metric. in most cases this value is 0)
-int NetworkDiscovery::ip4_replaceDefaultRoute(QString ifName, QString gateway, int mss) {
+int NetworkDiscovery::ip4_replaceDefaultRoute(QString ifName, QString gateway,
+ int mss) {
return _networkManager->replaceDefaultRoute(ifName, gateway, mss, AF_INET);
* replace the dhcp configuration with the manual config, entered by the user.
* if we can not establish a connection with the entered values, reset to the old
@@ -755,29 +668,28 @@ int NetworkDiscovery::ip4_setManualConfiguration(QVariantMap result) {
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "set man conf. and check connectivity");
- if (!checkConnectivityViaTcp(_serverIp)) {
+ if (!checkConnectivityViaTcp(gServerIp)) {
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "no connectivity. reset conf.");
- interfaceconfiguration * ifc = _ifcMap.value(
- result["ifname"].toString(), NULL);
+ InterfaceConfiguration * ifc = _ifcMap.value(result["ifname"].toString(),
+ NULL);
if (ifc != NULL) {
dns = ifc->getDnsservers().trimmed().split(" ");
result["ifname"].toString(), ifc->getIpAddress(),
- ifc->getNetmask(), ifc->getBroadcast(), ifc->getGateway(),
- 0, AF_INET, "/etc/", dns);
+ ifc->getNetmask(), ifc->getBroadcast(), ifc->getGateway(), 0,
+ AF_INET, "/etc/", dns);
return 0;
- }
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "emit signal continueBootWithoutCheck(" << result["ifname"].toString() << ")");
+ ndcLogger,
+ "emit signal continueBootWithoutCheck(" << result["ifname"].toString() << ")");
return 0;
* returns the gateway address, written into the dhcp config file.
@@ -788,20 +700,16 @@ int NetworkDiscovery::ip4_setManualConfiguration(QVariantMap result) {
* gateway address as string. or empty string if no interface config was found.
QString NetworkDiscovery::getGatewayForInterface(QString ifName) {
- interfaceconfiguration * ifConf = _ifcMap.value(ifName, NULL);
- if (ifConf != NULL)
- {
+ InterfaceConfiguration * ifConf = _ifcMap.value(ifName, NULL);
+ if (ifConf != NULL) {
return ifConf->getGateway();
- }
- else {
+ } else {
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "could not find interface configuration");
return "";
* reads the log file.
@@ -809,28 +717,25 @@ QString NetworkDiscovery::getGatewayForInterface(QString ifName) {
QString NetworkDiscovery::readLogFile() {
// path to log file is in _pathToLogFile. initialized in initAndRun().
- QString retval("the log file\n");
- QFile logFile(_pathToLogFile);
+ QString retval("the log file:\n");
+ QFile logFile(logFilePath);
if (logFile.exists()) {
if ( | QIODevice::Text)) {
while (!logFile.atEnd()) {
- }
- else {
+ } else {
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "could not open log file");
retval = "could not open log file";
- }
- else {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "log file does not exist at: " << _pathToLogFile);
- retval = " log file does not exist at: " + _pathToLogFile;
+ } else {
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "log file does not exist at: " << logFilePath);
+ retval = " log file does not exist at: " + logFilePath;
return retval;
void NetworkDiscovery::killDHCPCD() {
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "kill cdhcpcd processes");
@@ -843,8 +748,6 @@ void NetworkDiscovery::killDHCPCD() {
delete p;
void NetworkDiscovery::prepareTryAgain() {
// kill all cdhcpcd processes
@@ -863,45 +766,26 @@ void NetworkDiscovery::prepareTryAgain() {
delete p;
- foreach(interfaceconfiguration* i, _ifcMap.values())
+ foreach(InterfaceConfiguration* i, _ifcMap.values())
delete i;
*TODO: to be bug fixed
*TODO: do it with kill and not QProcess("killall cdhcpcd")
void NetworkDiscovery::tryAgain() {
- initAndRun(_serverIp, _userChoice, _autoUp, _pathToLogFile, _serverPath, DEFAULT_PATHTODHCPCDEXE);
+ initAndRun(_userChoice);
-QVariantMap NetworkDiscovery::getInterfaceConfig(QString ifName) {
- QVariantMap jsonObj;
- QList<QString> dns;
- interfaceconfiguration * ifc = _ifcMap.value(ifName, NULL);
- if (ifc != NULL) {
- jsonObj.insert("ipaddr",ifc->getIpAddress());
- jsonObj.insert("netmask",ifc->getNetmask());
- jsonObj.insert("broadcast",ifc->getBroadcast());
- jsonObj.insert("gateway",ifc->getGateway());
- dns.clear();
- dns = ifc->getDnsservers().trimmed().split(" ");
- jsonObj.insert("dns",dns.first());
- }
- return jsonObj;
+InterfaceConfiguration* NetworkDiscovery::getInterfaceConfig(QString ifName) {
+ return _ifcMap.value(ifName, NULL);
* connected to the new client arrived signal.
* connects the client readyRead signal with the handleNewInput slot.
@@ -917,13 +801,11 @@ void NetworkDiscovery::handleNewConnection() {
connect(_client, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(handleNewInput()));
* called when a client disconnects.
void NetworkDiscovery::handleClientDisconnect() {
- QLocalSocket* socket = qobject_cast<QLocalSocket *> (QObject::sender());
+ QLocalSocket* socket = qobject_cast<QLocalSocket *>(QObject::sender());
QLocalSocket * client = _clients.value(socket);
@@ -932,8 +814,6 @@ void NetworkDiscovery::handleClientDisconnect() {
* This Method implements a blacklist.
@@ -951,8 +831,7 @@ void NetworkDiscovery::handleClientDisconnect() {
* returns false: else
* @see NetworkDiscovery::getListOfNetworkInterfaces()
- */
-bool NetworkDiscovery::checkBlackList(QString i) {
+ */bool NetworkDiscovery::checkBlackList(QString i) {
if (i.startsWith("v", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
return true;
} else if (i.startsWith("d", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
@@ -962,15 +841,11 @@ bool NetworkDiscovery::checkBlackList(QString i) {
QString NetworkDiscovery::GetErrorStr() {
return _errorStr;
@@ -980,8 +855,7 @@ QString NetworkDiscovery::GetErrorStr() {
* @param interface
* name of the interface
- */
-bool NetworkDiscovery::checkCarrierState(QString interface) {
+ */bool NetworkDiscovery::checkCarrierState(QString interface) {
LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "check carrier state for interface " << interface);
QByteArray ba = interface.toAscii();
@@ -1000,10 +874,12 @@ bool NetworkDiscovery::checkCarrierState(QString interface) {
int v = value.toInt(pok);
if (*pok) {
if (v == 1) {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "carrier is 1. Cable is plugged. return true");
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger,
+ "carrier is 1. Cable is plugged. return true");
return true;
} else {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(ndcLogger, "carrier is 0. Cable is unplugged. return false");
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG( ndcLogger,
+ "carrier is 0. Cable is unplugged. return false");
return false;
} else {
@@ -1018,3 +894,7 @@ bool NetworkDiscovery::checkCarrierState(QString interface) {
return true;
+QList<QString> NetworkDiscovery::getIfUpList() {
+ return _ifUpList;
diff --git a/src/fbgui/networkdiscovery.h b/src/fbgui/networkdiscovery.h
index d63ad0b..4f057e0 100644
--- a/src/fbgui/networkdiscovery.h
+++ b/src/fbgui/networkdiscovery.h
@@ -32,13 +32,9 @@
#include "dhcp.h"
+#include "globals.h"
#include "../common/fbgui.h"
-#define DEFAULT_PATHTODHCPCDEXE "/bin/cdhcpcd"
class NetworkDiscovery: public QObject
@@ -47,12 +43,7 @@ public:
NetworkDiscovery(QObject *parent = 0);
- void initAndRun(QString serverIp, bool userChoice,
- bool autoUp,
- QString pathToLogFile,
- QStringList* args = NULL);
+ void initAndRun(bool userChoice, QStringList* args = NULL);
int ip4_replaceDefaultRoute(QString ifName, QString gateway, int mss);
QString getGatewayForInterface(QString ifName);
@@ -62,8 +53,9 @@ public:
void prepareTryAgain();
bool checkConnectivity(QString ifName);
bool checkConnectivityViaTcp();
- QVariantMap getInterfaceConfig(QString ifName);
+ InterfaceConfiguration* getInterfaceConfig(QString ifName);
QString GetErrorStr();
+ QList<QString> getIfUpList();
public slots:
void handleNewConnection();
@@ -93,29 +85,23 @@ signals:
void readyForRun();
- QString _tag;
QLocalServer *_server;
QMap<QLocalSocket*, QLocalSocket*> _clients;
QLocalSocket *_client;
QMap<QString, QLocalSocket*> _ifNameToClient;
QMap<QProcess*, QString> _clientProcessToIfNameMap;
- QString _serverPath;
- QString _pathToDhcpcdExe;
QStringList _dhcpcdArguments;
int _numberOfProcesses;
NetworkManager* _networkManager;
bool _userChoice;
bool _blocked;
- bool _autoUp;
- QString _serverIp;
- QString _pathToLogFile;
QList<QString> _ifUpList;
QList<QString> _ifDownList;
int _ifUpCountdown;
QList<Q_PID> _pidsList;
QString _errorStr;
- QMap<QString, interfaceconfiguration*> _ifcMap;
+ QMap<QString, InterfaceConfiguration*> _ifcMap;
void mainWork();
void killDHCPCD();
@@ -132,8 +118,6 @@ private:
void getListOfNetworkInterfaces();
void getListOfNetworkInterfacesWithAutoUp();
#endif // NetworkDiscovery_H
diff --git a/src/fbgui/sysinfo.cpp b/src/fbgui/sysinfo.cpp
index 807413b..fb0e53f 100644
--- a/src/fbgui/sysinfo.cpp
+++ b/src/fbgui/sysinfo.cpp
@@ -54,11 +54,11 @@ const QString SysInfo::getInfo(const QString& infoName) {
const QString SysInfo::getMACAddress() {
// Returns MAC address of eth0 for now
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(siLogger, "Requesting MAC of: " << interfaceName << " ...");
- QNetworkInterface qni = QNetworkInterface::interfaceFromName(interfaceName);
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(siLogger, "Requesting MAC of: " << gInterfaceName << " ...");
+ QNetworkInterface qni = QNetworkInterface::interfaceFromName(gInterfaceName);
if (!qni.isValid()) {
- LOG4CXX_DEBUG(siLogger, "No valid interface with name: " << interfaceName);
- return "no_interface";
+ LOG4CXX_DEBUG(siLogger, "No valid interface with name: " << gInterfaceName);
+ return "";
return qni.hardwareAddress();
diff --git a/ b/
index 4fcfe25..ad505d8 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
# Note: all path are expected to be absolute.
# Adapt these to your own system.
# check if network discovery is activated and if running as root
for ARG in $*