path: root/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc/setup_network
blob: 956df03cfbb1c0325b88daafc3ac08aa1e976f10 (plain) (tree)





echo "Setting up network..."

echo "Main MAC address is '$MAC'"

# setup network
source /inc/network.functions

# set up loopback networking
echo "Setting up loopback"
ip link set dev lo up 2>/dev/null
ip addr add dev lo 2>/dev/null

echo "Setting up bridge"

# Following was supposed to prevent scripts from getting confused by multiple interfaces with same MAC - does not work though
## Flip mac address of original interface - this var is not local so init sees the changes too
#MAC="$(echo "$MAC" | awk -F ':' '{printf $1 ":" $2 ":" $5 ":" $3 ":" $6 ":" $4}')"
#ip link set addr "$MAC" "$SLAVE"

mkdir -p "${FUTURE_ROOT}/etc/udev/rules.d"

#IP_OUT=$(ip a | sed -r ':a;N;$!ba;s/: ([a-z0-9]+): /####\1####/g;s/ether ([a-f0-9:]+) /####\1####/g'| grep -E -o '####[^ ]+####' | sed 's/#//g' | grep -B 1 ':')
IP_OUT=$(ip a | grep -B 1 "/ether" | sed -r '/^--$/d;$!N;s#^[0-9]+: ([a-z0-9\.:]+): .*?/ether ([0-9a-fA-Z:]+) .*$#\1==\2#')

if ! echo "$IP_OUT" | grep -q -- "$MAC"; then
	drop_shell "---
$(ip a)

Boot interface $MAC not found in interface list. NIC driver missing?"

for LINE in $IP_OUT; do
	IFACE=$(echo "$LINE" | awk -F '==' '{printf $1}')
	IFMAC=$(echo "$LINE" | awk -F '==' '{printf $2}' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]') # udev requires mac addesses to be lowercase (a-f), see
	echo "${IFACE} = ${IFMAC}"

	if [ "x$IFMAC" == "x$MAC" ]; then
		brctl addbr "$BRIDGE" || drop_shell "Could not create bridge $BRIDGE"
		brctl stp "$BRIDGE" 0
		brctl setfd "$BRIDGE" 0.000000000001
		ip link set addr "$IFMAC" "$BRIDGE" || drop_shell "Could not set mac of $BRIDGE"
		ip link set dev "$IFACE" up
		wait_for_iface "$IFACE"
		brctl addif "$BRIDGE" "$IFACE" || drop_shell "Could not add $IFACE to $BRIDGE"

		# save our variables for retry on fail
		echo "IFACE=$IFACE" > /run/network.conf

		# analyze ip information from the kernel command line and put parts
		# of it into several variables
		if [ -n "$CLIENTIP" ] ; then
			# set static ip address
			ip addr add "$CLIENTIP/$(ipcalc -s -p "$CLIENTIP" "$SUBNET_MASK" | sed "s/.*=//")" broadcast "$BROADCAST_ADDRESS" dev "$BRIDGE"
			ip link set dev "$BRIDGE" up
			[ -n "$GATEWAY" ] && ip route add default via "$GATEWAY" dev "$BRIDGE"
		# Ignore this device later on when systemd handles network interfaces (see hacked 99-systemd.rules in systemd data dir)
		echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"net\", ACTION==\"add\", KERNEL==\"eth*\", ATTR{address}==\"$IFMAC\", TAG+=\"openslxignore\"" >> "${FUTURE_ROOT}/etc/udev/rules.d/01-ignore-boot-interface.rules"
	# youdev
	echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"net\", ACTION==\"add\", DRIVERS==\"?*\", ATTR{address}==\"$IFMAC\", ATTR{dev_id}==\"0x0\", ATTR{type}==\"1\", KERNEL==\"eth*\", NAME=\"$IFACE\"" >> "${FUTURE_ROOT}/etc/udev/rules.d/70-net-boot-nic-name.rules"
	# continue...

wait_for_iface "$BRIDGE"

# udhcpc
if [ -n "$CLIENTIP" ]; then
echo -n "$CLIENTIP" > "/run/firstip"
echo -n "$GATEWAY" > "/run/firstgw"

# save our variables for retry on fail ff.
echo "CLIENTIP=$CLIENTIP" >> /run/network.conf
echo "GATEWAY=$GATEWAY" >> /run/network.conf
echo "BRIDGE=$BRIDGE" >> /run/network.conf

udhcpc $PARAM -O domain -O nissrv -O nisdomain -O wpad -O search -t 5 -T 2 -s "/inc/udhcpc-trigger" -f -n -q -i "$BRIDGE"
# udhcpc return value will be return value of this script