path: root/core/modules/hardware-stats/data/opt/openslx
diff options
authorSimon Rettberg2024-03-04 15:44:10 +0100
committerSimon Rettberg2024-03-04 15:44:10 +0100
commite490b98313b511184e9cdcd4b0057fde8fcc8eb1 (patch)
treee987349bb56256bcfb482d0e346c10ab3d9eb3af /core/modules/hardware-stats/data/opt/openslx
parent[etherwake] udev: Mask exit code 76 from ethtool (diff)
[hardware-stats] Move collect script to this repo
Diffstat (limited to 'core/modules/hardware-stats/data/opt/openslx')
2 files changed, 587 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/modules/hardware-stats/data/opt/openslx/hardware-stats/ b/core/modules/hardware-stats/data/opt/openslx/hardware-stats/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..95f96378
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/modules/hardware-stats/data/opt/openslx/hardware-stats/
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+from dmiparser import DmiParser
+from subprocess import PIPE
+from os import listdir, path
+import argparse
+import json
+import re
+import requests
+import shlex
+import subprocess
+import sys
+__debug = False
+# Run dmi command as subprocess and get the stdout
+def run_subprocess(_cmd):
+ global __debug
+ proc =, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+ stdout = proc.stdout
+ stderr = proc.stderr
+ if __debug:
+ eprint(_cmd + ':')
+ eprint()
+ eprint('Errors:')
+ eprint(stderr.decode())
+ eprint()
+ # stderr len instead of proc.returncode > 0 is used because some have returncode 2 but are still valid
+ if len(stderr.decode()) > 0:
+ eprint(_cmd + ' Errors:')
+ eprint(stderr.decode())
+ if proc.returncode != 0:
+ eprint('Error Return Code: ' + str(proc.returncode))
+ eprint()
+ return False
+ else:
+ return stdout.decode()
+ else:
+ return stdout.decode()
+# Get and parse dmidecode using dmiparser
+def get_dmidecode():
+ _dmiraw = run_subprocess('dmidecode')
+ _dmiparsed = ''
+ if _dmiraw:
+ # Parse dmidecode
+ _dmiparsed = DmiParser(_dmiraw)
+ return json.loads(str(_dmiparsed))
+ else:
+ return []
+# Get the readlink -f output
+def get_readlink(link):
+ _readlink = run_subprocess('readlink -f ' + link)
+ return _readlink
+# Try parsing string to json
+def parse_to_json(program_name, raw_string):
+ parsed = {}
+ if isinstance(raw_string, str):
+ try:
+ parsed = json.loads(raw_string)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ eprint(program_name + ' output couldn\'t be parsed')
+ eprint(e)
+ eprint('Output of ' + program_name + 'was:')
+ eprint(raw_string)
+ eprint()
+ return parsed
+# Get smartctl output in json format
+def get_smartctl(disk_path, disk_name):
+ disk_path_full = disk_path + disk_name
+ output = run_subprocess('smartctl -x --json ' + disk_path_full)
+ smartctl = parse_to_json('smartctl', output)
+ return smartctl
+# Get sfdisk info in json format
+def get_sfdisk(disk_path, disk_name):
+ output = run_subprocess('sfdisk --json ' + disk_path + disk_name)
+ sfdisk = parse_to_json('sfdisk', output)
+ return sfdisk
+# Get lsblk info in json format
+def get_lsblk(disk_path, disk_name):
+ output = run_subprocess('lsblk --json -b --output-all ' + disk_path + disk_name)
+ lsblk = parse_to_json('lsblk', output)
+ return lsblk
+# Get CD/DVD Information
+def get_cdrom():
+ cdromdir = '/proc/sys/dev/cdrom/'
+ cdrom = []
+ if path.exists(cdromdir):
+ cdrom_raw = run_subprocess('cat ' + cdromdir + 'info')
+ # Skip first two entries because of useless information and empty row
+ for row in cdrom_raw.split('\n')[2:]:
+ if row == '':
+ continue
+ # Split at one or more tabs
+ values = re.split('\t+', row)
+ key = values[0][:-1].replace('drive ', '').replace(' ', '_')
+ for index, val in enumerate(values[1:]):
+ if len(cdrom) < index + 1:
+ cdrom.append({ 'read': [], 'write': [], 'functions': [] })
+ if 'Can_read_' in key:
+ if val == '1':
+ cdrom[index]['read'].append(key[9:])
+ elif 'Can_write_' in key:
+ cdrom[index]['write'].append(key[10:])
+ elif 'Can_' in key:
+ cdrom[index]['functions'].append(key[4:])
+ else:
+ cdrom[index][key] = val
+ return {cd['name']:cd for cd in cdrom}
+# Get informations about the disks
+def get_disk_info():
+ diskdir = '/dev/disk/by-path/'
+ disk_informations = {}
+ dupcheck = {}
+ cdrom = get_cdrom()
+ # Get and filter all disks
+ if path.exists(diskdir):
+ disks = listdir(diskdir)
+ filtered_disks = [i for i in disks if (not '-part' in i) and (not '-usb-' in i)]
+ # Call all disk specific tools
+ for d in filtered_disks:
+ disk_path = diskdir + d
+ devpath = get_readlink(disk_path).rstrip()
+ # Sometimes there are multiple links to the same disk, e.g. named
+ # pci-0000:00:1f.2-ata-1.0 and pci-0000:00:1f.2-ata-1
+ if devpath in dupcheck:
+ continue
+ dupcheck[devpath] = 1
+ disk_info = {}
+ disk_info['readlink'] = devpath
+ # Check if it's a cd/dvd
+ if disk_info['readlink'].split('/')[-1] in cdrom.keys():
+ disk_info['type'] = 'cdrom'
+ disk_info['info'] = cdrom[disk_info['readlink'].split('/')[-1]]
+ else:
+ disk_info['type'] = 'drive'
+ disk_info['smartctl'] = get_smartctl(diskdir, d)
+ disk_info['lsblk'] = get_lsblk(diskdir, d)
+ if disk_info['type'] != 'cdrom':
+ disk_info['sfdisk'] = get_sfdisk(diskdir, d)
+ disk_informations[d] = disk_info
+ return disk_informations
+# Get and process "lspci -mn" output
+def get_lspci():
+ lspci = []
+ lspci_raw = run_subprocess('lspci -mmn').split('\n')
+ # Prepare addition of iommu group
+ iommu_groups = {}
+ iommu_raw = run_subprocess('find /sys/kernel/iommu_groups/*/devices/*')
+ if iommu_raw:
+ iommu_split = iommu_raw.split('\n')
+ for iommu_path in iommu_split:
+ if iommu_path == "":
+ continue
+ iommu = iommu_path.split('/')
+ iommu_groups[iommu[6][5:]] = iommu[4]
+ for line in lspci_raw:
+ if len(line) <= 0: continue
+ # Parsing shell like command parameters
+ parse = shlex.split(line)
+ lspci_parsed = {}
+ arguments = []
+ values = []
+ for parameter in parse:
+ # Split values from arguments
+ if parameter.startswith('-'):
+ arguments.append(parameter)
+ else:
+ values.append(parameter)
+ # Prepare values positions are in order
+ if len(values) >= 6:
+ lspci_parsed['slot'] = values[0]
+ # The busybox version of lspci has "Class <class>" instead of "<class>"
+ lspci_parsed['class'] = values[1].replace("Class ", "")
+ lspci_parsed['vendor'] = values[2]
+ lspci_parsed['device'] = values[3]
+ lspci_parsed['subsystem_vendor'] = values[4]
+ lspci_parsed['subsystem'] = values[5]
+ # Additional add iommu group
+ if values[0] in iommu_groups:
+ lspci_parsed['iommu_group'] = iommu_groups[values[0]]
+ # Prepare arguments
+ if len(arguments) > 0:
+ for arg in arguments:
+ if arg.startswith('-p'):
+ lspci_parsed['progif'] = arg[2:]
+ elif arg.startswith('-r'):
+ lspci_parsed['rev'] = arg[2:]
+ else: continue
+ lspci.append(lspci_parsed)
+ return lspci
+# Get ip data in json format
+def get_ip():
+ result = []
+ ip_raw = run_subprocess('ip --json addr show')
+ if isinstance(ip_raw, str):
+ result = json.loads(ip_raw)
+ return result
+def get_net_fallback():
+ netdir = '/sys/class/net/'
+ result = {}
+ # Get MAC address and speed
+ if path.exists(netdir):
+ interfaces = run_subprocess('ls ' + netdir).split('\n')
+ for interface in interfaces:
+ # Skip local stuff
+ if interface == 'lo' or interface == '':
+ continue
+ net = {}
+ speed = run_subprocess('cat ' + netdir + interface + '/speed')
+ if isinstance(speed, str) and speed.endswith('\n'):
+ net['speed'] = speed[:-1]
+ duplex = run_subprocess('cat ' + netdir + interface + '/duplex')
+ if isinstance(duplex, str) and duplex.endswith('\n'):
+ net['duplex'] = duplex[:-1]
+ mac = run_subprocess('cat ' + netdir + interface + '/address')
+ if isinstance(mac, str) and mac.endswith('\n'):
+ net['mac'] = mac[:-1]
+ result[interface] = net
+ # Get IP address
+ interfaces = run_subprocess('ip -o addr show | awk \'/inet/ {print $2, $3, $4}\'').split('\n')
+ for interface in interfaces:
+ if interface == '':
+ continue
+ interf = interface.split(' ')
+ if interf[0] == 'lo':
+ continue
+ else:
+ if interf[0] not in result:
+ result[interf[0]] = {}
+ if interf[1] == 'inet':
+ result[interf[0]]['ipv4'] = interf[2]
+ elif interf[1] == 'inet6':
+ result[interf[0]]['ipv6'] = interf[2]
+ return result
+# Get and convert EDID data to hex
+def get_edid():
+ edid = {}
+ display_paths = run_subprocess('ls /sys/class/drm/*/edid')
+ if display_paths:
+ display_paths = display_paths.split('\n')
+ for dp in display_paths:
+ if dp == '': continue
+ edid_hex = open(dp, 'rb').read().hex()
+ if len(edid_hex) > 0:
+ # The path is always /sys/class/drm/[..]/edid, so cut the first 15 chars and the last 5 chars
+ edid[dp[15:-5]] = edid_hex
+ return edid
+def get_lshw():
+ result = []
+ lshw_raw = run_subprocess('lshw -json')
+ if isinstance(lshw_raw, str):
+ result = json.loads(lshw_raw)
+ return result
+def get_uuid():
+ uuid_path = '/sys/class/dmi/id/product_uuid'
+ uuid = 'N/A'
+ if path.exists(uuid_path):
+ uuid_raw = run_subprocess('cat ' + uuid_path)
+ # uuid_raw = False if no sudo permission:
+ if uuid_raw:
+ uuid = uuid_raw.rstrip()
+ return uuid
+def prepare_location(parent, bay, slot):
+ location = {}
+ if parent:
+ location['parent'] = parent
+ if bay:
+ location['bay'] = int(bay)
+ if slot:
+ location['slot'] = int(slot)
+ return location
+def prepare_contacts(contact_list):
+ contacts = []
+ if contact_list == None:
+ return contacts
+ for contact in contact_list:
+ contacts.append(contact[0])
+ return contacts
+def send_post(url, payload):
+ # headers = { 'Content-type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'text/plain' }
+ # req =, json=payload, headers=headers)
+ req =, json=payload)
+ # Print the response
+ print("POST-Request Response: \n")
+ print(req.text)
+def eprint(*args, **kwargs):
+ print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
+def main():
+ global __debug
+ # Create and parse arguments
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Collects hardware data from different tools and returns it as json.')
+ parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='Prints all STDERR messages. (Non critical included)')
+ parser.add_argument('-u', '--url', action='append', help='[multiple] If given, a post request with the generated JSON is sent to the given URLs')
+ parser.add_argument('-uu', '--uuidurl', action='append', help='[multiple] Same as -u but UUID in the url is replaced with the actual uuid of the client')
+ parser.add_argument('-p', '--print', action='store_true', help='Prints the generated JSON')
+ parser.add_argument('-l', '--location', action='store', help='Room-/Rackname where the client is located')
+ parser.add_argument('-s', '--slot', action='store', help='The slot number (int) where the client is located in the rack')
+ parser.add_argument('-b', '--bay', action='store', help='The bay number (int) where the client is located in the slot (segment)')
+ parser.add_argument('-c', '--contact', action='append', help='[multiple] The idoit_username of the person responsible for this machine', nargs=1)
+ parser.add_argument('-n', '--name', action='store', help='Name of the client')
+ parser.add_argument('-S', '--SERVER', action='store_true', help='Defines the type of the client to be a server')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if args.debug:
+ __debug = True
+ # Run the tools
+ _collecthw = {}
+ _collecthw['version'] = 2.0
+ _collecthw['dmidecode'] = get_dmidecode()
+ # Includes smartctl, lsblk, readlink and sfdisk
+ _collecthw['drives'] = get_disk_info()
+ # Includes iommu group
+ _collecthw['lspci'] = get_lspci()
+ _collecthw['ip'] = get_ip()
+ _collecthw['edid'] = get_edid()
+ _collecthw['lshw'] = get_lshw()
+ _collecthw['net'] = get_net_fallback()
+ _collecthw['location'] = prepare_location(args.location, args.bay, args.slot)
+ _collecthw['contacts'] = prepare_contacts(
+ if
+ _collecthw['name'] =
+ if args.SERVER:
+ _collecthw['type'] = 'SERVER'
+ collecthw_json = json.dumps(_collecthw)
+ if args.url:
+ for url in args.url:
+ send_post(url, _collecthw)
+ if args.uuidurl:
+ uuid = get_uuid()
+ for uuidurl in args.uuidurl:
+ url = uuidurl.replace("UUID", uuid)
+ send_post(url, _collecthw)
+ # Print out the final json
+ if args.print:
+ print(json.dumps(_collecthw))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/core/modules/hardware-stats/data/opt/openslx/hardware-stats/ b/core/modules/hardware-stats/data/opt/openslx/hardware-stats/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9e3a0bfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/modules/hardware-stats/data/opt/openslx/hardware-stats/
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+import re
+import json
+from itertools import takewhile
+from enum import Enum
+__all__ = ['DmiParser']
+DmiParserState = Enum (
+ 'DmiParserState',
+ (
+ )
+class DmiParserSectionHandle(object):
+ '''A handle looks like this
+ Handle 0x0066, DMI type 148, 48 bytes
+ '''
+ def __init__(self):
+ ''
+ self.type = ''
+ self.bytes = 0
+ def __str__(self):
+ return json.dumps(self.__dict__)
+class DmiParserSectionProp(object):
+ '''A property looks like this
+ Characteristics:
+ 3.3 V is provided
+ PME signal is supported
+ SMBus signal is supported
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, value:str):
+ self.values = []
+ if value:
+ self.append(value)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return json.dumps(self.__dict__)
+ def append(self, item:str):
+ self.values.append(item)
+class DmiParserSection(object):
+ '''A section looks like this
+ On Board Device 1 Information
+ Type: Video
+ Status: Enabled
+ Description: ServerEngines Pilot III
+ '''
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.handle = None
+ = ''
+ self.props = {}
+ def __str__(self):
+ return json.dumps(self.__dict__)
+ def append(self, key:str, prop:str):
+ self.props[key] = prop
+class DmiParser(object):
+ '''This parse dmidecode output to JSON
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, text:str, **kwargs):
+ '''
+ text: output of command dmidecode
+ kwargs: these will pass to json.dumps
+ '''
+ self._text = text
+ self._kwargs = kwargs
+ self._indentLv = lambda l: len(list(takewhile(lambda c: "\t" == c, l)))
+ self._sections = []
+ if type(text) is not str:
+ raise TypeError("%s want a %s but got %s" %(
+ self.__class__, type(__name__), type(text)))
+ self._parse(text)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return json.dumps(self._sections, **self._kwargs)
+ def _parse(self, text:str):
+ lines = self._text.splitlines()
+ rhandle = r'^Handle\s(.+?),\sDMI\stype\s(\d+?),\s(\d+?)\sbytes$'
+ section = None
+ prop = None
+ state = None
+ k, v = None, None
+ for i, l in enumerate(lines):
+ if i == len(lines) - 1 or DmiParserState.GET_SECT == state:
+ # Add previous section if exist
+ if section:
+ # Add previous prop if exist
+ if prop:
+ section.append(k, json.loads(str(prop)))
+ prop = None
+ self._sections.append(json.loads(str(section)))
+ section = None
+ if not l:
+ continue
+ if l.startswith('Handle'):
+ state = DmiParserState.GET_SECT
+ handle = DmiParserSectionHandle()
+ match = re.match(rhandle, l)
+, handle.type, handle.bytes = match.groups()
+ continue
+ if DmiParserState.GET_SECT == state:
+ section = DmiParserSection()
+ section.handle = json.loads(str(handle))
+ = l
+ state = DmiParserState.GET_PROP
+ continue
+ if DmiParserState.GET_PROP == state:
+ k, v = [x.strip() for x in l.split(':', 1)]
+ prop = DmiParserSectionProp(v)
+ lv = self._indentLv(l) - self._indentLv(lines[i+1])
+ if v:
+ if not lv:
+ section.append(k, json.loads(str(prop)))
+ prop = None
+ elif -1 == lv:
+ state = DmiParserState.GET_PROP_ITEM
+ continue
+ else:
+ if -1 == lv:
+ state = DmiParserState.GET_PROP_ITEM
+ continue
+ # Next section for this handle
+ if not self._indentLv(lines[i+1]):
+ state = DmiParserState.GET_SECT
+ if DmiParserState.GET_PROP_ITEM == state:
+ prop.append(l.strip())
+ lv = self._indentLv(l) - self._indentLv(lines[i+1])
+ if lv:
+ section.append(k, json.loads(str(prop)))
+ prop = None
+ if lv > 1:
+ state = DmiParserState.GET_SECT
+ else:
+ state = DmiParserState.GET_PROP
+if '__main__' == __name__:
+ text='''# dmidecode 3.0
+Getting SMBIOS data from sysfs.
+SMBIOS 2.7 present.
+Handle 0x0003, DMI type 2, 17 bytes
+Base Board Information
+ Manufacturer: Intel Corporation
+ Product Name: S2600WT2R
+ Version: H21573-372
+ Serial Number: BQWL81150522
+ Asset Tag: Base Board Asset Tag
+ Features:
+ Board is a hosting board
+ Board is replaceable
+ Location In Chassis: Part Component
+ Chassis Handle: 0x0000
+ Type: Motherboard
+ Contained Object Handles: 0
+ '''
+ # just print
+ parser = DmiParser(text)
+ #parser = DmiParser(text, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
+ print("parser is %s" %(type(parser)))
+ print(parser)
+ # if you want a string
+ dmistr = str(parser)
+ print("dmistr is %s" %(type(dmistr)))
+ print(dmistr)
+ # if you want a data structure
+ dmidata = json.loads(str(parser))
+ print("dmidata is %s" %(type(dmidata)))
+ print(dmidata)