path: root/core/modules/splashtool/data
diff options
authorSimon Rettberg2020-08-25 13:36:16 +0200
committerSimon Rettberg2020-08-25 13:36:16 +0200
commit12fd61c86e7bf4089735aaa3cfcc726120b0be7b (patch)
tree4bc33406240c209ea28a62e124c6dd005fb94b16 /core/modules/splashtool/data
parent[run-virt] xfwm4: Disable compositor (diff)
[splashtool] New module (for init)
Code is here, needs some icons now, etc.
Diffstat (limited to 'core/modules/splashtool/data')
2 files changed, 183 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/modules/splashtool/data/: b/core/modules/splashtool/data/:
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..71d7b9a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/modules/splashtool/data/:
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ screen_size="$(fbset | awk '$1 ~ /geometry/ {print $2" "$3}')"
+ screen_width="${screen_size%% *}"
+ screen_height="${screen_size#* }"
+ fbsplash_cfg="/etc/fbsplash.cfg"
+ fbsplash_ppm="/etc/splash.ppm.gz"
+ if [ -s "$fbsplash_ppm" ]; then
+ ppm_size="$(zcat "$fbsplash_ppm" | sed -n 2p)"
+ else
+ fbsplash_ppm="/etc/splash.ppm"
+ if [ -s "$fbsplash_ppm" ]; then
+ ppm_size="$(sed -n 2p "$fbsplash_ppm")"
+ else
+ echo "Splash screen requested, but not found in initramfs..." >&4
+ fi
+ fi
+ ppm_width="${ppm_size%% *}"
+ ppm_height="${ppm_size#* }"
+ ppm_height="${ppm_height%% *}" # make sure nothing weird is trailing
+ img_left="$(( ( screen_width - ppm_width ) / 2 ))"
+ img_top="$(( ( screen_height - ppm_height ) / 2 ))"
+ # just checking if nothing too weird is set
+ if [ -n "$img_left" ] && [ -n "$img_top" ] \
+ && [ "$img_left" -ge 0 ] && [ "$img_left" -lt 8096 ] \
+ && [ "$img_top" -ge 0 ] && [ "$img_top" -lt 8096 ]; then
+ printf "IMG_TOP=%d\nIMG_LEFT=%d\n" \
+ "$img_top" "$img_left" \
+ > "$fbsplash_cfg"
+ fbsplash -b -i "$fbsplash_cfg" -s "$fbsplash_ppm" || MUTED_OUTPUT=
+ else
+ # otherwise just use top left and be done with it
+ fbsplash -b -s "$fbsplash_ppm" || MUTED_OUTPUT=
+ fi
diff --git a/core/modules/splashtool/data/opt/openslx/bin/splashtool b/core/modules/splashtool/data/opt/openslx/bin/splashtool
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..0f941be9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/modules/splashtool/data/opt/openslx/bin/splashtool
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+# Wrapper around fbsplash to facilitate positioning images.
+# Contains two different modes
+# 1) Just display an image centered, or in one of the four
+# corners. --center, --tl, --tr, --bl, --br
+# 2) Display startup icons that signal initialization progress
+# which will turn from inactive to active.
+# Needs a directory tree where you have two dirs named
+# inactive and active, with identically named *.ppm files
+# in them. Call with "--reset [dir], so all images from
+# the inactive subdir will be drawn in alphabetical order.
+# Call with --icon [dir/active/xxx.ppm] to draw that
+# specific icon in its active state. Will assume the
+# screen stays intact between calls.
+unset mode ppm base index
+while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ --center|--reset|--icon|--tl|--bl|--tr|--br)
+ mode="${1:2}"
+ ;;
+ *) break ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+# remaining args go to fbsplash, except for icon and reset modes
+if [ "$mode" = "reset" ]; then
+ base="$ppm/inactive"
+elif [ "$mode" = "icon" ]; then
+ base="$( dirname "$( dirname "$ppm" )" )/inactive"
+if [ -n "$base" ]; then
+ # Need this for either reset (draw all as inactive), or icon (know how many icons)
+ if ! [ -d "$base" ]; then
+ echo "$base is not a directory" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ count=0
+ for i in "$base"/*.ppm*; do
+ count=$(( count + 1 ))
+ done
+draw () {
+ local ppm="$3"
+ local img_left="$1"
+ local img_top="$2"
+ shift 3
+ # See ift's an actual file
+ [ -s "${ppm}.gz" ] && ppm="${ppm}.gz"
+ if ! [ -s "$ppm" ]; then
+ echo "$ppm not found" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ local cfg="/tmp/fbsplash.$$"
+ # just checking if nothing too weird is set
+ if [ -n "$img_left" ] && [ -n "$img_top" ] \
+ && [ "$img_left" -ge 0 ] && [ "$img_left" -lt 8096 ] \
+ && [ "$img_top" -ge 0 ] && [ "$img_top" -lt 8096 ]; then
+ printf "IMG_TOP=%d\nIMG_LEFT=%d\n" \
+ "$img_top" "$img_left" \
+ > "$cfg"
+ fbsplash "$@" -i "$cfg" -s "$ppm"
+ ret=$?
+ rm -f -- "$cfg"
+ elif [ "$mode" = "center" ]; then
+ # otherwise just use top left and be done with it
+ fbsplash "$@" -s "$ppm"
+ ret=$?
+ fi
+ return $ret
+# Draw
+screen_size="$(fbset | awk '$1 == "geometry" {print $2 " " $3; exit}')"
+screen_width="${screen_size%% *}"
+screen_height="${screen_size#* }"
+if [ "$count" -gt 0 ]; then
+ # This is one of the icon modes
+ if ! [ "$screen_width" -gt 0 ] || ! [ "$screen_height" -gt 0 ]; then
+ echo "Unknown screen size ($screen_size)" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ xmargin=$(( screen_width - (128 * count) ))
+ if [ "$xmargin" -gt 300 ] && [ "$count" -gt 1 ]; then
+ xmargin=$(( (xmargin - 100) / (count - 1) ))
+ [ "$xmargin" -gt 32 ] && xmargin=32
+ else
+ xmargin=0
+ fi
+ xpos=$(( ( screen_width - (128 * count) - (xmargin * (count - 1)) ) / 2 ))
+ ypos=$(( screen_height - 256 ))
+ # Loop over all inactive icons
+ unset wantfile
+ if [ "$mode" = "icon" ]; then
+ wantfile="$( basename "$ppm" .gz )"
+ fi
+ for f in "$base"/*.ppm*; do
+ if [ "$mode" = "reset" ]; then
+ draw "$xpos" "$ypos" "$f"
+ elif [ "$( basename "$f" .gz )" = "$wantfile" ]; then
+ draw "$xpos" "$ypos" "$ppm"
+ fi
+ xpos=$(( xpos + 128 + xmargin ))
+ done
+ # Normal mode
+ # getimgsize
+ if [ "${ppm%.gz}" != "${ppm}" ]; then
+ ppm_size="$(zcat "$ppm" | sed -n 2p)"
+ else
+ ppm_size="$(sed -n 2p "$ppm")"
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$ppm_size" ]; then
+ echo "Invalid ppm? Could not extract dimensions" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ ppm_width="${ppm_size%% *}"
+ ppm_height="${ppm_size#* }"
+ ppm_height="${ppm_height%% *}" # make sure nothing weird is trailing
+ # pos
+ imf_left=0
+ img_top=0
+ case "$mode" in
+ center|tr|br) img_left="$(( screen_width - ppm_width ))" ;;
+ esac
+ case "$mode" in
+ center|bl|br) img_top="$(( screen_height - ppm_height ))" ;;
+ esac
+ if [ "$mode" = "center" ]; then
+ img_left=$(( img_left / 2 ))
+ img_top=$(( img_top / 2 ))
+ fi
+ draw "$img_left" "$img_top" "$ppm" "$@"