path: root/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc
diff options
authorSebastian2016-04-25 12:01:08 +0200
committerSebastian2016-04-25 12:01:08 +0200
commit5acda3eaeabae9045609539303a8c12c4ce401f1 (patch)
tree7e71975f8570b05aafe2ea6ec0e242a8912387bb /core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc
parentinitial commit (diff)
merge with latest dev version
Diffstat (limited to 'core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc')
11 files changed, 716 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc/activate_sysconfig b/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc/activate_sysconfig
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c9b74791
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc/activate_sysconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+echo "Configuring stage 3.2 ..."
+# first a few variables
+# This function downloads the config containing environment variables
+fetch_sysconfig() {
+ [ -e "$CONFIG" ] && grep -E '^#_RCONFIG_TAG$' "$CONFIG" > /dev/null \
+ && echo "Config already fetched." && return 0
+ download "${SLX_BASE_PATH}/config" "${CONFIG}-remote" || return 1
+ echo "# Config fetched from $URL" >> "$CONFIG"
+ echo "#_RCONFIG_TAG" >> "$CONFIG"
+ cat "${CONFIG}-remote" >> "$CONFIG"
+# This function downloads the config.tgz and unpacks it to $TARGET_PATH <-- no it doesn't!
+fetch_config_files() {
+ [ -e "${CONFIG}.tgz" ] && echo "config.tgz already downloaded." && return 0
+ download "${SLX_BASE_PATH}/config.tgz" "${CONFIG}.tgz"
+# This function updates the downloaded config with the IP information
+# received from /inc/setup_network <-- plus 500 other things
+update_sysconfig() {
+ # sanity checks
+ [ ! -e "${CONFIG}" ] && { echo "Cannot update. '$CONFIG' does not exist."; return 1; }
+ # write IP and SLX_SERVER configuration to $CONFIG
+cat >> "$CONFIG" <<HEREEND
+# IP Config written in stage31
+ [ ! -e "${CONFIG}.tgz" ] && { echo "Cannot update. '$CONFIG' does not exist."; return 1; }
+ # setup hardware clock
+ . "${CONFIG}"
+ if [ "x$SLX_BIOS_CLOCK" == "xlocal" ]; then
+ hwclock -s -l
+ elif [ "x$SLX_BIOS_CLOCK" == "xutc" ]; then
+ hwclock -s -u
+ fi
+ local TEMP_EXTRACT_DIR="/tmp/config.tgz.tmp"
+ # TODO perserve existing directories permissions (but overwrite the permissions of files!)
+ mkdir -p "${TEMP_EXTRACT_DIR}"
+ tar xf "${CONFIG}.tgz" -C "${TEMP_EXTRACT_DIR}" || { echo "Could not untar ${CONFIG}.tgz to ${TEMP_EXTRACT_DIR}"; return 1; }
+ chown -R 0:0 "${TEMP_EXTRACT_DIR}" 2>/dev/null
+ # first we look for local config.tgz files, which we merge with the common
+ # config.tgz files
+ local LOCAL_CONFIG_DIR="openslx-configs/${SLX_LOCAL_CONFIG}"
+ if [ -n "${SLX_LOCAL_CONFIG}" -a -d "${LOCAL_CONFIG_DIR}" ]; then
+ echo "Merged local configuration files for '${SLX_LOCAL_CONFIG}'"
+ fi
+ # purge openslx-configs/*
+ rm -rf -- "openslx-configs/"
+ # now just tarcopy them to future root
+ tarcopy "${TEMP_EXTRACT_DIR}" "${FUTURE_ROOT}"
+ # cleanup the downloaded stuff
+ cd /
+ rm -rf -- "${TEMP_EXTRACT_DIR}"
+ [ $DEBUG -eq 0 ] && rm -f -- "${CONFIG}.tgz"
+ # Display branding logo if splash screen is shown
+ [ "x${MUTED_OUTPUT}" = "x1" ] && [ -e "${FUTURE_ROOT}/etc/branding.ppm" ] && fbsplash -s "${FUTURE_ROOT}/etc/branding.ppm" &
+ return 0
+fetch_sysconfig || drop_shell "Could not download remote config"
+. "${CONFIG}-remote" || drop_shell "Could not source remote config"
+fetch_config_files || drop_shell "Could not download config.tgz"
+update_sysconfig || drop_shell "Could not update sysconfig"
diff --git a/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc/drm.functions b/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc/drm.functions
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c62c562b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc/drm.functions
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# pass module name(s) relative path in /lib/modules with .ko extension, or special like @nvidia or @amd
+load_gfx () {
+ RETVAL=1 # default: failure
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ MOD=$(echo $1) # trim :)
+ shift
+ [ -z "$MOD" ] && continue
+ if [ "x${MOD}" != "x${MOD#@}" ]; then
+ # starts with '@' - special
+ OFFSET=$(( ${#MOD} + 2 ))
+ FILES=$( grep "^$MOD\s" "/drm.cfg" | cut -c ${OFFSET}- )
+ [ -z "$FILES" ] && drop_shell "Could not find entry for special $MOD"
+ if load_gfx $FILES; then
+ else
+ # loading special case failed, try fallback if found
+ MOD="${MOD}_fallback"
+ OFFSET=$(( ${#MOD} + 2 ))
+ FILES=$( grep "^$MOD\s" "/drm.cfg" | cut -c ${OFFSET}- )
+ [ -n "$FILES" ] && load_gfx $FILES && RETVAL=0
+ fi
+ else # regular module name or filename
+ if [ "x${MOD%.ko}" == "x${MOD}" ]; then
+ # regular module name
+ modprobe "$MOD" && RETVAL=0
+ else
+ # a .ko file
+ insmod "/lib/modules/$MOD" && RETVAL=0
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ return $RETVAL
+setup_gfx () {
+ # check if forced by KCL
+ if [ "x$GFX" == "xnvidia" ]; then
+ load_gfx @nvidia
+ return
+ fi
+ if [ "x$GFX" == "xamd" ]; then
+ load_gfx @amd
+ return
+ fi
+ # not forced - check which driver to load
+ CARDS=$(lspci | grep 'Class 0300' | awk '{print $4}')
+ if [ -e "/drm.cfg" ] && [ -n "$CARDS" ]; then
+ SUCCESS="yes"
+ for CARD in $CARDS; do
+ # look up exact pci id of this card
+ [ $DEBUG -ge 1 ] && echo Trying exact matching for drm drivers for $CARD
+ FILES=$(grep "^$CARD\s" "/drm.cfg" | cut -c 11-)
+ load_gfx $FILES && continue
+ # failed... try vendor id only
+ CARD=$(echo $CARD | cut -c 1-4)
+ [ $DEBUG -ge 1 ] && echo Trying vendor matching for drm drivers for $CARD
+ FILES=$(grep "^$CARD\s" "/drm.cfg" | cut -c 6-)
+ load_gfx $FILES && continue
+ # everything failed for this card
+ echo Unknown PCI vendor id: $CARD
+ SUCCESS="no"
+ done
+ [ "x$SUCCESS" == "xyes" ] && return 0
+ fi
+ # braindead fallback
+ echo "At least one gfx card has no known drm drivers.... will load them all :/"
+ KERN=$(uname -r)
+ [ -z "$KERN" ] && KERN=$(ls '/lib/modules' | grep '\.' | tail -n 1)
+ for DRM in $(find "/lib/modules/$KERN/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm" -name "*.ko"); do
+ DRM="$(basename "$DRM")"
+ DRM="${DRM%.ko}"
+ modprobe "$DRM" && RETVAL=0
+ done
+ return $RETVAL
diff --git a/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc/functions b/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc/functions
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..248d0149
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc/functions
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# Function to drop a debug shell with an error message.
+# Usage:
+# drop_shell "This is your error message."
+drop_shell() {
+ if [ -n "$MUTED_OUTPUT" ]; then
+ exec 1>&4 2>&5
+ reset
+ fi
+ [ $# -gt 0 ] && echo $@
+ echo "CTRL + D will continue booting."
+ setsid sh -c 'exec sh </dev/tty1 >/dev/tty1 2>&1'
+# Helper function to download given FILE_URL from servers in 'slxsrv'
+# as given through the kernel command line. File will be saved under TARGET_PATH
+# Usage:
+# Example:
+# download "config" "/opt/openslx/config"
+# Note:
+# FILE_URL can have subpath, e.g. "ubuntu-13.04-x64/config"
+download() {
+ [ $# -ne 2 ] && echo "Error - 'download' requires 2 arguments, $# given." && return 1
+ if [ -z "$SLX_KCL_SERVERS" ]; then
+ . "/opt/openslx/config" || echo "Error - could not source '/opt/openslx/config'"
+ fi
+ local FILE_URL="$1"
+ local TARGET_PATH="$2"
+ # Shuffle server list
+ local SERVERS=$(for SERVER in $SLX_CONFIG_SERVERS $SLX_KCL_SERVERS; do echo "$RANDOM $SERVER"; done | sort -u | sed -r 's/^[0-9]+ //')
+ for TIMEOUT in 1 1 2 END; do
+ for SERVER in $SERVERS; do
+ rm -f -- "${TARGET_PATH}"
+ wget -T 5 -q -O "$TARGET_PATH" "http://${SERVER}/${FILE_URL}"
+ RET=$?
+ if [ "x$RET" != "x0" -o ! -e "$TARGET_PATH" ]; then
+ echo "Error - downloading 'http://$SERVER/$FILE_URL' via wget failed. Exit Code: $RET"
+ usleep 50000 # 50ms
+ else
+ echo "Successfully downloaded 'http://${SERVER}/$FILE_URL'."
+ return 0
+ fi
+ done
+ [ "$TIMEOUT" = "END" ] && break
+ echo "Trying again in $(($TIMEOUT * 250)) ms..."
+ usleep $(($TIMEOUT * 250000))
+ done
+ # Max retries reached, no success :-(
+ return 1
+# Add benchmark event to var, including uptime as prefix
+bench_event() {
+ bench_result="${bench_result}$(cut -f 1 -d ' ' "/proc/uptime") $@
+# mini tarcopy <3
+# tarcopy <source_dir> <target_dir>
+tarcopy() {
+ [ -d "$1" -a -d "$2" ] || return 1
+ cd "$1"
+ tar -cp * | tar -xp -C "$2"
+ cd - &>/dev/null
diff --git a/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc/network.functions b/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc/network.functions
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..641f4f55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc/network.functions
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+wait_for_iface() {
+ local DEVICE=$1
+ local TIMEOUT=10
+ echo -n "Waiting for interface $DEVICE: "
+ # Some systems don't have operstate. Seems to be hardware dependent
+ [ ! -e "/sys/class/net/${DEVICE}/operstate" ] && usleep 10000
+ if [ -e "/sys/class/net/${DEVICE}/operstate" ]; then
+ while true; do
+ # check linkstate
+ [ "x$(cat "/sys/class/net/${DEVICE}/operstate")" == "xup" ] && break
+ TIMEOUT=$(( $TIMEOUT - 1 )) # don't wait forever, the pcnet iface of vmware will never be "up" although it's working
+ [ "$TIMEOUT" -le 0 ] && break
+ # else
+ echo -n "."
+ usleep 500000
+ done
+ else
+ # we really don't have a operstate .. then just wait a sec and hope for the best.
+ sleep 1
+ fi
+ echo ".$(cat "/sys/class/net/${DEVICE}/operstate" 2>/dev/null)"
diff --git a/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc/ntp_sync b/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc/ntp_sync
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..940af366
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc/ntp_sync
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# Sync time via network
+func_sync_net_time() {
+ local SERVER
+ if [ -n "$SLX_NTP_SERVER" ]; then
+ if ntpdate -u -p 2 "$SERVER"; then
+ echo "Successfully queried $SERVER for time."
+ if [ "x$SLX_BIOS_CLOCK" = "xlocal" ]; then
+ usleep 100000
+ hwclock -l -w || echo "... but could not set BIOS clock to localtime"
+ elif [ "x$SLX_BIOS_CLOCK" = "xutc" ]; then
+ usleep 100000
+ hwclock -u -w || echo "... but could not set BIOS clock to UTC"
+ fi
+ break
+ fi
+ echo "Error querying $SERVER for current time."
+ done
+ fi
+func_sync_net_time &
diff --git a/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc/parse_kcl b/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc/parse_kcl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4a69ac25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc/parse_kcl
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+getip () {
+ echo "${IPINFO}" | awk -F ':' "{print \$$1}"
+parse_ip () {
+ local IPINFO=$1
+ CLIENTIP="$(getip 1)"
+ SERVERIP="$(getip 2)"
+ GATEWAY="$(getip 3)"
+ SUBNET_MASK="$(getip 4)"
+ BROADCAST_ADDRESS="$(ipcalc -s -b "$CLIENTIP" "$SUBNET_MASK" | sed s/.*=//)"
+ # we might have an idea of the dns server via preboot
+ DNS_SERVER="$(getip 5)"
+# read kernel command line
+read KCL < "/proc/cmdline"
+for opts in ${KCL}; do
+ case "${opts}" in
+ debug=*)
+ DEBUG=${opts#debug=}
+ ;;
+ ip=*)
+ # process IP info
+ parse_ip ${opts#ip=} ;;
+ nfs=*) # TODO: Still working? Still needed? Also see related code in setup_stage32
+ NFS=${opts#nfs=}
+ ;;
+ MAC="$( echo "$opts" | cut -b 11- | tr '-' ':' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' )" ;; # make mac lowercase for udev (see setup_network)
+ slxsrv=*)
+ SLX_KCL_SERVERS=$( echo "${opts#slxsrv=}" | tr ',' " " ) ;;
+ slxbase=*)
+ SLX_BASE_PATH=${opts#slxbase=} ;;
+ splash)
+ SPLASH=1 ;;
+ nvidia)
+ GFX=nvidia ;;
+ ati|amd)
+ GFX=amd ;;
+ esac
+# If slxsrv was not given on command line, just use the PXE server's address
+# Now save to config file
+echo "SLX_KCL_SERVERS='$SLX_KCL_SERVERS'" >> "${FUTURE_ROOT}/opt/openslx/config"
+echo "SLX_BASE_PATH='$SLX_BASE_PATH'" >> "${FUTURE_ROOT}/opt/openslx/config"
diff --git a/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc/setup_network b/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc/setup_network
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..13c52289
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc/setup_network
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+echo "Setting up network..."
+echo "Main MAC address is '$MAC'"
+# setup network
+source /inc/network.functions
+# set up loopback networking
+echo "Setting up loopback"
+ip link set dev lo up 2>/dev/null
+ip addr add dev lo 2>/dev/null
+echo "Setting up bridge"
+# Following was supposed to prevent scripts from getting confused by multiple interfaces with same MAC - does not work though
+## Flip mac address of original interface - this var is not local so init sees the changes too
+#MAC="$(echo "$MAC" | awk -F ':' '{printf $1 ":" $2 ":" $5 ":" $3 ":" $6 ":" $4}')"
+#ip link set addr "$MAC" "$SLAVE"
+mkdir -p "${FUTURE_ROOT}/etc/udev/rules.d"
+#IP_OUT=$(ip a | sed -r ':a;N;$!ba;s/: ([a-z0-9]+): /####\1####/g;s/ether ([a-f0-9:]+) /####\1####/g'| grep -E -o '####[^ ]+####' | sed 's/#//g' | grep -B 1 ':')
+IP_OUT=$(ip a | grep -B 1 "/ether" | sed -r '/^--$/d;$!N;s#^[0-9]+: ([a-z0-9\.:]+): .*?/ether ([0-9a-fA-Z:]+) .*$#\1==\2#')
+if ! echo "$IP_OUT" | grep -q -- "$MAC"; then
+ drop_shell "Boot interface not found in interface list. NIC driver missing?"
+for LINE in $IP_OUT; do
+ IFACE=$(echo "$LINE" | awk -F '==' '{printf $1}')
+ IFMAC=$(echo "$LINE" | awk -F '==' '{printf $2}' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]') # udev requires mac addesses to be lowercase (a-f), see
+ echo "${IFACE} = ${IFMAC}"
+ if [ "x$IFMAC" == "x$MAC" ]; then
+ brctl addbr "$BRIDGE" || drop_shell "Could not create bridge $BRIDGE"
+ brctl stp "$BRIDGE" 0
+ brctl setfd "$BRIDGE" 0.000000000001
+ ip link set addr "$IFMAC" "$BRIDGE" || drop_shell "Could not set mac of $BRIDGE"
+ ip link set dev "$IFACE" up
+ wait_for_iface "$IFACE"
+ brctl addif "$BRIDGE" "$IFACE" || drop_shell "Could not add $IFACE to $BRIDGE"
+ # save our variables for retry on fail
+ echo "IFACE=$IFACE" > /run/network.conf
+ # analyze ip information from the kernel command line and put parts
+ # of it into several variables
+ if [ -n "$CLIENTIP" ] ; then
+ # set static ip address
+ ip addr add "$CLIENTIP/$(ipcalc -s -p "$CLIENTIP" "$SUBNET_MASK" | sed "s/.*=//")" broadcast "$BROADCAST_ADDRESS" dev "$BRIDGE"
+ ip link set dev "$BRIDGE" up
+ [ -n "$GATEWAY" ] && ip route add default via "$GATEWAY" dev "$BRIDGE"
+ else
+ NOIPYET="yes"
+ fi
+ # Ignore this device later on when systemd handles network interfaces (see hacked 99-systemd.rules in systemd data dir)
+ echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"net\", ACTION==\"add\", KERNEL==\"eth*\", ATTR{address}==\"$IFMAC\", TAG+=\"openslxignore\"" >> "${FUTURE_ROOT}/etc/udev/rules.d/01-ignore-boot-interface.rules"
+ fi
+ # youdev
+ echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"net\", ACTION==\"add\", DRIVERS==\"?*\", ATTR{address}==\"$IFMAC\", ATTR{dev_id}==\"0x0\", ATTR{type}==\"1\", KERNEL==\"eth*\", NAME=\"$IFACE\"" >> "${FUTURE_ROOT}/etc/udev/rules.d/70-net-boot-nic-name.rules"
+ # continue...
+ IFACE=""
+wait_for_iface "$BRIDGE"
+# udhcpc
+if [ -n "$CLIENTIP" ]; then
+echo -n "$CLIENTIP" > "/run/firstip"
+echo -n "$GATEWAY" > "/run/firstgw"
+# save our variables for retry on fail ff.
+echo "CLIENTIP=$CLIENTIP" >> /run/network.conf
+echo "GATEWAY=$GATEWAY" >> /run/network.conf
+echo "BRIDGE=$BRIDGE" >> /run/network.conf
+udhcpc $PARAM -O domain -O nissrv -O nisdomain -O wpad -O search -t 5 -T 2 -s "/inc/udhcpc-trigger" -f -n -q -i "$BRIDGE"
+# udhcpc return value will be return value of this script
diff --git a/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc/setup_network_retry b/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc/setup_network_retry
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0578d9b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc/setup_network_retry
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+source /inc/network.functions
+source /run/network.conf
+for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8; do
+ echo "<$i> Try to fix broken network"
+ echo -n "Take interface $IFACE down .. "
+ ip link set dev $IFACE down
+ usleep 1000
+ echo "and up again.."
+ ip link set dev $IFACE up
+ usleep 1000
+ wait_for_iface "$IFACE"
+ udhcpc $PARAM -O domain -O nissrv -O nisdomain -O wpad -O search -t 5 -T 2 -s "/inc/udhcpc-trigger" -f -n -q -i "$BRIDGE"
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "Finally fixed IP config. Continue boot."
+ RET=0
+ break
+ else
+ RET=1
+ fi
+[ $RET -gt 0 ] && drop_shell "Something is really broken.. Please check your network cable and reset your computer."
+# create correct return value
+[ $RET -eq 0 ]
diff --git a/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc/setup_stage32 b/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc/setup_stage32
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5ec5a69d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc/setup_stage32
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# This script sets up the stage 3.2.
+# - downloads/mounts stage32.sqfs
+# - merge it with current rootfs through aufs
+# - will not download, if the "nfs=" is used in the
+# kernel command line
+# first check if an NFS-share was given per command line
+if [ -n "$NFS" ]; then
+ echo "Mounting stage 3.2 as NFS..."
+ busybox mount -n -t nfs -o ro,async,nolock ${NFSSERVER}:${NFSPATH} /rorootfs \
+ || drop_shell "Problem mounting NFS-Directory from ${NFSSERVER}:${NFSPATH}." \
+ || return 1
+ return 0
+echo "Setting up stage 3.2 ..."
+# try to download it
+download "${SLX_BASE_PATH}/stage32.sqfs" "$STAGE32_TARGET_PATH" || drop_shell "Could not download stage32!"
+# "Delete" addon hook-script in aufs view
+touch "${FUTURE_ROOT}/.wh.addon-init"
+# try to mount it at STAGE32_MOUNT_POINT
+echo "Mounting stage 3.2 as SquashFS..."
+busybox mount -n -t squashfs "$STAGE32_TARGET_PATH" "$STAGE32_MOUNT_POINT" || drop_shell "Problem mounting Squashfs."
+echo "Building aufs ..."
+busybox mount -n -t aufs -o "br:${FUTURE_ROOT}:${STAGE32_MOUNT_POINT}=ro" none /mnt || drop_shell "Problem building aufs."
+mkdir -p /mnt/opt/openslx/uniontmp /mnt/tmp
+#busybox mount -n --move "$FUTURE_ROOT" /mnt/opt/openslx/uniontmp || drop_shell "Problem moving uniontmp." # Move needed?
+# Move network stuff
+cp /etc/hostname /etc/hosts "${FUTURE_ROOT}/etc/"
+cp /etc/resolv.conf "${FUTURE_ROOT}/opt/openslx/"
+[ -s "/run/config" ] && cat "/run/config" >> "${FUTURE_ROOT}/opt/openslx/config"
+# if booting with splash, suppress kernel output in stage32
+if [ $SPLASH -eq 1 ]; then
+ if grep -q -E "^ *kernel.printk" "${FUTURE_ROOT}/usr/lib/sysctl.d/50-default.conf"; then
+ sed -i 's/^ *kernel\.printk.*/kernel\.printk = 1 1 0 1/g' "${FUTURE_ROOT}/usr/lib/sysctl.d/50-default.conf"
+ else
+ echo "kernel.printk = 1 1 0 1" >> "${FUTURE_ROOT}/usr/lib/sysctl.d/50-default.conf"
+ fi
+# Kinda specific for virtualization environment: Autologin and run VM for benchmarks
+if [ -n "$SLX_BENCHMARK_VM" ]; then
+ # Enable KDM autologin for demo user
+ sed -i 's/^AutoLoginUser=.*//;s/^AutoLoginEnable=.*/AutoLoginEnable=true\nAutoLoginUser=demo/' "${FUTURE_ROOT}/etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc"
+ # Running the VM automatically has to be taken care of by run-virt and vmchooser. SLX_BENCHMARK_VM should contain
+ # a numeric value for the index in vmchooser
diff --git a/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc/setup_stage4 b/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc/setup_stage4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..585627c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc/setup_stage4
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+[ -z "${SLX_STAGE4}" ] && { echo "SLX_STAGE4 is not set in /opt/openslx/config." && exit 1; }
+mkdir -p "$MOUNTPOINT"
+# first load module
+insmod /lib/modules/dnbd3/dnbd3.ko
+# dnbd3 it is
+if [ -z "${SLX_DNBD3_SERVERS}${SLX_DNBD3_PRIO_SERVERS}" ]; then
+ slxlog --echo "mount-stage4" "dnbd3 stage4 configured, but SLX_DNBD3(_PRIO)_SERVERS empty or not set in /opt/openslx/config."
+ exit 1
+# Determine revision
+if [ -z "$SLX_STAGE4_RID" ] || echo "$SLX_STAGE4_RID" | grep -v -q -E "^[0-9]+$"; then
+# Randomize list
+SERVERS=$(for SERVER in $SLX_DNBD3_SERVERS; do echo "$RANDOM $SERVER"; done | sort -u | sed -r 's/^[0-9]+ //')
+IMAGE=$(echo $SLX_STAGE4 | awk '{printf $2}')
+[ -e /var/run/dnbd3.socket ] || sleep 2 # Ugly, service should only start when dnbd3 daemon is up and running
+ echo "Requesting $IMAGE from $SRV"
+ dnbd3=$(/opt/openslx/bin/dnbd3-client -h "$SRV" -i "$IMAGE" -r "$SLX_STAGE4_RID" -d /dev/dnbd0)
+ RET=$?
+ [ "$RET" -eq "0" ] && break
+ echo "... didn't work ($RET)"
+ sleep 1
+if [ "$RET" -ne "0" ]; then
+ drop_shell "Omg"
+ slxlog --echo "mount-stage4" "Could not get stage4 via dnbd3 ($IMAGE : $SLX_STAGE4_RID) ($SLX_DNBD3_PRIO_SERVERS / $SERVERS)"
+ exit $RET
+echo "Mounting /dev/dnbd0 to $MOUNTPOINT"
+if ! busybox mount -t squashfs -o ro /dev/dnbd0 "$MOUNTPOINT"; then
+ slxlog --echo "mount-stage4" "Could not mount stage4 from '$dnbd3' to '$MOUNTPOINT' ($SRV, $IMAGE)"
+ exit 1
+busybox mount -n -t aufs -o "br:${FUTURE_ROOT}:${MOUNTPOINT}=ro" none /mnt || drop_shell "Problem building aufs."
+mkdir -p /mnt/opt/openslx/uniontmp /mnt/tmp
+cp /etc/hostname /etc/hosts "${FUTURE_ROOT}/etc/"
+cp /etc/resolv.conf "${FUTURE_ROOT}/opt/openslx/"
+[ -s "/run/config" ] && cat "/run/config" >> "${FUTURE_ROOT}/opt/openslx/config"
+# if booting with splash, suppress kernel output in stage32
+if [ $SPLASH -eq 1 ]; then
+ if grep -q -E "^ *kernel.printk" "${FUTURE_ROOT}/usr/lib/sysctl.d/50-default.conf"; then
+ sed -i 's/^ *kernel\.printk.*/kernel\.printk = 1 1 0 1/g' "${FUTURE_ROOT}/usr/lib/sysctl.d/50-default.conf"
+ else
+ echo "kernel.printk = 1 1 0 1" >> "${FUTURE_ROOT}/usr/lib/sysctl.d/50-default.conf"
+ fi
+# Kinda specific for virtualization environment: Autologin and run VM for benchmarks
+if [ -n "$SLX_BENCHMARK_VM" ]; then
+ # Enable KDM autologin for demo user
+ sed -i 's/^AutoLoginUser=.*//;s/^AutoLoginEnable=.*/AutoLoginEnable=true\nAutoLoginUser=demo/' "${FUTURE_ROOT}/etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc"
+ # Running the VM automatically has to be taken care of by run-virt and vmchooser. SLX_BENCHMARK_VM should contain
+ # a numeric value for the index in vmchooser
diff --git a/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc/udhcpc-trigger b/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc/udhcpc-trigger
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..02987f21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/rootfs/rootfs-stage31/data/inc/udhcpc-trigger
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+exec >> /run/stdout
+exec 2>> /run/stderr
+set -x
+if [ "x$1" != "xbound" -a "x$1" != "xrenew" ] || [ "x$interface" != "xbr0" ] || [ -z "$ip" ]; then
+ exit 0
+# If we already got an IP from KCL, see if it differs, and remove first if so
+# We just try to prevent everything from breaking if the DHCP server doesn't
+# objey the renew request by the client and hands out a new address
+if [ -s "/run/firstip" ]; then
+ #...some address is already configured...
+ OLD=$(cat "/run/firstip")
+ if [ "x${OLD}" != "x${ip}" ]; then
+'s a different one, reconfigure...
+ echo "..reconfiguring ${OLD} to ${ip}.."
+ # remove default route and let it be added again below, as it might get lost when changing the primary address on the interface
+ ip route del default 2>/dev/null
+ rm -f -- "/run/firstgw"
+ ip addr del "${OLD}" dev "${interface}" 2>/dev/null
+ ip addr add "${ip}/$(ipcalc -s -p "${ip}" "${subnet}" | sed s/.*=//)" dev "${interface}"
+ fi
+ address configured yet, just add...
+ echo "..adding ${ip}.."
+ ip addr add "${ip}/$(ipcalc -s -p "${ip}" "${subnet}" | sed s/.*=//)" dev "${interface}"
+echo -n "$ip" > "/run/firstip"
+# Same procedure for default gateway
+if [ -n "${router}" ]; then
+ if [ -s "/run/firstgw" ]; then
+ OLD=$(cat "/run/firstgw")
+ if [ "x${OLD}" != "x${router}" ]; then
+ echo "..reconfiguring default gw from ${OLD} to ${router}.."
+ ip route del default 2>/dev/null
+ ip route add default via "$router"
+ fi
+ else
+ ip route add default via "$router"
+ fi
+ echo -n "$router" > "/run/firstgw"
+rm -f -- "/etc/resolv.conf"
+# DNS/domain?
+if [ -n "$dns" ]; then
+ echo " DNS.."
+ echo "# From DHCP in stage 3.1" >> "/run/config"
+ echo "SLX_DNS='$dns'" >> "/run/config"
+for serv in $dns; do
+ echo "nameserver $serv" >> "/etc/resolv.conf"
+if [ -z "$domain" ]; then
+ # try to get domain via reverse lookup if empty
+ echo "..trying to get domain via DNS, as DHCP didn't supply one.."
+ fqdn=$(timeout -t 3 nslookup "$ip" | grep -E "^Address +[0-9]+: +$ip " | head -n 1 | awk '{print $4}')
+ domain="${fqdn#*.}"
+if [ -n "$domain" ]; then
+ echo "domain $domain" >> "/etc/resolv.conf"
+if [ -n "$search" ]; then
+ echo "search $search" >> "/etc/resolv.conf"
+elif [ -n "$domain" ]; then
+ echo "search $domain" >> "/etc/resolv.conf"
+# Hostname
+if [ -z "$hostname" ]; then
+ # as with domain, if there's no hostname, try to get via DNS
+ echo "..trying to get hostname via DNS, as DHCP didn't supply one.."
+ [ -z "$fqdn" ] && fqdn=$(timeout -t 3 nslookup "$ip" | grep -E "^Address +[0-9]+: +$ip " | head -n 1 | awk '{print $4}')
+ hostname="${fqdn%%.*}"
+elif [ -n "$domain" ]; then
+ fqdn="${hostname}.${domain%% *}" # in case domain is a list
+if [ -n "$hostname" ]; then
+ [ -z "$fqdn" ] && fqdn="$hostname"
+ echo "..setting hostname $hostname (fqdn: $fqdn).."
+ echo "$hostname" > "/proc/sys/kernel/hostname"
+ echo "$hostname" > "/etc/hostname"
+ echo " localhost" > "/etc/hosts"
+ echo " $fqdn $hostname" >> "/etc/hosts"
+ echo "SLX_HOSTNAME='$hostname'" >> "/run/config"