path: root/mltk
diff options
authorSebastian2016-04-25 12:01:08 +0200
committerSebastian2016-04-25 12:01:08 +0200
commit5acda3eaeabae9045609539303a8c12c4ce401f1 (patch)
tree7e71975f8570b05aafe2ea6ec0e242a8912387bb /mltk
parentinitial commit (diff)
merge with latest dev version
Diffstat (limited to 'mltk')
1 files changed, 250 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mltk b/mltk
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..fa4e0ae0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mltk
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (c) 2014 - OpenSLX GmbH
+# This program is free software distributed under the GPL version 2.
+# See
+# If you have any feedback please consult and
+# send your suggestions, praise, or complaints to
+# General information about OpenSLX can be found at
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Mini-Linux Toolkit
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+declare -rg ARG0="$0"
+declare -rg SELF="$(readlink -f "$ARG0")"
+declare -rg ROOT_DIR="$(dirname "${SELF}")"
+declare -rg MLTK_PID="$$"
+declare -rg REMOTE_SETUP_TARGET="${ROOT_DIR}/core/bin/setup_target"
+# Make apt-get install non-interactive when it comes to postinstall questions
+# ie. kdm asking which dm you want to set as default
+export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
+qnd_exit() {
+ unset_quiet
+ kill "$MLTK_PID"
+ [ $# -ge 1 ] && kill "$1"
+ exit 1
+# source all helper unit files that are found under helper/*.inc
+# or core/includes/*.inc
+# a helper unit may contain a function called "__init" which will be called
+# after all helpers have been sourced.
+for HELPER in "$ROOT_DIR"/core/includes/helper/*.inc "$ROOT_DIR"/core/includes/*.inc; do
+ SHORT=${}
+ SHORT="_init_${SHORT##*/}"
+ . <(sed "s/^__init/$SHORT/" "$HELPER") && continue
+ unset_quiet
+ echo "Could not source $HELPER"
+ qnd_exit
+# called below, after initial_checks
+init_helpers () {
+ # in case the helers have init functions, call them now
+ for HELPER in "$ROOT_DIR"/helper/*.inc "$ROOT_DIR"/core/includes/*.inc; do
+ SHORT=${}
+ SHORT="_init_${SHORT##*/}"
+ type -t "$SHORT" | grep -q '^function$' && "$SHORT"
+ done
+# Support sourcing a "config" where you can set up stuff like 'export http_proxy=...'
+[ -e "$ROOT_DIR/config" ] && . "$ROOT_DIR/config"
+banner () {
+ echo -e "\033[38;5;202m\t __ __ __ "
+ echo -e "\033[38;5;202m\t.--------.| | | |_| |--."
+ echo -e "\033[38;5;208m\t| || |_| _| < "
+ echo -e "\033[38;5;214m\t|__|__|__||____|____|__|__|"
+ echo -e "\033[38;5;214m\t "
+ echo -e "\033[38;5;220m\t ** OpenSLX Project // 2013..2016 **"
+ echo -e "\033[38;5;226m\t"
+ echo -e "\033[00m"
+print_usage() {
+ echo -e ""
+ echo -e "Toolkit for creating preboot mini-linux for OpenSLX NG (mltk)"
+ echo -e "Usage: $ARG0 <target> [-d] [-c [module]*] [-b [module]*] [-n [name]]"
+ echo -e ""
+ echo -e " Options:"
+ echo -e " -d activates debug output for the task (spamy)"
+ echo -e " -b build module(s) and copy them to the target build directory"
+ echo -e " -c clean build directory of module(s) and target dir"
+ echo -e " -n bind mount all the local builds (var/builds) to /export/builds;"
+ echo -e " the optional parameter name allows to change the default mount target"
+ echo -e " <name> -> /export/<name>"
+ echo -e ""
+ echo -e " You can pass names of specific modules to clean/build (-c / -b)."
+ echo -e " Otherwise, all modules will be cleaned/built."
+ echo -e ""
+ echo -e " Examples:"
+ echo -e " $ARG0 stage31 -c -b"
+ echo -e " (clean and build all modules symlinked in core/targets/stage31)"
+ echo -e " $ARG0 stage32 -c base sshd -b sshd ldm -d"
+ echo -e " (clean base and sshd, build sshd and ldm, be verbose)"
+ echo -e " $ARG0 -n"
+ echo -e " (provides bind mount at /export/build for synchronizing)"
+ echo -e ""
+ echo -e " Existing targets are:"
+ echo -e " $(echo $(ls "${ROOT_DIR}/core/targets" "${ROOT_DIR}/overlay/targets" 2>/dev/null || echo "No targets found."))"
+ echo -e ""
+check_devtools() {
+ # Checking for needed development tools, compilers etc.
+ # Required: m4 make gcc g++ binutils
+ # no qmake here, qmake (libqt4-devel) should be installed in a module!
+ local DEV_TOOLS="gcc g++ make cmake m4 strip git depmod patch pkg-config" # 'strip' as marker for binutils
+ # DEV_CHECK marks missing dev-tools
+ for i in $DEV_TOOLS; do
+ which "$i" 2>/dev/null 1>&2 || DEV_TOOLS_MISSING+="$i "
+ done
+ if [ -n "$DEV_TOOLS_MISSING" ]; then
+ pinfo "You appear to be missing following development tools."
+ pinfo "Missing tools are: $DEV_TOOLS_MISSING"
+ pinfo "For $SYS_DISTRIBUTION you probably need to run:"
+ ubuntu | debian)
+ pinfo "apt-get install build-essential m4 squashfs-tools pkg-config cmake"
+ pinfo "to install missing development tools."
+ ;;
+ # FIXME: Don't know how precise this filter works so we might want to have a better matching ...
+ opensuse)
+ pinfo "zypper install gcc gcc-c++ make m4 binutils git module-init-tools patch squashfs pkg-config cmake"
+ pinfo "to install missing development tools."
+ ;;
+ fedora | scientific | centos)
+ pinfo "yum install redhat-lsb gcc-c++ gcc make m4 binutils pkgconfig patch cmake"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ perror "No installation help for $SYS_DISTRIBUTION available."
+ ;;
+ esac
+ perror "Please install missing dependencies (see above) and try again!"
+ fi
+initial_checks() {
+ if [ "x$(whoami)" != "xroot" ]; then
+ perror "ERROR: You need to have root rights to install packages and do various other things."
+ exit 1
+ else
+ banner
+ fi
+ [ ! -e "${REMOTE_SETUP_TARGET}" ] && perror "Missing script core/bin/setup_target. Exiting."
+read_params() {
+ local SUBMODE=""
+ # A target represents a set of modules to be build for a specific stage.
+ # i.e. a very basic stage31 target should includes:
+ # - busybox
+ # - kernel
+ # - rootfs-stage31
+ # a basic stage32 target could add:
+ # - systemd
+ # - dbus
+ # - pam
+ # for a GUI, you could add:
+ # - xorg
+ # - kdm
+ # - plymouth
+ if [[ "$1" != -* ]]; then
+ TARGET="$1"
+ shift
+ elif [[ "$1" == "-h" || "$1" == "--help" ]]; then
+ print_usage
+ exit 1
+ elif [[ "$1" != "-n" ]]; then
+ perror "A target is required. None given."
+ fi
+ # handle rest of arguments
+ while [ "$#" -gt "0" ]; do
+ local PARAM="$1"
+ shift
+ # options to current target
+ if [[ "$PARAM" == -* ]]; then
+ case "$PARAM" in
+ -c)
+ ;;
+ -b)
+ ;;
+ -d)
+ continue
+ ;;
+ -n)
+ if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+ REMOTE_EXPORT_DIR=/export/build
+ else
+ REMOTE_EXPORT_DIR="/export/$1"
+ shift
+ fi
+ continue
+ ;;
+ *)
+ pwarning "Unknown flag to target: $PARAM"
+ print_usage
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ eval REMOTE_${SUBMODE}=1
+ continue
+ fi
+ # module name
+ [[ "$SUBMODE" != "CLEAN" && "$SUBMODE" != "BUILD" ]] && pwarning "Module name given, but no action specified (eg. build)" && print_usage && exit 1
+ done
+ # exit if no command
+ [[ "$REMOTE_CLEAN" == 0 && "$REMOTE_BUILD" == 0 && "$REMOTE_EXPORT" == 0 ]] && print_usage && exit 1
+run() {
+ if [[ $REMOTE_CLEAN == 1 || $REMOTE_BUILD == 1 || $REMOTE_EXPORT == 1 ]]; then
+ [[ $REMOTE_DEBUG == 1 ]] && unset_quiet || set_quiet
+ . "${REMOTE_SETUP_TARGET}" || perror "Cannot source ${REMOTE_SETUP_TARGET}"
+ [[ $REMOTE_CLEAN == 1 ]] && clean_modules $TARGET $REMOTE_LIST_CLEAN
+ [[ $REMOTE_BUILD == 1 ]] && generate_target $TARGET $REMOTE_LIST_BUILD
+ [[ $REMOTE_EXPORT == 1 ]] && export_builds
+ fi
+read_params $@
+exit 0