path: root/core/modules/netpoint-lightdm/data/usr/local/bin/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'core/modules/netpoint-lightdm/data/usr/local/bin/')
1 files changed, 215 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/modules/netpoint-lightdm/data/usr/local/bin/ b/core/modules/netpoint-lightdm/data/usr/local/bin/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..635fb03f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/modules/netpoint-lightdm/data/usr/local/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+# Author: Matt Fischer <>
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Canonical, Ltd
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version. See the full text of the
+# license.
+# This code is based on the LightDM GTK Greeter which was written by:
+# Robert Ancell <>
+# required packages:
+# liblightdm-gobject-1-0
+# gir1.2-lightdm-1
+# python-gobject
+# gir1.2-glib-2.0
+# gir1.2-gtk-3.0
+from gi.repository import GObject
+from gi.repository import GLib
+from gi.repository import Gtk
+from gi.repository import Gdk
+from gi.repository import GdkPixbuf
+from gi.repository.GdkPixbuf import InterpType
+from gi.repository import LightDM
+import sys
+greeter = None
+main = None
+split = None
+guest_box = None
+guest_text = None
+guest_button = None
+guest_image = None
+login_box = None
+login_text = None
+user_box = None
+user_text = None
+user_username = None
+pass_box = None
+pass_text = None
+pass_password = None
+prompt_box = None
+prompt_label = None
+prompt_entry = None
+message_label = None
+# This Gtk signal is called when the user hits enter after entering a
+# username/password or clicks the login button. Since we re-purposed
+# the text entry box, we have 3 possible cases to handle here.
+# 1) the user is already authenticated, if for example, they don't have
+# a password set.
+# 2) The username has been passed into LightDM and now we need to pass
+# the password
+# 3) The username has been entered, but not passed in. We pass it in
+# and start the authentication process.
+def login_cb(widget):
+ print >> sys.stderr, "login_cb"
+ if greeter.get_is_authenticated():
+ print >> sys.stderr, "user is already authenticated, starting session"
+ #start_session()
+ elif greeter.get_in_authentication():
+ print >> sys.stderr, "username was passed in already, send password to LightDM"
+ print >> sys.stderr, greeter.get_authentication_user()
+ greeter.respond(pass_password.get_text())
+ else:
+ print >> sys.stderr, "Initial entry of username, send it to LightDM"
+ greeter.authenticate(user_username.get_text())
+def guest_cb(widget):
+ print >> sys.stderr, "guest_cb"
+ if greeter.get_has_guest_account_hint():
+ print >> sys.stderr, "Guest accounts supported"
+ greeter.authenticate_as_guest()
+ else:
+ print >> sys.stderr, "Guest accounts not supported"
+# Gtk Signal Handlers
+handlers = {
+ "login_cb": login_cb,
+ "guest_cb": guest_cb
+# The show_prompt callback is oddly named, but when you get this
+# callback you are supposed to send the password to LightDM next. In
+# our example, we re-purpose the prompt and ask the user for the
+# password which is then sent the next time the user hits the Login
+# button or presses enter.
+def show_prompt_cb(greeter, text, promptType):
+ print >> sys.stderr, "Prompt type: " + str(promptType)
+ print >> sys.stderr, "Text: " + str(text)
+ # if this is a password prompt, we want to hide the characters
+ if promptType == LightDM.PromptType.SECRET:
+ pass_password.set_visibility(False)
+ else:
+ pass_password.set_visibility(True)
+ greeter.respond(pass_password.get_text())
+# If LightDM sends a message back to the greeter, for example, "Login
+# failed" or "invalid password" we display it in our message box.
+def show_message_cb(text, message_type):
+ print >> sys.stderr, "In show_message"
+ print >> sys.stderr, text
+ message_label.set_text(text)
+# Callback for after we send LightDM the password, this method
+# has to handle a successful login, in which case we start the session
+# or a failed login, in which case we tell the user
+def authentication_complete_cb(greeter):
+ if greeter.get_is_authenticated():
+ # For our simple example we always start Unity-2d. The LightDM
+ # API has ways to query available sessions, please see the docs.
+ if not greeter.start_session_sync("xfce"):
+ print >> sys.stderr, "Failed to start session"
+ else:
+ print >> sys.stderr, "Login failed"
+ message_label.set_text("LOGIN FAILED")
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ print >> sys.stderr, "Starting up..."
+ main_loop = GObject.MainLoop ()
+ builder = Gtk.Builder()
+ greeter = LightDM.Greeter()
+ styler = Gtk.CssProvider()
+ css = open('/usr/local/share/lightdm/netpoint.css', 'r')
+ css_data =
+ css.close()
+ styler.load_from_data(css_data)
+ Gtk.StyleContext.add_provider_for_screen(
+ Gdk.Screen.get_default(),
+ styler,
+ )
+ # connect signal handlers to LightDM
+ greeter.connect ("authentication-complete", authentication_complete_cb)
+ greeter.connect ("show-message", show_message_cb)
+ greeter.connect ("show-prompt", show_prompt_cb)
+ # connect builder and widgets
+ # you probably really want to put your .UI file somewhere else
+ builder.add_from_file("/usr/local/share/lightdm/")
+ main = builder.get_object("main")
+ split = builder.get_object("split")
+ sep = builder.get_object("sep")
+ message_label = builder.get_object("message_label")
+ print >> sys.stderr, message_label
+ guest_box = builder.get_object("guest_box")
+ guest_outer_box = builder.get_object("guest_outer_box")
+ guest_internal_box = builder.get_object("guest_internal_box")
+ guest_text = builder.get_object("guest_text")
+ guest_button = builder.get_object("guest_button")
+ guest_image = builder.get_object("guest_image")
+ login_image = builder.get_object("login_image")
+ #pixbuf = guest_image.get_pixbuf()
+ #pixbuf = pixbuf.scale_simple(pixbuf.get_width() * 0.7, pixbuf.get_height() * 0.7, InterpType.HYPER)
+ #guest_image.set_from_pixbuf(pixbuf)
+ #pixbuf = login_image.get_pixbuf()
+ #pixbuf = pixbuf.scale_simple(pixbuf.get_width() * 0.7, pixbuf.get_height() * 0.7, InterpType.HYPER)
+ #login_image.set_from_pixbuf(pixbuf)
+ login_box = builder.get_object("login_box")
+ login_text = builder.get_object("login_text")
+ user_box = builder.get_object("user_box")
+ user_text = builder.get_object("user_text")
+ user_username = builder.get_object("user_username")
+ pass_box = builder.get_object("pass_box")
+ pass_text = builder.get_object("pass_text")
+ pass_password = builder.get_object("pass_password")
+ # connect signals to Gtk UI
+ builder.connect_signals(handlers)
+ # connect to greeter
+ greeter.connect_sync()
+ message_label.hide()
+ # setup the GUI
+ main.set_decorated(True)
+ main.get_root_window().set_cursor(
+ user_username.grab_focus()
+ pass_password.set_sensitive(True)
+ pass_password.set_visibility(False)
+ # fullscreen it
+ main.resize(Gdk.Screen.width(), Gdk.Screen.height())
+ #print >> sys.stderr, guest_box.get_height()
+ #print >> sys.stderr, guest_box.get_width()
+ ()