path: root/core/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/scripts/includes/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'core/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/scripts/includes/')
1 files changed, 71 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/scripts/includes/ b/core/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/scripts/includes/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd408b22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/scripts/includes/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# Include: Setup dnbd for image access, nfs/cifs fallback #
+writelog "Now in ..."
+# Try to use dnbd3 to access the image
+unset vm_diskfile
+unset vm_revision
+unset dnbd3_fuse_mount_point
+unset dnbd3_tmplog
+if ! which dnbd3-fuse; then
+ writelog "Can't use dnbd3 as dnbd3-fuse binary is not in PATH"
+elif [ -z "$SLX_DNBD3_SERVERS" ] || [ "x$SLX_VM_DNBD3" != "xyes" ]; then
+ writelog "Can't use dnbd3 as no servers are given in config, or SLX_VM_DNBD3 is not set to yes"
+ # Mount path for images mounted with dnbd3-fuse
+ dnbd3_fuse_mount_point="$TMPDIR/dnbd3fuse.mnt"
+ mkdir -p "${dnbd3_fuse_mount_point}"
+ # start dnbd3-fuse in subshell
+ dnbd3_tmplog="$TMPDIR/dnbd3fuse.log"
+ dnbd3_exitflag="$TMPDIR/dnbd3exit$RANDOM"
+ rm -f -- "$dnbd3_exitflag"
+ (
+ dnbd3-fuse -f -o allow_other,max_readahead=262144 -h "$SLX_DNBD3_SERVERS" -i "${imgrelpath}" "${dnbd3_fuse_mount_point}" > "$dnbd3_tmplog" 2>&1
+ RET=$?
+ touch "$dnbd3_exitflag"
+ if [ "$RET" != "0" ]; then
+ writelog "dnbd3-fuse stopped working (Exit code $RET)"
+ slxlog "virt-dnbd3-fuse" "dnbd3-fuse stopped/refused serving '${imgrelpath}' from '${SLX_DNBD3_SERVERS}' with error code: $RET" "${dnbd3_tmplog}"
+ fi
+ sleep 2
+ rm -f -- "$dnbd3_tmplog" "$dnbd3_exitflag"
+ ) &
+ # give it a bit of time
+ usleep 250000
+ # check if we have the image
+ for TIMEOUT in 0.5 1 1 OUT; do
+ if [ -r "${dnbd3_fuse_mount_point}/img" ]; then
+ vm_revision="$(grep -m 1 "^Revision:" "${dnbd3_fuse_mount_point}/status" | cut -d" " -f2)"
+ vm_diskfile="${dnbd3_fuse_mount_point}/img"
+ writelog "DNBD3: $imgrelpath on $vm_diskfile with rid $vm_revision"
+ vmpath="$vm_diskfile"
+ break
+ fi
+ [ "$TIMEOUT" = "OUT" -o -e "$dnbd3_exitflag" ] && break
+ sleep "$TIMEOUT"
+ done
+ if [ -z "$vm_diskfile" ]; then
+ slxlog "virt-dnbd3" "No dnbd3 server for ${imgrelpath} found, trying NFS/CIFS..." "$dnbd3_tmplog"
+ writelog "No working dnbd3 server found :-("
+ fi
+# $vm_diskfile will be empty if dnbd3 is not used or failed. Let's try to fall back to NFS/CIFS via file system
+if [ -z "$vm_diskfile" ]; then
+ new_vmpath=$(ls "${vmpath}.r"* | grep -E -o '\.r[0-9]+$' | grep -o -E '[0-9]+' | sort -n | tail -n 1)
+ [ -n "$new_vmpath" ] && vmpath="${vmpath}.r${new_vmpath}"
+ vm_diskfile="$vmpath"
+# Check if virtual machine container file exists
+if ! [ -e "${vmpath}" ]; then
+ slxlog "virt-image-missing" "VM image $vmpath not found!"
+ writelog "Virtual machine image ${vmpath} not found!"
+ cleanexit 1
+writelog "Virtual machine disk file: $vm_diskfile"