path: root/core/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/vmchooser-run_virt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'core/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/vmchooser-run_virt')
1 files changed, 51 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/core/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/vmchooser-run_virt b/core/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/vmchooser-run_virt
index ca881f29..f2fa4a89 100755
--- a/core/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/vmchooser-run_virt
+++ b/core/modules/run-virt/data/opt/openslx/vmchooser/vmchooser-run_virt
@@ -182,13 +182,60 @@ main() {
run_hooks "pre-exec" "$PLUGIN_ID" "$IMGUUID"
+ # Launch COWGUI in CoW-Edit-Mode
+ local cowpid cowurl vmpidfile
+ cowpid=
+ vmpidfile=
+ if [ -n "$DMSD_COW_SESSION" ]; then
+ vmpidfile="$( mktemp -p "/run/user/$( id -u )" )"
+ cowurl="${SLX_VMCHOOSER_BASE_URL//"/vmchooser/"/"/cow/"}"
+ (
+ cntr=0
+ while true; do
+ writelog "Launching CoW-GUI"
+ cowgui --sessionid "$DMSD_COW_SESSION" --url "$cowurl" --pid "$DNBD3_PID" --status "$TMPDIR/cow/status" && break
+ # Unclean exit, let's see if it's worth relaunching
+ state="$( curl -m 3 -sS -L "$cowurl/status/$DMSD_COW_SESSION" | jq -r .state )"
+ [ -z "$state" ] && break
+ [ "$state" = "PROCESSING" ] && break
+ [ "$state" = "ERROR" ] && break
+ [ "$state" = "COMPLETELY_DONE" ] && break
+ (( cntr++ > 10 )) && break
+ done
+ writelog "Final cow state: $( curl -m 3 -sS -L "$cowurl/status/$DMSD_COW_SESSION" )"
+ [ -s "$vmpidfile" ] && kill "$( cat "$vmpidfile" )"
+ ) &
+ cowpid=$!
+ fi
writelog "VM command: ${VIRTCMD} ${VIRTCMDOPTS[*]}"
- # This will start the VM (no eval needed!)
+ # Prepare short config dir, needed because libvirt is stupid and likes
+ # to create very long UNIX socket names and then chokes on them.
+ cd="$( mktemp -d "/tmp/lvXXX" )"
+ if [ -z "$cd" ]; then
+ cd="/tmp/lv${UID}$(( RANDOM % 10000 ))"
+ rm -rf -- "$cd"
+ mkdir -p "$cd"
+ fi
+ # This will start the VM
writelog "---------- BEGIN VM command output ----------"
- local retval
- "${VIRTCMD}" "${VIRTCMDOPTS[@]}" &>> "${LOGFILE}"
+ local retval vmpid
+ vmpid=$!
+ [ -n "$vmpidfile" ] && echo "$vmpid" > "$vmpidfile"
+ wait "$vmpid"
- writelog "---------- END VM command output ----------"
+ writelog "------- END VM command output ($retval) --------"
+ if [ -n "$DNBD3_PID" ]; then
+ writelog "Killing dnbd3-fuse"
+ kill "$DNBD3_PID"
+ fi
+ # If cow, wait for GUI
+ if [ -n "$cowpid" ]; then
+ writelog "Waiting for CoW-GUI"
+ wait "$cowpid"
+ fi
run_hooks "post-exec" "$PLUGIN_ID" "$IMGUUID"